The Straits Times, 6 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,122 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 6. 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 730 1 NOTICES. ffihe ffimw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVATfCK. [per inch, column measure. 1 First tnnertioii SI cento Second and third inxertiono each 80 cents Frmrth, fifth, and sixth *O cent* Berenth to eighteenth cents Nineteenth Hiili.trijurnt,, 16 cents Per week of aix days, to dp changed daily if required $1,
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    • 490 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rCNDF-RS are invited and will tn< reeeWuii up W noon of Satunluv, the 9th May I!HXi, for the supply of refreshmei ts at Sines pore arjd Woonlan is Stations of t Sinubpore-Krunji Kailwa>. A room gait il> fitted up will be provided at both stat ons. F
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    • 408 1 NOTICES. Supplied to Ihe State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. W^^^^Slllllr^^ E3| ASK YOTJIR STORE EEEPEE FOR Ip^p^i "SLEDGE" BRAND. H^^^'^Oy^l STERILIZED MILK ||P/^^fe4?\^l ABSOLUTELY PURE ■I Invaluable in the House, ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put oill See that you get what you ask for "Sledge" Brand. THERE
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    • 423 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Special Scotch Dinner. THE STRAITS HOTEL ON SATURDAY, 9 th. AT 7.30 p.m. 9-6 STBAITN PARCELS AMI SIIPPIW \t.r\M ARIV .WESTS BY .WIIVmVT. PasMgei Booked free o< Charge Passengers' l.uEiafe Shipped and Cleared Insurance effected on Personal I village Jewellery, etc. Parcels and Packages Impressed lo all
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  • 501 2 Stir York, t-ird April. A MRMRM Rtorni in the Mediterranean baa caused the xrenteot dimiMter to ihipping in recent yearx. At Manteillea forty v U were sunk and a nunilter of live* lost which cannot lie entimated at the present time. Reports of other <ti»aKter« are arriving from
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  • 440 2 A most interesting lecture was delivered at St. Petersburg recently by Captain Kozlofl', on his scientific expedition to Central Asia and Thibet, lasting from 1899 to 1901 Captain Kozloil' left the village of Altais on .Inly 26, 1819, accompanied by the assistants, M. M. Kaznakoff and l.ulygine,
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  • 60 2 A complaint reaches us from Pontianak to the effect that the captain of a local steamer, who is the proud possessor of a fairly powerful searchlight, amuses himself when in that port by playing it on the private residences ashore. This causes great annoyance especially to the ladies who are
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  • 207 2 Thousands of the new Army rifle are now being produced at Enfield, and the Government will shortly give contracts for its manufacture to private firms. The whole of the Army, including the Militia and Volunteers, will be gradually supplied with the new weapon in place of
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  • 199 2 In the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division the case has been heard of the owners, master and crew of the Afghanistan v. La Corapagnie des Messageries Maritimes. It was an action to recover salvage remuneration under* an agreement whereby the London steamship AfghtmitUcx rendered assistance to
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  • 214 2 Turning the Colonies to Account. Thk fmwrftW Ommrdum of the 4th April announces three new tobacco Companies one for Australasia, one for India, and one for South Africa. The first two have a capital of LlOo each, and the thinl £5,000. They are by the same promoters,
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  • 141 2 Experts sent- by the Philippine Government to the island of Mindoro report that a line quantity of rubber equal to that from India, and known by the natives as "ducting aha," was found to exist in laree quantities. At nearly all points visited were signs of the rubber
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 NOTICES. ROBINSON &CO. FIRST SHOW OF SPECIALITIES WILL BE HELD FROM Monday, May Uth 1903. New Millinery New Millinery Dainty, Chic, Original, and Up-to-date Models. LADIES 1 BLOUSES SMART SILK SHIRTS ALMOST BEYOND DESCRIPTION. We can give but a poor idea of the Charming: effects of these Shirts. \VK HAVE
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    • 401 2 NOTICES. "DBYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. wdes Singapore. BELTING. John Tullis's Llama Hair Belting; is the most suitable kind made for Tropical Climates. Prize Medals have been received at no less than Sixteen Exhibitions by Messrs. John Tullis Son for their manufactures, and we confidently recommend Llama
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    • 211 2 NOTICES. »T«HE CTANDARD J^IFE -QFFICE. mji upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 16 years. The Business is conducted with E jmnny, the premiums are moderate,
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    • 103 2 Nine Epidemics piHAMBERLAINS Colic and Diarrb.ivj V> Renudy has been used m nine. epidetniuH of dysentery with perfect sucjesg, effecting a cure in the most severe tnd dangerous cases If troubled with liarrhnM or bowel complaints, try it once and fee how you like it. From all ow the world
