The Straits Times, 9 May 1903

Total Pages: 9
1 9 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,125 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 9, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 593 1 ISINOAPOU, 9TII May, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler f 15 Copra Ball B.:V> do Pontlana. 8.00 Pepper, Black bnyert JIB 12 1 do White, (5%) 57.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.90 do Branei No. 1 :i KG Pearl Sago 6.25 Coffee, Ball, 15% basis 22.0U Coffee, Palem bang, 90*/ba«l«... 31.00 Coffee, Libert
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 369 1 NOTICES. ®Iv jJtraits ©imes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure, l nnt Insertion f 1 90 cent* Second and tl.inl bnarttWMaMft *i cent* Fourth, fiftli, Kinl .-i\ili 40 cent* ttaventh to eighteenth 84 eenU Nineteenth >iil><-equent,, 16 cent* Per week of six dityx, ■■> i«- changed daily
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    • 368 1 NOTICES. Singapore andKranjl Railway! The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. DOWN DOWN. A.M. AM. A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. AM A.M. A.M. ''>' XX PM PM Singapore </..7.00 7.45 10.00 11.30 1232 244 3.50
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    • 139 1 RAFFLES HOTEL. RACE WEEK Criterion Dinner. Band in Attendance. Thursday, 21st May. Saturday, 23rd May. To avoid disappointment guests are requested to reserve seats in advance. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors MR.W.E.GEIL'S Gospel Addresses IN THE Town Hall COMMENCE ON Wdursday, \Utfy May, AT 9 P. M. 11-5 GRAND CHANGE OF
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    • 413 1 S. 8. DELI." Kar German New Guinea, Brisbane, and Sydney via Ba'avia, Macassar, and Banda, &c. Norddeutscher Lloyd a. g. DELI M. will leave for above ports on Wednesday, the 18th instant, alter arrival of tbe German rr.ail s. Btv-Uqart. She has splendid accommodition for first and second ulass passengers
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    • 132 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION will be receivsd at the Colo I nial Serretarv's Office, up to noon of the 18th Mty, IUO3, for the following works Construction of teachers' training school at New Bridse Road. Plans and specifications may he been, and printed forms of tender with all particulars obtained
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  • 972 2 Thk General Manager's Report to 25th April, is as follows Gkntlembn, I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations The mine measurement*, prepared by the mine Manager, show a total of 50;* for the period (4 weeks), under review, made up of 41
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  • 456 2 above 150 tons of quart/, have been raised. The lode averages 48 in. wide, and from panning tests is worth fully 6 dwt. per ton free milling. General: -Winding and pumping plant have been overhauled where necessary, and are working satisfactorily. Bukit Hitam 260 Level Drive South.Tbis has been advanced
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  • 76 2 Tub rebellion in Western Canton pro vince is gaining head and the Governor is at his wits' end how to put it down It is reported that the Governor has requested tht- French authorities in Annam to send troops into the province to help to put down the rebels. Troops
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  • 84 2 Of latk several reports of the scarcity and high prizes of provisions st Kuala Lumpur have rea<4ied the Malay Mail. The market produce available is far from s'lilieient. and, as regards Ssh, the entire supply ih not equal to a third ol the demand and no adequate arrangements are made
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  • 86 2 SpEAkiv. of the advent of Harrast^n's Circus, l'inang writes in the Uazettr of that name that it is working for good It had," he says, in previous year* been noticed that as soon as it arrived in I'enang the rains began, so that at the next meeting of the Commissioners
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  • 94 2 A guntlkman named Llewellyn who recently left i° 20,000 to the M.trl borough Street Police Court poor box made his money in an original fashion. He went all through Ireland during the famine period buying nfl harps at a very low figure. These lie held until the instruments became Kcnrre
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY., SUPPLIED REGULARLY to the Royal Household 100 Cases sent on board, H. M. S. Ophir Ist March, 1901, by order of The Gentleman of the Royal Cellars for H. R. H. The Duke of Cornwall and York. Royal Warrants Granted to Buchanan ffCo., appointing them Purveyors of te
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    • 233 2 NOTICES. "DRTaSpSpTJST"~ Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w ft Slngapoi**. r THE OF L IKE A SSURANCE YEAR AFTEK YEAE men are cut down suddenly in tbe prime of life, whose families are left in extreme poverty from their negl'-rt of Life Assurance. Many men who are aseured
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    • 488 2 NOTICES. sa¥l viiTiir With of Cutlcura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when
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    • 103 2 Nine Rpidemics /^H\MBERI.AIX'S Colic and Diarrhu-* \j Remady has been used in nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success, effecting a cure in the most severe %nd daagdrous eases. If troubled with diar'rhii-a or bowel complaints, try it oace and see bow you like it. From all o/t tbe world
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  • 383 3 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARD. p. a May l.V Ver Coromandrl Mr. and Mr*. <>roen, ihilil and infant, Mex»rx. A. Stuart, 4. de In- Reyex, Mr. and Mr-. Tumlinson, Mr. J. A. Dolton, Mrs. Hall. Mini Napp«r, nad Mr. l'olj(lai>e'H .-mi. From i'enang Memr*. A. <J. Tanner, M. Duncan, and Mm» I'almer.
