The Straits Times, 4 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,070 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH t. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 685 1 THEATHMAL AND SIMILAR ADVEUTISEMEXTS. I per inch per day. The effective »f ttin^ of advertisements reeetves very cnrrfiil attention. Advertisement* intended for in»ertion in the Strait* Tkmm Hhould lie cent to the otbre, addre»M-il to the MHiiH^'ei, at the earliext poenilili' n i-iit. I)i-|.luytil adveitiseuientH cannot t»- ai ij'ii <1
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    • 74 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON&Ca •;0 1 Association Croquet Sets 8 Association Croquet Balls I Association Croquet Mallets [III I Association Croquet Hoops I Association Croquet Pegs J Painting Sets, Clips, etc. I Badminton Sets. ROBINSON Co. High Class Tailoring At Moderate Prices. Smart Stylish A Fashionable Cut Perfect Fitting Handsomely Finished. FROCK
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    • 982 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. J^g^Sl^^^^^^^ ASK YOUR STORE ICEEFER, FOR, B^^"^ "SLEDGE" BRAND. W^ J//M STERILIZED MILK IP y ABSOLUTELY I=»XJDFLE: 111 foc§§pjB^'fl Invaluable in the House, ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put otll See that you get what you ask for "Sledge"
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 101 1 NOTICES. Sflfa Slimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 riret tnKertiou *> <*nta Beeond and third insertions each ttO cents Fourth, tilth, and nixth 40 cents Be»enth i-ijjhti'i-i'ih 24 cenu Nineteenth iV Mili*>''|iH'iiii, 16 cents Per week ol mx dam <" <-ln">K e(l 'l iv1 >'
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  • 678 2 The Artesian Wells of Grenelle. The Paris correspondent of the Pall Mall Oazette writes:— As one stands before the main entrance of the Invalides one's eye is immediately caught by a large and ugly structure which occupies a great space in the horizon it is
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  • 139 2 In Southern Mindanao (Philippines) I the Americans are employing the I people of the land in road-making. They i are naturally listless and lazy, hut the I attractions of regular pay and rations < are drawing them in large numbers. < The supervising American troops stay I
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  • 134 2 In a New York telegram it is announced that the Bill making the gold peso (local dollar) the unit of value in the Philippines had been passed by I the Senate It is stated that this peso i will have a standard weight of \-j 9-1 v grains,
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  • 630 2 The Japan Gazette says that as the big hahxrankai or exhibition at Osaka is to be opened on th« Ist inst the authorities are keeping things there rather ijuiet, and barring the entrance of curious visitors. But, according to a casual visitor to the exhibition, matters there
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  • 188 2 Ton hph; Mr. Wyndhani's Irish Land Bill, the special correspondent in Dublin of the Mill QifiU, writinj; on Jan. ."list, said The drafting of the new Land Bill has been practically completed, and the finishing touches will have been given to it by the time
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  • 2095 2 Edible birds-nests still appear in the list of articles from which revenue is derived by the Government in Burma, but this curious trade appears to be languishing. The monopoly of collecting the dainty over the vast ary of the coast archipelago, from latitude 13 to a", including
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 NOTICES. Hartwig 6? Co., IMPOUTBRS OF ir/A'A;, 11EER, AND SPIRITS PROVISION MERCHANTS. N0.4&5 FLINT STREET &CAVENAGHBRIDGERD.NO. 4 4(5 I !^bw Ih^^^^laa rta^a^LttCiHa^^^^Maßa^^B^l AMI if IvF^^L j /^^^■^T^Bt^*^^LT^^^^a Mam V \j^j\ a^7 ffSM Tv^^4^aHiH a\ a\ \^^lb^| II \l3m ><l > Ts3\l in. aw. 1-3-04 Pure Dutch Cows Milk DUTCH FLAG
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    • 321 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. I'ARTICULARB FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. Singapore JEFFREY'S I EDINBURGH STOUT. A special, light brew for the ■J tropics. Highly recommen ded i Price $13.60 per case of 7 doz pints. Of all dealers BORNEO CO., LTD., BRITISH LAGER BEER. BRKWED BY IN JOOPES'CO., Limited. FROM PURE
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    • 296 2 NOTICE^. •pHE OTANDARP t IFE QFFICE. pay» upwards of Mlf-a-lfjllion Pounds Sterling per Annum la U«aUi (Claims. Its Funds, yearly inorianing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 16 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 NOTICES. J. MOTION ©O WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED W. D. FISHER, Astoc. At. Imt. C.E., OKESHAM HOUSE lITTEKT »0 Foundations, Bulldlnfi, Roofs' Rallwaya and Railway Structures Wharvaa. Roadi and Brldfai. Sarvaya. Hydraulic Mining Schaam. Inspection and Tastlnf ol Material! U.C. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanch*.
