The Straits Times, 22 April 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 31, 1 IO SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 742 1 NOTICES. ©fa Simw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 Hrn Inwrtion «*«>»» Second ami insertion!- each 80 cento Ponrth, tifth. ami -ixth 40 eenU Berentli to ci-lii.-nii !i 24 cento Nineteenth iVMili-i-i)!" 1 •> 16 ceDto Per week of *ix duys, to be changed daily
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    • 236 1 NOTICES. ■iff Just Ladies A Gents Just Arrived Best Quality Arrived DRESSING CASES. WITH SILVER HAMMERED TOP FITTINGS. SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS Birthday Gifts Sporting Prizes Ac. (iKNTSI)KKSSIN<; CASKS, <K WITH OK WITHorTKAZORS.* lolosfuu THE BEST PROCURABLE AN INSPECTED INVITED. We have just opened a large Shipment of GENTS BOOTS
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    • 123 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. ASZ YOUR STORE KEEPER FOR ISr^lPlpli "SLEDGE" BRAND. llc^^ V^M STERILIZED MILK |P/^^lw4% vll v:Bso:L l[J :E :B:ILB y PURE ilb^"^^^^^ 5 Invaluable in the House, OR HEALTH. Don't be put off See that you get what you ask
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    • 117 1 BAGNALL HILLES. 96 Robinson Road. HAVE ON H.A.KTI3 Electni 1 Fans, Ceiling :i:nl 'i'uble, 40, 60, 60, 80, 100, 1 10 and 130 Volts. De»igne<l to operate from Incandescent Oiicuits. Any Voltage to order Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who
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    • 507 1 NOTICES. TO-NIGHT By Special Bequest! By Special Bequest Wednesday 22nd Jipril THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore Will reproduce once more AT THE North Bridge Road Theatre That most Tragical European Drama Edward William. A Sketch by Mr. E. William of Batavia, now of Calcutta. USUAL PRICES. S. KASSIM.
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  • 1482 1  -  llurrisk Cl>. llanerjte.) ("'.I I am Oriental gentleman of Bengalee race and of Hindoo religion, but owing to circumstances under which I was uncontrollable, 1 abandoned, by resignation, my too much underpaid post of responsibility in the slavery cf the Government of India, early
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  • 310 1 THE POLITE" MALE JAPANESE. A few days ago, says the Eafti I'lmmi'-lr, we drew attention to a complaint made by a Japanese resident in Singapore to the etlect that, whenever his wife and other Japanese ladies went about in their national continue, they were subjected to jeers and insults from
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  • 81 1 Talking about tba troubles in Nortlu-rn Siatn l:ist. the 'ourrim it Haiphong iayi thai Siamaaa troops pillaped the village <>i Tapha aad wrecked tba pramisai of the BombayBurma Trading Company. Knur Franco un;n and two Bngliahmeo, amployad by the Company, am 1 certain number of tntives, were oaptarad aad
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  • 71 1 IS cure for severe col (is, persistent coughs, and preventive of pneumonia. It ia the mother's favourite for whooping ooaah. Loosening the couijli relieved tln> lviii;-. and opens the secretions. It eouiiter>i<-u acy tendency of a bad cold to result in pneumania. It U unequalled to bad
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 332 1 NOTICES. Sole Agents: Me Alister Co. The Best (ffijo!uls** Procurable }\&p Absolutely pure. Price per Case $10.50 m. w it f- v.c. ■f JCiftuV, thp A. ID A. PTB I> T O 1 S WO H. f IS TO-DAY RKCOGNINKI) IN EVERY COUNTRY OR EARTH AS THE STANDARD WRITING MACHINE
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    • 358 1 NOTICES. Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w ft 8 Singapore "KRIS BEER." A first quality PiUener, at a moderate price. Guaranteed equal to anything in the market, f 16.00 per case of 8 doz. pints, of all dealers. BORNEO CO., LTD. Sole Impoorter. TAN-SAN MINERAL, WATER. The most palatable
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    • 150 1 NOTICES. »pHE STANDARD JJFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 277 3 The Sandakan correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph, writing under date :<lst ult says -Sandakan is beginning to rival Hongkong and Singapore in the ship-building line, and the yards here show great activity. The Directors of the local line of coasting steamers are so satisfied with future prospects,