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  • 203 3 For Singapore. Per A O. s>. s. Canton from London April 4. due 10th May— Captain Sharp, Mr. R. Rei(i Lieut' Warner. Per P.10.i s. Arcadia, connecting at Colombo with the steamer Chusan from London April 17, due 17th May Miss Richards, Miss Strachan, Mrs. MacMurray. Mr.
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  • 20 3 Shipping advertisementsd, with dates of sailing etc., will be foun on page 7General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 24 3 A paragraph in a home paper recently stated that the Scotch are the tallest people in Europe. Chambers 'e Knclyilop.idia. under the head of
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  • 37 3 Man," gives Principal Forbes' experiments on a number of English, Irish, and Scotch students from which it appears that the Irish are not only the tallest, but also the heaviest and strongest people in the United Kingdom.
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  • 65 3 Lord Kitchener's first tour in India, says the H<>mhay Gmette, is not being conducted on the familiar lines which make the peregrinations of high officials in India an orderly progression from place to place in accordance with a prearranged and well advertised itinerary. On the contrary, apparently, no one positively
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  • 67 3 Ski w lias been indulging in a *ealed billiard handicap, the final of which was played on Saturday night last between Messrs. J. A. 8. Basagoiti +W and <i. A. K>tschker 46). The totals at the finish were Basagoiti, :«X>; Ketschker 277, the first named thus winning by v points.
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  • 215 3 A rat UK i; amusing story comes from the k lo:._ Kanpsit district, says the Hangkok TSmm. .Some few days ago a Kuropean, a newcomer to the district, paid a formal call on one of the oldest residents. Time passed quickly and at p.m. the young man declared his intention
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 NOTICES. Refined society appreciates something distinctive, rare, a suggestion of fine lingerie, fragrant with iris, amber and dry rose leaves. IU FOR OOR LATEST POrTO. RIGAUO'S LISEHIS Extract RIGAUO'S LOUIS XIII RIGAUO'S ALTESSE RIBAUO'S WHITE VIOLET > RIGAUO'S SOMIA T. BISAC D S, n* TMn». MMf K. AX. K. &K.
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    • 778 3 NOTICES. THE WORD OF HONOUR. The men who d« us they say the things that prove to be what they were said to be, now cheering it is to come upon them. We all nate to be dei-rived especially when the deception N intentional. Hut all men ire not li;irs,
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    • 654 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H L Coghlan ft* Co. HATT. BEEN APPOIUTID BUB-AGENT or thj Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOCSTEAD A CO.. O* neral Agenis. ux. Mtraits SettlemeDU. Fl'F 1 SALE, Saigon Lymph, guarantee! frtih, at the Crown Dispensary, 91 Selogie Road. FOR SALE. 2 pure white bull terriers, male
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    • 673 3 SHIPPHtO INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. fTIHE Company's steamer BUISANG, I 2,79(1 ton*, Captain Young, hiving left Hongkone on toe ?nd intt.. i* due here on or about th« 12th idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above port*. For freight or passage, apply U.
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    • 757 3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION oALE OK A VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE AT Calrnhill Road. TO BE HELD AT POWKLL CO.B SALE-ROOM On Wednetday, \3lh May, at 2-;« p.m. T7ALUABI.E freehold building ottr T situate at Cairnhill Road, near Scott's Brad, Tanelin. Arm 84,734 aq. ft., being part of the land comprised
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  • 734 4 T he Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY 9T H MAY. At the meeting of Legislative Council yesterday, there was laid on the table a series of despatches relative to the Estimates for 1903 which had been forwarded by the Governor, lor approval, to the Secretary of State. The. Secretary
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  • 149 4 A Council paper shows that the charge on the British Army Votes in respect of military charges on account of Straits Settlements in the year ended 31st March, 1902, was about MlUflii. This total exceeds that for the previous year by X;(2,.j77, owing in large measure to the fa ;t
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  • 19 4 To-day's 4/ins. bank rate is 1/8 With to-day's issue, there is a supplement. Warren's Circus embarked to-day for Soerabaya.