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    • 636 3 NOTICES. WANTED for Borneo a respectable Eurasian clerk, one who is used to keeping books, and who has a knowledge of shorthand preferred. Salary MOO to f.lifi mensem with free furnished quarters. Also two Chinese male typists with f> good knowledge of shorthand. Apply with copies of recent testimonials to
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    • 596 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEJJ APPQJiJKJ* SUB.AGENTJ o? TA Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, U.C. Straits Settlements. FK SALE,— Saigon Lympb, guaranteed frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96 Seleffie Road. n.c. FOR SALE $soi > FAST hay cob, quiet to
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    • 765 3 SHIPPING INDO-CHlfcA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR HON(,'K<>N<;. 11HE Company's ftteamar LAISAJfO, 8.45H tons, Captnin Courtney, having left Calcuttn on the 24th Feb., may Ixs expected to arrive here on or aDOU the 4th March, aud will have piompl >l.>piit> li for the above port. For freight or passan apply
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  • 851 4 The Labor Conference which was held last week came to a speedy termination of its labours, the Government and private employers of labor agreeing practically at the outset that they must offer a fair rate of wages to the coolies, and
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 10 4 The homeward mail closes at ft a m on Friday.
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  • 12 4 To-day'b 4/ms bank rate is 1/7,1, The sovereign has dropped to 512.20.
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  • 20 4 Thk Gollaths were beaten by Hongkong at hockey on the 23rd ult, to the tune of five goals to two.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on Page 8.
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  • 21 4 Warren'h Ciki I'D is not going to Bangkok as previously announced. The circus is expected to arrive here on Saturday next.
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  • 28 4 In the absence of the Rev. J. S Macknight, the Rev. J. A. B. Cook takes the services at the Penang Presbyterian Church for two or three weeks.
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  • 26 4 The Grand Oriental Hotel at Colombo distributed a dividend of eighteen per cent, for 1902. The Galle Face Hotel paid eight per cent, for the year
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  • 25 4 Captain Robinson of the s.s. Singapurcwas robbed of $600 by a Hylam boy at Bangkok on the 25th ult. The said boy not unnaturally disappeared.
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  • 29 4 Me. W. J. i'kavm, while golfing on the Garden City links, New York, the other day, drove bis ball 382 yards. This is claimed to be a world's record.
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  • 28 4 Mr. H. H. Coleridge has been appointed manager of the Straits Cycle and Motor <"<> from Ist inst. in place of Mr. J.T. Mathew, who has left the concern.
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  • 29 4 AsBIBT-Scit. Wathkn of the local police force, leaves for home by the P. and O. on the :<rd of next month on eight months' leave, accompanied by Mrs. Wathen.
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  • 34 4 The Balestier Range is closed for rifle practice on Sunday next the Bth instant, from 3. M) p in., on account of tbe match between the S. V. A. and the Swiss Rifle Club.
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  • 31 4 The Municipal Secretary at Penang has bad bis salary mixed to -£350 a year, by an increase in compensation owing to the bad dollar. Tbe sanction of the Government is awaited.
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  • 32 4 They are not quite too awfully pious to live, in Bangkok, despite the fact that they have a gold standard. The local newspapers are actually plucky enough to publish advertisements of sweeps."
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  • 38 4 Mr. Cecil Hynes, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, who has been in Bangkok for the past couple of years, is shortly going home on leave. He is a thorough-going sportsman and has plenty of friends in Singapore.
