The Straits Times, 7 March 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 073 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 792 1 NOTICES. Sfa £traite. ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 first insertion tl 9> cent» Second unit third insertions each <*<> centi Fourth, liftli, mill atxta 40 cents Seventh tn eighteenth 24 cent* Nineteenths subsequent,, )6 cents Per week of six Ana, to he changed daily
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    • 664 1 NOTICES. TdeaTlilk Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. deal Mil*; 9 Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. i&^T^c^J] A Perfect Substitute for Fresh l^Ss£iJ^ P Milk^ John Little Co., Ltd. it^»-g'>gaVW»W<l»alfcJgE.»iCaMiaMMaWTT 9 VERY GXaO L H Guaranteed Seven Years Old m I GLENLIVET WHISKY I |H IMPORTED ft BOTTLED B» OX JOHN LITTLE C°
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    • 684 1 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF 156 FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Situated at the corner of Serangoou Road and Lavender Street TO BE HELD AT POWELL Cds SALEROOM On Wednetday, lft'A March, 1903, At 2.30 p.m. For full particulars see circulars and plans, v c. POWELL A Co Auctioneers "auction
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    • 459 1 NOTICES. W. D. FISHER, Attoc. M. In t- C.E.. •tCSHAM HOUSE ■•.TTfftV 0 Hauadallona. Bnlldlnn. Kool« Railway! and Railway Structure* Wharvaa. Koad! and Itrld ie. •arvaya. Hydraulic Mining Schaaaa laatmctlon and Taatlw ot Matarlala. O.C. REST HOUSE. KWALA LIMPIR. SELANOOR. "VTTITHIN two minutes walk from th« Selaogor Club, and opposite
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  • 3116 2 A Tale of Malayan Crocodiles. The incident recorded below is describe in the pages of the Wide World. Magazine- It is a thrilling yarn, told 1 1 one Mr. W. C. Jameson Reid how long ago it happened the writer does) not state, but i*. is strange
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 351 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w<&B Singapore. LATEST CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. II UMBER BICYCLES. Fitted with FREE WHEEL and rim tirake All Beeaton machines GUARANTEED for TWO YEARS THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD Hole Agents for the Straits Settlem en t s Federated Nativn States, Siam,
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    • 404 2 NOTUES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 ItM., I.8(N) IbH., rter fteven after fourday ft in teen day* Water. in Water. The above tests were made by tbe Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best be had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO.,
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    • 167 2 NOTICES. MACNIVEN t CAMBBONS PENS. They come as a boon and a blessing to men, Tbe Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen." THE WAVERLEY PEN. MM by all Stationers tkmgktit tie W»rld. Kvpry Pen rmda by Vficriiven A Came ron, Ltd., is separate l 1 examined h experienced hands,
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  • 880 3 P. O. Mar. Jii lii F'triitiis't For Lomton Mr*. W. li. Sniitli :iit<l »i\ daughter*. From Penanj.' Mr. Wicks, Mr. and Mm. Law ami (Mid, and Mi«s Law, Mi i micron. AfLt.—VmMmHm: Mr. and Mr». K. c. Lane, Mr. K. A. Stevens, Mr. .J. 0. Maotajutart, Mr.
