The Straits Times, 10 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 075 SINGAPORE, "'TTESD AY, MARCH 10 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 792 1 NOTICES. fflfa JStraits Stan ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column meaßnre.i First iiiHn I Km SI cents Second anil tliinl insertions each 80 cento Fourth,, and -i\tli 40 cents Seventh to eighteenth •> 24 cent» Nineteenth i.V siiliHci|uent,, 16 cent* Per wei-k si six dns, to be
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    • 669 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. .m.-^^SSK £?jil| CARBINE? Q I BROWNING iSI Spill RORrHApnT fk Pocket Automatic PM.I. \1 88, gtr«2 BUKCHARDI $11^^^^^^^^^ Quite Flat. YsfttfT *UC tt AUTOMATIC, 8 ROUNDS, Bl U < 500 yards range. No sights, Unique WINCHESTER RIFLES >J£ g Central Grip W All Models J>3 Z REMINGTQN rep
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    • 575 1 Horses that have started in Ka.-e No. and/or Race No. 1 on the First DayEntrance SlO. Distance, li mile. THE FIRST EX-GRIFFIN HANDICAP.— Vaina 9900 and SlOO to the Second Horse provided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Handicap' for all Horses imported as Griffins into
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    • 517 1 BAROCYOLONOMETERS. THE l«st instruments, now in universal use, most useful for steamers which navigate zones frequented by typhoons. GAGGINO A CO.. 19-i Agents. JUBT ARRIVED. CHIANTI wine in cases and (tasks, Vermouth of Turin. s Muscat of Syracuse, most recommended for debilitated people. IIKS SAGGINO A CO. NOTICK. MESSRS. BERNHARDT
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    • 521 1 AUCTION BALE OF THE BRITISH 4CHOONER KELANDER BUX At our sale-room, 192 Cecil Street Monday, 90th March at 9. 50 p.m. THK undersigned are instructed to sell by auction the British Schooner Kelander Hux, as she now lies in the Singapore Roads, with all her ippurtenances, Registered tonnage 140 Tons.
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    • 611 1 LATEST ADVF.RTISEMI-.NTS. WAYANG PUSI WAYANG PUSI. INDRA BANOSAWAN. THE Nr*E\S VHTOKIA JUVI r;HIM\ THEATKK AL (OIPA.VV Or PR\A\ti. TO-NIGHT' TONKiMT Will March. ISM, ZULMAI AGLUM. With Graml Arlixlii -ally Panuei! immm, Extraordiimry CuHtuinen hihl a (iraml of Miwir, Flap.. Hunting. ftc At the New I'iir-e.- Theatre Hall NORTH BRIDGE
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  • 1189 2 URTU NO. 5. March. 7th. Dbar Jack,— l have enquired into the shippinf of seamen bare as 1 intended, and I find that there is very little done so far aa European sailors and firemen are concerned, though there are usually several beachcombers and hospital birds hanging
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  • 455 2 Thk receipts of coffee at the Brazilian ports up to the 13th January, IMS, >v>>re B,">:<l,(KMt bags as compare! with 10,89H,000, the total to the mhih- date last year; and with 7,: W l. (hid and 7,009,000, the figures for the corresponding period in lOOland
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  • 106 2 It is expw^d that Sir William MacGregor, K C.M.G the <mv rn<>r of Lagoß, and Sir Ralph Moor, X.C M (J., the High Commissioner for Suit hern NJmtfa, will retir.- from tlieir respective offices during the present yivir Sir William MacGrafOC hM been in the colonial service for
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  • 52 2 It is reported that Urn rout* of the railway from ToMoia into Yunnan as originally surveyed is to be chinged and that it will begin at i lie in >uth of the Nanchtng river Chinese engineers have been sent into Y'lnnin t> j tin witli Krench engineers ii>. making a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 Nins23 NEW LIFE TO THE BLOOD! NEW VICOB TO THE B0DY!-3F YOG E LE R'S COMPOUND DYSPEPSIA KIDNEY TROUBLES CONSTIPATION SKIN DISEASES and all LIVER ILLS STOMACH DISORDERS Made from the formula and under the Immediate supervision of one of London's most nested Physicians. Price 1/1 i and 2/6 per
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    • 371 2 NOTICES. (CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. DBUAL SIZES ALWAYS IN 3TOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTAfIONB ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF ¥ILB RAILWAY CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying JOD 3LITt3 TO THKIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot.