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  • 36 4 This morning before Mr. Wilson at the Police Court., Insp. Bateman, of the Weights and Measures Department, prosecuted a Chinese trader for being in possession of a false daching and weight. The man was fined $50. >
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  • 39 4 It i 6 understood that the annual firing of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery will take place on Sunday, 29th in ft.. The first of the competitions for the Section Cup is expected to be held during the annual inspection.
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  • 43 4 The evening services at the R. C. churches were well attended yesterday. A very noticeable feature at the church of Our Lady of Lourdes was the illumination of the Pope's coat of arms which was fixed at a considerable height on the steeple.
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  • 40 4 During the past two or three days Raffles Museum has been thronged with bluejackets from the Kentucky. Most of them expressed much interest in the place and it seems somewhat astonishing that many old Singapore residents have seldom visited it.
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  • 53 4 The Seremban Stakes, value $5,0U0, for which the nominations closed on Feb. 28th failed to fill. Only five nominations were sent in. The event will be reopened and will possibly fill for the June meeting. When a little place like Seremban can offer a 15,000 purse why can Singapore not
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  • 45 4 Something went wrong with the boilers of the U. S. P. Helena ana she remained behind in Cavite and did not comedown here with the Kentucky. The other two vessels, the harbour defence ships Monadnock and Monterey, remained behind in Shanghai with some boiler troubles.
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  • 51 4 Information is to hand that a new direct Italian line of steamers is to be put on between Venice and Calcutta. It is to be subsidised, and the Italian Minister of Finance has promised the annual sum from the exchequer of an equivalent of Rs. 750,000 to keep the line
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  • 49 4 Gambling houses are evidently very paying concerns in Rangoon as elsewhere, for in a case that was heard there the other day it transpired that a man who rented certain houses for gambling purposes received a one-third share of the profits, which came to about Rb. 800 a week
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  • 49 4 I'enang, too, suffero from the evils of high rent and lack of suitable dwellings for people of moderate means. The local Gazette says that what is badly needed there in for some speculative landlord or building society to arise and build houses of moderate size and with proportionate rents.
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  • 53 4 This morning, F. Robinson, the driver of a traction engine belonging to Howarth Erskine Ltd appeared before Mr Wilson in response to a summons issued at the instance of the police for obstruction by leaving a traction engine and two cars on a public road. Robinson was fined $25, and
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  • 48 4 Yesterday, no less that nineteen traders having places of business at Boat Quay were fined by Mr. Wilson for obstruction. In eighteen cases the fine was 825, in the other was 810. Sergt. Stapley is an energetic police officer, but the clearing of Boat Quay taxes his energies.
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  • 66 4 A mx'al para, in yesterday's issue stated that a portion of a lamp which had been stolen from a house in Dunman Street had been seen in a secondhand shop in Rochore Road. Action was taken, but as the shopman satisfied the owner of the article that he had purchased
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  • 62 4 Just now 'rikisha peons are specially industrious in commandeering dissolute and unsafe 'rikishas. As a result the 'rikisha coolies are polishing up some of their ancient vehicles to make them pass muster and amongst other things smother their dirt guards with grease As a result it is hardly safe to
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  • 56 4 From an announcement which appears in another column to-day, our readers will see that a new champagne has been introduced to Singapore, Messrs Rigold Bergraann Co. being tbe appointed agents. This champagne which is known as the Uenkell Trocken "gold seal," and is reported to to be excellent— is sold
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  • 67 4 A good butter in a thing very desirable and not particularly common in these parts. We have this morning received a sample jar of Wood's Australian Butter, which McAlister Co. import from Melbourne. The sample was taken from an ordinary tin and after trying it we come to the conclusion
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  • 70 4 Early yesterday morning, Mr. Listerman, proprietor of Cecil Hotel. Anson Road, made a report at the Detective Station that jewellery valued at $100 had been stolen from his place during the previous night. I >et Sergt. Reynolds investigated the case and arrested a servant, who was arraigned before Mr. Marriott
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  • 83 4 A football tie between the Victoria Recreation Club and H M.S. Argonaut, played at Hongkong on Saturday, Feb. 21st, resulted in a win for the sailors by one goal to nothing. This was a shield competition tie. It is expected that the Argonaut will carry off the shield this year.
