The Straits Times, 7 May 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,123 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 726 1 NOTICES. jjfe Slimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column Dieasure.l Flm Insertion 20 cents Second and inxertioDH each 40 cents fourth, fifth, iiml Mxtli h •> cent Berentb to eighteentli '-4 cents nineteenth subsequent,, 16 cents Per week of six day*, to be changed daily if required
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    • 716 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. CHARLES DAY ff CO., LONDON, Mil THE ME EXPORT OTTLI\6 A«ESTS FOR JOHN JAMESON ft SON'S WHISKEY. And on each label must he found the following Notice and Signature 1 "In wist lliat Coiiituiuer* may feel aiomie<l of genuiueiieMs we wonld reiineHt attention to thix, oar Siicviul Export
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    • 87 1 LYONS PATENT COFFEE PULPERS FOR SALE TWO PLANTERS SIZE THREE BABY SIZE New and in working order. Apply to A. LYON, v.c 6 Flint Street Hotel Bellevue. A TESTIMONIAL. Dieses Hotel ist alien zn eropfehlen da cs eine ausgezeichnete Kin lie und sehr schone Kainmern hier giebt. (Signed) Steffens. William
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    • 535 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. /"COMPOSITORS wanted -Good wages to \j competent workmen. 9-6 ?K ASK K A NEAVE. LTD. LEDGER CLERK. WANTED immediately for the Printing Department good writer ana accurate at figures; salary (30 per month to competent man. Apply to M FRASER A NEAVE, LTD. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE. I*BB. Iw
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  • 414 2 rPTlie London correspondent of the I'iotw'r, wiring on the 24th April, states that attention hw recently been attracted to Russia's strenuous endeavours to rolleot coal for the Far East. Her squadron in that ijuarter of the world will Rhortly be reinforced by two battleships, six cruisers, and
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  • 309 2 Statement By Lord Inverclyde. Lord Inverclyde presided at the annual meeting of the Cunard Steamship Co. at Liverpool and, referring to the agreement with the Government to build two fast steamers said the contract for them had not yet been placed. These steamers would be the largest in
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  • 171 2 The Liverpool landing stage presented a remarkable spectacle recently, on the occasion of the embarkation of about 2,000 agricultural emigrants for Canada on board the Beaver Line s. s. Lake Manifold. The emigrants had been accompanied to Liverpool by wives, children, or other relatives, so that
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  • 87 2 The following notifications have just been gazetted in Selangur Mr. Herbert Vincent O'Brien, to be Assistant Surgeon, Medical Department Mr O'Brien reported his arrival in the State and assumed the duties of bis appointment on Ist March. Mr. Percy Netterville Gerrard, District Surgeon, has been granted two months and twenty-nine
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  • 543 2 The industrial consumption of tin continue? says Engineering, on a large scale, and though the supplies are now larger as a result of the high prices which have ruled since 1*99, they are scarcely equal to the demand. For the twelve months to March 81, the supplies of tin
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  • 284 2 The total revenue of (ireat Britain for the year ending March :ilst was fl*il, l9o,7»ii, as compared with £163,001,637. The total revenue for the year <>ndinp March 'tlst, 190.J, on aLvount of customs, was i.<4,«49 937 1 a« compared with last year. Estate duties snow a small
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 NOTICES. j7& H. GWYNNE,Ltd., 81, CANNON STREET. LONDON, E.C. Makers of the "INVINCIBLE" Centrifugal Pumps and Pumping Engines. The most Economical >_fl and most 1 IRKKiATIO.V, Successful in the {mi J\r JuL RECLAMATIOR. World. £1 j B(fl__l 3fe *IM«. r' "EWA6E, M I^^ 1 WATERWORKS, Special pumps for 9^__L m
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    • 363 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •60 lbs., l,2oMlb«_ after seven after fonrdaya in teen day Water. in Water. The above tests were mad* by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Oement tbe beat he had erer tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore
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    • 307 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12quarU«34. 34 pints $36. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. s. Sou Agkntb LATEST CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. HUMRER BICYCLES. Fitted with "FREE WHEEL" and rim Drake All "BeeBton" machines GUARANTEED for TWO YEARS. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD Sole
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    • 101 2 Nine Epidemics pHAMBERLAIX'S Colic and Diarrhea \J Remedy has been used in nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success, effecting a cure in the most severe and dangerous ctsea. If troubled with diarrhn'a or bowel complaints, try it once and see how you like it. From all o/nr tbe world
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  • 130 3 A' few weeks ago King Edward graciously signified bis intention of presenting a cup to the Life Saving Society for competition, and also extended his patronage to the society. The executive of that body issued invitations to the leading associations and societies in Canada, the U.S.,
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  • 183 3 (iruesome Tale. Thk Manila Time.* describes a human vampire who had just fallen into the hands of the police there. The man is a Filipino who lured a little girl to neighbouring jungle. There he gagged her, and then, dispatching her with a titab above the shoulder,
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  • 99 3 The finding of a very large species of water fowl on an island of the Galapagos group has attracted the attention of naturalists everywhere, says a science lournal. This discovery is additionally interesting for the reason that the bird in question is unable to fly. It is
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  • 111 3 How much longer can I endure it'r This morning my husband rose before daybreak. He was too lazy to light a lamp, and breakfasted in the dark. The result was he ate the prepared kindling wood instead of the predigosted breakfast food. When the servai ts got
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  • 95 3 The serious military riot at Pretoria recently arose in the following way. The military police were endeavouring to arrest several men of the 2nd Leinster Regiment who were the worse for liquor when their comrades overpowered the police. The remainder of the troops were called
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  • 34 3 His Worry.—" IVrcy, rua boy, I'm worwni to ileHtli abo it something." What in the world are you worwid about, old chap That's the t wobble lor the life of me, I cawn't wemember."