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  • 212 3 P. O. May 15.— I'er Coromaiuirt Mr. nml Mr*. Ureen, ihil.i and infant, Mew.™. A. Sluart, it I.m tow, Mr. un.l Mr*. Toiiiliimon, Mr. .1. A. Dolton, Mr«. Hall, Mini Napper nml Mr. NriMrt hoi.. From l'enang— Me»»rH. A. <J. Tanner, M. Duncan, ami Mimi> Talnier. May
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  • 214 3 For Singapore. Per I. O. s. Bnrnbau, from London April 4, due 10th May— Capt. Shaw, Mr. R. Reid. Per P. AO. 8. Canton from London April 4. due 10th May— Captain Sharp, Bt r. R. Rei-1, Lieut- Wymer. Per P. A O. 8. s. Arcadia, connecting
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates, of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 47 3 Thky have somewhat curious ways of showing their loyalty in Japan. On the occasion of the recent visit of the Kmperor to Kobe some misguided foreigners put chrysanthemum devices up amongst their decorations. The police made them pull theru down because the chrysanthemum is the Imperial rrest.
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  • 54 3 The tin ticures for the Kederated Malay States for the tirst three months of 1903 show an output of 192,05:* piculs, paying a duty of $2,.">6:;.:<09, as against 17*,.">1U piculs, in the corresponding three months of 1902. The increase in output is 19^S1S piculs (say HOO tons) and the increase
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  • 57 3 In consequence of the departure for Kurope of Mr. A. Stuart, Registrar of Imports and Kxports, on a year's furlough. Mr. W. C. P. Keun, Acting Deputy Registrar of Shipping, has been appointed to act for Mr. Stuart. Mr. Fry, who was detailed for special survey duty, reverts to' his
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  • 84 3 Kuala Lumpur had a novelty show on Saturday when lifteen motors were parnded in front of the Government Offices The Malay Mail says that for the first automobile show ever held in the II.MS,I 1 MS, the number of cars brought on to the ground and the evident interest they
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  • 93 3 Mk. Thio 'I'm i w Siat, a Chinese millionaire, formerly of Peuanp, intends to give §800,000 towards the support of the College of I 'eking, a new establishment in course of erection for the purpose of encouraging the mining and railway industries of the Chinese Kmpire. Mr. Thio Tiauw Siat,
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  • 131 3 The late Sir He?tor Macdonald resided at Braybrooke Hall near Kandy. There, his household effects were sold at auction the other day. The sale attracted a large number of people, many attending out of curiosity and others with the object of picking up some small memento of the late General.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 NOTICES. end R/ CHAPOTEAUTB PHOSPHO GLYCBRATB OF LIU It increases vital energy and nerve force, cures «#u ratt htnla, Oftptttit, Intern/ill, and ntrotui iittutt in adults and children. II CAPSULES. IN WIKE. AND II STRUT K. AX. K. AX. YOKOHAMA KOBE opposite the near the GRAND HOTKI, ORIENTAL HOTKL K.&
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    • 361 3 NOTIwES. BT. ANDBKWB HOUt-E. A CHURCH of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. a. v.c. KEYSTONE-ELGIN I WATCHES Durabl* and Accurate T
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    • 636 3 NOTICES. WANTED an ayah. Apply at room 66 Raffles Hotel. v.c. WANTED a practical miner. Must be accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box T\ Post Office, Singapore. nc. WANTED a competent draughtsman. Apply to HOGAN 4 CO., LTD 6-6 Mirbaußoad. WANTED a reliable clerk, one used to book-keeping and office
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    • 666 3 NOTICES. Mesar*. H. L. CofhJ** V Co. HAVE BEKH APPOINTID SUB-AGENTS or th« Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents. a.c Straits Settlement*. NEW BILLIARD TABLES. WE are importing new English Billiard Tables c f first class quality, at most reasonable prices. One recently supplied to
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    • 657 3 SHIPPINQ "APCAR" LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR HOMOKONO. MEBBRS. Apcar A Co'e steamer LIGHTNING (Captain Spence), having left Calcotta on the 28th ult. i< due here on the 6th May en route for the above port. For freight and passage, apply to PATERBON SIMONS 4 CO., 6-6 ARenU. OCEAN STEAM SHI
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  • 814 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 6TH MAY. Graveyards, as a rule, stand far above the plane of obloquy or even criticism. At thfl same time when we read in the recently issued Administration Report" of the Singapore Municipality for the year 1902 that there are 189 burial grounds
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  • 163 4 Thb Races are now upon us again and prospects for a good meeting have probably never been brighter since the insf ution of racing in Singapore. The new building at the Race Course will doubtless prove a great convenience to the spectators and it certainly adds, even in its not
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  • 92 4 I r seems advisable to make it clear to masters of local steamers that, however willing they may be to oblige friends at ports in the Native Slates by purchasing firearms lor them, they run the risk of getting into serious trouble by so doing. The master of a local
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  • 9 4 To-day's 4/ins. bank rate is 1/8 ,sB., s 8.
