The Straits Times, 13 March 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,078 SIKGAPORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1908. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 820 1 NOTICES. B:hf (ilinws. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column meai«ure.l first Inm-ri ion $1 20 cento Beoomt and third it^ertionneai h H) rents Fonrtli, lift h, and sixili 40 cent* Seventh to iMKliieetuii 24 oent> Waataaath i aa»i|iiwil.. 16 cent Per week el m\ MS, v> Iw rlmnfted
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    • 507 1 LATEST ADVER TISEMEN IS. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. I H "BORCHARDT" *<^«JBM E ISirt J' »S W?? i|S A most Excellent v BROWNING IkfJA Automatic, as a Pistol, 1 1 3 Shooting Weapon. Pocket Pistol. IHISr witfcout Buttstock, ILJI Easily Loaded Winchester r.fles gf g Absolutely Safe. V&jS Mechanist All Models.
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    • 468 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WAYANG PUSI WAYANG PUSI. INDRA BANOSAWW THE FMsM Id n»i:i\ j\\vi RIIWII THK 1 1; di mH||-\M (IF Ui.. TO-NIOHT MMR H(h MarcK, 19OS. SETI SALEM BAR With UrHml Artlßtlcallv l':nnl.-.. Extraordinary <<»iuinei< hiul a < Jr.imi Mml h of MiiKic, Fla^, Itimiii.-. hi At th- N.» i-Hrs,.,.
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  • 1371 2 What the "Morning Leader" thinks of Dukes in Qeneral. S. L H., who writes the Sub Rosa column in the Morning Leader, has been letting himself go on the topic of dukes, and in regard to the utterance of one particular gentleman of ducal strain on which
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  • 368 2 The appointment of a Koyal Commission on London traffic has caTised a great deal of satisfaction in the Metropolis. The president is Sir David Barbour, who was the Chairman of the Straits Currency Commission a far travelled Irishman who in the question of London traffic will find a
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  • 82 2 A nkw industry i» now started in New South Wales, and one that should prove very profitable— coffee growing. The champion coffee plantation in New South Wales is at Walbin Island, on the Clarence river. This year the harvest is about 40,0001 b. of berries The trees are now about
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  • 495 2 A Boon to Prospectors, Our forefathers, and even people in our own generation, believed to a large extent in the witch-haznl Jivining rod, but there was no scientific explanation attached to its movements, and it had disappeared from our ken. Mineowners, or rather landowners who believed that their
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  • 186 2 Capt. Strong Enters Chinese Army Thk New York IWqftMßit responsible for the announcement that Captain Putnam Hradlee Strong, having arranged to become a captain in the army of his imperial majesty the Emperor of China, he ana his wife, lormerly Lady Hope, and better known as
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  • 174 2 It was reported, one day last month, that the Board ot Arriculturehad reused to allow the landing of the regimental goat of the Welsh riMJlifl from the transport Ortonu at Southampton, and that consequently it would l>e slaughtered. On the following day, however, a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 257 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufac.turprt of Dynamite, Gelignite Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ill Ki!tns or Safety Puses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, I'he above Expletives, being ail nanu f:iUured in Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity test* imposed by the British
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    • 254 2 NOTICES. gTANDARD p()LICIES rHK demand fur these Securities continues steadily k> increase. Nfiw 'olicieafor over £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every year since 1866 a resulted mnintained uninterruptedly for so lon<[ a period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply U. THE BORNEO COMPANY, Agenit, Standard Life
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    • 680 2 SHIPPINO BIHTiSH INDIA STEAM N AVIQATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY. THE Company's steamer /r/.V/M,f,203 tons, Captain England, is expected to arrive bore on or about the 15th inst. and will have prompt despatch (or the above ports. For freight, or passage apply to US Hi H IST
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    • 105 2 rPREVKNT CROUP, begin in time. The first symptom is lionrxeness this is soon follow *i by a peculiar rough Lough which in easily recognised an<t will never l>e f orgottivi by one who has heard it. The time to act is wbea the child first becomes bourne. If Chamberlain'Cough Remedy
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  • 818 3 Coral Islands Submerged Terrible Loss of Life The papers to hand by the last mail give some details of the recent appalline disaster iv the Pacific by which 80 islands were submerged by a tidal wave and thousands of natives were drowned. Tlie steamer
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  • 65 3 A IWMIHWIIII writes comvlaining hitterly of the stenches arising from the open drain which runs along the ('uthedral compound parallel with North Bridge Koad, stenches, he says, fraught with danger to the entire neighbourhood and disgusting in the extreme. He wishes to know whether there is :iny particular reason why
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  • 503 3 The Crack of Doom.'* l>r. Alexander A. Roberts, F.KA.S, has an interesting paper in Chamhers's Jovnial on Dr. Anderson's discovery nexrly two years ago of the new star Nova i'ersei tbe star which, quite dark before, or so faint that it could not be seen even by
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  • 254 3 Por Singapore Per P. 4 O. s. f>. China connecting with the steamer Ballaarut at Colombo, from London reb. 2u, due 2.'nd M> rch— Mr S Henry. Mr B J. Your g, Mr. Lewis, Mr Medni.m, Mis 9 Forst.-r. Per I. iV OkO k f Shnnghi'i from
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  • 37 3 The .->■. Hye Leovg, says the Malay Mail, will leave Singapore to-day for Malacca, Poit Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson She will then proceed toPenangto relieve the Lmly Weld, that steamer docking lor her six months survey.
