The Straits Times, 15 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,130 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1908. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 816 1 NOTICES. SJht Simw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IH ADVANGK. [per inch, coluiuu measnre.l r\in Insertion 91 9) cent* Second timi third lnnertioDß each dU cent" Fonrth, tilth, ami nixth 40 cents Berentb t<. n^iii .•.■m h 24 rent* Nineteenth &Hiil>»e>]uent,, 16 cents Per week of mx day*, to be changed daily
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    • 550 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States 4^^^^s^^^^^^^ s:Kr Y U :R store kieieipieir for |Ef^p«p2l "SLEDGE" BRAND. df a\\^S^^ /IT n W& jk */aI sterilized milk 111 v«Q^W^^ 52 a Invaluable in the House, OR HEALTH. Don't be put ofil See that you get what
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    • 188 1 IBSISRII HARTWIG c 4^!P^? x erlnan Mail, I n^^F^^H^'^'H I A fresh supply of MUNTHENER HAMMOMA m P wwisflßHßMj LABER BEER ft^ WUBM BITTEB, C^jj^ 111. vt t. 1 3 14 Hillside Facing Government House Domain (Entrance at top of Sophia Road.) AN ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE
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    • 1086 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH fiILLOTTS (iRANI) :>m\, PAkIS. iqoo. A 0' H jhest Quality tnd harm* Grf*»*st Durability. »re tnere'oir BHFAPEST. I M U. £k p»f TO BE LET WrAl CbW TJOUSK No. 16 Bafflss Place. Apply to XI A. A. a c/o Straits Time: JM JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. commercial" We
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  • 1040 2 Upon the recent announcement of the purchase by the C. P. R. of the Elder- Dempster line of Atlantic packets, the JAcerpool Journal of Commerce published an exhaustive account of the history that has marked the development of the collossal Beaver interests under the able
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  • 785 2 . Results of the Motley Commisvnn Thk report ot the Moeeley lam mission, «ent on' to represent British frades I'nions in making a stu.iy ot American industrialism, i* an intend ing document though it COBaae to no striking eijiiclusi'.ti-. forth.- most part simply confirming what was rx
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 143 2 NOTICES. "DAMSON'S SOOTS I FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT snd DURABILITY. hone bkue •row Qua tb rm»« en the scies. TO l<r- HAD OF ALL t'E»aRS 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. 11!"■■1 rl l^lllff* ia i ftG s E T E s Johntittle C0.,
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    • 385 2 I NOTICES. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. USUAL SIZES ALWAYS IN STOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THFTAF7YALg RAILWAY 00. Have fitted up a plant for applying jod stjtr a TO I II Kilt RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jolelite readers woodwork absolutely proof aj^inst white f»ots,
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    • 193 2 NOTICES. TYPEWRITERS. THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR OFFICE WEAR, Beii.f; built on principles comprising GREAT STRENGTH AND SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION j f-tn>\rcYypc-wr\ttT SUPPLIED TO The Admiralty, Board of Tra<l«\ War Office, Post Office, Oown Vijent.* for tk* Coloniesi. Great Western lliiKviv. North London Railway, I* B. and 8. C. Railway, L.
