The Straits Times, 27 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times MO. ai,o>o SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. MARCH 27. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 768 1 NOTICES. $h* £iraits Simw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column mesnare.l Pint iiiM-i inn $1 20 rent" Second mid third inftertionn each (SO cents Poarth, fifth, and sixth 40 cents Seventh to eighteenth 24 cents Nineteenth Kubxequent,, 16 cent* Per week of nix days, to be changed daily
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    • 575 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TKNDERS will be received at the Colunial Secretary's! ffice up to noon on he .list ir.sU-nt f. r tbe lease of four god wns or sheds situated on Crown Land at T tr.jong Pagar. I. Has,- to be for a term of one year. Further particulars and
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    • 251 1 NOTICES. Supplied to Ihe State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. (o): -S.'^'r I i.SZ ITCTJI^ STORE KEEPER FOR "SLEDGE" BRAND. I^^^^ ±*/l sterilized milk IP /^^»4^^ ABSOLUTELY r»XJI^£T IL^Hto i Invaluable in the House, ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put oIL See that you get what yon ask for
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    • 315 1 bAUNALL Or iilL,L££, 96 Robinson Koad. JELJ^TSr^I ON H A.ND Electric Fans, Ceilinu and Table, 40, 60, 60. 80, 1 On, 1 10 and 120 Volts. Deaigaed to operate from Incandescent Ciicaits. Any Voltage to order Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volt*. Inspection invited from all
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    • 136 1 KALANG TIMBER CO. AKK prepared to supply wpll-wanoned •erai plank planed ready for use. window and door frames Hallow an I ether hurd woods, to all sizes^at short notice. Qaotai.ion» from LAWS A. CO., Agents, m.w.f. 16-4 8 Battery Koad. W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM LAMBERT, late manager oi Lambett Bros., is
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    • 449 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE is herei.y it"** t'»t Mr t til r of Sing p re mien, x to apply to the Licensing Justice* for a third class restaurant license in premises Nrs. 1-.', is, 14 and 16 Bui- it iman Kna.i tny peroon having any objection to the is--ue of
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  • 2400 2 South Africa. Tbe Traiixvaal (tuvernnient |>ri>|io»e» tv spend £15,i>00 annually on the encouragement of tbe immigration of yonnj; women from the liril Mi Ixlea Kuril of the (,'irln will reeeiTtt £5 toward* the exiiennex of her voyage. Viwnnnt Milner liuh expresxed the o| Inion that the majority of
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  • 53 2 This first isnu« of the Kiug'n !n-a>i penny stamps, and penny and halfpenny post cards, fur the Orange River Colony waa made l;t-t month. Hnpenny stamp is rose colour, and shows a springbok and a wildebeest in the lower corners. The design is an improvement on either the Cape or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 NOTICES. JOSEPH BILLOWS j|u| -MkANI) i'WIX." PAKIS. IQOO- DCUC tQu»litj; and having GreaUßtDurebiUty, are tberrfm,- J^ J" OHFAPEST. M lill W, "central hotel, Fitted with first dm .icroinniodation, overlooking Fjtehe Square Garden, near tc the Banks. Offices, Market, and the Stations. All the catering is und«r Europear sap-M visioD. Liquor
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    • 239 2 NOTICES. ""NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Elasting Gelatine, Detonators. ALL KINDS OP Safety Puses. AMD Eleetrie Blasting Apparatus. The above Explotivet, being all rninn <adwred in Great Britain, are made to vast the high staiulard of safety and Pitt imposed by the British and
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    • 329 2 NOTICES. STANDARD pOLICIES THE demand for these Securities continues steadily k> increase. N«w Policiesfor over £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every year since 1866 a resulted p-aintained uninterruptedly for so lonn: > period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply v THE BORNEO COMPANY, L,td. AgenU, Standard
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  • 397 3 A (ireat Theatre Manage r's Will. Thk appraisal of the estate of the late Aueastin Daly, the theatrical manager, shows that his debts exceeded his assets The total value of the personal property (and it is believed that he h:i I no real estate) is reported by