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  • 1148 3 P. O. Mar. 2U.— Per VaUttn For London Mr. and Mm. Highel and child. Mar. 28. Per Formom For London Mrs. W. B. Smith and nix daughter*. From Penang— Mr. Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. Lnw and child, and Miss Law, Mr. Cameron. April 3.— Per Malta Mr.
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  • 45 3 As we have previously announced, relief crews are coming our from home for several of the ships of the China squadron. These crews are coming out in the Spartiate and Europe, which are to be specially tomonissoned at Portsmouth about tbe middle of this month.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 Diarrhoea DIAKRH(KA, in its first (tafia, can be cured by a few doses of t hnt pleasant, r< liable, and effectual —Illim Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrli" i Keruedy. In many instances one oose is sufficient, hut i a rule three or four doses are ne essarv It is a koiiJ
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    • 847 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. CogMaa V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTS D BUB-AOENTB or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., G. nersl Agents, n.c. Hiraits Kettli ments. For Sale. I HE HIM K •SARAH NICHOLSON," (Now lying in Singapore Kuans). VF U34 tons built of oak aid
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    • 739 3 I NOTICES. "1\ T ANTED for the Bnndi Tin Mines, v Kem*-<ii>n. an Eurasian m night overseer. Apply to GUTHRIEACO, LTD. ux. As Agents. T ANTED for Borneo two reliab'e TV Chinese clerks, with a knowledge of shorthand and typewriting if possible. )*alary 6) /6 jiuild- ir ier mrrth Apply
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    • 685 3 NOTICES. FOUND t A strayed fox terrier, bearing Municipal No. 6034 On payment for advertisement, Ac, owner can have poseeesion of same. "L. P." c/o Strain <W>. IK-3 IX) be let, house No. 11, -opbia Koad. Entry Ist April. 1903. Apply to A. 8. Snooker, No 9, Raffles Place. 3
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  • 48 4 Ditiii.f.fskn. On l«t Feornary, at Kan Diego, U.S.A., Sarah Ku.i.ur, the beloved wife o< Capt. Paul Andreas Dithlkpskn. si ii. < in the li'th in»t. at No. 3 Niven Road, Singapore, KVBUC Aloysiuk, the beloved non of li. L Setii, aged 8 years and 3 in. mi lw.
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  • 550 4 Thk dispute between the collection of wiseacres who sway the destinies of K irea aud the Japanese Government would now appear to have been settled or to be in measurable distance ot becoming so, as on February 23rd Mr K<> Ki-Ki,
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  • 456 4 The dhobie is a thorn in th« flesh of all residents in the East, but he seems to be more troublesome here than elsewhere. Chinese and Klings are the general laundrymen, and both arc endowed with bad habits. The former does not as a rule pawn the clothes of his
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  • 332 4 The report on Tan Tock Sony's Hospital for l(K>2 shows receipts amounting to $74,045 against ai. outlay •>fS*3,s9l. The unusually large amount of receipts in 1902 is accounted for, says the report, by donations made for the purpose of increasing the capital fund of the H >apital. These amounted in
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  • 186 4 Today's telegram that the Official Receiver of the Lor.doa and Globe Finance Corporation has been authorised to prosecute Mr. Whitaker Wright bears upon a crying scandal of recent dau. Mi. WThitQkw fright w« reported to be 'leeply implicated in the financial swindling associated with this Corporalion. His prosecution wax long
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  • 178 4 Wb understand that Rear Admiral Hikonojo Kamimura and his suite will visit the IndraZanibar theatre to-night when Hamlet will be staged. Singapore has always had the reputation of being cosmopolitan and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark," played by Malays and Dutch Eurasians to a Japanese Admiral, seems to tend to bear
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  • 16 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3. To-day's f/ms bank rate is 1/B^.