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  • 360 3 . A fearful lunil-lwl'- eauaei bf Kprinn freslietx -.wept a#aj ;i Binail villaae killing eighty |mtmiii.«, at Frank, Bllliah OataatUa, ycßtcr ilrv. I'liv \illage was >niilt on the mountain «iile anil liiy full in the j.ntli "1 tin- A rrli.-i |,aity in lit woik avtag for the injured :mi|
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  • 378 3 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARD. f>. O. May 31. ParMaiwaa rat 1...t>.i ,n— Km Km, \h-- EL !'./r;i. lln Qabdaa sad t\n> liiUlnn. and Mix r,>'--im. From I'cnann >„ London Mr. and Mr». Paton Ker. May 29— Pei I I d-Mmh M. 8. Newmarcb. H M KoberUon, C. J. Irving, 1' 111
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  • 179 3 For Sinjrapore. Per P. &O. .i eooaectißg at Coloni'io with the ptmrnei LkutanttQm London April i 7, A: 17th May— ban Mr». MacMurray. Mr. G. Uißow. Mr H Hart. jinrt. M: v. Hantell, Mrs Mr. A. 1 Dr. Friink-f.irl.-r, V nod H. Mule. !*■•>- i rom London
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 '''""al At ANY mM"^H i umatism have .iW been -iiijH ut the [ironipl relief <:I^H H;ipiilyin^ ("ham i'i-liiiu's fain^H In advising Chamberlain's I'nin Hhlih fur j^H we know it will xive you >fl l^futiion, as the first application Q the |)ain n<l its continued ii^H time will effect ii
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    • 331 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN BOAP *7 jj Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 Parla K. A K. K. A K. YOKOHAMA KOBE opposite the near the
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    • 712 3 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR. DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE FREfcHUI I' KE.-IDENTIAL PROPERTIES i. mi BLILD NO SITES beautifully situated at Kiver Valley Road and St. Thomas Walk, Singapore, coexisting of the following The three F.uropcnn residence 0 known respectively ,-v Sunnyside St Thomas H "St.
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    • 769 3 NOTUfcS. WANTRD a rough goods krani. Apply to XXX. c/o Straits Times. v c WANTED an ayah Apply at room 6rt Raffles Hotel. uc. J ANTED a practical miner. Must be Tf accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box 275, Post Office, Singapore. ut. \l' ANTED, at ooce a junior clerk
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    • 656 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghian V Co. HATE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS or thc Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOU8TEAD 4 CO., General Agent?, n.c. Ktrsitp Settlements. FOR SALE. A YOUNG PEDIGREE BULLDOG newly imported fioni fcnfilard. Pedigree and dog can be teen on application to iB-6 K. C. 8.
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    • 569 3 SHIPPINQ INDO-UHINA JFOAM NAVIGATION j COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR SOURABAYA SAMARANG. r pH£ Company's steamer HOPSANd. I -U4H tons, Capt. Hay, having left Hongkong on the 6th inst.. is due here on or about the 16th idem, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage apply
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  • 21 4 BOOCHCT. At BaDj;kok on the Sth iiiHUnt, ol cholera, Kmii.k BOOCBOT, of the linn of Amiet et Ms. A-e.l tkV
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  • 353 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 15th MAY. Sik Someks Vine, of Imperial Institute fame, has come into prominence lately in connection with a huge landgrabbing scheme, particulars of which we gave at the time it came under public notice. He had then managed to secure rights over a
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  • 244 4 Shanghai commenced it* Spring Race Meeting on May 4th and in giving some final times, selections, etc., Daybreak, the well-known and popular sporting writer, laments tLe state into which racing has fallen in the northern port. He deprecates the continual chasing of the Mexican dollar which, he points out, is
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  • 222 4 During .the absence of the Sultan ot Sulu on a visit to Borneo and Singapore, one of his must powerful datos made a novel proposition to Colonel Wallace, in charge of the American forces there. In a conversation which he was having with the dato, the Colonel asked him how
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  • 171 4 A recent issue of the Strait* KbsM contained reference to a sensational oil find in Brunei. This occurred about the middle of last month. From further information available, it seems thai the manner of the find" was quite strange and unexpected. Acosrdmg to the Sarawak Gazette pist to hand: "The
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  • 134 4 -In commenting upon Urn riepjit ol the Currency Comm'ssion, fie If-jugkong Telegraph points out that the bugbear of the cost of the conversion of the currency from gold to silver has been dissipated into thin air. It says that the ground has been cut from under the feet of conservative
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  • 115 4 In consequence of the unworkable nature of that portion of the Chinese Immigrants Ordinance of 1902 which forbids the employment of doctors with Japanese or American <|uil'.fications on coolie emigrant ships, it v understood that the Government intends introducing anew definition of "qunlilied medical practitioner.' This is the matter which
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  • 124 4 The fact that tLe new Filipino dollar is to be a coin of the came weight and fineness as the British dollar coined at the Bombay mint and circulated in the Settlements, Hongkong and southern China may tend, it is said in the Journal of the American Asiatic Association, to
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4, ins. bank rate is l/Bf{
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  • 13 4 The homeward mail by the s.s Zaida closes on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 18 4 The mail steamer Clvitan left Pecang at 8 p. m. yesterday and is due here at daylight to-morrow.