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  • 269 3 EtODTABD Kipling bids fair to settlt down and stay awhile in the new 010 iiouse, out in the country from Tunbridge Wells Hows witli his brother-law-law drove him from his Vermont home, and persistent lion-hunt»-rs liaimum around to gut a glimpse of him. and bribing his servants
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  • 147 3 Mail papers announce that important development s in the Belfast shipbuilding industry are promised shortly. These i'u-lude the transfer from the Thames i>f part of *he business ot Mensrs. TbotMycroft, the well-known shipbuilders. Tip to the time of the mail leaving no definite arrangements had been come
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  • 1039 3 P. O. April 3.— Per Malta Mrs. K. V. Carev and two children, MaMer and Mihh Ward. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lane, Mr. K. A. Stevenn, Mr. J. 0. Mactaggart, Mr. and Mm. Benjafield child and infant, Miss Beniafield, Mr. and Mm. D. M. Dent, Admiral
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 Diarrhoea DIAKKHiKA in it, first stages, can be cured l>v ;i few doses of 1 plensanl, reliable, and effectual medicine Chamberliim';- Colic and LMarrtMM Remedy. In many iuMtanoeS one "o»e is sufficient, but ns a rule three or four doses arc ntvessary It is it good thing to keep
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    • 128 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of failing "tc, will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed ou p.tgp X |>v I'REVKNT CKOUP, begin in time. 'I he first symptom is hoameness this is soon follow -d by a peculiar rough cough whicb i- easily recognised ami will never
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    • 632 3 HONGKONG AMD SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. IAID-UP CAPITA! $10,000 XK» RESERVE FUND.Sterling Reserve..flo,ooo,ooo\ Silver Reserve....! 6,600,000/ 15 6OO 00U RESERVE LIABILITY OF I .mimnnft PROPRIETORS J..«W«"UW Court op Dibkctors. A. J. Raymond, tsq,— Chairman. K. H. TOMKINK. Ssq DKPUTV CHAIIMAN G. Balloch, Esq. D. M. Moses, Esq. Hon. C. \V. Dickson
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    • 700 3 NOTICES. EUROPEAN wanted in a lar^e store to heck outgoing goods and set as delivery clerk. No special experience necet sary. Only steady reliable men Deed apply, stating qualifications and salary expected to "btore" t/o Strait* Ttmet Oflfep. k7-S WANTED^ A building overseer one who can trace preferred. Apply by
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    • 641 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINT* D SUB-AGENTS OF THE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 U, General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. SHIP'S SAILING BOAT FOR SALE. (Built of Pin*) T ENGTH '/7 feet, besm 7 feet 6 inches, I a sails, mast and
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    • 614 3 SHIPPINO TRASATI-AMK A OF BARCELONA, FOR MANILA THE outward rpanish nr'il steamtT ALICANTE, is due bore on the L.-th in-t., and will have prompt despatch for tbe abo\ <• port. For freight or passage apply to BAKLOW CO. 27-8 Agonts. na vigazion c gen kka ik italian a for hom;kon(;
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  • 435 4 Very many people who hnve no intention of investing money in the venture, though they ultimately hope to profit thereby, will h« interested in knowing that the Dunearn property hag at last come on the market as Dunearn House, Limited," and
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  • 218 4 The road in front of the Town Hall being now pretty well completed, a c Trespondent writes asking whether it i-< not about time that the Dtlhou^ie Monument was "fix.'dup" somehow. In case any one does not know just what the Dilhousie Monument is, our c '[-respondent states that it
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  • 132 4 In the House of Commons on the 2nd instant,, Mr. Balfour made a statement with respect to the rep rt that the two cruisers whi< h are buiMing at Genoa for the Argentine R-puSlie, and the two warships b'lilding at N^wcastle-on-Ty ne for Chili, had been sold to Great Britain.
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  • 14 4 Wirk news and other reading matter will be found on pare* 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m» b<»nk rate is 1/8J
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  • 14 4 The Ceylon Turf Club has under consideration a proposal to issue a racing calendar.
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  • 12 4 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kazan left for Port Arthur yesterday afternoon.