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on pa«e 7. (•eneral chipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 925 3 Messrs. "Joe" Thompson and Topping:. Two of the most celebrated bookies" of the present day Messrs. "Joe" Thompson and Topping, (of Topping and Spimller, Flushing) were at Colombo the other day on their way to England in the Ophir after having had an exceedingly good time
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  • 323 3 Mk. G W., Conservative Member of Parliament for East Belfast, and one of the partners of the worldfamous ship-building firm of Harland iV Wolll', Belfast, has just returned to Ceylon. Mr. Wolff was interviewed at Colombo by a press reptesentath c Mr. Wolf) said that be
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  • 315 3 The Canton Affair. The following is printed in a recprit issue of the Shanghai Mercury The Chinese new year season is a period when the disaffected are oftentimes tempted to stir up tiouble. Tim year no danger has come to China at this opportune time. One real
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  • 194 3 For Singapore Per P.* 0.8. 8. Vetoria connecting at Colombj with tbe steamer Chuf>n from London Feb. 6. dae Bth March— Messrs Klli-. i'opwod. Phillips, G. Roberts, sad Baine nod Mrs. Maillet. Per P. 4 O. s. China connecting with tbe steame Ballaarot at Colombo, from London
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 794 3 NOTICES. THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. It is a feeling common to the majority of us that we do not get quite the amount of hsppineos we are entitled to. Among the countless things which tend to make us more or less miserable ill health takes first plnce. Hannah More
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    • 666 3 NOTICES. WANTED, a European daily governess with experience to teach up to tbe middle class for 8 children. Liberal salary offered to qualified one. Apply to S. 5. C/O Strait* Timtt tv th-As. U-.1 WANTED for 1-orneo a respectable f urssiaD c'erk, one who is used to keeping books, sod
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    • 613 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 4V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINT* 1> SUB-AGENTS OF THS Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO.. General Agents, ax. Straits Settlements. FR SALE, Saigon Lymph, guaranteed frtsh, at the Crowo Dispensary, Oft Selegie Road. n.c FOR .SALE. APOLLO PIANOLA In excellent order, price
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  • 38 4 Lucas— At No. '217-4 Queen Street, Singapore, on the night of the 6th March, Mathieu Gerard Üborob I.ucas, aged 64 yearn, late of Kingxton, Canada. Funeral at 4.30, tlii- afternoon from the Cathedral of "The i.i«hl Shepherd."
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  • 362 4 On Feb. 26th Reuter wired to Bang kok the intelligence that M. Delcasse' had requested the Foreign Affairs Committee to suspend the consideration of the Si.-im Treat tnn Governor General of Indo-China having prepared a scheme which would require previous negotiations
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  • 150 4 There has lately been an impression current in Singapore that the tramway scheme has gone to pot." Where is Mr. Tandy has been the general query and one public official was known to have stated that the scheme had fallen through. Apparently there is no ground for either impression or
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  • 126 4 On February 28th Router informed Bangkok that it had transpired that a Convention had been concluded last autumn whereby Great Britain recognised Siamese suzerainty over Kelantan and Tringganu, Siam agreeing to appoint British advisers to the local Rajahs. This fact was, curiously enough, announced in the columns of the Straits
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  • 104 4 Great interest has been aroused in financial circles in Vienna by a declaration of Dr. Von Koerber, the Premier of Austria, that both Austria and Hungary intend to complete a measure looking to the introduction as early as possible of the gold standard. Dr. Von Koerber said that the State
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  • 21 4 a thrilling story of an adventure among Malayan crocodiles, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-days 4, ms bank rate is 1/Bs.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zamania closes at 4p. m on Wednesday.
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  • 17 4 The value of the output from tlm Redjang Lebong mine during January is said to be $146,600
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  • 18 4 The mail steamer Chusan left Penang at 5 p.m. yesterday, and is due here at 6.30 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 18 4 It is reported that the Serapam Company, a Pahang venture, will pay a 84 dividend for the half-year.
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  • 18 4 The Dallas Theatrical Company was expected at i.olomho on the 28th February to play there for *ix nights.
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  • 19 4 Mr. John Roberts will play two games of billiards at the Lake Club, Kuala Lumpor, about the 20th instant.
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  • 24 4 There is areport in the Malay Mail to the effect that an estate in the Klang district has changed hands at £46 an acre.
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  • 24 4 Two hundred and thirty-three deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 28th Feb The ratio per thousand was 51 63.
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  • 61 4 There is a report that tbe Federal Dispensary at Kuala Lumpur will pay 50 cents a share dividend, i c., something over seven per cent on the $7 paid up share*. Clam tinng takes place this afternoon at the Balesti«r Range. To-morrow afternoon the range is in use for the
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  • 42 4 Yesterday afternoon two Raffles School boys reported at the Marina Police Station that a dead body was floating in the sea off the School. The Marine Police boat went to the place indicated and picked up the decomposed body of a Chinaman.
