The Straits Times, 23 March 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 086. SINGAPORE, MONDAY. MARCH 23. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 494 1 To Visit Australia H. H the Sultan of Johore leaves to-morrow for a three months' trip to Australia, going as far as Colombo by the Norddeutscher Lloyd s.s. Hamburg. On Friday last he was entertained by Towkay Lim Ah Siang, at a farewell ti,iiii|iiet, held ;it
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  • 208 1 Th« following letter is forwarded to us by a Chinese correspondent May 1 be allowed a space in your valuable columns to rail the attention of the authorities to the nuisance which is l>revailinc in Amoy Street P Almost every midnight cattle to the number of ton'
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  • 23 1 The Indian Daily lf»w» hears from home that thn visit of the Prince of Whli'B to India may he deferred for another venr
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  • 73 1 A Havas telegram of the 14th instant says:— M. Trouillot laid a project before the Chamber of Deputies opening a credit in the Budget for M years in order to complete the cable service between France and her colonies The French Government has opened negotiations with the
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  • 16 1 Japanese vernacular papers deplore the enormous amount of bribery made use of during tbe recent elections.
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  • 624 1 Sinoaporr. MS March, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler l>uvfT* 18.88 Copra FiH i i 'Jo Ponmnak 5.35 Pepper, Blarlc JCT.SO do White, (8%) 57.00 Sa^o Flour Sarawak M* do Brnnei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 21 30 Coffee, Palembansr, 20% b»»t«._ Rl.on Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • 30 1 Tan Chob, the cart driver who is alleged to have made off with a thousand dollars' worth of property belonging to Essabhoy Co., Bombay merchants, Las been committed tor trial.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 Baby's Coujrh Must Never Linger NOTHING is more distressing thin t<> ■M h helpless little iufant suffering «itli aooutfh, and v lie fearful of using a nine ly win. h niiiy contain some harmful Ingre hent Tim makers of Chamberlain's Couch Kemcdv positively guarnntee that I Ins preparation dOM not
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    • 238 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. :ask ycur stoee keeper for -SLEDGE" BRAND, W^ /'/A STERILIZED MILK ■^cggJß^i^ 5 2 Invaluable in the House, I CiX NESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put otil See that you get what you ask f ot* "Sledge" Brand. THERE
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    • 249 1 JtL \t Keep always on haad a well assorted Supply of the Best Brands of Af Wine, Beer, and Liqueurs v£k V m. A f. l-3-li WAYANG PUSI. INDRA BANGSAWAN. THE FirRENS VICTORIA JAWI PIAIAkAI THEATKHAUOIU'UV V UK TO-HIOHT TO-NIGHT :.r,< March, 1903 PUKKUR MAH ADI With Grand Artistically Painted
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    • 225 1 TO NIGHT DON'T FORGET TO-NIGHT TO-NIGbT Monday, 23rd March, 1903. J| I n.ier the Distinguished i'atronage of 2. and in the Presence of "S T H. E. SIR A. R. F. DORWARD, jf X.C.8., D.5.0.. JS Orh'cer Coinniandiiig the Troops, S. S. jf nun (NigiK nvouuKi jZ- Rare Opportunity Pleasing
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    • 799 1 NOTICES. $fa ©imrs. ADVERTISING RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 'lrtt Insertion |1 Jv cent* iaeond ami tkiid inßertiooneaili s<i cent* fourth, fifth, m <\ sixth 40 cento «e»enth to eighteenth 24 cent* nineteenth &sul>Hequent llmm Per week of nix days, to be dinn^ed daily if •quired
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 200 1 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 23rd March. High Water. 7.28 p.m. N.D.L. homeward mail due. 1..L.T.C. Croquet Tournament. S.V.R. Maxim and Signalling. 5.15 S.V.I. Signalling. 5.15. Rowing Club Races. S.V.A. 'J.sGun Drill s. Italian Opera. Town II. 1.. '.> Tuesday, 24th March. High Water. 6.-JT a.m. 8.30 p.m. F'tnrp S:ile. Cross
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  • 1160 2 His Failure as a Colonist and His Worth as a Chinaman. At a time when there is. so much talk of the introduction of Chinese labour into South Africa to replace the black labourers, it may not be without interest to gain some idea as to what