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  • 16 4 Admihat- Tyrtoff. the Russian Minister t > 'be Niw, Hied at St. Petersburg in the 18th instant.
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  • 18 4 H. M S. Thttit went outside this morning for gunnery practice, and returned to her anchorage about noon.
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  • 21 4 Owing to pressure nn our space the critique upon last night's performance hv the Italian Opera Co. is unavoidably crowded out.
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  • 24 4 Two hundred an«l three deaths were registered at Singapore during the we< k endinz on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 43 62.
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  • 26 4 Th« monthly sewing mee'ing of the Church W 'rk \m iciatjon w'll be 'eld at the it-itH-i Girls' School on Wednesday April Ist at 4 pm.
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  • 34 4 Tre Rev. W. Murray will hold the li«t i if the special services for "^traits 'hinese in the Town Hill next Sunday at 7.J5 p m Music will be rendered by a special choir.
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  • 35 4 Thb German mail steamer Ki'tuttchou sailed this morning for China. Among •he passengers fr >m Singapore, for Jinan, are Mr. «fe Mrs. Dare. Mrs. Rutherfird, l<te of Singapore, is also a passenger for J ipan
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  • 38 4 Thf work of erecting buildings for the forthcoming D irhar or the Federal Session," as thin august issemhiv is in fu tiro to be called, has entrusted to Mr. Nicholas, the well known contract or of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 39 4 It i« stated that, i i order to encourage the development of Russian commercial intercourse with China and Japan by «ea, it is proposer) to lower the freight rates between Ole««a and the various ports of the F«r E<«t.
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  • 49 4 Thr "Ode--'' 11 1 I— i fo-day at the Headquarter OHfi.-e contain instructi ms for the disembarkation of the Man-<-h<>s*f>r R-giment from the Dihrar'i at Tarj >ng P«gar, upon her arrival, and •he embarkation of the 3rd M. L. I. who are going to Indi-t in 'he same transport.
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  • 53 4 Thb North Nige'M G >H Comomv of Africa, of which Mr Pierpont Morgan is on« of the director", has pup'h ise.l a Mock near Kolar, in India, for prospecting purposes, and has handed over the property to M h-"- John Taylor and "»'>n«, the home managers of the Kolar Mines,
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  • 50 4 Last night Sergt. King of the (3-imhling Suppression D*pt. made a raid on some Chinamen who were cambling in public in Z' >n Riid, off River Villey R .ml Eight coolies were captured Levies i large heap of coppers This morning 'hey were fined $3 each or five day's imprisonment.
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  • 55 4 Mr. D'Arcy Symonds, the Superintendent of Police at Butterworth, has obtained leave of absence for one month, and proposes to recruit his health in Ceylon. Captain de Hamel will act for him during his absence. It is ;i|v,i expected that, on the return of Mr. Symonds, Captain de Hamel gee*
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  • 70 4 There are rather an in»«»r««tiim lot o) the bo*H purchased by the NorrMeut" '■'mr 1 .1.iv I and others just n -.w in tlit I'anjtnt; Ptirar Dock. And, cunnuxh Himueh, most of them have been h»retofo'-p associated with th* Bangkok tntdn. The Deli, recently in cullisioi. with the lieh er
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  • 84 4 The M M. f>'pan**r Adour reports thit on the IT'h mat, on a trip from Europe t.o •He F»r K she came across, in 7 dee r mm. V L it and 73 dep. 11 mm. E L>n«. of Paris, the wreck of a Railing vmhshl which had apparently come
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  • 74 4 We regret, to »nn xince the death of Mrs Kinflev E Peine, a misaioriHry in the Anglo Chinese School, which ■'ccurred this morning Mrs Pease wa* it charge of he B >arding Department of the school in O>vhord R >a i. and was a sraduate of Wn-tern University, K»
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  • 68 4 A thi d share in some five hundred acres of land two mileo In tn Sen-mi. v, (bearing mining rights over threthundred a rw-) wai sold at Kuala Lumpur for $15 500, the purchaaerbeing Mr. L R- Yzelman and at hines> gentleman Lmd at Pud 'h changed hands at the
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  • 69 4 A nicUening trim c ir accident occurred in Calcutta on 16'h instant, when Mr Nicholas Mills, a young engineer, in jumping on to an electric tram in motion, clipped and fell under the second oar. B >t h his legs were horribly crushed Mnd he died shortly after reaching hospital.
