The Straits Times, 20 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times MO. JM34 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20. 1908. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 792 1 NOTICES. jjfa jjtraits Simcs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCK. (per incli, i -.iluTiiii iiir.i-ute. First Iniiertiuii *l cents Seeond ami third Insertion* each so cents Fomrth, iiftli, ami ~im) Wit Seventh to ei<.'hier<n'!: 24 cent* nineteenth .S: -ul>- -■■i.--nt 16 i-enm Per week of ill daj !<> '<><■ .-han^eil daily
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    • 480 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States Sui?T^'^^&^ ASK YOUR STORE KEEPER FOR 71 "SLEDGE" BRAND. fi/^ STERILIZED MILK «^^m ABSOLUTELT PXJRE 1 s! l Invaluable in the House. OR HEALTH. Don't be put of 11 See that you get -what yoii ask for "Sledge" Brand.
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    • 326 1 s^ss^ff For Discriminating kj^fegg^^ fy?*^*^^ Smokers. v 1 !THE NEW HIGH CLASS J Turkish Cigarette \i An entirely new blend, free fmm all drugs and scenting mattei 1/ Specially prepared for Expert by a new scientific process, and w lacked in our Patent Vacuum Tins of 50 Cigarettes. U,,jT Agents
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    • 270 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid ■IlllWm' BRAND F HJF 11 A&ffi PNDENSEDMUJ |l/| 1 7 $$p?*.. Guaranteed |PWw condeiisO «J° p^- Bee thj Full Cream. D Largest Sale in the World. HAGEDORN CO it STAMFORD ROAD Have ju~t uapacked a fre-*h shipment of MUSIC AND FLOWERS. ■M GIANELLI MAJNOS NATURAL MILK laJ EMMMMm^^lr-^^MMwfz^MMMm
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    • 244 1 Don t Forget THE;:. A COMIC ENTERTAINMENT THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company WILL PERFORM TO-HIOHT, 20th May, 190.1 AT IMH NORTH lIKIUUH KOAI) THHATKIi HAI I. Tlie Laughable I'lay JAVA MORNI JAVA MORNA This delightful piece is well-known to the public here, And we leave them to judge of its
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  • 695 2 Thk rapidity with which the production of coal has increased may bfe appreciated when the present volume of that production is considered, in conjunction with the phenomenal increase in output within recent years. In 1^64 the world's produce of coal was 171,000,000 tons; in 1888 it
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  • 167 2 A U»O9H correspondent writes to an Indian contemporary Dr. Stephens and Dr. Christopher?, who formed a commission appointed by the Royal Society to investigate mahiria in Africa and India, have, I learn, sent in the conclusions they have arrived at as the result of their researches, which
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  • 372 2 Thk first semi-annual statement ot the International Banking Corporation to Dec. .'{l, X>2, remarks that the branches are equipped for local, as well as exchange banking, and frequent reports from them show a steadily increasing volume of business. Correspondents have been arranged for at all other points
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  • 169 2 Thk Journal" of the I' nited Service Institution of India contains a short account of walking-stick defence It is a clever and ingenious use of a walkingstick, by which anybody an elderly man or a lady can soon burn to ofler ■lost ettective resistance to a loot-pad,
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  • 82 2 Thk following are some recent British North Borneo notifications Mr \V. Buchanan Smith, Cadet, reported his arrival in Labuan on 4th March, and is attached to the llesidentV Office, Kucha. Mr. H. Palmer to be a Magistrate of the third class with effect from the 2»th .March Mr. \V B.
