The Straits Times, 6 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,072. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 797 1 NOTICES. ®he ffimw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per imli, i nluinn meniiare.l fkaktoMrttoa »i 20 cenu Beooml mid t liir<l iiiM-rtionsencli *U cent* Fonrtli, Utk. nml mxili *i cents Serenlh toei^'litiM-mli !M cento NlneteoiiiliiV.M,!,.,,,,!.!!!,, 16 cents Per »<•»■!. .il'mv 'i.'\-- WMdM|M daily if requirni |1, ]><-i iii' li |'<r
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    • 325 1 NOTICE^ Milkmaid brand "F% v <r 'pi T|M' t'l J«^\ mmsEFM lull I IT itS&i jj^ Ai'Wj ATJLAAxi. tt^ jr?L v Guaranteed '^iP |P'W«l i B cONlittSffl fl* 6 Bee this Full Cream. an «very Largest Sale in the World. Sole Agents: Me Alister Co. The Best M^^ Procurable.%^ Absolutely
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    • 619 1 NOTICES. Supplied to (he State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. »g^S*^^ ASK YOUR STOBE KIEEIPIEIR, FOR "SLEDGE" BRAND. Ec^^ V^Va sterilized milk Hill V€v "<*' i I v^§§Pg?^ 15 Invaluable in the House, Mill tmmtnthal f*2^^*^a ICKNESS OR HEALI H. Don't be put oil! See that you get what
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    • 527 1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTKJN SALE OF 156 FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Situated at the corner of Serangoon Road and Lavender Street TO BE HELD AT POWELL CoB SALEROOM On Wednesday, l»'/t March, 19u:<, At :K'<H) p.m. For full particulars see circulars and plans. n.c. POWELL A Co., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED
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    • 418 1 BAROUYCLONOMETERS THE l*st instruments, now in univer^m use, most useful for steamers which navigate zones frequented by typhoono GAGGING" <k CO IH-S Agenu. •JUST ARRJYKD CHIANTI wine in cases and n«sk» Vermouth of Turin Muscat of .Syracuse, most reeommende*: for debilitated people. ltt-3 BAOeilfO A 00. Raffles Tiffin Rooms SPECIAL
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  • 1261 2 (From a C'wua/ Correspondent.) PieemiMy, Feb. MA. January has come and gone! In many ways a disappointing month. First, we had frost with gooJ prospects of skating, as the ice had no snow on it. Just as the waters in tba Parka were to have been thrown
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  • 354 2 Parii ii.aks ir e leaking nut with respect to tlie renults uclii< vrd by the French military authorities with their latest new pr wdcr. It is stated that with the new explosive the velocity of pro jectile can be increased without concurrently increasing
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  • 244 2 i nun Uif title i>i i tfficial i: rogni thin nt Asruullu't' in (.rcater Britain' Mr K. Hedger Wallace is contributing elaborate articles to the l,<nni AgtmU Register, and they afford much material for the student i'« make 0O» prison! between the relative assistance pvejl by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 NOTICES. Joseph ftiiiofrs^^ uk'AM) fmw paris, 1900. lipßß A 01 H i(!h< st Quality and haiing Orp»t»»t Durability, are therefor c Hbf > *m ohfapest. m Wm II w j JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per case.
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    • 254 2 NOTICES. EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KIHDfI OF Safety Fuses. AHD Eleetrie Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Qreat Britain, are made to pail the high itaiidard of tafety and purity tests imposed by the British Government, and
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    • 336 2 NOTICES. jgTANDARD TM)LICIEB THE demand for these Securities continues steadily ko increase. New Policiesfor over £1,000,000 (sums assured) ha c been issued every year since 1866 a resulted maintained uninterruptedly for so loin a period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply v THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ltd. Agmts,
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    • 21 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be fouod on page 7. General shipping news is printed 00 page 8.
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  • 764 3 (t'airplay, 22nd January.) The Seue BMawfaMa*>nWaaaaaaV of the LBth January contains an article combating a statement made in the recently-published report of the English Whipping Subsidies Committee to the effect that vessels under foreign flags are excluded from the German coasting trade. The substance of
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  • 107 3 A daring insurance swindle is reported from America. An undertaker iii'innl Tr< pani and a barber named (BritM have been arrested in New York in connection with the affair. The accused are charged with having defrauded certain life insurance companies of Minis aggregating £200,000. Their plan
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  • 887 3 P. O. M;ir. -Jtj. Per F'onnota For London Mr«. V I',. Smith and six daughters. From PenanK Mr. Wick-. Mr. and Mrs. Law and child, and Minn Law, Mr. Cameron. Aiil. 3.— Per Malta Mr. and Mm. E. C. Lane, Mr. K. A. Sterenn, Mr. J. G.