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  • 217 3 For Singapore. Per P. O. s. s. Homb'iy, from London April 4, due loth May— Capt. Shaw, Mr. R Reid. ler I. A r s Canton from London April 4. due 10th May— Captain Sharp. Mr. R. Keid Lieut- Wymer. I'pr 1". i() Arcadia, connecting at Colombo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1042 3 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Chib. PROGRAMME For June 1903 Meeting, Juneoth, nth, and 13th. FIRST DAY. Rack No. I.— Thk Maidkv Plate.— Value $-">OO and $-'■<) to the second horse provided there are. five starteis the property of different ownerc. A Race for Maiden horses. Ex R A. (irifflns allowed lOlbs.
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    • 471 3 NOTICES. Series No. 1. First Day Race No. 2 Second 1 or S Third 5 Series No. 1 F4r»t „3 Second 1 or 3 Third „6 Any owner wishing to' enter for more than one Qriffin Race on the same day can do so on payment of 910 entrance fee
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    • 707 3 NOTIJES. YOU WILL NOT BE DECEIVED. That there are cheats and frauds in plenty everybody knows: bnt it is seldom or never that any Urge business house is guilty of them, no matter what line of trade it follows. There can be no permanent success of any kind based on
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    • 678 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L Coghlan ft" Co. HATS BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OF THB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO.. General Ageui*. p*. Straits Settlements. NEW BILLIARD TABLES. WE are importing new English Billiard Tables of first class quality, at most reasonable prices. One recently supplied to a
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    • 601 3 SHIPPINO OCEAN STEAM BHIP COMPANY? LIMITED. FOR VICTORIA (B. C), SEATTLE, AND TACOMA. Taking cargo for all Pacific Ports and Inland Points. 'TIHE Company's steamer A.TAX, A. 7,099 tons, is due here about the 4th May, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight, Ac, apply to
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  • 173 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 7TH MAY. Through the courtesy of H. K. the Governor, we are able to publish to-day the report of the Straits Settlements Currency Committee. Its somewhat late arrival in the office has so far taxed the space at our disposal even with the
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  • 537 4 It is a standing subject for wonder and for frequent newspaper comment, how Singapore, placed as it were in a central position with regard to plaguestricken and otherwise infected countries, should enjoy what is practically a total immunity from epidemic*. The Settlement is by no means free from disease sporadic
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  • 7573 4 A non-committal compilation which declares a gold standard to be practicable. Suggested Scheme for Coining a Straits Dollar with a Sterling value The Report of the Straits Settlements Currency Commission which was forwarded to us to-day by H. K. the Governor, for the information of the public,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 279 4 TOWN HALL FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, 9td May. The Triple Alliance Alva the Great Premier Modern American Magician, Ventriloquist and Hypnotist. SIPPOKTEI) BY Ulle.KElX. TIEPABIKIEME TBOI fiBTREAIER The Girl with Dark Hair axd M. de Varville, The Famous Spiritualistic Medium in modern American Magic presenting; THE BRIGANDS' BOX A
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    • 70 4 G.R. Lambert ff Co. Photographers opm Grwham House (Battery Boad.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on w kd *T» 8 P™. fioad m on Sunday*. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 73 5 Lord Lansdown- stated in the House of Lords that the British (iovernment would resist the establishment of a foreign naval base in the Persian Cull by all the means at its disposal but he was not aware of any proposal to that effect. The British Government's policy
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    • 72 5 In reply to I, mi Ltaiagtoa, 1. >rJ Lansdowne mM there had bomi n > negotiations with the promoters of the Bagiad railway or with any foreign Government about the latter. There had only bean coniidonti.-tl communications with car'ain great British financial house*, with a view to ascertaining
