The Straits Times, 2 May 1903

Total Pages: 9
1 9 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,119. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 2. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 NOTICES. ffihe Slhnts. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 tint Insertion w f nt Second and third insertions each 80 cent" fourth, fifth, and sixth *0 oento Berenth to eighteenth 24 cent* nineteenth subsequent,, 16 cents Per week of six days, to be changed daily if
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    • 637 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. 0 S—^— The Passenger Train Service. Sundays included, will be as under from 4th May, 1903, and until further notice. A. M. A. M. A. M A.V A. M. P. M P. M. P. M P. M V. M. Sir.^accre J. 7 00 7 15
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    • 92 1 ST. JOSEPH'S FEAST. POD unrt aerated wtter will be sold at the 9th mile. Bukit Ti n«h, on Sunday, the 3rd M*y, at moderate prices For particular* apply at CROWN DIBPENBARY, W. sp| P gie Rovi. HENKELL TROCKEN Uold Seal Champagne. A shipment of this w«il-known and celebraied Wine, which
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    • 444 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. MR. H CI.AUS8EN, h»s been admitted a partner in oar firm from th« 1st May. 1908. 8-6 Vf R OHARI E3 EDWARD CBAIO, has Ml bf en authorized to sign our Firm per procurati n fr mi 1st lnsUut. San di lands, Buttery A Co. BEARTN MIND.
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    • 930 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME For June 1903 Meeting, June 9th, nth, and 13th. FIRST DAY. Rack No. 1. Thk Maidk\- Pl»TB.Value$x<X> and Jioio th<- »econd horse pro Tided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maidei hones. Ex S. K A Griffin* allowed
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    • 438 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Kiiai.a I.imii'k Sr'KKS -V«lue ft' 0 and $IU> t > the -c, tv d hor-e provided th« e are live sta> lern the p operty of different owners. A Handicap for all hor-ei that bivestirt.pH a' thin meet ng. Entrance $20. Difiiance R. 0 and a distance.
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  • 1922 2 Thk annual report on the Prisons of the Colony for last year was laid on the table of the Legislative Council I and published as a supplement to the Gazette yesterday. The report unlike the generality of official publications of a similar nature
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 369 2 NOTICES, NOTICES. i r |jgg^ ,,Good Things to Eat W^ BRISKET BEEF a fetfc'--'fcir^s^ Delicious for Tiffin 00^^^ t^^pM HgPBJ SAUER KRAUT AND SAUSAGE 1 A O Tr\ it > e« PORK BEANS J? rj Colombias Own M 0 LUNCH TONSUES C None nicer Y SHEEPS' TONGUES I M x
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    • 298 2 N ine Epidemics piHAMBERLAIN'S Colic ani Diarrho-a \j Remedy has been used id nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success, effecting a cure in the most severe and dangerous ewes. If troubled with dinrrh'i'a or l«ow«l complaints, try it once and fee how you like it. From ill u.-.-r the
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  • 150 3 The law of newspaper libel has long been felt to be in need of revision, and, from a paragraph in Th<; bal'umal Advertiser of New York, we learn that the libel law of that State is in the same condition. It is proposed to amend it by the
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  • 111 3 News reaches the London correspondent of a Birmingham paper from ;in inlhiential ([uarter in Berlin to the eflect that, in consequence of representations which have recently been made to the Kaiser by Herr ttallin, the director- general of the HamburgAmerica Steamship Company, a bill will probably be
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  • 532 3 P. O. May Jl IVt Sham/hn Mi-. 1)1- and inlil. Mi-. GanbMf aad two ehUdrsn sad Mi- Bernm*. From Pwaag Iff. "»'l His. I Paton Kerr. May !.">. —IW Ctrmmmdel Mi. and Mr>. Tomluison, Keans. V. Hill, J. 11. Dolton, Mr. Ball and Kks Nappar. N. I).
