The Straits Times, 19 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 083 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 568 1 NOTICES. ffilu jftnrits ffimrs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ||„-i in< h, luii,n meaKore.l first iiiM'i tm ii tl centc tiecoml mill tliinl iii'-i'itii>n»each 80 cent* Fourth, linli, iiml mmli 40 cente gerenlh t» eighteenth '24 cent* Nineteenth i!k -iil'-«-i|iic.iu,, 16 cents Per week nl m\ .lii>>, In In- ilmu(,'ed
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    • 798 1 NOTICES. ""GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. FROM :ind after the Ist of April next, all fees pay&ble in the Court of fcequesb must be paid in adhesive Revenue Stumps which can by procured either at the Treasury or at the 4 General Post Office. Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, l:ith March, 1908. 19/8 GOVERNMENT
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    • 715 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. Ij'ROM this day Mr. H. 8. Aralboon will sign our firm per procuration. STEPHENS, PAUL A 00. NOTICE. In tbe minis ot William Henry Freeman, Deceased. I)URBIIAXT to Section 46 of the fconveyi.nting and Law of Property Ordinance, notice i- hereby given that all creditors and other persons
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    • 687 1 AUCTION SALES. "LOCHABER" Furniture Sale The Valuable Household Furniture &c, the property of J. J. MACBEAN Esq. Will be sold by Auction at Lochaber, Scott's Road on Saturday, aist March, at v a. m. (Refreshment* n ill lie prorided) This sale should prove a most attractive one as may be
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    • 611 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE undersigne.l is prepared to attend auction sales on behalf of intending purchasers. tor Lochaber" Auction on Saturday next he will meet intending purchasers on the premises on Thursday, and Friday, 4 to p. m Saturday 10 a. m. Communications in writing to No
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    • 443 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED A competent Chinese salesman for Paletibang, salary f 60 to f. 7 Most be prepared to en er upon dutie 11 immediately. Only competent men needapply to TAN HOOD SWEE. ■M c/o U \nk>r«mit <fc Co. LLOYD'S REGISTER OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN SHIPPING. WILL intending subscribers for
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  • 1868 2 hmdou, fib. mh. Great Storms on the British C »a>t. Heavy liave -wept the MtU roanU during the Isxt few dnys. Many -lii|'|mhriiMialtit'B are reported. The uleainer h'ingal, 1,872 tonH, bound fur Australia, ilragge<l her anchor-, and w:i» Ktranded ami MkaHMa H the North Wall, one of
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  • 315 2 Fearful Loss of Life. A Chinese junk was recently burnt oil Stii Tung, near Hongkong. It ippaan that., on the night of the <>th instant, the junk in (|ti<'sticn was entering that harbour with cargo ami a large complement of passengers Ah is tin; custom
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 288 2 NOTICES. ThIT'INVICIBI-E" COMBINED OIL MOTOB CBNTBIFUItAL PUMP The LATEST Xt > I Water S.IISEK in the Market. Indispensable to Cultivator for IRRIGATION. it 1- 1.1-ht 111 Wt-i-h; .Jtsk Work* with the -firsts fjg| y~WJE^P Paraffin, or Heroine. SIMPLICITY ITSELF /J&k *T '^^jß^^Bk N k r t irsl x l ll
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    • 360 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 lb«.. 1,200 Ibf^, after seven after fourdays in teen «laj Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the beat he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO 00., LTD.
