The Straits Times, 12 March 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 077 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 12. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 815 1 NOTICES. ghe Simes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. (per inch, column measure. 1 First Innertion $1 20 cent* Beeand and third insertions each 60 cent» Fourth, fifth, uml sixth 40 cenU Seventh in i-i-liii-i -lit! 24 cent* Nineteen il> Mil>i-ei|iient,, 16 cenu Per week of six im, to i.c chauged
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    • 744 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rm Sc?||l| carbine? Q "'olrtftTlFllt! P WE? 2Utf§ S AUTOMATIC, 8 ROUNDS, MM s j 111 <^ 500 yard* range, No sights. Unique WINCHESTER RIhLLS Q <» Q Central Grip. W All Models Big <<1 REMINGTON REP. RIFLES SHOT GUNS by best English makers WINCHESTER REP Uff S
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    • 341 1 Supplied to (he State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. ffi^^E^™^^^ JJ3 ASK YOUR STOBE KIEEFER FOR "SLEDGE" BRAND. ix^ A J/Jl sterilized milk iitk^^^^i^^ Invaluable in the House, if^SE ALP^J^i lit j|K4Sj!f^ g«m>tnlhal SWW^^^* HEALTH. Don't be put oti. See that you get what you ask ior "Sledge' Brand.
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    • 331 1 IMPORTANT LAND SALE. IPOH, KINTA Donald's subdivision of land situated at the junction of the Gopeng and Tatnhun Roads, Ipob. r I iii K undersigned has been favoured I with instructions from UM. Donald, Esq.. to sell by Public Auction on the pre mifcfs at the junction of the Gopeng
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    • 640 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. INDO-CHINA STKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's utearm r SUtSAIfG 2,70(1 tons. Captain Young, having left Hongkonit on the, loth in-t may be exnected t arrive here on or about the '.Oth i <em and will h tvf prompt lenpitteh for the above ports
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  • 1048 2 LETTER NO. 6. Marelt \Otk Okar Jack,— After my rather disconcerting experience at the Market Place, we drove to titfin Tiffin," I should explain, is a word used amongst Europeans out Bast for lunch." Personally I despise the word, though I already recognise that it means the
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  • 254 2 Splendid Performances ol New Midland Engines. Remarkaih.k results in the way of swift locomotion have been obtained with the new Midland Railway compound engines which for a distance of 1") miles between Leeds and Carlisle attained a speed of over 82 milas an boar, with a load of
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  • 196 2 The Hongkong Fire Insurance Company held its yearly meeting there on the 2nd instant, with Mr. C \V. Dickson, in the chair. Heavy losses in 1901 and 1902 had reduced the amount available for dividend. Ten per cent of the profits were put to reserve. The
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  • 169 2 A group of Lancashire capitalists in order to evade the Egyptian import duty ofn per cent, on cotton goods built a mill at Boulak in the Khedive's dominions. Lord Cromer saw through the dodge and advised the Khedive to make no difference between Boulakmade goods or those
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  • 208 2 For Singapore. Ptsr P. AO. s. 0. CViiici connecting with tbe steamer BaUaarnt at Colombo, from London Keb. di« Msd Mrch-Mr N. Henry, Mr. B. J. Youig, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Stedmtn, M iss Forst«r. Per P. 4 On.*.O n.*. S/wnglni from London Keb -.'I due -7th March
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  • 861 2 EVANS A'INT IT ARD Therb is probably no more popular man in the U. S. service than our erstwhile popular visitor fighting Bob Evans of the V. S. S. Kentucky. The gallant admiral has all sort* of stories told about him some of them true and others of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 359 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •SO IbN., I.SOOIb*., alter seven after fourd»yn in teen days Water. in Water. Tbe above teota were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." FrieeB and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore
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    • 262 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON &COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts 534. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. t h s. Solk Agents OF GENUINE MALT WHISKIES THE BEST BLENDS ARE BUCHANANS RED SEAL Si 17") per case WHITE SEAL $15 00 per case. OF ALL
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    • 704 2 SHIPPINO FOR PORT BWKTTENUAM, TELOK ANBON, AND PENANG. THE British steamer ICIXGSLEY, Capt. Parker, will be despatched for the above ports on Thursday, the lfth mat. She has very good accommodation for first class passengers. Electric light throughout. For freight and passage, apply to HUTTENBACH BROB. A Co., 18-8 Agents.