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  • 21 4 A comparison between liiitiali and American labour is drawn on page 2. Advance mail new* will be found on page 6.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of Bailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 The P. O. intermediate steamer Shanghai left Hongkong at noon on Wednesday and is due to arrive here at a. in. on Tuesday
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  • 29 4 The Colonial Engineer, the Hon. A. Murray, left by the P. O. Coromandel this morning for Penang and Colombo. It is expected that he will be absent some time.
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  • 30 4 M. Grandolphe, the editor of the Parisian journal I.a Liberti, is now on a visit to Bangkok, having spent some fourteen weeks in travelling overland frott the (iulf of Tonquin
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  • 32 4 An aged Chinaman was found dead on the Ayer Gemurah Koad close to the tenth milestone yesterday morning. He had heen,lyiag there without food or drink for three days before he expired.
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  • 34 4 Japan ha« made an agreement with Russia for a regular despatch of mails from Japan to Russia by the transSiberian railway. The mails are to travel from Tokio to St Petersburg in '24 days.
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  • 42 4 Thk German transport Silvia arrived from TVinKtaii yesterday afternoon en route for Wilheltnßhaveu via Colombo and Port .Said. There are 721 passengers ou board and she has a crew of 74. She went alongside the wharf and is expected to loav« to-day
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  • 42 4 The names of the officers of the newly-formed Poor Aid Society of St Francis Xavier". Malacca, should have been given in a recent paragraph as follows President Mr. A. A. Rodrigues, hon treasurer Mr John de Ro/arin, hon. secretary Mr. N. Kozell.
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  • 49 4 A very pleasant practice dance took place at the Temperance Institute last evening. There was an excellent floor and the music wax all that could be desired, Mr. Cook presiding at the piano. Under the management of Mr. Kemble the Institute is becoming quite a popular place of resort.
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  • 51 4 Even the oldest inhabitant can scarcely remember such a long and continuous rainy season at Kuala Lumpur as the present one, says the Mnfay Mad. Ban nearly every evening just at the tiaM people want to go out for an airing is otftMMjp a drawback to lift* in the Glorious
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  • 58 4 In k many friends of Mi. T. Davidson, of the United States Consulate, will be interested to learn that he proceeds to Europe on six mouths leave of absence on Monday next. Mr. Davidson has not been in very good health for some time past and it is to be
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  • 49 4 Private cablegrams were received. in Hongkong on the Bth instant to the effect that the Soci«it< d lEst Asiatique Francaise s.s. Cambo<iie has been ashore at Cape Saint James, at the mouth of the Saigon River. Her immediate departure port was Singapore, and she was a Hongkong bound vessel.
