The Straits Times, 21 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. WO. ai,i3s SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1908. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 799 1 NOTICES. ffhc JStraits Junes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column meaonre.l nm Insertion *1 '■*> cents Bemud and tl.iril insertion* earh 40 cent* Fooitli, tilth, iiiici -imli 4U cents Berenth to eighteenth 24 cents Mtaeteenth subsequent,, 16 cents Per week of nix day*, to lie changed daily if
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    • 710 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. I'AKK out ice that Mr. E. A. .Tudfth having left my service on tbe 'J Ut in bint if no lonper authorized to ent<;r in o any engagement on my behalf. N. N. AWS. HDgapore, :rith March, 1903. u.e. NOTICE. TH r. eouditiont or. which MMMMI f tiO'.uiuiuout
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    • 162 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk rffgSffißKfc* Enriched 20 per cent. Bjj*^^"*^! with Cream. Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. K*jM^"^c**»l A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Toilet Powder s oap Q HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. a6 S e°n L ts John Little Co., Ltd Singapore, Howarth Erskine, Ltd., ENGINEERS. Have obtained SOLE AGENCY for the famous "OLDSMOBILE"
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    • 239 1 NOTICES. GIANELLI MAJNO S NATURAL MILK (fl It a^KHPaI r Best for infants and invalids. No added sugar, chemicals or thickening matter. at Pure rich fresh milk. To be obtained The Dispensary and all provision stores, v.c. YEBISufj I BEER MOST EXCELLENT JAPANESE BEER Brewed for the Tropics. SOLE AGENTS
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    • 420 1 NOTICES. HOTKL DUR NBDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) PJMRBT Clas« Hotel. Known for ut excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all tbe steamere. A. F. MERTEN. m. A tb. n.c. Froprintor HAGEDORN 6> CO.. 9 STAMFORD ROAD. Have just unpacked a
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  • 1900 2 Mr. Qeorre Wyndham as seen in America. Ex-Attach*" contributes t^e following to the New York Tribune, anent Mr. G. Wyndham, the author of the new [risb. LaDd Bill Agag, King of the Amalekites, who was spared by Saul, but hewn to pieces by the prophet Samuel,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 NOTICES. THE "INVICIBLE" COMBINED OIL MOTOB CENTRIFUGAL PUMP The LATEST BEST Water RAISER la Market. Indispensable to Cultivator lor IRRIGATION. It Li«ht in Weight, W^\£mm©««rf K.ixily Started and Worked. M|K^s. Petrol<MJn> tT. ij?'^ > W<>l Snnti BRP Paraffin, op Kerosene %*r When not required KwUflTlA? VrnHtlmr and for pumping, the
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    • 318 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. I The Latest Tests MO IIMU I^oo Ibfc, after neven after fourdays in te*«i Water. in, Watw. The above test* were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who sd the dement the best he had Ed." md particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore Bole
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    • 169 2 CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. In quarts and pints. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. s Soli Agents LATEST CATALOGUE Fitted with "FREE WHEEL" and rim All Beestm inadimes GUARANTEED for TWO YEARS. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD Sole Agents for the Straits Settlem ent n Federated Native
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  • 115 3 The lirHirh North Borneo Herald says that as the result of correspondence with the American Government trade is now permitted between the port of Sandakan and Cagayan Sulu subject only to the British North Borneo Customs regulations. The American authorities have recognized the peculiar position of this
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  • 136 3 The best sailing veseel Hying tlie American flag is the steel four-master Atluf, which arrived at Baltimore a few weeks ago after a n*n of l."i,::tiu miles from Hongkong in ninety-two days. Tbe Ailm averaged 178 miles a day and 7f knots an hour Her best day's
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  • 259 3 P. O. May Bl. I'er Shnnohni Ki.r I^piii|..ii Mi«s Kzra," Mi*> K. Ban, Mr-. HaMaMf and two children, uml Mi>^ Bei^iiiK. From I'enantf in Loiuiun Mr. and Mih. J. I'atou Ker. M.-ij -.".I— lVr lit nr,al For London— Messrs. B. s. Newavarek, W, M. iti.i.Hit-.m. C. -I.