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  • 13 4 The with the m*,l Irom Europe is due here 'o-day at .'J.jn.
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  • 18 4 The Raub mining report will he found on page 2, and F. M. S. Notes on page 6.
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  • 14 4 The Stuttgart with the Herman mail from Europe is due here on Wednesday afternoon.
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  • 14 4 The Rev. \V. Murray will address the meeting to-morrow evening at the Temperance Institute.
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  • 18 4 H. M. S. Mutine finished coaling at the wharf yesterday, and steamed into the roads in the afternoon.
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  • 18 4 One hundred tins of smuggled opium were seized on board the Km il Bangkok on the Ist instant.
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  • 21 4 The P. iV 0. intermediate steamer Canlon left Penang at 4 p.m. yesterday and is due here at dat light to-morrow.
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  • 20 4 M.wv people will learn with rezre* that Dr. Catto has severed his connection with the Tanjong Pagar i W Company.
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  • 20 4 Thb Chargeurs Reunis s. 6. dmirml Exelmanf having left Colombo is expected to arrive here on Thursday, 1 4th instant.
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  • 24 4 The M. M. Company's homeward mail steamer Yarru left Saigon at :< a m. to day, and may be expected here on Monday at daylight.
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  • 23 4 Two hundred and seventy-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 2nd May. The ratio per thousand was 58.65.
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  • 25 4 Thb F. M. S. yacht Meran arrived from Port Swettenham this morning and anchored in the roads. She is expected to leave for Pahang to-morrow
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  • 24 4 At the Indra Zanibar to-night, Professor" Renard will give a conjuring exhibition, in addition to a variety entertainment by other members of the troupe.
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  • 31 4 As a good many people thought, Sceptre is not coming out to India. Mr. Bass'* telegram to the Indian Field should ha\e read Sceptre will not race in India this year
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  • 27 4 Lovkrs of the mysterious are reminded that Alva gives his only performance here at the Town Hall to-night. Despite counter attractions a good house should be assured
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  • 32 4 The Penang Assizes opened on Tuesday with thirteen cases down for hearing, two of which are charges of murder, two of gang robbery, two of housebreaking and two relating to counterfeit coins.
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  • 31 4 As will be seen by reference to our advertising column, a very attractive programme has been arranged for to-night's Conversazione at the Drill Hall, which promises to prove a great success
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  • 33 4 Thb Manager of the Temperance Institute announces that nr idtUw dances will be held every Thursday evenine, except on the first Thun-dav in each month, when the regular monthly dances will take place.
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  • 57 4 A breach of promise case —the first one of the kind since the American occupation has just cropped up at ManiU. The plaintiff is a Flipino woman and the defendant a rich Chinaroan who lived with her under promise not only of marriage but also of a quarter interest in
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  • 30 4 i Thk Sipiau Tin Company mine returns for April show that Pis. 200.59 tin ore were sold for Si 1,037.53. Sudu Seremban, Pis. 148.51 of tin ore valued at 58.100.00.
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  • 37 4 Admiral Stark, Commauder-in-Chief of the Russian Squadron, is organising a great series of naval maceuvres by his entire fleet in the Yellow Set., "ommencing on 10th May. The new squadron has arrived in Nagasaki from Singapore direct.
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  • 41 4 On the 30th ult. news reached Canton to the eHect that a disturbance had occurred in the Chingyuen district, and that some foreigners employed on the Canton-Hankow railway had been attached. The American gunboat Callao has been despatched to the vicinity.