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  • 81 2 Caitain PwtMitg, D. B. A., oi" Mori) war fame, hud another serious engagement with the Mohammedans ot Mindanao on the 4th inst. Ten Moro forts were ruptured and afterwards blown up. .Sultan Ampaungano, who was in charge of the hostile forces, surrendered alter hundred and tifteen of his men had
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  • 96 2 OKI striking sight at Bombay will be a mammoth hotel now nearinp completion. Mr. Tatu, the proprietor, calls it the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. The building will be live stories high, with .< central tower 90S feet high -crowned by a huge dome The south- west fronts ot each of
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  • 106 2 I.auv Bi.akk, wife of the Governor ol Hongkong, has her own idea of pets, and at Hongkong a tame leopard is allowed to walW freely in the grounds of Government House. One night a young subaltern and his partner, who were Lady Blake's guests at a ball, left the ball-room
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 117 2 NOTICES. I Proved by experience. Three-quarters of a century before the Public and constantly growing in appreciation v&n Houl"erfs jl is to-day The Standard Cocoa of the World. Exquisite in flavor, highly nourishing and refreshing, experience proves it to be The Best of all Cocoas. For Perfection In British Bottling,
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    • 408 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore BELTING John Tullis's Llama Hair Belt ing* is tbe most suitable kind made forTropioal Climates. Prize Medals have been received at no less thaa Sixteen Exhibitions by Mrssrs. John Tullis Son for their manufactures, and we confidently recommend Llama Hair
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    • 273 2 NOTICES. •pHE CTANDARD T IFE QFFICE. p*y« upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 16 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate,
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  • 256 3 P. O. M»y L'l.— l'er Shanghai For Ull.l..ll— Minx Krra, ML- K. Kzra, Mr». Gaii-lner hiul !«n hildren, and Mi»s Berlin n. From IVnaiiK to London— Mr. ami Mm. J. I'ittnn Ker. May 'J».— l'er lleiufal For I^hhloii IfaMfß. 11. S. Xnvmanh, \V. M. BotlTH— < 1.
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  • 240 3 For Singapore. Per P. A s. s. .tf'int/n, from London April 18, due -'-'nd May— Mr. A Agnew. Per P. O. s. <>ceava from London April 30-Hon. I. K. and Mrs. Birch. Mr. M. Hellier, Mr. andiMrs. N. H Mnith, Mrs Fither. Per P. AY ft, s.
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  • 234 3 It is estimated by the bureau in charge of immigration statitics at New York City that the total murnber of immigrants for the current year will be in the neighbourhood of 900,000, mumber slightly in excess of that of INW, which held the record ;it 788,992. Of the total population
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  • 86 3 Thk Aritut writes: We very much regret to learn that .\Lr. A. If. Trie, the most energetic and popular Hony. Secy, and Treasurer of the (iolf Club (Calcutta) is leaving India immediately under doctor's orders for Davos I'latz or some similar health resort in the Engadine. The amount of ilevoti-d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 Rheumatic Sufferers. MANY sufferers ."mm rheumatism Imve been surprised nml delimited at the prompt relief olitainod l>y applying Cham-t-erlain's f'nin Balm. In advising you to use Chamberlain's I'ain Balm for Rheumatism, we know it will i! iw you perfect satisfaction, as the first appliratirn will relieve the pain, and its
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    • 425 3 NOTICES. CHAPOTEAUTS PHOBPHO-CLTCBRATB OP LIMB It increases vital energy and nerve force, cures Hiuntthinia, Ojinptla, Insomnia, and ntrooui Hunt* in adultt and children. IN CAPSULES, 111 WINE. AND IN SYRUP J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY KXRCHTKI. KEYSTONE ELGIN WATCHES Durahlc anti AtLunuc /T~^ The Keystone Watcb Case
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    • 328 3 NOTICES. M.C.B. Mohamad Co. Diamond Merchsxts. Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious stones, No. 8 High Street, Singapore Are showing a splendid stook of High Class Diamonds And gem-set Jewellery with .extensivr varieties of solid Qold lind Silver wares, guaranteed genuine works from China, at moderate terms. Orders and repairs
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    • 660 3 NOTICES. WANTED a practical miner. Must be accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box 376, Post Office, Singapore. v.c, WANTED, at once, a junior clerk for a commercial office: good handwriting, a necessity. Apply to A. K. c/o Strutt* Time*. uc. WAN') ED: young Chinese clerk and bill collector one who
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    • 658 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BKKN APPOINTBD BTJB-AGENTB OF THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 L-\, General Agents, a.c. Straits Settlements. FOR SALE! A steam indicator by Elliott Bros., London. H. L. COGHLAN A CO., v.c. Auctioneers. TX»K BALE,— Kaigon Lymph, guaranteed _T fresh,
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    • 572 3 SHIPPING INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's steamer I.AfSA\U 3,459 tons, Captain Courtney, is due here from Hongkong on or about the 24tb inst.. and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to 88-6 BOUHTEAD CO., Agents BRITISH INDIA
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  • 18 4 Am. MANN. On tli,- si|, May, at HoiiL'kim;:. ('apt. JBM An ion Am. MANX, ageil 79 years.