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  • 8 4 With to-day's issue there is a supple ment.
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  • 13 4 Messrs. Powell and Co. advertise a sale of elephants' tusks on Tuesday next.
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  • 20 4 The Rajah of Sarawak has appointed Mr. G. Hourant to be Inspector of Police there to date from Ist January.
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  • 24 4 The Rev. W. Murray MA. will hold a service for the Straits Chinese in the Town Hall on Sunday next at 7 45 p.m.
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  • 22 4 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Golf Club will be held at the Pavilion on Friday the 20th at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 19 4 Thk homeward M. M. packet Annim will probably leave Singapore on Monday, the 16th instant, at about 4 p.m.
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  • 28 4 The ontward M. M. packet Tonkin left Colombo at 9 p. m on the 9th instant, and may be expected to arrive here to-morrow at about 2 p.m.
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  • 23 4 Thk police launch Brini ran into a steamer at Tanjong Pagar last night and smashed up her bows. The lirani was overhauled recently.
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  • 24 4 The Russian Volunteer Fleet uteamer Saratm; Capt. Sheik Ashiry, arrived from Vladivostock yesterday afternoon en route for Odessa. There are twelve passengers on board.
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  • 28 4 Japan military authorities are planning to equip coast defence fortresses with turrets, and are making arrangements to purchase the material required in this connection from France and Germany.
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  • 48 4 The Russian cruiser Novik, Capt. N. von Essen, arrived from Colombo this morning en route for China and anchored in the roads. Her date of ueparture is uncertain. The Novik is of 3000 tonr, has a crew of 320 and carries 17 guns. Her hor«e- power is 6,500.
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  • 40 4 Members of the Sporting Club are informed that the bar at the Racecourse will be open fur the first time, and coffee will be supplied, from tomorrow morning, although the official day for training to begin w Monday, 16th inst
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  • 53 4 Thk burglars are still on the war path. Last night they paid a visit to Mr. Beatty's (the Police Magistrate) servants quarters at Mount Sophia where they annexed a few articles belonging to the hoys and escaped. Was this merely chance, or was it an attempt to pay off an
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  • 43 4 Thk collector tor me Two Kwang (Canton and Kwangsee) famine fund begs to acknowledge with thanks the following donations from firm* in Singapore:— Guthrie dt Co. S2OO, Patttarcken A Co SIOO, Brinkuiann Co «200, Netherlands TriHing Society $250, Sic Tm B<x>n Esq. 150
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  • 53 4 Mr F. J. rUxD-.s-., a well-known and popular Kobe resident, accompanied by Mrs. Rardent, is pasaing through b y the Htikala Mum. Mr. Bardens wa o until hris departure Chairman o f the Hyogo and Osaka Chamber of Commerce, members of which tended him a complimentary dionor juat prior
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
  • Reuter'sTelegrams.
    • 130 4 Big Labour Victory. li'tnil/m, Il'.'/i St irlt The contest at Woolwich to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lord Charles Beresforl has re«ult«*.| in the election of Mr. Crooks, th« Lthour candidate, the fizures being Crooks (labour) 8,687 votes, Drage (conservative) ">,4.->*. This is a gain
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    • 41 4 But He is Missing Mr. Justice Buckley yesterday autho rised the Official Receiver of tht London and Globe RsMMM Corporation to prosecute Mr. Whitaker Wright. A warrant was itsu«d for WrightV arrest but he has disappeared.
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    • 22 4 M. Uelcas-ie, speaking in the PrencL Chamber, denied the existence of any agreement between France, England and Spain ancnt Morocco.