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    • 105 2 IX) PREVENT CROI'P, begin in time. 'I hi- first symptom is hoaroenesH this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which if easily i-ivognitu-il ani wilt never l« forgotten l>y one who has heard it. The time to arl is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain')* Cough
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  • 1317 3 A Olobe-TrotterS Description. Mr. W. R. Townsend, in a letter to the Han Francitco Argonaut, dated from Bangkok, Dec. Itrd last, describes as follows his experience of a recent visit to Java Java is beautiful, interesting, and clean. The hotels and railway express trains are comfortalle., and travellinp
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  • 340 3 Rescued by a Trincomalee Diver. 1 1 ATI- Meldnim of Johore contributes the following old-time story to the CejjUm Obterrer NVhtn the P. and 0. Malahur was wrecked in Galle Harbour, in May l? 60, Loid Elgin and Baron Gros were on board. They were going
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  • 102 3 1n k Mulii'i Mail gives mining notes from the K <ub golrt field to tbe effect that the Queensland Raub Company has closed down owing to meagre iwutta The Sung«i Argus Company has given up work after six months' unprofitable trial The Western Lode Company, the main shaft
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  • 1147 3 PASSENGER S BOOKED HOMEWARD. P. O. Hat. A: Pa» I'alettn Kor Lond"i, Mr ami Mrs. Highet and child. Mar. 26.— Per Formosa For London— Mis. W. B. Smith and nix daughters. From Penang— Mr. Wioks, Mr. and Mr-. Law and child, and Mine Law, Mr. Cameron. April B.— Per Malta
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  • 56 3 Chinese in Bangkok have next month to pay the triennial polltax which amounts to 4 ticals and 24 atts a head By way of receipt the officials tie a string to which is p (fixed a seal around tbe wrists of payers, and this must be worn until the period
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 Diarrhoea DIAKRHtEA, in it« first stnge«, can be cured by a few doses of 1 hat pleasant, r> liable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic and Diiirrhu Keiuedy. In many ii stunces one nose is sufficient, but i v rule three or four doses are necessary It is a good ihing
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    • 667 3 NOTICES. YOU WILL NOT BE DECEIVED. That there are cheats and frauns in plenty everybody know* but it in seldom or never that any large business hou* e is guilty si them, no matter what line of trade it follows. There can be no permanent success of any kind based
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    • 696 3 NOTICES. TXT ANTED for BocnM two raliabte TT Chinese clerks, with a knowledge of shorthand and typewriting if poatible. Salary 6* /6» guilders per month. Apply with copies of ret en t testimonial* to nc. BYME 00. WANTED. A young Chinere clerk to assist in office work. Apply to B.
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    • 628 3 NOTICES. Mum. L. CogtUia 4V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOnmD STJB-AGEHTB or thi Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A 00.. General Agents, ax. Straits Settlements. SULPHURIC ACID. BEST quality for sale. Apply to SYME A Co n.c. I?OB SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed X frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96
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  • 458 4 Singapore is credited, and correctly so, with having as large a proportion of criminals among its population as any other city under the British flag. It cannot well be otherwise when it is considered how easy it is for criminals from
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  • 255 4 That the resuscitation of the long deferred Singapore Tramways scheme is an established fa*t is now no longer a matter of doubt. At tbe meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday the Governor remarked en passant that he supposed it might be taken for granted that electric tramways were going
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  • 205 4 Fubther light on tbe shelving of the newly concluded treaty between France and Siam shows that dread of Japan largely influenced the opposition. Japanese trade in Siam has latterly increased and ties of race and religion have drawn Japan and Siam together. The Crown Prince of Siam has even lately
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  • 203 4 Following the unsatisfactory Camp experience at the Pasir Panjang mudhole" at the end of January, it is comforting to learn that steps are already being taken to secure something suitable in tbe way of a site for next year's Volunteer Camp. The Commandant 8. V. C the Adjutant, and some
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  • 20 4 Reading matter, including a wayfarer's diary and notes of travel in Java will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 9 4 To-day's 4, 111s bank rate is 1 "V 4
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 9 4 The Assizes Court concluded its business to-day at noon.