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  • 415 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 20th MAY Th* silver question is always with us. Some most interesting figures are given in a recent number of the Financier, which states that th« radically unfortunate position of the white metal is due to the fact that production persists in crowing,
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  • 346 4 Apropos ot the installation of electric tramways in Singapore about which there is now no shadow of doubt since the construction engineers are already at. work— it will interest everyone concerned to know that the overhead system is considered to have been proved out and out the best after extensive
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  • 202 4 The reception of Holland, and perhaps Denmark, into the German confederation, so much desired by the German Emperor and the Colonial party, would have an important bearing on the situation here as well as in other parts of the worlJ wherq the Dutch and Danes have colonial possessions. The recent
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  • 9 4 m To-day's 4 mi. bank rate is l/8 4
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  • 8 4 Thk S.C.C. cricket tournament commences on June 27th.
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  • 18 4 Thi. Rev J. A B. Cook will preach on Bund<ty at the Johore Presbyterian Church at 8-15 a.m
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  • 19 4 Ax article on the International Btnk appears on page 2. Other news articles will be found on page 6.
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  • 18 4 Likut. Bennett R A. has been granted leave to November next to proceed to England on private affairs
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  • 17 4 There were 76 fires at Hongkong in 1902. The estimated damage caused by the fires was 12.144,919.
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  • 24 4 The P. AO. Intermediate steam »r Manila left Penang at 1 a.m. to-day ami is due to arrive here at 9 a.m. on to-morrow.
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  • 23 4 At the date of last advices from Sandakau (Ist May) a terrible drought and heat prevailed, with jungle fires to bre;ik the sameness.
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  • 21 4 Cam. Ingpen who was quartered in Singapore with the West Yorkshires is now Adjutant of the third battalion of that regiment.
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  • 25 4 V kstkhiiav Mr. A. Cavendish assumed charge of the duties of Fourth Magistrate, vice Mr. G. Wilson transferred to the Pjst Office, Money Order Branch.
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  • 26 4 Mb A H. Pavim, District Surgeon, Perak, has been appointed to act as District Surgeon, Selangor, with effect from 30th April, ice Mr. P. K. Gerrard.
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  • 29 4 It is expected tnat the Sparlmle will sail from Hongkong for England on the 20th inst. She will then refit before eoing out to Australia as the new M-iL'ship
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  • 30 4 Bangkok beld a Sky Race Meeting on the loth and 17th instant. There were only four events on the programme for the first day, each being confined to Siamese ponies.
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  • 26 4 Tbe French transport Cluxloc arrived, from Saigon this raoruing en route for Marseilles. There are 417 passengers on board and she is expected to leave to-day.
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  • 24 4 Attention is drawn to an alteration in the programme of the Seremban Gymkhana Club's forthcoming and summer meeting, published in our advertising columns to-day.
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  • 32 4 Thk Imperial German mail steamer Roon arrived in Penang this morning, and will probably leave to-day at noon, and consequently may be expected to arrive here to-morrow afternoon at about 5 p.m.
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  • 28 4 Physician (giving advice) Lastly, McGorry, don't go to sleep on an empty stomach. McGorry (who is ailing) No danger ay thot, docthor Oi always slape on me back.
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  • 27 4 The Asrennion Day Services at St. Andrew's Cathedral are aa follows 6 a.m. Holy Communion. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 8 a.m. Matins. 6.:K) p.m. Evensong and Sermon.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 77 4 To the Editor of Ihe Strait* Times:' Sir,—I am surprised that a"Veteran,"' who in his time has^tttended a ~nnd many volunteer inspection parades,' should be ignorant of the fact that the arrangements for an inspection parade are not in the hands of a Band Secretary.
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  • 111 4 Pluckilp stopped by Police Supt. When the races were just over yesterday and the people were driving away, the Governor's horse and carriage, a dog-cart, was being led up to the grand stand when the horse got excited, broke aw.iy from the syce and made after
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  • 100 4  -  Blot. r>*u. s. r. I l«ml M Ifaftißg |in>pliei ■/MMaaAaMy well "ottit laeajawaM. So I »t:ite witb grirf— not i-holrr That I l«-t the niml>l>- .lollnr On ea<li rave. Whilf ~nr.- i- Ini h -inner My imßfaaaali tnrtlieat inhiT Kurlit nuide Have l>eeii injured l>y the iliuner iiven
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  • 35 4 MAJiM I'lunkett, of the 2nd (Central African) battalion King's African liilies, who was recently killed in Somaliland, joined the Manchester Regiment in 1888, and saw considerable service in India before going ro Africa in 190:'.