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    • 113 4 What the Times Thinks. Whereas 19 I'nionists voted for Mi Beckett's amendment to the Address, condemning Mr. Hrodriok's Array Corps scheni'-, nearly .$0 voted with the minority on the Hon. Ivor Guest V amendment. The bulk of the Nation alist* did not vote. The Time* says the
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  • 207 4 The Thirty fifth Tournament. Thk Ladies' Lawn Tennis Tourria ment, with the exception of the play for the final of the Championship, wax brought to a clone yesterday afternoon, when there wan a laige attendant oi members and their friendfl present The play iv the Championship
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  • 78 4 m Tn %w Oimke (Bank of Japan) seems to be llouiishing Its balance sheet for the past year shows proll of yen L',277,'.»1,S which, with yen 170,111 brought over from last account, makes yen 2,74\029. Thin was distributed in a first dividend of I per cent, and a second one
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  • 93 4 Thk result of a quarrel among some Chinese coolien on board the h r Kut Hang on the loth inst in the roads was the death of oue Tan San^j. This morning, Lee. Mi I'ah and Anp Ah Tenc were arraigned before Mr Bt-aUy on allegation of murder Act Ins|.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LADIES §ive your friends tfie benefit of your experience by advising tdem to deal at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. CHEAPEST AND BEST. THOMPSON THOMAS CO., 1 ROBINSON ROAD, 'PHONE CALL No. 39. in. f. v.c. CRAWFORD'S FINEST VERY OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. Finest Very Old Scotch Whisky. DMl| Cm4«nj^
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    • 82 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opei: Ore*ham House (Battery Boad.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekday* Bo d on Sunday*. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman film. Wratten-Wrainwright'* Ilford and German dry plate. {Engli.n
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    • 28 4 ARK YOU LOBING KLEsll Stkarns' Wink improve* >) Increase* weight. Renews strength and builds up your body. Steams' Wine never disturbs the most delicate stomach— Sold by all chemists.
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  • 183 5 Action for Wrongful Dismissal. This morning before Mr. Justice Hymlman-Jones, E. T. Paglar, late lerk in the office of the Superintendent of the Tanjong Paear Dock Company's Police sued the Dock Company for damages for wrongful dismissal. Mr. Van Cuylenberg represented the plaintiff ;iii<l Mr. K C.
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  • 169 5 Tw>M was a good attendant-* of both foreigners and natives at Warren's Circn<« last evening when the perlorm.incA throughout went if possible with .in even better swing than it did ,>n Wednesday night. The clowning of Niny, the wonderful performing dogs, ami the turns ot' the numerous artistes
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  • 223 5 A Malay mans Roguery Ymtmday, a Malay named Latib nn Ibrahim was before Mr. Marriott on two charges of criminal breach of trust also for theft in a dwelling His first victim was a wotnin named Seniah whom he pr MlkMd to marry. Having thus paved the way,
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  • 247 5 Mn It. Shelford's Report on the Sarawak Museum, 190) and 1902, reaches us to-day, and is an interesting little publication Mr. Shelford, who is the Oirat.ur. mentions that during his recent spell of leave he took borne a considerable number of unidentified specimens, and was able to
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  • 220 5 The repnrt on the Oovt- Widows and Orphans' Fund) for 1902 shows that the am Hint to the credit of the Fund in the Treasury on the 81st December last, was 5357.254, and in addition there was a sum of 421,013 due by Government for
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  • 132 5 We have just received, through Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, a copy of the Chronicle and Directory of the Far East for 1908, published at the office of the Daily Press, Hongkong. The information is, as in former issues, voluminous and as complete and up-to-date as it
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  • 35 5 Tbe Seremban Stakes, value $5,000, for which the nominations closed on Keb. Mth, failed to fijl Only five nominations were sent, in The event will be reopened and will possibly fill tor the June mpeting.
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  • 49 5 Lki kd'v is said to be on tUts iitcreas<> in Iceland and the extreme north of Scandinavia and Finland As a consequence, the medical faculty of Denmark will shortly coinmist>ion two of itb foremost members to investigate the causes in Iceland with a viewto effective counteracting measures being taken.