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  • 204 3 LIST OF PASSENGERS. For Singapore lVr .V s p. /i'oih connecting with tin' steamer Valrtta at Colombo from London April 'J, clue s*nd May— Messrs MtNiil> Pbippa, Sto. kwell.J J N. Henry. \V 'tork.Mr I. K. Hnll Serg-.Vaj. Cherry, H T< i/.it, Mr H I'eacon. Mrs' Archdeacon Sm nfiT, ami
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 394 3 NOTICES. «*i^^V m "MB [^■WrsJ^af' a! HI Refined society appreciates something distinctive, rare, a suggestion of fine lingerie, fragrant with iris, amber and dry rose leaves. ASK FOR OCR LATEST PffITMS. RIBAUD'S LISERIS Extract RIBAUD'S LOUIS XIII RIBAUD'S ALTESSE RIBAUD'S WHITE VIOLET RIGAUDS SOHIA T. BJSADD. S, n. TM*u«, MUS
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    • 633 3 NOTICES. THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. It is a feeling common to the majority of us that we do not vet iiuite the amount of happiness we are entitled to. Among the countless things which tend to make us more *f less miserable ill health takes first place Hannah More
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    • 687 3 NOTICES. WANTED a competent draughtsmanApply to HOGAN ft CO., LTD 6-6 Mirbau Road. WANTED a reliable clerk, one u»ed to book-keeping and office work. Applicants to apply in own handwriting to R. 8. T. j/o S7roi/« lime*. 7-6 WANTED. TWO Chinese kranies for Palembang *pply to n.c. HOOQ L NDT
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    • 640 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan ff Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINT! D SUB-AGENTS OF THE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents. v.c. Straits Settlements. SULPHURIC ACID. T) EBT quality for sale. Apply to v c f^OR BALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed F frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary,
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    • 677 3 SHIPPINO BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. REGULAR MONTHLY SERVICE TO SOUTH AFRICA. FOR DELAGOA BAY. DURBAN, EKBI LONDON, POKT ELIZVKETH, AND (A IE I OWN rpHROUGH Bs/n-ling are iu«ued from Singapore to above ports, with transhipment at Calcutta. Steamers leave this port on ITth April and 4th May to
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  • 17 4 Koch— At Bangkok, Iron, typhoid ievei, on the 25tb April. Mis- E. Koch, aged 21 years.
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  • 122 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 2nd MAY. Salonika, the scene of the bnmh outrages reported by Reuter to-day, lies in disturbed Macedonia. It is an important port, and has long been coveted by Austria which lies within striking distance in Bosnia. The outrages, which include the destruction of
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  • 119 4 With reference to the water meter system which the Municipality here views with so much favour, the following paragraph from the Sydney Morning Herald of the Ist April is worth noting:— "Attention was directed to water-meters at the Ashfield council last night, and criticism was engaged in. Several aldermen considered
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  • 140 4 New Benares opium is now going up high in price. Tlio trale in the drug in in China ports is so brisk that there is plenty of it going that way. In this regard, it is worth taking note, that if there is one variety ot curg > that the
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ins. bank rate is l/Bj.
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue tue/e is a supplement.
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  • 12 4 The Valetta with the outward mail is due to-day at 3 p.m.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zamania closes at 4 p.m on Wednesday.
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  • 17 4 W. McKerruw and Cos. office will be at 3 Dd Souza Street, on, and after Monday next.
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  • 15 4 Mr E V. Mitchelmore will address the, meeting to morrow evening at the Temperance Institute.
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  • 22 4 From January Ist to April 15th the number of cases of plague reported in Manila was 83, of which 69 proved fatal
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  • 25 4 The S V. A. parade at the Drill Hall to-morrow morning at 6 4.5 sharp. The men will be conveyed to Pasir Panjang by launch.
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  • 22 4 The M. M. Company's s. s. Tonkin Captain Sctimitz, will be despatched for Colombo, Aden. Huez, and Marseilles to-day at 5.30 a.m
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  • 25 4 Emmerson's Tiffin Rwns open on Monday next in the ground floor of the premises at present occupied by the P. and O. Company, Ribinson Road.
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  • 32 4 Alva, the American conjurer, who was to have appeared at the Town Hall on tbe 4th and sth inst. telegretphs from Penang that he will not open hero till the 9th iust.
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  • 36 4 Commander Holland RIM. and Mr. H. Johnston, Engineer, of Rangoon have been authorised by the Governor to file a specification of an invention for improvements in elevators for loading and unloading coals and other fragmentary materials.
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  • 32 4 On April 26th, the British Consular Court in Siam ceased to exist. In lieu thereof is His Britannic Majesty's Court for Siam, over which Mr. W. J. Archer, c.M.Q., presides as judge.
