The Straits Times, 17 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1903. NO. ai,oBi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 460 1 NOTICES. ©he £traiifi ffimM. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, coliiniu meaßiiie.l rirat inxcrtioii #1 2u cenU Becou<l tui.l third Uwertlfl— aasfc HO centu Kouiih, imli, an,! mmli 40 cento Seventh to eighteenth cento Nineteenth Milmequent,, 18 cento Per week <>i mx iws, t<> l>e clian^ed daily if required
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    • 807 1 NOTICES. "government notification. FROM and after the Ist of April next, all fees payable in the Court of Etqu— U 11. nst be paid in adhesive Revenue StHnip" which can by procured either at the Treasury or at the General Post Office. Colonial Secretary's Office. Singapore, 13th March. lflOS. 19/8
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    • 770 1 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting. 1903. MAY 19th, 2Ut,23rd. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, lWh May. THE GOVERNOR'S CUP.— A Cup presetted by H. E. Sir F. A. Swettenham, X.C.M G. and $200 added by tbe Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Entrance, $10. Distance,
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    • 790 1 NOTICES. THk STEWARDS' CUP.— Value $400, and $100 to the Second Horse, provided there are five starterH, the property of different owners. A handicap for horsed that have started in Races Nos. 1, 6, 6, or 7 on the First Day. Entrance $10. Distance, R.C. THE GRIFFIN CONSOLATION.— VaIue 1260.
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    • 824 1 NOTICES. Ideal fflk Enriched 20 per cent. K*p3^ES§sj| with Cream l^ej^l Sterilized-Not Sweetened. KSp~*"^£sil Perfect Substitute for Fresh A. W. BRISK, 7VO. 21 KLINO BTREIBT, WATCH MAKER. JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN. Over joo kinds of Watches in Nickel, Silver, and Gold, from $1.50 up to $250. Watches Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
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  • 2833 2 Extract* from •♦The Times." The eighth article) of this series in the London Time* in entitled Brain Starvation." Extracts follow So far we have only dealt with the general principled which make it necessary that there should a separate branch of our Army organization which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 NOTICES. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA Or iDdißestion as it in also termed) from whioh so many people suffer The symptoms lifter. Mid well they might when we oome to oonsider that Dyspepsia is not a single ailment in itnelf, but many merged into one. mtfTK \ri.iity and torenem after meals, pains
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    • 365 2 NOTICES, CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. UBUAL SIZES ALWAYS IN BTOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALE RAILWAY CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying JOOBLiITi: TO I'HKIK RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot. or
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    • 680 2 NOTICES. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION-METAL. W LsA The best for all claHses of Machinery bearings. Full particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD Singapore. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Witb Hypopbospbites of Lime Soda. PALATABLE A 8 MILK. •Mir only pi»|«r»-.inn of < (111 I.IVKK Oil, ti, at r«n l^l.Vfn iSBSBjTS
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  • 845 3 Kuala Lipis, March 91 h. Thk tin and tin ore export— (the latter reduced to MX from gross weight)— from the Federated Malay States during 1902 amounted to 780,872 pikuls, as against an output of 7W>,:i47 in 1901, being a decrease of 1,:;7."> pikuls. There has been an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 r\ U I KEVfcNT CKUUP, befin in time. '> lie first symptom is hoarseness thin is soon followed by a peculiar rough roSfh. which is easily recognised and will never be foi gotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child ■:i~: I'ccotiieß hoart-e.
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    • 721 3 Diarrhoea DIARRHOEA, in its first stages, can be cured by a few doses of that pleasant, reliable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic and L'ai-rh<i-a Remedy. In many instances one cose is sufficient, but us a rule three or four doses are necessary. It is a good ihing to keep in
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    • 651 3 NOTICES. WANTED for the Bundi Tin Mines, Kemaman, an Eurasian as night overseer. Apply to GUTHRIE A CO., LTD.. u-c. As Agents. Tl. ANTED for the Belat Tin Mines, TT Knantan, a (mart dresser, who holds Government certificate. Apply to FUTTFARCKFN A CO-, 19-3 General Agents, WANTED two European or
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    • 643 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. CoskUn »Ca HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BUB-AOENTB OftWt Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUHTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, OA Straits Settlement*. Forliale. THE HULK •SARAH NICHOLSON," (Now lying in Singapore Roads). OF U34 toDs, built of oak and teak, copper or yellow metal fastened throughout and
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    • 708 3 SHIPPING INDO-CHIiNA STVAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITKD FOR HONGKONG. THTE Corhpany's steamer KUXBANG, 3,286 tons. Captain Buller, having left Calcutta on the ltli inst., nmy b« expected to arrive here on or aboal thn 19th idem. and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to
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  • 2280 4 It is a universally admitted fact a fact that it were unwise to dispute in any corner of this footstool, Earth that St. Patrick was a gentleman, and came of decent people." We mention this altruism merely because this is St.