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  • 200 3 Por Singapore '••i V. ktO. s. a. V ctoria connecting at Oolvtnbai with tbe i>t«»mer Chxu- n from London Feb. 5. due Tth March Messrs EIIK Hopwood. Phillips, G. Roberts, aad Bbine find Mrs. Maillet. IV i 11.I 1 A- 1 1. s. h. China connecting with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 310 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULV* C° Medicinal Skin Soap medicinal skin soap hwf Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. RUE VIVIENNE, 8 WANTED. Ami all compound house, furnished or vi furn ahed within easy distance of town.
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    • 696 3 NOTICES. WANTED for Borneo a reapectable Furasian clerk, one who ia used to keeping books, and who baa a knowledge of shorthand {.referred. Salary MOO to f.126 per nuns* in with free furnished quarters. Also two (hinese male typists with h good kne wledye of shorthand. Apply with copies of
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    • 604 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan fir Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED 8UB-AGENTS OF TH g Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOU8TEAD A CO., General Agents. ox. Strait* Settlement*. TX>R SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed V frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. n.c. FOR SALE. A Remington Typewriter in good
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    • 683 3 I SHIPPING COMPAGNIK DES MKSSAOKRIKH MARITIMES. FOR MARSEILLES. HAVRE. AND LONDON. THE Company's steamer SLXAI. Capt. lAcarrie're, will leava this on oi about the Tth March. For freight, apply to C. TOUKNAIRE, 6-3 Agent STEAMSHfP CO., NEDKKI.AND FOR AM9TERDA M AND ROTTERDAM THE s. a MADVKA. Captain Teensma. will be
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  • 189 4 Thk romantic and imaginative journalists who sway the destinies of L'Avmtir da Tonquin have discovered a fresh grievance to the effect that Hongkong does not treat its Fre.ich visitors properly. Commencing a diatribe by stating that Hongkonq nou* iwude, it says
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  • 179 4 ComplaiktB have reached us of an unsatisfactory state of affairs said to exist in the neighbourhood of Cecil Street and 1 om all accounts it would seem that things are in a bad state in that quarter. It is alleged that dreadful stenches arise in this quarter from a lot
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  • 70 4 One weighty objection in France to the new treaty with Siam is the extra military outlay likely to arise from it. Under the treaty, the Mekong River will be a main dividing line between French and Siamese territory. E xperts say that a French military force, 20,000 strong, will be
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  • 22 4 Reading matter, including a London Letter and an article on the German coasting trade will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-days 4 ms bank rate is 1/8.
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  • 15 4 Swimming Club launches will leave J ohnston's Pier at 6 and 7 on Sunday morning.
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  • 11 4 Thk Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kiev left for Vladivostock yesterday afternoon.
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  • 19 4 The Rev. J. A. B. Cook and Mrs Cook left for Penang by the P. O mail this morning.
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  • 20 4 Yokohama boasts over thirty racing yachts, some of which would serve as models in almost any part of the world.
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  • 23 4 Thk P. it O. extra steamer Pekin left Bombay on Thursday afternoon and is expected to arrive here on Monday the 16th instant.
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  • 18 4 Thk Government of India intend equipping the East India Naval Squadron with the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy.
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  • 20 4 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Esplanade Sea Bide to-morrow afternoon from 6 to 6 (weather permitting.)
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  • 23 4 The P. O. homeward intermediate steamer Banea left Hongkong at 6 a.m. on Friday, and is expected to arrive here on Wednesday morning.
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  • 23 4 Thk uadiee' Sewing Meeting in connection with the Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 4-30 in The Manse," Cavanagh Road.
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  • 29 4 H. E. Sir Chen Tung Liang Cheng the new Chinese Minister to the United States, sailed in the s.s. Korea for San Francisco from Hongkong on the 27th Feb.
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  • 26 4 'I'm Straits had better beware of its philatelic reputation, says a home paper. It is ignominiously dubbed in some stamp-collectors' notes as this postally erratic colony."