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  • 65 4 Rbtjtir is about to establish an Agency in Rangoon. Rangoon is now reported to be in direct communication with Bombay. It is said that the automatic signalling apparatus bj the Indian Telegraphing Department has proved to be a great success, by enabling long Press messages received in Bombay on the
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  • 65 4 Members of the Singapore Swimming Club are reminded of the annual meeting which takes place at the Drill Hall to-night, commencirg at 8 o'clock In addition to the presentation of the annual report, the body of which has already been puhlshed in these columns, there will he a discu>«ion on
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  • 71 4 R. F. Raphael and H B Chinnery, the w 11 known cricketers of the Oxford \nthei tics, hroke their j xirney to China »t. Singapore, and were 'he guests of M' E F H Rdlin and Mr Hugh Fort. Yesterday they visited th* cricket ground, took part in a friendly
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  • 68 4 Thi Daily F.zpret* is said to be misinformed in reporting that Lord Kitchener goes to the Cane and Hrn••H 'm on leave this summer. As at present arranged, His Excellency spends April on the nortb-w.stern frontier of India, reaching Simla in May, an I remaining thereuntil August when he prohahlv
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  • 69 4 Of the Boer irreconcilables in Ceylon, about, forty in number, eighteen are at Welikada jail and the rest are at Diyatalawa. The prisoners at W^lika'l* are those who were incline 1 to give trouble. They are not treated as ordinary criminal*, hut are not allowed to hold communication with any
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  • 71 4 O* Wednesday Messrs Powell A Co. disposed of three building allotments situate at Stanley St. and Cecil St adjourning the premises now being erected f»r the Wra'ti Time* Press. The total area is Bfll6 square feet the price naid was $:((>."> per square foot «:< 6.V2.90. the buyer being a
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  • 82 4 Wk regret to announce the death of Mr R K. PhUlips, of Singapore, which occurred at Ben'ong on the 24th in«t Mr. Philli"« left Singapore on the6ih inst. for Bentnng f"r the purpose of purchasing tin. and during his residence there he, by some means or other, contracted a chill.
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  • 76 4 The central p.i-tal authorities in Australia are still unconvinced of the "commercial value" of the wiielen* telegraphy system. A set of Marconi's instruments has heen worked in Queensland since Christmas, and me>sages have been transmitted over the sea a distance of ftO miles But. as words cannot he despatched nearly
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  • 73 4 Tn yesterday's issue a paragraph appeared explaining the vagaries of a Kling dhobie named Xuktilin&im. Inspector Connor has recovered such irticles as the pawnticket« covered, <»nd he has secured four prosecutors, Mrs Newton, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Sassoon, md Satha«ivem. Sukulingam has therefore four charges against him. A •nan named A'liapan
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  • 48 4 Croquet Tournament. ykstkri>ay'* kiwi.tb, His* Roberts and Mr. Cadell v Minn Sal/. niann and Mr. Evana, (unfinished). Tin* For To-UAY. Mm. Evans and Mr. Patcbilt t> Mrs. Peirce and Mr. C it. Miss Robert* and Mr. Cadell 0 Mi-- Sail mann and Mr. Evans, (unKnished yesterday).