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  • 102 4 The Spring Meeting of the Singapore .Sporting Club takes place on May 19th, 'Jlst, and 23rd, and the Racecourse will he officially open for training on March 16th, the entries closing at noon on Saturday, May 9th. In connection with the forthcoming meeting, it is a good thing to remember
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  • 59 4 Fourteen Malays were picked up in a half-starved condition in a sampan off the Penang coast by the B I. Itria which arrived at Rangoon on Feb. 21st. From what could be gathered from the men they had been drifting about from the time their steamer had
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  • 99 4 Special Telegram to tbe Straits Times." ACTION OF PENANG BANKS. Penung, March 4. The I'enang Banks are refusing to buy paper Trade with China and Deli hi paralysed. [The ahovi- HHgnai wa» nliown to Mr. Nicholson, the local Manager ..f th." llmi^kont. Rank, who explained that it- MatMM ir>minleading. The
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  • REuter's Telegrams.
    • 86 4 VIOLENT WEATHER IN THE CHANNEL. Narrow Escape of the Calais-Dover Packet. London, Hani .'< The gale in the British Ules has revived with increased violence, parti cularly in the Channel. There have been numerous disasters, with loss of life. A Dominion liner has gone ashore at Queenstown The
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    • 18 4 All the refugee camps in the Orange River Colony have been closed, except one at Brandfort.
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    • 29 4 President Roosevelt has summoned a Bpecial session of the Senate for the .'ith inst, to secure the sanctioning ot the Panama Canal and Cuban reciprocity treaties.
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    • 44 4 America's Friendly Attitude. I'urine a debate in the House ot I. ...Is on the Venezuela question, Lord Lansdownu explained that the American <;<>vernment was fully acquainted witii the course of British action from the lirst, and that America had been perfectly friendly throughout
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  • 171 4 Yesterday's Results. i.ADIEs' SIMILES A. CLABB. Mm. (iiinMo-T Wat Mr«. llmok.-. IK., li I LADIES' BINGLKB B CLAM Mr- hHM > -I'nt Mrs. I..urn", 6 3, til). Mill IXMBLBB A. CLASS Mrs. Wu.ld.-I I —i Mr. M.-u-Dmi-all 1,.-,ti Ming. l. Om wmi Mr Haaaaiwi, I Lt; t. Mrs.
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  • 79 4 Apparently something has gone wrong with the works of the M. M b.b. Sydney which left Colombo on Thursday evening last with the home mails. '■"In- has not been heard of since, that is the local agente have heard nothing. They are, however, not particularly anxious. The
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  • 67 4 Mk. Joseph Chamberlain has some claims to be considered a literary man, as well as the noted amateur actor he is remembered as being in his youth for in that distant time he wrote a play called Who's Who t of which it is niw impossible to obtain a copy.
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  • 79 4 His Highness the Sawbwa of Keng Tung who, on latest advices, was living in Oriental Avenue, Bangkok, was said by the Siam 0 bterver to be having a conference with Mr. Paget, the British Charge d'Affaires and H K. H. Prince Damrong, the Siamese Minister of the Interior, on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1078 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY^ WALSH, LTD. AGENTS FOR THE ARDATH TOBACCO CO. Just Received TOBACCOS. CIGARETTES. Anlatli Full iK) cts. per ilb State Express Mnliu.n 90 cts. do rainar V 8 0 90 P er bo MiM Wets, do State *E"V x%mm (Astonas) 1.50 State Express 80 cts. do Quovadis (Turkish)
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    • 66 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbn: Greeham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday! only 8 a.ra.— 6 p.m. Orchard !on Weekly! Biß.-6p.rn. aauu on Sundays. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papera, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German dry plates (Englifb and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 228 5 To Editor of the "Strait* Time*" Bir,—A police court report published in yesterday's issue of the Straits lilies Hhowed conclusively that the magistrates are quite prepared to protect the public in the matter of tl)«c(indii)i.' servants The action taken by Mrs. Travers Drapes with regard to her troublesome