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  • 11 4 The annual police sports at Penang came off successfully on Saturday.
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  • 14 4 Thk port of Micassar in Netherlands India is notified to be infected with cholera.
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  • 17 4 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday at 10 30 and 11.30. a.m.
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  • 15 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Esplanade to-morrow night from 9 o'clock.
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  • 16 4 A large four-funnelled French war vessel passed through the port this morning from West to East.
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  • 21 4 Thk usual monthly medal of tbe Singapore Garrison (i >lf Club will be played for on Saturday next the 14th inst.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 20 4 The German mail steamer S,n-lir»n having left l'enann on the 12th instant at 10 a.m. is due here to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 25 4 Mr. John Robbkt* is coming again to Kuala Lumpur, probably on the 20th instant when he will play an exhibition game at the Lake Club
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  • 23 4 It is officially notified for general information that cholera has broken out at Macassar and that the port has accordingly been declared infected.
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  • 28 4 Thk engagement is announced uf Mr. Victor Clumeck, of Messrs. A Clouet and Co., and Miss Marie Franckel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Franckel of Singapore.
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  • 56 4 Beware of bike thieves. Just after noun to-day, a Eurasian named Bateman left his Laju bicycle outside the godown of Mansfield Co. When be went to look for the machine it had disappeared, and the Polioe are now looking for it. There was a chain and lock on the machine,
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  • 28 4 There is some likelihood of the Seremban Gymkhana Club's Meeting being put off until July, owing to the big event, the Seremban Stakes, not having drawn sufficient entries.
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  • 34 4 It is reported at Shanghai that the Chinese Government ban settled the Kowthing claim for £33,406. The Kowshing was a British transport in Chinese employ sunk by the Japanese during the war with China.
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  • 40 4 Penang brought its third annual Volunteer rifle meeting to a close on the 9th instant when Sergeant J. W. Blackstock, of B. Co., won the Championship Challenge Cup. In an Inter Company shoot, A. Co. proved victor by 54 points.
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  • 32 4 The Municipal Commission meet to-morrow at 2 30. The agenda includes the following items verandah obstruction, delivery of g r anite, offensive trader, fem'terv, Town Hall fees, and telephone to Johnston's Pier.
