The Straits Times, 4 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,120. SINGAPORE, MONDAY. MAY 4. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 753 1 NOTICES. NOTICK. fTIAKE notice that Mr. E. A. Judah J. having left my service ou the -'Ist instant is no longer authorized to enter into any engagement on my behalf. N. N. ADIB. Singapore, Sifith March, 1903. v.c. NOTICK. THE conditions on which auctions of Government coffee will take place
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    • 620 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. i mS^^^^^^B ASE YOUR STORE KEEPER FOR Jfe uns £ee™ed JJ SLEDGE BRAND. ll^^^^^A^l STERILIZED MILK ■r/^BfelN v absolxjt:e::il y ftjre ■L^^SP^^ a Invaluable in the House, %SSSsi^SICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put oril See that you get what
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    • 352 1 ROBINSON CO. FIRST SHOW OF SPECIALITIES WILL BE HELD FROM Monday, May Uth 1963. New Millinery New Millinery Dainty, Chic, Original, and Up-to-date Models. LADIES 1 BLOUSES~. SMART SILK SHIRTS ALMOST BEYOND DESCRIPTION. We can five but a poor idea ol the Charming effects of these Shirts. WE HAVE A
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    • 721 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ BRAND Bk wndenselTmEjl It/I t1 \t £B wtSt Guaranteed CDtIIIPBP iv S a ifcii Full Cream. mm mm Largest Sale in the World. "tT 'I'O BE LET, compound house No 1 209. Queen Street. For particulars apply to n.c. QUTHRIE A Co., Ltd., AgenU. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD.
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  • 1595 2 The KinrKirn. Kiiwarii ia gfiendin^ a few days on board the Ifoyal yacht at Naples in semiprivacy. Hin Majesty will pay a viait to Caoeru in the company of the Queen of Portugal, who is also yachting in the Mediterranean. The Portuguese prineen a... »»ying at Naples. His
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  • 338 2 1.;,,,/.,,,, nth April. \t«- rMwtwad ii'_'li(iri^' iiiiiii-* tram Manas. Tin- Nteh r—hwl iowu valley anil ilin-iiHMifil allinmn il •toHaghoU :vl FraJHna. Thfir aw)*WwM »a< ln-ckeil, how iu.t. iiy ill*- tWaadwn M i ha i»>-t i'li nipitl IMMMHI '>| rolkwym, Tba rcU-ls |miw<l<m mi|i|.lv i-\|,li).lr.l uinl.-i ilh- aoaUaaaai
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  • 221 2 Mr (iow, Manager, Sudu Seremban. has up '.iinis tournament, confined to the BnropsM hnna fide miners ot Neßri in and has presented a silver tup Mid tin mug as as first and second prizes lot the competition. The ties an to t><! played otf' on his tennis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, fortify the System against Disease with PURE BLOBD. "THb BEST SECURITY FOR HbALTH." ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRAOT OF RED JAMAICA Estd W*m 'k^ m »W^kW^T7W^WW^Wmf7^ since 1829. [c^Jlj^j^jj^l^^gP^^^jjyjJ^yl lISSWZ iWID ,tfER, DEBILITY, ERUPTIONS. WEAK «nd LANGUID FEELINGS, And all .mpu cities of the Blood.