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  • 26 4 Baron Hayashi, the Japanese Minister in London, has been initiated into the Empire Lodge of Freemasons. His Excellency in the first Japanese initiated into the Lodge.
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  • 33 4 Owing to the failure of the crops in northern Japan last year over one hundred and fifty thousand people are said to be starving. The Kobe Chroiiirl* is receiving subscriptions on their behalf.
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  • 29 4 Yesterday, Mr. Beatty sentenced four Chinamen each to fourteen days for begging for alms on the Esplanade. This morning, two others received the same treatment for a similar offence.
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  • 27 4 H.M.S. Thetis, Capt. J. C. A. Wilkinson, arrived from Batavia yesterday afternoon and went to the man-of-war anchorage. She exchanged salutes with the United States flagship Kentucky.
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  • 32 4 The Japanese newspapers are greatly mortified by the order of the Garter having been conferred upon the Shah of Persia. They declare that England's ally has a prior claim to such distinctions.
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  • 32 4 Mr. John Barrett, CommissionerGeneral to the Far East and Australia for the St. Louis Word's Fair, is expected, save an Australian paper, to reach Sydney in April by steamer from San Francisco.
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  • 37 4 The proposed railways in China now include a line from Canton to Kwang-Chow-Wan the French naval base near the Tonquin frontier. Rumour says that an intimate friend of the President of France holds the concession for it.
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  • 46 4 A number of Singapore residents left for home by the P. and O. mail this morning, among them Mr. A. P. Adams, Miss Gage Brown, Miss Ellershaw, Mr. C. A. Paton, Mrs. Salzmann, Mr. J. E. Squier (of the Telegraph Co.), and a number of others.
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  • 46 4 Homr papers are pointing out that His Holiness tne Pope is celebrating four jubilees this year, viz., His Iron Jubilee as a priest for 70 years, his Diamond Jubilee as a Bishop for 60 years, his Golden Jubilee as Cardinal, and his Silver Jubilee as Pope.
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  • 49 4 Mr. E.G. Brabrook, resident engineer in Asia for the Link-Belt Machinery Co., of Chicago, is stopping at the Hotel de I'Europe on his way to Hongkong, where the company is preparing to open a permanent office to facilitate the handling of its business in this part of the world.
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  • 52 4 This morning, a Chinese lad took up a position in the dock of the second magistrate's court. He remained unnoticed for sometime, and when asked what he was doing there, replied that he came to watch the cases. A wag added that he was accustoming himself to the position of
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  • 60 4 Caldkr'b latest lot of importations from Australia seem to be going off at uood prices. He has just sold a very fine looking chestnut mare to H. H the Sultan of Joh ore The animal is a fine trotter and we should imagine that the price paid for her 83,000
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  • 55 4 I.n a criminal action brought by the Apollinans Company, Limited, against falsifiers of Ap >llinaris water in Chile, the Supreme Co irt of Justice there has sentenced the falsifiers to six months' imprisonment in addition to a fine of S5OO each. This was a test-case on the new laws concerning
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  • 69 4 A i. ate number of a leading financial paper at Calcutta contained the reports of no less than fourteen Indian coal Companies. But, these undertakings some two years ago were being floated almost daily in Calcutta and coal is just now a little overdone. Of the fourteen, one the Equitable—
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  • 61 4 Overheard at a race course in Ceylon Weighing in One lady to another (near the paddock): Do let us go and see the dear horses weighed. I don't expect they like it at all. Fining down -Colombo Lady en the Grand Stand (to globe-trotting friend) How tbin that poor horse
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  • 61 4 Mr. Cbaytor, the popular and progressive manager of the Raffles Tiffin Rooms, has arranged for a special gala tiffin on Wednesday next, in order to give customers an opportunity of sampling their new brand draught beer, known as the Pschorr." It is described as a very excellent and popular beverage
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  • 19 4 Mr. W. D Procter assumed duties on Tuesday as Superintendent of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company's station at Penang.