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  • 129 5 Mk. Justice Hyndman-.lones yesfuliiv sent Lee Ah Hye to prison for -ix ycirs rigorous (with three years' police supervision added) tor theft. He is an old hand with four previous convictions. Ching Wah Choon, who committed criminal breach of trust :is a carrier, is now commencing the primary
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  • 180 5 A Javanese Captured. ABOUT :i o'clock this morning two lavanept; luirglars broke into a house occupied by someChinese in Syed Alley Road. Tlh-v disturbed the occupants of the boUM who awoke and shotited for help. The whole neighbourhood was awakened by the noise, and by -.inn- it wh
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  • 108 5 Thk (Jarden Party at the Roman 'atholii' Club last night was a decided success, and the Rev. Father Rivet and Ihone-who co-operated with him have .■very reason to feel gratified. There was a large and brilliant gathering of il.f tair sex who appeared to enjoy the thing
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  • 164 5 Thk Airuiimit Aprar arrived here 'in Monday in charge of her old commander. Captain Fey, and with a full ;-argo and a full list of passengers. For some months past it has been currently reported throughout the Indian and Kar Eastern ports that this popular skipper had retired
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  • 235 5 S.C.C. v. R.E. Teams of the R.K. and S.C C. met last evening on the Esplanade, before a fair crowd of spectators. The RE. have got a good team and gave the Club a hard tussle for points, the Club eventually winning by a goal to nil. The first
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  • 190 5 The Governor Patronises Rosina." Last night was a eala night at the Malay Theatre, North Bridge Road, when the Indra Zanibar Theatrical Co placed or. the stage a tragedy entitled Rosina." The performance was under the patronage and in the presence of h. k. the Governor, who
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  • 197 5 A i.i i: i.i while ago, a French convict from New Caledonia who had stowed himself away on an M. M. steamer at Sydney, was handed over to the police at Fremantle, in West Australia. The police had to set him fiee again owing to shortcomings in
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  • 141 5 Boatmen are licensed at Colombo under a new system. The point of the right hand finger thumb of each boatman is taken down on the registration dheet where eacn man's name, his birthplace, age, and height are written. The print of the finger thumb is taken from a
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  • 114 5 At the Sessions Court at Colombo on the 18th Feb. the foreman of the jury in a murder case then proceeding, addressed the judge and said he hoped the caso would be the last that day. They had had no tiffin to speak of, except a little bread
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  • 215 5 The Shipmasters' Society of London has just held an important meeting. I c was resolved that offices should at once be taken in the Passmore Edwards Sailors' Palace, 680 Commercial Street, E.,now being erected by the British and Foreign Sailors' Society and to be opened by H. R
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  • 223 5 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co. has just held its half-yearly meeting at Hongkong, at which the dividend for last year was set at 26 per cent., besides the usual bonus to the European staff. The directors proposed doing away with the bonus system on the
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  • 116 5 On the night of the 2nd inst. Tan Lee and another ensaged 'rikisha No. 1151 in North Bridge Road and in the course of a drive managed to extract forty cents from beneath the seat of the vehicle. At the end of the journey they refused to pay the fare.
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  • 46 5 The January output at tnese Mines was 1134 piculs of ore. A telegram 1 just received from the manager gives the result of February's operations for 26 working days as 1209 piculs. The estimated pro6t for the two months is about 170,000.