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    • 340 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLOIT COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts 534. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. tb. Soli Asknts. OF GENUINE MALT WHISKIES THE BEST BLENDS ARE BUCHANAN'S RED SEAL HUS per case WHITE SEAL $15 00 per case. OF ALL DEALERS Sole Importers,
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    • 128 2 Diarrhcei DIARRH(E.\, in its first stipes, ''an Im cured by a few doses of t hat pleasant, reliable, and effectual nimlirim- Chamber lain's Colii- and Dsanhtsi K>"m-.l\ I 1 many instances one <to*e if sufficient, but «s a rule three or four doses are SMOSMSV It is a good thing
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  • 1076 3 Mk. WILO, a pearl expert, has recently been at Colombo on business. He has been inspecting the pearl fisheries of Ceylon. At Colombo he has been interviewed and lias been questioned on jtearling matters. Mr. Wild thus detailed his business experiences Size and Shape of pearls. Mr Wild
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  • 914 3 P. O. Mar. m. I'er \;,,, Fur London— Mr. u4Nr> Ilivhei unil i-hilil. Ciinner r nlin, Mr.. I Naiiier. intant ami narse, Mr». Sykea and >i\ eaildrae. Ki>r MHr.«eilles Mn>. Bceons*. F'>r Pseeag Mr. 11. H. Ilipwell. M;ir 36. l'er Formosa For London Mrs. \V. B. Smith
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 f|«O IREVIiNT CROUP, belie in time. I Ihe first symptom la hoarseness this is boon followed by a peculiar rough touph whirh Ii ta.-ily recognised and will never l>e forgotten by one who has beard it. The time to act is wfaen the child Bret U'con>es hoarte. If Chamberlain's I'oiikh
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    • 487 3 NOTICE^ CONFIDENCE said Lord Chatham, is a plant of slow growth." People believe in things that they see, and in a bioad sense they are right. What is sometimes called blind faiths is not faith at all. There must be reasen and fact to from a foundation for trust. In
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    • 672 3 NOTICES. AHTED for the Bundi Ba Mine*, Kemaman, an Eurasian as night overseer. Apply to GUTHRIE A CO., LTD., u.i/. As Agents. 'ANTED for the Belat Tin Mines, Kuantan, a smart drester, who holds Government certificate. Apply to PUTTFABCKBN A CO-, 19-S General Agents, WANTED. AN experienced Chinese storekeeper for
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    • 626 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H L. Coghlaa V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OF THE Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, n.e. Strait* Settlements. For^Sale7 THE HULK "SARAH NICHOLSON," (Now lying in Singapore Roads). OF 954 tons, built of oak and teak, copper or yellow metal fastened
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    • 734 3 I SHIPPING IN DO-CHIN A STEAM NAVK.AI [OH COMPANY, UMITKD. FOR HONGKONG. 'PHE Company's steamer KUMBANG, J 3.1*36 tons, Captain Puller, having left Calcutta on the lith inst., may ba expected to arrive here on or about the 19th idem, and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For
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  • 52 4 LKMKR. < in the 3id March, at the General Hospital, Shanghai. Ferdinand I.kmkk aged 43 yeara. La Kroov. In Ceylon, on the sth inst. at "St. .\ll>ann," the rexidence of Mr. J. A. Fryer, the infant son of H. A. La Broov. Jones. On the 3th March, at Shanghai,
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  • 332 4 The spirit has moved a local casual c lrruspond nt who has lived long in all the big pores of the Kar East, to indite the following. Folks are saying That the road round the Esplanade is a credit to the
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  • 266 4 It is satisfactory to learn that improvements are being made in the 'rikisha service, and that in the near future the former state of things that is to say a service sufficient to meet the requirements of the public will be restored. The industry is far too profitable to those
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  • 235 4 Revolution is nothing uncommon in Uruguay where a fresh one has broken* out, as noted by Reuter to-day. The trouble doubtless arose from the presidential election which was fixed to come off this month. The President in power, Dr. Cuestae, came to office through revolution on a reform programme which
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  • 152 4 To those unfortunates who have perforce to dwell in close proximity to natives the announcement that an accordeon is not a prohibited instrument may come as a somewhat heavy blow. Whether it is a musical instrument or not has been for some years past a moot point 'amongst those whose
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  • 152 4 At latest mail advices the Brougb Company were going strong in Hongkong. Had this port a decent sort of theatre it is probable that the Brough Company would have played here for a brief season of nights and not rush through the place as they did. To-day Singapore bears the
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  • 145 4 Thkhe is probably no institution in Singapore that affords more pleasure to the masses than the Town and Volunteer Band. It is therefore pleasurable to have to record the fact that it is, financially speaking, on a solid basis. From a musical point of view it has a little to
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  • 128 4 The anti-Chinese agitation in Canada is fiercest in British Columbia. That province feels Chinese labour competition keenly. Over a year ago. th* anti-Chinese feeling there ran so high that the Dominion Government appointed a Royal Commission to enquire into the question. This Commission reported that the influx of Chinese into
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  • 86 4 An error of fact was perpetrated in our issue of the 17th inst., when The Ipane" a book containing a series of charming sketches by Mr. R. B. Cunningham Graham— was credited to the pen of Mr. Hugh Clifford. As a literary solecism the mistake was unpardonable': but in view
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  • 86 4 Obscenity is never to be encouraged, and therefore we would call the attention of the police to the following paragraph in a letter received this morning:— "l pass the Old Jail Site every afternoon on my way home, and of late have been shocked by the filthy language used by
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  • 22 4 Advance mail news and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and To-day's 4 ms. bank rate is 1 B|.