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  • 57 5 The China Fire Insurance Company met with such heavy losses in 1902 that the extra reserve fund bad to be drawn upon to eke out the available protit of over $*****0 to admit of a dividend being distributed. The loss ratio for 1901 worked out at 79.58 per cent a
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  • 70 5 Thk funeral of H. H. 1. I'rince KomatEU took place in Tokio in great state on the 22nd ult. It accordance with Japanese custom no music or entertainments were permitted throughout the country for three days prior to the event and in several cases the police vi«ited houses occupied by
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  • 108 5 Thb BrM*h Forth Bornso Herald thus writes of the incr«a»ing Chinese immigration there: The Governor i* greatly concerned in the encouragement of Chinese settlement, of the continuation of which great hopes are entertained, on the West Coast and active steps have been taken to encourage wholesale immigration of the agricultural
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  • 191 5 Mb. Nauki.makkki:". director of the Wagon Lit* Company, ba« stated that at the end of next year it will he possible to make the journey round the world in forty days, just half the time taken by Jules Verne's famous globe-trotter. Mr. Nagelmapkers says that when the rails on tho
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  • 80 5 Prikck Su, a prominent Chinese Minister at Peking, is to send his two sons for a visit to tbe Straits Settlements, says the Shanghai Time* of the 2nd inst. Both of the young princes have been studying English for about three years, and the purpose of their visit is to
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  • 91 5 An Ordinance exists which forbids the use of public 'rikishas for tlif conveyance of lepers. This morning, a public vehicle was used by the Superintendent of the Reformatory to briDß a Malay lad who is a leper and an inmate of the Reformatory to the Magistrates' Court to obtain an
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  • 84 5 On Wednesday, a Eurasian lad named Krtward Strnarnell, in the employ of Messrs. Riley Hargraaves, was arrested, *nd yesterday was brought before Mr. Reatty on allegations of forgery *nd two other charges. Mr. C. R. Harrison of the above firm appeared to prosecute. Insp. Howard remarked 'hat the boy looked
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  • 90 5 Thk United Service Gazette says Letters from Hongkong state that two court-martials for the trial of officers itsembled on board the Blenheim on December 29. The 6rBt court tried Lieutenant Harold F. Sadlier, of the Vettat, on a charge of drunkenness. He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to lose two
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  • 32 5 The driver o f a motor-car is brought before a local beak for furioue driving in— say Stamford Road Here are the estimates of its speed per hour as given in Court
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  • 57 5 Mile* pei hour. Private opinion of man in charge It! Hiit opinion when talking to a friend 'JO Hi* opinion when in Court 8 Kuropean policeman's private opinion 14 Hi- opinion in Court 2N <ientleman> opinion when hi» pony wan soared 50 Opinion of mala mata all.-.l h- witneM 100
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  • 40 5 Tub exports of Burma rice to South Eastern China and the French possessions in Indo-Cbina are now very large, as there has been a failure of crops in those regions. Japan is also taking a considerable quantity of Burma rice.
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  • 40 5 The Manila papers of the 2nd inst, rpport two cases of bubonic plague. The reason assigned for the appearance of tbe plague at this time is that the lower classes there have become slack in the observance of sanitary regulations.
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  • 42 5 Even Ireland has its tigers and not cheerful ones. This man-eating tiger must not be allowed at large," declared Judge Adams at Limerick the other day, when ordering the retention in custody of a man in whose case a jury had disagreed.
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  • 40 5 On the f.fh inst. Mahomed Yacoob bin Mahomed looked in at No. 41 Upper Cross Street and helped himself to a watch and chain valued at $210. Yesterday he appeared before the Bench Court, and is now doing six months.
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  • 36 5 The Manila Cal>Un*w* call- tbe attention of the authorities there to drunkenness and immorality on the part of employees of the local gorvernment" and trusts that some drastic action will be taken to discourage these vices.
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  • 41 5 At Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, justice is indeed swift-footed. A Dyak who killed a Malay on the 4th Feb, was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death on the 16th. He was executed the next morning after confessing his crime.
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  • 38 5 Reports from the outstations in Sarawak last year all show, it is said, that the general prosperity of the country continues to increase and, in many case*, in spite of serious drawbacks which are likely soon to disappear.
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  • 57 5 Yesterday. Inup. Kirke and a posse of nineteen constables made a raid on Tanjong Rhu and gathered up thirtyfive Chinese coolies and fifty cents. This morning the prisoners made a big show in Court. Mr. Marriott did not consider the gambling with which they were charged of a very serious
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  • 73 5 A letter received at Plymouth from Hongkong states that whilst the Albion was recently on her way there from Singapore, during collision mat exercise one day, a petty officer named Stubbs fell overboard. Commander Kiddle, who was on the bridge, immediately dived after him and helped him to grasp a
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  • 77 5 At lligan, in Mindanao, a Southern Philippine island, an American officer, Major Bullard. has had bis life several times vainly sought by the Moros or Mahomedan islanders, owing to his success in starting m in y of the tribesmen to work on making roads. Other tribesmen resented this and tried
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  • 101 5 Mr. Doolrv gives the following explanation of the Monroe doctrine:— The German Impror is very smar-rt, for Germany, but if ye want to corner him just ask him to daytine th' Mnnrm Docthrine, and he'll say to ye. "I'm durnei if I know, ask Balfour Tbin ye ask Balfour, an'
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  • 103 5 IK'kinu the hearing of 1 puhce court case at home the following conversation" ensued, between a carman summoned for driving on the footway, and a policeman. The policeman in the course of bis evidence, oaid the horse had its fore feet on the footway.- -Defendant No. —Constable I say it
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  • 71 5 Governor Taft of the Philippines has announced that the three millions of dollars (gold) appropriated by the U.S. Congress for the use of the Phili, n <* Islands has been set aside for special purposes. Of tbe sum, $1,000,000 will be devoted to the establishment of an agricultural bank $1,000,000
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  • 630 5 Sisoapou, 13th Makh, IMS. PRODUCE Gambler buyer* I 18.62} Copra Ball »-«> do Pontlanak 800 Pepper, Black bnyert 33.8*1 do White, 67.10 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.30 do Bmnei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Ball, 15% basin 22.00 Coffee, Palembang,2oXbait»._ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 I*oo Tapioca, small
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 Thk ChinH Company— i Hongkong venture could not stand the con: petition of over-produced beet sugar in IMS Bad worked at a loss estimated at $4,,>,000.
