The Straits Times, 26 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 065 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 778 1 NOTICES. ©to jjtraits Sinus. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, roluinn measnre.l Pint insertion $1 20 cents Second and third insert ions each 80 cents Fourth, lift li. iiml sixth 40 cents Seventh to cighti-entli 24 cents Nineteenth 16 cents Per week of six NMa, to be changed daily
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    • 159 1 Katz Brothers Limited. Gentlemen's Rain Coats with Cape (Inverness) $16.50. >v Gentlemen's Rain Coats with/ j»VQ\y Sleeves (Chesterfield) 1 5./ Jf Gentlemen's Riding Capes $8. X Ctok w*^* 1 Xi j* V *V Jvx Ladies Syces Capes in Black and/ !?•&««> Syces Capes in Black Xj%H' X with Caps $6.
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    • 846 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Seremban Gymkhana Club. EASTER MEETING, TO RE IIKI.I) AT SEREMBAN, April the 14th, 16th, A 18th, 1903. Programme of €vtni&. FIRST DAY. THE SEHHGOR ST»KES K«.. N.i Value ¥300 -I'resentwi l.y the ScUnxor Tun" <:inl>. A Kace for SelsnK<ir IWKt i.ritiiin. W.-i-lit for age. Kntranee— $!."> Hi-ihih. i:
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    • 654 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. $250 to the third hone. If there are fewer than eight starters tin tins race the amount of tbe stakes offered will lie reduced as follows i No. of Startkr*. Stakks Ofkerfh. Winner. Second Seven $1,0011 $7.V> Six UK*' ji"i Five 1,00(1 Four 750 Three 500 THE SECOND
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    • 722 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. n AN assistant to act as Secretary ami rV. Accountant for a Mining Coy. in Pahang. None but capable men need apply. State Wrim and xend copies of recent te« tiroonials tv 4-1 P c/o Strait* Times. Government notification. A TEMPORARY Clerk, able to work the J\.
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  • 2054 2 Extracts from the "Times." The fofowing are extracts from the i third of the Time* articles on The Problem of the Army." The title of the i article is" South Africa and th? Home Establishment." i The general outlines of our military requirements and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 513 2 NOTICES. THE INVISIBLE" COMBINED OIL MOTOH CEfITBIFIML POMP, The LATEKT HKiT Water KAISGR in the Market. Indispensable to Cultivator for IRRIGATION. it ik UgU in Weight. _-^fk Work* wl *h th iHiiy slhu.,l :m.| Worked KJuKfiL Commonest ci.MM in Working. MBtßal Petroleum, ('.unpiu-t uml veryPortalili- ft- Jggg Paraffin, or Kerosane.
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    • 366 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 ll»«., l.»M»lb«., alter seven after fourclay* in teen days Water. in Water. The above test* were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore
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    • 287 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts 534. 24 pints $.i 6. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. tb. a. Sols Aaaira. OF GENUINE MALT WHISKIES THE BEST BLENDS ARE BUCHANANS RED SEAL 111.78 per case WHITE SEAL $15 00 per case. OF ALL DEALER?
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  • Correspondence.
    • 645 3 To the Editor of tlif "Strati* Kms." Sir,—In your critique of the opening performance of Liberty Hall," which, by the way, did net criticise much, the writer essays to tell one of the performers how to make-up. As an old professional who was present I can endorse
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    • 112 3 A MOB deal lias been written about submarines or submersible boats mostly in favour of them. The British specimens at Barrow are still in the experimental stage, but it is said that great improvements have recently been made. Meantime it is interesting to note that the Engineer
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    • 696 3 Governor Talt Believes in Protecting Native Labor. Governor Taft of the Philippines has the following to say in his annual report concerning the admission of Chinese laborers into the Philippines The complaint of the American and foreign merchants in these islands that the labor to be
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    • 184 3 Tn k stock is said to be so great that no fears of a shortage need be entertained for years to come, if the business is properly and intelligently handled Experts report that there is not a tributary to the Amazon which does not show forests
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General chipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 756 3 NOTICES, THEY WILL REMAIN. The bump of reverence is overshadowed by the bump of intelligence in the 20th century man and womaii. Old things are not preserved simply because they are old. Whatsoever is no longer useful nm-t get out of the way. Nevertheless, progress that is not intelligent will
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    • 677 3 NOTICES. WANTED rmnrediatery, Chinese or Eurasian clerk. Must be fairly Rood book-keeper. Only imart men need apply to T. C." c/o Strait* Time*. a- 3 Cl. m K wanted (not Chinese); knowledge of hooks preferred. Wages, to commence, *A 0 to $70 per month according to ability. Apply to K.