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  • 234 2 Palace Incident at Peking The Peking correspondent of the North China Daily Wmm wrote on the 25th ult To-day there was the third of the series of entertainments or social interchanges between the ladies of the Legations in Peking and the ladies of the Palace. While refreshments
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  • 277 2 At tkk Mickey was promoted to the honourable Dost of foreman on the sewerage contract, nothing annoyed his fond mother more than any reference to the recent past, when he earned his living as a mere member of a gang I hear Mickey's on the sewerage. It's a
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  • 146 2 It will be remembered that some time back, a Reuter telegram was published in this paper announcing a big jump in the shares of the Company which is raining for gold in the Nile Valley. A London paper to hand by the last mail, in its
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 517 2 DraHN the debate on the Address in the House of Commons, Sir W. Allan moved an amendment expressing regret that mention was not made in the King's Speech of the unsatisfactory condition of the Navy, and made a decidedly raughty speech thereon. It appeared to
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  • 210 2 The Swedish scientist, Dr. Rubin, who has been asked to assis', in the ordnance Mirvey of South Africa, will arrive at the end of February in London, where he will have a conference with the Secretary of East Rhodesia. He will then leave on 14th M n<
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  • 98 2 Thk Mucking Company, a Manila wrecking concern, is now at work striving to raise the wrecks of the Spanish ships sunk by Dewey in his to all but the most ardent panAmericans somewhat hollow naval victory at Cavite. .lust now they are said to be at work on 'he flagship
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 NOTICES. (Dillinery, Robinson &Co., Are now Showing their first Shipment OF Spring Millinery Isde Seasons JYovelties. Ladies' Sailors French Sailors' Flowers and Feathers Ospreys Wings IIIHF Preliminary Announcement. OUR DRAPERY Cash Clearance Sale WILL COMMENCE ON Monday, April 6th Jor 15 $)ays Only. Circulars will be issued in few days.
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    • 503 2 NOTICES. J^ STANDARD" pOLICY. 0F £500 9TQ Payable at Age 66 or at Death, if previous Costs at the Bate of Per quarter. Age. £4 10 0 if commenced at 36 £6 14 11 if commenced at 86 £9 1 10 if commenced at 40 For Rates for other Ages,
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    • 321 2 NOTICES. ICTORWJCH ONION FIRE INSURANCE ll BOCISTT OF NORWICH AND LONDON. KsTAßLisHin 1797. 'OS FIRB INSURANCE ONLY Amount innmd *SM,ooo,uoo Lum paid 11,600,000. Prumiam income M &JC.OOO. Inroranoe affected on almort ewj ascription property mt oarrent ntt* of premium KISKS FOB 10 DAT! iU MOW AOOBTTBD 4T 4 ourr ra
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    • 130 2 Diarrhcet DIARRHtKA, in its first -t-n;. can lie cured by a few doses of Hint pleasant, reliable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic and DiaffhaM Kemudy. In many instances one ilose is sufficient, l>ut RK a rule three or four doses art m ma v It is a eood thinK to
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  • 729 3 PHILIPPINE GUTTA RUBBER. Instkdctions, says the MmmU Timr--, have been received from Washington by the Customs authorities of the Philippines to keep a vigilant look out for Chinese merchants enßaged in smuggling rubber and gutta percha out of that archipelago. Detailed search on the part of forest rangers of the
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  • 162 3 Thk Kuesian Government has sanctioned the new naval programme which is to be carried into effect next year The designs for a new type of battleship have been completed. These ships will he six in number and of 16,000 tons liifplm'finent, and are all intended for service
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  • 1341 3 P. O. Mar. 26. Per Formosa For London Mrs. \V It. Smith and «ix daughter*. From Penang Mr. Wiekx, Mr. and Mr*. Law and child, and Minn Law. April 3.— Per Malta Mm. E. V. Carev and two children, Manter and Mich Ward. Mr. and Mrs. E.