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    • 18 5 Rights the wronjjfs of the stomach Jajne's Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispen^ry, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 102 5 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger \'"l lll\i. is more distressing than t 1 see -i helpless litti-> i fait suffering witb a eoiuh. an 1 to l>e fearful of using a remedy wbieh may contain some harmful ingredient 'I he "iiker. o\ iihatiberlaiu's Cnutib Kemedv positively guarantee that this preparation
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    • 190 5 A Helpless Cripple! N. Bengert of Noihorne, say*:— For nineteen months I lay a helpless eviple from Rheumatism. The weight of my body was reduced from 170 ll>« to ISO Ibtt. a proof of the terrible puin I had to endure During all this time, 1 sought a cure, but
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    • 114 5 THE I)K WIND ESTATE, MALACCA. AUCTION SALK OK VALUABLE FRUIT ANDCOCOXI'T PLANTATIONS, ■Situate at Malacca. To be held at No. I'M Jonke Street, Malacca. On Saturday, 21«< March, 190;*, At 2.30 p.m. LOT I— Fruit and coconut plantations, situate in tbe districts of Tedong and ye m pang, near the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 244 5 OAY BY OAY. Friday. 13th March. High Water. 11.0 p.m Full Moou. ~.H p.m I'll rim (Festival of the .le* S.V.A. Kattery Drill 6.15. s.V.K. Maxim Gun Drill, 5.1 V S.V.E. Klectrin Lighting, 5.15. S.V.I. Kerruith Company Drill .V I.V Warren'o Circus. 9. T..wn liaml. faplanade. 9. Wayanj; Ka*ain). North
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 432 6 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. Jj^r^^ft^'Vi^g^ 1 ASK YCUR STORE KEEPER FOR, l^^^^^l "SLEDGE" BRAND. ImO^ A *//> STERILIZED MILK jk\ff ABSOLUTELY r*XJI=tES Invaluable in the House, ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't beput ofll See that you get what you ask for "Sledge' Brand. THERE
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    • 421 6 NOT. US. QRIMAULT A C° Medicinal Skin Soap /^B3§iiiili§llli) MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP jA fi ■"■Mill I tliliHi >yxVVQ<XxVV'»<X><VVVO<'Av!l»^ Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENME, 8 Si wi| Uual in goud <<up|ii>
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    • 553 6 NOTICES I DAWSON'S SOOTS FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE. COMFORT, and DURABJLiIY NONE BEMIINE WiTHCUT OUil TMWt TO BE HAD O? *H DCALCIM 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. THE PERFECTION OF NATURE AND ART. Manufactured by a special process, j securing high concentration of I the nutritive, stimulating and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 713 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. npilK Standard Life Awuranoe. A Norwich Union Fire liuuimnca Society. Atla* Assurance Company (Fire). The K.iwtjit.le Life Afßuninoe Society. I ho Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company ■''ottaoham Lager Beer Company. tot particulars ot Uu»e Companies, seeth* roll advertisement of THE bOENEO COM PANT. LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 795 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschtppij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. „.t il« at bingajorr Ship AoiSCT, lATI J. DaXBDBU A Co., ii-8, Colltib QUAT. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Meamer From Expertad Will be l innpntcbed tor Oa Kan d/r Lijn Handjei massin Mar a Bandjermaftsin, Kota
      795 words
    • 448 7 Norrideutsclier Lloyd, firemen Coast Lines, I BTKAMEUS OF MB ***** FLBR. Tons Reg. Tosr Reg. SUttin M7a h'okrichanf 2042 Sandttkan 2111 P*tchaburi 2191 Paknam -JOai Pittanulok 3019 langlin 1999 Rajatmn 1904 Bangkok 19.-0 Chow Tat 1777 Kxral lt*N) Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17-.4 Keong Wm 1777 Kwn Tung 1341 lhvawongte
      448 words
    • 660 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. rsi--R Mail Contract with tub Al-STKIAH GOVERNMENT. The following are the date* on wbicl the Company's steamers may be expectei I to arrive and sail from here: Outward. Homeward. IHOB. 1908 tE.Fhe.rdinand Mar 8 \Au*tria Feb. 21 Valrrir „13|*Vt>B<m Mar. 2; IQUela Apl.
