The Straits Times, 14 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,i2g. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1908. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 833 1 NOTICES. THE office of Mr. Y. Tun, Dnteh lawyer has been removed 10. Kjiffies Place, second front floor. Telephone No 362. tu. th. 8. M 4 V- TAN. KNDEKS arc inviKd for the Building of a bungalow on Sandy Point. Plans may '<»■ seen and particulars obtained at Urn Binamnofa
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    • 379 1 NOTICES. SAFES JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. We have just received a large Shipment of Fireproof Safes, and particularly invite Inspection. The Climax. Fire and Burglar Resisting Safe. This Safe is unequalled at the price. Tlie bolts are made of brass, thus obviating tbeir rustiti^. It ig fitted with Chubb s
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    • 898 1 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME For June 1903 Meeting, June 9th, nth, and 13th. FIRST DAY. Race No. L— Thi Maiubh Plate.— Value 9-tOU and S- r >9 to the second horse provided there are five starteis the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden horses. Ex 8. R
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    • 665 1 NOTICES. 6. Thk Kiai.a hi k sum-..-.. Value fWK) uud $100 to the M-o.hil itM provided tbete are five starters the poperty of different owners. A Handicap for all horßes tbat have st»rteH at this meet ng. Kntrance $20. Distance K. 0 nnd distance. 7. Thk Comsolation Hani>icai\— Value S9OO.
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  • 1323 2 The Budget. London, April -ill' Mr. Kuchik's tipeech in introducing Ml Judget yesterday wan a cautious deln Phe Chancellor of the Exchequer wax jirnat topeful of trade prospects, Imt iinphH-i«ed -he necessity for a mutual understanding tetween Labour and Capital. Advprtm.' M ,he low price ot Consols,
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  • 856 2 . An Expert's Opinion. Mr J W. H I'iper, a mining exper who has prospected in Setherlsndi Borneo, contributes to the Au*tr:ilian Mntin<i Stiimhinl MMM luiiiint; notes on the south-east section of that island He thus describes how miitt-rs stand 'llmt portion <n Beraeewhteh ii under tbi Dutch
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  • 18 2 BnPMM adv.-rti-emonts, with dates of sailing ec will be lound on |>i-:'7 Genera] ihippiafl news in printed oa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 NOTICES. J. H. GWYNNE, Ltd.. *'7SSS^SSL'& MAKKKri ok the LARGS3T, MO3T ECONOMICAL and MOST SUCCESSFUL Centrifugal PUMPING MACHINERY is thb World For Irrigation, Drainage, eclamation, Docks. Ac. Ac A». ■•^■m. Invincible Centrifugal f% PUMPING MACHINERY t I (Stationery type), large or small. L'sHßM^S'f madr.lor Sewage or Water fmt Iwiirks, .mil
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    • 333 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 050 lbs., 58OO Jl? Mk atter seven an* r iourdaysin t*«* d»y» Water. w» W^ tcr v The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Manicipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO.,
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    • 159 2 ROUSSILLON CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a mode12 quarts $34. 24 pints $36. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. b. Soli Agrnts. LATEST CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. HUMBER BICYCLES. Fitted with "FREE WHEEL" and rin All Beestoii machines QUARAN TEED for TWO YEARS. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTI] Sole Agent? fortheStraitftSettlementc
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    • 80 2 Rheumatic Sufferers. M^NY sufferers from ili.-uinntwin hw beeu surprised and dolinlitt-d at .c prompt relief obtained by a[>;il) in 'an l> 1-Uin'n am Ba m. a< vising you to uro Gbamh* I mf I'ain Culm for Kheuniatism we knew it will liivo you perfect latUfactlon h- the hist application will
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  • 116 3 Late emigration returns show that about one-third of the emigrants from the United Kingdom go to Canada, and that nearly all the remainder go to the U.S. Mr. Sergeant, T.S. Commissioner of Immigration, who has returned to Washington (DC.) after making a tour through Canada to inquire into
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  • 174 3 AN ENGLISH MARINE KILLED. The Tukio i urrespondent of the S.O. Daily Ifeum irrota on the 7th inst.:—A few days ago (ieorge I'ettit, an English marine belonging to the Blenheim, died from tetrilile injuries, received whi'e travelling from Tokio to join his ship ;it Yokohama He fell out of the