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    • 582 3 NOTICES. Meun. H. L. Coghlaa 9f Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OFTHB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBT>iAb'<t CO., General Agent*, v.c. Straits Settlements. FR SALE, Saigon Lymph, guaranteed freab, at the Crown Dispensary, B 6 Selegie Road. v.<-. FOB SALE. APOLLO PIANOLA In excellent order, price 9360. Apply
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    • 499 3 I SHIPPING COMPANIA TRABATLANTKA OF BARCELONA, FOR MANILA. rPHK outward Spanish mail steamei J. I SLA DX PA WAY, having left Colombo on the 19th inst., is expected here on the 24th inst. and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to BARLOW 4
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  • 460 4 That some of the drastic changes with their concomitant legislative acts made by the Americans in the Philippines would not last has long been patent to all who had any knowledge of the islands as they were under Spanish rule. The
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  • 243 4 It is unfortunately an incontrovertible fact that the poor we have always with us but it seems wrong that the ratepayers should be asked to support eleemosynary institutions for the care of paupers and then be suffered to endure the importunities of professional mendicants outside. On that subject a local
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  • 210 4 In another column will be found the letter of Fair Play Junior," who takes exception to certain comments made in the Straits Times of the 20th inst. regarding the Johore Railway. His arguments are doubtless just but he leaves out one important item in his premises, Lt, it is to
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  • 193 4 Though it sounds almost too good to be true it would seem from today's telegram that the reign of the professional agitator in Ireland is at last coming to an end and that the agitator himself is evincing an actual readiness to abdicate. Mr. Redmond's speech is about the happiest
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  • 129 4 It is satisfactory to note from a police court report that the magistrates are determined to put down the dangerous practice of adulterating milk. The tine imposed, yesterday, on a milk seller ought to prove a deterrent. Five hundred dollars is large sum and six months is a long terra,
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  • 69 4 Among the reading matter to be found on pages 2 and 3 of to-day's issue, is a portion of the article recently published in the London Time*, recommending that a large force of the Regular army should be stationed in South Africa. This is particularly apropos in the light of
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  • 73 4 As stated previously, the s.s. IHltvara with the Ist Battalion of the Manchester Regiment is due here on March 23rd and it appears that the same vessel will take the 3rd Madras Infantry to India. According to a Calcutta telegram of the 11th instant she is to leave this on
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  • 64 4 Thk Legislative Council meets on Friday, March 6th, when the Colonial Secretary will move that 172,000 be voted for the purchase of additional rolling stock for the railway— one locomotive, six third class carriages, and two passenger brake vans. There is also a motion asking for the appointment of a
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  • 8 4 To day's 4/m bank rale is 1 7;>
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  • 11 4 Exchange and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to- lay
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  • 15 4 The Consul General for Turkey has been indisposed with fever, but he is now recovering.
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  • 23 4 The Chinaman who was injured by falling down the hold of a vessel in the harbour yesterday, died in the hospital last night.
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  • 22 4 The monthly meeting of the Church Work Association will be hel.l in the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday next at 4 p.m.
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  • 22 4 Thk many friends of Mr. T. Davidson, of the I. S. Consulate-General, will regret to hear that he is somewhat seriously indisposed.
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  • 22 4 AssiST.-st pt. Whitehead, of the police force returned to Singapore this morning from Hongkong. He has been away on three months' vacation.
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  • 27 4 The Monthly Missionary Meeting will be held in Prinsep Street Church on Monday next at 8p m. An Address will be delivered by the Rev. W. Murray.
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  • 22 4 The trans-Pacific cable is expected to reach Manila on the Ist May, thus establishing direct telegraphic communication there with the United States.