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  • 55 4 Mrs. Loke Yew and Mrs. Chow Kit have made a trip to Malacca and back by motor car, and were so delighted with the result that they now propose journeying in a similar manner to Pahang and Perak. This is said to be the first instance of Chinese ladies taking
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  • 61 4 This afternoon the B.V.R. and S.V.I will have a field day, falling in at :i p ni. at Sepoy Lines police station, to fall out again at the same place after the operations areconcluded. Twenty rounds of ammunition per man will be issued. As the inspection takes place on Saturday
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  • 53 4 Great difficulty is being experienced in finding a suitable route for the American Pacific cable between Midway Island and Guam. The bottom of the ocean up to 600 miles north-east of Guam seems to be a series of valleys up to 5,000 fathoms deep, studded and separated by peaks rising
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  • 59 4 It has been arranged, the Mislay Mail states, that till further notice the b.s. Hye Leong will sail on Fridays from .Singapore for Malacca, Port I)ieks:On, Port Swettenham, and Telok Anson, arriving at tbe last named port on Sunday morning, and leaving there on Sunday evening for Port Swettenham otherwise
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  • 112 4 Mu. F. O. B. Dennys to be Assistant Conservator of Forests, Perak. Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane to be 2nd Assistant Secretary to the Resident-General, F.M.S. Mr. H. C. Barnard to be District Engineer, F.MS. Railway. Mr D. J. Highet to be Disttict Engineer, K.M.S R.
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  • 127 4 Mr. W. T. Taylor, the Colonial Secretary, has gone on leave of absence. During his absence, the acting appoint--nent will be filled by Mr. A. W. S. < ('Sullivan. Major E. G. Broadrick, S .V.C., acts as Commandant of the Corps from the loth instant. Mr H S.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 25 4 Landau, Bth May. The Irish Land Bill has been rea<i the second time in the House of Commons by 44Jt to 26jvotes.
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    • 48 4 The Bulgarian Government haa requested the Porte to withhold the Note sent to it r* ineffectual surveillance of the frontier which has not yet been presented formally. The Bulgarian Government points out that the terms of the Note are so strong as almost to be offensive.
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    • 14 4 The French naval division stationed at Toulon has been ordered to Salonika
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    • 14 4 ('onllicts between the Mitoedonian insurgents and tiie Turkish military actively continue.
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    • 32 4 The American Army Board ha.s selected a new rifle barrel which is entirely cased in wood. It is four inches shorter and one pound lighter than the present one.
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    • 21 4 All on board the M. M. a GuadalfMtvir, which was blown into two at Salonika, have been saved.
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    • 15 4 There is a serious railway strike in Australia. Troops are patrolling tli»* streets
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    • 29 4 The HmsAmPs correspondent a' Brussels says that, owing to Britain's attitude and the unfavourable situation of the Turkish Kmpire, the Bagdad Railway scheme has been provisionally abandoned.
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    • 39 4 Renter's agent at Peking states ilia' the K'lasians have re-oernpied New chwang with a lar^e force. They hav<~ also re-occupied the for's at the moutl: of the Liao Itv.-r. tad are makin r exteDsive warlike preuarations.
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  • 121 4 Yesterday's Results. PKraaSMM run>. I S. VI. I. HaIBMMM Hi'atty Brul.i-r-. D. Ki-ir >\ Dunniati li I. li 1 s. snraufti Syko In-Kt Cmy 7, ti I, I V. Bsksrtsoa Im Chars* s-l. --i\.;ley l>eat Seth ti 4. tt-1. ■TTTTIBt K»lin|(broke l>eat Mtmmm 8-1, ML NiilJo
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  • 74 4 At lialik I'ulau (lVnune) a few dayago, a disorderly leper who had been taken up by the police dieti one hour after arrest. Tlie Kwnf Oamttt time sets forth the sequel Tin I). O. whei. lie heard of it ordered a post mortem The doctor r. lumml saying the man
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  • 81 4 Kaklv in the week owing to information received, Sergt King and Mr Wbitehead made a raid at No. 47 Chinchew Street tad arrested Lam At. Swee in the act of selling tickets for the Macao lottery. SoaaemotMJ, tickets, and records were taken potMMMM) of. Thf defendant admitted that In- knuw
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  • 86 4 Towkay Luk Yew in now in Singapore on business Kn>i to h« connected with the cnni|-aiiy owning coal mining rights in Dutch Borneo. I h l/.i/y Mul hears i.hat it v intended to bring tlie coal to the Peninsula fur working the minus. Ii is |>r >al le also that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MAC6RE6OR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jsist on Jippli cation.) tU 111, K. "Dimboola," Orange Grove Road. AN ATTRACTIVE SALE IN TANGLIN. Saturday, J6t6 May, at 1.30 p. m. (THE PROMMTT Of ll'. MUTTON, ESQ.) Excellent Furniture of Good
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    • 192 4 TOWN HALL FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, 3t(y May. The Triple Alliance Alva the Great Premier Modern American Magician, Ventriloquist and Hypnotist. SI I'I'OItTED n Wllf.KEl THE PARISIEHE TB«I«HTRE.II»ER The Girl with Dark Hair AND It do Varville, The Famous Spiritualistic Medium in modern American Magic presenting THE BRIGANDS' BOX
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    • 139 4 G.R. Lamberts' Co. Photographers open Qreaham House (Battery Road.) —o.i Weekday* only 6 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on We kd »y» 8 m 5 P m Bovi on Sunday*. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films. Wratten-Wrain Wright's
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    • 41 4 YOUR DIGESTION IMPROVES. StearnV Wine in pleasant to take. It aids digestion It agrees with the most delicate stomach It increases weight and alrength. Now in the time to map the full benefit of this valuable tonic. Sold by all chemists.