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    • 54 5 The House of Commons has passed a resolution guaranteeing a Transraal loan of thirty-live millions sterling. The bulk of the loan will be devoted to the development of the country. The development work includes the acquisition and construction of railroad*, irrigation, and land settlement, besides the conversion of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 470 6 Death of the King's Oldest Subject. Mrs. Margaret Ann Neve, Guernsey iremarkable centenarian, died at ber residence, at St. Peter Port, last month, aged 1 10. It is only recently that she had been forced to relinquish her customary duties, having lost the useot her legs and
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  • 342 6 Bvnn one is familiar witli a greater or lesser number of stories of children being mixed' soon after birtli, either by accident or ilesipn, but it is rarely that one comes across a case of it. Still, one has apparently just occurred in Amsterdam, which
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  • 45 6 More to the Point. Th. Carson I inteii'l to \tr*\ that ymi iikiv forgive Casey for baring thrown that hrick at you." Tba I'atient M.i «v< r liiv'rence 'ud be saving toiine it jf'd ,|ust wait till hi eri w«ll, an' then pray i r <
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 439 6 NOTICES^ CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" /V// SAFES of all qualities. >/O^^V/ Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors y>O^ c^ y/1 Gates for Strong Rooms. jy CATALOGUES FREE /&'jt /NOTICE on Application. XJ^ <>> ajnV /V/ 2yT Chatwood's TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-/^^ Q) X New Patent "Solid" "HARGREAVES" xCj /Steel Safes are the Only J»y Safes
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    • 875 6 NOTICES. ODiGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1903. MAY 19th, 21*t, 23n/. FIRST~DAY. Tuesday, 19th May. THE GOVERNOR'S CUP.— A Cup presented by H. E. Sir F. A. Swettenham, K.C.M.G! and $300 added by the C^ub. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9*t. Entrance, 910. Distance, R.
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    • 522 6 NOTICES. IHB BOCHORE PLATE.- Value 1800.Second horse to receive the entrance fee*. A Handicap for all non-winning horse* that hare started at this meeting. Entrance $6 if declared by noon on Saturday, 9th May, and 910 if declared after noon on toe 9th May, and by 4.16 p.m. on the
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    • 69 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IS euro forsev«r><col in, p*rti«wat eouifbs, and prevpnlivo of p eBOMMia It is the mother* favourite foi who pin Looseuiag the couJi rail re« Urn lugi and opens the Beertiio:i- it counteract! any teadeucy of a bad col koroaoltio pueumania. It It nmqaaltad to bad colds. It
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 682 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rTUTE Standard Life Aararano*. 1 Norwich Union Fire Inrermes Society. AtUi iunnnM Company (Fire). rha Equitable Life Aaramnoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company I'h.> I'ottenham Lager Bear Company. /or particular* of the«» Companies, full advertiwmont of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Ajrenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P
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    • 789 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government a qmtt at Singapore: Ship Aoksot! latx J. Daihdblb A 00., Oolltib Quay. ihe undermentioned date* are only approximate. dteamer From "Expected Will be lM*patched for Medan Batavia May 6 Bagan Api May 7 De Carpentirr Bnt,avia 4
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    • 582 7 Conpagnie Des Messageries Maritime* De France. TILSGIUPHIO ADPBMB: MISSAGIJUBS, SIHGAPORI. The *nail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— Outward Homeward. Dates. Dates 1903 1903 Salatu- Apr. 27 Tonkin Apr 27 Oceanien May 10 Yarra May 11 Annam May •>!> Caledonien May 25 E. Simon* June 7
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    • 622 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. JAPAN MAIE STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A reßnlar FORTNIGHTLY serrice is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designec for the Company's European Service lighted throughout by Electricity provided with excellent accommodation 'or First
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    • 899 7 NOTICES. Seremban Gymkhana Club. MIDSUMMER MEETING, TO BE II M.l' AT •EREMBAN, June the 23rd, 25th A 27th, 1903. Programme of €venls. R. C.-i mile snd 93 yards. FIRST DAY. THE ICLARSO* STAKES. Hace No. 1. Value $300— Prwnifd *f tlif Selanxor Turl t'lnli. A MM hi MsBSM 19ip:! (iriltins.