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  • 146 3 Six Chinamen have appeared before Mr. Wilson at the instance of Insp. Haten an (Weights and Measures Department) to explain why they bad in their possession false weights and scales for trading purposes. Four of the men, Low Chue Chin, Choh Kam Kee, Choh Tiam and Loh
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  • 106 3 In the course of a motion to remit a co. Kildare breach of promise action from Dublin to a local court the following quaint love-letter from defendant, a farmer, was read My dear Mies Donohoe, My first duty is to a?k you to pardon me for taking the
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 132 3 A remarkable accident happened recently to the officers' chef at Woolwich Barracks. He was being medically attended for an ulcer on his right heel. One day he crossed his right leg over the left and was examining the heel by the aid of a hand-mirror, when his thigh broke. He
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  • 130 3 Thus the Manila Times Mayor Brown is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the two famous tigers from the Sultan of Jahore (sic They were expected to arrive some time ago but owing to the difficulty in shipment, an extra delay was occasioned. From all reports, the party in charge of
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  • 165 3 For Singapore. }"er P. Jk O. s. s. Shanghai from London Feb 21, due 27th March Mim Constance Dodd. Per P. 40. 8. 8 Himalniia connecting with the steamer Cotonuntdel at Colombo from London Marcn t(, due 6th April Mr. I. H. Warier. Per M. M. 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 1O IREVrNT CROUP, bepin in time; Ihe first symptom is hoarteness this it- soon followed by a peculiar rough couph which is easily recc^nited ami will never be forgotten by one »ln bas heard it. Ihe time to act is when the child first becomes hoan-e. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
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    • 684 3 NOTICES. EU HOPE AN wanted in a lar»re store to heck outgoing goods and act as delivery clerk. No special experience nece*»aiy. Only steady reliable men need apply, stating qualifications and salary expecti d to fetore c/o Strait* Time* Office. 27-3 WANTED an experienced Typewriter. One used to working the
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    • 595 3 NOTICES. Meun. H. L. Coghlftn V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OF THI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., General Agents, U.C Straits Settlements. For Sale. THE HULK "SARAH NICHOLSON. (Now lying in Singapore Roads). OF US4 tons, built of oak and teak, copper or yellow metal
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    • 853 3 I SHIPPINO OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD." FOR BBOOME, PORT HEDLAND, COSSACK, ASHBURTON. CARNARVON, GERALDTON, A FREMANTLE. rpHE Company's steamer SALADIIf, M 1,874 tone, register. Captain Bell, is intended to sail for the above ports on Monday, tbe -.Wrd March. For freight or passage apply to W. MANSFIELD* CO., 28-8
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  • 54 4 Minr.Liv. On 24th Feb. suddenly, William Holt Midgley, of (iuildford a^ed" 42. Charlesworth. On the 3rd March, at Yokohama, OHM C, Chari.ksworth, aged 50 year*. Bocomoloff.— On the Ath March, at Shanghai, I'KTKR Bouomoi.kf', I.M. Cnatomh, Shanghai, 27 yean. Ezka. On 22nd March, at liik renidenoe Niiwini-Xissim, Joheph Ezra,
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  • 1007 4 Since the giant Pacific Mail steam ships Korea and Siberia were put on the run between San Francisco and Hongkong; via Japan and China ports, a regular revolution was expected to dawn in the trans-Pacific carrying trade, and mayhap it will.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4 ms. bank rate is 1/8
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 11 4 The homeward mail by the Hamburg clobeti at 8 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 14 4 A St. George* B ill will be. held at Penang on the 23rd April.
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  • 13 4 The homeward mail by the Zuida closes on Wednesday at 4 p. in.
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  • 15 4 Thk lamps up the Tanjong Kramat lighthouse of Kuala Selangor have been destroyed by fire.
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  • 18 4 An Association football match will be played on the Esplanade to-morrow afternoon between the S.C.C. and R A.
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  • 19 4 Th« Trench Currency Commission which sat at Paris has reported in favour of the gold standard for French IndoChina.
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  • 27 4 The German mail steamer Kianslehou having feft Colombo on the 20th instant at 9 p. m, may be expected here on Thursday the 26th instant at daylight.
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  • 32 4 The first class cruisers Europi and Spartiate were to be commissioned at Portsmouth on the 17th inst. to bring out a number of relief crews to various ships on the China Station.
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  • 27 4 The P O mail steamer which arrived on Saturday brought the following specie For Penang, coin silver, £11,326; Singapore, coin silver, jC'M.tiST; and Shanghai, bar silver, .£5,000.
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  • 28 4 The fruit and coconut plantations belonging to the De Wind estate, Malacca, were sold hy auction at Malacca by Messrs. Powell Co. on Saturday last and realized 15,800.
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  • 29 4 The sale conducted by Messr». Coghlan Co. at Lochaber," Scott's Road, on Saturday, was almost a record one botb as regards the attendance of purchasers and the prices realized.
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  • 40 4 Thk Calcutta city improvement scheme is estimated to cost seven crores and eighteen lakhs (R7 1, 800,000), and the work is to be entrusted to a Trust, as in Bombay. The Government of India guarantees the loan on certain conditons.
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  • 49 4 The Directors of Messrs. Katz Brothers, Ltd., are paying for the year 1902 a dividend of 8 per cent on preferred shares and of 10 per cent on deferred shares. 550.000 will be carried to the Reserve Fund, bringing this up to 1260,000, and $6,582.49 will be carried forward.