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  • 41 4 W« regret to state that Fenton, the trainer, had a nasty spill on Monday at Kuala Lumpur when riding Mr Mitchell's griffin. He received a bad cut on the leg in addition to a severe shaking, but is in no danger.
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  • 41 4 A report from Washington states that the Government has decided to strengthen the American Squadron in Asiatic waters by the addition of tbe protected cruisers Raleigh, Cincinnati, and Albany. The battleships now with the squadron are the Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Oregon.
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  • 56 4 The famine in Western Canton is so severe that the Viceroy has had to give up a proposed tax on rice-spirit, on its being pointed out that it would fall on the grain consumed by tbe people. The rice shops closed by way of protest until the Viceroy promised not
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  • 50 4 Structural defects having, it is repor.ed, been found in the first of the five revenue cruisers built in Japan for the Philippines an soon as she arrived in Manila, the U S. Government has insisted on the reconstruction nf the other four in the yard of the Uraga Dock Co.
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  • 57 4 A familiar figure has passed away at Hongkong— Mr. J. H M iclehose, who was the first Britisher born in the Colony. He was fifty yearn of age at the time of his death For over 30 years he had been connected with tbe firm of Messrs MacEwen, Frickel and
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  • 55 4 The marriage of Dr. Park to Miss Strunach at Penang on Saturday last is described by the I*inang Gazette as one of the pleasantest social functions, and one of the most picturesque weddings which have ever taken place then). From start to finish everything, it is said, went as ni
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  • 48 4 An Imperial Ordinance has been promulgated in Japan, forbidding the counterfeiting or alteration of real and paper currency or banknotes circulating in foreign countries, and providing penalties for the offence. This remedies a serious defect in the Japanese Code of which advantage has more than once been taken.
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  • 60 4 Thk wonderful clearness of the atmosphere during tbe pa«t two day has been the subject of a good deal of comment. It is alleged that more stars are visible than have ever hitherto been seen here. This should prove of interest to the authorities, who are compiling a i'reah declination
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  • 58 4 Thk Perak Pioneer hears that several engine drivers of the Kinta Division have resigned, as they are dissatisfied with the reduction in the rate of the overtime allowance which they had hitherto drawn. It would appoar that they are now asked t > work overtime on leas pay than they
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  • 62 4 The Manila papers report that the Norwegian barquentine Prince George was wrecked on the south coast of the Island of Basilan on April 8. Her crew, numbering ten men, were adrift in a small boat for three days, before being picked up by the coast guard cutter Tabla* on her
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  • 60 4 A tklkgkam from H.uphong to the Cuurrier tiaigonnais states that the Goveriior-Ueueral of French Indo-Chine has decided on the immediate construction of tiie railway line from Vinh to Hatrai, Pachimboun, Savannaket and, on the right bank of the Mekong, Übon, connecting with tho Bangkok-Korat line. The Bangkok Times says that
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  • 68 4 The Japan papers contain long accounts of the brillUnt naval review which took place at Kobe on Good Friday. H M. the Emperor at the conclusion of the manoeuvres briefly addressed the officers who were assembled on the Awma-Kun, oa which ship His Majesty had witnessed this unprecedented spectacle en
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  • 74 4 A nkw substitute for india-rubber and gutta-percha is called Velvril, and is the invention of Mr. W. E. Reid, f i.e., the well-known chemist. It is prepared by treating castor-oil and niiric acid, and incorporating nitrocellulose with the product. The substance stands exposure to the weather well. It is alho
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  • 88 4 It is announced that M. H. Charpentier, the distinguished engineer who returned to France some months ago from a mining mission in French IndoChina and the eastern extremity of the Chinese Empire, has been charged with a similar undertaking in Russian Turkestan, near the western frontier in China between Amou-Daria
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  • 89 4 Over a million and a half people in India have died of plague since the disease first made its appearance in Bombay in 1895. In 1896 there were 1 ,700 deaths. The mortality increased to 135,000 in 1899. The year 1901 saw no less than 274,000 deaths, while the total
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  • 81 4 At London towards the end* of the March rubber sales, there was a spirited demand for Ceylon cultivated rubber, and some was Bold at 4s. 2jd per 1b although 34. 9d. could not be obtained for fine Para. This speaks well for the future of cultivated rubber. The great advantage