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  • 262 3 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s. s. Manila, from London April lrt, due i-'nd May— Mr. A Agnew. Per P. a. a. ihraiia from London April 30— Hon. K. and Mrs. Bieb, Mr. ML H.llier, Mr. and. Mrs. K. H. Smith, Mrs Fisher. Per P. <%
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 Rheumatic Sufferers. MANY sufferers from rheumatism have I>•I >• n sstpriaad and delighted at tbe prompt rnlief obtained by applying Chamlierlain'x tim Ralni. In aavising you to use Chamberlain's I'ain Balm for Klieumatism, we know it ■rlUato you |>erfeit fatisfaction. as the first application will relieve the pain, and its
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    • 637 3 NOTICES. A CONTENTED WOHMN. Afido Iron* foiru or feature*, she bis an fittvau-tivenesf all he: own. lln biOprt) on bor htpk. t lie elastic;; v In hrrsitpibe i ingof her voice, hprenjoyment of life -all these are magnets which draw "thers to her side. Wonderful anu valuable h- it i«,
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    • 1047 3 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME For June 1903 Meeting, June 9th, nth, and 13th. FIRST DAY. Rack No. I.— The Maidi.n Plats.— Value $SOO and $50 to the second horse provided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden horses. Ex 8. R A. Griffins
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    • 640 3 NOTICES. Series No. 1. First Day Race No. S Second 1 or Third S Series No. First „3 Second 1 or Third „6 Any owner wishing to enter for more than one Griffin R»ce on the same day can do so on payment of $10 entrance fee for each extra
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    • 656 3 NOTICES. Messi s. H. L Coghlar. V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB- AGENTS 07 TH« Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAL. CO., General Agents, no. Straits Settlements. FOR SALE. A steam indicator by Elliott Bros., London. H. L. COGHLAN A CO., o.C. Auctioneers. T?OH SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed J
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    • 677 3 RSHIPPINQ :hina stkam navigation company, limited, pknang and calcutta. Company's steamer LAI SANG. tons, Captain Courtney, it due here from Hongkong on or about the !Mth imrt.. and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to »-6 BOUHTEAD 4 CO., Agents. IMDO-CHINA STKAM NAVIGATION
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  • 571 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 21st MAY Vbry few weeks have elapsed since an episode occurred in connection with a large building here, which resulted in the prosecution of a prominent landholder here who had to pay a fine of 5250 because a portion of the building in
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  • 105 4 The first daily newspaper publishing despatches exclusively wireless is 'II, c Wireless, of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, twenty-one miles off the coast of California in the Pacific Ocean. Avalon is a great winter resort for wealthy Americans and was formerly dependent upon the arrival of steamers for communication with the
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/uqb. bank rate is l/t?ft.
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  • 10 4 Harmston's Circus is exoected to arrive here to-day from Penang.
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  • 10 4 The T rench transport Chodoc left for Marseilles yesterday afternoon.
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  • 11 4 A certificate of naturalisation hat been granted to Towkay Loke Yew.
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  • 16 4 H. M. S. I'lia-nim was to leave Hongkong for Borneo and Singapore on the 18th instant.
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  • 14 4 Thk Dutch lighthouse tender LmMt arrived here from Batavia this morning and returns to-morrow.
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  • 19 4 The M. M mail steamer Annum left Colombo at 6 a.m. yesterday, and is expected here on Sunday evening.
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  • 24 4 The German mail steamer lOhjh having left Penang on the 20th instant at 3 p. m. it due here to-day at 6 p. in.
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  • 23 4 The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will be open for one hour from 10 to 11 a. m. on Monday next.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 19 4 Thk special service on Sunday at the Jobore Presbyterian Church, KI.Y a.m., will be open to all English-speaking persons.
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  • 23 4 The usual practice dance will be held at the Temperance Institute this evening. The manager has bad the floor put in excellent shape.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Reservoir to-morrow afternoon from B to 6 (weather permitting
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  • 26 4 Mr. H. G. Laniberton, the Chiet of the outdoor department of the Royal Siamese Customs, is now visiting Singapore on six moiit hs" leave of absence.
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  • 28 4 Thb Crown Prince of Siaua bas been raised to the rank of General in the Siamese army and appointed 1 .t.-Col. nel in command of the Royal bodyguard.
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  • 25 4 The American Cup defender lieluiiie* was launched witii skirls on that is with sails hanging over her sides to prevent spectators from neeins :it-r lines.