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  • 482 3 P. O. May 1 r.. I'fi I'liniKind'l Pet I.omiini Mr iiml Mi- Green and two ■hildren, Mi«n Namr. M'- J HaD, Mmus.J. A. Dolton, A. Annul, sad M.c-um PoMase, Mr. sad Mr* roaUinson sod Matter ToauißSOß. Par Liukloh ria ManeUlea Mean. A. Stuart, A.«e I"" Keyex, Je»m
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  • 202 3 For Singapore. r.T rttO. f i i ■'"/>". oonner Ung ut Colonil'O with the kttMMC t'tsMMMB l.onilon ii > 11!1 1 1 7. due 17th Mny MiM Hie! M- >tr:iohan, Mrs. lUfr. Murruy. Xi. ['.Barlow, Wr H EUri QOMt.-tterß.Dall, Mr E. V. Hanffll, MrHanTil Mr. a. Heddto,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 334 3 NOTICES. !RIGAUD'S ■as OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Flgaad'i Kanangs Wstsr has the sweet perfume of the Kininga Flower of Japan and a soothing and K relieves mosquito bites, aad is most refreshing aiRIGAUD C PERFUMERS 8. rue VlTlsaa*. a •I laUtatlaMl K. AX. K& K. YOKOHAMA KOBE opposite the near
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    • 639 3 BANKS. HONG KO N G AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL 110.000.00 C REBERVE FUND.— Bterling Rwenre.4lo,ooo,ooo) 6fiOO oOu Silver Reserve... 6,500,000 16 6OWOWJ RESERVE LIABILITY 0? I lin nin 1)Oti PROPRIETORS J..»10.0ra.w» Coubt or Dißtcroas. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chaibmam. F. H. Tonkins, Esq.— Deputy Chairman G IiALLOCH, Esq.
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    • 752 3 NOTICES. CONFIDENCE said Lord Chatham, is a plant of slow growth.'' People believe in things that they see, and in a broad sense they are right. What is sometimes called blind faiths is not faith at all. There must be reason and fact to from a foundation for trust. In
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    • 637 3 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan 6* Co. HAVE BEBN APPOINTED SXJB-AQENTe or TUI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, a.c. Straits Settlements. FOR SALE. A YOUNG PEDIGREE BULLDOG newly imported from England. Pedigree and dog can be seen on application to ie-6 K. C. 8.
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    • 716 3 SHIPPINQ forTadelaide, mklbournk. and sydney. also taking caroo for new zealand ports. fpHE British steamer COOKY ANN A. J. 3,400 tons. Captain Strom, is expected to arrive here on or about the 14th inst and will have prompt despatch for thn above ports. For freight or passage apply to 14-6
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  • 363 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 C ENTS. THURSDAY, 14TH MAY. Lokd Cromrr's annual report, on Egypt and the Soudan has ju«t made its appearance in the home pipers. It btates that the machinery of Government is working very smoothly and that there are few people in the country who seriously
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  • 301 4 In our <:orr<3npondeuce column yesterday appeared a complaint penned by an indignant Parent." It refers to a matter which was a short time back dealt with in this paper, and as the nuisance complained of ceased, n ri« I thought those responsible for its sup- pression would, to save their
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  • 245 4 Attention is directed to a notice appearing elsewhere in to-day's issue, over the signature of Mr. E V. Carey, of K lane. It is intended for the special benefit of old boys of Marlborougb College, and it invites communication from any such old boys who may be hereabouts with regard
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  • 136 4 In connection with the recent plot to blow up the Cunarder Um^ria, a telegram from New York to a London paper show« great activity in that city among the members of the Mafia. One Giuseppe Morello, the, Mali* chief of the United States, and eleven of his companions have been
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  • 124 4 Evkryonk hereabouts will AsatltM tbe highly entertaining Singapore Assize case in which Captain Strachan of tbe ketch /•.'«<•>/ was the leaditig figure, not so very long back. The interesting and remarkable experiences and adventures of that old sea-dog would, if told in book form, (ill more than one fat entertaining
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  • 44 4 The R \val visit to Scotland, which was referred to in yesterday's Reuter telegram, is to be an affair of considerable State ceremony throughout. To-day, it i» understood, their Majesties will he visiting Glasgow, and the proceedings are expected to occupy Mm wliolh day.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 8 4 To-day's 4 ins. b*nk rate is 1/8 ft
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a.m on Friday.