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  • 77 4 300 Yards' Handicap, The M-trch monthly competition ovpr a 300 yard*' cour-e will he swum on Sunday. Handicaps follow: Henderson ner. Jensen 30 set 1 A. Darke 35 Penny 35 Cro« 35 Diehn 40 neon Carti* 4-1 D. l(<ibertaon 45 Hannaford 60 Napier 80 Chapman SU Jackson
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 71 4 WHAT HAPPENED IN PARIS. London, March JtUh. Further details show that Sir Hector Macdonald had been alone in Paris cince the 20th inst. (Friday last). On Tuesday morning he was noticed sitting on a hotel lounge intently studying the Paris edition of the New York Herald, which
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    • 50 4 He then went straight to his room, and must have shot himself immediately. The weapon with which the deed was committed was a Colt's revolver. One bullet w»q fired throueh hi" right temple, killing him instantly. The body was discovered by a chambermaid at one o'clock
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    • 128 4 War Office and the Relatives. Sir Hector Mtcdinald will he buried in P iris, the funeral being of the simplest description. The relaives were at first desirous that the burial should take place in Aberdeenshire. The War Offi -c, however, wished that the funeral shoull take pi
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    • 35 4 The press accords to Mr Wvndham's Irish Land Bill a sympathetic and encouraging reception; but cener<lly reserves judgment in view of the complicated details of the measure.
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    • 18 4 The betting on the 'Virsity boat race is 3 to 1 on Cambridge.
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  • Special Telegram to the "The Straits Times."
    • 65 4 Uomhay, Morch Mfc, The Governor of Ceylon (Sir J West Rufgeway) stated in 'he Legislative Council of Ceyl in that the offence wherewith Sir Hector Macdonald was charged was not punishable in the Criminal Court of Ce>lon, hence the order to hold a court-martial. It is rumoured
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    • 88 4 There will be no performance to-night l.m-ia ill l/unii eim..t.r will be staged to morrow, to be followed on Monday by Rossini's opera II Barbiere il Siviglia" which will afford a couple o 1 ours' continuous merriment and la <k iter. We are requested to state
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    • 110 4 The Pinang Gazette states that crime in that Sen lenient has sunk to next door to nothing, so to nay, thanks to the Kmart ness of the detective service there. That journal cr-iws over Singapore: "At probably no period in the history of Penang has crime been such
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    • 125 4 At Tnipineon the 21«t mot., Roberts played Mr. Ah Y«ne at th« IVrak Club, conceding him 7<K) in a game of 1000 up, and beat him by 1.">1 Hh Hft'-r<rar>ls pi i v»<l three games of pyramids with Mr. \V Willfsl)iui?l «serantinshim4hnllsin the first game, D<>ueUfionlv munauinK
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 854 4 LATEST APVERTISRMHNTS. THOMPSON <o THOMAS CO. ..^S? CHEAPEST AND \^9^ BEST WHERE r YOUR MONEY V GOES FURTHEST. m f. WANTED AT ONCE. JDWIOR ete'h for bi"«. quick M- fi-urei. Apply to A B. C. D co Strut* Tutu*. •I--* 1 OS Ton 3«l in-t' 111 anichn MM 1 Wire
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    • 72 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbr Orethara House I (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays onl> 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekday. 8 a.m.-« p.m. on Handavt. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic mtWirialt. Monthly sap plies from Europe, reliable printing I tapers, chemical mounts, Eastman film* Wratten-Wrainwrigbt's Ilford andGermai
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  • Correspondence.
    • 171 5 To the Editor of the "Straits Times." Sir, In a few days the European regiment, which is to be stationed here will arrive. Would it be out of place to suggest that some form of public reception should be given to the soldiers in order to show the
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  • 306 5 Last night the Volunteer Drill Hall pres.-nted a gay and festive scene A pi. in ri id.' concert was held under the ati-nices of the members of V<e 8 V A, B. V. R and S. R. E. (V.) Members were allowed to invite their friends
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  • 272 5 On account ol Uw S. V. A. annual prii-i ice lit-iiu poatpnnt-d, the parade? tor next wash will be as follows M..iilh>, 30th it 8 p.m. Oun drill. Tu.-s.liy. 31st „6 1. W.-lm-mUy, Ist g Thurnday, 2nd 5- 15 Friday, 3rd 515 And not a« stated in
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  • 88 5 Thk remarks ofihe Chairman of the Singapore. Chamber of Commeice that Penanp steamer competition i« drawing away r. M.S. trale thither from this p<»rt naturally armsed satisfaction at Penung The I'irwvg Gazette urges that the lead thus secured should be maintained. It Bays: -"What we want to become
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  • 30 5 i-TKAN.NV Hkad*chkChrb— has been used the world over for years.— Always reliable— widely imitated, and substitutes offered. All Chemists supply the genuine, when Steams' is asked for.