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  • 29 4 A chakactek sketch of Mr Wyndham, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, will be found on page 2. Accidents on the Calcutta l"i ;in ways are referred to on pa«c
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  • 26 4 Mies May B. Lilly, a.b., principal of the Methodist Girls' School, who has been home on a year'f* furlough, arrived yesterday afternoon from America via Hongkong.
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  • 27 4 In celebration of Empire Day the warrant officers, staff sergeant* and sergeants of the Singapore garrison will give a smoker at the Drill Hall on Monday next.
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  • 27 4 Thk Japanese cruiser Satmea is expected to visit Singapore within the next few weeks. It was this vessel, it will be remembered, that sunk the illfated Kousshing.
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  • 27 4 The laws of British North Borneo now include a proclamation requiring dealers in native growu tobacco to take out licenses in handling large quantities of the article.
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  • 30 4 On the •■th instant, Arthur .Sydney Boyle, formerly a schoolmaster, committed suicide on the Yokohama racecourse by shooting himself. It is stated that poverty was the cause of the a.'t.
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  • 34 4 Alas! poor China. An imperial Decree of May Ist says that officers for the Imperial body- guard will be appointed from candidates who prove proficient in shooting with bows vi arrows from on horseback
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  • 33 4 As a practical business matter, no country in the Orient can afford to ignore the St. Louis World's Fair, says the American Asiatic. Singapore pineapples should be exhibited as well aa Japanese ceramics.
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  • 36 4 Saioon is stricken with cholera and drought. To gain the favour of the wrathful spirits who are supposed to be answerable for these visitations, the Chinese there have organised costly and gorgeous processions in the streets
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  • 41 4 Thi disturbances in the western province of Canton have risen to such a height that French troops are on the Tonquin frontier in great force, and forts have been thrown up in commanding positions to check any raids by insurgent Chinese.
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  • 38 4 The hearing of the action, Lichauco v. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. was continued yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones when the defence was opened. The case was continued this morning, and was further postponed till Wednesday next.
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  • 82 4 Last night some member or members of the burglaring fraternity paid a visit to Waterloo Mess in River Valley Road while the tuant were at dinner. One of the boys was sent upstairs to get a cigarette case and he came hack and said that the things
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  • 335 4 Thb going will be ever so much better to-day u this morning the track was drying up fast, and if rain holds off some good racing will be seen. The first race is a Griffin Race, and places may go to Bramble, Bridget and Victor, in the order
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  • 50 4 The KM arrived yesterday with a large cargo of coal from Japan. The S'urani and Rajput are hourly expected with coal cargoes from the same port. The E. A. Co 's steamer •Stum is due from Europe on Monday next. The Ini-rrie is expected to call here early next month.
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  • 52 4 The weight of block tin exported run Kuala Lumpur during the months January to April amounted to 39,727 piculs, an increase of over 695 piculs tor the corresponding period of last year. The 6gures for tin ore show a iecrease of 5,876 picule. The duty collected shows an increase of
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  • 44 4 B H Mackie of Manila has purchased the old German Club on Wyndham Street, Hongkong, and will open up a first class hotel on the premises in American style. The old building, which is favorably situated, will be rentfvated and thoroughly equipped at once.
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  • 51 4 A r the commencement of the Townsville Trotting Club's meeting on the 13th ult., nine jockeys petitioned the stewards not to allow a black boy to ride, stating that if the boy did, they would refuse to ride. The stewards promptly disqualified the petitioners, whose places were successfully filled by
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  • 59 4 Thk Australian postal department notifies the issue of a postage stamp of the value of 2s (id, for sale within the State of New South Wales. It represents the Australian lyre bird in upright oval, occupying the centre of stamp, the oval encircled at top by the words New South
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  • 69 4 Last Tuesday morning there was a large gathering of relations and friends to witness the marriage of the eldest daughter of Mr. George S. Reutens with Mr. T.C L. da Silva at the Cathedral of the "Good Shepherd," after which the guests adjourned to the Singapore Catholic Club where a
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  • 83 4 H. M. S. Ruropa and Spartiate arrived at Hongkong on the 9th and 10th instant, respectively. The SparliaM* Belleville boilers are said to have answered admirably. The China Mail says that to the Admiralty the present voyage of the Spartiale will be somewhat of a surprise, demonstrating as it does
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 38 4 London, 20/ A May. The Washington State Department has learned that Britain has notified China that she is willing to grant the same terms regarding the war indemnity as those allowed by the I'nited States.