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  • 13 4 The so-called 9 o'clock gun was fired H minutes too late last night.
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  • 14 4 The next T.m.-lin Club "At Home will be held on Friday the 22nd inst.
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  • 18 4 The French sailing ship Jem Haptint has stuck fast on a reef south of tbe North Watcher island-
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  • 18 4 nchks will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday at 10 30 and 11 :<(> a.m.
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  • 19 4 We understand ih it the Itettorer and two other cable boats are due here from he South to-morrow morning.
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  • 19 4 Mr. C. S. Murray, C, i. District Superintendent of Police, Darjeeling, tell dead in the Club from heart failure.
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  • 20 4 There was a phenomenally large attendance at. the performance by the Town and Volunteer Rand on the Esplanade last evening.
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  • 22 4 The Strait* Budget containing the report of the Currency Commission was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 17 4 Mr. R. D. I'ringle, the Singapore V.M.C A. Secretary, is expected to arrive here on May 21.
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  • 21 4 Adva.v c Mail News will be found on page 2, and particulars of a gold mine in Burma on page 6.
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  • 22 4 The Dutch warship Koningnn li'ientes left Tanjong Pagar this morning and steamed into the roads where she exchanged salutes with Fort Canning.
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  • 22 4 The hearing of the case Lichauco v. Riley Hargreaves Co. Ltd. was continued yesterday afternoon, and was further postponed till Tuesday next.
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  • 33 4 Aboct 4.15 yesterday afternoon a Malay sailor fell off a derrick on board the s.s. l udrani. He was removed to the Hospital where he died of concussion of the brain this morning.
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  • 37 4 The late Mr. Tremlett, British consul at Saigon, was some thirty years Rgo in Singapore, with Mr. G. H. Dana, in the firm of T. Hodgson and Co., leaving that firm when Mr. Dana left the Colony.
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  • 34 4 Mr. B. M. Sheriff, who was for some yeats a lawyer's clerk in Singapore and who afterwards became a police inspector in Bangkok, has bef-n innde Chief Interpreter of tne Royal Siamese law courts.
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  • 28 4 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Ki)ttr>niui, Prince Mav/ocozdato, arrived from Odessa yesterday en route lor Vladivoetock and went alongside the Borneo Wharf She is expected to leave to-day.
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  • 37 4 Thi B. V. 0. smoker arranged lor to-morrow night has been postponed on account of the illness of Capt C. J. I)avies, S. V, A. An announcement on th<s matter is made in our advertising columns to-day.
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  • 35 4 Therk w;i« a sood attendance at the performance of the Indra Zanzibar Theatre last night. The piece staged, "Beauty ot Be.iiitieH," or "A trip to Fairy Land," was handsomely got up and was well rendered.
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  • 37 4 The homeward bound N.I) .L mail steamer Saytra left Hongkong on the l.'Uh instant at noon and it due here on Monday at daylight. She will, probably, be despatched for Europe at 4 p.m. the same day.
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  • 39 4 A POT days ago we announced that a Chinese burglar, when captured as he jumped from a window in Wayan« Street, was suffering from cholera. He was removed to tbe quarantine camp at Balestier Road whe^e he died yesterday.
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  • 46 4 The teunis championship of ifonekong has been won by Mr Hancock who beat Mr. Pontifex, but not tili alter a hard li«ht. The final score w is:— 6-2, M-fi, ri-0, 4-fl, «4. Mr. I'inckney, the holder, did not defend the title on account of ill health.