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  • 8 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a.m to-morrow.
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  • 13 4 Dr. Gkoki.k E Morrison, the ftmm correspondent at Peking, has returned to China.
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  • 15 4 The Straita Itiulget was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 17 4 Numbers of Chinese in the vicinity of Ainoy are reported to be enrolling themselves as Japanese subjects.
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  • 22 4 The Rev. W. Murray will hold a service for the Straits Chinese in the Town Hall on Sunday next at 7.4.'> p.m.
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  • 21 4 .Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., v'\\\ be found on page 7. General chipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 22 4 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club takes place at the Drill Hall on Friday, 27th inst at 9 p.m.
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  • 23 4 The following passengers arrived per s.s. VaUtta to-day. From Hongkong Lt. G. F. Skeehan, Mr. C. Martin, Mr J Carrig, and Mr. ("lough.
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  • 22 4 Thk Directors of the Shanghai and Hongkew Wharf Company propose to recommend the payment of a dividend of 18 percent for 1902.
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  • 25 4 The Perak Council of State has passed an' enactment for the prevention of cruelty to animals— a law for which there was a crying need.
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  • 22 4 The export of nee from Soochow and Nanking has been prohibited bf the local authorities, who fear a famine in those districts.
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  • 25 4 The French post offices in China are now issuing new stamps. The 5-cent stamp is all green, without tho red surcharge 'Chine' across its face.
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  • 23 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the High Service Reservoir to-morrow afternoon the 20th instant from 5 to 6 (weather permitting.)
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  • 27 4 This morning at the Marine Court, a Chinese tongkang man was fined $10 for allowing his tongkang to run aground and block the traffic near Elgin Bridge.
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  • 26 4 A Swimming Club launch will leave Johnston's Pier for on Sunday at 330 pm. The following Sunday has been fixed for the monthly medal competition.
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  • 31 4 Mr. R. J. Wilkinson will take over the duties of second magistrate from Mr. H. Marriott when the latter leaves for Europe per s. s. Kanagnua Maru on the 2nd prox.
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  • 33 4 Among the passengers leaving for London by the P. and O. VaUHa to-morrow morning are Dr. and Mrs. Highet and child, and Mrs. W J. Napier and infant. Mr. Hipwell goes to Penang.
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  • 33 4 The N. D. L. s.s. Hamburg with the homeward mail left Hongkong on the 18th instant and is due here on Monday morning. She will probably be despatched for Europe the next morning.
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  • 30 4 Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mr. H. L. Coghlan and Miss Rosa Smith on Saturday, April 4th, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, and afterwards at Burnbank," Paterson Road.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 106 4 1 Miulnn, MM Mari-h. The House of Comnßons passed, by 252 to 27 votes, a credi'- of 41^318,800 for the pay of the effective Navy The Navy Estimates ire pissinir almost unopposed, both Mm recognising the necessity for hetvy naval expenditure. Sir Robert Reid (L.) imummti any
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    • 20 4 The United States Senate has sanctioned the Panama Canal Treaty mentioned in the message dated the 4th instant
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    • 17 4 A serious revolution by W-eaUsd Nationalists has broken out in Uruguay [a South Amerian republic].