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  • 51 4 The special tiffin at Raffles Tiffin Rooms yesterday was a great success. The only little rift within the lute lay in the fact that the demand was far in pxopbs of the supply, and a number of would-be patrons had to go elsewherp because they were too late to get
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  • 52 4 Another attempt at burelary wax made at the residence of Mr. J D. Saunders, Lytham Lodge," Cuvenagh Road, last night. A man tried to break into the Lack quarters, but he received the attentions of a dog, and left the premises hurriedly, minus 4 portion of his anatomy in the
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  • 61 4 General Sir A. R. F. Dorward paid a visit to Rear Admiral Hikonojo Kamimura on board the Japanese flagship Matsiishima this morning and received a salute of eleven guns on leaving. H. E tbe Governor paid the Admiral a visit later in the morning The Japanese squadron will probably leave
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  • 55 4 Last night Rosina was again presented at the Malay Theatre by the Indra Zanibar Theatrical Co., the building being packed. Mies Mary de Wnlfl'e as Rosina," and Miss Dora as "Noni" were again excellent, as also were the other performers. Dancing and tableaux followed. It is understood that ''Hamlet" will
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  • 64 4 The Times Paris correspondent, discussing the persistent rumours of impendine trouble in China, says that the peace of Europe is as much imperilled by affairs in the Far East as by affairs in the Balkin Peninsula. The .SenYork HeraUi considers that Russia's undoubted military activity is due to tbe aspect
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  • 84 4 Mr. Patrick Joseph Hughes, whose demise is to-day recorded by Reuter, was an F. R. G. S. and M. A. of Dublin, He joined the Consular Service in 1854 and after occupying several minor posts in China was appointed magistrate at Chusan when those islands wt>re occupied by the British
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  • 82 4 At the Legislative Council meeting to-morrow afternoon, Mr. Napier will ask: Are the Government aware that no medical practitioner whose qualification is a degree diploma or licence of any Medical School of the United States of America or of the Empire of Japan ie qualified to act as a ship's
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  • 121 4 River thefts are becoming more numerous than desirable, but it is some satisfaction to know that they are not always committed without a penalty being exacted. Yesterday, Mr. Beatty fined three boatmen $20 each for being in possession of a quantity of rice for which they could not give a
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  • 159 4 Thk following is from the manager's report for February The Battery worked 14 days at 10 head, crushing 'M 2 tons of stone for 280 ounce* of arnaigam, giving 94 18 ounces of smelted gold. During the month a godown, office, and two Malay bangsals have
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 31 4 Londnn. tUh Marclt Mr. Chamberlain, on tbe voyage home, has been staying at Madeira, where he has suffered from gout for four days. He is now better.
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    • 54 4 Burning oil Kills Spectators. An oil train was wrecked at Olean. in New York State. The wreckage ignited and a crowd was watching the blaxe when there was a terrific explosion that deluged a number of the spectators with liquid fire. A score of people were killed
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    • 35 4 The British pilgrims to Rome, consisting of four Bishops, sixty-two delegates and several peers, headed b j the Duke of Norfolk, have presented to the Pope an addrets of devotion.
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    • 23 4 Their Majesties celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding by a family dinner and a small dance at Buckingham Palace
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    • 17 4 The House of Commons has agreed to a vote of 2-'i5,761 men for the Army.
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    • 50 4 Mr. Austen Chamberlain has stated that, at present, thirty Koer prisoners in Ceylon refuse to take the oath or declaration of allegiance. They will not be sent home unless they do take the oath. Any application by them to go to some other country will he considered.
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    • 14 4 Mr. Patrick Hughes, formerly British Consul at Snanghai, is dead
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  • 48 4 Ties for To-day. CHAMPWNBHII' PAIRS. FINAL. Mr*. Uansl.iMT :m<l Major Austin I Mi" (iuiin .mil Mr. I'cniiy. CHAMPIONSHIP. KINAL. Mr». \V;m1(1cII irimiH-r u|«) >•. Mri. Lovell (bolder.) The prizes will he presented at the conclusion of to-day's play. The committee and members invite their friends to attend.
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  • 80 4 Thk Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Company held its half-yearly meetine at Penang on Monday I i»t. with Mr. V. H S. Cliarlwood in the chair. The report and accounts submitted were passed. The Chairman said that it had been decided not to lease the mine to Chinese, as had been
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  • 118 4 On the 18th 'lit. a cart-driver named Ta> Choh was entrusted with ten l>alp« of red twist worth $1,000 by A. M Easabhoy to convey from Malacca Street to Boat Quay. The property did not reach its destination. Yesterday, the driver was arrested and now stands charged with criminal breach
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 587 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jbist on Jipplication.) in Hi A. W. BRISK, into, ax eHjlno btheieit, WATCH- HAAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN. Over 300 kinds of Watches in Nickel, Silver, and <l«»ld, from $3.50 up to $350. Watches
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    • 546 4 WARREN'S GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT DOORS OPEN AT 8 P. M. COMMENCING AT U I. M. »a\d success op nmm. win 1. Overture— Warren's Circun Rand. ■i. Equestrian Eutree By the l..uli>- and Cent It-men of the Company. :i. Tumbling nud II n»l Balancing— lly Dirk and Bella. 4.