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  • 465 5 Mr. Hooper's Observations. Wi received yesterday afternoon the following extract from the Registrar's Hackney Carriage and Jinriknha report for February, and dated 9th March. Therein Mr. Hwper notes A considerable falling off in the number of jinrikishss on the streets has been noticeable and the number of
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  • 251 5 lmprvs>.u..!> of It. A writer in "e»Uh (London) is ot the opinion that in no sense of the word is ihe American face distinctive fid that, there i» nothing that will call it up in the mind fromjthe world'group of Caucas an faces. He goes en to
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  • 108 5 A story is t,,|,i hy the Jewish World about a Shadchan, or Jewish marriagi broker, wlm recently waited on a youri). man to urge the attractions of a certain young l»dy. The Shadchan whk accompanied hy a satellite, whose husines« it was to re-echo his eulogies. The changes were rung
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  • 460 5 Patrol and Restorer By the invitation of tlie chairman, Sir John Wolfe Barry, and the direr-tors of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, the two new cable ships, Patrol and Restorer, lying off Gravesend, were, on Feb 28th, inspected by a party of gentlemen, including the Lord
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  • 342 5 KBDNtSDw's K.Muer gave as the >n f<>r the recent lamentable riots rinidad lihnd, the enactment oi •ii obnoxious water ''ill. The following from the Trinidad Mirror of February nder the riendna ''Our Waterle«* Water Works," has some bearing on the question It U rumoured that in r
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  • 91 5 Th- March Medal was played for on Saturday last, when Messrs. Salmoi d and Kent tied for first place. Scores The tie was played off on Wednesday, when the following cards were handed in: Salmond 69 —12 57 Keut 88 —16 72 7U Vi 08 Kent Darby
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  • 110 5 GOLDEN HILL. The moststirringsensation in London, early thin month, arose from a report that I 11 of gold had been discovered at AH uuga in Central Australia where mining for that metal had been going on for years. Inquiries soon showed that what had been discovered was a gold bearing
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  • 89 5 Thr scheme for the improvement of Calcutta is now published It provides for the opening > f some 15 miles of roads through crowded localities at a gross expenditure of seven croies which, after the sale of frontages, is expected to be reduced to something less than two
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  • 211 5 A private prosecutor has at last been found to t ike proceedings against Mr Whitaki.r Wright, of the London and Globe Finance Corporation. Mr. Whitaker Wright, it appears, fled before the storm but be could not long escape arrest. There is no mistaking him at sight. For
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  • 223 5 A nicw form of anti-skid for motorcar tyres has just been brought out by one of the large tyre companies. In this, metal discs, each about an inch in diameter, are let into the cover of the tyre at intervals of about an inch, during the process of
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  • 585 5 Simoapou, 27th March, 1901. PRODUCE. Gambler buyer* f 16 75 Coprm Bali do Ponttanak Pepper, Black buyers 83.75 do White, (8%) 57.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 5.20 do Brunei No. 1 5.00 Pearl Sago „6 10 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis] I .Z Sl!oo Toffee, Liberian No. 1 18.75
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 Curi'B Children's Coughs Jaynefe Expectorant. Thi Singapore Dispensary, iole Agents for the Straits Settlonents.
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    • 100 5 Baby's Cough Must Never NOTHING is more distressing thin tsee 1 helpless httl-» i (ait suffering with a cou«h. an t U lie fetrf ji of using a remedy wbi h may contain some hnnnfu ingredient The mak«r* of 'ha nberlaiuV C'lUith Remedy positively guarantee thai this preparation does
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    • 135 5 A Monster Devil Fish. Destroying its victim is a type of Rheumatism. To be ovMrpowered by this terrible disease, crippled, helpless, bedridden, is to-day the fate of hundreds of sufferers. For but few diseasesaresomany nemedies recommended as for Rheumatism, but nmong vhem none is so efficient as Little'B Oriental Balm.