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    • 657 7 NOTICES. THE OALLOWAV CUP HANDICAP lU.e No. 6. Value <300 A Handica,. for all horses which ran in race No. (Hi on MS lirst day. Entrance *|S DlaMMS— f MM THE SEORI SEMBILAN STAKES HANDICAP Kace No. 7. Value £300 race for all horses which ran in race No. (7)
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    • 1451 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer unship; bq. —barque; scb. —schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.—Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. B.—United States; Fch.—French; fl«r. —Germ-tn: Out —Dutch; Jon.—Johore; S.*.—tieneral-cargo; d.p. -deck passenirer; o.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock: B.W. —Borneo
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    • 631 8 Name, port, probable dale, oi arnvii. and name oj agents. Stbiihes. Afridi. Japan, May Paterson Simons. Agamemnon, China, May 23; Mansfield. Albnin, Bangkok. May Borneo Coy. Am. Excelman^. Havre, left Mar 80; M.O. Annam, Colombo, May -•"< M. Maritimes. Antenor, Liverpool, May 11 j Mansfield. Ascot, Kobe, May:
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    • 124 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Morrow. Muar and Malacca Fnrfalla 2 p.m. Rangoon A Calcutta ['Una P. Swefhain via ports tiyr Isotui 3 p.m Bengkulis aad Bagan Sri IMmmmm 3 p m. Hongkong Radw>ri>hir' 4 p.m. C'bon and Samarang OwsyJlM 4 p.m. Saturday. Sandakan via port* Kedah 7
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    • 205 8 a Flag j 5 Vessel's Nam« A Toss Captain From >iii.»d Coxsiokees. a fii« My 6 Augsburg h>r str 8200 Koch 'Bydnev Apl If- Behti Meyer <lt Co. 6 Moravia Aus str. 22H8 Soich Trieste May 4 Rautenberg 6 Radley Brit atr 1984 Tallack Rangoon Apl 308yme and Co.
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    • 106 8 Date. Vessel's Name. Flao 4 Rig. Tons. Destination. May 6 Bad ley Brit gtr. 1984 Sourabaya 7 Nuen Tung <3er gtr. 824 Bangkok 7 Boribat Sia »tr. 362 Bangkok 7 Medan Dut sir. 4.VJ Bugttn 8 Siak Dr. 240 Lanijkat 7 Resident SchiH sir. tvi Rhio 7 Hong Wan
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 76 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 61-62, HIGH STREET. A splendid stock of high class real Diamond and Gem-set Jewellery with extensive varieties of solid Gold, guaranteed genuine work from India, China, and other foreign oountries. Diamond, white sapphire, opalo emerald, Rubles and other precious Stone Jewellery,
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    • 649 8 Qualities which have been Tried and Proven. "P.&0." TRUNKS The "T"S__i fi "iTTygafc The same qua P and n rfP^^*^" I"^S^ABBSBSSffIfe1 S^ABBSBSSfflfe H? -j* Trunks. N^ BW^?BtsW^^^^>. 3$ M»B4-7Wkji»h r'Hi'oo I 1 W^l^iy jf^^fip**^ Trunks. IV &jm 1 l *****^f Jl stiong oak bat I PUnKSi i I tens to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 98 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Honpital, nth May. 1903. Ha.m 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks. Bar 29.903 29.800 20.920 Morning Temp W9 M 4.0 7«.4 clear, day WBlbTher 81.0 79.0 7«.0 cloudy" DirofWind a.K.B. i.w, Calm night clear. Max. Temp 88.9 Mm 74.5 Sun 149.2 Terr, rad 74 9 Rainfall
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 370 9 NOTICES. lohi\ Little Co., Ltd. I VERY O)bO S Guaranteed Severx Years Old JR 1 1 GLENLIVET WHISKY I H IMPORTED i BOTTIED O V H H JOHN LITTLE C° Limited. SINGAPORE fl I «j^^ SOLt HOENTO. The above Whisky has been known as "BOTOL HITAM" r KEPALA HITAM for
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    • 624 9 JBA_NKS. IT ONQK O NO AND BHANQHAJ L± BANKINU CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAL 110 000 OCX RESERVE FUND.- •«vwu.iu Sterliog Rei»erve..|lo,ooo,oo0 Hilver Reserve....! 6,*****0/ 16^00,00C RESERVE LIABILITY OF ft/wtß^ PROPRIETORS J..510,000.00C Court of Directors. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. f". v. Tom Kirn, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. V Balloch, Esq. H. Schubart,
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    • 527 9 INSURANCE CO.'S I/^ANTON INSURANCE OFFIOB \S UMITBD. Capital Subscribed $2,300,000. Amount paid up 800,000. Iliwiu rand 1,160,000. Hiad Orrici, Hoaaioas. Fbe andergi^nod, haying been appoint* Agents of the above (Company, are prepared v »ooept Marine Risks at currant rate*. BOTJSTEAD a Co., Agent*. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. TOTAL INVEBTBD FUNDS EXCEEJ