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  • 85 4 It is announced from New York that England has bought, as the site of the new Embassy at Washington, the Oaklawn Estate of cine acres, which whs under consideration for a new White House before the renovation of the historic Executive Mansion was decided upon instead. England has bought for
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  • 139 4 Two Chinese women who werethrough passengpra from Penang to Hongkong by the Slrasshurg have a queer tale to tell. On the voyage between Penang and this port they made friends with the ship's cook, a countryman of theirs, and on arrival here he gave them something to drink, so they
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  • 120 4 The smuggling of Chinese from Hongkong into the Philippines where their entry is forbidden by law has become a profitable business. These run-in immigrants come in the guise of stowaways. The penalties laid on stowaways and their abettors at Hong kong are slight, especially the fine ($500) which is readily
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  • 64 4 Left to-day by the Totdcin. For London Mrs John Anderson, Mr. Chap G. Garrard, Mr H. Duck For Marseille-: Mr and Mrs. W. E<Jelberg, Mr. P Araiet Mr. G. van. Lith, Mr. N Lesgxr, Mr Rouosel, Mr. and Mrs. Ponvrot, Mr. W. F. Matheson, Mr. L. Richard,
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  • 111 4 Last night burglars paid a visit to the renidencb of Mr". B L Frost, of the Telegraph Co., at 2, Wilkie Road. Mr Frost closed up the house himself, but did not retire until about 2 o'clock tiiirnorning. He heard no noises at nil, but on awaking this
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 101 4 Object of the Expedition Attained. London, lit May. In a debate on Soraaliland in the House of Commons, Mr. Brodrick said that there was no intention of holding, the country. The policy in view was to keep the coast line, and protect the friendly tribes. The Government were
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    • 44 4 There have been desperate bomb outrages at Salonika. The Ottoman B ink and the Mitylene Bank were blown up. The M.M. s s. Obajialfajair was blown in two as she was leaving Salonika. Bombs were thrown into the cafcs and principal streets.
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    • 20 4 The King has left Rome. The King's reception at Paris was of a highly gratifying kind.
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    • 93 4 Lord Lansdowne's Statement. Lord Lansdowne has made the following statement in the House of Lords on 'he Manchurian question "The Russian Ambissador has informed me that the diplomatic discussions proceeding at Peking [between Russia and China] concern Manchuria alone, and relate to certain guarantees held to be indispensable in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 332 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE. (Price Jsist on Jlpplication.) tn l.ti. Adelphi Hotel Singapore SPECIAL FAREWELL DINNER In Honour of Mrs. A. Hassner Saturday, 2nd May, 1903, 7-30 p.m. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. Sarkies, Johannes Co., 2- 5 Proprietors. TOWN
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    • 322 4 "TQ-NIGHT TO-NIGHT PROFESSOR BOSE'S Great Bengal Circus Saturday, 2nd May, At 9 p. m. Beach Bond, opposite Baffles Hotel. DAMON EXPLOITS OS THE Triple Horizontal Bar. Grand Serpentine Descent from The Egyptian Pyramid. Marvellous Exhibition of Swordsmanship. ABOVE ALL, THE ASTONISHING BRAVERY OF Miss Susila WHEN PERFORMING WITH a ROYAL
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    • 74 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers MaT; Oresham House 1 (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m— s pan Orchard on w kd *y« 8 a m P-™- a oti Sundays. Ba.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman film*. W ratten-
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    • 176 4 STEARNS' HEADACHK CURE. Is for sale by all Chemists. Be sure and get the genuine. Steams' is the original and genuine, and gives instant relief Of all chemistn. A Stubborn Foe. To conquer an obstinate enemy requires persistency and perse vera ace. It is the same with Rheumatism, the dread
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    • 243 4 TO-MORROW'S SERVICES. Third Sunday after Easter. ST. AMUtKW s c\| IIHIRM.. 7 a.m. Matin- ninl Litany. 7 ■(."> a.m. Holy Communion idiorili H l.'i a.m. Holy Com munion i I'i.un). 4 pin liildren'R Service. 5 Hit pin KveiiM.n^ iin.l Sermon. ST. MATIIhW s SKI'IIV I.IVh^. Xo Bervice. Next Service May
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 195 4 DAY BY UAY. Saturday, 2nd May. High Water. 1.54 p.m. 1'lerigex Sale. I'owell. In. F'ture Sale. Juhure fluli. Co^hlan. 10.30. H' Sale. Orchard Komi. Powell. S.V. A. Bait«ry Parade 4. 8.V.I., S.V.K dam «rUg S. S.V.E. Drill at Filter I!. ,ls. Wayang Kiikhiiu. North Itridge Kuu<l. 9. WujaiiK 1'iiM. XdiUi
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  • 407 5 Friday, May Ist. PRESENT. His E«:ei.i,f.n<:y Sir Frank Atiielstane SWETTENHAM, X.C.M.0., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor, c. M.<;. (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. B. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. K. (i. Penney (Colonial-Treasurer). Hon. K. C. H. Hill (Auditor General). Hon. A. Murray, c.F... M.1. 0.X. (Colonial ErjjinciT). Hon. .1. M.
