The Straits Times, 16 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,oBo SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MARCH 16. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 453 1 NOTICES. NOTICK. MESSUS. BKRNHARDT 4 CO.'S office at present is at 8-d Chancr Alley. having removed from No. 9 Stamford Koad. 17-8 THE TANJONU PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED THE Half-yearly General Meeting of 1 tin Shareholders in this Company will be held at the Company's Town Office. No. Collyer (}uay,
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    • 481 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. H/T-3 1 lr^v% *r% #Jl Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved If 111 l\ TTI Jl 1M S^ Composition's for Ship Bottoms W aaVaW aa>asa« aa^a^LJaLa^L 'La«^ The nae of Our New Antifonling Conipomtion v recommended for Special.y Foaling W u^,.. it poasesaes mu'-h imiiroved Antifouling Qnalitie*. ami therefiire v, «sel»
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    • 280 1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals I 'Hb public are solicited toco-operate in i preventing the cruel and improper treatment of anin als. It is requested that particulars of any acts of cruelty be forwarded promptly, and addre««ed to the Superintendent, P. C. A. Ui-purtment. Anonymous letters are
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    • 507 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ROYAL JOHOKK TIN MINING COY., LTD NOTICE TO HOLDER* oKfIHARK WAKKAXIS. ON presentation of coupon No S at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank on and after the Ittth March lU-3, holders will receive one dollar par shirt- hemp final dividend at the rate at I' p. a
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  • 1543 2 Home. I'he India,, .Maj Htm pSSflsiai a 1.0n.10n telegram Mating that an amazing trial relating to the eiiKUxly of a child is |.ro.-.-.-.l iiil' in one of the High Courta. The petitionci Mr I 'liri-tinn Kri'.li-ri. k < lor.lon, ami the reopou dent i>< Lady lilanville Ciordon. Kefore
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  • 498 2 Thk Ke"i<lent Councillor of I'atwng has just beuii paring visit to I oagkftta in hiK capacity of Acting Briton Conaol He was tli« guest ol Kl);:\v Bin 15ee, the Commissioner ol tha "Siamese Western States during hi* stay. The following account of the t irit n ptn by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 498 2 NOTICES. A STANDARD pOLICY! of £500 BTO. Payable at Age 66 or at Death, if previous Costs at the Rate of Per quarter. Age. £4 10 0 if commenced at 26 £6 14 11 if commenced at 36 £9 1 10 if commenced at 40 For Rates for other Ages,
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    • 366 2 NOTICES. WTOBWICH UNION FIE* INBDHANCK Pi SOCIETY OF NOBWICH AND LONDON. Established 1797. rOS VIBE INBUBA.NCI ONLT Amount innrad. wMW.OMUMO Luaaipud. Jt 1,000,000. Premium Lnoome 4 906,000. luvruoe affaotad on alaxwt vnrj ascription property at current rate* of premium Bisks fob 10 datb abb bow ajmbttbd AT 4 OBMT PBB
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    • 128 2 Kind- ili tudiag-ptac of disease J;n nc's Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Diapensary, KoL' Agents ibr the Straits Settlements. IV) PBEVKNT UKOUP, beffin ia time. Tha lii^t lymptoa i^ noaf iieaaaa tlii! 1 is soon followed by a peuuliiir rough cough, whii-h U fii^ily rocagaleed v 1 will oever be forgottea
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  • 607 3 Interview with Mr. De Burgh Persse. Mk. 1»e Bt h<;h PMH arrived at Bydoey on J;intuiry I'.'ird and in course oi mi interview atatad tliat the prosI tits ,r a trade in frozen meat between Quacniland anal Biagapom were excellent, and cannot be i|ueßtioned, but all
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  • 186 3 For Singapore. I'll I .v (i. s h. rhti'H connecting with the »U>;inier Ballaarvt at Colombo, from Louden Feb.aO.dw 28nd Musk—Mr N. Hasty, Mr. B. J. YoutL. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Btodman, Miss Korstfr. Per P. O s- a. Hkmifhei from London Feb '.'1 due 37th Mafeh- Mist