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  • 39 4 Booking for the performance of GavalUria Jivnticana by the Italian Opera Co. at the Town Hall to-night was proceeding satisfactorily to-day at the premises of the Robinson Piano Co. The Company comes from Manila with a very high reputation.
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  • 46 4 On the 20th inst. Quah Choo Foo was arrested at Pulo Brani for dishonestly retaining some tin worth S", the property of the Straits Trading Co. On Saturday he was arraigned before Mr. Marriott on this charge and wax fined $100, in default, three months' imprisonment
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  • 44 4 The case an allusion to which has already appeared in these columns, in which Ang Ah Pak, an Annamite servant in the employ of Mrs. Hinnekindt of 249 Serangoon Road, stands under a serious allegation was this afternoon before Mr. Marriott, for preliminary enquiry.
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  • 60 4 Thk many friends of Mr. A. C. Hynes, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank will be pleased to hear that he recently won the German Club Purse at Bangkok on his home, Boreas The distance was about a mile and the purse worth 250 Meals. Mr. Hynes shortly gi>es home
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  • 60 4 Last night three Kehs went into the compound of a Chinese house in Kampong Java Road. The Sikh watchman arrested one of the men. On being taken to the Police Ptation it was found that the Keh only came out of jail on the 10th of this month. He will
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  • 56 4 At the Marine Court this morning two Greek seamen belonging to the Willowdeve were charged with absenting themselves from their steamer at Tanjong Pagar on Friday, and with refusing to work. They were fined six days' pay and sentenced to seven days' rigorous imprisonment. They are to be put on
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  • 59 4 A cricket match was commenced on the Esplanade on Saiurday afternoon between elevens captained by Barkshire and Benjafield, but rain stopped play. Barkshire's team scored 117, but Benjafield's representatives did not get a chance to bat. Noon made t.he highest score with 53 Hannat'ord scored 25 and Ogilvie 20 not
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  • 61 4 Mr. A. S. Baknakd, formerly Chief Engineer to the Hull Corporation, has been appoir md Chi»f Electrical Engineer to the Ceylon Government, at a -•> 1 try of KlO.OOO per annum, to rise to R12.00U, by annual increments of R5OO. Mr. Barnard will also be the electrical adviser to the
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  • 76 4 Mk. Caldwell put a question in the House of Commons on Feb MHh, relating to postal arrangements with the Far Rant The Postmaster-General replied that correspondence despatched from London via the United States reaches Yokohama in from 31 to U days, Shanghai in about 40 days, and Hongkong in about
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  • 82 4 On Saturday night, Asat £updt. Whitehead, Insp Howard and some police raided 63 Boat Quay, and arrested eight Chinanun for gambling. It is alleged that one of them ottered Mr. Whitehead a sum of $2:30 as an inducement to him to let the matter drop, and he will be charged
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  • 105 4 On the 4th of this month a Kling money-changer living at Kochore Road was robbed of a number of foreign coins, including Siamese and Dutch, valued at $500. But $500 in notes were left untouched in the safe. Yesterday the detectives got hold of a Kling named Nanoo whom they
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  • 55 4 The following passengers arrived per a. s. ballaarai on Saturday Mr. J. B. Young, Mr. R. M. H. Swan, Dr. C. W. Daniels, Mrs. S. Hankin, Miss Thompson, Mr. Btircress, Mr. and Mrs. Maclean Mr. Victor Murray, Mr. and Mrs. O. Thomas, Miss White and servant, Mr. S. Hankin and
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  • 80 4 The following lek per s.s. Ballaarai yesterday. For Hongkong Mr. H. H. Skelton, Mr. A. S. Jelf. Lt. Kilvert, Miss C.L Pettigrew, Miss Boulton, Mr A G. Paton, Major and Mrs. A. H. Morgan, Mr. M. Yoshimura, Mr. C Huttori, Miss Mackenzie Mr. A. C. Carter, two Misses. Wauchope, Mr
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 38 4 London, 2\gt MnrrK. The United States Senate has passed the Cuban treaty with amendments requiring the approval of the Home of Representatives, thus deferring the admission of Cuban sugar into the United States indefinitely
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    • 101 4 Speech at the Mansion House. Mr. Chamberlain, after the presenta tion of the address from the Corporation of London, drove with the Lord Muyoi to the Mansion House, where he lunched. In answering the toast of his health, Mr. Chamberlain expressed the hope that hiscolonial.toiir
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    • 56 4 A Government Threat. The French Senate is discusMing th* Public Worship Estimates. M. Combes, the Premier, enumerated during the discussion the number of pattoral charges and letters insuNni; to the Government that had been issued He declared that the Government would denounce the Concordat if the
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    • 34 4 In the election for N'ortli Fermanagh, Mr. Mitchell, the Independent Conservative candidate, polled 2107 votes, defeating Mr. Craig the official Conservative candidate who polled MS votes, replacing Mr. E. M. Archdale, Conservative.