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  • 605 3 P. O. April MnL l'er Java: For London Mr*. I. M. Cameron ami infant, Mrs. K. S. Fry, Mrs. ami Mi.-- F. S. I'oole*, Mrs. Jago :.n.l child, Mi Darl.y, Mr. Cnuttn ami family, Mr. Van te QmU ;m.l Mrs. Owen. From IViiiiii'- t<> London— Capt. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 hmppiNi? a«lvertisrtin«>ntB, with dates of sailing etc., will be Inuod on page 7. (ieneral (hipping MM i- printed on page 8. Nine I nidemic's /"^H.VMISKKI.AIN > Colic anl l)iarrh..-a V> Remedy has been useu' in nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success, effecting a cure in the mosi'. severe and
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    • 443 3 NOTICES. |g|p§leiS§| 0 CHAPOTEAUT'S PHOSPHQ-CLTCBRATB OF LIMB It increases vital energy and nerve force, cures Hsurasthsnia Oysptpita, Insomnia, and nirooui distant in adults and children. 11l CAPSULES. IN WINE. AND IN SYRUP MOTOR CARS WE ARK NOW PREPARED 1< SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO I < W. D. FISHER, Astoe. M.
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    • 531 3 NOTICES. A CONTENTED WOMAN. Aside fror" form or features, she has an attractiveness all her own. The bloom on her cheek, the elasticity in her step the ring of her vo'ce, her enjoyment of life all these are magnets which draw others to her side. Wonderful and valuable as it
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    • 644 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A fitter for Stulang Steam-Saw Mills, Johore. 30-4 A PPIy to Mnnager. "wanted. A Chinese cashier who is quick at figures small security required. Reply in writing to T. W. c/o Stratts Times uc. WANTED. A young Chinese copying clerk. Must write a good hand. Apply to N.
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    • 604 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Cofhlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTtD SUB-AGENTS or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., General Agents, n.O. Straits Settlements. LADY'SHORSES FOR~SA L E PAIR of large, grey, carriage horses, (owner leaving for Europe). Apply to JOHN ANDERSON," !9-4 c/o Outline A Co..
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    • 670 3 SHIPPING "APCVK' LUIS Of bTIAMBBS FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. MESSRS. Apcxr A Company's steamer CATBBRINI AI'tAK, (Captain Stewart), is due here on the morning of the 23rd inxt., and will receive prompt despatch for tin above ports. For freight and passage, apply to PATF.R.SON SIMONS A Co., 23-4 Agent'"APCAR" LINE
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  • 172 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 22nd APRIL Old age pensions a question which politicians in the United Kingdom shrink from grappling with have been so successfully dealt with in New Zealand, that the Government there are, so to speak, looking forward to further experimenting on the same lines.
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  • 103 4 A Chinese Baba sends us an interesting letter on the down-trodden condition of his nationals in this town. It i* published in another column. Possibly there be something akin to sarcasm lurking half concealed beneath his pleasant diction. At any rate his remarks will be perused with sympathetic interest by
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  • 87 4 Some imaginative person or persona who ought to be attached to the Canard Contingent of f.e Tempt have to-day circulated a report in Singapore that war has been declared between Russia and Japan. The report has, moreover, gained considerable credence. That it is a flagrant piece of rubbish is abundantly
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is l/B,\
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  • 9 4 H M. S. TMis left eastward at this morning.
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  • 15 4 Some amusing impressions of Singapore by a Bengalee gentleman will be found on page 2.
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  • 19 4 Japan is working out a scheme for the Chinese Government for the adoption of the gold standard by China.
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  • 21 4 To-morrow being St. George's Day some of the K. K s and others are giving a dance at the Boustead Institute.