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  • 35 4 A gknkkai. acreement has been arrived at between the .Mnrconi Wireless Telegraph Company and a group of Danish financiers in Copenhagen for the establishment of a wireless system between Iceland and the No»"th of Scotland
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  • 51 4 This morning, Insp. Baleinan A'eights ami Measures Dept.) had four traders before Mr. Brockmun for tampering with tla'r scales. In each case it was shown that purchasers lost in their transactions one scale j registered a loss of six per cent. Tiie i dno6 imposed were $l.">, $25, 520 and
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  • 60 4 An able-bodied Chinese appeared before Mr. Beatty yesterday morning, on a charge of begging in the streets. He was convicted and ordered to pay a fine of ten dollars, the alternative penalty being fourteen days' hard labour. A repetition of this sentence as occasion offers will doubtless induce this class
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  • 71 4 When H. M. S. AretUusa was otT Sheerness on March 9th, during her voyage home from China, a gallant act was performed by Capt. Startin. A seaman fell overboard, and Capt. Btartu immediately dived from the vessel and rescued him. For this Capt. Startin has been awarded a bronze clasp
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  • 76 4 Mr Lim Teck Joo.n writes to point out that the Subscription from Wayang Kassira $449," recently published in the list of contributions to the St. Joseph's Building Fund, was the outcome of his personal appeals to Chinese and other friends, as lessee of the North Bridge Road Theatre. The Wayarg
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  • 76 4 TRANSVAAL MUNICIPALITIES. The Franchise Question. London, 19</< May. A draft Municipal Ordinance to be laid before the Legislative Council of the Transvaal Colony has been published. It grants the Municipal franchise to educated and socially qualified coloured persons. This proviso will affect about J.". 0 lniliiins in .Johannesburg
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 66 4 Bktmmek tin Vint MM Shamrock tht Third will both *ail for America on the L'.'ith instant RUSSIAN TROUBLES. M. liogdanovitch. the Governor ot I'fa, has ban ••weainatei. This is another sympi ...i if :h>< seething unrest in Ran The C/.ir Ii i!- MtuAm 1 the Governor of
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  • 640 4 Concluded His Services at the Town hall Last NUM. Yesterday alternomi Mr. Geil'e subject was the funeial of George Miiller, the orphans !;ien<l, at which Mr. Gail urn He narrated many touchiiiß incid— <■ ia connection with the lite and death ot the great philanthropist, ki
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  • 50 4 San dak an is shortly to have a Volunteer Fire Brigade and a tire engine the money for tbe purpose being raised by subscriptions, donations, and a Government grant. The engine is a "curricle" worked by eight men and throwing a jet of eighty feet with fifty feet of hose.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 737 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Egyptian Cigareltes Fresh Shipment just to hand. ANNBIS in airtight tin* of 100 $2.00 per tin. 50 1.20 MENA 100 2.25 50 1.25 ATUM 100 2.75 50 1.50 NECHO 100 3.00 50 1.75 ASMA h 100 3.25 (Cork tipped) 50 2.00 Also in tins of 200 (10 cardboard
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    • 89 4 G.R. LambertS 3 Co. Photographers open Grreaham Hon»e (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a. oi.— B p.m. Orchs-d oa W <jkd s 1 j 8 l u 'm Roa on Sunday*. Ba.iu.— .jn. Large Stock of Pbotograpbic materials. Monthly unppliet from Europe, reliitole printine papers, chemical pennts. Kastman illms,
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    • 147 4 YOUR ENTIKE BODY STRENGTHENED. Wkak Lun»h are benefited immediately, and the entire body strengthened, and invigorated by the use of Steams' Wine. Unlike Cod Liver Oil Kmulsionß, it is pleasant to take and ;i«n!es with the most delicate stomach, aiding digestion instead of disturbing it, with the happy result of
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  • 1808 5 The First Day. Vestkkuay the S.S.C. held its annual .Spring lUce Meeting in what hardly jan be termed weather meet for "The Sport of Kines." From anything but an ultra-salubrious point of view, however, it must be deemed a big success. Whether it was the moon