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  • 55 4 The publication of Penang's new journalistic venture, the Strait* i'xho, has been postponed until June Ist., owinc to certain members of its staff not having arrived As a temporary measure the management is issuing a one page sheet styled The Daily Bulk Hit, he tirst issue of which took place
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  • 61 4 Thk Vettor Fitaai, an Italian second (.■lass cruiser, s\MO tons (Commander Cay. Call), arrived at Port Said on the l-->th April from Spe/./ia, M route for the Far East to join other vessels of the Italian Navy. Admiral Carlo Mabello is on board. .She carries 28 officers and 476 men,
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  • 63 4 It is satisfactory to observe that the police are taking notice of drivers of bullock carts moving their vehicles out of a walk. Yesterday a Bengali was arrested for this in Anson Road, and was, this morning, cautioned and discharged by Mr. Beatty. It not unfrequently happens that these men
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  • 67 4 The new Emmerson'sTifiin Rooms, on the ground floor of the P. O. offices, seem to be doing a good business and will doubtless be found to fill a longfelt want in that quarter of the town. Clean, neat, and comfortable, they are attractive and the menus are all that can
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  • 69 4 The new Chinese Minister to the I' .ited States, Sir Liang Chen Tung Cheng, was a member of the special mission to the Queen's Jubilee in England, where he met the Prince of Wales, now King, and was later sent again from China to the Coronation of the King, at
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  • 135 4 On the evening of the 25th tilt, J Collins residing at Parsee Lodge engaged four hackney carriages and kept them till the evening of the 27th. During this period the syces received So among them, but were not paid their fares when dismissed. They brought the matter to Mr. Hooper's
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 18 4 fjondtm, i:\th May. The Austrian squadron has left Salonika, with the exception of on* vessel.
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    • 15 4 . The Port of London Bill hat been read the second time.
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    • 37 4 STRIKE SUPPRESSION IN AUSTRALIA. A Drastic Bill. The strike bill in Australia is a drastic measure. It makes the collection and distribution of strike funds, attendance at strike meetings, and printing; of documents encouraging strikes, punishable offences.
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    • 46 4 A SUGGESTION. Britain, France and Russia Should Agree. Loiuioa, May 14f>< In the debate on the Navy Estimate.*, Sir Charles Dilke urged tint Ani»lnFrencli friendship should be utilised to •btain an agreement between Fntnce, Russia, and Britain with a view to the reduction of naval armaments
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    • 59 4 . Britain's Pos.tion Mr. Arrfold Forster, the Secretary to the Admiralty, said that "the Admiralty must deal with facts tn they are and not as they might be. All powers are increasingly active, notably the one from which the suggestion for reduction originally came. The Admiralty is only
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    • 511 4 ALLEGED MURDER YESTERDAY. Japanese Stabs a Fellow Countryman Yesterday afternooti a munlrr took place in a Japanese house in Malabar Street. It seems that about l.:< 0 p.m. yesterday a Japanese named Sikimura Masataro went to No. t« Malabar Street to see a friend of his, Mitsu Sita, with whom
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  • 23 4 GENERAL ABILITY. ■"At; The EkfkciH Wink is remarkable >»l complaints and liuiruuiiU -Phthisis, Dyspepsia, I"^| Debility, Brain Fag, ASold by all chimests. H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 647 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FAR AHEAD of all competition is our BUTTER A trial is a revelation to the most fastidious DONT BE SATISFIED with "this is just as good but insist on having our "chop." To be had at YONG HOA SENG COS GEOK TEAT CO.'S EBRAMSA CO.'S MOHAMED KASSIM MOHAMED
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    • 104 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers ofbh Ores ham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekda y» 8 m 6 P m ao ou Sunday Bs»ili.—noon.8 s»ili.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman tilnii, Wratten-Wrainwright's ilford
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  • 1441 5 MR. WM. E. GEIL. At The Presbyterian Church Last Night. The Presbyterian Church was comfortably filled last night on the occasion of the first public appearance in Singapore of Mr \V. E. Geil, the lay evangelist. He was assfnted in the conduct of the services by the Rev. B. 8.
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  • 316 5 SPORTING NOTES. Thekk was little work done this morning owing to the rain. Klimbo (Bond) was spurted over about fix furlongs and is going as well as his numerous backers could wish. Cadenas (Kirwan) was also going along. Juindo (J. Campbell) spurted along the back and looks none the worse
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  • 49 5 Thk result of the currency commission has, in the opinion of the Malay Mail, not caused any great outburst of admiration. We are told what many of us knew or believed before. What everybody wants to know is ieKtn we shall get fixity and what that fixity will be.