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    • 500 2 NOTICES. J^ STANDARD pOLICY. OF £500 BTG. Payable at Age 65 or at Death, if previous Costs at the Bate of Per quarter. Age. £4 10 0 if commenced at 26 £6 14 11 if commenced at 86 £9 1 10 if commenced at 40 For Rates for other Age*,
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    • 248 2 NOTICES. j3 JEFFREY'S S EDINBURGH Jflk STOUT. wapMkfJ A special, light brew for the #%^79 tropics. Highly recomrae nded Of all dealers. iA BORNEO CO., LTD., kfogSJi So'e Agents. "KRIS BEER" A first quality Pilsener, at a moderate price. Guaranteed equal to anything in the market. 115.00 per case of
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    • 101 2 Nine Epidemics piH.YV»»KKI,AIN'SOoIie nn I Diarrhtna \j Remedy has been used in nine epidemics of dysiatiry with perfect suc•ess, effecting aMN in the most severe aud dangerous uaaes If troubled with diarrho'd or howM complaints, try it ouce *od cc.) ho* you like t. From all o/er the ivorid come
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  • 347 3 In Central America. Thk area planted with Castilloa elaetioa, in various parts of Central America, must figure up to a very considerable total, and the next few 7ears ought to brinp conclusive demonstration of the commercial possibilities of rubber-planting in that part of the world. But
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  • 542 3 P. O. May -I I'' 1 Skmmfkm. Mr-. I>i" .-mil ■MM, Mr-. Gardast and two ehttina ami Mm* DsuMssua. From Psswng M>. sad Mr.-. ,1. I'aton Kerr. Mny l. r >. Pit CorOMßmdel Mr. snd Mr>. •r..nilliiM.n. M.-m- Hill. I. 11. Distsa, Mr. Hall and Was Nanfsr.
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  • 138 3 For Singapore. Per P. O. a. s. Btmkmjf, from London April 4, due lUtb May-Capt. Shaw, Mr. K Raid. Per P. A 8. (union from London April 4. due 10th May— Captain Sharp, Mr. K. Reid. Lieuf Wvmer. Per P. AO.B. s .I'cirfm, connecting at Oolomlio wi'h
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 NOTICES. t/j^^nia^afa\ These tiny An_^^l% Capsules Lvflfl superior WitlllsbV Copaiba, 1 Cubebs, and 1 Injections cure < the same diseases as these drugs 1 in forty-eight hours without 1 inconvenience. 1 Each Capaulc bcara the name (MIDYj FOR DISEASES OF THE OHEIT. .RIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime Prescribed in
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    • 637 3 BANKS. ON (iKIi.MI AMI SHANGHAI BANKING OOBPORATIOH. PAID-UP OAPI fAL »10,000.0<K RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve. slu,ooo,ooo »,-r,^non Silver- Reserve....! 6,500,000 16 6™6 0W) KESERVE LIABILITY OF tionnnono PROPRIETORS 10 OIXJ OUU Court or Directors. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. R. H. Tonkins, K»q— Deputy Chairman. U BALLOCH, Esq. H. SCHUBART,
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    • 593 3 NOTICES. WANTED a competent draughtsman. Apply to HOGAN 4 CO., LTD 6-6 Mirbau Boad. WANTED a reliable clerk, one u»ed to book-keeping and office wore. Applicants to apply in own handwriting to R. 8. T. o/o >>«rcit//." 'ii**e». 7 5 WANTED. TWO Chinese kranies for Palembang. Apply to rue. HOOGLANDT4CO.
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    • 636 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APrOINTID SUB-AGENTS OF THB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, OM. Straits Settlements. SULPHURIC ACID. BEST quality for sale. Apply to BYME 4 Co-B-C FB SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed fitssh, at the Crown Dispensary, 96 Selegießoad.
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    • 586 3 SHIPPINQ BRITISH INDIA HTEAM NAVI- GATION COMPANY, LIMITED. REGULAR MONTHLY SERVICE TO SOUTH AFRICA. FOR PELAOOA BAY, DURBAN, EAST LONDON, POKT ELIZABETH, AND CAPE TOWN THROUGH Bs/l-ading are issued from Singapore to above ports, with transhipment at Calcutta. Steamers leave this port on JTth April and 4th May to connect
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  • 33 4 Ford.— On the 16th April, at Nagasaki. Kichard An iirkw Ford, aged 75 year*. Heinkmann.— On the '23rd April, at the (ieneral Hospital, Shanghai, PAUL HEINEM ANN, of Erfurt, aged 22 years.