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    • 214 2 NOTICES. GLACIiR ANTI»FfcICTiON- MBTAL "3 A. •g W Sim =5 The best for al l classes of Machinery bearings. Full particulars fr >m THK BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore [SCOTTSr EMULSION OF POKE COD LITER OIL With Hypopbospbltes of Line i Soda. PALATABLE A 8 MILK. Theonlj- prcp.rm-.ion oi I.ITKB Oil.
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    • 107 2 1"H) PKEVKNT CROUP, l>eKin in time. The first svmptora in hoar-t«n.>., this is soon follow hI I>v a peculiar rous^h couifh. which i- >'hmlv rfgsliMll Jin i will never i>e fi>rgottea by one who lvi-- he ir.l it. The time to :u-t la when lh« child firat Incomes iMMfM. If
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  • 1096 3 ••A Transpontine Cockney. 1 Amusing Breach of Promise Action. Justice Darling and a common jury, in the King's Bench Division, recently heard the case of Padgham v. Schael, which was an action brought by Miss Klorine Guest Padgham, professional pianist, to recover diinagei
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  • 306 3 The boisterous cacophony of an Eastern orchestra inclines one to the belief that Oriental music is not music as we understand it but Mr. Edgar K. Jacques showed recently in an admirably worded lecture, given in the galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists, that underlying all
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  • 109 3 Thk Russian Squadron, consisting of a battleship, two first-class cruisers, and five torpedo-boats, arrived at Port Said on the 10th Feb The battleship is the Reirizan, l'-',700 tons, carrying 750 officers and men. She is the dagship of Admiral Baron von Stakelberg, who is in -command of the
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  • 196 3 For Singapore Per P. A O. s. China connecting with the steamer Ballaarat at Colombo, from London Feb. 20, dne 22nd March— Mr N Henry, Mr. B. J. Young, Mr. Lewis, Mr. St-dnvm. MissForster. Per P. *O. 8. a. Shanghai from London Feb tl, due 27th March
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 Dlarrhcea DIAKRIKKA, io its first sUn**, <an be cured by a few doses of that pleasant, reliable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhu-i Kemedy. In many instances one lose is sufficient, but ■a n rule three or four doses are ne essary. Ik Is a good thing to keep
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    • 736 3 NQTICBS. BASICS AND CHILDREN should be fairly plump. They ought to put on fat as (astas t.'ey use it up for (at is fuel, and the burning of it mates power and force. Thin children even along to tbe age of eighteen or twenty— are in danger from consumption, and
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    • 570 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A Chinese Typewriter, must be used to Yost machine, apply to SHRAOEB BBOTHEBS. WANTED. BY tne British North Borneo Government, an Assistant Superintendent *>t Telegraphs, must be a practical man thoroughly conversant with details of telegraphic and telephonic communication. Salary $16« per monUi (1/10 per dollar) with a
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    • 626 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Cog him V Co. Mn Life AsSfrtnce Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. TRAVELLING TRUNKS. WE have for sale privately a consignment of new English steel travelling trunks at exceptionally low prices. H L COGHLAN* CO, v c Auctioneers and Land
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    • 694 3 SHIPPING '"GLEN LINK FOR flg#QA if» LQNQOU. IMIE s. b. vLTmftrni. 3,*56 tons, Capt. 1 Temperley Darke, it due here on the lOtb irst and will have prompt despatch for the above poru. She hat excellent accommodation for first class passengers, and carries a doctor and stewardess. For further particulars
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  • 563 4 Details that arrived by the last mail, concerning the new French shipping trust, tend to prove that it is one of th c most gigantic syndicates en earth, and embraces over fifteen million tons of shipping— practically the whole of the
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  • 324 4 Singapore needs several things in the way of clubs, notably a junior club and a country club of sorts. The former it is to be feared will be long in the coming, for the juniors among the European residents have neither the means nor the abilities necessary to organise and
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  • 275 4 Natal is now officially notified to be plague-stricken. The disease had already paid it a visit, a few years ago, in a coolie-ship from India. This second visitation will aggravate the strong feeling there against immigrants from India. These immigrants, to their benefit, have stayed in the Colony for good
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  • 70 4 The Time* reprints an extensive excerpt from the article on Land and House Property in Singapore which appeared in the Straits Times of December 31st. The article in question, which the big London daily saw fit to commend, was kindly written for this paper by Mr. J. Lloyd, the head
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4 ins bank rate is 1/8 fa.