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  • 71 4 In addition to some twenty new novels which will be ready for issue at the Raffles Library to-morrow, there are the following books now at the disposal of subscribers: Chess and Playing Cards (Stewart Culm); Recent memoirs on the Cetacea, W. H Flower) The Silver Standard and the Straits Currency
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  • 79 4 A telegram to the Manila CaU[enens, dated New York, 29nd Feb., says: A terrible calamity visited the city of Cedar Rapids on the 21st Feb. in the destruction hy tire of one of the largest hotels in the town. The fire broke out at night totally destroying the hotel. Ten
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  • 82 4 A correspondent says s— I made it a point to have a look at the Rochore canal or creek between Jalan Besar Road, Arab Street, and Victoria Street bridges, yesterday. The state of the waterway between the first two bridges is simply disgraceful, and would be discreditable even in Siam.
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  • 88 4 Thk Russian cruiser I(etiri.<an, Admiral Stackelberg, was expected to arrive in Colombo harbour early this month from Russia, on its way to the Far East. The Russian cruiser Xauik was to leave Colombo for China on Monday last. An interesting fact about her is that, for her displacement, she is
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  • 88 4 Thk Siam Free Frets says that in the near future there will be more police inspectors than policemen in Bangkok, it also says that some 4,000 troops have been sent to attack the French garrison at Chantaboon whilst France was given the cold shoulder at every turn, and, to make
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  • 82 4 H.E. Charu-Chih-Tung, the famous Yangtze Viceroy vho refused to take the Boxer side during the lste troubles in China, has been degraded by the Empress-Dowager. The Globe regards Chang Chih-tung's degradation as a plain endeavour to further undermine British influence in the Yangts/e region, and is very severe on the
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  • 98 4 The death took place at the General Hospital yesterday at ISJI p. in of Dr. Isidore Aronson, an uptician of Chicago. Dr. Aronson arrived in Singapore some time ago on a business tour, and intended to go on to China, when he was taken ill and was obliged to go
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  • 133 4 On the 10th ult says the Japan (iazettt, tb>. Reverend Mother Ste. Mathilde of the Roman Catholic Convent No. 82-b Bluff, will arrive at the ripe age of 89 years and thus will commence the 90th year of her life. She has been connected with the Sisterhood for 70 years,
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  • 140 4 According to Havas M. Deleave has written to the Commission for Foreign Affairs stating that he has received proposition from M. Beau GovernorGeneral of lndo-China but that the execution of the new propositions needs fresh negotiations with xiam. M. Delcasse has written to M. Douranrgue, Minister for Colonies begging him
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 23 4 London, March Sth. The Pope, who is suffering from a cold, has been ordered complete rest for a few days.
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    • 21 4 An Army Order just issued abolishes the lance in the British cavalry, except for ceremonial and recreative purposes
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    • 19 4 The Somaliland column advancing on Galkayu has arrived unopposed at Debit, where the lines of communication end.
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    • 103 4 Mr. Brodrick announced the appointment of a Royal Commission to report on the condition of the Volunteer forces. Mr. A. J. Balfour, in the How <>! Commons, moved that the growing needs of the Empire require the establishment of a permanent defence Committee the results of its work
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    • 21 4 Yesterday's telegram re cotton sales at New York should be corrected to read 800,000 bales and not 800,<)00 dollars.
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  • 90 4 Yesterday's Results. ■UimHIl pairs. Mr». Qamttmmmd Hafat Austin baal Mr». Waddell ami Mr. MUM^ i> I, I ft CHAMHIOS8HII'. Mrs. SaiindcrH U-iu Mri> I.mii^Ii:iim Carter. 6-3. I Ties for To-day. LADIES' HINCiLER 'a' CLAM. Mm <i»h>|ci».t v Mi-. >aun>l<T-. I.ADIBS' H1NULE8 B CI.AS9. HXAL. Mis- Ah»MM Mi-- Wi<hirt.
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  • 48 4 Competition v. Bogey. K < Stoker r. 4 ilown A. Hallingal I > CL C. SeverijD .'> .1. L. Hurt MR .1. H. L...1.1..,, »s.. •I. \V. SU-w.iri 4 9,. .1. 11. S.K-t.-r- U The February medal resulted in a win for A. C. Ballingal, M—lM 1
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  • 143 4 Complaints have lately been made of impertinence on the part of the stallholders, especially the fishmongers, at Clyde Terrace Market. With a view to obtaining information at first hand, a representative of this paper paid the market a visit this morning. The tishmarket was crowded and there an abundance
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  • 199 4 Thk A'ary Leagur, Jmtnti says that the year 190:! has not witneiwd any very great advance in the French Navy it has, on the contrary, been remarkable for M Pelletan's ill-chosen measures which have tended to destroy confidence in his administration and which have undoubtedly weakened the fleet. The programme
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1100 4 LATESJ ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LADIES! §ive your friends tf)e benefit of your experience by advising tdem to deal at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. CHEAPEST AND BEST. THOMPSON THOMAS CO., 1 ROBINSON ROAD, 'PHONE CALL No. 39. 111. f. U. WAYANG PUSI WAYANG PUSI INDRA BANOSAWAN. lUX nriM \HTOKIA JAHI I'K\> \K W
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    • 91 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbi: Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekdays Ba.m.-6p.m. Ro d on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German dry plates
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  • Correspondence.