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  • Reutcr'e Telegrams.
    • 21 4 Loiulun, ]tth Warcli Mr. Chamberlain was received by th* King and the Qmm at Buckingham Palace.
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    • 34 4 In consequence of Russia's objections' to the employment ofCernun ollicern in connection with the Ma<v<lonian reform scheme, the Sultan has authorised the engagement of Swedish and N'orweniiin in-tr:ictor- t.>r the Macedonian Gmdon
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    • 25 4 The Mullah is now within a triangle :»t which Qotfcajro, Damot, and Ban form the ;in»le« The co-operating Abyssinian* occupy Hari
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    • 76 4 Mr- Chamberlain v. the Rot. Alluding to the political situation the I'i.mes say* Despite the popularity of the Premier, the confidence of the people in the present (iiv. eminent is slipping away Mr. Chamberlain may be able tv prevent the rot setting in among the Ministerialists,
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    • 39 4 Thk police force were inspected this morning by the I. (i P., Lieut-Col. Pennefatlier, on the r<;clama'i<in gimMMl opposite the Rafflaa Institution. It is understood that anyone mentioning "sheep to any member ot the foorce will be killed instantly
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    • 58 4 Ixsp. Kikke yesterday prosecuted a Chinaman for extorting from each of three itinerant vendors the sum of two cents. There were therefore three separate charges against the man, who told his victims that the money was for the polios. Mr Marriott imposed a fine of 525, in default a month's
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    • 65 4 I'NKOng Ban, forgetting the priu ciples involved in the law of MM and (mat, s'arted in Friday last to deprive a Chinaman on Holland Road of a coat and a dollar. As he c >uM not manage to keep out of the hands of the police, he was yesterday before
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    • 57 4 On Sunday, a Japanese youth named Sato Otomune was arrested for taking photos within :<,OOO yards of Fort Canning and Fort Paliuer without the permission of H. K. the (ioveroor in writing. This afternoon the lad was brought before Mr. Brock man for infringing Sec. 2 of Ord. XIX ofl--t7
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    • 68 4 The Opinion of Saigon tells of short crops, dearth, and distress in several provinces in that quarter The price of grain has risen considerably, and millers are hard put to it how to work at a profit. Several rice mill" are in trouble and a very large mill had lately
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    • 66 4 The ancient guns of the saluting battery at Fort will in < ourse of the next few weeks be replaced by breech-loaders This is in accordance with h recent War < Kliee order, apparently promulgated in view of the numerous twriUa accidents which have occurred during the tiring of
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    • 68 4 The Public Prosecutor after further consideration ot the allegations of lurking house trespass and assault made againBt the Annumite, Ang Ah Pat, by Mrs. llinnekindt, has decided th.matter is of too serious a character to be disposed of hv the Bunch Court. A preliminary enquiry will therefore be held
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    • 69 4 At the Oxf >rd and Cambridge Dinner io Calcutta, His Excellency the Viceroy in the first few paragraphs of hi* speech congratulated himself and his audience upon the fact that there were none of those wretched newspaper reporter*" present. Next mornine nil three of the Anglo- Indian daily papers came
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    • 69 4 It is reported that the Treaty Power* are about to organize an International Financial Board at Peking, to urge financial and currency reforms in China, and, at the same time, to secure tinsafety of the Chinese guarantees for the various foreign loans, and tor expansion of trade. The I'owers h;ive
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 299 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT^ CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jsist on Jipplication.) tn Ik. WANTED 1. A Kur.iw'iii certified schoolmaster to Uweh St'in ii'l VII and able to manage a BehooL Alco t a.i insistent Eurasian teachers to t*kt> ii|i standard I.