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  • 1212 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 4th MAY. amono the arrivals from Labuan on the 8.8. Kedah was the Hon. E. W. Birch C. M. G., Governor of British North Borneo, who is now the guest of H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham at Government House. Mr. Birch's services in
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  • 231 4 Yesterday was the biggest day that the Rail-ay his yet known, and great was the volume of the traffic on every one of the six trains in each direction whicUconstituted the special service for the occasion. Indeed the number of passengers demonstrated what a splendid future the line is destined
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  • 235 4 month, to which the Railway fare has to be added. Such an amount may not seem large to a taipan, who can afford to drive down town from Tanglin in a carriage and pair, but it would mean ten per cent off the income of a Eurasian or Native clerk
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  • 185 4 From Labuan come strange reports anent the recent discovery of valuable mineral oil in Brunei. It is stated that the Kajah of Sarawak has given the Sultan of Brunei $9,000 and a guarantee of :i cents per case on all the oil exported, for the the concession to work the
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  • 148 4 Few houses have collapsed here during the recent heavy rain storms but it is by no means certain that others will not do so in the near future. Poor mortar is th» general cause, the bricks, although unsightly, generally being good enough. In connection with this it is interesting to
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  • 45 4 The disgusting practice of scattering about the roads the filthy water that stagnates in the drains in the Chinese quarter of the town is now illegal, and the sanitary officers are about to begin a crusade against it. A test case will be heard to-morrow.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4 ins. bank rate is
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  • 7 4 Harmston's Circus opens at Penang to-morrow evening.
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  • 12 4 "A Dutchman's 1 letter is held over owing to lack of space.
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  • 14 4 The homeward mail by the Zamania clo 'as at 4 p.m. on \V ednesday.
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  • 11 4 The big Russian cruiser lioyarin left For Port Arthur yesterday morning.
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  • 12 4 The entries for the Singapore Spring race meeting close on Saturday next.
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  • 18 4 Wire news will be found on page 2 and particulars of gambling with motor cars on page 6.
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  • 16 4 Three small cases of house-breaking in Malay residences are reported from the neighbourhood of Jalan Besar.
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  • 19 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site to-morrow afternoon from ."> to 6 (weather permitting.)
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  • 23 4 Thk P. <fc. 0. intermediate steamer Socotra left Hongkong at 3 p.m. on Thursday and is due here at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 22 4 Mr. and Mm. Hall, Miss Napier, Mr. Lim Paik Kiew and Dr. H. M. Harrison arrived from Labuan today by the Kedah."
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  • 25 4 H. H the Sultan of Sulu and Siak and suite arrived to-day from Labuan. It in probable that he will be here during the Races.
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  • 197 4 KINO EDWARD'S VISIT. A ORATIFYINO RECEPTION. His Majesty's Significant Reply to Chamber of Commerce Address. London. 2nd May. President Loubet received King Edward at the Elysee. The interview lasted twenty minutes. The King returned to the British Embassy waere H. M. received an address from the British Chamber
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 13 4 The Kaiser visited the Pope in great stat»*.
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  • 244 4 Saturday's Resulls. til AMI'IONSHIP. Wither* Iwnt Kuinnie w.o. t, nui \V. Duniiiiin f Iwat Kolilhoff— s6, 4-6,6-4 Dichn MT. v. liroHilrick 1, unfin. Hkm mm) mMIh 6-4, 6 4. Gray l>eat Noou 6 4, 0 4. J. Robert <->>m beat Skey 6 4, 61. <■. UMM Penny
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  • 52 4 A wire is to hand from the manager, giving the following result of the cleanup for the month of April 475 tons stone crushed for a return of 165 ounces If dwta of smelted cold, being an average of 7.01 dwtß gold to the ton of
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  • 30 4 We are asked to state that the fiate for entries for the President's prize at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club has been extended to Friday next.