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    • 72 4 G.R. Lambert 6? Co. Photographers opbh: Gretbam House I (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Week<J% y g 8 a.m.-* p.m. Ro d on Sunday*. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford
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    • 239 4 LAND SALE. The to. lowing properties were deposed of by auction at Powell Co.'r saleroom yesterday afternoon Freehold land, area 1,600 sq. ft. together with the house thereon known as No 20 Craie Koad. (Sought by .Syed Alkaff for $6,700. Freehold Kind, area 1,280 t<\. ft together with the house
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  • 381 5 And it came to pass in the days when Sirephaeas was Governor of the People of the City of tbo Lion that there came into the City of the Lion a Man from the Far West. Country who was a Clever Man and Soft of
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  • 138 5 RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. Mr. W. M RuMMMI presided on Tv—day kltonooa at the fourth annual general m deling of Riley, Hargreaves .t Co., 1.t'1., held at the Company's Mi MO, in Head Street. The Hon. J. M Uliii-on and Messrs. Sanderson and I'rc-tiin, directors, were present, also several shareholders.
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  • 159 5 A kkw days ago a Chinese detective went to nerve a warrant on a man living in a house in Hocklam Street. According to the detective's version of the affair <i large crowd of Chinese collected nit Mile the house, so he blew his whistle and another
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  • 76 5 Thk following passengers are due to arrive here by the German ■nail tdeamer Kiauhclum due here on Saturday the 24th instant. Mr. Burleigh, Mr. O. Sehwemer, Mr. E Kloke, Mr. and Mrs. C. van der Zwet, Mr. T. Bos Stilpke, Miss Kiln Morrison, Miss. BmUM, Mr.
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  • 91 5 Vk-ikkdav. Viau Cua Boh who was, a ■i hi i i|k of days ago, sentenced to two yearn' unprMonoMßftfor being connected with tin- ibeft of two slabs of tin worth 1 154 the property of the Straits Trading Co. was arraigned before the Bench Court for dighnnextly receiving a namepl«te
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  • 338 5 Hfjute Mf. Juntiee Hyndman Jvw*. The False Charge Case. Yeotkrday Rfternoon the case was concluded in which Ye.o Peng Cliua, vegetable seller, Koh Jim Keh, detective, and Koh Kuang Long, towkay, were accused with illegally making a false charge against a gambier planter. The prosecution was conducted by
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  • 590 5 By Limt. <">>i.. tiikHon. A.Murray. V I)., f'.IMM WIIANT, S. V. C. Singapore, I -Hi Murch. v. C. Corp- Hoot- -It is notitieilior information that meaxiirementH for Corps Boots will Intiikon by Ha>;«Mlora Co., 9 Stamford Road between 9h. 111. and 5-15 p.m. on weekday*, from
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  • 31 5 Tu-niqht Mr. G. Kawamura, the Manager of the local branch of the Mitsui Kutisan Kaisha, is giving a dinner to some two hundred officer* from the Japanese squadron now in port.
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  • 979 5 Vending Thomas— Cortlandt Anderson. At St. Andrew's Cathedral on Tuesday the wedding of Mr. G. E. Vennrng Thomas and Miss Grace Mabel Cortlandt Anderson, daughter of General Cortlandt Anderson, was solemnised by the Venerable Archdeacon Dunkerley in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering, including H. E.
