The Straits Times, 31 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 093 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 31. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 634 1 NOTICE^ ©h* Sinus. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 Ftrit Inaertion $1 cento SeeoDil ami tliird insertions each <(0 cents Voortb, lift li. uml sixth 40 cento Seventh t" ■•inlit«'i-iit!i 24 cento Nineteenth \-Mil>Hequent,, 16 cento Per week of »ix days, to be changed daily if
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    • 782 1 NOTICES. "government notification. TKNDKRS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 31«t March, 1903, for the following works Erection of houses for Government Officials on the Goodwood Estate. 1 lans ar d specifications may be seen, md printed forms of tender with all particulars
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    • 198 1 NOTICES John Little Co., Ltd. Gash Clearance Sale Exceptional Bargains will be offered IN THE DRAPERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FURNITURE, AND MEN'S DEPARTMENTS. FOR 1 5 DAYS ONLY. Commencing, Monday, 6td Jlpril 19G3. :o: Calicoes. Horrockses A I. make 12 yards for $2.60. 36 ins Good finish 28 cents per yard.
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    • 137 1 Hats and Gaps. A line of native made unbleached Panamas will be offered at $7.50 Genuine Panamas. Bags and Trunks. Several odd lines to be sold at reduced price*. 10 per cent, discount wy'l be allowed on all bags and Trunks during Sale. Gent's Outfitting. Big reductions in special line
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    • 553 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. BINGAPOREKBANJI RAILWAY. TENDERS will lie received up to 14th April, 1903, for the sole right of advertising at tbe stations and in the capiases of the railway to the Slst December, 1003. Kur'her particulars can be obtained at tbe office of the MaoiKer at Tank Road,
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    • 629 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Royal Italian Opera Company TOWN HALL. Under the iiiont distin*tii»hf><l |.:u n.n.i-.- H. K. THfc lIOVKKMIK SIR FRANK A. SWrni'KXHAM, K .MM. LAST BUT ONE NIGHT WEDNESDAY, Ist AI'HII. II Trovatorc Opera, G. Verdi Plan at Robinson Piano Coy., also a* Town Hall, every evening from 6
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  • 1949 2 The current member of Travel has the following interesting article by Mr. Eustace Reynolds- Ball on Macao, the Monte Carlo of the Far East." Quaint and picturesque is the old Portuguese city of Macao, which, though a decaying and almost moribund settlement from the commercial point
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 538 2 NOTICES. x 'V\JHL/J cures y#ai! itßifflk f} Rheumatism IIu^IJ Backache. mM^ Sciatica, Jaaaaaa^aH? ft SPRA I N S ■l"!^ Bruises! Swellings. Neuralgia. Conquers Pain. Price^ of ST. JACOBS OIL, Mi 4 2/6 per bottle. Mi .ill ri''li' l'ln'iiii-[~. or from tlic Proprietor* of St. Jaoaht I »il LM., 4.'> Farrinjjdon
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    • 364 2 NOTICES. crossl¥y'¥ OIL ENGINES. USUAL «IZBS ALWAYS IN STOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALE RAILWAY CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying JODESIL.X'X'JS TO I'IIKIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot. or
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    • 291 2 NOTICES. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION-METAL. d wmrt^X^h. 1 iaaTl^— J aßßßr^^^^amk The best for all classes of Machinery bearings. Pull particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PUSE COD LITER OIL m Hypopbosptiites of Lime A Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. Tlic aa|r SMSaMBtH ..i < Oil I.IVKH Oil. I'.nt
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  • 838 3 Ki'hthkr particulars of the sensational gold finds in Egypt, reported by Krniter recently, shows that the discoveries are indeed startling. Promoters and pullers are manipulating the finds to start a boom, of which the World gives the following particulars Egyptian xharex .ontinue to l«e largely mvoured l>y
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  • 215 3 For Singapore Per P. *O. s. s Hxmulimi connecting with the ItMUBOT "innmitl at Colombo from London March <\ dv» sth April Mr J. B. Warder, Mr. Ho vie, Mr Bishop. Par I1I 1 4 0 MaltieCQ fron London March 1. doa \< til April— Major. Mr«.