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  • 54 4 Mk W. E. Gen., the lay evangelist, arrived this morning from Sarawak by the s s. Rajah uf Bmrmm>mk and will hold his first service to-night at 9 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church instead ot at tbe Town Hall as at first announced. Beginning to-morrow afternoon at -Vlu ne will
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  • 55 4 The following passengers arrived by •he OsrsaWMiai to-day: -From Shanghai—Mr. A. K. Lloyd, Mr. Manasseh. Mr. K. Hopman From Hongkong— Mr. W. H Wilkinson. Mr. (iillilan. Rev. Margoechis The. following additional passengers leave by the CWmmmW to-morrow —For Penang Mr Goldhain. For Colombo -Mr. W. G. Johnsoii, Rev. ('anon Margoschi.
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  • 104 4 A criminal mystery has lor days engaged the attention of the Supreme Court a', Hongkong. A firm doini; business under the style of "Man Looag" shipped in a box from Hongkong to Manila in September last, the sum of 850,000 in IT.l T S. Currency on bo»rd the steamer Z<tfiro
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  • 94 4 Mk. John Morley, in a recent address to his constituents, stated that the questions they had to face were enormous expenditure, gigantic taxation, h»ge augmentation of national responsibilities in every quarter of the globe, and labour organising its forces in a manner which might produce great political changes. Vet in
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  • 105 4 At the twentieth general meeting of the Chinese and Manila S. S. Co., Ltd., recently held in Hongkong, the chairman in his address stated that, with the exception of an occasional shipment of hemp, the ox port trade from Manila to Hongkong had completely vanished. He believed this to be
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  • ■Reuters Geleorams.
    • 62 4 London, V2th May. To the notification of the Australian Commonwealth Government that the Commonwealth will not become a party to any future mail contracts involving steamers employing coloured labour, Mr Chamberlain has given a reply. Mr Chamberlain has informed the Commonwealth Government that Britain
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    • 32 4 The French (Jovernment will introduce a Bill tor disestablishing 400 female relipious order* possessing 2,000 public girls Bobooia. The suppression will involve a State outlay of two millions starting.
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    • 14 4 Than i« ;i ■ariom ravolt near Tetuan Morocco!, which is otoaaly besieged.
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    • 63 4 H. M. S. COMMONWEALTH LAUNCHED. The Latest'' Luwton. YMIi Slay. Tlie battleship QmmmummM ha* been launched on the Clyde. is the hrgest warship in the world, and baa been completed in ten months which i« a world's record. [The CtmmmtmmUk, feral In* t»in «crew iiattlesliiji. ban Inn ■on-irinl.-.! liy
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    • 18 4 . The British North B irneo Co. has issued 200,000 five per cant bonds.
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    • 20 4 Tlifi hill to suppress strike* has been read tfcfl sacond time in the Aimtralian Parliament.
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    • 14 4 Result of the Newmarket Stakes: Flotsam 1 Hawaii 2 <iay Oordoa 'A
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    • 12 4 Thk drill for to-morrow night, a* notified in order*, is canceUad.
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    • 62 4 THE PRETORIA RIOT. A Private Executed. I.tmdtm, April t4 -Oftfeeflva sokUass who wern re. in' !y BMtaBOBd to death for taking part in tho riot ;.t the Pretoria barrack*, only one i l'rivatr I Roache) hußbee.ii executed The ot lieu have been reprieved It w;n Roache who shot Private Cany,
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    • 112 4 The Singapore Cricket dab Athletic Sports Gymkhana will be on the Esplanade OB S;itur«l:«v. .I'nie l'O, com mmieiim at 8 p n Entries: c)o?e on June 13, at 7 p. m .at the Pavilion The events comprised in the nrograsMM are: !(>■> yards flat raoa, hiirh
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    • 116 4 THE ACCIDENT TO MR. HESLOP HILL. Brief dfltftils of the :vc: .lent to Mr T. Hc«lop Mill tra bow to hand. According to the. Muliiy \ln\l he was riding to the Club at Sernnban when it came on to rain, and, in sn imlliMlHM to raise his umbrella, he Iri^litnned
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    • 97 4 THE COLLISION AT TANJONG PAGAR. Thk damage done lo tba s. I. VallUt by the rauant collision with the Tanglin an. l SSmmmnia appear* to have bsjM pretty extensive \V:u:n she arrived in Bootkoasj on the sth inst., the. port anchor il.ivii.. were gone, the native gullev was stove in,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MAC6RE6OR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (*Priee Jbist on Jipplieation.) tu. th. r. "Dimboola/' Orange Grove Road. AN ATTRACTIVE SALE IN TANGLIN. Saturday, Wtd May, at 1.30 p. m. (THK I'IKiPF.IITY OF W. HUTTOS, ESQ Excellent Furniture of Good Design