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    • 270 9 NOTICES. RAFFLES STORE 34 North Bridge Road. RACES! RA CES RACES Do you wish appear in an eli'yant dre~- .it the forthcoming liaces 4 'all at the RAFFLES STORE. We have just opened a large range in dre«s materrals from the humble Pongee to the nnitltiat Bilfc fabrics. New and
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    • 417 9 NOTICES. IARIMFTAFSAiy Ring of Viable Waters THE MOST REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING NATURAL MINERAL WATER It mixes Excellently with WHISKY, BRANDY. OR MILK. fPriee $4.75 Per case of 4 do/, pints SOLE AGENTS Y^ SHJUYI TEMPLE Bflf No. 30. HIGH STS£ET. European Management. Beel Drink*— Draught Ale and Stout. Finn Ul«m
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  • 946 10 Dalian Stable Tk« first hone seen was the Derby candidate Klimbo, by Gozo from The Orphan his form i* well known and he it looking well. As he is now rising six he may, like most of the»»ozo stock, improve with age. He i« owned by Mr. Van
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  • 325 10 THE KADANA GOLD MINIMD CO LD. Thk following is a summary of the Manager's Report of work Ac for the month of April -The 130 ft level north drive has been driven a further 6 feet making a total of 85 from the main crosscut owing to the hard nature
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  • 101 10 Saturday night's conversazione of the S.V.A S.K.E and S.V.R. promises to be a big success in every way. On the first ot these popular entertainments being given some weeks ago, there were various little rifts within the lute, but, profiting by the experience gained on tffat occasion, the
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  • 23 10 Thk Nippon Yusen Kaisha steamer Bingo Mam Captain Davies left Colombo yesterday and is expected to arrive here on Tuesday morning at daylight.
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  • 29 10 Ixsp. Hart, who is due from London by the next mail, will relieve Insp. Kirk of Rochore Station and the latter will then proceed home on twelve mouths' leave.
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  • 21 10 Shipping advertisements, with dates, of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 22 10 Lover? of dancing are reminded of the Monthly Dance to be held at the Temperance Institute this evening commencing at 8-30 p.m.
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  • 31 10 Swimming Club Launches will leave Johnston's Pier on .Sunday morning at 0 and 10 After the arrival of the first launch there will be a pick up game of water Polo.
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  • 30 10 A row occurred at Wayang Satu last night between two parties of Hokien and Taichew coolies. Both sides made reports to the police and each accused the other of theft
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  • 42 10 The marriage of Miss M. B. Elliot, late of the General Hospital, Singapore, and Lieut. H. P. Learmont R. N. R takes place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on the 13th inst. Only the intimate friends of the bride and bridegroom are invited.
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  • 40 10 At the Assizes, Tay Yam Peng lias got two years for forgery and cheating and tor kidnapping Loh Ah Yew has six years. Angfas, an Annanite charged with house trespass and attempting to commit rape was on trial this morning.
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  • 34 10 The big Bengal Circus in Beach Road is doing excellent business and the performances are proving most popular, especially with the natives. For tomorrow an exceptionally strong and entire change of programme is announced.
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  • 52 10 Perak now boasts of a regular branch of the Navy League. The following constitute its Committee: Messrs. Alma Baker, H. P. Hutter, F. E. Moir, W. C. Ephrauros, F. W. Douglas C. E. M. Desborougtj, J. D. Gimlette and R. C. Grey. Mr. R. M Connolly, of Taping, is the
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  • 55 10 Thb Municipal Coramissioners meet to- morrow at 2 30. The agenda mcl udes the following items Application from laterite supply contractor, contribution by Railway Authorities to cost of reforming Bukit Timah Road near Scott's Road, application for cemetery lease, application for private burial grouud license, water supply rate at Tanjong
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  • Correspondence.