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    • 861 5 AUCTION SALhb. SALK OF HOU.-EH LD FURNITURE, &c. At I and J Hurga <>««, (Officers' Quarter*) I'ln^lin. tiaiurday, 2SII, March, 100 i, at S p.m T> ATTAN drawing-room c >t,teef>, rm no XV fancy chxirs, rattan tea 'able*, •Imeirahs, dfexsing tallies with n irmrs attached, wa h tands. iron Hingli-
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 203 5 DAY H* I>AY. Friday, 27th rttarcn. High Water. 10 0 n.rn Municipal Conuuiseion. Ufc Singapore Club Meeting. 5. S.V.A. 2.5 (inn Drill. 5. 15. S.V.E. Electric Lighting, 5. 15. S.V.R. Maxim Gun Drill, 5.15. S.V.I. Recruit* Co npany Urill 5.16. Swimming Club Meeting. Drill Hall. 9. Town Band. H. S.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 288 6 NOTICES. Voz Pu(sometet> Requires no t&-^& Thousands in use skilled attendance. gjjjfijTtir lvm S W 11.1. f. M MA r» xj jvl r* B\ H ALMOST ,IB aktythirtg. U V R< Needs no No moving parts tWj Bt to get out i H <tl order. i^^m>%s. Jl^Hßi WORK Sjjll^^^^ SThAMPUMP.
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    • 645 6 ISOTICES. 1 DAMSON'S 500TS I FOR ALL CLASSES. j. 1 -"<i HFj*s*'l's\ Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE 6EKUINE WITHOUT Ou.^ '.iWC KUU L-, P'3 SI THE SOLES. TO BZ HAD OF DCALCnS 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. m^ _JM_I tm^ II Mill ■HI Jfi-A*»t^-11»y T 'l- W l«^»i^»«M'^
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    • 241 6 NOTICES. GRIMAUL7 v G° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP Recommended by eminent Ocr matologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 MOTOR CARS \VK Ml NOW PBIPARKU TO si I'PLY BENZINE SYME CO. "SAPPORO"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 691 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. I'.u K Mtandar J Life Assurance. Norwich Union Fire Imuimnoe Suci*Ji AU*« AsHaranoe Company (Fire). l'h.. K.iuhKhh. Life Aiwuranoe ixKjietj. I h- Ohm» Mutual Steam Navigation Compunj IV I '»tt«nh»ni Latfur Iteer Company. /or particular! of tl»«w» Compamea, thl full adrortiaement of TUB BOKNKO COM PANT.
      691 words
    • 1377 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I nuti contract witb tbe Netherlands India Government. ptMa at .Sincopvrt Ship Aoiacr, I*ll J. Duniu A Co., 3-8, Oolltu Quay. Tbe undermentioned date* are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will he Despatched tor On 1 SarU Borneo Bagan 22 Samarang and Cheribon 26 Hrouwer
      1,377 words
    • 610 7 Compagnie Des Me««agerle« Maritimes De France. IILBQRAPHIO ADDR«b«: MMBASBBIIB, HIHOiPORI. The mail steamer* will leave Singapore on or aooat the andermentloaad dates.— UnTWiBD HnxtWiEU. Date*. Datei. 1903 1903 Tonkin Mar. 16 Annum Mar 16 Yarra Mar. 30 E. Mtnoiu Mar 80 Caledonirn Apr. 12 Sydney Apr 13 Salazie Apr. 27
      610 words
    • 542 7 INSURANCE CO.'S /CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOB \j LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,800,000. Amount paid up 100,000. Beserre fund 1,160.000. Head Omoi, Howo«o»a. Fhe undersigned, baring bean nopointad Agents of the aboro Company, are prepared to aowpt Marina KUks at cunent rate*. BOUSTE A n A <V. Agente. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE
      542 words
    • 788 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S *PIOL& STEEL m%*m*_ raw v *v< EJforLadieF f*f A Franch R«m*d> tor .11 IrrafulirltlM Tho.i-.aox l^dlm Wp t«i« oT Mtrfin I n tmmm h> im U* b* *ilmini»(*r«J Tlmm* who uar thrni rvrurninr nil MMHgMMa m*Sti"n.'. v..,, sju'tmampto'*.' BitoiuiNi^" LIQUID FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand.