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  • 102 4 Scores for the May Medal. Playkd on Saturday. Scores C W. Darhinliirc 44-ltj 74 The Uon'lile K. (i. I'l-nuey tB- 54- M Hi •I U. I{iil.i-ii-..i. 41 mi. S-f F. 11. I'ear.-e iti 13— 4 S5 Sir Arthur I torwooil 47 Hl—l'>~Si A. W. I.liven :t<! M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 694 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "The Hundredth Man" is the title of one of Stockton's cleverest stories. Ninety-nine people out of a hundred have heard of the BUTTER, sold by THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, and know that it is the best. It's "the hundredth man we're looking for." See that you get the right
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    • 147 4 G.R. Lambert tf Co. Photographers OPEIt Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m. B p.m Orchard on w «»*day* 8 m 6 P m Road on Sunday*. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly gupplies from Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-W rain
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    • 32 4 A RELIABLE REMEDY. Stkarns' Hkadai hk Curb has been used the world over for years.- Always reliable widely imitated, and substitutes offered. All Chemists supply the genuine, when Steams' is asked for.
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  • 368 5 On Friday last the Rt. Rev. Bishop Bourdon celebrated his seventieth birthday, and his many friends throughout Burmah and the Far East will rejoice to loam that 1 I.e. anniversary found that kindliest of churchman in the best of hp.alth and the happiest of spirits 01 the sixty-nine
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  • 226 5 <>n Saturday evening last, Messrs. Sarkies, Johannes and Co. the present proprietors of the Adelphi Hotel gave a big farewell dinner to Mrs. Ada Hassner, the late Ippspp, who is now leaving for Europe. Some sixty invited guests as well as the ordinary habitues of
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  • 92 5 A Volvnteek writes as follows: According to the published Orders of the S. V. C, there was to be class firing at the BalesMer Range on Sunday morning tor the S.V.R. and S.V I. A number of men went down to the range yesterday morning and found that no ammunition
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  • 88 5 It will be remembered that a recent Ketiter tplegram announced that certain men of the Leinster Reeiment had been ■sentenced to death in connection with a military riot at Pretoria. A mail paper states that, the riot took place at the Artillery barracks at Pretoria on March and that ten
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  • 449 5 The S. V. A. at Paslr Panjang. Yesterday morning the Singapore Volunteer Artillery went through their annual course of gun practice from a position on the high ground overlooking the sea, close by Labrador Villa. The Corps fell in at the Drill Hall shortly before 7am., about
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  • 320 5 COLLISION AT TANJONG PA GAR. The P. O. s.s. ValetU," the "Tanglin'' and the Zamania. There was great excitement over a couple of collisions at Tanjong Pagar yesterday and the damage done by the P. A O. ss. Valetta in attempting conclusions with the Norddeutscber Lloyd s. s. Tanglin and
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  • 60 5 St. Joseph being the titular saint of the R C. Church at the 9th mile, Bukit Timah Road, and yesterday being the day fixed for the postponed celebration of the saint's festival, a considerable number of persons assembled at the church. Special trains were run. The Right Rev. Bishop Bourdon
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  • 470 5 Boilers And Coal Consumption. The two big four-funnelled cruisers Kuropa and Spartiate arrived here yesterday morning, the Spartiate resuming her journey north at 3 p. m Both vessels are carrying relief crews for other vessels on this station. It will be remembered that some two years
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  • 47 5 The nightly attendances at the Indra Zanibar Theatre show no signs of deteriorating and Mr. Kassim, the proprietor, must be congratulated on the very excellent programmes he presents. Last evening a variety performance was given. Zamoni, the conjurer and ventriloquist, figuring well and conspicuously in the bill.