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    • 31 4 It is semi-officially stated that the United States Government is prepared to insist to the end upon American goods receiving the same tariff treatment in Manchuria as Russian goods.
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    • 18 4 The new Bulgarian Cabinet is more friendly to Turkey and less subservient to Russia than its predecessor.
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    • 15 4 Shrewsbury, the cricketer, has committed suicide with a revolver owing to ill-health.
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    • 39 4 The I mted States International Exchange Commission has started to visit the capitals of Europe to seek for some monetary arrangement which will put an end to fluctuations in exchange between gold and silver standard countries.
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  • 97 4 The S. V C. oriifix l>y tUe Acting Coinmaii .lint. Major Hroadruk." for the emoting woeU are a» iirulf r s. v. Orderly <Mmhl Lieut Hilton and Sergt. Wallace. I'aradeH. MnncUy, 'i'uendajr.9 Wednenday, and Friday, ,it. r > IV iufnntrv 'iuil M diHiDoiiutint: drill. Satuiduy, :«>tli,
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  • 82 4 What can be more annoying to the careful housewife than a borrowing neighbour P And who can blame such a one if she gruws churlish at last, and refuses the oli-repeated favour The borrowers, as a rule, are the "shiftless" ones ol the worM -imprudence,
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  • 52 4 At the Municipal meeting to-morrow afternoon, Mr. Lee Choon Guan will ask Whether the complaint of Syed Mohamed Alsagoff in connection with notice serving about the new building at Gaylang Road as published in the Straits Times of sth instant is true, and if true, who in responsible for such
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  • 77 4 It has been decided that the General Officer Cbmmanding the Forces in China and the General Officer Commanding* at Hongkong shall in future be officially designated the General Officer Commanding the Troops in North China and the Geneial Officer Commanding the Troops, South China. The North China Command will include
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  • 138 4 Ths following notification, have been gazetted in Selangor: Mr. A L. lngall to be Senior Magistrate, Selangor and Negri Sembilan. Mr. lugall will continue to act as Senior Magistrate, Perak mm Mr. R. G. Watson, until further noticeMr. H Berkeley to be District Officer, Klang. Mr. E. Burnside to be
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  • 213 4 Gen. Frank D. Balkwin, US A who covered himself with honours during the early portion of thi- conflict still continuing between 'he Americans und the Moros of Mindanao, is now in America and has gotten himself into trouble through an interview in a Denver paper (ien lialdwin is reported to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 561 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jbist on Jipplication.) tv th. c egyptian Cigarettes Fresh Shipment just to hand. ANNBIS in airtight tins of 100 $2.00 per tin. 50 1.20 MENA 100 2.25 50 1.25 ATUM 100 2.75 50
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    • 106 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresham flouM (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 ajn.— 6 p.m. Orchard on *•>"**« 8 ajn -6 p ta. on Sundays. 8 a.m.— acr, a. Large Stock of Photographic material!. Monthly suppliei from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman flims, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford KndOftrman
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    • 29 4 STEARNS' HEADACHK CURE. Is for sale by all Chemists. Be sure and get the genuine. Steams' is the original and genuine, and gives inttnnt 1 relief Of all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 569 5 To the Editor of the Strait* Times" Sir, Being a resident in the Ulu, 1 <lo not always see your paper, and it was only a couple of days ago that I read the correspondence about the collapse of buildings in Singapore, and the suggestion)* about punishing
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  • 113 5 Fur pure confusion ol thought the following brief epsay by a London Board School child of twelve on the Human I'.ody would be hard to beat. It is an absolutely genuine production The human b<xiy is iliviiled into three |.art«. be h«';ul, tin- .-lie-t. and the tuninmk. The
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  • 129 5 An unusual sight witnessed by those on hoard the steamers Curlyle and Mary Austin on Monday, on thedeparture from I'ort Swettenhain, says the PiitiiiKj (luzette. It is not a seaserpent story, nor vet a yarn about a zhost, or other mysterious thing. The vessels were about half ar hour