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  • 48 4 To-night a farewell concert will be given to Mr E. M. Dungey at the Temperance Institute by the committee and the members of tbe Star of the East Lodge, I. O. G. T. Tea will ba served at 5.30 p. tn and the concert will commence at
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  • 41 4 It is notified in the Government Gazette that the Governor has been pleased to approve of Captain and Honorary Major W. G. St. Clair being allowed to retain his rank and wear the uniform of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery on retirement.
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  • 43 4 The Kaub Australian Gold Mining Company has received the following telegram from Raub dated 7th March. Crushing result for seven weeks ending on the 28th February Stone crushed 5,722 tons smelted gold obtained 1 ,494 ounces average per ton 5 dwts. 5 grs.
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  • 52 4 Young Reporter.- -I have been sent out here to report this game of polo, and I don't know a thing about the game. Polo Player. I'll give you the names of all the players and spectators, and my sister will tell you how each lady is dressed. Never mind about
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  • 42 4 Tonight the Indra Zanibar Theatrical Co. will play the laughable drama entitled Saiful Kahar." Miss Jot the Illusionist will go through her mid-air tricks again by request. For the convenience of European*, the proprietor has reserved several seats for their accommodation only.
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  • 55 4 Two powerful pilot tug-boats have been secured for Colombo harbour. One of them, the Goliath, is already at work. The other one, the Samion, is on the way from Greenock. The work of mooring vessels has all along been a laborious process at Colombo, but this will now be expedited
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  • 64 4 Mr. Kobbkt Hall, a well-known mem ber of the Australian Ornithologists' Union, left Melbourne recently on a collecting tour, which will commence at Ceylon, and extend through Singapore and the East on tn Siberia, the main object of the expedition being the discovery cf the eggs of several species of
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  • 76 4 Last night at Cara^ong Martin, Mrs. Teo Choon Hien with some other Chinese ladies were walking along Mahommed Sultan Road, when they passed a godown built three years ago. All of sudden they saw the sky overcast. They fled for shelter to tin, «vefoot way. Immediately afterwards, the godown fell
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  • 102 4 ThvB the Pinang Gazette of the 4th March: The troubles attending the introduction of the Gold Standard, as foretold in Mr. Huttenbach's book, are already commencing. Trade to-day has been practically dislocated by the Banks refusing to buy paper, except at special rates, and trade with China, Deli, etc is
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  • 98 4 The Glasgow Herald says that Miss Tilly Matthew made a splendid appearance at the Burns Concert of the Scottish Clans' Association at the Queen's Hall, London. The St Gazette says she was received with rapturous applause, while the Standard says her singing was highly appreciated. A writer in the
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  • 132 4 Thus the Manila Time* of the 20th ult. Mayor Brown has announced his intention of presenting to the Municipal Board, for the Zoological Gardens, two splendid tigers. When the genial mayor first learned of the efforts of the board to improve the attractiveness of the gardens he opened correspondence with
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  • 148 4 Naval jealousy is often an amusing thing and the Outlook tells the following After the Bulwark had superseded ih.Ri nou n a« Hagship on the Mediterranean station the two MM kept up that particular kind of jealouxy which is the salt of the Navy. The men of the Btmmm felt
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  • 139 4 The other day one Tatsuo Yamazaki, a Japanese Buddhist priest, left Japan on an unusual and interesting mission. He was to study Mormonism, not for the purpose of embracing that religion, but, on the contrary, for the purpose of furnishing himself with information which will enable him the better to
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  • 68 4 At the forthcoming Popular Orchestral Concert to be given on the 21 at inst. by the Philharmonic Society's Orchestra, amongst the selected items will be the following:— Overture Sun and Stranger" (Mendelssohn); "Cavatina," Raff (orchestal arrangement) "Chanson Irist.- and "Humoreske" (T*chaikowsky); two movements No. 'A Symphony (Haydn):
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  • 175 4 The Governor has just passed the following rule under the Liquors Ordinance of 1894 If any person holding v licence under xertion 32 of the twiil Ordinance applies to the h»ir man for the time being of the Licencing Justice* for a licence exempting him from
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 10 4 lx>rulon, Bth March. The Pope has recovered.