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  • 31 4 The singing was too listless to suit the Sunday school superintendent, so he said Let us have Little Drops of Water' and for goodness sake put some spirit into it. 1
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  • 32 4 In Sandakan Jail flogging deters new offenders ouly. Hardened prisoners set it at nought, and can only be brought under by conßnement in dark cells on a diet of bread and water.
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  • 34 4 In the Ladies' Competition at the recent meeting of the Hongkong Rifle Association there were six contestants. It was won by Mrs. Leigh with 25 points out of a possible :ii> at 200 yards.
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  • 39 4 The Indra inibar Company to-night play Edward William," said to be a tragedy in the life of an Englishman of that name, who lived in Batavia some years ago. If only on that account it should be worth witnessing.
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  • 39 4 Cim-t's-tiOERS will be pleased to hear that H.irniKton's leave Colombo for this on or about the .'iOth instant. We undmxtand that quite a number of new performers are on their way out Irom Europe to join the show here.
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  • 43 4 Why (asks Mr G. R. Sims) has it not occurred to some enterprising oyster merchant to attach a coupon to eveiy oyster earring with it a hundred pound insurance in case of illness, or a thousand in case of death within a fortnight?
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  • 47 4 The practice of levying blackmail by threatening timid persons is by no means uncommon here. A few days ago one Koh Ah Won terrified Hoo Pee in this manner and got a trifle from him He has been rewarded by the Bench Court with one year's imprisonment.
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  • 51 4 Thk Secretary of the Punjorn Mining Company has received a telegram from the mines, stating that preliminary crushing of ore from Swah up to the 9th instant, gave 64 ounces of smelted gold from 1 15 tons of ore, equivalent of 1 1 dwts. :t grains per ton, valued at
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  • 56 4 Si.nuaporb in some places at least may be called a city of stinks although it is certainly not one of statues. But some-one has made a list of the monuments erected in Germany to the Emperor William I. They number only ."US, hive cost over a million pounds, and 106
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  • 58 4 The discovery has been made that the new U. S. battleship Maine is in a badly damaged condition, arising from structural defects at the time of her building. It may be necessary, says a Nhw York despatch, to spend several hundred thorn m<i dollars to make her seaworthy. Evidently somebody
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  • 67 4 During his visit to Cuba, Mr. Pierpont Morgan went to <>cc the Basque game of pelota, and appears to have gambled desperately After he had lost fifty shillings, however, he was observed to grow thoughtful. He felt hastily in his pockets, found that he had considerably under thirty millions left,
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  • 58 4 The English language is still growing and now Lord Avebury has coined a new word for geologists. In his recentlypublished work, The Scenery of England," he remarks, in regard to the Northern districts, rocks occur also many where." Thus "manywhere" appears to be intermediate between the familiar somewhere and everywhere,
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  • 71 4 The OsliisiMtiaclie Lloyd stated that the German Consul-General there, Dr Knappe, was to leave Shanghai for Europe on the J lth inst. on furlough, and was expected to be away for several months During bi9 absence, Dr. >\ will fill the position. Dr. Kiiiger, the German Consul at Manila, nas
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  • 77 4 Among the British North Borneo convicts sent to the Singapore Jail to st-rv.; out their time is a man named Majungal, a desperate character who once distinguished himself by escaping from prison at Sandakan. Owing to gross misconduct on the part of the sentry on duty, Majungal got away with
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  • 86 4 The following notifications have been gazetted in Perak Mr. A. R. Yenning, Secretary to Resident, to act as British Resident, Perak, in addition to his own duties. Major A S Vanrenen, second-in-command, Malay States Guides, to act as superintendent of prisons, Taiping. Mr. P. H. Davies to be a settlement