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  • 114 5 On the 14th ioat. a number of articles of cutlery and crockery, the property of Mr. Frankel, were found at No. 23 Cross Street, a second-hand Rhop. These things had been disposed ol there by two lads whom Mr. Frankel had taken from the Reformatory. Two of the assistants at
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  • 210 5 Coupler VII. 1. Now the white man was very fond of the horse that could run. 2. And wherever the white man did dwell there did abide with him the courser he loved. :j And it chanced at stated intervals he would pit his courser against that of
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  • 91 5 Mr. I'ki.ham RoflKßs, Assistant Commissioner at Chanda, while tigerhunting 21 miles out of Chanda in India wounded a tiger and pursued it, when the animal suddenly charged. Rogers again twice hit it, smashing both its iws, hut the beast made a good charge and got Rogers down,
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  • 117 5 Thk new Viceroy of Canton, Shuin Chon Hun. has sent a telegram, requesting two men-of-war to be despatched to Shanghai to c-onvey him to Canton. It is said that he will havaa bodyguard of otm thousand men Recently His Excellency wired to the Provincial Treasurer and
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  • 325 5 We are asked to publish the following corrected list of subscriptions towards the building fund of St. Joseph's Institution Straitf <jovernnienl *1 2,:J5" Lini Terk Joon, Ewi. $550 (ban Tmk Hung, bf. 500 Wopg Ah Fook Km| 500 Then>; Tjhftm, Ka«|. Mariiswu 500 Towkay Lok Yew 400
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  • 55 5 Miss Hale Johnson, Principal of the Rattles Girls' School, having gone home on twelve months' leave, Miss Dodd acts for her. Miss Johnson by her courtesy and kindness and strict impartiality has won the love and esteem of every scholar who has come in contact with her, and her departure
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  • 59 5 Thk fashion of wearing moleskin garment?, lately revived by the King, who has been wearing a waistcoat of that glossy fur, has caused a boom in moleskins. The Daily Express informs us that mole-catchers all over the country, especially in Lincolnshire, where the little creatures abound, are straining all their
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  • 78 5 The British first-class battleship Albion had to leave Yokohama all of a suddens for U'eihaiwei. She went there to land Rear-Admiral Grenfell to undergo treatment at the naval hospital, but a Chinese servant on board died o r plague on the Ist inst., and it was therefore impossible for any
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  • 81 5 The vexed question of life assurance in the tropics, the extra premium charged, and the area of danger specified by the life-assurance offices, was dealt with recently at a meeting of the Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association in London. The one fact made evident to every one present at the
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  • 85 5 The late Mr. A. Lutyens, whose sad death at home has already been alluded to in this paper, was educated at Cheltenham College where he distinguished himself as a fine all-round athlete. He came to Perak in 1890 to Sir Graeme Elphinstone to learn planting on Waterloo Estate, and in
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  • 641 5 Revealed by a Profession tl. quints, Mr. Leo Vincent, whose well-known performing And talking dolk," of course, neither perform nor talk, tbf whole being supplied by the talent. <1 Voice Vavjui^hkr, •a>< that the word ventrilo<iaißm is a mixnonier, the old idea that the ventriloquist* words were
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  • 606 5 SiwoAroai, '.'lst May, I*ol. MtoDvec. Gambler bnyan f 16.25 Copra Ball 8.15 do Pontlanak 770 Pepper, Black M.50 do White, (8%) 88 01 Sago Flonr Sarawak 4.30 do Brunei No. 1 3.«0 Pearl Sago L, 8.2S Coffee, Bali, 18% bast* 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, au% ba*ti. '->S.OU Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 Useful Household Medicine. (IHAMHFKLAIVS Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa K<-int><lv is recommended for the Kpee ty and permanent cure of Dysentery, Diarrh.ea. Chronic Diarrhu*a, Pain in Stomach, Colic, Summer Complaint, Bilious Colic, an. l Cholera Infaatum It has been in tlie market 3.' years, and its wonderful gale bag been effectei
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    • 293 5 LAND SALETai following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'b saleroom yesterday afternoon No. 88 South Bridge Road, area 89:2 s<|. feet, freehold, bought by Syed Abdul Kadir for $15,000. No. 89 South Bridge Road, area 711 sq. feet, freehold, bought by Ryed Abdul Kadir for $13,400.