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  • 502 5 Thkrr was a good attendance at the opening performance of Warren's Circus last evening, despite the counterattraction of the band on the Esplanade. The performance throughout proved a success, the general arrangements were comfortable enough and a successful season should ensue. After the customary overture and equestrian entree
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  • 96 5 Recently a tdeK ul jewellery worth $1,500 was committed at Penang. The thief got away to Singapore and was arrested. Later on it transpired that a part of the stolen jewellery, three gold Krosangs, worth S9OO had been pledged at a pawn-broker's at 2 Nankin Street. Det. Sergt. Reynolds proceeded
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  • 624 5 RmOAPOU, 11th Mar. m, 190S. PBOnUCE Gambler t 15.8-^ Copra Ball ,,9.50 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyer* 33.25 do White, (8%) 57.50 Sago Plow Sarawak 5.30 do Brunei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago $.90 Coffee, Ball, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 30% b««i«. 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 It strcii^lliena the nerves •I a) uc's T.mie Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary, tola AgMati for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 232 5 A MISSING CART. About a week ago a bullock-cart was loaded with property at Tanjong Pagar Dock and was despatched to one of t' godowns in town. The cart disappeared and neither the goods nor the cart have since been heard of. The police instituted a search and, as they
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 196 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 12th March. Miu'h Water. 10.2K p.m. S.V.A. i:.-in,-r> Movement*. 5.1-V S.V.U., S.V.I. Signalling. 5.15 Philharmonic OrcheHtra. S-30. Warren's Circuit. 9. Friday, 13th March. High Water. 10. 16 a.m. 11. 11 p.m Full Moon. 7.H p.m I'nrini (Ffßtival of tlie Jc»m. German mail for Kurope dne. Legislative
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 383 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" /VV/ SAFES of all qualities. /<*& XVC 0 /V Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors X-O^ C> A Gates for Strong Rooms. K. _6 tT cX CATALOGUES FREE /^Pj^ W on Application. Xw^^ <fr t\<v^ x AY/ V C.P Chatwoodi TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-X^^T Q) New Patent "Solid" "HAR&REAVES" /Cl
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    • 70 6 NOTICES. iRIOAUD'S Kaaaaga OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Bigaud'* Kanangi Water hat the sweet perfume of the Kaoanga Flower of Japan and a toothing and cooling action on the skin; K relieves mosquito bite*, ter perspiration. RIGAUD &C PERFUMERS 8. ma vivlenn. or laUtaUaakal "PILSENER BKEK KEY BKAM) MPtiBTCD aim: 1
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    • 925 6 NOTICES. Seremban Gymkhana Club. EASTER MEETING TO fit HELD AT SEREMBAN. April the 14th, 18th, A 18th, 1903. Programme of 6vcni*. FIRST DAY. THK S£L»»0O» ITMIt Raaa 1. Him- saoO.-l'n-M-iicr.i i.y the Seliin{,'or Turf Cluh. A Knee for Selanji-'r 190:« (irittin*. WeiKln f" r W. Entrance— fl'i. DiHtHiu-e— K. C.
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    • 547 6 NOTICES. THE HINT* CUP H KHOIC4P Ku.-e No. li. „t Mahal -300 Baadiaap f»r all Imr-e- wliicli ran in rtri No. (Hi on the iir»t day. Eatn Haaaaee |Milt TNI lEdll SCMBILAH STARCS N*aOIC*P ■aae Urn. T Value lit Bcakai >300 nu-e for all BMaaa ajMak ran in run