    • 284 5 To the Kiitor of the "Strait* Times." rim,— A move in the right direction lias been made by the I! lilway management in deciding to make a station at Holland Road which will now render accessible a jiart of country which is probably the inn^t healthy
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  • 207 5 A iBiMiNAi. action just brought at Rangoon by Mr. McDougall, District Supeiititendent of Police in Burma against tlit* lievs. Morrow and Snyder, Baptist Missionaries, for libel has resulted in Mr. Morrow being fined BSSO or 80 days' imprisonment and Sydney RlOO or HO days' imprisonment.
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  • 229 5 Thk French in Tonquin have no end of trouble from their servants who set their masters at defiance and desert with impunity, despite the law which compels them to carry certificates in register book form. On desertion they can easily get new books on pretence that the
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  • 151 5 About L*. \:> this morning, a Sikh police constable on duty near the Bukit Tiinah end of Scott's Road saw two H vlauiH loitering about in a suspicious manner in the compound of Blanche Villa, the residence of Mr. H. A Scott. They were looking in at
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  • 228 5 A Chinese Murder Case. At the Assizes this morning before Mr. Justice Hyndmann-Jones, Lam Lob ■-in was charged with (1) murder, (2) attempt to murder and (3) attempt to commit suicide. The Attorney-General prosecuted and Mr. Lowell defended From the evidence ot two women it appeared that on
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  • 109 5 This morning Insp. Howard made a raid on some second hand shops in the Chinese quarter of the town and discovered two brass name plates which had recently been stohn from the Standard Oil Company and from a German firm On the plate belonging to
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  • 206 5 THE U. S. S. KENTUCKY." The US Flagship Kentucky takes her departure from Singapore to-morrow The following is a list of her officers, many of whom have made themselves highly popular during their Rt.ay here: Commander in Chief. Bear Admiral K. I). Evans; Chief of Stan", Captain C. H. Stockton;
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  • 132 5 On the 19th ult., acting on information received, Dr. Glennie and Chief Sanitary Insp. Mayhew went to 5-a Scott's Road, the house occupied by Mr. Mac Bean, and found the body of a Chinaman who had died of small-pox. Four servants occupied the room in which the man died, and
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  • 186 5 Sentenced to death. The trial of Edgar Edward, who was charged with the murder of a man named Darby, his wife and his daughter, on or about Novembnr 28th, in Wyndham-road, Camberwell, was concluded on the 12th Feb., when the prisoner wax found guilty and sentenced to
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  • 71 5 >\ and after the 10th instant, the Messageries Maritimes homeward mail steamer will be despatched from Hongkong on Tuesdays, instead of on Mondays as at present. The new arrangement will be inaugurated by the s s. Annam (Capt. Girard), on the date given above. The Nagaxakl Pres*
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  • 111 5 French papers of the sth ult. reiterate the old and somewhat doubtful story that the King of Siam intends shortly to undertake a voyage to Europe and America. He would, of course, visit both England and France. The Siamese Government is said to have already set
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  • 96 5 Dundee has just fallen heir to another large benefaction. A third of the estateof the late Mr. A. D. Grimond, jute manufacturer, whose personalty amounted to £3.50,000, has been bequeathed to religious, benevolent, and charitable institutions in Dundee The city will therefore receive considerably over 100,000.