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    • 70 4 Ttun j years ago a ptojrsicinn i Mm 1 would soon die of consumption. 1 was troubled with constant coughing. Twenty years ago I commenced to use I ivnh's Expectorant, and, whenever troubled with colds and hoarsenes*, have used it freely ever since. It has never failed to bring relief
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 186 4 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 9th May. Hiffh Water. 9.1» p.m. MM. mitw.inl mail due. MB. Ii.U.C. Monthly Medal Play. Scotch Dinner. Straits Hotel. 7.*'. S.V.K., S V.I. Field Day. S. "Alva" at Town Hall. 9. Converaazione. Drill Hall. 9. Wayanf; Kaxxim. North Itridxe Knad. Wayanx l'u«i. North Bridge Koad. Dose's
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  • 1228 5 Friday, May Bth. I'UKSKM. His Kx< m.i.kso Sik Fhask ATVMTAOT SWKTTKNH.tM, K.C.M.i;., ((.OVKKN OR). Muii. \V. K. Collywr (Attorney General), lion. K. Q. IVnney Holoiiihl Trwuiurer). Hon. A. Murray, C.8., M.l.r.K. (Colonial Engineer). lon. I. M lon .1. W. Najiier. lion. T. K. Karlc Hon. Tun .link
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  • 779 5 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Coin in issioners held yesterday afternoon tli«re were present, Messrs. K. Antlioni<z (President),!', de M. Idell, Arthur Barker, W. Evans (I'roteetor of Chinese), Lt. Colonel Pennefather (I. 6. of Police), J. I'olglase (Municipal Secretary), and R. Peirce (Municipal Engineer). The minutes
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  • 602 5 Eume heavy rain falling early this rning delayed work a little, no doubt ping several people away. The first appear was Argonaut (Wool) who ked s-eadily on the inside track. Cadeoas (Pierbnx) and Sweet Erina (Kirwan) went one and half miles Both went well, the mare especially so,
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  • 1598 5 TUESDAY, 19th MAY THE GOVERNOR'S COP.— A Cup presented by H. E. Bir F. A. Bwettenham, K.C.M.G. and $*JOO added by tbe Club. A Race for Maiden Hones. Weight 9sl Entrance, $10. Distance, R. C. Fort's— Coat of Arms Tan 800 Lint's Apiary Tan Hup Bang's— Comical W.
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  • 208 5 Fourth Sunday after Easter. 1 AM'ltKW's \I 'IIKtIHAI.. 7 a.m. tUUmami— J. 7Ci a.m. Holf <'. minium. maud Sermon. .'> Hup.m. Kvmiimiiij: -1. m mhkws -ki'ov lanm. Service May i'4th. ATIIKI.CM. i>r TIIK Minn MIKI'IIKKI), MM ti 1.1 .1 iii. Low Mann. 8 a.m. lli^'h Mm 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 Jayne's Kxpeetorant is the most palatable and effectual Croup remedy I have used with my children. I keep it on hand constantly. (Rev.) D. fit. Comann, Franklin, N. C., Nov, 11,1892. The Singapore Dispensary. SoleAgentsfortheStraiU Settlements.