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  • 61 5 With reference to a paragraph which appeared in the Strait* Times of Friday last mentioning that one Syed Ahmad I-dross, an Arab, was committed for trial on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery belonging to M. C. S. Mahomed, "A Straits-born Arab" writes to say
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  • 93 5 Some stir has been aroused at Sandakan by the loss of the steamer Sri Putri, the property of the North Borneo Company, on the 9th instant on an island upon which she ran aground in bright moonlight. The vessel was in charge of a native nerang" who behaved in such
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  • 133 5 hue.'^ GbsehalChakfeehas been astonishing tin; Methodists of New York. At the mi.nthly meeting ot the Methodist Social Union, held in the ballroom of the Hotel Savoy on the 20th March, the General said he had never met an intelligent Chinese who expressed any desire to embrace the Christian religion. The
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  • 104 5 There was a very good house at the Town Hall on Saturday to witness the performance of Professor Zamoni, the conjurer and ventriloquist. The entertainment throughout was a most excellent one, and the more so as Zamoni disdains the aid of the usual confederate aud
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  • 101 5 As the North German Lloyd s.s. Kiatsehou was on her way down from Hongkong on Friday evening last, one of the second-class passengers, who had apparently suddenly gone insane, jumped overboard. On the alarm being given, the engines were reversed and a boat lowered and within
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  • 76 5 Another instance in which a revolver was stolen from the residence of a European has been reported to the police from 103, River Valley Road, the residence of Mr. Baasch. It appears that yesterday evening a friend staying with Mr. Baasch found the latter's watch in his
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  • 33 5 The second class cruiser Siriut of 3,900 tons displacement is expected to arrive here shortly from home on her way to the China station, to relieve the second-clans cruiser Pique, a sister ship.
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  • 40 5 Madame has finished her tour in Australia. Latterly she has been the guest of the Governor ot New South Wales, Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, and Lady Kawsun. She left Melbourne, on the return journey to London, on April 14th.
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  • 48 5 m It seems that the Spanish flagship, the Reina Cruiina, was not sunk by the Americans under Dewey. She was scuttled by the Spaniards. Eighty bodies were found in what is supposed to have been a hospital forward. Fourteen small shot holes were found beneath the water line.
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  • 52 5 H. M.S. Pique has been at Sandakan on a visit. There teams from her crew won two football matches and a cricket match. Entertainments and excursions in honour of the visitors came in quick succession followed up by a concert and a dance, just before the Pique left on the
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  • 48 5 The Selangor Club held a general meeting on Thursday last. Mr. Beltield, the Resident, took the chair, and pointed out that the Club had reached a satisfactory financial position by the adoption of the cash system. Mr. J. P. Joaquim was elected Vice-president, and Committee members were chosen.
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  • 45 5 The following passengers arrived here yesterday afternoon by the German mail steamer KiauUchou. From Yokohama: Mr. Freiherr von Ritter. From Shanghai: Mr. S. Valoo. From Hongkong: Messrs. Valet, R. Reger, H. Stevins, Ganburg, Mr. Mrs. Addis, Mr. Mrs. A. Stahlmann, Mr. Mrs. A. F. Cowdrey.
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  • 130 5 Before Mr Justice Hyndman-Jones this morning, application was made by Mr Elliot for letters of administration in the estate of Inchi Katija, wife of the late Sultan of Johore, Abuoakar. Incbi Katija died in February of this year leaviug two children and there being no one here to obtain administration
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  • 27 5 A horse belonging to Saaik Abdool bolted in Selegie Road on Saturday and knocked over two rikishas. It was stopped near the Esplanade by a police constable.
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  • 31 5 Yksterday afternoon a little Chinese boy of about three years of age was severely burnt in a house in Serangoon Road. He was removed to hospital and died there this morning.
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  • 37 5 The concierge of a very badly-kept house in Paris hung up at tbe foot of the stairs a card inscribed as follows Please wipe your feet on the mat." A wag wrote underneath "As you come out."
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  • 33 5 Mr. O Kimblk, Manager Temperance Institute, desires to remind the public that a dance will be given at that the Institute on Thursday night, 7th inst. The Manila band will be in attendance.