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    • 41 4 NEW BRITISH NAVAL BASE Mr. A. J. Balfour announced in the House of Commons that a naval port and base will be established at St Margaret's Hope, a bay and fishing village on the north side of the Forth near <iueensferry.
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    • 46 4 Lord Carrington moved in the House of Lords for a reconsideration of the Army scheme in view of the experience gained in South Africa. He advocated making South Africa an army base The motion was defeated by 51 to 15 votes.
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    • 66 4 Caught at Aden. Irritation of the Harrison. A Russian naval officer has been arrested for spying the British fortifications at Adeu, near the key to the defences from which the concealed batteries are worked. Two British officer* escorted the prisoner on board the Russian warship where he was
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  • 77 4 Yesterday's Results. ladies' sixclbs 'a' class. Mrx. Uanwloser t«eal Mrs. HmmJim, M 5 6, o V LADIES' PINOLES 'B CLASS. KINAL. Mi-- Al.rain-. bMj Mhi Ui-hnrt. (i ri 4. MIXED MOIUi 'a' CLASS. KINAL. Mri<. Napier mj4 Mr. IVrkin* ln'at Mr». \Va<id.-ll and Mr. Ma. lli.u-all. M, tilt
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  • 185 4 Following is 3 list of donations received in London towards the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore Wm. Adamant K«.|. C M. 5" V v Aaaama ba. M Meyer Itelir Km •_>(» F. C. HMiop K-.|. M .1. liru.-M-i faa, .lolm Kuttery E*i| st» S. It. Carr Esq. H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 6ALDBECK, MAC6REGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1804.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jsist on JippUcation.) tu. Us. WOT RBBFONBIBLI FOR DEBTS. NEITHER th.> Captiin, AgeoM, nor Ownors of tbe German steamer HF.INRKH Ml S/.EI.L will l>e responsible (U-liw contracted by the crew during her
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    • 507 4 COME AND SEE THE ORIENTAL COMIORAPM ANIMATED PICTURES. At th foot of Kort Canning Will show to-night Home tiplrndid pictures Life and Passion of Christ. Explosion of tbe pax, and several other magical and comical pictures which had never been shown before. Commence at 9 punctually. Admission— lst class 91.
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    • 65 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers ora>: Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard 8 a.m.-« p.m. on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford andQerman dry plates (English and German
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 196 4 DAY BY DAY. Saturday. 7th March. Hijrh Water. 4.31 p.m. Moon lxt Qr. J.'.i .1.111. S.C.C. Cruket. S V.U.. S.V.I. ClM* Kiriiu;. :t. Fancy DMm K.mtl.nll. I'ulo »r»ni. I. Town IS.iii.l i:,,,1;u,;i.|,v I t.. li. Malay Tlie.ilr.-«. N.irlli liri.l-.- K«:i.l. I Sunday, Bth March. Hi«h Watfr. li Hi p.m. '2nd
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  • 1762 5 Friday. March 6th. CRKKKNT. 1 1* Km ki.i.ksiv Sir Frank Athelstan* gWHTIIIAMi K.CM.Ii., (UoVK.RNOB). lion. W. T. Taylor, <-. »«.<;., 'olonial Secretary), lion W. K C'.illycr \ttcirney (irneral). lion. P. <I. IVnii'ey (Colonial Treasurer). Re*. K. C. 11. Mill \u. lit. >i Unieral). ll. in Murray 'olonial BafilMMr)
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  • 309 5 The Penjum Company appears to have done considerable prospecting and development work during the past year, though the regular export of gold to the same extent as formerly has not yet commenced Much is expected from Swah and its locality where promising discoveries have recently been made, and
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  • 307 5 The following opinions of a trench writer, says the Cornish Pout, will be of interest to all who know that Straits' tin mining has determined the price of tin for many a year The I MS. Government is doing its best to encourage research by the construction of