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 14 4 The homeward mail by the B. I. s.s. Zamania closes at 4 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 15 4 The colony of Natal is notified to be infected owing to plague breaking out there.
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  • 15 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Esplanade to-morrow night from tt o'clock.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 22 4 An ordinary general meeting of Fraser Neave Ltd, is advertised to be held at the office, Robinson ftoad, on the 18tb instant
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  • 19 4 Warrkn'b Circus opens to-morrow at Beach Road with an attractive programme which will be found in our advertising columns.
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  • 26 4 There are a good many bad Mexican dollars in circulation in Singapore just now. They are a very good imitation and several people have been done"
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  • 29 4 The MM s.s. Tonkin with the mail from Europe of the 20th February, left Colombo at 9 p.m. yesterday, and is due here on Saturday at about 2 p.m.
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  • 24 4 Thk German mail steamer Kiautsehou, Captain Behrens, left Port Said yesterday at noon outward bound. She is due here on Saturday, the 2*th instant.
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  • 26 4 The new streets from Holborn to the Strand which are now being constructed by the London County Council, are to be named Kingsway and ''Aldwych respectively.
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  • 27 4 We are glad to bear that Mr Hind, who met with an accident while out crocodile shooting on Saturday, is reported to be progressing favourably towards recovery.
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  • 28 4 To-day being the Hari Kaya Hadji there was practically little business done. Gharries were hard to obtain, and in the present scarcity of 'rikishas this trouble was accentuated.
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  • 34 4 To-day being Han Raya Hadji, there will be no cricket or lawn tennis practice on the S. C C. ground. The football match arranged, s. C. C. c. the Garrison, however, will he played
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  • 28 4 Last night the Indra Zanibar Theatre performed Khudada to a fairly good house. To-day being the Hari Raya Hadji, a laughable piece entitled Gheloring Chelorong will be staged.
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  • 36 4 A telegram was received at Singapore to-day from Japan to the effect that the Onipenta, which has arrived at Japan from Singapore, sighted a derelict on March 3rd in Lat. 29 K. and Long, 1.32 East.
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  • 32 4 The Japanese Government have placed contracts for 32 tank locomotives. Beyer, Peacojk &Co Limited. Gorton, Manchester, secured the order for 24 engines, and the other eight are to be made in Germany.
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  • 36 4 The s.s. Fuh Wo arrived from Langkat this morning with 18,000 tins of kerosine oil consigned for Katz Bros. The Pelayo, also consigned to Katz Bros., arrived yesterday from Sumatra with 73,0 0 tine of kerosine.
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  • 32 4 The following passengers landed here from the German mail steamer Preusnen. From Shanghai Mrs. van Bourke, Mr <fe Mrs. Koth. From Hongkong: Mr. Julius Tockes, Mr. T. Mackenzie, Mr T. W. Owen.
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  • 46 4 The 62nd Co. K. G. A. undergo a course of field training, under Major Osborn, commencing on Thursday next. The operations are to be carried out as nearly as possible under service conditions. The troops will pitch and move camp each day on a different site.
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  • 37 4 The Brussels correspondent of the Standard states that the manager of the Peking-Hankow railway declares the prevalent apprehensions of the imminence of another Boxer rising to be unfounded. This coincides with reports received by the Belgian Government.