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    • 26 4 The Budget committee nt tlie. BaidH tag has reduced the experwlihiro for the (ierman garrison in Pechili Chin.i by three millions ol markß.
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    • 50 4 Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Premier of Canada, has introduced into the Dominion House of Commons a Hill for increasing the capitation tax on Chinese immigrants from Slimi to $.>OO a head [gold], and for making the masters of vessels bringing such immigrants personally liable for the tax.
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  • 46 4 The mails from Europe for Hunckong which were brought down by thfl disabled M. M. steamer Tonkin were this morning lying in a tongkang alongside th« Master Attendant's pipr awaiting a steamer to convey them to Hongkong and .lapan The Tonkin left for Saigon last night.
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  • 48 4 Am".n,, a number of awards by the Royal Ilum.ine.Society for distinguished action in saving or attempting la tun life, a silver medal bat been presented to J. Shearme. fourth officer of the P. O. Malacca, for a gallant action off Woosung, China, on Dec 16, shortly after midnight.
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  • 55 4 A very large Dumber ol the natives of Fiji are reported to have recently joined the Roman Catholic Church, having previously been Wesleyans. lt seems that their principal eliirf having changed his faith, his subjects followed suit. They took all their bibles and testaments— some 2:<> altogether to n lime
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  • 61 4 Although St. Patriot's Day was not celebrated by the Iri«li in Singapore en masfe there were few hailing from the (Jreen Isle who Hid not celebrate the occasion in one way or another The European Police Sergeants, In-pci tors, and some others were hospitably entertained at the houee of Inspector
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  • 87 4 On Tuesday a man named Ahamat Sah bin Kader Sah presented a British dollar to a Chinese money changer and obtained cents in return. The changer then found that the dollar was a had one and raised a row. The man wart seen to hand some coins to another person
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  • 88 4 On Tuesday nictn, five Bengalis, one of whom was playing an Boeoraaoa, were arrested in Malay Street. Yesterday morning, they and the accordeon were placed before Mr. Marriott on a charge of playing music in the streets without a permit. Mr. Marriott desired to know if all the men were
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  • 102 4 According to a norreepondent of a Ceylon paper Colombo n blesM-d with regular corps of beggars, „|,j,.fly Tamils. It is said that these "professionals" are an organised corps under a directorate. They go out "hogging" and return in the evening to the Hnuton, with their earnings, which are received and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 768 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price Isist on JippUcation.) til til. K. Q THE Q ACETYLENE j Light. Temporary or permanent installations undertaken at shortest notice. A large and assorted stock of UAH FITTINGS, including GLOBES. BRACKETS, CHANDELIERS, Piping,
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    • 141 4 G.R. Lambert Co Photographers oren Qreaham House I (Battery Road.) on Weekday* only 8 ajn.— p.m. Orchard on w kd »y« 8 ln e P m Ba on Sundays. Ba.m.—noo8 a.m.— noo n Large(Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eaatmau films. Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford
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    • 56 4 DELICATE W'O.MKN AND NERVOI S lIBN. StkarnB' Wink is peculiarly fitted to the requirements of delicate women, nervous men, and all others who cannot take Cod Liver Oil or its Emulsion and those whose nervous systems are highly strung. In Steams' Wine they will find a sustainer of life by
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  • Correspondence.