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  • 924 3 P. O. April 3.— Per Malta Mm. E. V. CareT iiinl two children, Master and Minn Ward. Mr. and Mn. E. C. Lane, Mr. K. A. Steven*, Mr. <■ Mactaggart, Mr. and Mr*. Benjafield child and infant, Mis* Benjiitielii, Mr. and Mr*. D. M. Dent, Admiral Sir
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  • 33 3 The Japan Gazette has a rather n. -it-rious paragraph, stating that there had been a violent disagreement between two Yokohama journalist?, to such an extent that one challenged the other to a duel.
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  • 61 3 A nUMUN from Singapore to the head office of the Nippon Ytisen Kaisha at Tokyo, states that fire broke out on hoard the Hakata-marn, which left Kobe on February 24th, in the No. 2 hold, 'tween decks. The telegram says that tin- extent of the damage was then unknown, but
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 rtMi IREVENT CKOIP, begin in time. I Ihe first symptom is hoarseness this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which U easily recognised and will never I* forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to mt is when the child first beeonies bonree. If CliAmberlain'g Cough
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    • 131 3 Diarrhoea Dl A1; K H l l A, in its first otngus, can be cured by a few doses of tlmt pleasant, r. liable, and effectual medicine Cbamberlun Colic and Diarrhiea Kemedy. In many instntices one oose is sufjlcient, but M a rule three or four doses are necessary. Itiaa
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    • 528 3 NOTICES. A FOOLISH OLD IDEA. It was once thought that a medicine was all the more lieneficial tor having a nasty taste and smell. We now koow that &uch an idea is perfect nonsense. There is no more reason why medicine should oSendthe senses than why food should do so.
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    • 660 3 NOTICES. WANTFD, for Pabang, storekeeper with experience in handling mining stores. Apply to v.c. PATERBON, BIMOWB CO. wantkdT A Chinese cashier who is quick at figures small security required. Keply in writing to T. W. c/o StratU Time* v.c WANTKD. A building overseer one who can trace preferred. Apply by
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    • 616 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BEEN APPOIMTEP SUB-AGENTS OF THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, U.C. Straits Settlement*. SHIPS SAILING BOAT FOR SALE. (Built of Pine). LENGTH 27 feet, beam 7 feet 6 inches, sails, mast and oars complete. H. L.
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    • 667 3 SHIPPING INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVKiATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's steamer I.AISAM;, B,4AP< tons, Captain Courtney, having left Hongkong on the '-'Ist inst. may be expected t<> arrive here on or about the 31 st idem and will have prompt despatch for the above ports For freight or
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  • 36 4 Kwi's.— At Yokohama, on Man h 14th, Harold Milton Isaacs, aged Hyeam. UsdOOD. < in Thureday, the 19th inst. at their rexidence in liu-li Lane, Bangkok, the infant xon of Mr. ami Mr*. KnvviN I*. OSOOOS).
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  • 2153 4 Princess Louise of Tuscany— wbilom wife of the Crown Prince of Saxonyappears to have been having a gay time of it She has quitted M. Giron, but from news to hand in the latest Paris papers the world is left to
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 126 4 Airs his Opinions about the American and (lerman Navies. Tjoiidon, 30th March. Admiral Dewey, in the course of an interview, declared that the United States Navy was the greatest in the world. He expressed belief that the German Navy was greatly overestimated. In bis opinion, the recent American
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    • 26 4 Sir Hector Macdouald was quietly buried in the morning at Edinburgh, the body being conveyed straight from the train to the cemetery.
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    • 21 4 Published by the Times." The Tim** publishes two Nnw York news telegrams, about 180 words altogether, forwarded by Maruoniqraph.
      The Times  -  21 words
    • 21 4 Cotton mills employing 1,700 workpeople in Massachusetts ceased work yesterday, in anticipation of a strike for increased wages.