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    • 217 4 S. V. C SMOKER. POSTPONEMENT. I fV.VJNG to th» illn-g!»of Oapt»in O. J. 1 I. J pivira, -i.V.A.. tilt) Smoker arranged for Friday igbt is postponed indefinitely. I Anotberdate will be arranged for Major St. ClairV V -V. pre^entatioii, due notice of whi< h wii'. he given. H L. COG
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    • 169 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbh: Gretham Home (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 .»m. 6 p.m. Orchard on w w e d »y» 8 P m nd en Sunday. tf_ coon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly tupplies frcra Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman film*, Wratten-W rain wright's
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    • 56 4 DKLICATK WOMEN AND NERVOUS MKN Stkakns' Wine is peculiarly fitted to the requirements of delicate womeu, nervous men, and all others who cannot take Co- 1 Liver Oil or its Emulsion and those whose nervous systems are highly strung. In Steams' Wine they will find a sustainer of life by
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  • 871 5 SPORTING NOTES. There was a big attendance of owners and their friends present this morning to see the work done. Sweet Erina (Beaumont) and Keynote (Pierbux) galloped together once round, the Derby candidate going very well. Keynote also did well and it seuins a pity this line Padlock mare is
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  • 627 5 Breach of Contract Involves Heavy Fines. This morning, the case of Howarth, Kr*kine against a number of workmen lor leaving their employ without giving the usual notice, thus causing serious inconvenience, was heard by Sir Wilson. There were eight defendants present out of a total
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  • 352 5 YE CHRONICLES. Chapter U. 1. Now many of the cities of the Far East were exceeding odoriferous, insomuch so that pilgrims going thither greatly wondered thereat. 2. And some did blaspheme greatly but others said, Let us hold our nostrils lest we die." 3. At this the heathen did marvel
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  • 475 5 Lord Lansdowne, in the House of Lords, replying to Lord Lamington, said that there had been no negotiations with the promoters ot the Baghdad Railway, or a Foreign Government, and only confidential communications with certain great British financial houses, with the view of ascertaining whether the conditions of
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  • 23 5 The Malay Mail says that Messrs. Berrington and Hewgill are proceeding home, the former on long leave, and the latter on a holiday.
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  • 466 5 Estate Coolie brutally hacks his wife and stabs seven others. A horkirle affair took place at Malakof Estate, Province Wellesley, on Sunday evenintr at about o'clock, says the I'iiiang (hurtle. One of the estate coolies, a deserter, Archuthan by name, returned to the estate of his
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  • 292 5 S. V. C. ORDERS. By l.iv r.-Coi.. TMKH..N. A. Mo:k\v. V. [>.. Comm.xnuwt, s. v. c. Singapore, Utli May. s, r. c. Appointment.-- ll' K. The Qawanar ha- been •laaaad to •aaaiai Maiat K a. ftiaarirt. S. V.C.. to lie Ac tinir 1 ominan.lant of that l'or|.~, with ellei-t from
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  • 228 5 . The Winners. Yustkrjiay afternoon theS.C.C. Spring lawn tennis tournament was to a close with a final game for the Championship of the Club which was contested between the brothers F. and E. tialzmann, V. Sal/.mann being the holder from the last Tournament and his brother the runner
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  • 490 5 . Singapore, Uth M\y, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyer* f 15.25 Copra Bali *.'-'."> do PoDtlanak Lit Pepper, Black 34 M do White, (5%) 57.n0 Sago Flour Sarawak %M do Brunei No. 1 :t.»> Pearl Sago 6.25 Coftee, Bali, 15% bai<U 2t».00 Coffee, PalembanK,2nXba»t«.. 31.nn Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19. 00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 Mrs Ctrada F s,iii, vh.)iz, Ogdaa, lowa, May 26, 1809. writes I suffered greatly from Asthma but .layne's Expectorant gave me i|uick and permanent relief. I cannot praise it too highly." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 32 5 Playing at Hongkong on tlie Oth instant John Roberts defeated Mr. Hinds to whom he had conceded 650 in 1000, by 49 points. The veteran made breaks of 167,*", 7-4 and 70.