    • 943 5 I',, U« Bitter <//-■ Strafe 'i'ime*." Dkak Sin,— lt would be interesting to Know how many Singaporeans read with any attention the very interesting and important transactions of the last meeting of the Legislative Council, a« reported in your journal of March 14th and how
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  • 264 5 Hongkong cannot beat Singapore in house-collapses, even though it may do so in the mortality attendant thereupon. Yesterday afternoon some buildings in course of erection in Brass Bassah Iload and intended, we believe, partly as an annexe to Raffles Hotel and partly as shop buildings, collapsed. Through
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  • 73 5 Entries and handicaps for the Croquet Tournament commencing Monday, 2:<rd March, are as follows Mrs. .la-o and Mr. Inne*. owe 1 Mm. I'atchitt an^l Mr. .lago. Mrs. Sugden and Mr. Hilton, Mrs. Sauudero and Mr. Hunter. Mi*. I line* ..ii. l Mr. l.atliHin. Mrs. Hunter ami
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  • 105 5 The screw steamer Hung Linn, recently launched by the Central Engine Works, and constrncted to the order of Messrs Wee Bin .V Co went on her trial trip yesterday. She is built to class 100 A.I. at Lloyde, and to the Board of Trade requirements. The engines
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  • 117 5 Yesterday evening, two Chinese engaged a hack gharry in Outram Road. They drove about the town and to Tanglin and according to the syce's statement, stopped here and there to take cognizance 01 European houses. They then returned to town. The syce asked for Ins fare and one
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  • 176 5 General Meeting. A General Meeting ol the Selangor Turf Club was held at the Selangor Club on Saturday evening. Mr. George dimming was voted into the chair Tbe Chairman called attention to the fact that the balance of profit, $7,215, included some subscriptions for the present year.
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  • 25 5 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Formoxn left Hongkong at. Iti a.m. on Thursday and is expected to arrive here at •"> p m. on Tupxday.
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  • 29 5 The Hongkone-Canton s.s. .San (Ifieung, the Pak-Kong and Hoi Ho, all went ashore in a fog in the Wharapoa river on March 4th. All afterwards got off safely, however.
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  • 41 5 There is a great outcry at Tientsin against some of the riders in the recent long-distance race from there to Peking, lately noticed in our columns, for not having trained their ponies. Three of the latter died immediately after the effort.
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  • 50 5 Mr. F. D Scott, who has been acting for Mr. Weld as Collector of Land Revenue at Seremban (F. M. S.), is expected at Krian shortly to take over from Mr. Knaggs the charge of that district. Mr. Knaegs proceeds to Batu (iajah and becomes Collector of Land Revenue, Kinta.
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  • 42 5 Warrkn's Circus was fairly well patronised yesterday evening when Niny, the clown, took his benefit. The performance throughout was good. Only two more appearances will be made in Singapore, to-night and to-morrow night, when the circus goes on to Java and Sumatra.
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  • 62 5 The annual general meeting of the United Planters' Association will be held in the Selangor (Jlub, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, April 2oth at 10.30 am. Among the business for consideration is the question of Indian abour, and of railway freight and customs duty on coti'ee also the report of Mr.
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  • 63 5 A poor Chinese widow was at an early hour this morning, selling coti'ee, eggs, i&c. in Selegie Road. A rikisha puller ate nine cents worth of her wares and proceeded to depart without paying When she tried to prevent this, he struck her. A constable in the neighbourhood promptly arrested
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  • 69 5 The proprietor of Temple Bar call attention to the special arrangements he lias made for the refreshment and entertainment of the public particular attention being given to catering for the Services." A first class billiard table ha« just been received from home, and will add to the attractions of the
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  • 99 5 A hint is given in Health to those whose pleasure or business avocations call them to sojourn in countries where mosquitoes abound. Speaking from an experience of some years in Southern France and Italy, we can truly say that the infliction of these pests renders life at times absolutely unbearable.