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    • 21 4 l.iii'ilnn. 22ml March President Castro of Venezuela has resigned. The Venezuelan Cjngress has unanimously refused to accept the resignation.
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    • 45 4 The Radicals in the House of Commons are raising a strong agi'ation against the proposed methods of recruiting native labour for the Kand mines. They insist that these methods constitute merely a form of slavery. Mr. Chamberlain indignantly repels this idea.
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    • 35 4 Serious rios among students broke out at B'ida-PoAth on the anniversary of the death of Kossuth. The police were attacked with heavy mis-iles anil slicks a number of them were injured
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    • 61 4 Croquet Tournament. TlhB KOK TO- HAY. Mr,. mi.'Mci. U I Mr. Hilton r Mi-* ■■■Mill an.l Mr. Cadell. Mrs. Hunter ami Mr. DniM Mrs. Ja^" mi Mr. Imk ilfcS TOR TUKBDAY. Mrs. In lie* mid Mr. I.hilihiii Mr-. ItagiM an.l Mi. Hilton or lUm Roberta :tn<! Mr. Cadell.
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    • 52 4 The following |> i-sencers arrived here this morning by the Imperial (jerman mail str. Jiamhuig I' mm Shanghai Mr. John Ford, Mr. HutchinHon, McMn van Ruenen, fay mb. Schown, Wight, van Dyk, Nobbe, Pieterson and Blonk, E. Tryer, From Hongkong: Mr T. Handelman, Mr. A. Rasoe,
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    • 54 4 Thk shooting in connection with the Monthly Handicap Competition of the S. R E. (V.) takes place at Balestier Range on Saturday next the J-t h inst. at MO pm. It is requested that all competitors will he on the Kinga early, as tiring at 200 y>ls will be concluded
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    • 114 4 The scale of charges for the use of the Town Hall bw been revised by the Municipal Commissioners. The charge for travelling companies.i.'Ml (McfbrflMn, including refreshment bar, is >.V» ;i night, and for local entertainments, when a charge for admission is made S.'iu a night, without refreshment bar less ¥.">.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 824 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT& Apples Apples Apples AUSTRALIAN APPLES. Jn splendid condition. AUSTRALIAN STORES 1 ROBINSON ROAD. mi f. u.e. ■|'ii BE LET— Small compound house 1 ut tha Ut m Id, fatwlin. Moderate rent and v<>ry comfortable; entry Ist April. \pply to K. C co Slmits Time*. 28-8 LOST. A T
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    • 203 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opeh Qretham House I (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on eek^*y* 8 p.m. axma on Sunday*. Ba.m.— noor, Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly gupplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wright't Il'onl and German dry
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    • 33 4 FOR WKAK LUNGS. Takk Stkakns' Wine. It soothes. It heals. It builds up health and strength. It stands out as the one great advance in modern treatment of disease Sol<i by all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 444 5 I tin MUor of the Straitx Timef." Dkak Sir,— Looking over your report it tin; annual general meeting, of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, I note in the ch;iirm in's address that he refers to our local steamship service. Most of us will agree to a
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  • 415 5 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club is called to he held at the S. V C. Drill Hall, on March L'7lh (Kriday next) at 9 pm. The Committee report tut the Club iias maintained its former popularity md strong financial position. iii lecocduHM with
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  • 10 5 Exchange and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 1693 5 Mall- Yearly Meeting. Thk half-yearly ordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd., was held at the Company's Town Office, Collyer Quay, at noon to-day. Mr. John Anderson presided and there were also present Messrs. J. R. Nicholson (managing director). H. Fort, W. P.
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  • 168 5 On Saturday night the Indra Zanibar Malay Theatre in North Bridge Road was packed by a large and appreciative audience, there being a number of Europeans in the front seats. The piece played was Shamshir Alam which has the usual amount of love and tragedy, fair maidens
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  • 690 5 of Qrlffins Twrnty-srven new arrivals in the shape of waler griffins were drxwn for by members of the S.S.C. at Dalian > stables on Saturday afternoon when there was a very considerable number of racing men present. The animals were for the most part well- looking enough,
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  • 230 5 The members of the local European police force concluded their rifle match shooi at the Balestier Range yesterday afternoon for a Cup presented by Captain Hamilton, the ranges being at 200 yds 800 yds. and 600 yds., Bisley rules. The first part of the match was fired
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  • 47 5 The second heat in the four-oareu races for the cups presented by Mr. Scott Russell will be rowed this afternoon at 5 p.m. between boats stroked by A. and I>. Robertson respectively. The course is from a point opposite Parsee Lodge to Johnston's Pier.