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  • 82 4 A Japanese school was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago and a servant in attempting to save the portraits of the firaper >r and Empress which hung in the building was burnt to death. Commenting upon this tragic event, the Jiji points out that on several occasions men have
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  • 88 4 Those who nave been tattooed and who ivcret it, may succeed in ridding themselves of these marks by the following process Pour on the tattooed portion a concentrated solution of tannin, then by means of a needle analogous to that of the tattooer, prick the surface and then rub hard
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  • 143 4 A itkioi'S naturalisation question has croDped up in New Sjuth Wales. A Chinese trader named Lee took out naturalisation papers there. He then went to China and married one of his own race In August last Lee brought his wife and two children to Sydney. Mrs. Lee wag admitted without
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  • 54 4 Mr. Marconi, dining as the guest of a London club, found himself approached after dinner by one of his hosts, and thus addressed Ah, my dear Mr. Marconi, so many of at would be delighted, really delighted, if you would be so very kind as to play us your famous
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  • 90 4 JuDGiNn by the designs, the Philippine peso will be a rather striking coin. It has bnan designed by a Filipino, Sr. Melecio Figueroa, and is to come into circulation on July 4th. The obverse bears an allegorical female figure striking with a hammer on an anvil, with a smoking volcano
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  • 98 4 A smart bit of detective work was done last night. It seems that Mr. I) D. Mackie had gone home from business and just prior to taking a bath placed $800 in notes in an almeirah. Ablutions completed he sought the money, intending to put it in a more secure
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  • 95 4 At last the irresistible sentiment of American nationality has won its final victory over the obstructive dogmas of grammar. The Congressional Committee on the Revision of the Laws has decided that hereafter our national statutes must say the L'nited States is instead of the United States are," as they have
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  • 134 4 A new process of solidifying crude oil has been brought out by a Chicago company. A large plant for turnine out the new briquettes a thousand tons of them a day— is. according to report, to be built at Port Arthur, in Texas, as a forerunner of several others in
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  • 187 4 Thk following are recent British North Borneo appointments: Mr. R. Q. L Horton tobesuperintendent of immigration. Mr. C. J. Skinner to act as judicial commibsioner. M. P. Van Langenberg reported his arrival in Labuau on 24th January, 1903, and is appointed to be postmaster, Sandakan. Dr. S. Gomes to be
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  • 90 4 The three-funnelled Russian tirstclass cruiser llogafyr, accompanied by two torpedo-boat-destroyers, came in this morning, the cruiser saluting the port as she dropped anchor. The destroyers, the Bounty and Bwjky, are of the usual four-funnelled type but the Bogalyr possesses several novel features which make her interesting. She
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  • 152 4 A cifnkrai. meeting of the members of the Singapore Volunteer /Alillery was held in the Drill Hall yesterday afternoon, to consider what would be the most convenient day to the members for carrying out the annual gun practice. After some discussion, it was resolved to ask the Commandant
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  • "Reuter's telegrams.
    • 27 4 Lomlon. -J\*t April. After the Austro-Rusuan representations made on Friday, the Sultan telegraphed for twenty more battalions of redifs (reserve troops) from Asia Minor.
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    • 31 4 KIN G EDWARD. The King witnessed a great water carnival at Malta. He sails this morning, escorted out to sea by fourteen ships of war. King Edward has arrived at Syracuse.
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    • 75 4 The Chaplain-General of the Forces has resigned the presidency of the Army Guild, as a protest against the forms proposed to be used in the service at St Paul's Cathedral in commemoration of those who fell in the South African war. The action is the result of an
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    • 31 4 A band of 500 Bulgarians crossed the Turkish frontier and fought for a whole day. The Bulgarians were eventually driven off by the Turks, having lost thirty killed.