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  • 49 4 Messrs. Ralli Brothers' press house and jute godowns at Cossipore, near Calcutta, have been entirely destroyed by fire. The havoc wrought is estimated at between 25 and 30 lakhs of rupees but it said to be fully covered by insurance. The origin of the fire has not been ascertained
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  • 45 4 A report is circulating in well-informed circles in Peking, the China Uazette says, that the Chinese Government is seriously contemplating raising a loan immediately for the purpose of paying off the indemnities to the various Foreign Powers, arising out of the disastrous events of 1900.
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  • 41 4 The transport IHlwara, from Southampton for Capetown and Singapore, arrived at Queenstown on 6th Feb., to embark additional troops. She embarked on 7th a number of details and proceeded on her voyage on Bth inst. She brings the Manchester to Singapore.
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  • 48 4 An application by Mr. W. W. Richardson for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of certain tin washing apparatus has been refused by the Perak State Council on the ground of want of novelty. Mr. E. Maxwell opposed the application on behalf of the Chamber of Mines.
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  • 51 4 A private gharry collided with a rikisha in Cecil Street this morning and the occupant of the 'rikisha, a young Chinaman, was thrown on the coolie's hack. He picked himself up and made off, while the o-oolie proceeded to examine bis vehicle. The syce driving the private gharry did not
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  • 53 4 The "Temple Bar" in High Street was broken into some time during last night by three Chinamen who climbed in by a window. They seem to have been disturbed, however, as they made off with only about a dollar's worth of coppers, leaving behind some property which they had tied
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  • 59 4 To-morrow, Wednesday, there will be a special tiffin at Rallies Tiffin Rooms in Commercial Square. There are fourteen interesting items ranging from solid bam to the iced asparagus calculated to titillate the jaded appetite of the man who has breakfasted late and long. Pschorr" beer is the liquid commended by
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  • Reuters Telegrams.
    • 116 4 A Town Occupied. London, March 9th. It is officially announced that, on the Ird inst., Col. Swarm despatched from Bohotle two companies of Pioneers, 100 Somali Mounted Infantry, :<<> of the Camel Corps, and the Marconi section of Royal Engineers to occupy Damot. The force arrived at its
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    • 49 4 Brigadier-General Manning (Inspector General of the King's African Rifles) reports that mutinted troops of the Somaliland column occupied GtJkayn on the M inst. and the remainder of the column arrived on the *>th. The occupation was apparently unopposed, the casualties being confined to the enemy.
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    • 75 4 Increase of Three Millions. The Naval estimates provide for a gross sum of £30,5:j6,541, being a net increase over the last estimates of If.WtjWt This increase is mainly for shipbuilding repairs and the maintenance of the construction programme, including the commencement of three new battleships, four tirst
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    • 36 4 Yesterday's Tie. HAMPIONSHIP. Hn iliwfcii km .Mrs. Can^loser, 6 o:t. Tie for To-day. i HASII'IONSHIP. .Mr- Wa.l.ii-ll .Mr-. Swimler*. Tie for To-morrow. HAMPIONBHII' PAIKB. Mr-, (■aiislii-cr iiii'l Major Austin Mis« liunn .iric! Mr. Penny.
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  • 90 4 It is notified for information that measurements for Corps boots will be taken by Hagedorn «fc Co., 9 Stamford Road, between 9 a. m. and ."> 15 p.m. on week days, from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. on Saturdays and for the convenience of those
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  • 114 4 The Pennsylvania .Steel Company, of St'-elton, Pa., have issued a book, From Steeltou to Mandalay." This publication is a constructive history of the Pennsylvania Steel Company in the construction of the (iokteik viaduct in one of the Shan states of Upper Burma, 400 miles, beginning on the L'^ih
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  • 44 4 The Russian War Minister in expected shortly to make a tour of inspection in the Far East in order to convince himself by personal examination of the stato of affairs at Vladivostock and Port Arthur, thus following the example of the Minister of Finance.
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  • 122 4 Yesterday some *00 officers, cadets and bluejackets from the Japanese training squadron nuw in port came ashore and inspected the glories of .Singapore. A better behaved and nicer body of men it would be hard to find. The cadets in especial attracted the attention of everyone as well set-up, well
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 842 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GALDBECK, MAC6RE6OR CO. (HSTABLISMHD 1&O4.1 WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (fPrice Jsist on Jlpplication.) tv Ik.*. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. W7 r\ i=* fir also H Provisions Tobaccos opirit iPfPu?i AND Merchants. K^'jh CigflFS Singapore. TO BE LEI. NO. 7«, Anoon Road, immediate entry.