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    • 93 5 Useful Household Medicine. piHAMBFRLAIN 1 Colic, Choleni And \_y Diarrlnea Ro.TiedT is i-.-.-u in mended for the speedy and permanent cure of Dyßentery, Dianh.. i, Chronic Diarrh<>>a, Pain in Stomwb, Colic, Summer Complaint, Bilious Colic, and Cholera Infantum It has Uen in the mvhet S? years. and its wonderful sale
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    • 617 5 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR, DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. a UCTIOX BALI af V M.I ABLE f\_ FREEHOLD KK-.MKXH AI. I'KOPERTIEs and BUILD(HfI Bl IK- baatjM felly oituated «t River Vallpy Koad »nd St. Thomas W.vlk. S. :sting of the following: The three Kuiopt'iin residences known respei'tively 1 Sunnyside St
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 183 5 UAY BY DAY. Thursday, 14th May. lliu'li W.itrr. aa and II.M S.V.K. (\.m|iauy Drill. .r..1/i.. r ..l/i. H v.i. rHgnalHaaT 5.10. I'hilliariiKiiiic < In-litwl ra. IVJ( Mr. Oil ai rVeabytariaa I BWcCirem i;«' Ifua-I. '■>. I'iiiii Taialia Narta Briaga Baad. H Friday. 15th May. I i h Water.
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  • 350 6 A New Field Discovered. 1/r. Colon ki. R. M. Fobs, whe has beer, travelling during the winter and spring in Ceylon, the JSVonar Islands, ami along the Siamese frontier, on behalf ol a former Member of the Viceroy 1 Council, has come on very ricli auriferous quartz-reefs
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  • 257 6 . In London recently Mr. Justice Cbannell, sitting without a. jury, heard an action brought by Mr. (ieorge Besnani, a l'aris bookmaker, against Mr. Robert H Sievier, to recover £2,001 on a cheque drawn hy the defendant in tavi ur of the plaintill', and dishonoured on presentation.
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  • 132 6 . Ai>vicn from Bermuda state that while H. M. 8 I whicli is UM Bagahipi fthe North American and West I at 1 trget practice Elowe lecoi d-daM petty oilicei and ■eanun gunner, wa> captain of a six-. mil quick-firer, ten roundi wert fired ir one
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  • 67 6 Tiik Pali Moll Gatettt lookl upon the recent decision by a Minnesota Circuit Court of Appeals ■gainst the Northern Securities Company, which w;is (bund guilty of violating tin- Shaman Anti Trust Law, as striking at the root ol Moiiranisni in ail patents" The ><■ tin itafM taki Pretidi at f
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 719 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS. ISO'WN- DOWN. AM A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M. A M A. H A.M. A.M. x| I■. P.E I" M 700 7.45 lOjOO 11.30
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    • 350 6 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRB PROMPTLY EXECUTED M.C.S. Mohamed Co. Diamond Merchant*. Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious atones, No. 8 High Street. Singapore Ar« showing splendid •took of High Cla«« Diamonds And gem-set Jewellery with extensivt varieties of solid Gold and Silver wares, guaranteed genuine works
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    • 101 6 What is a Coush A SPASMODIC >rt to i Busem from UM bronchial kabct A Cola CMI*M !1 inorL l ul)li:i.|.Hlit MOTSt nri of mutu.-. uiul wion tin* lung;- and bronehUU tui> i iiu-y ate i Ktremalj sensi.ivi- to the irritation. In less c»re it taken the cold HUM result
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 692 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. 'pilE St^ndju-I Life Assnranm. JL Norwich Union Fire In«nr«nc» Society Atlaa Astnnnoe Company (Fire), rhe K.juiuVjl« Life Assurance Society, rhe Chin« Mutual Steam Navigation Company Th« Tottenham Lager Bear Company. /or particular! of then* Companies, s«e_ tti Mil adVrtigement of THE BORNEO COM PANT, LIMITEp. Agents.