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  • 372 4 Yesterday's Ties. v mririT K..1.M11H11 mi. heat A. \l<irri-..n Ir, I I i.. DMrMaMN 1 beat .1. Kainnie :i»t I. I li. K. SIM.I.Ks. Pritchanl Mr. l<e»l IkM^Ml Mr. 7 B, 6 Krodrii-k 1 beat Kmlh Mr. ii-l. ii I. Mm •:< i«Mi Webb •_> w.ii. Walker
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  • 68 4 Manila papers are trying to wax funny because tiie Sultan of Sulu shortly intends visiting Singapore. LAbWm says he is eoariag bm to display his wonderful collection .if pearls, whilst t.lit^ Manila 4«s*nosm has it that he is on his way to Delhi for the late
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  • 76 4 Thk April monthly medal was played for on Saturday, l^th inst. Results M follows: ii. Nam N F FiTHUMN s| H_' CaL l.iiw-i.n i vi Ma|..r Parry <is- i Caat, Weodsidt M II M T. Kolmit-on *> i 11. W. Kin lfUtin' 108 18 !Mi Dr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 247 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, KELLY WALSH, LTD. Just Received Spring W6e Wimes IfAhift^. We have just received ?J iV I U <D an asS ort merit of Cloth $24 Slazenger s Half Morocco 30 Tennis Goods, also Racquets, New Edition of The Doherty, Moore's Family The E. G. ML, Medicine Hygiene The
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    • 350 4 L>ANCE. A dance will be held at the Boastead Institute on Thursday, th<> J3rd April, ,903. One eeitlenaan and one l»dy $1.50; additional ladies, 60 cents each. Dancing to commence at 8.30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided Hon. Sec Btafl Sergt. Beadsworth, A 0.0. Temperan c Institute, 51, Hill
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    • 70 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opm Qretham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a-m.— 6 pan. Orchard on w kd *T« 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sunday Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printine papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films. Wratten-Wrainvrright's 1 1 ford and German
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    • 46 4 VOl'ti CHILI) WILL IMPROVE. fiT/ akss' Wink is eagorly taken by Children and Invalids instead at being repugnant to them. It is a wonderful MmwO restorative ami Nerve Tonic. Children derive especial benefit from its usei it is so happily taken. Sold by all I chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 139 5 I), tlir Editor of the Straits Timee.' Sik, Referring to an article in your yesterday's issue re land offered for sale at Woodlands, I as broker for the >wniT of the land in <(uestion beg leave to mention that the advertisement does not state that Government
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    • 264 5 Tv the Eililor of th,' flfcaifi Time." Sir,— l do not think A Sufferer >? is likely to get any satisfaction by airing his grievances in a public press. If he "Innks the contrary, all I can say is that it argues a stale of mind consti■iit'on.illy incapable
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    • 183 5 titt E<l it<ir nf the Straits Times." Sik. I read with interest your correspondent Sufferer's complaint re Railways and your comment thereon, out, being also a first class passenger by that particular train, like to express on opinion on the subject. What Sufferer said is not untrue, as I was
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  • 131 5 JoBM RoMMI cave his opening xliinition of billiards at the Singapore Club last evening when he conceded Mr U. \V. Hraddell 650 points in 1,000. There was a capital attendance. including <(uite a number of ladies. A >er) excellent game resulted in Mr. Hraddell making his .tot) and
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  • 40 5 Thk addition of wheat Hour to the Samlak.m pri«on dietary «cale was followed by a reduction in the number of beri-beri cases reported. Hut whether diet 60 improved tells against the diseane remains to be decided by further .■\|in imenting.
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  • 347 5 Vexatious Delay. Thb s.s. Qlaucus arrived from Hongkong on Monday en route to London. l )ne of her passengers, Stoker Day, of H.M.S. Ocean, who was invalided home, died on board yesterday morning. When this became known Capt. Reynolds of !1 M S I'ique arranged a funeral
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  • 203 5 An English form of traction engine, named the pedrail," which literally walks upstairs "with the stride and surefootedness of an elephant," and hauls loads that an ordinary tractionengine could not possibly manage, is described by Popular Merlianies, which (iiiotes as its authority the Automulor .hnirmil of London:—n
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  • 213 5 Basket-hall is the gentle pastime which appears to be all the rage with the young ladies in certain parts of America. The account of a match between two girl*' clubs at St. Joseph (Mich) published in the San Francisco i 'kronide will give some idea of
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  • 122 5 The report of The Shanghai Cricket Club for last year shows that the club played 27 matches during the season. Of these, the 8. C C. won 12, while two were abandoned owing; to rain, and three were drawn. In the batting averages, with 6 innings and
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  • 540 5 The I>uildingB for the coming Federal Seneion are, says the Malay Mail, beginning to assume definite shape. Sixteen m«n are constantly at work on them, with the result that three istanas [palaces] are almost complete, while another one has been commenced. In addition to these there
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  • 1506 5 BiNOAmm, 22nd April, 190 S. PRODUCE. Gambler sellera f 16.50 Copra Ball 8.00 do Pontianak 8.00 Pepper, Black bnyert 88.37. ao White, (8%) M5O Sago Flou, Sarawak 4 80 do Brunei No. 1 4.60 Pearl Bafco «.."n) Coffee, Ball, 15% basis 21.00 Coffee, Palembanß, 20% ba»U._ 31.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 Better than a Plaster. Al'lKilE of flnnuel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster When troubled with the back, or pains in the side or cheat, give it a trial and you are certain to be more pleased with the prompt
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    • 25 5 Many persons supposed to have been far gone in Consumption, have been completely cured with Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for theStraiu Settlements.