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    • 118 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers ora: Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m.— 6 pan. Orchard on W^d*** 8 P m °°*Q on Sundays. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German dry
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    • 45 4 Mr. ('has Burnett, Jeffenuo, Fa., May 18, IB9H, writes I had a very severe attack of La Grippe. My physician recommended Jayne's Expectorant. When 1 had taken two l>ottle>« oi this medicine I was completely cured." The Singapore Dispensary, Bole Agent* for the Straits Settlement*.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 526 5 I'othr Ethtor the Strait* Time*." Sir, May I trespass upon your valuable space to call attention to a matter of public And local importance The '"Arabian Nights" myth of the odoriferous and romantic Orient where the air is laden with sweet perfumes, where the gaze
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    • 416 5 ID tit Miter s/ Usf Straits Time*." Sir, In apes to come when the traveller from New Guinea will sit to sketch the stately ruins of the Strait* I'inir- OUiee from the bunks of the Singapore River, what controversies will arise as to who and what were the
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    • 237 5 To tU EUtor of the "Straitt Times." Dear Sir,— Your leader of yesterday on wages is quite right but the conclusion is wrong. You say "It seems then that the time has come when it is imperatively necessary that capital should put a higher valuation on
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  • 220 5 A Curious Story. At the Assizes this morning before Mr. Justice Hyndman- Jones, the hearing was resumed of the case against Yeo Peng Chua, vegetable dealer, Koh Jim Keh, detective, and Koh Kuang Lone, towkay. The first named was yesterday charged with making a false charge with intent
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  • 246 5 A correspondent writes The bitrfurong or bear cat, of which a good deal has been said of late in the papers, is by no means such a rare animal as would appear at first sight. The facts of its being nocturnal swift of foot, omnivorous and able to
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  • 57 5 The latent addition to the large fleet of the B. I. Company is the Bihara, of 4,000 toim großs, built and launched at (ilasgow by Messrs. A. and J. Inglis. The JSihura is intended for the RangoonCalcutta service. She is a sister ship to the Company's steamer Hangala, launched a
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  • 207 5 Some Disquieting Rumours. Wohk at the Victoria Memorial Hall is now proceeding rapidly, and over two-thirds of the concrete foundations have been laid down. Contrary to the expectations of many people the ground on which the Hall is being built has proved of unusual firmness and
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  • 136 5 Sbobtly after noon to-day RearAdmiral Hikonojo Kamimura. in command of the Imperial Japanese Majesty's training of His squadron now in port made his official landing at Johnstons Pier. A guard of honour from the 3rd Madras Light Infantry with the band of the same regiment awaited his
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  • 190 5 It is understood that the Committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce, in forwarding to the local Government, for transmission to the Colonial Office, the resolution on the currency question adopted at the recent special meeting of the Chamber, refrained from comment, contenting themselves with calling
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  • 91 5 Aboot 11-30 a. m on the 6th inst. two Chinamen, Tho Lam and Ng A Koo, quarrelled at Tanjong Pagar Dock, the result being that the former lost his life. Ng A Koo escaped for the moment, but was arrested yesterday, and this morning was arraigned before Mr Marriott on
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  • 115 5 YKBTKKDAY, a man described as Joseph Lin was arrested on a warrant at the instance of A. Clouet on the allegations (i) of attempting extortion by putting A. Clouet in fear of injury (ii) of having on the 22nd of May and the 1 lth of June committed criminal breach
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  • 132 5 (>n the 2nd inst. Lim Yeoh and Tan Cha Boh were wanted by the Police for the theft of two Blabs of tin valued $154, the property of the Straits Trading Co. The former was arrested, but the latter kept out of the way, though the detectives were on track.