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    • 176 5 RAFFLES HOTEL. RACE WEEK Criterion Dinner. Band in Attendance. Thursday, 21st May. Saturday, 23rd May. To avoid disappointment guests are requested to reserve seats in advance. SARKIES BROTHERS, 23 5 Proprietors. THE SEREMBAN GYMKHANA CLUB. Midsummer Meeting. NOTICE. The Rices advertised as the Seremban Stakes and the Seremban Stakes
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    • 36 5 J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, J EWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY KXECUTKD The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter inspect the UNDERWOOD t'je most per let t high class machine yet invented Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sole Apents. v.c.
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    • 629 5 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR, DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. A UCTION SALE of VALUABLE A. FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES «nd Bi:iLI)INO SITES beauti fully situated at River Valley Road and Ht. Thomas Walk. Singapore, consisting of the following The three European residences known respectively a* Sunnyside St Thomas St. Helens FIVE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 DAY BY DAY Thursday, 21st May. High Water. 6.6 p.m. Special ninm-r Kulflen Hotel. Kng. Ai-soriiitinn. M&rine Club. V4'.. Dance. Temperance Institute. Huxe'a Circus. Bearh Koad. Friday, 3 and May. High Water. H.-J a.m. 7.'-' p.m. h.V.A., D.R.F. Class ami Dis. Drill. :>.15. Municipal Commission. -J. 30. S.V.A., D.K.F. Cla»s.
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  • 780 6 Si ari'ki.y a day passes now that the Calcutta papers do not report an accident of a more or lest serious nature on the electric tramways. Some are so appalling as to involve loss of life by ghastly mutilation others result in serious damage of
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  • 53 6 A Rei'tik's telegram to liangkok states that Mr. C. Rivett Carnac, Financial Adviser to the Siamese '"'tiinent, writes tc the Tvnu;.< ilenymg that only German railway material will b« admitted to Siara. Tbe King, he stater, emphatically favours the open render system, and the manufacturers of all nations will Gnd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 What is a Cough A SPASMODIC effort to expel the mucus from the brom-hial tubes. A cold •■ui'es a more abundant secretion ot mucus, and wben the lungs and bronchial tnbi are inllamed, they are extremely seosittn to the irritation. Unless care is ta«en, the cold may result in pneumonia.
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    • 719 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903. and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A. M A.M. AM. > >' PM Singapore d 700 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.32 J44 3.50
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    • 227 6 TANSAN Is on "»»le at all the principal Hotels. Tiffin Eooms. Wine Spirit Dealers Sole Importer?. Borneo Co.Ld Singapore Sub-agents.. .McClymont Co. Port Dickson Malacca Chow Kit Co., KuaL Lumpur A. Oldfieia, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton. Telut Anso). Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltdis prepared
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    • 633 6 N _!^i HOXOKOSO AND ,>HAM*HA BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10 000 OOC RESERVE FtMtD.Sterling Reserr«..llo,ooo,oo0 1 KMM)n BilTer Reserve... A,500,000 I •••">«»^00. REBBBVELIABIIJTY OF\ innnftnno PROPRIETOBS •10,000.000 Court or Dirkctors. A. J. Kavmom., Esq.— Chairman. T H. Tomkjni, E»q Depctv Chairman U Kai.uxh, Esq. H. Si-hub art, Eiq. Hon. C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 708 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd.* r|WE Stftndjt Lire Atlnraqc, J. Norwioh Union ire iMonuio* Sorts**. Ktl— Assaranoa Company (Pire). .'he Equitable Life Assurance Society. i he China Mnto&l Steam Navigation Company h- 'Y.ttenham Lagor Beer Company. /or Dartioakrs of tke«e Companies, ss»i o» nil adVerti«em«it of THB BOBNBO COMPANT. LIMITED. Agents.