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  • 222 5 and Sunday in Lent. R. VKDRKW'S CATHKDHAL. 7 a.m., Matins and Litany. 7-45 v.iv. Holy Communion (Choral) and Sermon. 4 p.m. Sunday School and Kible Class. 3-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. ST. MATTHEW'B CHUBCH, SKPOY LINKS. X 15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Cathedral of the oood shepherd, brass
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  • 55 5 Mrs. Anna K. rennick, Oak ford, Backs Co., Pa., writes Dr. John Schrack, oar family doctor, highly recommends .layne'u Expectortnt. It in a wonderful medicine. Forty-f.jur years ago I had hemorrhage of the lungs. I took Jayne'g Expectorant and inhaled Mr, and th* two cured me." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole
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  • 302 5 Mr W. I). Barnes, Assistant Protector of Chinese and Superintendent of Indian Immigrants, Penang, reported his return from leave of absence and assumed the duties of his appointment on the 20th instant. Mr. Barnes has also been appointed to be protector of emigrants under Ordinance XXI of 1896It
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  • 518 5 The bright prospects of Pulo Way suggests the following to the Java Bode The news that the large Russian squadron bound for Kastern Asia will take in coal, water, and refreshments at Sabang in Pulo Way is sure to prove unpleasant to certain parties at Singapore. It has
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  • 34 5 A row occurred at Tanjong Pagar yesterday morning among some Chinese cartmen and one man was struck with a pole. He was removed to Hospital where he died last night of a ruptured spleen.
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  • 446 5 A NAVAL BATTLE Says a Manila paper —Secretary of the Navy Moody, has been called upon to decide a controversy, between UearAdmiral Robley D. Evans, Commander-in-Chief of the Asiatic Station, and Rear- Admiral A. S. Kenny, PaymasterGeneral of the Navy, each of whom has made charges against the other. The
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  • 420 5 Story of China Experience that London Believes. In the Christmas number of Cassell's Magazine is given an account of Mrs. Brown Potter's visit to China, as told by an interviewer, who says he heard the story from the actress herself. But our hostess has been
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  • 640 5 Singapore, 7th March, ItHO. PRODUCE. Gambler liuyer* f 16 371 Copra Ball 9 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black unllen IW.B'Ji, do White, (8%) seller* 58.(10 Sago Flour Sarawak seller* S.-.'S do Brunei No. I 5. IS Pearl Sago B.ihi Coffee, Bali, 15% baai« 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 2i»%liai<i«._ 32.0n Coffee,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 SI'EARN.S' HEADACHB CUKti. Is for sale by all Chemists Be sure and get the genuine. Steam*' is the original and genuine, and gives inntant relief. Of all chemists.
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    • 112 5 YOUR ENTIRE BODY STRENGTHENED. WcAk Longs are benefited immediately, and the entire body strengthened, and invigorated by the use of Stearns' Wine. Unlike Cod Liver Oil Kmulsions, it is pleasant to take and agrees with the most delicate stomach, aiding digestion instead of disturbing it, with the happy result of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 274 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERRIRS' fk I1 WOBCEBTERBHIRE SAUCL v By Special Warrant^^^J^^ His Majestg A Purveyors to fe^S^^^ The Kiny. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" SAFES of all qualities. /v :o: r C** ChatwoocTs Patent Steel Doors /rQ w A \J .oJ* Gates for Strong Rooms. CATALOGUES FREE