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  • 1174 3 P. O. Miii. -JO. -I'er Vnltttn I^.nili.ii— Mr. ami Mrs. BUM iuhl <liil<l, Gunner < onl in. Mr-. W .1. Nupier, infant and ruir~<-. Mr-. >ik.- vml r-ix cliililren, Mr«. S.<x»ne« and < liil.l. F..r IVnann— Mr. 11. H. HipwHl. Mar. 'X. Per Formosa For London
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 Diarrha-a DIAKRHtI'.A, in its first stages, can be cured by ii asw dasaa of t hat pleasant, reliable, and effectual medicine ChamberlainV I'oli. and Diarrbcaa Remedy. In many instances one dose iR sufficient, but as a rule three or four doses me Masaaaty. It is a umi. 1 thing to
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    • 645 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I'AID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 KESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve^lO.OOO.OOO tifiMMOOO t-ilver Reserve.... s 6,500,000 *****0 0W) RESERVE LIABILITY OF I -,nininf« PROPRIETORS IO U)U I Court of Dihkctobs. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. K. 11. Tonkins, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. S. Balloch, Esq. D. M. Moses, Esq.
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    • 674 3 NOTICES. WANTED for the Bnndi Tin Mines, Kemaman, an Eurasian as night overseer. Apply to GUTHRIE 4 CO., LTD.. ox. As AgeDts. WANTED for the Belat Tin Mines, Kuantnn, a smart dresser, who fcoldi (joverriment 1 ertih'cate. Apply to PUTTFARCKEN 4 CO-, 1»-S General Agents, WANTED for Borneo two reliable
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    • 632 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 9 Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB- AGENTS OP THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO. General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. For Sale. THE HULK •SARAH NICHOLSON," (Now lying in Singapore Roads). OF U34 tons, built of oak and teak, copper or yellow
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    • 707 3 SHIPPING INDO-CUINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITKD FOR HONOKONC. 'pHE Company'-* sssaaaer CVXBAN&, JL 5.236 tons, Captain Ruller, having left Calcutta on the I th in»t. may b« expected to arrive here on or aliout tho 19th idem, and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage
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  • 14 4 Ross.— At Singapore, on March l.">, Caroline, widow of (apt. John Dili. Moss.
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  • 427 4 The annual report of the Rallies Museum and Library for 1902 has been laid before the Legislative Council. Ihe Museum collections largely increased during the year and increased subscription rates raised the revenue of the Library but lessened the number of
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  • 29 4 Wire News, notes of an interview with Mr. De Burgh Persse of Raub and cold storage fame, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 16 4 To-day's 4 ms. bank rate is 1 *,V Thk homeward mail closes to-day at 6 p.m.
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  • 18 4 On the 6th inst. it was reported that Her Majesty the Queen of Siam was somewhat seriously indisposed.
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  • 17 4 Mr. Innks, Deputy Public Prosecutor, leaves for Malacca this evening. He expects to be away a week.
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  • 18 4 The Bangkok Times announces that the pay of the non-commissioned officers of the Siamese Array has been doubled.
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  • 23 4 A HRANUBMENTS for the electric 1 ighting of Penang are, it is rumoured, going ahead under the direction of Mr. O. V. Thomas.
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  • 18 4 Last month, eight hundred and eighty-six deaths were registered at Singapore with a ratio of 45.10 per thousand.
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  • 21 4 The Hongkong Hotel Company made a profit of $90,16") in 190'>. The directors propose to distribute a 12 per cent, dividend.
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  • 19 4 The weight of the tin and tin ore exported from Selangor during February was 9,357.43 and 14,570.22 piculs respectively.