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  • 7 4 The Straits Budget was published this morning.
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  • 16 4 Wire News will be found on page 2 and the Chartered Bank report on page 6.
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  • 13 4 Aliminium coins have been struck at Birmingham for the British North Borneo Compiny
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  • 20 4 The M. M. b.b. Ocsanien with the mail from Europe of the 17th April is due here on Saturday evening
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  • 17 4 H. M. B. I'aropu left for Hoi'^kong yesterday afternoon after she had finished coaling at the wharf.
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  • 15 4 The Netherlands armoured cruieer Koningin Regent** is shortly expected here from Java for decking purposes.
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  • 21 4 Chatkk's Indian Circus has returned from the United States to the Far East and, at latest advices, was performing in Shanghai.
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  • 24 4 On Friday, the 22nd inst. there will be a special Race Tiffin at Raffles Tiffin Rooms, at which various special attractions will be offered
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  • 23 4 The British steamer Ajax arrived from London via Jeddah yesterday. She brought 709 pilgrims from Jeddah, four of whom died on the voyage.
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  • 23 4 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday next, the only business is the committee stage of the Opium Ordinance Amendment Bill.
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  • 25 4 The contract for the construction of the Shanghai tramways has been signed with the concessionaries in London and the work of construction will shortly begin.
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  • 27 4 Aktkh conference with the Admiralty it has been decided to make no transfer of the responsibility of garrisoning coaling stations from the War Office to the Admiralty.
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  • 33 4 At the annual meeting of the Yangtsze Insurance Association at Shanghai on the L'lst ult a dividend of 20 per cent, was declared and the staff got a bonus of 20 per cent.
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  • 29 4 William H. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, the celebrated showman and rough rider, was thrown from his horse while in England on April 14th. He was seriously injured.
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  • 33 4 The first consignment of Philippine dollars-five million pieces— will be forwarded from the United States, via the Suez Canal route, to Manila where the shipment is expected to arrive on the 3rd July
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  • 35 4 Two unprotected British gunboats the Esk, and the Firelirand were put .p fur sale by auction at Hongkong, the other day. They were bought by Chinese, the former for 510.300 and the latter for $16,000.
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  • 39 4 To-day's Garrison orders say that Brevet Major H. J. Everett, {Somerset Light Infantry, now Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, has been appointed to be Deputy Assistant Quarter-master General, from the Ist instant to complete the tenure of his present appointment.
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  • 47 4 It is understood that Mr. Malcolm Duncan, contractor in Penang and Perak, and brother of Mr Uhesney Duncan, editor of tLe Straits Eelw, has given up Government work owing to the large increase of mining businese, and his projected departure for Europe this month, on a holiday.