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  • 501 4 Croquet Tournament. YE8TKKI)AV'S KKSl'LTO. Mm. t*mm anil Mr. I'.it iliitt I Mr-. Nm ;w<l Mr. ran. TIE FOR TO-HAV. (FINAL.) Mi- Siil/niaiin MM Mr. Ev«H Mr-. KvM and Mr. I'atchitt. Mr. A B Cross leaves for Kuala Lumpur to-morrow by the Muhimi He goes to join the legal firm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MAC6REGOR CO. ihSTAuUStthU i«o 4 WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (fPrice Jsist on JippUeation.) tv th NOTICE DURING myabs-r.ce from Singapore, Mr Charl.-B Hosg l,a»reDce holds Ll Bo Kbni my power of attorney H-S FRKD S. POOLES. ?_L pf __l 0*A»O O*l*A Armour's
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    • 71 4 G.R. Lambert? Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd *y» 8 m 6 P m Ro d on Sunday*. Ba.m.—noon.8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films. Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford
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    • 29 4 ARK YOU LOSINCi KLKSH Strabns' Wink improves digestion. Increases weight. Renews strength and builds up your body. Steams' Wine never disturbs the most delicate stomach. Sold by all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 144 5 Iv the Editor of Ike Strait* Times." Deak Sik,— l should be glad if you would allow me through your <-oluninn to \i ii i-~- my admiration of, and tbaakfalaaai to, those who have charge of the Singapore General Hospital. Kor two months 1 have been an inmate
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  • 633 5 Statements in the Ceylon Leg islative Council. Bepobk the aganda paper was taken >ip at the meeting ol the Legislative i lacil at Ceylon on the Mth March Die Hon Mr. Stanley Bois said: I oeg, sir, to ask as a matter of urgency whether it is
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  • 485 5 Mr W. (J. Gulland writes to the L fiiul 0. lixprets, on the currency question It is not known here what proposals the Straits Currency Commission have made, nor will the same be made public until the report has been presented to the Legislative Council in Singapore,
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  • 267 5 ll'fure Mr. Justice Ilytufnuiii-Jniitn. Dispute Over a Malay Will. To-day the case came on for hearing in which Tunku I'u'ri binte Aboobakar sued Jaafer bin II in Mohamed and another to recover certain property at Victoria Hill, styled Holyrood." Messrs. Napier and Ellis represented plaintiff and Messrs \V.
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  • 166 5 Captain A. \V. Mann, of the transport hil'ttiru charged at the Colombo Police Court on the 24th instant a seaman of the vessel, named A. Edwards, with wilful disobedience of lawful commands, in that the accused had in his possession eleven bottles of whisky, in breach
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  • 1878 5 Home. Mr. Chauilierlain received an ovation in the City on the occasion of the presentation of an address by the < Corporation at the Guildhall. The Guildhall wax profusely decorated and wan crowded with vi embers of the Cabinet, peers, and Member- of Parliament, and niOHt of the
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  • 627 5 Simqapork, MOT March, 1003. PRODUCE. Gambler I IS.SU Copra Ball B*o do Pontimnak 8.30 Pepper, Bl«ck bnyen 54.25 do White, (8%) SB-** Sago Flour Sarawak 5.30 do Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago 6.40 Coffee, Rail, 15% bull 21-50 Coffee, PalembMß, 20% basis.- 31.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 1750 Tapioca,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger NOTHING in more distressing than to see i hulplesa little infant suffexiog with a cough, an I to be fearful of using a remedy which may contain some harmful ingri'lii'tit The makers of Chamberlaiu's (lough Komeilv positively guarantee that this preparation does not contain opium
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    • 19 5 It st >ps the hurt of a cough Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sola Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 129 5 GUTHRIE COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the business of Guthrie and Co., Singapore, with branch houses at No. 5, Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Street, London E.C., under tho style them of Scott and Co., and at Freraantle, West Australia, under tbe style there ol Guthrik and Co., has been
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    • 724 5 AUCTION SALES. BALI OP HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Ar. The property of H. .1. Gibbs, Esq., At Lunatic Asylum, Sepoy Lines, Saturday, Ath April, 19<>:i, at I ,;W) p.m A cottage piano by Collard ami Collanl, in good carved and polished teak sideboard wi'h largo mirror panels teak centre tables with
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 205 5 DAY UV DAY. Tuesday, 31st March. High Water. 11.56 p.m. s.V.A. -'.5 (iun Drill. &.1& S.V.K. RecruitH Company Drill 5.15. Town Band. People* Park. 3to ti. S.C C Football. r>planade. W .y.iiij tmmkm. North Bridge Road. 9. W '.•lyang I'iiii. North Bridge Koad. 9. li.ih.-iii i i Town Hall. Wednesday,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 645 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" SAFES of all qualities. X^ V/ Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors /r® C^ Al Gates for Strong Rooms. y^ CATALOGUES FREE J* U. /NOTICE on Application. /J^ <?> \,A^ A> (y v /jV/ V J Chatwoods TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSi-X^J^ Q/ New Patent "Solid" HAR&REAVES /fy <& A> /Steel