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  • 23 4 A TBi.KciKAM was received at Singapore on Friday night from Port Swettenham stating that the Kuala Klang light had been destroyed by fire.
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  • 20 4 Who saya it is unhealthy to sleep in feathers? Look at the Singapore chicken, and see how tough he is
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  • 14 4 The Japanese training cruisers HcuhidaU Maitushima and Ittukushimu left for Batavia early yesterday morning.
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  • 22 4 Mr. J. C Hen dry on Friday last took charge of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company's Office at Penang.
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  • 23 4 Two more Japanese war-vessels are expected here about the end of the current month. It is said they will afterwards proceed to Bangkok.
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  • 26 4 Members of the S.V I are reminded that the march-out, postponed on Saturday on account of the rain, takes place to-night. Fall in at 8.15 p.m.
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  • 25 4 The death rate at Singapore during the week ending on the 7th March was 44.54 per thousand. The death registrations were two hundred and one.
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  • 20 4 A kull-drcss parade of the police force, before Inspector-General Pannefather, takes place on the Kaflles Reclamation to-morrow morning at 7.
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  • 28 4 An admirable selection of music was played at the Botanical Gardens on Saturday evening by the combined bands of the 3rd M. L. I. and I:4th M. I.
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  • 29 4 It is reported by the Malay Mail that a recent order for stopping the cutting of mangrove wood in Perak may lead to woodcutters migrating to the Siamese States.
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  • 27 4 At the Supreme Court Mr Juitice Hyndraan-Jones has found for the defendants with costs in the case of E T. Paglar r. the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company.
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  • 28 4 Capt. Long, the new Wing Officer of the Malay States Guides, is to take over command of the detachment at Penanir, relieving Lieut. Frend, who returns to Taiping.
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  • 35 4 m A Tangier Havas telegram of the oth int. says that the troops of the Sultan of Morocco after a bloody battle defeated the Pretender's troops on Feb. 26th. The Pretender took refuge at Tetuan.
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  • 32 4 The Secretary, Seremban Gymkhana Club, telegraphs to say that the race meeting in connection with that Club advertised for April 14, 16, and 18 has been postponed until the LMrd of lune.
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  • 37 4 If the Prince of Wales visits India according to the programme previously sanctioned by the King, His Royal Highness will probably arrive in Bombay early next December; but the definite dates have vet to be fixed. m
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  • 44 4 A wickedly sarcastic correspondent writes to ask if there be any truth in the rumour that the M.M. are about to invite tenders for the supply of bamboo and soft soap with which to construct tmw main, tail and screw shafts for their steamers
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  • 43 4 A watch, a clock and some other articles worth about S»io have been stolen from the residence of Mr. McArthur of the Straits Trading Co. A cook, who was missing, has been found by the police, but there was no evidence angainst him.
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  • 43 4 The Singapore Polo Club hold their annual general meeting at the Exchange on Friday the 20th inst. at 4 p.m. to pass the accounts, elect a Committee of management for 1003, and consider any other business that may be brought before the meeting
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  • 46 4 Mb. Joseph Constantino, the Acting Manager of Rattles Hotel, announces that there is a rare consignment of game on the way here from Shanghai, and he will be able to give a Game Dinner, with music, and a dance to follow, on Saturday next, March 21.
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  • 46 4 The P. and O homeward mail steamer Valetta left Hongkong at lpm. on Saturday and is due here at H a.m. on Thursday. The outward mail steamer Ballaarat left Colombo at 8 a in. on Sunday, 15th instant, and is expected here on next Saturday afternoon.
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  • 49 4 Siniaporeans who have resided in Japan lor any length of time will regret to hear Uat Kikugoro, the greatest actor in the country next to the famous Danjuro, has died at the age of 40. Notwithstanding his advanced age he used to assume the roles of very young maidens.