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  • 915 5 Hume The Hon. Ivor Uuest lias lironght larwasi' it motion to retinue the Army Vote by TJMS men. He declared that reduction in number* would rennlt in the lietter cleum of rerruitx lieinx obtained. Major W. K. Kvanx QeBSSB nei-onded. Mr. Alfred Km tt ami Sir John (Joist
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  • 172 5 The many friends in Singapore of Capt. Lewingdon will be glad to bear that he is in Singapore again although only for a short period. Capt. Lewingdon arrived here yesterday afternoon in command of the steam launch Haijong which he brought down with the assistance of a crew of eight
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  • 180 5 The Singapore Philharmonic Society gave a popular orchestral concert at the Town Hall on Saturday night. It wan a very successful entertainment, and was well attended. The ofesMetra, under the direction of Mr. W. (i. St. Clair, played eight pieces of a varied character, ami there were
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  • 310 5 Four Hylams at Mount Elizabeth Aboit 6-30 on Saturday afternoon some detectives who were on the look out for Tanglin burglars saw tour old jail birds hanging about together near the market in Orchard Road. The men, who were H Warns, proceeded up Orchard Road, while the
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  • 174 5 Thk results of the Cambridge Local examination have been received by thi< mail. In the senior examination 24 boys passed from the Straits Settlements. Of these three obtained first class honours, W. Davidson and I ,iin (ivan Cheng from the Peaaag Free School, and W. J. C.
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  • 50 5 Thk Dallas Company is about t« break up in Calcutta, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas and four or five of the performers going to England whilst the remainder will tour India. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas expect, however, to return to the East with a new coir.pany some time about November next.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 512 6 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, fortify the System against Disease fit!. PURE BLOOD. "THb 3EST SECURITY FOR Hfc-ALTH." ESSENCE OS Ft.UID "EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA Estd. 1 '^r>o'| < ■^J^g^pJjaTji^i .11 jH I |£f|y lince 1829. >-\" t Tr*- jy ,f|l[flfg Tj ti. jiJr fj Pronwire'i -v the MIOMSST
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    • 790 6 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. At No. 13, Cross Street. Tatmday, 24th March, 1903, at 3 p,n». CARVED and polished drawing room cabinets with mirror panels, carved and inlaid ebony centre tables with marble top*, carved teik centre tables with marl. lf tops, (five feet); h indsome pier
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    • 277 6 NOTICES. GIANELLI MAJNO S NATURAL MILK TRADE Pest for" Hi<l iii m>l UK No ad led -ii;. ar. chemicals or thickening matter. Pure rich froth milk. To be obtaine d Rt Tne Dispenssry mm nil provibion stores. Dr. K& K K. AX. rOKOHAMi KOBE opporite the I near the
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    • 426 6 NOTICES. ISAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES Not audt Gelatine I mo*t rlficacioui, briJUK•baolulfly pure EnflUh Oil Full Direction*. AH Chemist*. Insist on Savaresses Charles Ibetosieck's TRflbttc Seal Champagne. Sole A'.kxt* BKHN, MKYKR& Co, J/it Singapore and l'&n<%ng. vftw/V Singapore f^ VI e««r.. J ohs I. [TTi.K ACo 1 I Messrs Qurtiel awu
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    • 461 6 NOTi.ES. t/^btTib^^A I%hese tin >' A^^^^J^J^^A Capsules pfeHHpHpjßtfl —su per ior I f. WW m \2 Vto Copaiba, < TmUMmVMW Cubebs, and Injections— cure < the same diseases as thest drugs 1 in forty-eight hours without 1 inconvenience. I Each C>p«ul< b«tf the mnu (HIDYj FOR DISEASES Of THE CHEBT.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilK StutdarJ Life Amuuw. J. Norwich Onion Flre UummnM Society. Atlas Autaranoe Company (Fire). The Kquitable Life A«suninoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company I'll.' Tottenham Lager Bear Company. /or particular! of U-we CompMMS, seeths mil «d>«rtiH«!uent of TUE bOBNBO COMPANY. LIMiTKD. Agent.. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
      705 words