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    • 633 4 TOWN HALL Saturday, March 2 1st, at 9 p.m. Singapore Philharmonic Society. Popular Orchestral Concert. The Programme includes ilvt-rtiire 'Son and Stranger" (Mendelsohn; < '.-it at inn." Kaff (nr.-ueatral arrangement Cbaana Triste" nn.l -Uwmmrnk*," (THchaikowsky) two movements No. 3 Symphony 1 Haydn); two popular W.iltze* "Sourire d'Avril" and Valse Hlrm-
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    • 76 4 G.R. Lambert tf Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Wa kd *y t 8 P m tio a on Sundays. B a.m. noon Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, \V
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    • 33 4 BETTER THAN ANY EMI' Strapns' Wine produces no irr i U ion, as do Emulsions, and it- i-ven when prolonged, is not followed by any disturbance of the stomach.— Sold by all chemists
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  • 248 5 Ol Monday morning, Co. fll! Royal Garrison Artul ry, under the >'ommand of Majoi Otborn, returned from the little 1 hi. 111 urohing expedition which they s;iiin"l tcrtii upon on Thursday last, baVtng covered sum. forty miles of all Kinds o{ tountnr, amidtt swelteringly hot dayi
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  • 221 5 >umk Cliinamen, who brought t wounded pountrvraan ol ibeira to (fan Rain iii Miskin Police sta*i.-.i li.iy morninx, reported that on Sunday while ihf in in wu working in a brick kiln h.iliiini the stop-hint of the B.ili-sti. r IMI it-tage, hi> niddeni; dropped to
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  • 92 5 I'ciock this morning the M.M Tonkin was sienalled at Singapore, but it was :;u before she was wharfed. It tranapirad that it was the tail end starboard shaft that was broken and this will necessitate her going into dry dock. She has a large consignment of
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  • 202 5 Additional Subscriptions. Mrea-lv a-Wiiowlcl-ed IMJi lion Lie U. s. Mvraj -*<i.i«i K. Nathan, Bag. 1 < hj. tn 1 Hcllelactor l">t).lKj Uene Lovell, K«i|. "iii.mi 8 Kobinaon iliKi Friend -25.00 I Ie-tana, Eaq. -JS.OII Mi- Meyer -JS.IKI K I K I'liaiinn, i:.s.|. -JOOO C. Moses, Ksi|.
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  • 187 5 Last evening a good-sized aii'Uence witnessed the first change of programme at Warren's Circus, a programme excellent in very many respects. There was the time-honoured equestrian entree, the participants therein being attired in fox-hunting costumes, a pretty single trapeze act by Little Bella, a ridicolow but withal extremely
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  • 844 5 In ihe IL.use ot Lords- on Ihe "iih Mnrcli Lord arrington move. l the r- ou-ideration .it the \riny Scheme, in ie« of the experiences nlMd in South Anica The |)iike of Bedford. in second in..' the nioli.i.i. riilvm .ited making South Uri.aa liase, lor which it «.i-
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  • 137 5 The (General Report of the Census of Ireland, 1901, says that the population of Ireland in 1901, including the navy and military serving in the country, was 4,458,775 (2,200,040 males and MM.7SS females). In 1891 it was 4,704,750 (2,318,953 males and 2,385,797 females) There was, therefore, in
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  • 667 5 When an ancient (ireek philosopher wa» tmkmi whuh he nmMml »ii> the baaaiast time in a niiiii'» lite, lie |.i.mi|.tlv MS*****] thy |.f riiKl li.'twwu tin- Mi of forty ami htlj tia. On lifiriir |>rf i-il tor iln icwhi- whirh n*< 1 n<-<— him to make this
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    • 89 5 Gambler buyers 15.65 Copra Ball 8.90 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyers 33.42J do White, (8%) 67.80 Sago Flour Sarawak s.lft do Brinei No. 1 5. IS Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% ba»t»._ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. I 18.50 Tapioca, small Flake 4.75