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  • 108 5 The A t -C\ D<it/y Neim correspondent at Peking reports a long distance race of about eighty miles irom Tientsin which came off on the 20th Feb. There were 46 starters, of whom eight were French officers, twenty German officers, six Japanese officers, and twelve members
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  • 980 5 liondon, loth February. The oroners inquiry touching the deaths of the victims- of the recent fire at the Colney Hatch Lunatic Aaylum has been concluded. No evidence wu adduced to show how the tire originated. The jury pronounced the building most l.nmiitphle fur the purpose for
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  • 633 5 Simoapom, 6th March, 1903. PRODUCE. Gam bier bnyers f 18.25 Copra Bali 9.80 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black bnyers 33.60 do White, (8%) seller. St.SO Sago Flour Sarawak 8.80 do Brunei No. 1 4.M Pearl Sago 8.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% bank 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% bad*.- 32.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 311 5 ROYAL JOHORE TIN MININO CO. Thk third general meeting of the Koyal Johore Tin Mining Company will be held on the 14th instant. The directors' report to be laid before the meeting is for the third year of the Company's existence from J>th Feb. 1902 to'2Mh Jan. 190.5. It runs
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    • 40 5 YOU ARE BENEFITED AT ONCE. Stbarnh' Winb is the most reliable of all remedies for lung affections. It promotes appetite, and keeps the digestive organs healthy. It improves nutrition. The beneGcial effect is felt at once— Sold by all chemists.
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    • 148 5 Helpless with Rheumatism I Mr. M. Mechan, Detroit, Mich., says: I was sorely afflicted with Rheumatism for more than six months, and it seemed to affect mv whole system. At fir-it there was pain and swelling in my left ankle After two weeks it left the ankle and moved to
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    • 150 5 NOTICK. YfESSRS. BERNHARDT A CO.'S office IYJL at present is at H-v Change Alley having removed from No. 9 Stamford Road. 17-3 GUTHRIE COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the business of Gdthrib and Co., Singapore, with branch houses at No. 5, Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Street, London E.C., under
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    • 606 5 NOTICES. TjV)R postage stamps from Straits SettleI I meats, I will exchange stamps from South and Central America and West Indies. FRANK SCHELLENBERfI, c/o Murray Hill Baths, 113 West 42nd Street, New York Pity U.H.A. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE public and customers are respectfully informed that we have from this
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 210 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 6th March. High Water. 3.16 p. in S.V.A. Battery Drill Lift. S V.K. Maxim Oun Drill, 5.15. S.V.E. Electric Lighting, .VI.V S.V.I. Recruit* Company Drill 5.10. Town Band. H. S. Kenervotr. 5 to 6. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Road. 9. Saturday, 7th March. High Water. 3.9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 377 6 NOTICES. *Cl?e Pulsometet> Requires > o rf3^ Thousands in use i 11 a JM^Trf giving entire skilled attendance. *Bp IWFl WF jSmTw^i satisfaction. Wll.L B& i Ik F» XJ 3Vt F* r B ALMOST M, I Wk j±jsrsrmiTisr& M IL K Needs no No moving part> ■IE or Leathers. to
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    • 98 6 NOTICES. DURABLE AND ACCURATE *Q(ty The Keystone Watch Case Co. >js i T i 5Sk America's Oldest at.ri Watch Factory Xfci^^Tlie Principal Watch Dealers in Str**** SBttlement<; KOMEYA CO. Japanese Curio General Store, From >.ant of more Room, BAYS BKMOVMP TO NOB. 25 A 26 Jiigd Street AND Have just
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    • 335 6 NOTICES. I DAWSON'S 500TS FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE 6ENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRAr.E HAftK &TUVII CN THE 80LtS. TO BE HAD OF ftU. DCALCRG 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with first class accommodation, overlooking Fjtchc Hqinn (iunlr-n. npar tc the Banks, Offices,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 728 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. TUE StudarJ Life Aanuaooß. Norwich Union Fire Insuranoi SoeiatyAtlas Annranoe Company (Firs). Fhe Kquitable Life Awurano* Society. I h« China Mutual Steam Navigation Company IV r ottenham Lagor Hear Company. .-or particular* of tL«*e Companies, sea ths rnU advertiwnwnt of THE BORNEO COMPANT. LIMITKD A?enta. STEAMSHIP