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  • 131 5 Messrs. rUmaswamy and Munuswray indite the following gem to the editor of the Perak Pioneer Mort Ho\iifnr.ii Sir, "We the undersigned residents of Bukit Gantang humbly beg to bring to your kindest notice, that since thii month we ar«« daily put to greatest trouble by
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  • 152 5 New-Fakolbd American restaurants, under the name of i^uick Lunch Bars, are now the rage at London. According to some of the newspapers describing the shops, 11." public do a good deal of the waiting for themselves, which is perhaps, the reason of the name, for promptitude in attending
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  • 630 5 StaOAPOBI, 4TH MAKH, IMS. PRODUCE. Gambier hnyern f 15.06 Copra Ball 9.55 do Pontlanak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyen 33.25 do White, (8%) 59.60 Sago Flour Sarawak teller* 5.15 do Brunei No. 1 4.80 Pearl Sago 8.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% b&nii 22.00 Coffee, Palerabanu, 20% ba»l»._ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 Mr. Theodore Richards, ritewart, Minn., writes "My father bad pleurisy. A skilful physician treated him. He grew steadily worse. Jayne's Expectorant restored him to health." The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agent* for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 70 5 MORE EFFEC TIVE THAN COD LIVER OIL. Medical Scientists have long sought in vain for a preparation as effective as Cod Liver Oil, but free from its disadvantages. Emulsions, Tonics, and Medicated Wines have been extolled in vain. The problem has been now solved, once and for all by the
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    • 146 5 TO BE LET. NO. 73, Annon Road, immediate entry. Apply to v c. BTEPHBNB PAUL A CO PAWNBROKERS' ORDINANCE. OF 1898. 4 UCTION SALES of unclaimed pledges i\. from the following Pawnshops:— To be held at our sale-room at No. 188, Cecil Street. On Monday 2nd, Wednesday 4th, and Friday
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    • 419 5 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY^ NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF 156 FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Situated at the corner of Serangooa Road and Lavender Street TO BE HELD AT POWKIX I'O's SALEROOM On Wednesday, Wh March, 19a'l, At 2.30 p.m. For full particulars see circulars and plans. u.o. POWELI, A Co Auctioneer*. AUCTION SALKOK
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 185 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 4th March. High Water. -J. 3" p.m. C.W.A. U.-iffle* <;irU' Sclwol. 4. I'.jwii Itan.l. Old MM 5 to ti p.m. s.V.A. UQn Drill. 5.15. S.V.K. Drill. 5.15. S.V.E. Inf. Drill. 5.15. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Koad. 9. Thursday. sth March. Hij;h Water. 1. 40 a.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 402 6 NOTICES. Aleuts for LEA &PERRINS' tlf I#l ViiCESTEISHIBE SAUCE. vßg Special Warrant JgFaPE JK His Majesty Purveyors to f£&WSß**& The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. A cup of Bovril for late Supper 1 will be tound ,i desirable change for many who feel the need of nourishment before retiring, but to
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    • 351 6 NOTICES. g The most Rat rushing Drink in Sings pore I montserrat; Mk Lime-Fruit Juice ImL and Cordials ■IP either with water or aereated water is a /m delightful thirst quencher Tkm LAHOET mmi^ j\\ £1 "W« counnal the public to drink Llma-••-,yj<TJ t i J they (|Bt (t (>
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    • 207 6 NOTICES. CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHO-CLYGERATE OF LIMB It increases vital energy and nerve force, cures Mturasthtnm Oyipepsu Insomnia, and ntrooui dittasts id adults and children. II CAPSULES, IN WINE. Mi IN SYRUP BAGNALL HILLES. q6 Robinson Road. Kleoti ie Kan*. (Vilinu and I'ftble. 40. M>, i^' 80, 100, 1 in ■■<< \:t<
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 701 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rE St» n H»r 1 Life AMUranoe. Norwioh Union Fire Insurance Boeii*». Ulan Assurance Company (Fire). The K'i>m*l.le I, iff Aiwur«noi> ftociety. I he China Mutual btetm Navigation Company •itl« n hain Lager B«er Company. .•'or particulars of tL«*e Companies, »«e the .•ml »dv.,rUH«iii..nt of THE
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    • 781 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India UoTernroent. gt ntt at Singapore: Ship Agiscy, latb J. Dabhdbls A Co., 2-3, C'oixns Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer Ffwm Expected Will be Itoapatcbed for On Mahu VoiirunhU Padang Feb L'l Penang, Olehleh, Poeloe Raja, Analaboe,
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    • 522 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contbact with thb Al-STI'IAN GOVBBNMENT. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to arrive and sail from here Outward. Hombwabi>. I'.kw. 1903 *E.Ft'rdinandMvH ZAuxtria Feb. 27 \M. Valeric „13 M-\f>pon Mar. 27 \Gitela Apl. 11 'E.F. Ferdinand
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    • 647 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnle Oes Messagerlea Maritime* De France. TIL«ORAPHIO AnPRBBSt M*BSAGBBIBB, BIHOAPORI. The -nail «tearaar» will leuve Singapore on or a.)o' the andermantiaasd datei. I OUTWABD. HOMBWARD. Dfttet. Dst. 9 1903 1903 Sydney Mar. Oetmttm Mar I Tunki, v-u |g .in/i"/« Mar 16 Mir. M>jj Wm«M Mar 80 Cttftdcmim Apr.