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  • 51 4 The Japan Quzette urges the Japanese people to cement existing ties with Siam in the hope of building up a remunerative trade. A suggestion by the Japanese Minister at Bangkok for the establishment of a direct line of steamers between Japan and Bangkok is, in its opinion, specially worthy of
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  • 59 4 Thb Government of Mauritius have just established a public library at Port Louis. The first step taken was a bequest by the late Sir Verile Naz, a colonial statesman, of his library to the Colony about 9,000 volumes in all. To this was added the Royal College collection of 9,(00
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  • 53 4 Thk yearly report on the trade of the Colony for 1902 has been published. The total value of imports stood at $362,934,818 against $320,520,209 in 1901. Singapore accounted for $280,5 16,6tU against $254. 12H.3 15 in 1901. The total exports came to 5314,<W4,935 against $278,753,805 in 1901. Singapore rose to
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  • 64 4 In the Master Attendant's Court this morning two Germans were sent to gaol for 14 days each for stowing away on board the s.s. Albe*go. The vessel was bound for Manila, and as the penalties for bringing destitute persons to that port are very heavy, the captain, on discovering them
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  • 58 4 At about 1.30 o'clock on Satur lay morning, as one of the actors belonging to the Wayang Kassim was wending his way homeward along the Larut Road, he was suddenly struck from behind, apparently with a heavy stick, and received a severe scalp wound. I'pon his recovering himself from the
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  • 66 4 A tbi.iukam from New York states that the Cleveland machine-gun, tiring twenty-five one-pound projectiles at one pull of the trigger, was tested before Lieutenant-General Miles and MajorGeneral Wheeler on March 27. The gun weighs 4501 b. It fired eight hundred shots in a minute without heating the barrel. Lieutenant-General Miles
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  • 80 4 The famine in the Western province of Canton ia so severe that appeals for relief funds have become more urgent. The Chinese officials there have refused to contribute to relieve the starving people because they fancy that by doing so they would be helping the rebels in the province to
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  • 85 4 Singapore and indeed the Far East generally is being thronged just now with theatrical companies, etc. The other day we had an Italian opera company Now comes a French one, the principals of which are Mods C. Oaron, Mile. Vasti and Mile. Lorig, who, accompanied by a complete orchestra, will
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  • 91 4 It will be seen from a notice published in our advertising columns to-day that the proprietor of the Indra Zanibar Theatrical Co. has consented to allow a number of Eurasian amateurs to perform Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves at the North Bridge Road theatre to-morrow night. There will also
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  • 98 4 Three months ago, brigandage prevailed in the neighbourhood of Manila, almost at the gates of the City. Armed bands of robbers and murderers swarmed all over the country, till the Government resorted to the unsparing use of military force. Flying columns pushed the brigands hard and routed them in several
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  • 146 4 A Correspondent writes So far as lam able to judge, Queen Street is on the verge of once again earning its old reputation of being one of the rowdiest thoroughfares in this town. For some time past peace and quiet have reigned supreme in this locality. The establishment of liquor-shops
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  • 53 4 The Selangor Golf Club have asked the Han. Sec. of the Garrison Golf Club to forward the names of likely competitors in the Golf Meeting which takes place on May 30th and Hist and June Ist. The list of events may be seen on the notice "board
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 26 4 The King has arrived in London where he has had an exceptionally enthusiastic reception, emphasising appreciation of the results of H. M.'s tour.
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    • 53 4 Nationalist Support Depends on Government Conssions. Mr. Wvndham moved the second reading of the new Irish Land Bill. Mr. John Redmond severely criticised its details, and entreated the Government to adopt essential amendments as to which both landlords and tenants were agreed, otherwise the Nationalists would not
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    • 29 4 It ii rumoured at Aden that the Mullah has attacked the column at Galadi, and has been repulsed with heavy loss. The British losses were considerable.
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  • 239 4 Yesterday's Result*. ii. nnrtißi. mv» Langli-y .1. RabortMi l»'.n A RabartMa Permy '2, Mi, M. C. ImUUI.Ks, KIN.U.. Acheli- IIaMM-h- Hunt t Koliert *on scr., "»-7, *>•**. I nwMm iaiiin ■MkenDaßMMiA tmn Bta vi Mosley Urndbery. 6 :t, ML II f Hl >■■■!> K. Sal/maim lieat
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  • 61 4 Bwrnnum has another little referendum in Store. Recent events in the Army have produced a deep effect on public opinion, and have resulted in 8 law adding an article to the constitution rendering penal any and all incitement!, in the Press or elsewhere, to mutiny in the Anrv. This addition
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  • 76 4 It was notified on Feb. I' 7 that no recruits lor infantry should now be enlisted under the standard of age, height,, or chest measurement. The raising of the standard for other arms was carried out by Army Order of March 1. As regarded character the first and main instruction
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  • 65 4 Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company held their annual meeting on March 3lst at the Cannon Street Hotel. Colonel Sir C. Kuan-Smith, who presided, said the eunpuj were on the point of concluding final an-ansements with the Admiralty which would lesult in placing the Fleet, so far as regarded wireless oommunicatioa, in
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  • 67 4 The Penatiß Hills Railway Company held its third annual meeting there on Wednesday, and passed a resolution for taking forthwith in hand the work of constructing the railway. All the difficulties about securing sites on Penang Hill, and regarding the amount of capital required had been overcome. Smith and Foster
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 527 4 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. NEW NOVELS j At $1.50 each.j slazenqer's Lady Rose s Daughter, I tNNIO KALIJUL I 0 by Mrs- Humphrey Ward. The Pearl Maiden, by Rider Haggard. < The Traitors, by E. Oppenheim. 6J\(\f\prt\r Outlaws of the Air, by O. (iriffith. •MOtivy Erewhon Revisited, by S. (Sutler.