    • 89 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*." Diar Sir,— Much is being written about buildings, building inspectors and the Munieipalit) .in your paper. Might I tuggest that the matter be at once brought to the notice of the Commissioners at their meeting. Let it be thrashed out there.
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  • 176 10, the American Magician and Ventriloquist and bis company, will appear here at the Town Hall on Saturday for one night only. A number of complete novelties are promised. He is supported by Madame Keux, a Parisian thought-reader, who also takes part in Alva's Bos illusion that
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  • 203 10 Thk following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s saleroom yesterday afternoon Land and bouses Nos. 19, 20, and 21 Rociioie Canal Road, Singapore Town, area 4584 -i). ft. being part of lease No. 990 for 99 years from April 1843. Bought by F. Teng
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  • 76 10 Yesterday Lieut Knox of the Manchester Regiment put ten $5 notes in an open almeirah in his quarters at the Tanglin barracks. Shortly afterwards his "boy" asked for permission to go to town. This was granted, and Lieut. Knox went over to the mess. On his return
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  • 39 10 Thk following is the result of the Craven Stakes, run on the 17th ult:— Sir E. Vincent's eh. c. Countermark 1 Mr. W. E. Witney's b. c. Pan Michael 2 Lord Derby's b. c. Gay Gordon 3
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  • 26 10 Owing to an outbreak of foot and mi m ii disease here, ten days quarantine have been laid at Kuala Lumpur upon cattle imported from Singapore.
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  • 28 10 Thk numerous friends of Mr. George Laws, the well-known mining expert, will be glad to hear that he has been appointed Manager of the Kedana Gold Mining Company.
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  • 29 10 Anothbr change of name has, says the Malay Mail, now been decided with regard to the forthcoming gathering of Malay Sultans— it will now be designated the Federal Conference.'
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  • 31 10 The amount of block tin and tin ore exported from Pahang during the month of March was 1,664 and 3,826 piruls respectively. The amount of duty collected on this was $42,001.
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  • 28 10 Thb Dutch Government survey vessel Zeeduif arrived from Rhio yesterday and anchored in the roads. She is bound for the Natuna Islands and is expected to leave to-day.
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  • 36 10 A reward of (200 has been offered by the Government of Perak for the destruction of a man-eater that is carrying on depredations at a mountain pass there; it recently carried off a Bengali carter. I
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  • 302 10 From a passenger by the Kawaeki Maru the Malay Mail has ascertained certain facts connected with the death of the late Captain Thompson which will prove of ncelancholy interest to many of his friends here. Our contemporary says that it appears that
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  • 334 10 P. O. May 15.— Per Coromandel Mr. and Mrs. (ireen, child and infant, Messrs. A. Stuart, A. de los Kt-y.-. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr. .J. A. Dolton, Mrs. Hall, Mis* Napper, and Mr. l'olj;l.-i->-'» son. Prom Penang Messrs. A. CJ. Tanner, M. Duncan, and Miss Palmer.
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  • 123 10 Thb changes in the scale of victualling the British Navy, which will take place this year, may thus be summarized -New rations Jam, 2 or. daily coffee, i vz. daily corned beef, 2 oz daily condensed milk, j oz. daily. The allowance ot vegetables has been increased, while that of
    123 words
  • 576 10 BINQAFOBE, 7TH MAY, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler I 15 50 do Pontlanal 8.00 Pepper, Black do White, (8%) 5» 0,1 Sago Flour Sarawak < 15 do Brnnei No. 1 4 00 Pearl Sago 6.40 Coffee, Rail, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palerabang,2o% basis.- 31.01 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 1» 00 Tapioca,
    576 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 36 10 1 have uned Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant in my family for Croup, and 1 find nothing to equal it. E. T. Davenport, Valley Head, Alabama, Oct. 18, 1895. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agentsfor the Straits Settlements.
      36 words
    • 173 10 Better than Plasttr. APIECE of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's rain Balm and bound to the affected parto \z superior to any plaster. When troubled with the back, or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more pleased with the prompt relief
      173 words
      701 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 121 10 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 7th May. High Water. 7.31 p.m. Dance. Temperance Institute. Pledge Sale. Powell 10. Wayang Kassim. North Bridge Road. 9. Friday, Bth May. High Water. 8.3 a.m. 8.42 p.m. S.V.A. Drill. S.V.R. Skirmishing. 5.15. S.V.I. Co. Drill. 5.15. Saturday, 9th May. High Water, 9.19 p.m. F'tnre
      121 words