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  • 488 5 RAC ING NOTES. That importing well-bred horses will pay was well proved by yesterday's racing. Comical, the winner of two races, is toy Manton from Comedy. Manton was by Musket from Tres Deuce. Apiary, who ha/ no doubt tbe makings of a good horse, is ezception- ally well-bred and is
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  • 212 5 The following are to-morrow's weights First Griffin Handicap Postmau, 89 Victor, 9.6 Bramble, 9.5 Mimi, O.. r > Stymy, 9.0 Maud R. 10.U Bridget, '.•7; Spadille, 10 0; Salad, 10.0; Lochaber, 9.5; Furnace, 99; Foundry, S.VJ Greyleg, 9 I and Warrifial, 10.0 Woodpecker scratched. The Read StakeR Coat of Arms,
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  • 328 5 Gamble rs jammed In a hole in the floor. On Monday evening, owing to information received from Capt. Molyneux, Supt. Tanjong Pagar Dock Police, Capt. Chancellor. Assist. Supt. of Police, Inspectors Howard and Hickey, Sergt. Murphy and a posse of twenty constables made a raid on the
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  • 263 5 Chapter VI. I Now it came to pass in those days that the mighty toot-tout did traverse nearly all lands. I. And its shrill cry was everywhere heard by the ears of man. And its flight was like that of the eagle, insomuch that it did traverse over
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  • 197 5 European Oirl Throws Herself into the Sea. Yesterday afternoon a young lierman girl threw herself off the wall at the mouth of Stamford Road Canal into the sea. Two gentlemen who happened to be passing rendered assistance and extricated her from her awkward position by carrying her
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  • 130 5 About S o'clock last night a Chinawoman and a little Chinese child were going along New Market Road in a rikisha when the woman was brutally attacked by a man, also Chinese, with whom she had quarrelled. The mar,, who was armed with a heavy parang, same
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  • 83 5 The May Medal was played for on Saturday last. The following scores were returned 1 4 holes) WeM» Tl M -""9 Keid 7-2— 7=«5 Kenton is 71 Ounn 7- Mr. 71 (rowdy 91 lti J| KoraMr 1 00—20 SO Martin, T. A 94— 12 Butt 112 J"
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    • 85 5 Gambler buyers 15.'..'> Copra 1"..iil R.|.-, do Pontianal 770 Pepppr, Black 35.50 do White, (5%) Sago Flour Sarawak 4.30 do Brunei No. 1 1.9" Pearl Sago Coffee, Ball, 15% basU 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, -20% ba»ls.. .»B.o<' Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.00 Tapioca,, small Flake 4.KU do 'tiied flake S.BS
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    • 126 5 On U-%don. F*nk 4 m/s l/S} Demand l/S Private 6 m/s l/S < do Dm/I 1/N On Oirmony.— Rink d/d 1.71 Private 3 m/s 1.77 do 6m/i..- 1.70 On Frnne*— Rank d/d Private 3 mh do 6 m/» i» On India— Bank T. T. M Private 3<M|i 131 On
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    • 373 5 B'«awßh(Jold Mine(s7.sOixl)S7.7B. Brn«eh Tin Mine 1L96. •Fraser NeaTe $9^. (XI. s B'konK Shan^'hiii Bank W75. Howartb Erskine&Co. Lt. fl»), teller*. •Jelebnii $1.50. Kadana (fully i>.ii.i tin.l'O, nnminal do (!7 paid) *7 tt, nominal. 'Kerhan Cold Mine $1.00, nominal Malay States Salt $1.») N nal Bank of China A(£Spd)r«, hnv-'r-.i<«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 Usef jI Household Medicine. piHAMRFRLAIN'S Colic. Cholera and \y Oiai-rhn'a Kcmodr i» recommended for the .speeJy and permanent cure of Dysentery, Wail Bin I. Chronic Marrbce*, Pain in Stomtch. Colic, Summer Complaint, Killous Cclu-. ami Cholera Infantum It hns been in the mirket M years, and its wonderful tall has
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    • 161 5 A Reason for It. There is only one cure for Rheumatism that has reached a worldwide popularity and reputation There are many remedies sold for the relief and cure of KhPtimatUm, but there is only one cure that can eoaaidavai as having a univerWal reputation, without a rival, and the
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    • 72 5 BOARD AXD LODGING rl 1* had at "Erin Villa.' 7 Upper Wilkie Road, facing the Waterworks. Vppl V tO 10-6 MPS. E. WHITE. SMITH'S Glasgow Smoking Mixture and I lh. tins ROBINSON CO. m.w. 4 f. 87-6 ARIMA TAN-SAN dcing of IBable XVaters THE MOST REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING NATURAL MINERAL