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    • 70 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbh Qretham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday! only 8 a.ra 6 p.m. Orchard on eakd *y f 8 a.m.-6 p.m. luma on Sunday*. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chomical rnouutH, Eastman fllma, Wratten-Wrainwriftht't llfonl and Uerman
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    • 42 4 I have used Jayne's Kxpectorant for twenty years, and am sure that it saved my lite in one or two instances— o. W. Lord, Silver Lake, Maine, Oct. 16, 1895. The Singapore Diapanaary. Sole Agents for the Straits Settleme n t s.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 217 5 To the Editor 0/ tits Straits Timet." Sir,—lleferring to Syed Mahomed AlsagofTB letter and your leader thereon in yesterday's issue of the Straits Times, I ought perhaps lo state that I have for the last 17 years urged, whenever opportunity offered, that the Superintendence of
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  • 270 5 Re-Audjustment of Municipal Salaries. To the Editor uf Ike Straits Times." Sir,- -In the month of February nearly all the Municipal employes (subordinate) submitted, through the heads of departments, a petition to the President prayuiir for a consideration of their salarie« on the ground of the increased
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  • 219 5 This rrorning, the Master of a local coasting vessel appeared before Mr. Wilson, in answer to a summons issued at the instance of the Chief Police Officer, to explain why he could not iccount fof certain firearms which he had obtaiiK'il licenses to possess. Insp Kuox, Anns
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  • 77 5 In followinc passengers are expected to arrive hei« by the imperial German mail Hteamer lioon due mi Friday the 21st inotant Mr. E. D. Howan, Mrs. Kdtfard Ambrose, Mrs. A. Diez, Miss A Dif-z, Mr. K. \V. Nordmann, Mr A. B. Swanson", Captain J. Dresler, Mr.
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  • 1526 5 MANILA MERCHANT SUES RILEY HARQREAVES AND CO. An Echo of the Bombardment of Marftla. An action of considerable interest and one which is likely to last some ti me was begun in the Supreme Court this rooming, before Mr. Justice Hyndman- Jones. It was a claim brought
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  • 121 5 At the Assizes yesterday, Edward Strugn'ell, a Eurasian youth, was charged with forgery for the purpose of cheating, using as genuine a forged document, and cheating and dishonestly inducing a delivery of property. Strugnell pleaded guilty, but he was releaepd on his own recognizances to come up for
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  • 47 5 Messrs. Fraseb and Neave's aerated witer factory has now been removed to the new premises erected in Anson li 'ill, the old godown in Robinson P.oad being closed. Customers should note that orders should be booked at the Company's office, 2-1 Raffles Quay.
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  • 22 5 I'hk Monthly Medal oi the Singapore Garrison Golf Club will be competed for on Saturday next tbe 9th inrtant.
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  • 840 5 Mattkkb are progressing busily around the race-course of a morning and on that account I will give a few insights into the more prominent contents of the stables. First comes the old favourite, i Abrams. A visit to the stable presided over by Mr. Abrams and the horses
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  • 88 5 At a meeting of representatives of various churches held on Monday afternoon, a small committee was appointed to arrange for meetings to be held by Mr. \V. E. Geil, the famed evangelist. It was stated that Mr. Geil's services were to be given gratis, and that
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  • 509 5 Singapore, Cm M m 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler f IS. V Copra Bali 8.40 do Pontianak B.<K) Pepper, Black 3. r >.oo do White, (8%) 89.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.25 do Brunei No. 1 4.00 Pearl Sago 8.40 Coffee, Bali, 15% bask 2-J.OO Coffee, Paleinban K ,'io%ba«lH._ 31.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 CHILDRKN BK(J FOR IT. Stkahns' Wink makes them bright, and rosy-cheeked, and at thin season of the year it is the ideal Nutrient Tonic for the young.