      660 words
    • 549 7 INSURANCE CO.'S riANTOS INSURANCE OFFIO \j LIMITED. Capital Sobaeribed $2,600.0X1 Amount paid up (00,000. IMII fund 1,110.000. Hbad Ornoi, Ho>axo>a. I The nndemgned, having been appoints Amenta of the above Company, arc prepared t aooapt Marine Riaks at onrrent ratM. BOTJBTEAD Co.. AjreMr ""royal Instance ooyT FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED
      549 words
    • 573 7 NOTICES. F MARTZN'S j ™I aWaLS French laa^r Ij» 'II lirfl.rlll., Tho.... m+wt L cm Ik* ""marti S aSfiuuilv'' NOTICK MEs>KS. BERXHARDT CO.S office* at prevent is at 8 P Ch sok al'BT. having amoved from \o 9 St» mford Koad. 1 7.3 NOIiCK. DURING my absence from Singapore, Mr.
      573 words

    • 1578 8 Under ibia beatfhhj Urn laHomm abbra■faliaoi n u-^ii »tr.— «teamei *h.— abip, b'|.— l.wrque. tt-h. sihuuiier JTel Tacbt, Cru Cruiser, Übl. Hnnboat; Tor Ton* -10, H.p. Uona poww Brit, -t n«Ub; 1 H.— Uuitod StH'es: Feb.— Frvncb Bar. i man; I •<•• l>ucta;Joh. johorc; 6a— G»Tiernl-<;argo; il.p.
      1,578 words
    • 696 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival and namt oj agent*. HTBAMEBB. AuiimiMi.naii, Liverpool, Apl MuDsileld. Aluoin. UOBHMjr, Apl; Borneo Coy. Andnlusia, HongkotiK, Apl 2; Helm Meyer. AnnHtn. Hongkonir. Mar 1 r> MM. Argus, Australia, Mar IS; McAlister. Au«trHlind. W. Australia, Apl Boustead. Awn Mkiu. Japan, Mar M: V.
      696 words
    • 101 8 For Per ttramer Time. To- Morrow. Sandakan AL. Datu Krduh 7 a.m. S'bayaand Samarang (Hang Am, 't a.m. Saigon and Haiphong Tnmiie 10 a.m. Balik Papan, etc., Vandrr Lyn 1 a.m. Penana and Colombo Glengyte 11 a.m. Sourabaya Gnea 11 a.m. pHdang via port' Van Oulhoorn 1 p.m.
      101 words
    • 135 8 From Europe—Ry the M M. s.s. Tctikin due on Saturday, with dates to the 20th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the '.'tith January. From China—By the M. M. s. s. I -in due on Itftb M ucii. ..eft Singapore. Due in
      135 words
    • 150 8 X VMMI (i Nam- a I OH- .v From Sailid. Consionkk-. Mar 1-' Farfallii lUI «tr. 1-7 Taylor V 2 Pin Benv Urn gtr. 878 Davidsoi: 12 G. G Meyer Dut str. 443 Von 11 Hakata Man Jap str. 3H16 Sommer I--' Sbimosa Brit sir. a«j» Cb&plia 12 Andre
      150 words
    • 201 8 VESS AMI. Ua M 0X». >BBTINiT!.iN 18. a 11 Hong Wan 1+ 18 I'.ltltl! IS Afridi iS Ban Seng Quan IS Flevo 13 Van Riem*dijk 12 i Andree Rickmers 12 Kingsley 13 Resident Schiff 14 ttachsen 15 Deli U I Kedah IS Sri Wontiv* M Sultan IS Farfalla 14
      201 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 108 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SZIZ MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STEEET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian. Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will
      108 words
    • 644 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW A CO, P^—A^L^l^^ The"Ashby" Revolving Inkstand jliTijS I'retty opal bottle with bror.zed |^^s^\||f*/Y ''Vt and polished braos tray and per v-^wL-iy ir Ik *W<&% >£& I I COOC3. PRICE $2.50 Each. COPYING PRESSES, NO. 1135 /S^fr Japunn.d Black Veined in Gold, Irn, Wash.: The P rlnc esS nrd
      644 words
    • 396 8 "LOCHABER" Furniture Sale The Ya'usble Hou.-chold Furniture &c, the proi ert> of J. J. MACBEAN Esq. Will be hold by Aurluii at l.i.oliiiher. Scott's linad on Saturday, Jist March, at n a.m (Rrjrtsliment< tcili hi p>..W"<i/) This sale s 1 cuM pr ye a 'nost al one ns max b*>
      396 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 31 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM f E. E. A. &C. Telegraph Vompi,-n>.. 12th Mabch. HONURONQ Barometer 2fl.!H Direction of Wind N.W. ForceofWind 2. Max. Temp in Shade tie. MANILA:— 7S9 B.E. 3. 31. 23.