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  • 156 5 Singapore has had many visitors in tbe way of circuses but rarely has a more clever sbow visited the town than that now performing on tbe Rattles Reclamation Ground. Last evening there was a good attendance and, judging from the applause, the circus is likely to have a
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  • 163 5 M«. J. Loknie has been appointed Deputy Registrar of the .Supreme Court, acting Assistant Registrar, Acting Sheriff, Commissioner of the Court of Requests, Superintendent of Prisons, and Registrar of Mohammedan marriages, all at Malacca. Mr. L. M. Woodward is Acting Solicitor-General, Penang, and Mr. P. J Bpfovla Acting
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  • Correspondence.
    • 148 5 MUSIC HATH CHARMS To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sii Will you allow me to enquire through the medium of your column* whether the Police regulations affecting native* apply equally to Europeans who possess what they would call musical tastes and indulge them to the coufusion of their neighbour*.
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  • 497 5 Yesterday's Play. CHAMPIONSHIP. Wither* beat Darbishire, 7-5, 6-2. Beatty beat A. Morrison, 6 3, 6-4 n. BINGLBB. Noon owe I I. cat E. T. Edmett scr., 6-3, 6-1. .1. KoWerUon 3 beat Olliffe scr., 6-0, 6-3. Barkxhire beat Kent, 6-2, 0-6, 7-5. 0, MMUI Klpliick Mr. beat
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  • 29 5 A carter has been carried away by a tiger in Perak a? he was proceeding from Bukit Gdntuug to PaJang Rengaß. Hit mutilated body was found in the jungle.
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  • 1427 5 Owners Criticise the Report of the Residents' Conference. It will be remembered that the Mining Conference he'd last year at Ipoh, was succeeded by a Conference of Residents which met in July last at Kuala Lumpur, and drew up a Report in which certain recommendations were adopted in
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  • 272 5 Singapore. 2nd May, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler f 15.40 Copra Bali 8.40 do Pontlanak *00 Pepper, Black havers „35 fcf do White, (8%) S9"> Sago Floor Sarawak 4 4*) do Brunei No. I 0!( Pearl Sago i Coffee, Bali, 15% basts i-'.W Coffee, Palembanff, 20% b<wK_ 31.0T Coffee, Liberinn No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 I consider Jayne's Expectorant the best Cough Medicine I know of. In cases of Croup, it has saved both my own and children's Lives N. N. Cazen, Sparrow Bush, N V, October 29, 1895. The Singapore Dispensary. S»le Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 104 5 Better than a I- ast»< AI'IKCE of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Tain Balm and bound to tbe affected pans is superior to any plaster. When troablea with tbe back, or pnins in tbe side or chest, give it a trial and you are curtain to be more pleased witb the
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    • 669 5 NOTICES. SLEDGE" BRAND IXSWKETENKI) STKBILIZKD Swiss Milk. ('an now be obtained Condensed 1» lb., as well as in the nsna) 1 Ih. tins also in its Natural Slate not -1 in Pint Tins *fal Storekeepers. ASK for "SLEDGE" MILK There is NO Substitute. If the slightest difficulty is experienri-d in
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  • 170 6 This the MadnuMmil; The Inborn difficulty has lately been seriously exercising the minds of planters in Ceylon, the Straits Settlements, and the Federated Malay -fates, for in all these countries thedimi'tution of tlin Kii|>ply ot coolies has assumed soim-what .ilarming proportion? Strenuous endeavourhowever, are being nuide to
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  • 194 6 Mr Justice Joyce, in the Chancery Division recently gave judgment in ai action by sir Rieoard Sarrißgtoo, whe sought an injunction apiiirst the committee of the Oxford and Cambridge I'niversity Club, restraining them from depriving him of the use of the club, oi posting him
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  • 155 6 H( MTAOATI we fre(]uently liear of bit game falling to ladies' rilles, an of event not many years hack.> Jenkins, wife of the Chief Joatioooi Bombay, has killed several tigers, and nuite recently two former members oi the Aden Miniature Ritle Club achieved success in
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  • 137 6 We have been lately favoured with a sight of a very complete, set of samples of tea grown in tho rench Colony of Annam. These teas show an ad\ on previous samples that we have seen from this quarter of the world, but the French managers