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    • 104 5 Ooing Insane. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge, N, V.. says:— I was for a long time troubled with sleeplessness, with intense neuralgic pains in tho head which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures effected
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    • 102 5 Better than a I ast.r. APIECE of flannel dampened witb Chamberlain's I'uin Balm and bound to tbe affected parts is superior to any plaster. When t.roublea with the back, or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more pleased with tbe
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    • 567 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Prom the following pawnshops. TO BE HELD AT POWRLL CO. 'B PALK-ROOll On Thursday, 7lh May, 1903, at 10 a m "VTO. 66 Middle Road. No. 472 North ll Bridge Road, No. 126 .South Bridge Road, No. 6 Merchant Road. No. 83 Taajong
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 6th May. High Water. 6.4M p.m. B.C.C Tenni« Tournament. C.W. Association. KarHes WirU* School. 4. S.V.A. 2.5 Dig. Drill. 5.15. S.V.K. Outpost Duty. 5.15. Hone's Circus. -Beach KoaU. 9 Wayanu Kasitim. North Kridge Koad. 9. Wayang Pusi. North Bridge Koad. 9. Thursday, 7th May. High Water.
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  • 176 6 In a Notilication in the Otw Gazette of India the < 'overnor-Genera! in Council announces to the Army that the King-Emperor has been pleased tc permit the worus, Peking limn and China 1900,' to be borne upon the colours and appointments of a nunibei of Corps
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  • 189 6 D kwt of a terrible tragedy comes froir. Lehra, in the Corukhpur district (India) Mr. < iodfrey Holdsworth was managing certain property during his father's absence in England and his cousin is said to have arrived recently. He and young Holdsworth apparently had some difference when out walking,
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  • 162 6 The mail brings particulars of the report of the Chartered Bank for the year ended Dec. :tlst, showing a net profit, after providing for bad and doubtful debts, of £837,7t8, inclusive of X40,104 brought forward. The interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum
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  • 100 6 We understand, says the Bntom. that Lord Kitchener, the Commander-in-Chief in India, has had his attention drawn to a dinner party ot seven military officers at the Strami Hotel, Rangoon, and their subsequent proceedings on the night of the 88th March There was a row in
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  • 75 6 NEW P. O. LINERS. Thk MtUumm, the new 10,000 torsteamer recently launched Tor I', ami O. Company at Ctreenock, has not lornheld the distinction of being the largest of the company's vessels at Belfast on April 9th, the Krwm, a steamer of 10,">»«i tons and 15.01K horse-power, was successfully
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  • 59 6 Just now the officers of the Health Department are submitting all the habi tations within Municipal limits to a rigorous and special inspection. This is owing to the cropping up of four sporadic cases of ehoun in districts widely apart, and the Hcalfh Ollii m with his usual thorough-Hoing policy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 NOTICES. Aflcnts for LEI PERIIIS' Hfl WORC[SIERSHIRE ss u^w* Sim* <f£ v By Special Warrant j£lJjß^>|k Hjs Majestß Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. 4 BOVRIL is liquid life. BOVRIL is power in bottle. BOVRIL is a perfect food -beverage. BOVRIL gives disease-resisting strength. BOVRIL is a nutrient and
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    • 339 6 NOTICES. (f^^^* high" "class Smoking Mixture AZW) A HAS NO EQUAL IN QUALITY /fc MILD, MEDIUM AND FULL. '1/ K Specially prepared for Export by a new scientific process. h \l» Ik ll an< P ac k'd in our Patent Vacuum Tins of \lb and Ib. Ji|V| Agents In Singapore
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    • 72 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IS cure for severe colds, persistent coughs, and preventive of pneumonia, it IB the mother's favourite for whooping couijh. Loosening the cough, relieves the lungs, and opens tbe secretions. It counteracts any tendency of a bad cold to result in pneumania. It ii unequalled to bad colds.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 697 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrUIE Sttndari Life Aasnranos. M. Norwioh Union Fire Inmranos Society Atlmi Anar&noe Company (Fire). rhe Eqaitnble Life Assurance Society. The China Mutual Bteam Navigation Company Vhr T ottenham Lager Beer Company. r'or partioulart of tlieee CompaniM, see Om roll advertiaement of THE BORNEO COM PANT, LIMITED.