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  • 41 4 The Messsagerieri Maritimes, have lately been considering the question of introducing liquid fuel for use in their steamers. The question was raised by their president, M. Andre Lebon, former French Minister of Marine, who strongly advocated the introduction of liquid fuel.
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  • 52 4 Mb C. T. Ritchie, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, replying on the 20th February to a deputation of coal miners, denied that, the coal-tax was injuriously affecting the collieries. Wages, he said, were higher, and employment was better than in 1890. There was, be declared, no prospect of the tax
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  • 79 4 The Bangkok public have a perennial cause for grumbling in the way in which breakdowns occur in the telegraph service. Floods, elephants knocking down the posts, enterprising natives cutting off chunks of wirn to secure their own particular and private ends, and even monkeys— each and all have been blamed.
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  • 66 4 Thk bulk of the vessels of the Russian squadron coming out to the Far East, have passed through the Suez Canal. They are steaming leisurely. The principal vessels of the squadron are the battleships IMrizan and Pobieda of 1'J,700 tons displacement each the cruisers Bogalyr of '),".'>«. tons, I'allada and
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  • 56 4 New forms of agreement between masters of ships and lascars are published under the authority of the Government of India. The principal innovation they contain is a provision that warm clothing for the men and heating arrangements in the forecastle are to be provided in the case of vessels plying
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  • 74 4 On new venture at Hongkong is the China Commercial Steamship Company which aims at establishing a Steam Navigation Service between that port and Ma/atlan an important port on the west coast of Mexico. Four British steamers have been secured for the line. The first ship will leave Hongkong on M*roh
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  • 76 4 H.M. torfkihvboat destroyers rtnsM and Sparru'thairk, now on the Pacific Station, are to come to the China Station shortly, H.M.S. Amphion convoying th> in to Honolulu and one of the cruisers now out here from Honolulu to Manila. The Virago and Spnrr^irhairi,- were both built at Birkenhead in and are
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  • 96 4 Thk manager of the Punjom mine reports under date 21st Feb. "about half a Tiilt> from the place where tin was previously found, we have discovered a large quantity of wash- In places, fully fib. of low grade tin ore can be obtained f r om one dish.
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  • 139 4 Aboit lIJO on Saturday night, an Annamite named Ang Ab Pat, dressed in European costume, was found trespassing in the house occupied by Mrs. Hinnttkindt. When discovered he assaulted Mrs Hirnekindt. He was arrested. This morning he was arraigned before Mr. Marriott r>n charges of criminal trespass,
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  • 146 4 Thkek detectives, named Hassan, Noor and Hussain, the first a corporal, the others lance-corporals, have on the statement of one Tan Teng been arrested on an allegation of having robbed this man of $31 on the 10th inst. at Pulo Sudang and subjected him to wrongful confinenent.
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  • 156 4 The Spring Cup will be played for M the above Links, beginning on Saturday next the 21st inst. with a >iualifying Medal Round (handicap) of 18 holes to be decided by match play j between the best 8 scores. A club or a box of balls will be presented
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 272 4 Wmlm, Wk M<n The papers are full of details in connection with the arrival of Mr Chamberlain from South Africa. It is described as the last and most striking home-coming in which the. heroes of the South African war had figured. The leading articles ou
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    • 33 4 London. \:>tt Marrl,. A commission sitting at St. Petersburg under the presidency of the Minister of the Interior, has begun tli. work of reform in the administration of the Russian provinces.