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  • 60 5 The sale of the Johore Club furniture etc. on Saturday last, conducted by Messrs. Coghlan and Co was a great success, very high prices being obtained. It is generally admitted that the auction was one of the best ever held in that part. The trains to Johore were crowded, and
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  • 60 5 The Overland Mail announces that Mr. Edward Morphy has been appointed County Court Judge of Mayo in succession to the late Judge Dane. Mr. Morphy took his degree at Trinity College in 1868, and was called to the Bar in 1873. He was Crown counsel for Clare and counsel to
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  • 56 5 The Indian Circus in Beach Road is proving a great attraction and is being nightly packed. The performance given is really very clever and the place is well worth a visit. The management have now arranged boxes, containing four seats each, round the ring and made various other arrangements for
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  • 496 5 BIMOAPOU, 4TH May, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers 15 .tij Copra Bali 8.40 do PontUnak 8.00 Pepper, Black buyers 34. 25 do White, (8%) 59.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.25 do Brunei No. 1 4.00 Pearl Bago 6.40 Coffee, Ball, 15% basts 2--'.OO Coffee, Palem bane, 9v%ba.1.._ 31.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 111 5 Four years auo I had a sevpre attack of La Grippe. It ran into Pneumonia My Cough was something terrible. Doctors failed to give me any relief 1 became so weak I could not turn in bed. Finally my wife got a bottle of Jayne's Expectorant. Before I had ui>ed
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    • 103 5 Better than a I ust.r. AI'IKCK of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to affected parts is superior to any plaB*ier. When troubled with the back, or puintt in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more pleased with the
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    • 130 5 Helpless with Rheumatism I .Mr. M. Median. Detroit, Mich., says: —I was sorely afflicted with Rheumatism for more than six month*, and it seemed to affect my whole system. At first there was pain and swelling in my left ankle After two weeks it left the ankle and moved to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 142 5 HA r BY DAY. Monday, 4th May. Hi^'h Water.4.4l p.m. Moon. Fir-t Qr. -'.-.'l p.m. S.V. A., S.V.R. Co. Drill. .1.".. S.V.I. Signalling. 6.15. Missionary Meeting. Prinsep St. Church. 8. Kose's draw. Beach Road. 9. Wayang K;i*mm. North Bridge Road. 9. Wayang I'usi. North Bridge Road. 9. Tuesday, sth May.
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  • 704 6 A Cosfy Oame to Replace Bridge. {From a I'nrif Correnpatulent It is played on a ping-pong board or on a billiard table, but experts are at work to make a «p«cUl c >urse for it, and in a few weeks' lime the motor-car game will be played
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  • 120 6 v ereat man shines before the populace in vain—without the news paper. He spreadeagie* the constitution in rail -without the i.o»opaper. Hi^ clarion voice wakes up the entire universe in vain—without the newspaper. His iinibl astounding linanciai enterprises serve him in vain without the newspaper. His
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  • 60 6 An Kpiscopal clergyman of ('in. in natti was being shaved by a barber who was addicted to occasional sprees The ra/'ir manipulator cut the person's face quite considerably. You sec, Jackson, rhat ''ones from taking too much drink," said the mar of God. You, sah, r replied Jackson it makes
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 NOTICES. T3?e Pulsometet> Requires :o gff^^ft Thousands in use skilled attendance. TjyHP fc ivm g to get out ~^R9PB Hof order. i^S^Sfei ■WOR.I^ T^S»^'sa«B^Jfc^Si-JEidSBlfff STEAM PUMP. IS NOISELESS. --J® application SOLE J^G-lEHSTTS HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. i > w kfi^ <^>. ™"^^\v^B! issssss^ agents John Little Co.,