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    • 696 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenti at Singapore: Ship Aenor, lat» J. Dabhdblb A Co., 2-8, Colltbb Qdat. he undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for:— Nienhuy* Pontianak May 1 Pontianak May 6 Vtmmmek Sourabaya April 27 Batavia,
      696 words
    • 532 7 Corr.pagnie Des Messagerlea Maritimes De France. TlLBOBAPHIC AD DBMS: ME8«AOEBI*8, SlKGAPOBB. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— OUTWAAD. HOMBWABD. Date*. Date* 1903 1903 Salatie Apr. 27 Tonkin Apr 27 Oeeanitn Hay 10 lorni May 11 Annam May 25 Oaledonien May 26 E. fHmons June
      532 words
    • 674 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN OHINi JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATE8. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, ANI VANCOUVER, B. a, twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,00( Tons— Speed 19 knoU. Proposed Sailihos from Hohqeoho. RMS. Tartar,
      674 words
    • 547 7 INSURANCE CO.'S YiANTON INSURANCE OFFIO \J LIMITED. Capital Bubeoribsd $8,600,000. Amount pud np 100,000. Reeenr* fund 1,180,000. Hud Omni, HoHSKOne. I"he uncuwi-^ned, h»Ting been appointee AfSSISi of the »boTc Company, are prepared aooept Marine Biaks at current rate*. BOU8TKAD k Co., A*enU. ROYAL INSURANCE OOf." FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUND8
      547 words
    • 806 7 INSURANCE CO. '3 THE ROYAL EXCHANGE" A. DURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) 1HE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fir* sk« at current rates. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A Co. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) 1HE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept
      806 words

    • 2129 8 Under this beading tbe following abbreviations are used I— str. steamer sh.— Ship bq. barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpsdo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. B.— United States; Fch.— French; S«r German Dut. Dutch Joh.— Jobore O.S.— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; o.— Uncertain
      2,129 words
    • 132 8 For Per $teamer Tiyne. To-Morrow. Saigon Kampot 7 a.m. Singora and Bangkok Boribat 11a.m. Sink and Pakan ifong Le* 1 p.m. u-i ;i and Linggi Heltnt lpm. M.-ili-cci.i I' Dickton Hong lAan 2 p.m. Feaang and Rangoon Unity 2 p.m. P.Swet'ham via ports Ganymedf 3 pm. C'bon
      132 words
    • 257 8 m FL4(; Vkssii/s Name. 4 Tons Calais From Ba:lm> Co.«ioheks. Q Bi«.. jjTf •4 Bombay Maru Jap str. 3398 Murai Bombay Apl ->i P. Simons and Co 4 Ijmaila Bnt str. 3381 Gimblett Yokohama Apl 10 Boustead and Co 4 Hong Mod str. 2665 Htach Amov Apl 27 Wee
      257 words
    • 151 8 If Datk. Vmsbi/s Namb. Flag A Rio. Tons. Dmtination. May 6 Hong Moh 6 Georgian Prince 8 Richmond Castle 6 Q. U. Meyer 0 Brouwer 0 i Glenlogan+ 6 Van Kiebeeclc 6 Ban Seng Guan 6 Ruby 6 Nani Yoog 6 Sultan 6 Pontianak 6 Emile 6 Mena 6
      151 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SZLZ MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JUST ARRIVED A splendid stock of high class real Diamond and Gem-set Jewellery with extensive varieties of solid Gold, guaranteed genuine work from India, China, and other foreign countries. Diamond, white sapphire, opalo emeralu, Rubies and other precious
      78 words
    • 880 8 SPECIAL VALUE IN FOOTWEAR, m ijjf* The Killar- CASHMERE SOCKS FOR GENTS -lajfrrflll^ 1 cr-JaV mixttire-; Kancv A rmw di-liv.-ry if fJont'« Cashmere Socks. An T" l^, aavaWaVaV [$:m S'pV^en'did e-l.entMua.ity of British make fine Cash- K.- jB^B A light weight H E'4B Price $1 .40 pj y. j for
      880 words