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    • 1380 7 I STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. t'nder contract with the Netherlandt India GoTernmam. ntt at Singapore: Ship Aqiscy, lot J. Dautdbls A Co., 3-8, Colltbb Quat. ihe undermentioned dates are only approximate From Expected Will be IMapatched tor Batavia May 6 Bagan Api May 7 iur B.itavia 4 Batavia, Cberibon,
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    • 597 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES [JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service it maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 545 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. Navigation Company. I'.ipsr Mail Contract with thi austblah government. The following are the date* on which the Company's steamer* may be expected to arrive Una sail from here Outward. Homiwaep. 1903. Arrives. 190S Sails. iVindoboM Kay \i)*Maria Valeric 'Triette June 6 May 13 Baequehem July 6 Melpomene
      545 words
    • 267 7 P INSURANCE CO.'S rBVTL,ANTIC F T RB INSURAifGS 00., OF HAMBURG. :H GERMAN /IKE INBURAKCB CO.. HaMRURQ. HAMBURG-BKKMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBURG rK undersigned, Agents of the »ho»e companies, are prepared to accept fire ritki at current rates. PUTTFARCK RN A Co. iSE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPAH* ROW MIROID 111 TRI
      267 words

    • 1625 8 Under tbis heading the followitig abbre./\»nov tr. bt(>inner sh.— ebip, Ixi.— barque; *eh.— schooner; Yet.— "Tacht, C:u. Cruiser; (41>t. (4unboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horee-power, Brit. Britllb; V -ua led ?i%te?; Fch..— French; ftr —German Dvt Dutch Joh.J 0 h. J ohore 4Lc— P"«neriil-c;.rf:n; d.p. <le< k passenger;
      1,625 words
    • 188 8 . Namk A lons Captain F;;om O .M..xtf-. Kio. tfv I* Ui.,lor Brit str |M| Hoot!) Batoum Apl 7P. Simons and Co. 13 Pet-babnri Qer str l:s::« Hillmann Swatow Miiy fi Behn Meyer 4 Co. 13 Far Brit Ctrl 8087 Vailer Calcutta May Bouat««d and C'< 13 Kaiika str.
      188 words
    • 245 8 Dane, is Namk. Flai; A Rig. Tons. s Dkstination May 1:1 Hoii^; Wan I Brit Htr. 20H0 14 Clii'hiik Hci-k Kian xtr. 10:J0 14 Kirn Soou Whatt Outsell li: M Windsor Brit str 1862 II A'ulia str. 40.55 itf >tr. 2354 U K*dMg Pia Mr. ytw 14 V-ituna
      245 words
    • 2 8
      2 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JXTBT ARRIVED A splendid stock of high class real Diamond |l Table Covers of Swatow work, K.iuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, SUk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Dl anA
      241 words
    • 247 8 Special Value in Athletic Carments. THE MIDDLESEX SWEATER With turn down collar like sketch MM* Small Medium Une Spe.'i- I Fn.-.- -2.60 2.80 3.00 each. THE KKST BWSATBB Tbe "aine style an the above but made of superior sel<>ctp<l Honeycomb Scotch Wool. Size- Small Mclium Lam Bp**tal Price* Q. 71
      247 words
    • 212 8 Swimming Costumes. A -mj, I'OIMI.AR NKW Ml/ k STYLES lIANGK t^^i Wk. Wr M be? XLI ABLE IHKSK l^&F MAKKS aooM O on NOW t^^^^Lu. STOCK UKiHT Costume like ►ketch, shape to button over shoulder, color, N avy Mm with White stripes S,/es Sin. Men's Special l'rices $0.9S eac-h Men's
      212 words
    • 507 8 1 r p if v THM PMOrnCTOB" White honevomh wool ftwantei witti l'rotector front and slnttud collar lik.' akatch. Mm* Me.huni Utrnr Baeetal 1 -3-75 4-25 4-60 THE VANTAGE" BWEATEB White honeycomb wool sweater. strong durable, wi'li button froutf Bba Biall MrWim Lao* >i lal I'r,.-.- 4-25 4-60 000 GENTS'
      507 words