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  • 87 5 Ysstkrdav, Messrs. Powell Co. were advertised to offer for sale 156 freehold building allotments situate at the corner of Serangoon Road and Lavender Street. We understand, however, that the vendors decided t > postpone the sale, until such time as the Singapore Tramways Co. commence operations. The tramways will skirt
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  • 120 5 On the 3rd of December last, a man named Kee Kee left a bundle, containtaining wearing, apparel, books and $20, in a rikisha the number of which he did not take. He, however, made a report at the Jin rikisha office and gave a list of the missing articles at
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  • 121 5 Following is the statement of accounts for the period ending :Hst Dec, 1902. Government Donation for the pur chase i Band Accessories 91,500 Municipal Contribution 7,686 Public Subscriptions 3,856 Band Fees H.7M 1,700 Ims share paid to Bandsmen M 1 .376" Sundries 7 Total *14,426 Wages
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  • 641 5 S. V.C. ORDERS. By Likit. c.ii.. ihkHon. A. Mukkvv. V D., 'TOM SNIIANT. s. V. C. Singapore, I'ltli Manh v. C. I3aas Kiring clans tiring will takp until alter the Ka«ter KiHe Me.-tinu' v. Duties: Orderly officer 'or the ensuing week Lieut. Makepeace. Orderly N. <". O. for the ensuing
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  • 628 5 SnaAPORB, 19th March, 1901. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f lo.JT Copra Ball 8.90 do Pontianak 8.40 Pepper, Black buyer* 33. sn do WMte, (8%) 87.00 Sago Flonr Sarawak 5.25 do Brunei No. 1 5.16 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang,20*{basi»._ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 18.75
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 The right kind of an appetizer Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 95 5 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger NOTHING is more distressing than to ace a helpless little infant suffering with a cough, anl ta be fearful of using; a remedy which may contain some harmful ingredient. The makers of Chamberlain's Cou(|h Kern -Ay positively guarantee that this preparation does not contain opium
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    • 122 5 VREAT Sill Kss Teeing with rim MEAT SUCCESS/ Attnictiu. Second to None ECLIPSING ANY OTHEI; COMPAMY. SOFT MUSIC S SWEET SONGS A Feast to the Ear. To-morrow, 20th March, 1903. THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore Will play AT IIIK MOUTH MM HOAH lIIHUIIh "HAWAI MUJLIS" Played to crowded
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    • 288 5 NOTICES. FRASER V NEAVE LTD.~ NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF SHARK WARRANTS. ON presentation of Coupon No. fi at the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China on and after the IHth day of March, Hrn, holders will receive 97.A0 per shaii'. l>eing a dividend at the rate of 10 per
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 188 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 19th March. RWfc Water. 2.19 p.m. S.V.A. •-'.;■> Uiiii Drill. r ..l.'>. S.V.K., S.V.I. Signalling. 5.15 Phillmrmoiii.' O' liestra. S-30. Warren's Circus. !t. Friday. 20th March. Hij;h Water. 2.C a.m. 3.9 P. homeward mail doxex. 6. 'hambpr of 'ommerce Meeting. '2. 15. Letfißlative Council. '2.30
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 791 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" A/// SAFES of all qualities. /s.&^\/ 4? Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors X-CV^ c> Gates for Strong Rooms. <£y CATALOGUES FREE XqJ^ J on Application. /L^^ <p 4(9/ /Sty <U S Chatwoods TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS.-X^y Q) p atent MgoUd "HARGREAVEST /CV S" A> XBteelX 8teel Safes are the