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    • 56 4 Renter's correspondent at Aden state* that the force despatched by Colonel Swarm routed a stronu force of the Bnemy at Lasakante Wells. Fifteen of the enemy were killed, many more being captured and wounded. The Mullah has gone to O,taden for arms. General Manning took up a strong
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    • 20 4 Wbttsktf Wright has been arrested it New York >n landing from 1 1 1 steamer ha [hmm
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  • 195 4 Two Days Overdue. Ykhtkkdav i Sunday) the Singaporragents of the Compagnie Des Messaiteriee Maritimes received a cable from l'ulo Weh, Sumatra, notifying them that the mail steamer Timkin had passed that point on Saturday in a partially disabled condition, her starboard shaft being broken. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 665 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. j Apples Apples Apples 111 1 AUSTRALIAN APPLES, HBo arrive per s.s. IBonkin. AUSTRALIAN STORES 1 ROBINSON ROAD. in. t. a.v. FOUND. AT Chotirmall'ii hrancb shop verandah. No. 10 High Stroet, a guilder note. Owner can have same on giving fnll particulars as to number, denomination, <tc. and
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    • 208 4 G R. Lambert fir Co. Photographers opik Jresham Honre I Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Jrchard on WeeK d a a.m.-6 p.m. on Sunday*. 8 a.m. noon Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies (rcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and
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    • 44 4 YOUR CHILD WILL IMPROVE. Stzarns' Wink is eagerly taken by Children and Invalids instead ut being repugnant to them. It is a wonderful iealth restorative and Nerve Tonic. Children derive especial benefit from its lsei it is so happily taken.— Sold by all ■hemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 394 5 WANTED -AN S.P.C.C. I'u lim FAiioi- of thr Strmik Time*.' Sik, It may not be generally known hut it is, nevertheless, an incontestable fact that many Asiatic children in Singapore have a very hard time of it, and what makes the matter worse is thai met] children are very young,
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    • 137 5 '.'a Hit Editor of tiir Utraits Timer" Sir, With reference to the letter signed Constant Traveller which appeared in >our issue of the 9th inst. I should like to say that my experience and also the experience of many others whom I have met, was very much the
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  • 58 5 A water polo match took place yesterday morning at the Swimming Club, l'anjong Katong, between teams captained by Jensen (reds) and Napier (whites). Some very smart play was shown and a keen game ended in a draw of 2 goals each. Curtis and Lloyd scored the goals
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  • 196 5 THE OANFA." Thk new twin screw steamer Uanfa, built for the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co. hy Messrs. David and William Henderson, Limited, Glasgow, ix due here from Liverpool on WedDes<lay or Thursday next, en route for Pacific ports The (Mm/a is 497 ft lone >ver all, 58 ft 3
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  • 335 5 The Half-Yearly Meeting. The half-yearly ordinary meeting of he Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Limited, is announced to be held at the Company's town office, Collyer (juay, on Monday, 2.°ird inst., at noon. The statement of accounts for the half year ;M<led :ilst Dec. last, is as
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  • 298 5 Annual Meeting. The third annual meeting of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Company, Ltd. was held in the Company's Offices, .Singapore, on Saturday. Mr. C. B. Buckley presided and there were also present the following:— Messrs. W Kwald, A. Loeb, (directors), 0. Hube, W.
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  • 69 5 Despite the rain in the late part of Saturday afternoon and which rather spoiled the matinee there was a big attendance at Warren's Circus in the evening, not a box being left without occupants whilst in the cheaper seats the natives mustered in force. For to-night a complete
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  • 130 5 The friendly rille match between the Swiss Rifle Club and a team of the 3.V.A. was brought to a conclusion at Bukit Tinjjei yesterday afternoon, and resulted in a win for the Swiss R.C. by 16.6 points. Each man fired 20 shots it both the Balestier and Bukit
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  • 464 5 FANCY DRESS BALL AT BELLEVUE." Thr residence of Mr. M<>yer at Oxley Ilise was the scene of a brilliant fancy dress ball on Saturday last, when a large number of guests assembled to celebrate the birthday of Master Jacob Meyer. The host and hostess performed Lheir arduous duties in an
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  • 626 5 Hinoapobb, 16th March, 1901. PRODUCE. Gambler hnyera I 18.90 Copra Ball 9.06 ao Ponti&n&k 9.00 Pepper, Blac buyer* 83.12^ do White, (8%) 87.80 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.25 do Brunei No. 1 8.16 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% bull.- 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Haby's Cough Must Never Linger NOTHING is more distressing than to see H helple.^A little infant suffering >wtli a •'.nigh, and to be fearful of using a remedy which may contain some harmful ingredient. Ihe makers o:' 1 inimtierlain's Coukli Keniedv po->iti\vtv guarantee that his preparation does not contain opium
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    • 20 5 It roots out the qerras of dis- ease Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 190 5 Not Beyond Hope. Those who have suffered year after year with Rheumatism will be glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute specific. There ar« no condition* of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from what eau9e. that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Littles
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    • 71 5 LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. Commission and Estate agents, Ship-brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. HOTEL DKR NKDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for iv excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MERTEN. m.