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    • 281 5 Stop Experiment. Give up dru^in;,' yourself and use a scientific common s.mi*<' remedy that can and will cure Kbeumitietn. Kinincni I'li> siiians recommend it. Mr. A. 1.. Cobk Bemardstone, Mass., says I think it eminently fitting that I nakeao'neacknowledcnient to you of the h.-nelits a member of my family received
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  • 300 6 Things at Salak (Perak) are looking up, owing to increased mining activity The population which, from 20,000 at one time had dwindled down to a handful, has shot up to about 7jM> As soon as Mr Koo Choon's machi nery is at work, the figures promise
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  • 227 6 Now that the S. V. K. and S.V.I, are to have a field day the following will probably prove of-interest —Russia has adopted a grotesque but practical method of instructing young soldiers in the use of the bayonet. The authorities demonstrated to their own satisfaction that the usual
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  • 163 6 A cokrisiondent write., ro the l\iuu<_. Gazette: The new nurses for the Hospital arrived on Sunday morning (:Srd May) by the alypso a matron anil three assistants, all young and pood lnokiDg we are told, and quite tit physically. The probationers have not started as yet Three
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  • 55 6 A single orchid plant, answering tv the name of Uypripedium Priam, ffae sold for 200 guineas at the dispersal of the great Monkholme collection at Brierfield, near Burnley. Another plant OdontogloßSmn Crispura Alpha, realised 195 guineas Thirty-three other plant? produced between them €1,080, or an
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  • 108 6 A' ■< oRDiNt; to the New York Trilwnt the centre of the mother-of-pearl industry is Singapore. The shell oyster is from six to ten inches long, the largei ones weighing as much as ten pounds. It is found on hard bottom channel* between islands, where the current i* strong. In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 262 6 NOTICES. UNtsfbrLUtPEHKS' ~t« HKEUHHHIE IMjjL V 8» Special Warrant i g3E^ His ««Jjl CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. WALTHAM WATCHES, f m MANUFACTURED AND WARRANTED BY THE J?F American Waltham Watch Company, /^^P^\ WALTHAM. MASS., U. S. A. ■p f QjlKeyless; lever Escapement; The Best Pocket W^^ Timepieces in the World. f
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    • 321 6 NOTICES. John little Co., Ltd. I VERY ObO I Guaranteed Seven Years Old I I GLENLIVET WHISKY I H IMPORT f. D A BOfTLEO «■< X A JOHN LITTLE A C° LIMITED, SINGAPORE M The above Whisky ha* been known as BOTOL HITAM »r KEPALA HITAM for many years, and
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    • 69 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IS cure (or severe colds, persistent coughs, and preventive of pneumonia. It is the mother* favourite for whooping cough. Loosening the cough, relieves the lung* and opens the secretions. It counteracts any tendency of a bad cold to result in pneumania. It is unequalled to bad colds.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. 'pdE Stfcadarj Life Amusbos. 1 Norwich Union Fire Inanranos [Society. ASlae Assonnos Company (Fue). Ilia Kqnitable Life Awnranoe Society. 1 h« Chin* Mntnal Steam Navigation Company I he Tottenham Lager Bear Company. tot particulars of tLase Companies, see tha nli adVertisem«it of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 1372 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke, Paketvaart Maatschappij. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government g>«ti 01 Singapore: Ship Aeßfcr, lat* J. Daxhdbls A Co., 8-S, Colltis Qoat. ihe nndermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be l>osp»tch«d for M'dnu BaUvia May. 6 Bagan Api May 7 neC'irpniti'r Batavin 4 Batavia,
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    • 604 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES N. Y. Ka JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN BCREW PTEAMEBB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Ele<Jtricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 560 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. Austrian Lloyd 1 Steam Navigation Company, Uspbb Mail Cohteact with the Austria* Oovibwmiht. The following are the dates on wbict the Company's steamers may be expectec to arrive and sail from here OtJTWAKD. HOMIITAKn. 190 S. Arrives. I 1908 Sails. jKindooona Kay 1* +Maria Valeric 'Trieste June
      560 words
    • 371 7 INSURANCE CO. 'B THB ROYAL EXCHANGE" ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, agents for the abova company, are prepared to accept r"ir» Risks at current rates. w.*s. 81/13 BEHN MEYER A Co. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept
      371 words

    • 1235 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are usod Btr. steamer ah.— ■hip bq.— barque sch.— sehoon9r; Yet.— facht; Cru.— Cruiser; Qbt.— flunbont; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.— BriMah; U. B.— United State- j Feb.— French Oar.— German; Dut.— Duti !i Joh.— Johore; B.S.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger,
      1,235 words
    • 139 8 Krom Europe— By the M.M.s.s. Ocennien on the !Uh May. with dates to the 17th ApL *be bring replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 20th March. From China Rv the M. M. I s. Yurru due on the llth May. Tim Table or Mails
      139 words
    • 145 8 t'-r Per tteamrr Time. To-Day. (Vnang and Deli Hebe 8 p.m. Pulo Laut and Cotie Ban Utmg 3 p.m. Shanghai and Japan iMWM 3 p.m. Kuching Adfh 3 p.m. Bangkok Bangkok 3 p.m. Hongkong Radnorthirt 8 p.m. Bangkok frfc I p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Sappho 4 pm.