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  • 209 5 THIEVES AND ALLEGED RECEIVERS. For soiue time during the past two months various articles of cutlery and earthenware and some other things have been quietly taken from Mr. Frankel'B miscellaneous repository. They were miseec 1 but nothing transpired to point suspicion. Early yesterday, two juvenile servants of Mr. Frankel, a
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  • 167 5 . Exemplary Penalty An example has at least been made of the Chinese driver ot a night-soil cart. The Sanitary Officers have been on the man's track for three months, but owing to the facilities afforded for transferring the license they have only just been able to
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  • 87 5 N. D. L. PASSENGERS. The fuilowiuK passengem arrived here yexterday morning liy the Imperial German Mail xtr Stultijart. From Bremen— Mr. ami Mr-.. Th. Sohot, Miss Kllen Sotmt., Mm. Adele Scliw.-nke, Mr. A. H. A. Kibn. From Antwerp— Mr. I. 1) Rohna ami Family, Mr. D. Jenderann. From Southampton— Mr.
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  • 84 5 . The following ptufengerH left by the bayarial (.itTui.Mi Mail MI Stuttgart yesterday after noon. Kor Hongkong Lieut. F. Chandler. Mr. A. L. Ma.kinnon, Mm. A. 1.. Ma.kinnon. Mr. and Mrs V. Kichter and child. Mr. II Mengel, Mr. S. I'folenhauer, Mr. .1. Sloan and sou, Mr.
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  • 22 5 Thk Selangor Government is advertising in Indian papers for a Locomotive Superintendent on a salary of £600 per annum rising to £~2Q.
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  • 291 5 AUSTRALIAN RACING SCANDAL. li will be remembered that some few months ago a considerable sensation was caused in Queensland by the discovery that some racing scales had been tampered with in such a manner as to render it possible to make jockeys weigh practically anything their owners and backers liked.
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  • 165 5 . To those who are in the clutches of I Rheumatism. One cannot etoo quickly cured of Rlihur.i;ii ism, to get rid of those awful pains mat make life a never-ending series of torture, now mild, now excruciating, to-day in bed, to-morrow liobMiog around in crutches to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 Useful Household Medicine. 1H AMBKKI.AINS Colic, Cholera and \_y l)iarrh.»;i Remedy is recommended for the spee<iy and permanent cure of Dysentery. Diarrlnni, Chronic Diarrh<ea, Pain in Stomuib. Colic, Summer Complaint, Bilious Colic, and Cholera Infaatum It li-i< been in the market 3f years, and its wonderful sale has been effecte
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    • 505 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO-DAY at Town Hall. W. E. Geil Traveller, Author, Evangelist. 5.15 9 p. m. Free. Come. ALSO SATURDAY, SUNDAY. MONDAY, AND TUESDAY, SAME HOURS. Saturday, wtfi May. HMO— at nm r. i. AUCTION SALE iK r*n VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. &c. Consisting of 450 Lots. THK CIMI'KRTV OV I).