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    • 320 6 NOTICES^ EWI Cs'€s health (iiviNGi COOLING, f^H (LJ IT REFRESHING> AND INVIGORATINC. SAL-Hl SOLD BY CHEMISTS. 4c, BVBRYWHBRB. A B MACKAY, Ltd. LIQUEUR WHISKY (PUBI WHISKY) Price per case $15. DUTY EXTRA. Sole Agents:- McALISTER Co. 111. 111. &f. U.C fl I Keep always on haada well assorted Supply of
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    • 69 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 18 cure for severe colds, |>orsUleut cougbb and preventive of pneumonia. It is the mother'i) favourite for whooping oOMgh. Loosening the cough, relieved thu lungs and opens the secretions. It couuturacts any tendency of a bad cold to result in pneumania. It ii unequalled to bad colds.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 694 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. THE Stsndarl Life Ai>snr»ioo. Norwich Union Fire Ininrsnos Boci«ty. Atlaa AsHuranoe Company (Fire). "in K'luiraMo Life Asaurauoe Society. Th« China Mutual Stwun Navigation Company ;')>r v otteuham L&gur Beer Company. /or partiouUn of tLwe Companies, ;ull advortuement of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p
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    • 1251 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninklijUe Paketvaart Maatschappij. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. a gents at Singapore: Ship Agiscy, latb J. Damdeuj A Co., 2-«, Colltib Quat. ihe undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Itom Expected Will be Despatched for On Xienhuyt Pontianak May 1 Pontianak May 4 Van Rieheck Sourabaya
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    • 682 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATEB. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER. B. O. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons Speed 19 knots. Proposed Sailings from Houokoro. RM.B. Tartar,
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    • 542 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSOBANCB OFFICE ClMITED. Capital Subscribed *2,6O0,0U0. Amount paid up 600,000. Reserve fund 1,160,000. Head Ornei, Honoiowb. Pha undersigned, having boon appointed Agnnta of fie above Company, are pr«> "«A tc aooupt Marina Risks at current rates. BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRS rJFK TOTAL INVESTED
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    • 774 7 r otices. MARTIN'S ytpiOL& STEEl rml> m^^mm amar m mm Ladies! gfg LaLS A rraaeh R.m»d» for .11 Irr- 1. 1. ri11., nmmmfi LIQUID FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western
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    • 1719 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ablp bq.— barque sell.— schooner Yet.— Yacht; Cru.— (bruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.— BriMlh; U. S.— United States; Feb.— French; fltr.— German ;Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; (aVa,— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; o.— Uncertain T.
      1,719 words
    • 418 8 Flag I 5 VBMBL'I Nami. A Tons < Captain a Rig. Fbom Saihd Co-n-sigmiks. My •i Valetta" Brit str 1974 Palmer 2R. Bchift Baru Dut str 68 Nacodah 2 Xienbuys str I 614 Taurent 3 Dnphne Ger str. 1415 Bchipn«i 1 Albenea str. 2769 Pet£r,cn •I Manoh« Fob str.
      418 words
    • 209 8 kssel's AMI. til IG. Toss. Destination. ■g 3 Resident Schiff |>ut str. 4 Nam Sang Brit str. Moresby rt r 3 Hysom rtr Ban What I Soon str. a Phra Chom Klao+ Qer str. '2 Medan itr. 5 Singora H rtr. 3 Flevo Brit str. 1 Pin Seng gt
      209 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SXLZ MERCHANTS, 61-52, HIGH STREET. JT73T ARRIVED A splendid stock of high class reai Diamond and Gem-sot Jewellery with extensive varieties of solid Gold, guaranteed genuine work from India, China, and other foreign countries. Diamond, white sapphire, opalo emerald, Rubies and other precious
      111 words
    • 1216 8 GfiNTS' STRAW HATS OR BOATERS A Bmart Tweed Cfl p in a range (i ER I B BIR A U 1 1 AI S A medium plait utraw hat in a light o f dark or light greyp, or Irish Very special value in (ients Boaters a weight straw with
      1,216 words