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  • 24 4 The F.M.S. yacht Meraa arrived from Port Swettenham this morning with Mrs. and Miss Treacher and Messrs. Caulfeild, Baxendale, Cochrane and Cropley on board.
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  • 30 4 The Filipinos at the Hanoi Exhibition complain of ill-treatment at the hands of the French authorities and have filed a protest with the Secretary of the Interior for the Philippines.
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  • 31 4 The U. S. battleship Kentucky, with Admiral Robley Evans on board, and accompanied by the harbour defence vessel Monterey, may be expected here from Manila during the next day or so.
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  • 34 4 The dead body ot a Chinese sampan coolie was found Moating in the sea off the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. There were no marks of violence on the body. His sampan was found tied up.
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  • 33 4 An American editor in the Western States recently shot his physician. Perhaps," says another editor, commenting on the sad affair, the physician did not take his paper. Now is the time to subscribe."
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  • 42 4 The Hongkong Fire Insurance Company (Messrs. Guthrie and Co. being the agents here) made a profit of over 199,315 dollars in 1901; of this it is proposed to distribute $178,000 in dividends. The balance at credit of the 1902 account is $299,299.
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  • 44 4 Who would not be a popular pugilist P During bis fighting career John L. Sullivan is credited with having received 1750,000 (gold) in stakes, to say nothing of presents, etc., from backers, whilst his theatrical ventures are alleged to have netted him $35,000 (gold).
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  • 54 4 The rifle shooting match between teams of the Swiss Ride Club and the Singapore Volunteer Artillery will be fired at the Balestirr Range and at the Swiss range on the Chasseriau Estate. Each team will thus fire on the other's range. Probably the first portion of the match will be
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  • 50 4 There is probably little need to remind theatregoers that ''Liberty Hall is to be repeated at the Town Hall to-night. There has been a very big demand for seats and those intending to be present should obtain their tickets from Messrs John Little and Co. at the very first opportunity.
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  • 51 4 General Buller stated to the War Enquiry Commission that his telegram of loth Dec. 1*99 to the War Office saying to let Ladysmith go meant not to surrender but that he should cease attempting to relieve it. He thought General White would break out and join him, which was quite
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  • 53 4 An inordinate appetite for potatoes induced a Singapore Chinaman to possess himself of a few pounds of the commodity, but when accosted by the police he failed to give a satisfactory account as to how he came by them. He also failed to satisfy Mr. Marriott, and, this morning, got
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  • 64 4 Thk Bank of South China, registered in London, with a fully paid-up capital of one million dollars, has just opened its doors in Hongkong. Mr. Robs Taylor, who was at one time manager of the Bank of China and Japan, in Shanghai and Hongkong, has been appointed manager of the
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  • 63 4 The Netherlands gunboat Edi arrived at Manila a few days ago, on her way to make a survey for the cable which is to connect Shanghai and the Island of Celebes, by way of the Pellew islands. She i» on the way to Shanghai to eminence work on the survey.
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  • 105 4 THE PROBLEM OF THE ARMY. Condemnation of Mr. Brodrick 1 Scheme. Lord Roberts Approved it. Cmnlm, -i:,th Feb. Mr. Winston Churchill resumed the army debate, and denounced Mr. Brodrick's scheme as a sham and humbug. In his opinion, the object ot the scheme was to make Britain a
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 69 4 Mr. Redmond's Hopeful Speech. Mr. John Redmond, moving an amendment to the Address, urging the fullest performance of the report of the conference between Irish landlords and tenants, said he and his friends hoped and believed that Government was framing a great measure of justice for the
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  • 104 4 Ties for Saturday. LADIES' SI.NuI.KB A. U--Mi- linioke Mr-, (.an-ln-e, LADIES' SINGLES H CLASS. ■M M Al.rain- I Mrs. Jag*. Mrs IMM <• Mi" Wi»harl, Mi l,ane Mrs. Scoolibg. MIXED D'MBI.ES ll CI.ASB. HIM K. l.loyd :in.l Mr. Mackintosh I Mr.. H...,|,..i hii.l Mr. Trea.l-i.ld. LADIES' Ixiiiu.ks. Mi-
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  • 100 4 Thk following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s saleroom yesterday —Land at Waterloo Street, area K>,600 sq. ft., held under lease No. 42 dated Ist Jan. IMS for 9» years, together with the dwelling house thereon known as 6 Waterloo Street, bought by Keng
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  • 96 4 Mr. .1. A. McGregor of the Linsum Estate Nogri Sembilan, informs the Malay Mail that he recently sent a small sample of rubber to London. The amount was about 3 piculs and was divided into two classes, the first being classed as No 2 and the second as
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  • 47 4 The Municipal Commissioners hold their ordinary fortnightly meeting to-morrow afternoon. Among the matters set down on the agenda are loans, health sanitation (apparatus for the bacteriologist, and closing of wells), and new boat for the Impounding Reservoir also a list of streets to be metalled and watered.