      AP  -  145 words
  • 174 8 5 Vkssei.'s Name. 3 Fla«. <k Tons Caitais From Consigner.-. Rk.. ['y 7 Breid 7 Unity Jab Ranee B K. fkihift Baioe x Alcinous* g Full Wo M Kein Ki.ui Ann H Poh Ann 1 Penaug W retailer Mathilde 9 Honjt Wan Nor otr rt46 Fa. k man
    174 words
  • 154 8 Da ik. ViwiKi/s Samb. Fjrff.'jc Rig.! Tons Ordination. s" y ay 9 Pundit* Brit »tr. 3832 Tegnl Med&n Ocr gtr. 47ti Deli B befandei Bux Brit »eh 140 Broome j^-'fjina Btr. Rangoon an«l Calcuitn 10 On Bane str. 1787 Port Arthur 9 Radnorshire sti 1880 Hongkong, 'J';iku and
    154 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 413 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. JUST ARRIVED A splendid stock of high class real Diamond and Gem-set Jewellery with extensive varieties of solid Gold, guaranteed genuine work from India, China, and other foreign countries. Diamond, white sapphire, opaln emerald. Rubies and other precious
      413 words
    • 1222 8 Jbinens PILLOWCASES SPECIAL VALUE IN PilloWS Ji=* Bed Linens i^> v\*v Bfe^-j LINEN FINISHED BED SHEETINQ E^Pr^fifVl'T^JKTll CASES P^- s Manufactured, bleached and f*///,^,/ J^Jhkr B)P~ J finished specially for us. An E^. extremely durable quality. awa Fine texture cool and com- IiIHIIPeSSeS PS*^./: fortable in Use (-cod I'illow sttifteil
      1,222 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Homital, Bth May, 190.1. \'<* a.m iS p.m. M p.m. Remarks. Bar 29.908 29.796 30.894 Morning Temp „l 80 0 84.6 78.4 and day WB'lbThen 79.0 79.6 76.9 cloudy, DirofWiml ea-t ka-t Calm, night clear. Max. Temp. 88.1 i Mm ..I 74.3 Sun 14K.3 Terr,
      94 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 374 9 NOTICES. The French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. CALISTO BBO8 to inform thepablic that, owiaa to the great increase ot the husiness, bfl hai pngaeprl two new European assiBtantH and has just introduced tinnew antisnpti'' lystem ;ind mechanical hrushep for dry shampooing purpose*. Also a lady assistant, has joined the establishment
      374 words
    • 298 9 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 'pENDEKS will be received at the 1 Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the I lth M*y, 19 S, for the following works Alterations and additions to the Kepdeney. Malacca. PUnhKrid specifications may be seen, and printed forms of tender with all particulars nUhinnd at the
      298 words
    • 381 9 NOTICES. CRUSHED FOOD. 1 Tbt it ahi> tod will bc batufua. I I.B. BKULI08 begs to inform the tfubli. that hie Factory (or preparing Crpuhe Food, at No. 1, Be'lilios Road, is now oiUne Pint Ol.iM Fretb Cra»b«>J Food p. a. pnr ling vug. 1-1(\ |4 6f Cleaned Outs do
      381 words
      233 words
    • 349 9 NOTICES. The Time! The Exact Time!! The Time!!! I THE GENUINE ROSKOPF WATCH 420 Just Opened Gentlemen's Nickel Roskopfs. Gentleman's Silver Ro&kopfy Open-Faced and Half-Hunting Ladies Nickel Roskj;)k Ladies Silver Roskopfs PRICES Nickel $12, Silver $22 Every Watch Guaranteed. POWELL ROBINSON, ft J~ u Pure Dutch Cow's Milk DUTCH FLAG
      349 words