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    • 773 5 AUCTION SALES. LOCHABER Furniture Sale The Valuable Household Furniture &c, the property of J. J. MACBEAN Esq. Will be sold by Auction at Lochaber, Scott's Road on Saturday, aist March, at 1 1 a. m. ([{efrexlmient* "ill hi prmi<li;l) This sale should prove a most attractive one as may Im
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 200 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday. 16th March. High Water. 0.15 p.m. S.V.K.. S.V.I. Signalling. .>.15. M.M. homeward mail cl«»-e«. 6. Philharmonic (In-heMra. K.3U. S.V.I. March out. 8.1.V S.V.A. L'..-»«.;un Drill I. Warren s ('inn*, ft WajMf Kansini. North Bridge Road, ft Wayau>: I'um. North Bridge Koad. ft Tuesday, 17th March. Hi^'h
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 NOTICES. T3?e Puisometet> Requires o dStik Thousands in use skilled attendance. fasfffltf ivin S Cfttirc Mma V iki satisfaction. Will M > j^L :f»tt:lvejf» m" A almosi Km I lA A.]\rYTiiiJVG M v Needs no No moving parts _^m_ Wk to S et «,ut JBSSf ML or Leathers of order.
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    • 304 6 DURABLE AND ACCURATE j %oO^ Th Keystone Watch C;se Co. /ff\ America's Oldest ai.ri As/*,/^Largest Watch Factory W(^ I JM m For sale by XsX^y Tin Principal Watch Dealers in Stn»'»« Settlements; JAPANESE FANCY BAZAAR, 82-8, BRASS BASS \H ROAD. OWING to the arrival of a new shipment of fancy
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    • 184 6 NOTICES. These tiny Capsules superior ■ivlbbS^F t0 aiba 1 \^^^m^^BW Cubebs, and < Injections cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs 1 in forty-eight hours without 1 inconvenience. 1 Each Capralc bora Ibc name (MIDY) I FOR DISEASES OF THE CHUT SRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime Prescribed in
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    • 239 6 NOTICES Mt W[ r\ a fit SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. The Passenger Train Service, Sunday included, will be asunder from ist February, 1903, and until further notice. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. PVC. I'M. P. M Singapore .6.00 725 8.50 10.15 IMS Lift tM 4 It. MO M t 1609I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 688 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. HTUJK Standard Life Aaanrajioe. X Norwich Union Fire Insurant* Society. AUm Aunranoe Company (Fire). lhe Equitable Life Awmranoe Society, lhe China Mutual Steam Navigation Company h. Tottenham Lager Beer Company. cor particulars of ttwe Companies, the full a<r«irtMeinent of THE BORNEO OOMPANT. LIMITED. Afrenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1296 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. fimtt at Singapore: Ship Aqiscy, latb J. Dabhdblb A Co., 2-8, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Hok Tjioe Bagan Mar 15 Samarang Mar 1H ifftmn Padang 11
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    • 630 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnle Dea Measagerlea Maritime* De France. TILBOBAPHIO ASDRMfe: MIMAQBBIM, HIHQAPOBB. The -nail steamer* will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned date*. Ur/TWtBD. KOMIWABD. Date*. Date*. 1003 1903 Tonkin Mar. 16 Annam Mar 16 Tonkin Mar. SO E. Simon* Mar 90 Caledonien Apr. 12 Sydney Apr 13 Salasie