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  • 228 5 (A V,*U Sj T*, IndraZanibor Mrfsf TKtatre.) Rosin*. There in a secret I can't keep If lean get it cheap To Wayang Kaasim" I mean again to go Whether it route me standing place this time even to do ho. "Bosina" their to-morrow's performance, they Hay,
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  • 220 5 The following passengers left Singapore by the Prmmm for Penang Mr. and Mrs B Innnink, Mr. J. Samkalden, Capt. W. M. Bower, Mr. J. C. Hendry, Mrs. Longford, Mrs. Neubronner. For Colombo: Mr. Maurice Millet, Mr. Jean Bartholoni, Mrs. Rosa Adler, Mr. C Brandt. For Aden Dr.
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  • 31 5 Steams' Headache Cure has been used the world over for years.— Always reliable widely imitated, and substitutes offered. All Chemists supply the genuine, when Steams' is asked for.
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  • 632 5 SiHOAfoti, in™ March, 1908. PRODUCE Gambler bnyer« f 15.57J Copra Ball 9.50 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyer* 33.00 do White, (8%) 57.10 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.30 do Brunei No. 1 5.16 Pearl Sago 3.90 Coffee, Bali, 13% bants 22.00 Coffee, Palembane, 20% ba«l«._ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger NOTHING is more distressing than tn see a helpless little infant suffering with a cough, and to be fearful of using a remedy which may contain some harmful ingredient. The makers of Chamberlain's Cough Kemodv positively guarantee that this preparation does not contain opium in
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    • 106 5 doing Insane. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge, N, V., says: I was for a long time troubled with sleeplessneMS, with intense neuralgic pains in the head which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures effected
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    • 140 5 AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING SITES AND A COCONUT PLANTATION. TO BK HELD AT POWELL COS BALE-ROOM On Wednesday, Uth March, 1903, .it 2.30 p.m. T7OUKTEEN freehold building allotF menta fronting a reserve for Hoad off Bukit Timah Road near Holland Road, area about 6,600 square feet each. Forty Freehold building
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 293 5 DAY U\ DAY. Tuesday, 10th March. High Water. 9.4 p.m. Mara Kaya Hadji (Monl.mii Festival). Ladiex Sewing Meeting. The Manse. 4.3<>. L.L.T.C Tournament. S.V.A. Gun Drill. 5.15. 8 V.R., S.V.I. Kwruit* ami Co. Drill. Via. S.C 0\ Football. Wayan^ Ka— mi. North Bridge Road. 9. \Vayan« Puni. North Bridge Koad.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 321 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" A/// SAFES of all qualities. X s^ >// Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors y>-CV c^ Sl Gates for Strong Rooms. yl< J>^ /St/ «x X Chatwoods TELEGRAPH.C ADDRESS:-/;^y Q X New "HARGEEAYES" /fy .Q, Bteel Safes are the Only Singapore. X Safes which are of BENT y
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    • 117 6 NOTICES. For tHncttoMlsronMes, daisy, paid and those li rsjnlirltles peculiar to tbe mi. Prescribed by the btgbest French Medlcsl authorities and superior to Tansey. steel Drops and Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT. 8, r. Vi^ienm, Paris |'*mat!coj Reoownaa' Phjrieiau preKrltw Orim»nlt'i Mataaa v tb« aaat acti»t »nd at toe ume limr tkc
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    • 553 6 NOTICES. CHEE CHEE CO. WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK. ■nan hanging and table lamps r S. A CO.'S READING AND FANCY LAMFB SINGER'S FOOT AND HAND SKWING MACH INKIRON BEDSTEADS, MUSIC BOXES, FANCY TPAYS PHOTO FFAMBS, <fcC, AC. We liave also receiver! a supply of Gentlemen's Braces and Sporting durable
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 698 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. '|MIX Slfcadari Lifs Asaoranoß. 1 Norwioh Dnloa Fire Insurant Boeistj. Atlas iMuruoe Coaeany (Fin). I"h« Kquiuble Life asiunuioe booiety. rh» China Mutual Steam Navigation Compani 1 r >.tt*.nh*m Lager Beer Company. for particular* of Uuwe Companies, see th« ull advertisement of THE BORNEO COMPART. LIMITED. Agents.