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    • 793 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninklljUe Paketvaart Maat.cha.opij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Oovernmeni. c.isc is at Singapore Ship Ao»ct, late J. Damtdua A Co., S-8, Colltib Quat. he undermentioned date* are only approximate. rttoamer From ExpjKtod Will be IXwpntched tor >— Van La asb. n,e Batavia Mat 19 Bagan Si Apt
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    • 510 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Maritimes De France. TILiaKAPHIO Al)l'K«88: MnUOUIIBS, BIHOAPOM. The iiaileteamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— OCTWABD. HOMKWARD. Dates. Dates 1903 IMS Annam May 25 I Caledonien May '26 K. MfcMM June 7 Salazie. Jane 8 Siidney June 22 i Oeeanien June '22 The Batavia
      510 words
    • 613 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. X, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
      613 words
    • 535 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd 1 Steam Navigation Company. Dkpxb Mail Cohtract with th.' Austrian Govibnmkht. The following are the date* on which the Company's steamer* may be expected to arrive and sail from here Outward. Houmtud. 1908. Arrives. I 1908 Sails. "Trirtir June b I China Ma)- 27 \Marqui* ;Melpomrne
      535 words
    • 352 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rfHI PHOBNIX ABBUBANCV J. OOMPANT OF LONDOIT. lEitiiuihid i.n 178 a.) Thf ondanigsed, A«ent* for the abort < pan; are preparvd to aooe pt Fire Biaka at tb» correct rates in Singapore, and alto in Jchor» and the other StaUn in the Malay PenioMav BTI •'IK Co. THK
      352 words

    • 1394 8 On ior this heading the following abbreviation* am used str. steamer sh. ■bip. b'i.— barqne; soh.— schooner Yet.— Yacht-. Oru. Crniter: Obt. <4unboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-pow«r; Brit.— BriIlib U. 8. United States Fch.— French Sti --German; Dut. Dutch;. l oh. Johore; General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; 0
      1,394 words
    • 557 8 Nam*, port, probable date ot arrival, and name oj agent*. Htiamibs. Alboin, Bombay, Juae; Borneo Coy. Alcinouß, China, June MansOald. Ambria, Hamburg, June 7; Bemn Meter. Annam, Colombo. May 24 M. Maritime!. Anterior, China. July 12; Mansfield. Ascot, Kobe. May Paterjon Simons. Australind, Fremautle, June 4 Boustead. Badenia,
      557 words
    • 87 8 for P*r Iteamrr Time. I To-Morbow. Slmngha: anil .lapan Prienx 7 a.m. Muar and Malacca Farfalla i p.m. Bangkok Hnknam I p. in P. Swet'bam via ports Hiif Leon,: H p.m T Ansonand Penang Mathildf t p.m. MiNHIi Pandakan via port* Tnn<7(7<4ti h 7 a.m. Saiifon Mrlita 11
      87 words
    • 142 8 H Flag Vk^.-kl.- Hun. Tons Captain From Coxmonses. Q Biu. My 20 Bri Wonpsrc? Dut str. 92 Nacodah Malacca May 2OTeck Seng 20 Emile MrJ 80 Nacodah Rhio May 20Guan Hoe Bee 20 Hone Wan Brit str. 116 Hudson Muar May lw Wee Bin and (.'o 20 Giani;
      142 words
    • 94 8 Date. Vbssel's N.oik. Flao A Rio. Toss. Destination. lay S!0 |/.»i<ln Brit itr. 3006 Penaog AC'manrtel Coast »'ort» *1 Shanghai »tr. 21(0 Antwerp via ports 31 Chakrabbongs Sia str. 362 Bangkok via port* -21 .Ihsoq Brit atr* 4itoo London via port* 21 Emile Dut atr. W) Khio ■22 Eugenic
      94 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 238 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JXJ3T ARRIVED t A splendid stock of high class real Diamond |j Table Covers ot Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive j fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. j work, Silk Lace, Oriental
      238 words
    • 67 8 SALE OF Remnants FOR SIX DAYS ONLY FROM 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th MAY AT Whiteaway, Laidlaws Mr A. J. Bowling, Elvira, Ky., writes: My father say* that Jayne's Expectorant saved my life when 1 was a baby, and I reeard it as the beftt remedy in the world
      67 words
    • 65 8 For Perfection In British Bottling, Try BASS'S ALE GUINESS'S STOUT SPARKLING GYDER i /^.<fljM^r, *p*T t 1 lA > 91 QUARTS. PINTS. NIPS. To be had from all Wine and Spirit dealers. Sole Jlgents: KIM HIN Co., Singapore. i OllCl Tss^sr* Requisites, Drugs, &c. Atkinson's, Rigaud's.and Pinaud's Perfumery, Eau deCologne.
      65 words