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 198 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 15th May. Hiyh Water. 1.6 p.m. VV. V., D.R.K. ClaBK. Forl Palmer 5.15. S.V.E. Electric I.ijjhtint;. .5.15. S.V.I. Company Drill. 8. IS. S.V.R. Skiniiii«hin«. 5.J5. Mr. Oil at the Town Hall. 9. Wayanjr Kasvim. North Bridge l'""i '< Hum's Cirviu. Ite.i. h lto;ul. 9. Saturday, 16th
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  • 538 6 ADVANCE MAIL NEWS. 1, .,„>„„, \,,,,l Tin Ml it i« iiliuuM in<.,nc,.| tliat Britain nhonld bavc mtartaineij tl>< Bwghdai rallwajr pmpoaal. vhU iffnnti m rfagtooaia In ratnr (w i ln- utakina „f i: rapittl, be»ide« i;ratniti>aal^ iiritaMns Ko li i- li;n.l, ctmliinMi tbe T<"" (o bene\-e ilmi any Ifiiti-h »t»te»maß
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  • 260 6 . w; cv be successfully produced in nearly all the Chilijipine ulanda the island ot Negroi is generally belu tobetbebeat adapted to this pni Before iii< it increase in the pn tion o the Philippine industry wu- iiipliiy remoQermtive the I 1 b the lack of mi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 696 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS. DO-WN. DO-WN. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M. A.M. A. M A.M. A.M. M M M M Sinciaaope i TOO 7.4." 10^0 11^0
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    • 260 6 NOTICES. COMMON BENSE-NUTBHELI A s«w mH vft] pn.rtt in tne il** 't .".itir.f i ii.' ki<m' ....I <■„,,„• J. .■>•■ itVih-j. wmne >i l ft' w:'hprmctt'*l obrtrvatinn. for .MnoTta* cenila dUqualitl -ir. im iror !hPh«ppinn>a(wFd<)nl Mfp It d'nngpmrau. di'chtr«f«. i*v,B.iir»ijr.iipl"ni< ml no mam* ihoall SB it..] b\m»>: wan Pot!tr»f .ixixnny
      260 words
    • 96 6 What is a Cough f k BPA8MODI0 -!i"ii i j\ from the bronchial 1 eld CAtl M r:iorp ahan<lant mutii.-. anJ when kbl li.n({s an. I broucbi*! [Dfluoed, tlii-y Ml i\'rem«ly senftitiv. to tlii! imtntion. I'nlesb t*re U tnneii Um eotd may ri'-uit in |ni»unonia. which i. k iwifl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 658 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. THK Rtandari Life Amnia. I Norwich Union JCire Innuraac Hoaisaf \tlas Aißarmnoe Company (Fire). h« K'iuit«hl» Life Aaiurenw h-xintj. he China Mutual Steam NavigatoQ Company Hie ''nrtenham Lager Beor Company. ■or portioulan of tli«»e Compaiue., tee th* all ad>erti»maMit of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agent*. STEAMSHIP
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    • 745 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. ,1-ntM at Singapore: Bhip AomcT, latx J. Daikdklb A Co., 2-S, Collub (Juat. .he undermentioned date, are only approximatesteamer From Expected Will be Denpatobed for Bitavia May 12 Billiton. Batavia, Oheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Samarang, Soeraliaya May 15 Vu,
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    • 668 7 Compagnie Des Message Hes Maritimes De France. TBLaOEaraiC Vtkkhs: Mssuaushibs, Bnsarcu. I .il stpsi'npr? will leave Singapore on ;r a- ill ,1 i irmentionai date.. (iOTWABO. HOHBWABO. Uates. Dates I<»3 1008 May n OaWosiiM May 2fi tl June 7 Snlatit June 8 Siiil'iti, l unp H 1 Oceanian June IJ
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    • 562 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. AtistHan Lloyd's St«am Navigation Company. l »r>BR Mail Contract with thi Austrian Govbknmbnt. The following are the dates on which the Company* steamers may be expected to arrive and sail from here Outward. Homeward. 1908. Arrives. IWB Sails. 'Triftle June 6 Ckina May 27 IMan/ui* I Wrlpoment