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    • 136 5 0* London. Bank 4 m/s 1/* Demand W8 Private 6 m/s 1/8} do 3 m/. 1/f),*, On 9*rman,.— Bank d/d 1 ""4 Private 3 m/s 1.7*4 do 1.744 Oh France— Rank d/d 2.08J Private 3 ra»* 2.121 do 6 m/s 2.14) On /nrfio— Ka-iW T. T. 124 Private
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    • 401 5 K»nb« «Mi> ji.1.1 56.75 •«1 fnlly paid «fl.7s. •Kechan GoM (fin paid)... Norn. The N. Kflchan MininirCo. Sl.oo. Sonth Kan'is (91«0 pd.) $1 nominal. *Qneen»Und Ranbs (11/4 pd.) 70, cents, s'lora do do (XI fully pd.) Bepian ($lO paid) ffl.M.sales&oellen •RedjaneLebonirlß. 100)... 1198. Pnnjoms (S5 paid) $2.50, bayen. Pahftng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 Kaby's Cough Must Never Linger >T<>rHlN<; if" morn distressing than to < aat balasaia litlle mi mi suffering vitli a roui<li. and to he i.urial of using a •iiieily which may contain some harmful ingre limit. The makers of Chamberlain's Couch Ki'ineilv positively guarantee that hit praparatioa doe« not contain
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    • 15 5 It cures dizziness Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 93 5 TO BE LET. NO. 73. Anson Road, immediate entry. Apply to v.c. STEPHENS PAUL A 00. W. D. FISHER, Assoc. M. Imt. C.E., GRESHIM HOUSE BaTTEftV >• 1 ound.non. Balldlnf*. Roofa Railways and Railway Structure! Wkvvas. Koadi and Brldgaa. aarvajra. Mydraallc Mlnlnc Schama. Imp.cllon and Teatlnr of Matariala. U.C. PRELIMINARY
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    • 652 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. UEAT SUCTBIS Ttniig wit. mry GREAT MiiKSo Attnetiti. Sen in. I to Vine BCLlftUn A.\Y OTMBM COMTAMY. •OFT MUSIC SWEET SONGS A Feast to the Ear. To-night, 17th March, 1903THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore Will play XT THK S'.KTH lIRIIX.K ISuVII HaaMTM The Ptpular and afalai
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    • 779 5 AUCTION SALES. LOCHABER Furniture Sale The Valuable Household Furniture &c, the property of J. J. MACBEAN Esq. Will be sold by Auction at I.ochahcr, Scott'a Kgihl mi Saturday, 21st March, at 1 1 a. m. (Hejr''^liiiiriitf n la iaW) This sale should prove a most attractive one as may We
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 17th March. High Water. (1..i-> p.m. St. Patrick's Day. S.V.A. ttta Prill. 5.1.V S-V.R., S.V.I. KwriiiU. ami Co. Drill. .V 15. Warren'n Circus. 9. Wuyuii^ Kansas. North l(rnl;r Road. 9. Wayaii.; I'usi. North Bridge Road. 9. Wednesday, 18th March. High Water. (>...7 a.m. 1.36 p.m. Franer
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 774 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" A/// SAFES of all qualities. /O^^V/ Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors X~O* O" /j \^y <& Gates for Strong 1 Rooms. XAX A jS CATALOGUES FREE /[f? J* W/^OTICE on Application. <fr \<A^ ss V* v/ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-/^T Q) Now Patent -Solid" "HARIiREAVES" /Cy <& ft /Steel
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    • 184 6 NOTiwES. For functional troubles, delay, pain and those Irregularities peculiar to the sex. Presorlbed by the highest French Medical authorities and superior to Tanscy, steel Drops ami Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT 8. r. VtTienne, Pmrii I MATI&o| RtDowned Phynciaw pratcribe Gnmault'a Matwo M the mott active mad at the same time
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    • 282 6 NOTICES HORSES HORSES HORSES GOBS AND PONIES Ex s.s. Itinda. 1 H. ABKAMiS has just landed .19 Horoeß, Cobs <*m\ Ponwt, including a v*n landfioine four-in-hand Team of dark Unmm, sever .1 well ma;- bed pa .everal Guaranteed prize winners. Also several good Polo Ponies. The diii)inei)t Iki> b«n landed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 698 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. TUE StKQdarJ L-ifo Imnnw. Norwioh Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Asxuranoe Company (Fire). I'he RqaitaM* Ufs Aiwurance Society. 1 h.- (Una Mutual St«Mn Navigation Company nhmu Lager Uear Company. ror particulars of thrtie Companm, so* ths full advHrtis..mont of THK ItOKNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. AgenU. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1326 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. o-nit at Singapore: Ship Agbscy, late J. Labmdbls A Co., 2-3, Colltsk (jdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. .steamer From Expected Will be Despatched tor On Hok Tjioe Bagan Mar U Samnrang Mar ltf Van Outhoorn Padang