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 712 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. TMK Standari Life Asvorano*Norwich Union Fire liuurinoa Hoaety. Itlu Amgnnoe Company (Fire). Thn KqnitAhln Life Assnranoe Society. The 'hiiis Mutual Bteam Navigation Company 1 Tottenham Lager Keer Company. .-or particular* of tL«we Compaaias, s«ej the rail advertwenwnt of TUX IJOBNKO OOMPANY, LIMI'I'KD. Afrenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P
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    • 1262 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I naer contract with the fietherland* India liovernmem K'ltu at Stnaapore: Ship AOI9CT, iatb J. Daibubls A Co., 8-8, Collybk Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer From Expected VvTll be Despatched for 011 I'"" Iti'-msdijk Batavis k Mii> '■> Katavia, Samarang, Bo<ribaia, Ampanan,
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    • 618 7 rrEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAJL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLT service i maintained between Japan and Europe b the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial 'apaneee Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 602 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Uhdbb Mail Cohtbact with the Austrian Govbbsmbst. The following are the date* on whic the Company's steamer* may be expecte to arrive ana sail from here: Outward. Hombwabd. 1908. I 1903 tE.F Ferdinand UrnS lAustria Feb. 27 TM. Valerif 13 Mar. 27 Gisela
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    • 481 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE PHONIZ ABBURANitf COMPANT OF LONDON. Establish (o a d 1785.) The nndenifTDad, Afrenta for the above Oosa> pany, are prepared to aooe pt Fire Bisks at U>* onrrent rates in Singapore, and alao in Johot* and tba other States in the Malay Peninsula. fITHBH A Co. THE
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    • 1622 8 Dader this litnann. the following »bbre- vtationp «i« ust-ij »tr. steamer gh.— I •hip; bo,, ban k keh. Kb mt; Yet. Taclit Oru. Cruiser; Obt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. -Horse-powir, Brit. Bri•tth; 11. S.— United States; Fch.— French; Ber. Gorman; Dve Dutch; J oh. Johore; 9m. Gt-neral-cargo;
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    • 112 8 A'»r r*er tteamrr Tint. To- Morrow. /iiinli.iiinKfi A 110 110 Patani 8 a.m. S'bayaand Snmarang Gimig A»^ II a.m. lion ;ind Samamng Zweiui 11a.m. Honitkoiift and Japan Afri'ii 11 am. Snurnhaya (loun p.m. Bangkok Deli 2 p.rn M uar and Malacca Farfatia -j p.m. Prpinantle via ports Sultan
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    • 132 8 From Europe— By the N.D L. s.s Sachien doe on Thursday, with dates to the IBth Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the sKfth January. From China— By the M. M. s. s. Am.nvi due on I >t h .March. Tim«s Tablb
      132 words
    • 202 8 i In* •■.l-i«i. F*OM Si!UtD. C-OSHHiNtES. fH 1 N'uen '11.1 1. -l' 1 1 Ganymede 11 Benvorlich 1 I Bane* II A lbon 11 Sappho 11 Charterhouse II Knil -i Cti:ui_ 1 1 Bjorn 11 Kmilf IJ Madura 12 Sri Wong^px 12 Hebe 12 Medan 12 Kian A-i Vi
      202 words
    • 140 8 Dats. Vessel's Namk. Flio 4 Rio TOHS. DKBTIKATIOII. .L.i 11 Zamania Brit atr. II F. Ferdinand Aus str. i Cheang Chew Brit str. 11 Eniile Out atr. Il' Hjorn Nor str. U tin iik Moh Bnt atr 12 Rtomt atr. 13 Cheang Hock Kian but atr. 13 Wing Snog'
      140 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 474 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET.**. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will
      474 words