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    • 333 6 NOTICES. |^^^U^^Uf^k Capsules superior < T^^MJ\*^^y Cubebs, and i cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. s~ >^ Etch Capsule bean the name (MIDYJ FOR DIBEABEB OF THE CHEST. 3RIMAULTS SYRUP Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime. Prescribed in Franca for tbe kit 30 years It
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    • 1283 6 NONCES. 77i« Sulxtcrtptiott Lift wXU vfn mi Tlmn-ilny th<- •JtUl, Wmrek, Una, „„</ onor l>efwtt thedth April,\WKi, /or Suigap,,,,, mih Afrit, IMR,/oi ehei'-here. Dunearn House, Limited. CAPITAL $350,000, DIVIDED INTO 3,500 SHARES OF $100 EACH. Payable as follows $25 on Application, $25 on Allotment. $25 on Ist September, 1903, $25
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 689 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. fILIE Standard Life Assnranw. X Norwioh Union Fire Insuimnos Society. AtUt Awiuranoe Company (Fire). ITie K<iuitithl« Life Assurance Society. rhe Chins Mutual Steam Navigation Companj Dm Tottenham Lager Boer Company. tot particular* of the»e Companies, 'ull advertisement of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. AfrenU. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p
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    • 795 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Lnder contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Mi* at Singapore: Bb ip Aoiscy, late J. Luehdelb A Co., 2-JJ, Colltxb Quay. The nndermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Sarie Bornen Bagan 22 Samarang and Cheribon 2tf Hmuirer Deli
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    • 589 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with the ADBTRiah Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamer* may be expected to arrive and sail from here: Outward. Homeward. 1908. 1 1903 'China April 6 +\ippon April 7 {JMkmmjm April 11 I 'E. F. Ferdinand Apl.
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    • 610 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. n. y. k; JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, >rovided with excellent accommodation
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    • 593 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Des Meaaagenlea Maritime* De France. Tblbobaphio Address: Mbssagbbim, Bihqapobi. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the nndermentioned dates.— OUTWARD HOMIWA&D. Dates. Dates 1903 1903 Tonkin Mar. 15 Annam Mar 16 yarra Mar. 30 E. Simons Mar 30 CaUdonitn Apr. 12 Sydney Apr 13 Sakuit
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    • 308 7 I INSURANCE CO.'S TTONGKONG FIRE INSURANLt Xl COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed 12,000,000. Amount paid up 400,040. Reserve fund „1,066,04». Head Offlce,— HongkoDg. General Managers, Messrs. Jardm Matheson A 00. GDTHRIE A 00. L'UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARTS. Established 1828. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. THE undersigned, agents for the
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    • 1263 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are utfcii str. steamer sh.— ■hip;bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Oru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—Britltb v. fc— united States; Feb.— French (tor. German; Dut. Dutch;. l oh. Johore; G.c (.itmeral-cniyo; u.p. uc. k" ijassen^er; C— Dncortain
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    • 124 8 For Her iteamrr Time. To-Morrow. Hiiniij«'i'iii. is-iM Han lAonti 1 p.m. Tringganu Ainu Lewi 1 p.m. Siak and Pakan Hong I 1 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports B. Hin Gunn 2 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan i' p ni. Hongkong* Shanghai Tai Bau<j 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via
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    • 218 8 CLM. 5 Vessels Nam* lons Captain Fko* *ailiii> CoiwoNKrw a Rio Mar 2« Toiv Nor str 740 Kallevij; Bangkok Mai _'f Hone Uf Chan 30 Sherard Osborne Brit str. 870 Kusbton Cground Mar •> Telegraph Coy.Ltd 80 Nankin PAOstr 26 >7 Mau iml HouKkmiii Mar i-i P. and O.
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    • 142 8 Dati. Vbssbl's Namb. I Datk. Vbbskl's Name. Flag 4 kic. Tons. DBtmiuThiit. Mar SI It ria 30 Purnea SI Nankin 90 Kr ny Bimik31 Jason 31 Shanghai 31 Unity 31 Robert Dickenson 31 Halabau+ SI Brouwer 31 Borneo 31 Farfalla 31 Ratavier Api 1 Ruby 1 Bombay Maru Her
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 245 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. IWHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Alto Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and
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    • 301 8 fi *l^W/ MM r *>• Si*j THE WARREN REVERSIBLE STROP Is one of these Little Things the value of which Impresses at Sight ■Mi stron btha be«t ,lieap«Bt an.l most practical device of its ki.vl vet introducpd as hotli side, ot the ImUmt M This strop HUM MM meapjj hose
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