      31 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 NOTICES. High Class Tailoring At Moderate Prices. Smart Stylish A Fashionable Cut Perfect Fitting Handsomely Finished. FROCK SUIT. LOOKS WELL ,gk FITS WELL jIT/ WEARS WELL(i|| MM MMM sac stlT. Powell Robinson, SINGAPORE, S.S., AND KWALA LUMPUR, F.M.S. m. w f. ADAPTED TO 13. I S "W -3 H XC
      260 words
    • 158 9 ftOTU I S. JOHNLITTLE^& Co., Ltd Wine 1 ALSO Provisions Tobaccos Merchants.^ WB^M CigarS Singapore. Sole Agents: Me Alister Co. The Best (t^jo^» Procurable Absolutely pure. Price per Case $10.50 in w f. v.c. A B MACKAY, LTD. LIQUEUR WHISKY (I'l U WHISKY) Price per case $15. DUTY EXTRA. Sole
      158 words
    • 310 9 IHOrtCES ROBINSOW &Co. 3 Association Croquet Sets Association Croquet Balls I Association Croquet Mallets Association Croquet Hoops Association Croquet Pegs I Painting Sets, Clips, etc. I Badminton Sets. ROBINSON Co. Hartwig 6? Co., /!//■<//.■ n.i.s "I' him:, AND 8PIBIT& PROVISION MERCHANTS. N0.4&5 FLINT STREET 3V/£NA3H BRIDGE RD. No. 4
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 530 10 NOTICES. H ENKELL TROCKEN (Jold Seal Champagne. A shipment of this well-known and celebrated Wine, which is noted for its excellent quality an<l cheapness, has just arrived per 8 s. Ifmn'mrg Hit' undersigned have been appointed hy Messrs Henkull Co., of Mainz, «ole nuent* in Singapore. BIGOLD, BERUMANN ft Go,
      530 words
    • 280 10 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINEERING. AR ILU'STRATBD WWKLT JODUIAL THE RECOGNIZED ORQAS OF THI PROFESSION IN INDIA. With tfltaranteed bona fide circulation. UHT OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE. C.E.CALCUTTA w A t W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM LAMBERT, late manager 01 Lambert Bros., is carrying on h- siness as coach bnilder, at Orchard Road
      280 words
    • 484 10 NOTICES. Modern European Dentittry, Messrs. CHEONG BROS., bom of tbe late Mr. Ch*okq Oh(Th Tim, In order to meet the requirements of European ladies and gentlemen who have for so many years supported their establishment, hare now opened premise* at No. 226 Sooth Bridge Road, where only the higher classes
      484 words
    • 769 10 NOTICES. jTmotion y cq. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRB PROMPTLY EXECDTBD TIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue; Large stocks always on hand. 826 (Thirty-two shillings aud sixpence; per ton o. b. in bonkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. Th* fuel is delivered through a 6 i_n pipe
      769 words
    • 259 10 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS POEDERER Eat ra Dry and Cart* Blanche. Tbe old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN V CO., Import-en. Kbtail at Mkmrb. JOBS' LITTLE Co., Ltd M.C.S. Mohamad Co Diamond Merchant*, Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious stones, No. 8 High Street. Singapore Ara showing a splendid stock ol High
      259 words
    • 640 10 BANKS. IIONOKONG AND SHANGHAI U BANKING OORPOBATIUN PAID-DP CAPITAL $„i,oor (MC KBPBKVE rVHD.aterlinß Beserve^ 18,000,000 1 r Silver Ueserve....| 6,600,000 <>«*>»***>■ RBHEKVE LIABILITY OF I illinmiin eKOPRIETOBS |~|lU.nnr\ Iflo1 flo Court op Dikbctobm. A. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman E. H. Tonkin*. K«j Deputy Ch\ir<ian. G. Ballooh, E»q. r>. M. Moskk, Kaq.
      640 words