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    • 144 5 THE BRITISH DISPENSARY Pharmacentical. and Dispensing Chemists, Opticians. &c. Will be closed on Tik-slhv, Thursday, 'md B»turday a» 1 oVlork. NieHTBKLLai mm IM :t Kifflps Place. KTIt.tITS PAB»IL\ \\l> MillTlVt; \ui.\i\ turn mob m irrwiiat l>UH(cs Booked Irce nl Chjr t >- HaMtntera' I.UKgafc Shipped and Cleared Infturance ettected on
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 175 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, aoth May. High Water. 5.4 p.m. S.V.A. 2.."> in. DisiuimntiiiK Drill J.IS Steam l.amicli Sale. I'nwell. 1.18, Uml Sale. Powell. IM. li. I. homeward mail rloi-ec I Thursday, aist May. High Water. 4.36 a.m. ti.6 p.m. Ascension Thursday. Itice-. Sei'ond Day. StraiU Times iv>ues at 'J.
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  • 415 6 IS THE SUBMARINE A FAILURE fn view of the recent development of •submarines, and of the general interest taken in this type of war vessel juat now almost all the world over, it is a little "'.artling to come across an nrticle in the American JaWwM Bmmw bearing the heading
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  • 246 6 'nk hears fr.^m time to time of vtticulties experienced wit, bottM the starting gate, and one or two well- known animals are notoriously difficult to manage The following advice from Isaac Earnshaw, Austral in s most successful trainer, should be useful to owners whose horses exhibit temper
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  • 209 6 An action for t: del aristns trom an altercation between two cousii'S bearing Portuguese names took up tlie time > t the Supreme Court at Hongkong on :,e 12th instant. It all started trom the defendant (who is the plaintiff's nephew) having at 'ertain club, after
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 What is a -Cough I A SPASMODIC effort to expel the mucus from the bronchial tube*. A •Ui causes a more abundant secretion of BMM, and when the lungs md bronchial lub.'B are inlUirmvl, they are extremely i-ensitivo to the irritation. I'nleti care in Nit Ml, the cold may result
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    • 171 6 NOTICES. AOMts for LEI i PERMS 1 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. V Bo Special Warrant^^^R^ His Majestg Purvegors tc The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. By Royal Appointment to His Majesty King Edward. The good purposes BOVRII. lerves arc legion. As a nourishing food-drink, as a strength-giving, stimulating diet tor convalescents, as a
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    • 251 6 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10/ YEARS OLD: $12-50 per case. Duty extra V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra DPTAINABIB FROM RETAIL DEALKKS. <>K McALISTER Co.. sole agents The Red Hand Brand Water Line Paint Our New Anti-fouling
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 690 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilE StantUrl Life Assurance. M. Norwich Union Fire lnsurmc* Society. Atlas Aunntnoe Company (Fire). !"ne Equitable Life Assurance Socistj. l be China Mutual Stoam Navigation Company Piss Tottenham Lager Beer Company. /or putiootars of the«e Companies, sm tba u!l advertiMunoDt of TUB KOKNKO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agenta.
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    • 1292 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatVohappij. Under oontract with tbe Netherlands India Government. .vi» at Singapore: Ship Aohot, lati J. Dabhdilb A 00., 2-3, Collyib Quat. ;he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Fram Expected Will be I dispatched tor:— Kan Lantberge Batavia May 19 Bagan Si Api May 30 Tatman
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    • 635 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Urpib Mail Contract with th* austbiaji qotbknmiht. The following an the date* on which the Company's steamers may be expected to arrive and sail from here Outward. Homiwarp. 1903. Arrives. I 1003 Sails. 'Trieste Jnne b China May 27 IMarauit Helpomens June 10
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    • 533 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOE LIMITED. Capital Snbtcribed $2,600,000. Amount paid up 600,000. Beservsfand 1,1(0,000. Hiad Offios, Honeiona. rh* undersigned, having been appoints*) Ageats of the above Company, are prepared to •ooept Marine Risks at current rates. BOUSTEAD Co., Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE COYT FIRE LlFlfi TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCKKD £12,000,000.