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  • 122 6 A Singular Case. A Bcbomai tad of 18, togit ticket collector at Lanowli, in Northern India, was bitten by a rabid dog it; June, \',W'J. II- iptal tbfM weeks at the KmMiI] i'.ts!eiir Institute, and returned apparently in tin; b**t of health. He reMimed work sad oootiaoad
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  • 21 6 Shipping advertisements, with date? of sailing -tv will be fouDd on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 466 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEI PERRINS' -k •j ft WORCESTERSHIRE SAUGt. S^^k x^^ _j, B to v Ey Special Wappant^^yE!^!^ His Majestg Purveyors to f The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" /sS(// SAFES of all qualities. /VT '^V^/ 4?- X Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors X~P\y /<k Gates for Strong
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    • 340 6 NOTICES. -Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Cuticura hmum mmtm and refreshing sleep for Ml I I ll and rest for Tired Mothers in warm baths with Cltri k.v Soap, and Sic anointings with Crru, O.ntmext, the great skm cure and purest of emollients, to be followed
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    • 72 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I Scare for si'vomcol ih, pnrsisteat coughs, ami preventive of pneumonia. It i. tbe mothf r'- favourite for whooping c«ui(h. Loosening the couwli relit »c» the lung« and opens the secretions. It counteract; any tendency of a bad cold to result in pneuniania. It is unequalled to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 693 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rriUK Standar! Life Assnimnoe. L Norwich Union Fire Inaunuioi Bocietr. Atlas Amuranoe Company (Fire), rhe Equitable Life Assuranoe Society. ITie China Mutual Steam Navigation Company Th- Tottenham Lager Beer Company. •or ixutiouUn of tLwe Compuues, »s« tt« roll Kfvortisemont of THE BOENEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1308 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. ntt at Singapore: Bhip Agxsct, lati J. Dairdbls A Co., 2-8, Coixyxb Qday. he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On O. Daendel* Bandjermassin April 24 Bandjermassin, Kota Baroe, Samarang, Balik Papan,
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    • 604 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. n. y; k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 876 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 19C5. MAY Wh, 2Ut, 23rrf. firsTday. Tuesday, \9tli May. THE GOVERNOR'S CUP.— A Cup presented by H. E. Sir F. A. Swettenham K.C.M.G' and $200 added by the Club A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Entrance, 910. Distance, R.
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    • 626 7 NOTICES. THE ROCHORE PLATE.- Value $300.Second horse to receive the entrance fees. A Handicap for all non-winning horses that have started at this meeting. Entrance fr> if declared by noon on Saturday, nth May, and $10 if declared after noon on the 9tn May, and by 4.16 p.m. on the
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    • 1325 8 Under this heading tho following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah.— ship bq. barque sen. schooner Yet. Tacl't- Crrj. Cruiser; Gbt. Onnboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H. p. -Horse-power; Brit. British; U. S.— l nited Slates; Feb.— French; flat. German; Dut. batch; Jon. Johore; 9m.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger;
      1,325 words
    • 185 8 'it frrttsamrr Timt. To-Day. 'enang and Calcutta Nam Sany 3 p.m. 'ulo L;»ut, etc., DarruieU* 4 p.m. Swet''iam via ports Sappho 4 pm. langkok P C. Klao 4 p.m, ih.ingfia; and Japan Hyton 4 p.m. Dickeon 4 Sepang Bintang Timor 4 p.m 3ntu Pahat Swee Moh 4 p.m,
      185 words
    • 140 8 From Europe— By the P. AO. s.B. I aletta doe on Saturday, with dates to the 1 Oth Apl. She bring replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 17th March. From China— By the M. M. 8. s. TonHn due on Friday. Tim Tablx of
      140 words
    • 166 8 S Veksklh Namk. a Tons Captain From Sail«d C<WBiaH«iP. Q liii,. Apl 30 'Hnrtos O«»r *tr 181-.' |>in<>e Amoy Apl 22 Wee Bin and Co. SO ronkii. i>3:7 -chmt/ Sh»n(?hai Apl li M. Mariiimes 1 Kmile Dut ttr. 8' Sacodah Rhio May 1 Guan Hoe Bee 1 «tr.