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  • 67 4 Does the general public know the basis upon which rental* are figured by the property owners of Manila It is no secret and the fact is worth knowing, says the Manila Omtlmnmm. The established rate is SI per cent, of the investment, gross, which nets the proprietor about 20 per
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  • 100 4 Yesterday afternoon Mr Romenij was being driven home in his victoria when, opposite the Post Office, a rikisha puller ran right across the horse's head. Result, a smash up, occupants of the rikisha, two Japanese women, being thrown into the road. One of them was stunned, ami had to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 566 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT^ CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, ffiriee Jbist on Jipplieation.) 1 v th. s TO U LET. ■VMt <;), Anxon Itoii'l, immediate entry. 111 1 Apply to lie. STEPHENS PAUL A CO. »7VNUlNEEK,t'xperienced, desires engagei iiii-iii. superintendent or place of
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    • 400 4 The Currency Question The Silver Standard AND The Straits Currency Question." M/AUGUST HUTTENBACH. Will be published on Monday, Marcli 2ml On sale, by Messrs. Kelly and Walsli, John Little Co., Ltd., and Fraser Neave, Ltd. WANTED A competent Chinese salesman. Apply to STUBRN 4 FRANZES 4-8 WANTED. A Chinese clerk
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    • 132 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresbam House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on WeeM *y t 8 n P-m. on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German dry
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    • 49 4 Mr. A. J Bowling, Elvira, Kv., writes My father says that Jayne's Expectorant saved my life whea I was a baby, and I regard it as the best remedy in toe world for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs." The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements
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  • Correspondence.
    • 309 5 |fe VMiim of ihe Strait* Times." Sir, 1 In a leader in the your issue if the inst, our railway and that n Shansi are compared as regard cost md time in building. 2, Before any such comparison can, utli any iiproa'.'h to fairness, be made, MM must
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    • 180 5 Exemplary Penalty. That the sale of adulterated milk joes on to a considerable extent in Singapore, -uid that the vendors thereof ire emboldened by the profits to run serious risks was shown in a case tried by Mr. Marriott yesterday afternoon. Karly yesterday morning, Sanitary Inspector HarHeet
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    • 277 5 The last mail brings news of the it li in the ninety-first year of his age, if Capt It. C. Allan C. 8., one of the )ldest officers in the Royal Navy. He m born in 1812, and entering the Navy in June, 1827, was placed
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  • 72 5 The death rate among Chinese at Hongkong was 21.93 per 1000 in 1902 igainst a ratio of tt.77 in 1901. The Health Officer there, deems, despite Che reduction, that the rate is exceedingly high having regard to the fact that the population is so largely composed of young adults. Much,
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  • 611 5 The Socoe Vremya says that, if her trial trips prove satisfactory, the Russian ironclad Kniaz Souvaroff will Hail for the Far East immediately. The Kniaz Souuaroj) is a eteel battleship of 1H.600 tons displacement and 16,000 ill .p (Belleville boilers). She has just been completed at St. Petersburg.
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  • 170 5 So many Americans holding official positions in Manila have gone wrong in financial matters through gambling, &c. that the Manila Times urges the Government to control in some measure their method of private living. That journal believes it to be right and proper that no man in a position
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  • 44 5 Stkakns' Wink is eagerly taken by Children and Invalids instead ot being repugnant to them. It is a wonderful health restorative and Nerve Tooic. Children derive especial benefit from its usei it is so happily taken.— Sold by all chemists.