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    • 534 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFfOI LIMITED. Capital Subaoribad $2,600,000. Amount paid up 100,000. Beam-re fond 1.1 M.000. Head Omoi, Howsioita. rhe underused, having been appoint* Agents of the above Company, an prepared V aooept Marina Bisks at current rates. BOUSTEAD 4 Co., Ajrants. ROYAL INSURANCE COYr FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED
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    • 760 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S JipiOL &STEEI JtM*»- a»^« y aj ■> *"i ■VlforLadies I g"m LLbl «1«TIN Mo'La'Si?" LIQUII)_ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel
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    • 1527 8 C" ier this beading the following abbreW ll WM are used str. steamer sh. •bip ixj. barque sch. schooner Yet. lacnt; Oru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. lorpedo: H.p. Horse-pow«r; Brit.—Bri%bux t U. S.— United States; Feb.— French Air.— German Dut. Dutch Joh.— Johore; As.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck
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    • 79 8 For Her tUamer Timt. To-MoRROW. Batavia /.■> Imh P. Swefham via ports Bntarirr p.m. Sarawak Borneo 3 p.m. Ampanand Macassar Chartrrhmue 3 p.m. Wednesday. Sintora and Bangkok Ch<ikrnhhon<i> 1 1 am. P. Swefham via ports H. Hin Guan p.m. Asahan and Deli Atahan S p.m. Yokohama and
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    • 44 8 From Europe By the P 40. s.s. Ballaarat due on Saturday, with dates to the 20th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the -''th January. From China— By the P. 40. B.'s. nlttta due on Thursday.
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    • 455 8 t'MMUI Nam- |.iS- »m FROM SaILUI) CONSIUNKES. a Kio Jar 13 Maria Valeric Aus str. 2«4« Berberovich Trieste Jan 27,Rautenl<erg 13 Independent Ger str 871 Liegler Nau Cbsn Mar KRau'enberg 14 HongWnQ Brit str. 116 Hudson Malacca Mar is Wee Bin ami Co 14 Chaknibhongs Sia str. 356 Raun
      455 words
    • 179 8 Dai k Vks.-m 's Name. Flao A Rig Tons. Destination. •In 14 Tolv Nor str. 740 Rangkok 11 linl Brit atr. 3968 Pulo SamUM" and Hongkong 16 tfabine Kickmers 4 -tr. r>9o Palembaug 14 Charterhouse str. 1928 Calcutta 14 Hebe Btr. S4H Penan? and Deli II Sappho sir. 329
      179 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SZLZ MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilverware and silver curios. Visitors will be
      112 words
    • 792 8 ARE YOU HOMEWARD BOUND If so, you will require Good SUBSTANTIAL ITLXJONrKIS THEY ARE TO BE PROCURED AT WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAVT &CO.'S RELIABLE MAKES IN TRAVELLING TRUNKS. TRAY E L L E FL T FL XJ NKS 4V\ HJ "ifri Wm9^ tflaalflHlUß^^SH i^Jia^V^ The same ipiality an. l impro\eil .iiiinniiitu b.n
      792 words
    • 442 8 JAPAN COALS. THE MITSUI BU&SAN KAISHA mrreui* exu HEAD OFFICE No. 1 Suruua Cho LONDON BRANCH 34, Lime Str. .t.K.C SINGAPORE BRANCH: 2. Finl.-tyso; OTHER 'BRANCHES Nh.\ York, Shu t r;nu i»( o. HaiuburL Ronibßy, Sounit>ay;i, Manila, Hong kong, Anioy. Ihaaghai, Chefoo, I ienl sin. ■•wchwaac, Pori Arthur, Seoul Chemulpo.
      442 words