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    • 782 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S yipiOL& STEEI jays *> y* di tie m. smifbrLadies.j f*f sWaLaJ ■Mllinnlu, 1tr,.«,,1» mv th, H >Ua t m»li loa Mf J! 1 ""■">•» rrcomi»i»uH>>«i.h.ii<« m mamsr^. aJuTHV-^ssraSoiii'si.*- LIQUID^ FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. h. in bunkers
      782 words

    • 1188 8 Oaiet Usi* beading (be folli ringatobre*lftticr« <\'» ns"l -«l: -■•fsmpr «h.— *jhtp hn btnintt fct.— lf»cbi; rru. -orni*er;QW f»nnb -T-jriiH.lo: H.p Hotm power Brit. liriMth; o.B.—United. 8.— United State*; Feb.- I U»r- 8 irman; Dnt— Dutch ;Joh.—Johore; St.- General-cargo; A.,-, -de peaatDfar; ii -V-> -Borrno Win 'I.W
      1,188 words
    • 134 8 For Per tteamsr ,n,ir. To-Mourow. BaDdjermassin Tumm 11a.m. Singoraand BaugVok Cfinkrabkomgi 11 a.m. Malacca and Uasj^i HMen* 1 p.m. Malacca A P. I): I lam -j p.m. Siak and Pakan ilnnnl... J p.m. PenangaadColoin: Bhamfkmi Ipsj, Penang and Deli I M p.m. Ampanan A Mi 8 p.m. P.
      134 words
    • 128 8 From Europe—By U.e N*. D. L. s.s. Hnon d le on the 22nd May. From China— By ide MJi.aa.oM sMmaW due on tb» Mill M iv. «m Magapore. Duo in London pril 3rd P. 40. April -JTth .pril 7th W. D. L May 2nd .pril Btb B.
      128 words
    • 131 8 K Flag j; Vessel- Name. 4 Toss' Captain From Sailed Cccsigmkes. a Rh- 19 R. Schiff Bsroe Dut Btr 68 Nacodata Rhio May 19 Kirn Hoe Bee 19 Emilft str 80 Nacodah Rbio May 19Guan Hoe Bee 1H Lenno\ Rrit str 2361 Wawn Ceba Mm It P. Simons and
      131 words
    • 272 8 Date. VMBL'I Name. Flag 4 Rio. Tons. Destixatios. I ay IB Ban Fo Soon Dut str. 222 j Pontian.ik 19 Kiot-hiu Maru Jap itr. H389 Colombo and Bombay 19 Inrtrawadi Rnt Btr. 8369 Japan via ports 19 Knjah of Sarawak Mar str. 892 Sarawak 18 Catherine Apcar Brit str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 168 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. JUST .A.HH.IVBJJ3 A splendid stock of high class real Diamond ll TableCoversof Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive 1 fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered other precious stone
      168 words
    • 740 8 EVERY LINE IS WORTH MORE MONEY $*f^^S^ The Challenge GREY GRANITE MOTE PAPER Special Price 60 cts. F Z'7J%%^V£* We offer f>r the Small sum of sixty cts. 120 sheets Grey Granite Note Paper Size 7 by 4}. inches and 100 Grey Granite Envelopes to match size 4% by 32
      740 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 WEATHER TfcUEGR A 'E. E. A. <fr C. iWbfvaat Ommmh.; 19th May. BONORONG— v Barometer M. Direction of Wind K Ut, Force o( Wind I. Max. Temp in Bhada 79.
      30 words
    • 63 8 ..^r.tcH .lEPj.i.. Kandang Kerbau Ho*pH>il. 20'h Miy, MO ia.m H|im.:i|i.m. RemarkBar VtMt.-mMiXitAQ Heroin a Temp >«3 6 HO.O 77.ft cloudy, day WB'lbTher 78J 7*.0 76.0 o'ercast rain DirofWind S.h. k. en c. Calm. p in.. Max. Temp 84.3 night o'cast. Mm Tl.B Max.inßun 140.0 Terr, rad 70 Rainfall .45 The
      63 words