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  • 163 5 Dr. Louis Sambon, in an article on the malarial mosquito, the Anophele*, remarks that the habit of sucking blood is an acquired habit confined to the female Anopheles. The male insect will at times alight on a hand held perfectly still, and will probe about with its
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  • 53 5 The death is announced of Mr. J. W. 1.. (Jlaisher, the eminent scientist and mathematician. He was a fellow and lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, editor of the Messenger of Mathematics since 1071 and of the Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics since 1878 and author of numerous papers
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  • 51 5 The new rupees bearing the King's image and superscription are now in circulation in Rangoon. The new coin can scarcely be described as a success. The King-Kmperor's head is good, though somewhat indistinct, and the design on the reverse i? very shoddy looking in comparison with that of the old
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  • 108 5 On the 19th inst. Mr. W. Adams had four Chinese employes before Mr Marriott for breach of contract of service. Two of the men were further charged with mischief in cutting up a rope value Si 6. The case was postponed till this morning. Mr. Adams failed to establish the
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  • 148 5 Talking of Siam in the Mission Field, the organ of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Mr. Harry Hillman, at one time editor of the Siam Obserrer, says he has no sympathy with those who claim that life in Siam is nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit.
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  • 119 5 Lots of stories are afloat respecting Admiral Robley Evans, U.S.N., who is popularly known as Fighting Bob and is shortly due here. He is a native of the state of Ohio. One morning pome years ago, when in command of a cruiser, he put into Nagasaki Hardly had he dropped
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  • 451 5 S. V. C. ORDERS. By Liki-t.-Co thkHon. A. Murray, V D., Commandant, s. v. c Singapore, ->rHh Feb. s. v. c. 11. K. the Governor ha* been pleaoed, with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonieo, to grant to Hon. Lieut and Quartermaster W. Buchanan Smith, permission
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 The Best Advice To give to a person suffering from Headache nr Neuralgia is to use a remedy that will give instant relief. Like a touch of the wizard's wand, Little's Oriental Balm acts on these painful disorders. The effects are simply marvellous. One application and the pain subsides as
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    • 39 5 TOWN HALL. THURSDAY FEB. 26TH. SATURDAY 28TH. AT 9 P.M. Amateur Theatrical Performance "LIBERTY HALL" A COMEDY IX FOUR ACTS, BY K. C. CARTON, ESQ. Seats can be booked at Messrs. John Little Company Prices $3 and $1 96-2
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    • 957 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. THIRD ISSUES $200,000. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section Wf\ (I) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 444 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" /V// SAFES of all qualities. y C N^^ s Vy Chatwoods Patent Steel Doors yv~CT* <j /a Gates for Strong Rooms. jy y wr o° y CATALOGUES FREE y^J^W. /NOTICE! on Application. /.J^H <^T a*AJ/ /\f> <Lt y f Chatwoods TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-^^^ Q) X New p
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    • 351 6 NOTICES. NO MORE WHITEWASH. :o: It coets lebs to keep a building in good appearance with LYTHITE. Lythite is a tine powder having many ot the characteristics ot the best cement mixed with cold water, it makes a paint that flows as treely i-j varnish and w ll dry and
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    • 155 6 NOTICE. MUORSKI begs to inform bis clients a that he has reduced the price of his cakes as follows Small Cakes 8 cents each Almond and Light Cakes 4 M GORSKI, 11-3 1 Stamford Road. W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM LAMBERT, late manager "1 Lambert Bros., is carrying on bnsiness as coach
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    • 625 6 BANKS. HONOKONH AND BHANUHAI BANKJUO COEPOKATIOV PAJIMJI' OAPI TAL »10,00t>.000 RESERVE FUND.Hterliog Reserve..* 10,000,000 Silver Reserve....! 6,600,000 j *<**'' wo RESERVE LIABILITY OF wllMin PROPRIETORS 10,000. WC COOBT OK Directors. A. I. RiVMONI', K6.|, CIIMHMV.. K. H. Tonkins. E«q DWTT Chairman Hon. C. W. Dickson U. Schuiiakt, Kvi. E. OOKTS,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 724 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. > pilE Standard Life AMumnoe. A Norwich Union Fire Imuimnos Society. Urn Assurance Company (Fire). The Kquitft'ule Life Auuranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1m p ott«nham Lagw Beer Company. /■or particulars of these Companies, see the rJI advertinement of THE BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED.