    • 662 8 ARE YOU HOMEWARD BOUND If so, you will require Good SUBSTANTIAL TRTTINrKIS TWEY ARE TO BE PROCURED AT WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. '3 RELIABLE MAKES IN TRAVELLING TRUNKS. T RAY ET-.TL.ttFL TRUNKS KfLrflp jP?'"* T^Ja^a^Ba^a^a^a^B a^Lr* J/fi I SSEffyji "**^fc^^l^^^^^^^^ J^^ l^—^SiC^taß^S" yTL lalfcHapSu^ t^t- T—^a^aaAa^am^jy^ c S!ime 'l»alitj and im|.r.,wl
      662 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM 'K. E. A. A C. Telegraph Vomponu. 11th Mak h HONGKONG Barometer ;»9.»h Direction of Wind N.W Force of Wind Max. Temp in Shrde 73. MANILA :-761 Culm. 2». M
      32 words
    • 68 8 WEATHER REPORT. fCamiavn Kerbau Hotpttnl. llth March. 190X J p. in M p.m. KemakkBar 2»»J4 i».TB6i9 837 Morninn Temp f>J5 87 3 80.7 < loudy, WB'lbTher 77.9 78.0 77.0 day and DirofWind n.s c. n.s c. Calm, night clear. Max. Temp xl.O Mln 77.0 Max in Sun ISI.h Terr,
      68 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 High Class Tailoring At Moderate Prices. Smart Stylish A Fashionable Cut Perfect Fitting Handsomely Finished. FROCK SUIT. LOOKS WELL FITS WELL WQ WEARS WELL^Ife i> IMHBLE BREASTED SU SI IT. Powell Robinson, SINGAPORE, S.S., AND KWALA LUMPUR, F.M.S. m. w. f. ADAFTBD TO HIS AWOH.HL. ll' is TO-DAY ÜBOOOHIBBD IV
      101 words
    • 451 9 NOTICES. Jo ■S..Jb!. t SO" Ltd I iSSs^^S^fjJji^^sfeS H I Guaranteed Severv Years Old I I GLENLIVET WHISKY I JOHN LITTLE C° LIMITED, SINGAPORC U SOI I. AOENTS. The above Whisky has been known as BOTOL HITAM or KEPALA HITAM for many years, and is the soundest spirit and best
      451 words
    • 330 9 NOTICES. ROBINSON&Co. J 0 jj Association Croquet Sets j Association Croquet Balls M Association Croquet Mallets I Association Croquet Hoops I Association Croquet Pegs J Painting Sets, Clips, etc. 'H :o: I Badminton Sets. ROBINSON&Co. A B MACKAY, LTD. LIQUEUR WHISKY <n II iiiskvi Price per case $15. DUTY EXTRA.
      330 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 872 10 NOTICES. BPOgniO CLUB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1903. MAY 19/ A, 2\d,2'.ird FIRSTDAY. r,i,s,lay, Will, Mny. THK UOVEKNOK'S CUP.— A Cup pre--erjtecl by H. K. Sir F. A. tSwottenhnm, X.C.M G. and $1-00 added by the Club. Bace for Maidon Horses. Weight t«st Entrance, $10. Distance, R. C.
      872 words
    • 440 10 NOTICES. THE KOCHORE PLATE.— VaIue $300^ Second horse to receive the entrance fees. A Handicap for all non-winning horses that have started at thU meeting. Entrance |fi if declared by noon on Saturday, 9th May, and 910 if declared after noon on the 9th May, and by 4.16 p.m. on
      440 words
    • 482 10 NOTICES. Modern European Dentistry, Messrs. CHEONG BROS., sons of the late Mr. Chun Tin, in order to meet the requirements of European ladies and gentlemen who have for so many years supported their establishment, have now opened premises at No. 226 South Bridge Road, where only the higher classes
      482 words
    • 768 10 NOTICES. jTTidfiON co WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPT ICIANS. RBP\IK. I'ROMPTLY EXECUTED LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a 6 ia
      768 words
    • 254 10 NOTICES CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER.' Extra Dry and Carte Blanche. The old, well known, bran<l. BRINKMANN CO Importer* RhTAIL AT Miaous. JOHN LITTLE A Co, Ltd v.c M.C.S. Mohamed Co. Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious stones, No. 8 Hit<h Street, Singapore Ar* showing a splendid .took of High
      254 words
    • 630 10 BANKS. U OKU KONG AND SHANGHAI IIANKINU COKHiRATION. IA ID-DP CAPITAL $10,000,000 Kt^KRVEFUND.Steriiuj Ko»erve..»lo,OJo,ooj) linMtx Silver Reserve....! 6,fi<AuO() t<X) > Oro KEhEiIVELIABILr.iI Ui- I ln<ontwwi PROPRIETORS •10,000,000 Court of Din nw A. J. Raymond, ttq,— Chairman. K. H. ToMKIN.4, Esq Til IV CHAIRMAN. U. ISallooh, E»q. M. MostS, E»q. ll.
      630 words