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    • 86 6 otici2 ?i Refined society appreciates something distinctive, rare, a suggestion of fine lingerie, fragrant with iris, amber and dry rose leaves. ISI FOB OUR LATEST PfflniES. RIGAUD'S LISERIS Extract RIBAUD'S LOUIS XIII RIBAUD'S ALTESSE RIBAUD'S WHITE VIOLET RIBAUD'S SOU/A T. BISAOD, t, m. TirlMM. FAIIS cHamp agne "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra
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    • 276 6 NOTICES. Skin -Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Guticura ss. sl ea irAS-icSS i MILLIONS USE GUTICURA SOAP fttlpß best toilet and best baby soap iv the world. cure» l'ut up In »ci«w<ap pocket vtata, contalnta* M> clo«e». 0om», Sato rm»fc. BoM. O. A. UNTOUCHED BY HAND. For
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 709 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpifE Btaodari Life AMivmnoo. A Norwich Cnion Fire Inaatmno* Societj. AtlM Assuranoe Company (Firs). The Kquitable Life Aanmnoe Society. The Chin* Mutual Stesm Navigation Ck>mp»n7 >i. '''ottenhMa Lager Bear Company. tot particulars of U.««8 Companw*, see the roll advertMemant of THK BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITKI) Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1300 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maattchappij. I nder contract with the Netherlands Jjjdta Government p. no at Sinaopcre Ship Aoisot, lati Bawdbls A Co., 2-8, Colxtm Quay. The nndermentionad-datfMre only approximate. Hteamer From Expected Will be l>««p*tched for On Cm a Batavia Mar 2 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Tfgal. Pecalongau, Samarang, and
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    • 611 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN jIAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 557 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Des Messagerles Maritlmea Oe France. TiLiQRAPHio Add&im: Mbssagmsim. SIHOAPORI. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aooat the undermentioned dates. OUTWAXD. HOHWIBD. Dates. Dates. 1908 1903 Bydn*y Mar. 2 Ocnnim Mar 1 Tonkin Mar. 15 Annam Mar 16 Imoi Mar. 80 K. Simon* Mar 30 CaUdonitn
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    • 428 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. w.As. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A 00. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Firs
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    • 1244 8 Under thin heading the following abbreifatloM are us«J str. steamer sh.— ■bio; bq.— barque; seb.— schooner; Yet. Yaiibt; Cru.— ruieer; Gbt.— (tunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H. p. -Horse-power; Brit.—BrilUb; V. B. United States; Fch.— French Bar.— German; Dut.— DuUli; Joh.— Johore; B.o— Uener»i-citrgo; d.p. deck passenger; o.— Uncertain
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    • 643 8 ltam«, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent: BTBAMIRB. Afridi, Tyne, Mar P. Simong. Agamemnon, Liverpool. Apl i.'; Minsfield. Alboin, Bangkok. Mar; Borneo Coy. Andalusia, Hongkong. Marti; H Meyer. Annam, Hongkong. Mar !t) M M. A»a Maru, Japan. Mar 2H; P. Simons. Ballaarat, Bombay. Marts P.
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    • 166 8 h'ur Per tteamer Time. To-Day. Deli Medan 3 p.m. Asahan and Deli Anahnu 3 p.m. Bangkok Jitiiobun p.m. Amoy and S.vatow tilmoglr 3 p.m Bengkalis and Bagan Sri Trinnpnnu 8 pm. P. Swet'ham via ports Sappho 4 p.m. Swatow and Amoy Tetartos 1 p.m. Shanghai and .lapan Ivdravt
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    • 139 8 From Europe Rv the P. 40. s.s. Chutan due on Sunday, with dates to the 14th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 23rd January. From China— By the N.D L.'s.s. Preuiten due on Sunday. Times Table of Mails Dub. I -pft
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  • 173 8 A RRIVALS. A rHa 5 Vkh-K, 8 S«M» <♦ low- CAPTAT.: FkOM "«IILII>. (ONCKINHH. a Rio Mar 6 Glenosle Brit «t.r -.'B»7 Warner Rangoon Kel> ->BHup l.eonu 6 Ban Whatt Sooi str. 19H Howse Pouliaunk i.Mar 3|bvu.'ncj; «R. Bchiff Baroe Dut «tr. «8 Nacodah Rhio ,Mar Kirn Ho.- Bee 8