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    • 651 6 JIANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PaID-OP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RKSEBVE FUND.— Sterling ReserTe..*lo,ooo,ooo l j,.™,^ Silver lUwrYe....| 6,600,000/ •1 ***** a' ***** a RKSL^VE LIABILITY OF I I]nono Mlfl PROPRIETORS J..»10,000.OU Court op Directors. A. J. Raymond, iitq,— Chairman. E. U. Tomkins, Eaq Deputy Chairman G. Ballooh, E»q. D. M.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 721 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpHE Standard Life Assuranos. JL Norwich Union Fire Insursnos Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fir*). '"n.. Equitable Life Assurance Society. I he China Mutual Steam Navigation Company ill. Tottenham Lager Beer Company. tot particulars of tteoe Companies, th* full adWtwement of THE BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1309 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. U'liii at Singapore: Ship Aoisot, latb J. Damdbls A Co., 2-3, Collym QOAT. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be !>«spatcbed for On Saw Borneo I'alembang Mar 17 Bagan Api Mar 30 Reyniert Djambie
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    • 607 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. V, K7 JAIMX MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed 'or the Company's European Service, ighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 603 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnla Des Messagerlei Maritlmes De France. TILIGRAPHIO ASDUM: MBBBA-«<U»B, BIHQAPORI. The -nail steamer* will leave Singapore on or aooat the undermentioned dates. OT7TWABD. HOSIIWABD. Dates. Date* 1903 1903 Tonkin Mar. 15 Annam Mar Iri Tonkin Mar. SO K. Simon* Mar 30 Caledonian Apr. 12 Sydney Apr 13 Salanr
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    • 444 7 I INSURANCE CO.'S TJONOKONG FIRE INSDKAIfU* Ltl COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed $3,000,000. Amount paid ufc 400,04 a B«Nr?a fund 1,06%049. Head Office.— Hongkong. Q«neral Manager*, Henn. Jardieb Math mo h Co. GUTHRIE 4 00. I L'U.MOX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Ebtabliphkd 1828. REBERVEB AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. THE undersigned,
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    • 1899 8 tinder this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer eh.— ■hip; bq.— barque; sch.— schooner; Yet.— Y«cnt; Cru— Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit. BriIlih; U. B.— United States; Feb.— French; Bar.— German ;I)iit.— Dutch loh.— Johore; ft*. —General-cargo; d.p.— tle.k pas*en<er; U.— Uncertain
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    • 129 8 For Per it*am*r Tioie. TO-MORROW. Europe via ports Valrttii I n.m Hongkong and Japan Waknsa M,i,h 7 a.m. Hongkong Kum Sanci 11 a.m. Trinpganu AmMmmc 1 p.m. S'baya find Samarang Mt,.i*>l i p.m. Rangoon it Calcutta Pifidwi 3 p.m. V. Swet hum via ports (Innumrtl, 3 pm. Ampanan
      129 words
    • 139 8 From Europe—Ry the P AO. s.s. Haltanr,it due on Saturday, with date* to the 20th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the -'Hth Janu irv. Thus Table of Mails Dif. l..'ft Singapore. Dae in London Arrived Jim VBth B. I. Feb 24th
      139 words
    • 224 8 VIBHILB N4MK A lolt- CAPTAIN FkoM SaU.Bl) OOMMHH 3 Kid Mar 18 Sea Belle Oo) -<lr -VK) ("iimherlain Mala«x-A Mar 17 Colonial Umf. 18 Wakasa Maru lap str 3hwl MacMillan London rVb 13 P. Simon* and Co. 18 ■>.!. otii I\vo>tr 5896 i ßeaton London Nb 1 4 P.
      224 words
    • 108 8 Uatb. I Vbbskl's N ams. Flao A Rio lows. Dkotinatiob. ilar 18 Sagami Rrit str. 26A8 Manila 18 Teck Sooii Chiang Dutsch. 120 Poutiaqak 19 focotra Brit atr. 38»6 HonKtcbng.SiiaoKh.ii und .li'.|>hu 1» Giang Bee xtr. 1198 SauuioftnK via port* W Keijnieri-/. Out str. 432 Djambie 10 Ro-idcnt Schiff
      108 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Alsolndian'and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will be cordially
      119 words
    • 516 8 iT^TM ftnQ iufi"t X^t ft^rC i l^s^» v^l> A ADJUSTABLE BOOK RACKS II Pncc Cts. 20 The Orderly" Consists of two nprieht pie. i«.>i 1 l:uk Price Cts. 20 f\ W.lapanned metal with stays and supporti*. Any number of books can he supported in an upright position Each Uf Each
      516 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 68 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, I*th Mar. h 7SA? 9a.m. 3|) m. »p m Remarks. Bar 2».»S'i M.fM :*< 8c« Morning Temp 77.0 84.0 78.0 o'ettt, rain WB'lbTher 7H5 7»R 7«.0 at 7 o'clock, DirofWind nx k. x.v. Calm, dayand Max.Temp Bv9 nighi. loudv Mm 75.5 Sun 117.2 Terr,
      68 words