      166 words
    • 72 8 D4TB. VSBBEI/8 NIMI. FLAO RIQ. TONS. DESTINATION. Way I i I'irgHupy Brii M r 4149 Liverpool 4 Manehe Fch str. I ISfil Saigon »>lo Uut str. 80 I Kliio Men* nr. I 76 Rhio ■i i baaag Beng Hin sch 108 Fontisoak 8 < Ixm Brit atr. axil Adelaide
      72 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHA27TS, 51-62, HIGH STEEET. A splendid stock of high class real Diamond and Gem-set Jewellery with extensive varieties of solid Gold, guaranteed genuine work from India, China, ani othor foreign countries. Diamond, white >apphire, opalo emerald, Rubles and other precious Ston Jew
      204 words
    • 463 8 SING«PORE R CES May J9td, 21st and 23rd. DO YOU KNOW? W. L. Co.'s Grand display of Ladies' Sunshades, is on May 4th sth, for Two Days only. DO YOU KNOW?. W. L. Co.'s Hold the largest stock of Ladies* Sunshades in the Straits. DO YOU KNOW? W. L. Co.'s
      463 words

  • 353 9 There are now some twenty motor vehicles in Kuala Lumpur, and it is prop. -"(1 to hold an exhibition of them in a few days' time near the Partang, and at. the msm time to have a photograph taken. Owing to the limited number of drifMi, it is
    353 words
  • 322 9 London As The Centre Of The Dining Universe. Enui.i6hmkn do not dine; they merely eat," is a standing reproach which emanate*' from the other side of the Channel, (says a mail paper). However true it may be. have been years ago, we have made such vast strides in
    322 words
  • 187 9 Wb cull the following from the A'ortlt Chiiui Daily AT".- —Professor Zamoni, who recently gave iwo excellent performances in Shanghai gave two performances at the Alexandra Hall, Cbefoo, last week, and odo, which wan enthusiastically enjoyed, at the China Inland Mission Betook. In reference to this
    187 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 685 9 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDBRS will b« received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 6th May, 1908, for tbe following works: 1, Constru'ition of I Pierre Perdue wall at Tanjong fihu. V. Construction of five additional quarters for sub- warders at the Criminal Prison. 8. Construction of
      685 words
    • 234 9 NOTI fcS. BT. ANDRKWB Hol>E. A CHURCH of England Boarding Houst (or European and Eurasian boyt who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to tin House Master, St. Andrew's House; or i' the Colonial Chaplain. w. a. or CHATOLrfiT it a pcwder which, when
      234 words
    • 235 9 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED T( ■SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. uc. DRINK TANSAN BUT BEE THAT YOU GET THE Genuine Article BOTTLED BY J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!! Wilkinson's Tansan does not lower the system bat invigorates it vide repor. on this Water
      235 words
    • 382 9 NOTICES. NEW BILLIARD TABLES. WE are importing new English Billiard Tables of first class quality, at most reasonable prices. One recently supplied to a local hotel gives great satisfaction and may be icspected by arrangement with the undersigned H. L. COG H LAN Co., v.c. Auctioneer* ami Land Agents W.
      382 words
    • 644 9 BANKS. HONGKONG AN I) SHANGHAI BANKING OOBPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL $10,000,000 REBERVE FUND.— Sterling Re»erve..slo,ooo,ooo l t; finn( w, Silver Reserve....! 6,600,000 J-«' 6,600,000. KJ^KRVE LIABILITY OF\ ..nnonno, PROPRIETORS. J~^(V>00.000 Court or Directors. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chairman. P. H. Tomkina. Emj Drpcty Chairman. U Balloth, Esq. I H. Schubakt, Esq.
      644 words