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  • 113 8 I'atk Vsiwu'sNtMt. Flag A Rig Tone. Destination Mai Uanymedo Brit str. 28* Port Bwettenham via port* 7 Luica Aug sir. IN g I IVnanit 7 Sophie Rielcmers+ (icr »tr. -> 2K-J RnDgoon 7 iin olniliirf Brit Rtr. 2567 i Rangoon 7 Kian Ann gtr. l'U i Djambie Singaporp «tr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SIIK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian. Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy'goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will be
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    • 724 8 WH TBSK& *co TERMS-CASH WITH ORDER Bipipr' ~^tm HP"|?SB VM IB kJ3p& EF a^aaa^s^a^ The o|lji hlk UVM $2.25 MHnifolrl Bcoks Staiiouary Cases. $1.60 and $2.25 Each $2.25, 3.25 1 J HWC Bm I DHaQ^v sa^a^a^a^Ba^sa^aßvS I Sb^^^!b^bbl Hook Rm-kP, C>« 75 per wir Hand B.igs ?5.50 Han.l H,l-<. $6.00
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 93 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandaiifi Kerbau Hotpital. Ml March. 190 S. Ma.m 3 pm. 9 pm. Remakkk. Bar 2H.930 :».7H*> -JU 8-3 Morning Temp HS.9 87.0 79.4 cloudy, WB'lbTher 77.4 80.0 7«.2 day and DirofWind n.n.e. 8. k. Calm. 1 night clear. Max. Temp B*.O Mm 73.2 Sun 148.0 Terr, rad
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 324 9 NOTICES. SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. o The Passenger Train Service, Sunday included, will be as under from Ist February, 1903, and until further notice. A. M. A. M A. U. A. M. A. M P. M P. M. P. M. P. M Singapore .6.00 7.25 8.50 10.15 11.45 1.15 235 4.10
      324 words
    • 360 9 NOTICES. Pure Dutch Cow's Milk DUTCH FLAG BRAND. NOT CONDENShU BUT STERILIZED. Prepared under constant supervision of Dutch Government Officials. STKKILIZINC rnituren the kmftm of the milk, and renders it free from HUt and all other tiarteria it makes the milk superior to ordinary ireuli milk htcauHe It is richer
      360 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 643 10 BANKS. HO N «KO NO AND MIA.NUtIA) IiANKINu CORPORATION. I'AiP-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 UEHEKVE FDHD.— KterlinK Reserve..* 10,000,000 I|fmnfm Silver Reserve....! 6,600,000/ 6 RKHERVE LIABILITY OF 1 PROPRIETORS .»iu,w«.to Court of Dirkctoh--. A. J. Kavmoki), Ksq,— Chairman. K. U. Tomkjms, Km).— Dbputv Chaikjian. Ci. Bai.L'm-h, £»<(. I). M. Musks, Esq. Hon.
      643 words
    • 528 10 NOTICES. J. MOTIONHiTcO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. RKPAIRB PROMPTLY EXECUTED ENVELOPES. THE BUFF ENVELOPE 1,000, $1.35 sent free by Post, $1.70 For sale by THE "STRAITS TIMES." n&UBHKI) FOOD \y Thy it aro you will be satisfied. I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the publli that his Factory (or preparing Crasher
      528 words
    • 341 10 NOTICES. ST. ANDREWS HOU> K. A CHURCH of England Boarding House J\_ for European aad Eurasian boyt who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andi iw's House or to tbe Colonial Chaplain. w. s. v c. Modern European Dentistry,
      341 words
    • 853 10 NOTICES. SPORTING CLDB Programme for the Spring "ace Meeting. 1903. MA V 19r/i, 2\st, %Kr<t firs-Fday. Tuesday, I9lh May. XHE MAIDEN PLATE.- Value SfOU. A Kace (or Maiden Hones. Weight 9st. Entrant*, $10. Distance, R. C. THE FIBST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value $300, and |60 to the Second Hone, provided there
      853 words
    • 410 10 NOTICES. tHi ROCHORE PLATE^- Value VMIU— Second horse to receive the entrance fees. A Handicap for all non- winning horses that have started at this meeting. Entrance 96 if declared by noon on Saturday, ttth May, and $10 if declared after noon on the tfth May, and by 4.16 p.m.
      410 words
    • 643 10 SHIPPINQ SJTKAMBHIF CO., NKDERLANI) FOR AMSTERDAM AND ROTTERDAM. 'pHEs s MADI'HA, Captain Teensma, X will be despatched for the above ports on about 10th of March. For freight apply to Schoep j .igentuur voorheen 7J3 J.DA EN DKLB A 1 1 IMPERIAL GKRMAN MAIL LINK pba kurope. 'PHK Imperial German
      643 words