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    • 750 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. c -in 01 Stncepore Bbif Agiscy, i.aib J. Dabhebu A Co., 3-3, OoiXTBB QUAT. The undflrmontioned dates ar« oaly stTW^si— j>« Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for OB Coen Batavia Mar 2 Biiliton, Bat«via, C.heribou, D> Kock
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    • 546 7 Austrian Lloyd 1 Steam Navigation Company. 1 nder Mail Contract with mt Auhtrias Government. Ine following are the dates on which the Company's steamer* may be espeoced to arrive and sail from here:— UDTWABD. HoMBWABiI. 1 19U3 tE.F ttrdmandl&tirti J JAim'Wo Feb. 17 I M.Valeric 13 I +\i»pon Mar. Ti
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    • 620 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N V IT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. I A regular FORTNIGHTLY Mrrice U maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Berrioe, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 554 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnlo Dea M««a*gerlea Maritlmea De France. TILBOBAPHIO AODBBM: MBS«AGB*IIt*, SWGAPOU. rhe -nail steamers will leave Singapore on or aooat the undermentioned dates.— llnfiin HOMBWAKD. Date*. Dates. 1903 190S Sydney Mar. 2 Oc-amien Mar Tonkin Mar. 15 Anna,,, Mar 16 Lao* Mar. 90 E. Simons Mar 30 CaUdoniea Apr.
      554 words
    • 457 7 INSURANCE CO.'S mHI PHCBNII ABBUK»H<. 4 J. COMPANT OF LONDON. ElTil LI»H ID A. D 1783.) Th* undersigned, Agenti (or the abov* 0os»pan v, are prapareJ to aooe pt Fin Bisks at ttm 1 currant raxes in Singapore, and also in Johor* sad th* other Statw* in tha Malay Peninsula.
      457 words

    • 1512 8 Coder this heading me following abbreVtetions aro used g— Mr. steamer sh.— ftßip;>Hj barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Tac/it Cru.~ Ciuiser; tibt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpe'lo; H.p. Horse-power; Hrit.—British >;. S. United Butes; Fi.h.— French; tier. German; Dut.— Dutch I oh. lohore; aB.«. Ueiiuidl-caiKo; d.p. deck passeniier; U-— Docerwin
      1,512 words
    • 141 8 For Her tteamer Time. To- Morrow. Singoraand Bangkok Redany 11a.m. Amoy iind S.vatow Chtang Okm Nocu. Pontianak Van dtr Parra Noon. P. Swet'ham via ports B. Hin Gimn 2 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan pm. Rangoon Calcutta Tara S p.m. Hi lium A Pontianak Sambar 3 p.m. Teluk
      141 words
    • 222 8 5 VMBSI 8 NAM«. TOIIK t'APTAI!" FROH *AILRI> COWHIOKKBi-. C Bio Mar 9 Giang Ann Brit Btr. 657 Follett Bmaesin Mar 6 T. K. Tian Co Ltd 1J I'rr-u Her str 3278 Prehn Yokohama Feb 21 itehn Meyer Co. 9 Gaea Nor str. 626 Pedersen Moji Feb l\ Seng
      222 words
    • 129 8 Dati. Vessel's Name Flao 4 Rio. Tons. DUTIKATIOK. i -Mai 10 Sarie Borneo Dut gtr 856 Batavia 10 Will Othe Wisp Brit otr. UH Pontianak 10 I Rajah of Sarawak *ar gtr. 892 Sarawak 10 Keong YVai+ Ger str. 1116 Bangkok 10 Heitirirh Menzell str. 9S» Muntok 10 Telayo
      129 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 667 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILE MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. J ewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. (Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      667 words
    • 846 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co CLINICAL THERMOMKTKK >. Minute, 35 Kadi fj M iX mi/ "~~^aaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaav2a£ a^a^a^^^*^^^a4aw^t>-^ wV *j/ Bl.»isdell Pencils, Cts. 5O rer dozen \;.il Huller-., $2.25 K .eh orCis. S Ehcii. Salad S^etn. Cti 95 icr set C r^§ ~-*m^b Eanrlppologne V 2.00 per Cherry Blossom per bott ie. Each
      846 words