      788 words

    • 1299 8 Unciai this iißtt'iiUf, Ika lonowum abbreviations are utted str. Hteainer ih.— ■hip l>c l>;ir<|iip; ech. >-<h<>onpr; Y< t. Yacht; Cm —Cruiser; Gbt.— Ounbuat; Tor. —Torpedo, H p Horse-power; Brit. British U. W— l'niteil Suites, I" h.— Frouch 4^r.— <J*rpi.ip Dvt l)uti:h Joh.— Johore; fl.« (-iei iprnl-cnrio; d.p.—
      1,299 words
    • 538 8 Nam*, port, probable date 0/ arrival, and name oj agent*. BTIAMIRB. \-»nifi hioii. Liverpool, Apl 1 Mansfield. Aliioin. Konil.-.y Apl Borneo Coy. Andalusia, Hongkong. Apl Pehn Meyer. 'mi 11. Colombo. May 26 M. Maritime*. Australind, W. Australia, Apl 6; Bou-tead. Baml>erg, Hongkong, Apl 4; Behn Meyer. Bayern. Hamburg,
      538 words
    • 126 8 For Per ttramer Time. To- Morrow. Cotie via ports Da-mUU Jl a.m. Indragiri Aing Hing Noon. Penang and Colombo Awa Maru p.m. Padang via ports M Viijirwnhi* 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca tarfalla 2 p.m. Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Mum and Malacca Sullun 2 pm. P. Dickson
      126 words
    • 123 8 MAILS TO A RRIVE. From Europe Ry the M M. s.s. l'arra due on Monday with dates to the tub Mar. From China— By the MM. s.s. En\e»t Simons due on Monday. TimbB Tabu of Mails Dub. Left Singapore. Dae in London Arrived Feb loth M. M. Mar 12th, Mar
      123 words
    • 212 8 A 'l~*v 5 <'iu>»ki 8 N»m» <♦ l'ow<- UtfMMI Krosi "Uilbd Consigkib*. O Kit, kfTr 28 Sandakan tor str 1574 Humes 'Sandalcan !Mar 1» Rehn Meyer &Co 2* -egovia gtr 37«ri Kork iHumburg Feb lfi IVhn Mey«r 4 Co. 26 iFarfalla ,ltal str 147 Taylor Malacca Mar Uaitniiio and
      212 words
    • 137 8 Date I Veuhbl'k Name. Flag A Rig i Ton*. Destination. i I Mar 27 j Segovia Qer str 376 Manila and Tsingtau 27 Paknnni -v \-f.i Kanitkok 27 Nam Yong Brit «tr. 984 Gorontalo via ports 27 Resident ttcbifl Dut etr. 68 Rhio 97 Isabella str. 84 Rhio. Sinpkep
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 180 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SIX Z MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. a\lto Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios.
      180 words
    • 516 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW d CO. f/if tfffw, THE WARREN REVERSIBLE STROP Is one of these Little Things the value of which Impresses at Sight This strop Uthe be S t .-heap-t and most practical device of its t ln^ BideB the a> well as the hoee aye prepared, finished and set
      516 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 27 8 WfeATHEH TtLttiH*., 'E. E. A. A C. Tttrgraph Company. 26th March BOSURONO.— Barometer BO.OH. Direction of Wind East. Force of Wind S. Max. Temp io Shade 70
      27 words
    • 73 8 WEATHER REPdrir. Kandang Kerbau Ho*ftital, Stilh March. I!K>3 h :i.n. :S p 111. up 111 Hkmakis. Bar 29.»69 1<9.806 «M> Morninc Temp 80-2 *V> |h6 4 cl- ar. day WB'lbTher 77 0 77 0 I 77.9 j, DirofWind l> I. *.t. night clnar. Max. Temp H»9 Mm IM Max
      73 words