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    • 140 5 Help for the Helpless. To-day there are thousands of helpless crippled, bed-ridden rheumatics) looking out with feverish anxiety for a cure for their sufferings. They have been disappointed so many times that another trial x.-eni- almost useless. In Little's Oriental Balm has been discovered a true cure for Rheumatism. It
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    • 151 5 NOTICE. THE conditions or. which auctions of Government coffee will take place at Padang during the current year, may be inspected at tbis Cousulate-General. J. C. T. REELFS, Consul-General for the Netherlands, S. S Singapore, 26tn Fell., 1903. m. A th. -J5-6 Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. Tbe Alexandra
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    • 348 5 NOTICES. SLEDGE" BRAND INSWEKTENKD BTBBILIZBS Swiss Milk. (an now I.c obtiiined Condensed iii I ll>., »> wellii- in the UHiiil 1 11.. tint. BBW v. Natural State > not n In 1 in Pint Tins -> al Storekeepers. ASK for -SLEDGE" MILK There is NO Substitute. Il Ihe ■VgfcMri ililliculty
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    • 708 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION HALE OF BOUSRHOLD FURNITURE, COTTAGE I'IANO, Ac. THE ■•KOI'KMTY (IK G. E. Anthonisz, Esq. TO BE HKI.I> A I ETHELDBNE, NO. 10 80PIUA IIOA1) On Tkmndag, tsrd April, ill 2 Ml p m A BRILLIANT TONKD COTTAGE PIANO by W. BPAETHK. in good order; teak upholstered and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 184 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, aand April. High Water. 7. 27 p.m. S.V.E. Inf. Drill. 5.15. S.V.K., S.V.I. (iu.-inU un.l Sentriei-. .'>. l r >. Wayanj.' kn>Min North Itridge Koad. 9. WayaiiK l'»*i North Hriilge Hotul. !l. Thursday, 23rd April. High Water. 1.-J a m. 15 p.m. St. (ieorge Day. Stt'erin;;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERRINS* fkfMft WORCESTERSHIRE SAUtf. m^k^aW Z^^ .^MV 4hE V *MS>u SW^Sr K Bg Special Wappant^waHS-J^ His Majesty A Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. By Royal Appointment to His Majesty "king Edward The good purposes BOVRIL serves are legion. As a nourishing food-drink, as a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 684 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. THK StandjuJ Life Araunnce. Norwioh Union Fire Insnmnoe Soeisty AtlM Aseuranoe Company (Fire). 1 I'.'iui.nhlo Life Axtiuntnot) Society. ho China Mutual Steam Navigation Company .1..- '''nttenham Lager Beer Company. ."'or particular* of th<*a Companie*, see th< ull adv»rti»eiuent of THE HOKNKO COM PANT. LIMITED. Agent*. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1360 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. pt vi, at Singapore: Ship Agency, latk J. I'aendbls A Co., 24, Colltib Quay. .he undermentioned dates are only approximate steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for: Oo Or. Hylnndt Batavia 17 Bagan Api April 18 Vandrrl.ijn Bandjermassin
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    • 670 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. U»i>kr Mail Contract with thb Austrian Government. The following are tbe dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to arri' and sail from here:— Odtward. Homeward. IMOU. Arrives. I 1908 Sails. 'Moravia May 7 I 'E. F. Ferdinand Vindobona May li