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    • 558 7 INSURANCE CO.'S pAHION INBDRANCB OFFICE \j LIMITED. Capital SnbMfilMd.. $2,600,000. Amount pud np 600,000. Beserve fund 1,160,000. Head Omm, Hoit&uowe. rhe unoenigned, hiring bean appointed Agenti of the abovo Company, are prepared to j Moept Marine KUk* at onrront rate*. BOTTfiTEAD t. Co.. Agent* EOYAL INSgRANCI Coy7\ FIRS LJFE TOTAL
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    • 755 7 NOTICES. yiPIOL&STEEU yUlfbr Lag I^l P| JLLS A for all Ifratfularitlaa. I Sold by Singapore Dlap«nslni( Co., Ltd., RafPus Plaoa, Slnguporo. r'ror" MAkTIN Chen,,... SOUTHAMPTON. E.NOI AMk LIQUID^ FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stools always on hand. 32,6 (Tliirty-tw.. shillings and tivjwice) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER
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    • 1267 8 Under this hutuim^ the following abbre•l*> ions are used str. steamer sh.— •hip; bq. barque; scu. schooner; Yet. Y»cnt; Cru.— Ciuiser; Gbt.-Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H. p. --Horse-power; Brit.— BriIllh; U. B.— United States: Feb.— French; Her.— German 1 'ut.— Dutch Joh.— Johore; B.«.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger;
      1,267 words
    • 97 8 tor Per tUamrr Time. To-Morkow. rhristmns Island Itlander 7 a.m. PnMmbane faeenlejieM n a.m. I. l>u-kson4SepaiiK HintanyTimur Ip.m. Malacca and Li nggi Helen* Ip.m. Port Swettenham Ainq Leonn 3 p.m! Muntok Palembang 0. Miier 4 p.m. Fridw. Europe vix ports H, ■n-ini 6 a.m. Bangkok W^ajin 11 a.m.
      97 words
    • 139 8 From Europe— Ry the M M. s.s. S<idnen due on Wednesday, with dates to the "th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 9th and 12th Jan. From China— By the P. 40.5. s. Bengal due on Thursday. Timbs Table of Mails
      139 words
  • 134 8 *v j Uiji «:»pt*ii, From Sailid. OoKeio.iKM. ilar 3 Eros 3 Vu IHlllMOfc 3 3 Zibeniihl.V 8 Emile 3 R. Dickengon 3 Singapore 4 'innymrilf 4 Vienhuys 4 B. 8. M»yer n°l ReMl/ Bangkok Fei. 27 Bou.tead and Co. o ]t« 25?^, Surabaya Keb 2^ Daendels and Co.
    134 words
  • 177 8 Dm Date. ATI. Vksbkl's Name. Flao A Rio. Tons. 1 Dbbtisatiow. iJai 4 Friggat I Salnhaci|i I lioribiit 4 Korneo 4 Taroba 4 i Konifjgberg 4 Breid 4 Sultan 4 Betty 4 Sheikh 4 Atlak*+ 4 I Kirn-.-4 Eros 6 Island« 6 Lambil Maaboor 4 Arratoon Apear 4 Hye
    177 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 508 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancvVoods curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios Visitors will
      508 words
    • 1008 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., T^Z:\^ IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES. BLACK SATIN BELTS Jh la %Vir ;k thi- lat.M S.ylr Bl' LADIto PRETTY SGArtFS IB iff Exact in illustration, Primmed Price $1.05 Each. /f|! 1 j« f White, Mauve, Green and Sky. LADIES' WHITE PETTICOATS S? L j/L1
      1,008 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 93 8 WEATHER REPORT. fCnitdano Kerbau Hospital, Srd Man 1903. Ha.m3p.rn. 9pm Remarks. Bar 2«.91« 29.796 -29 8«9 Mornirg Temp 84 0 »6.6 79.9 clear, day WBlbTher 78.0 80.0 76.4 cloudy." DirofWind sb. n.e. Calm, night clear. Max. Temp 90.2 Mm 72.5 Sun 152.8 Terr, rad 70.8 Rainfall Nil The standard
      93 words