    • 1373 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatsohappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. wntt at Singapore: Ship Aonor, latb J. Djbhdus A 00., 3-S, Couth Qoat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer I- rom Kipected Will be Despatched for On Vander CaptlUn Batavia 15 Bawc in, Soerabaia, Bandjermasein, Kota Karoe
      1,373 words
    • 642 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnle Des Messagerlea MaHtlmes De France. Tiuosaprio Address: Mmsaskbibb, SmOAFORI. the mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— Outwajm). Homeward. Dates. Dates. 1903 1003 Tonkin Mar. 16 I Annam Mar 16 Tonkin Mar. 30 E. Simon* Mar SO Caledonie,n Apr. 12 j Sydney Apr
      642 words
    • 546 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTOR INBDBASOK OFFIOB LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,800,000. Amount paid up (00,000. Beaerve food 1,160.000. Hud Omn, Hoaeios*. The undenigned, having been apftoiated Agents of ths above Company, are prepared to aoospt Marina Buts at onrrant rates. BOUBTBAD A 00, AgaiHs. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRS LIFE TOTAL INVKBTKD FUNDS
      546 words
    • 321 7 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. DURABLE AND ACCURATE *%J0& Tn Keystone Watcb Csse Cc. XcT^V America's Oldest at^d Watch Fact»-y U^ T Jm For sale by X^L^y Tha Principal Watch Dealer? in Strfitc Setilemaou ••SAPPORO"^ "KIRIN" BEERS The beet that are brewed in
      321 words

    • 1449 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— •ai|i; tx} barque; sch. schooner; Yet. If ax ut; Cru Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. BrilUh; V. S. -United States; Fch.— Frenoh Ser. rnmn In. t. Dutch Joh. Jobore Ueneral-car^o; d. p. —deck
      1,449 words
    • 510 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent Stsamirs. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Apt 1; M>mfl«l4. Al'Miin. Bombay, Apl Borneo Coy. Alicante, Barcelona, Mar 24 Barlow. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 27; BehnMeyar Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong, Mar 26 P. 8. Australind, W. Australia. Apl 6; BoasMaa Awa M«ru. Japan, Mar
      510 words
    • 82 8 For Her steamer Time. To- Morrow. Bangkok Petchaburi 9 a.m. Muar and Malacca Far/alia 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Butnrier 2 p.m. Sarawak R. of Sarawak Kuantan A Kelantan B. Whntt Bin t p.m. Muntok A Palembang Rubti 4 p.m. Wbonmday. P. Swet'ham via ports B.
      82 words
    • 124 8 From Europe By the N.D.L. s.s. Kiauittrhi'it due on Thursday, with dates to the Wr4 Mar. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 6th February Tmw Tabli of Mails Dub. Left BingBi>or«i. Dae in London Arrived Feb 6th PAO. Feb 2«th Feb 28th
      124 words
    • 318 8 5 Vmuls Nam«. A lon- Caftaiii Krom «ailbd OMMWK»ai Rio Mar 20 Shan Tung Brit str 18*5 Finlayson Amoy Mar 13 W. ManMield &Cv '■*> I»ch a lUI ftr. 2784 Muzio Hongkong Mar 11 Behn Alev-i k < v. 21 Boribat S.a str. 36: Ma<lsen Bangkok Mar 14 East
      318 words
    • 149 8 D*ts. VttwKL'sNAMs. Kla.i .k Kig Tors. Destination Mai M Saladin Brit str. 11 10 M Ucbia Ital gtr. 28.0 Hong Be.- Brit str. 20.' ri 'Jl I'liiiii-inaK »tr. 97 -> Hebe slr S4ri a I Pin Sen« Btr 37^ 21 Sappho gtr. 3.W -I Bort' Vor »tr 738 *l
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 278 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also IndiaiVand Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilverware and silvericurios. Visitors will be cordially received
      278 words
    • 335 8 itMkMU i^^blß^b^^ Bu t^Miid,, I 1 1 s I IB'■ al 9 Iwß^Kir A« ADJUSTABLE BOOK RACKS fl •Price Cts. 20 The Opderly c JB IHtfi otfwo ,I(,righT, 1( righT Price Cts. 20 f\ W Japanned metal with says and MWpaortf Any number al \m§ books can r.e mi|>p<>rt<d in
      335 words
    • 182 8 UOVJtRMMEftT MOIIPIUATION. rpENDERS will be rective.l .it the X Colonial Sn-retfin Office up t" Bum on the Slst nsl*nt ft the lease of four I godowns or sbeds situated ou Croud Land at Tun Jong Pagur. Laase to lie for a term of one sear. Further particulars and permit to
      182 words
    • 449 8 FRASER NEAVE LTD. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF SHARf WARRANTS \y presentation of Coupon No. /> at the Caartorad Bank of li dia. Australia, ■iDd China on aad niter tbe 18th day oi I March. 1901, holder will receive 17.60 pel nhare, l.ting a nividend at the rutf ol In |>.