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    • 791 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. < ami* al Singapore: Ship Aoiscy, lam J. Djjmdbxs A Co., 34, Colly ib Quat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Wi II be Despatched for On i Can Imhoft Batavia Feb 28 Batavia, Cberibon,
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    • 517 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Maritimes De France. TILSOBAPHIO AIII'KKBS: MBBBAQBBIBB, SIHGAPORI. The -nail steamers will leave Singapore in or aoout the undermentioned dates.— UITTWABr. HOM' WARD. Dates. Dates. IHO3 1903 Sidney Mar. i Ocranten Mar 1 Tonkin Mar. 15 Annam Mar 16 lau>* Mar. 30 E. Simons Mar M Caledonif.i Apr.
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    • 625 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. X, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAM ERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial apanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 576 7 4 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Qoveexmbrt. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to arrive ana sail from here Outward. Homeward. 1908. 1 1908 tE.FterdinandUlva I Austria Feb. 27 \M. Valeric 13 Mar. 17
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    • 443 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE PHCBNIX ABBCBANCI COMPANT OF LONDON. (Establish so a. i> 1782.) The undersigned. Agents for the above Cesspany, are prepared to aooe pt Fire Bisks at tha current rates in Singapore, and also in Johore h and the other Status in the Malay Peninsula. BTPEN t Co. fIHE
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    • 1453 8 Under this heading the following abbrerWtlons are used str. steamer sh. ibip, bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Qbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British; D. B.— United States; Fch.— French Bar. Oerman; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; 8.0. General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T.
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    • 559 8 Nam*, port, probable date of arrirnt. and name o) agent: BTEAMCRS. Afridi, Tyne, Mar P. Simons. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Apl I; Mansfield. Alboin, Bangkok, Mar; Borneo Coy. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 26 B. Meyer. Annam, Hongkong. Mar Ifi MM. Aratoon A pear. Calcutta, Mar 1 P. Simons Awa Maru. Japan.
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    • 98 8 Fur Per tteamrr Timr. To-MORROW. K' A Delagoal.ay Vailaln 11 ml.m 1 Bangkok Deli 2 p.m Muar and Malacca Far/alia 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Hye Lsonfi 3 p.m S'baya and Samarang Van Imhoff 4 p.m. Sourabaya der Capellen 4 p.m. Saturday. Sandakan via ports Trinqganu 7
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    • 134 8 From Europe Hy the N. D. L.'s.s. Print H'inrich due on Saturday, with dates to the 3rd Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the ''th and 12th Jan. From China— By the M. M. si. o*Matm due on Sunday. Timks Tablk of
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    • 858 8 P. O. Mar. 6. Per Bengal For London Mm. Syke« and «ix children, Mm. SaUinann, Mr«. I). M. Home, infant and servant. Miss Ellershan-, Mr. .1. I ollins, MiuUa^e Brown and Mr. A. P. Adam>, Mr. Bonnie, (liiiincr.l. I. Dougherty. M. Ke«ldan, 11. .1. Vinall, and Sappei
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    • 171 8 t .'k*-ki a Namb. A lon- Oaptain From Sailed OHwm a Kig Mb 25 Ctherim- App*r Brit str. 1730 Rolaon Hongkong Feb 19 P. Simon* unit di 2ft Ekaterinoslavl Run tra 3. 'HI Morozofl Nagasaki Fel> U>S. Tcbokofl M Sappho Brit »tr. KM Turner FiSwet'hani Kt-l. •_'.:< B'thip Oojr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      115 words
    • 419 8 NOVELTIE S-7«MSW 31 hHWI 'v^- 1 i|ißg3L^JßJ.smir v-:;a;-~ fSIiV II SJI E NEW SELVYT POLISHING CLOTH w i-i'Hililv .-ili-orli all ail or (jreaxiRE.AIVf.rI.SK BIPAIIEI II ISE II tSK >old „,l v THE SELVYT PATENT LAMP OLASS New mven,"n Ml ?ofcfeS P iam P g.a S s ™cc Ct.. 2si' 30
      419 words