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    • 619 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAS MAJL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Bervice, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with nxunllent accommodation
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    • 415 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Das Me*«agerle» Marltlmes De France XILBORiPHIO ADPRXBB: MEBBAGIBIKH, BIHQAPORI. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aooat the andermentioned dates. OUTWABD. HOMIWABD. Dates. Dates. 1903 1903 Tonkin Mar. 16 Annam Mar 1« Tonkin Mar. 30 E. Simons Mar *> Caledonie.n Apr. 13 Sydney Apr 13 Salane
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    • 307 7 NOTICES. THE WEWJREjjCH REMEDY TRADE HMARK Thi« »orrftiful and highly popular rrmfrfy. uW in IW m^,.mr „f Ik. kM. and s U r,,a,s. I lljSjl, h.tlx^tf THERAPION Np.i:;;r, ,V i "P^«ll"l|i»fcrliol».tbr«i» ..r",;;,! 1 i.-i-uiii.ii ..r 11.. lowri Ih.w, 1 uu^h.l r..n?li'ili^ "ilhni !^J THERAPION No 2 inj,,,!,,.),,,,,^., „j 41
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    • 1442 8 Coder this heading ilie following abl>rerUiions are used sir.— steamer Bh.— ■bip;bq. barqu«; teh. schooner; Yet.; Cm.- Cruiser; Übt. (tunboat; Tor. Torpedo, ILtl Films |Hmai Brit. Brililh; D. B.— o r\h.— french; Bsr. OanMß; l<ut. J'ulch; )oh. Johore; 04.— 1-ieQeral-carßO, v. p. -deck pa*»ea»;pr; o.— Uncertain
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    • 124 8 For rVr iteamrr Tine. To-Morrow. Kingoraand Bangkok Chakrabhonpt 11 a.m. Hongkong and Japan Oaiifa 11 am. P. Dickson* Sepang BkAmg Raw Ip.m. Batu Pahat Sttlltmn I p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports H, Hin Cumi 2 p.m. Mnar and Malacca Sultan ■> p.m. Asahan and Deli Atahtm p m.
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    • 143 8 From Europe By the P AO. s.s. Hallaarat due on Saturday, with dates to the 20tb Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 26th January. From China— By the P. 40. s.s. lalaHi due on Thursday. Lan 28th B. I. F*>l> 24th
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    • 148 8 a ri.A.. t Vbmkbi .Sank lon Capiaik 3 Rm From Sailsp Cossiosiep. Har 1H Bt'iil:>»>'r- Brit str. 1484 Bee 16 0. Ke'd I.aeis/ Or str. 3799 Focbl lrt R. Schifl Baroe Dut Hr. 68 Nacodah i»> I'ekin Brit str IWZI Lr>D|;den 16 I mailH str. 3381 ( Its (taiifH
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    • 86 8 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR OR] Flag A Date of Date. Kig. Ship's Name. Captain. Sailing. From where DEK.s. fI'tSTIS- KfATION. MABK. iliir 1 Nor bq Mm Tallaksen Jan 17 EastLondoD •iDut M Mnluni; Klijn Rotterdam 3 Brit 8.8. Murex Singapore 4 I Mit ss. K'ingin Regentee Ouwehand
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    • 129 8 IIATB --kiV Namk Flao A Rio Tons. Destinatiok. 'I a i 17 Pekin Brit str. 17 K«sident Schiß Out str. 17 Lightning Brit str. 17 Gregory A pear *tr. 17 P. C. C. Klao+ Ger str. 1 7 Chow Fa+ »tr. 17 Borneo Brit str. 17 Ratavier str. 17
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co.,| JEWELLERS and SILK MEHCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also lndian|and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will be
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    • 799 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. E}f\r^Sk K^laCfc The"Ashby" Revolving Snkstand IVetty opal bottle with bronzed |^/Nr\\i J|<^/V iPWr^iX Hnd I>"li*'"d trass tny and |>ci wUUYII lei Jf^t^ V^^ SM^^SC^ttL^Sißgm >!/.>■ i! itK-l es diam.ti 1 I GoOC/O. PRICE $250 Each. COPYING PRESSES, NO. 1135 &Z*i Japanned Black Veined in QaU, Iro-i Washer
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