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    • 746 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. v- mi at Singapore Ship AerocT, Lin J. Dabbdil* A Co., 8-8, Collybb Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Meamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Com Batavia Mar 2 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, legal. Pecalongan, Samarang,
      746 words
    • 545 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with thi Austrian Qovbrnmbnt. Tne following are tbe dates on wbich I the Company's stoamerH may be expected to arrive and sail from here: Outward. Homeward. 1903. 1903 +E.F trrdinandKlxrH lAtu'ria Feb. 27 JJf. Valfrir „13|+Vi»pon Mar. i 7 Apl. 11 M
      545 words
    • 697 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Des Mesaagerlei Maritime* De Franco. Tiliorapbic Jv>drbm: MiasASMUS, SIHQAPOBI. The -nail steamers will leave Singaport on or aoont the nndermentioned dates.— OnTWABD. HOMIWARD. Dates. Dates IHO3 1908 Sydney Mar. 2 j Oceanim Mar 1 Tonkin Mar. IS Annam Mar 16 Ijooi Mar. SO E. Simons Mar 90
      697 words
    • 542 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOI LIMTTID. Capital Sabsorfbsd $2/100,000. Amount paid op 100,000. Reserve fond .linjOOO. Head Omoi, Honaiono. rhe undersigned, having bean appointee Agants of the above Company, are prepared tc aoospt Marine Bisks at oumnt ratas. BOTJBTBAD Co.. Ajrants. "ROYAL ~mSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED
      542 words
    • 778 7 NOTICES. PI LLS A Rwmdy for all IrraaiulaHtlaa. prrwd nj Bitter Appla. I.i,, I I ,I, •old by SlnKapor*. Dl>panalna< 00., Ltd., Raffia* Place. Singapore. aIARTIN. Che.Lt MHIHVWTIIV. ENOI.ANa TfQUID^FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Larjfe stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers
      778 words

    • 1611 8 Unner this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— ■hip; bq.— barque; sen. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. lorpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. BrilUh; U. 8.— I! nited States Feb.— French gar. German; Out. Dutch; Joh.—Johore; 8.* General-cargo; d.p. deck pasaeniger; O.— Uncertain
      1,611 words
    • 197 8 For Prr ttramer Time. To-Morrow. Bangkok Devawongnff 9am Bangkok Siiuiaporr 1 1 a.i. Hoihowand Hongar Chun Shan 11a.m. A milihs A Nritunas U. Hankn Noon. Batu Pahat Su-ee Moh Noon. Djambie Kian Ann 1 p.m. Penang Pin Sena 2 p.m. S'bayaand Samarang Babrltberu 'i p.m. Penang Lucia 'J
      197 words
    • 137 8 From Europe By the P.4O. s s. OftMM duo on Saturday, with dates to the 14th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 23rd January. From China— By the N.D L s.ts.'/Vti»»r/i due on Sunday. Times Tabi.h of Mails Die. l.pft Singapore.
      137 words
    • 223 8 A tLAI, VEBBKLB NaWK I'OBK CAPTAIB FBOM SaILID CO!WGNKK. Kio Mar 4 Raiaburi Ger str. 1189 Wendig Hongkong Feb 23 Behn Meyer *Co 4 Babelsberg str. 1379 Reeckmann Arooy Feb -J3 Hiap Kng Moh 5 Gibraltar Brit str. 2474 Morris Hongkong F.I. 2H0 f fillan Wood ACo H.-iiiirtl etr.
      223 words
    • 77 8 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Datk. Rio. Ship's Name. Captau eb 20 Brit sh. Troop Tritz '22 Out gg. Timor Rotting 2i Dut s.g.ilxion Kobinson 38 Am ah 'Luzon Park 28 Dut 8.8 Prinses Amalin Potjer 26' Dut s.s Merapi Udema Ship's Name. Captaih. i Datk of;
      77 words
    • 141 8 Dati VgBHIL'a SaMK. Flao Rio lows. Übstinati>n i.- 5 1 H 6 I I 7 8 a 0 6 6 6 6 I 6 8 (mi Wonggee Bengal UiLraltar BraemarHitacni Mar Q. G. Mi'j .'i Kraile Mitbonia Indrani Eraile hing Suey Lhi Miit D« Kock Coen Furfalla Helve Richmond
      141 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SII K MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. i Also Indian and Chinese-made jfold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver
      209 words
    • 1096 8 NO VZ LTIES-7«MSW3B»^^»MSt-SPECIAUTIES iL illfc fit E NEW SELVYT POLISHING CLOTH REAIIV f.r I Sr! KXIAMHJ* IV ISE USK 7TT THE SELVYT PATENT LAMP OLASS New inv.n^of ,vIn EE R P lamp Clachimneyc' Expands to nil shapes of oil or jamp class chimneys. The only perfVct instrument tor cleaning lamp
      1,096 words