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    • 439 7 NOTICES. CffAWTPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." I Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN 6 CO Importer/. Retai'. at Messks JOHN LITTLB C, L« I ***** ***** 1 M.C.S. Mohamed -Co. on.i Merrh-u Ji'.vellers. and ciealeri Pr i-t.onrs, No. H, Are showing a splendid stock of High Class
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    • 738 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S *AHOL* STEEK i X"LHbr Ladlilj f*f LL S ""■*RTIV SJUTHAJB 1-TON.' I. Ni L A i.'o*'* LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Liirjfe stocks always on hand. 32 6 Tijirty-nvo shillings and sixpence) |>er ton f. o. b. in bun (cere at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) ippowte western entni:: of
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  • 1 8
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  • 1285 8 Under thin heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— Whip; bq.— ban)ue; sch. schooner; Yet. [Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power r ßrit. Bri•tUb; U. S.— United States: Fch.— French; pjkr. German; Dut. Dutch: J oh. Johore: B.S.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger:
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  • 508 8 . itamt, port, probable dnU of srrHMi md name ot agenlt. BT_MIRS. AgamemDon, China, May 28; Mansfield. Anriani. Colombo. May 26; M. Mariti>ne«. Ascot. Kolh*. May: Puter-ton Simon*. \ustralino, Fremantle, June 4 Bou»tean Badenia. Hamburg, May IS; Behn Meyer. Ballaarnt. Colombo. June 2H; P. Bayern. Hongkong. May IS; Behn
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  • 72 8 To-Morbow. (fan York Airidi a.m. rHngganu Mng Hi t Noon, [ndr&giri Ainu Ann Noon. Peaang Pin Snip -i p.m. Muar and Mftlacin Sultan i p.m. Brisbane and Sydney Cooeyaunti a p.m IVnanc and Deli 5?6r" 3 p.m. P. Swet'liam via ports Sappho 4 p.m. Monday. Rangoon A Calcutta
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  • 123 8 From Europe— By the P. 40. s.s. Chv»a-i dne on the Kith May. From China— By "the N. D. L. s. s. Haiiern due on Monday. Tim Tablb of Mails D l>eft Singmiorp Do« in London \pril 3rd P. AO. April 27tli \pril 7th N. D 1..
    123 words
  • 196 8 . 5 Vessels Name. A Toss Captun Kro.m Saihd Cossiaxzr^ Q Rio. My 15 Aral Exelmans Feh str 3312 Jore Dunkirk Apl IK Moine Comte ACo 14 Korat Qer sir 1223 Hubner Bangkok May Behn Never ACo 14 Cororuandel Brit str 2788 Foi shanghai May 6P. and O Coy 14
    196 words
  • 134 8 . Date. Vehsei.s Fl.m! 4 Kio. Toss. Dfstinatios. May 15 Sri Trinncnnu i Duisir. 81 B»w|cnll» ana Bantu 15 PetohaOuri G«r gtr. 13/3 lM>iflk->k 16 Nieohuys Dut gtr. 614 P0u... 16 Van der Farra »tr. 381 Pootianak aiu. H&mU^ 16 Resident Schiff str. 68 Bhio 16 f*ilTia+ Ger Mr.
    134 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 353 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLEES and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEET. jtxjs _a.n_=ti~£r_3_3 l A splendid stock of high class real Diamond Table Covers of Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Oiamond. white
      353 words
    • 530 8 Three Good Night Lights 4aT"^ MM JfiSL t\ cheapest Hand y^S ft 0i, \HV '''"'I 1 lXer made :tl! A jB Light* ;ird regulates orsilt can I.c made id stand _^^ML L poirp 7t; r f c Kxtra plobe for the ;tr-ove lamt hang or carry; >>. inches iMn^fljft rHIUE
      530 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 57 8 WEATHER REPIRT. K>;l",,n Ktrbnv Hoipiloi. IMI May. 190.1. _in |> m. |> in K3MAKK3. Bar .^.UCH :*> ;;>0 t3 Morning Temp «0 h7.0 8(1.7 iloudy. WB' '-.'< 78.4 76.c and day Dire/Wind I'alm. nicht clear. Miix.Temp B^.o Mm :<..•-■ Max.ii Sun 144.0 Tprr. rari 7:i 1 liainfall OITB The otann.-irii
      57 words