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    • 534 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFJOI LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,600,000. Amount paid up 6(10,000. Reserve fund 1,160,000. Hiad Omni, HoxaKOwe. rhe undersigned, having boon .rp^nted Agent* of the above Company, are prepared U aooept Marine Risk* at enmnst rate*. BOUSTEAO Co., Agent*. ROYAL INSURANCE COY." FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED
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    • 762 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S FrmO l.iinilv I.r 11 lrr.(LHi,riri», n^.M '■">i"' .*ic« MARTIN s IITHAKHIO.I, ENGLAND. LIQUID^ FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32,6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through
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    • 1444 8 Under this beading the following abbreviations are U9ed str. steamer sh.— ■hip; bq.— barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British; U. X.— United Slates; Feb.— French On. German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; A.*.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck par sender; O.~
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    • 582 8 Name, port probable date of arrival, and name of agent: BTBAMBBP. Afmli, Japan, May; Paterson Simons. Ajav Liverpool. May fi; Miiii-liclil. Albenita. New York, May t; Behn Meyer. Alcinous. Liverpool. Ma'i Mansfield. Anium, Colombo. May M; M Maritimes. Anterior. Liverpool, Mav'l2; Mnnsfield. Aragonia, Hamlmrg, May 7; Behn Meyer.
      582 words
    • 165 8 For Per tteamer Time. TO-MORROW. Baqgkok Loo Sole 9 a.m. Singora and Bangkok Jiednnii 11am. Malacca and Linggi Helene 1 p.m. Manila l*la<i> l.v n Ip.m. Malacca and Muar Hong II Vi Ip.m. Malacca 4 P. Dickson Hong I. inn 2 p.m. DandJArmasnin Sarie burn'" 3 p.m. P-Tiant:
      165 words
    • 149 8 From Europe—By the N. D. L. s.s. /.ieien and the MM. s. s. Salatie due on Monday, with dates respectively to the 31st M»T: h and 3rd April. They bring replies to the mail which left Singapore on the tith and 10th March. From China—Ry the M.
      149 words
    • 30 8 For a "cold" in whatever shape it comes, take Jayne's Expectorant. It arrests fever, subdues dangerous inflammation, and begins the cure. The Singapore Dispensary. S>le AtentH for the Straits Settlements.
      30 words
    • 114 8 Vessel's Name. A Tons Captaib Q Big. Apl II Fun Wo+ Brit «r. 464 Tadd H Java »tr. 2832 Gordon 2l Foutiannk »t r 97 Griffin II Brouwer Uut str. 688 21 UabeDa gtr. 84 iNacodnh L'l Emile g»r. 80 iNncodah 91 Sultan Brit Btr. 102 Oruze 22 Sri
      114 words
    • 123 8 Date. Vessel's Name. Flag 4 Bio. Tons 1 estimation. Apl 21 Peluse 22 Clam^ M Telena 22 Ruby H /aid a 22 Sultan 22 Fuh Wot 92 Wmelan.l 22 Emile 22 > Gaea 22 Banka II Malacca 2*2 Ban Liong 22 I.oosok 20 Ban Hin Guan •viaPtnang tin Haltvt.
      123 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 81 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Have just received new oriental embroidery goods from different countries. Amritsar chicken embroidery work comprising TABLE COVERS. CENTRE PIECES. DOYLIES. CHAIR COVERS, etc.. etc. CASHMERL EMBROIDERY. WASHING BEAUTIFULLY. SILK LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, AND INSERTION FOR LADIES' DRESSES. SILVER CASHMERE
      81 words
    • 648 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Terms-Cash at Time of Purchase. _iM^t?**^ TI < iluiCH l ES JST II STATIONAflY OISC BREAD <B N a W Toilet Roll PLATTERS MEAT CHOPPERS. price PR C Each. CtS PRICE $3.5O BA.OH 2Octs,each. 1 i CZ t Deve orcr 4C5&. y^X* Price l^J? W I fcs5r^--^a
      648 words