      449 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 102 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Honpital, Mr 4 Mar' h, 1903 'H.m 8 pm. 9 p.m. Remarks. Bar 29.950 -J9.79- 2P iMO Morninc Temp 83.8 85.0 76.4 clear, day WB'lbTher 77 0 78.4 74.9 cloudy,' Dir of Wind North n.e. Calm, night clear. Max. Temp M>.6 Mm Sun 1
      102 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 339 9 NOTICES. High Class Tailoring At Moderate Prices. Smart Stylish A Fashionable Cut Perfect Fitting Handsomely Finished. FROCK SUIT. LOOKS WELL FITS WELL WEARS WELL,4|H toil 1., i I'.REASTED IM SUT. Powell Robinson, SINGAPORE, S.S., AND KWALA LUMPUR, F.M.S. m. w. f. ABRAMS Horse Repository A H I) VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT. HORSES,
      339 words
    • 125 9 NOTICES. Requires o rin^k Thousands in use ikillcd attendance. TO^Pf RiVing A.NYTHI3VG k %^J NeedS No moving parts WL vsroFiK: stbam pump. on a Chain. -^W PARTICULARS IS NOISELESS. APPLICATION. SOLE AGENTS HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. Sole Agents: Me Alister Co. The Best f^^^ Procurable }\*p Absolutely pure. Price per Case
      125 words
    • 126 9 HOTEL DKR NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) IMRHT Class Hotel. Known for Hi _F excellent food. Very frequently visit ed by British people. English sneakini servants. Eve/y accommodation. Messen ger on i>oard of all tbe steamers. A. F. MERTEN. in. > 'h in- Proprietor. KOMEYA CO. Japanese Curio General Store. From want
      126 words
    • 771 9 NOTICES. Hlaws co., 8, UATTERY ROAD. Commission and Estate agents, Slii|i-brok('rs. llortgagM arri»nir<'<l ii Bhorl notice. LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) L.irtji' stool s always on hand. 32 6 (Thirty-twn ■hilling! and sixpence; per ton f. o. I*. in bimkera at PREBHWATEK ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite we»tfin ciitrimce of New Harbour.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 214 10 NOTICES JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD I $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra OPTAINABLE FROM RE 1 All. DEALERS, OB McALISTER Co., sole agents. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition's for Ship
      214 words
    • 636 10 B/PNKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING COBPOBATION. FAJD-DP CAPITAL $10,000.0U RESERVE FUND.Bterlin« R«ierTe..f 10,lX»,000\ .ISRnonn. 1SRnonnf i Silver Reserve....! 6,600,000/ 16 600>OW> BEBEBVB LIABILITY OF n nnnnnr PROPRIETORS -110,000,001 Court of Directors. A. J. Raymond, Ji»q,— Chairman. E. il. Tomkins, Esq —Deputy Chairman 8. Balloch, Esq. D. M. Moses, Esq. Hon.
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    • 874 10 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLDB P'ogramme for the Spring Race Meeting. 1903. MAY Mh, 2lst,2Srd. FIRST~DAY. Tuesday, 19th M«.y. THE GOVERNOR'S CUP.— A Cup presented by H. K. Sir F. A. Bwettenham, K.C.M.G. and 9200 added by the Club. A Bace for Maiden Horses. Weigbt 9st. Entrance, $10. Distance, B. C.
      874 words
    • 436 10 NOTICES. THE BOCHORE PLATE.— VaIue $300.— Second horse to receive the entrance fees. A Handicap for all non-winninp horses that have surteii at thismeeting. Entrance $6 if declared by noon on Saturday, nth May, and 910 if declared after noon oi the Utb May, and by 4 15 p.m. on
      436 words
    • 329 10 NOTICES. BAGNALL 6* HILLES. 96 Robinson Road. BC^-VEI ON HA.KTD Electric Fun", Ceiling and 1. ule, 40, 60, 80, 80, 100, 1 '.0 an I 120 Volts. Uesigaed to operate from Inc&nduscent Ciicuiu. Any Voltage to order Direct or Alternating < urrent Fam. For Table U*-, ItN VolU. Inspection invited
      329 words