The Straits Times, 23 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 063 SINGAPORE. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 NOTlwfcS^ ©ht £traits ffihws. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, roluiini measure.) Pint insertion $1 20 cent» Second and third inoerlionn each 80 cent* Fourth, fifth, and xixtb 40 cent" Seventh to eighteenth 2* ceaUs Nineteenth &MitiHe<inent,, 18 cent* Per week of nix day*, to be changed daily if
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    • 368 1 NOTICES. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition for Ships' Bottoms The iwe of Our New Antifoaling Composition is recommended for Specially Fouling Waters, it posxesxes much improved Antifouling Qualities, and therefore vennels using it do not require dock so frequently as is at present necessary. The name, marked on every drum, is
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    • 410 1 J NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. MB^BftE^^Jll^^Sf A &:K: YOTJI^ STORE KiEEFEK, FOB Rfu«Z™irn k, "SLEDGE" BRAND. BHai\ *^>1 F STERILIZED [MILK H^^^^^l^^ Invaluable in the House, OR HEALTH. Don't be put ot\'. See that you get what you ask tor "Sledge" Brand. THERE
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    • 169 1 W. LAMBERT. TX7ILLIAM LAMBERT, late manager TT of Lambert Bros., ii carrying on business aa coach builder, at Orchard Road immediately behind the late buildinn of Lambert Bros, in temporary premise*. New buildings will shortly be erected by him on the old site fronting Orchard Road. v.c. A New Shipment
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    • 468 1 LOOK OUT! KOK THK (JKAMi SKNSATION.U. I'KKKOKMANt K TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Monday, 23rd February, 1903 AT Tilt NOKTII HHMM ROAK THKATRK THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore \N 11. 1. sl'\(.K KOH THE KIKtiT Tim. Tin S'n.iational I'ouudy EutitUd KHL NI-NAH AX or HAMLET lieprodmeU by the Co.'x own Munahi.
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  • 2490 2 How it Affects Liverpool. (Liierpool Daily Post, Jun. Ibth.) In a recent magazine article dealing with the outposts ot our Empire, the author gave a very flattering, though somewhat inaccurate, description of Singapore and it occurred to the present writer
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE fortify the System against Disease with PURE BLOOD. "THE 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA Estd. >t-«j 4 ii "^KsWrif^Tj^rryyM hf jW| ?inn 1829. »(sl»lbWbSb^blb^»UbCblbULJ AaLSbAJI ProcouT -frt by the HIOHt.>T MKPIOAL AUTHORITIES the m'-* SSHbVS TORPID I „ER,
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    • 496 2 NOTICES. T STANDARD pOLICY. 0F £500 8m Payable at Age 66 or at Death, if previous Costs at the Rate of Per quarter. Age. £4 10 0 if commenced at 26 £6 14 11 if commenced at 86 £9 1 10 if commenced at 40 For Rates for other Ages,
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    • 386 2 NOTICES. NOBWICH UNION FIKK INSDBANCK SOCIETY OF NOBWICH AND LONDON. Established 1797. ?"S FIBS INSOKANCS ONLT Amount insured JttUJOOOfiOO Lumapaid. M 11,600,000. Premium inoome M BOOJOOO. Inroranoe effected on almost erary description property »t current rate* of premium Bl«ES FOB 10 DAT! 11l HOW aOOIPTBD AT 4 01HT PBS $100.
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  • 125 3 In report on Exotic Plants ot Economic Interest in the Botanic Oardt ns at Entebbe, Uganda, Mr. J. Malion status he has a numbe, of seedlings of Sierra Leone highland eollee [Oefea tl"nophyllu) ratted Inmi Singapore seed. "Tea am with bat moderate rapidity just here.
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  • 152 3 The Home Post Otlicehas issued the followiag iiotict- The sender of an insured parcel iiddnsMil to any of the iiinlt'i mentioned foreign countries, British pOMWiona, or plaoM where linn- ;ire liritifh postal agt neies, may obtain an acknowledgment of its delivery by prepaying with the postage
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  • 902 3 Home. Liriit. <ulonel Wm. BroinleyDavcimort, Ml.. .1.1.. D.U, MLO.I Witts* fc Th, Tin,, v ami MJfl that lii- Inut hfr-in -lnw, Colonel Kinloch, never attempted t<> sxease thsakasw coiiipluini'il of.wliiili win' -tmliuiihly iOSWealed Irniii him. lie ha- Imih sentenceil unlir.-inl. l.icul. (,'iiloiicl llronilry I)aveii|M>rt shametariasa 'AJMknl Cmkraae't nmmmbli
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  • 200 3 For Singapore I'er PiO.s.l. Victoria connecting at Colombo with the steamer I'Auwn from London Feb. 6, doe Mh March— Mr. Ellis. Mr. Hopwood. Phillips, Browne, W. Rodger, Whitiall, (a lington. Lieut. C. H. Warleigh. Sergeant Marage. Per P. 4 O. s. China connecting with the stesme Hallaarat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..slo,ooo,ooo\ ...-^nnri Silver Reser>3....s 4,760,000 r ll4 60 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF I UU n\tm PROPRIETORS lu i w w Court of Dibbctors. Hon. R. Shewan,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, Enq.— Dkputv Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson |H.
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    • 683 3 NOTICES. 1 WF ANTED, an energetic, young, KnroiT pean Assistant for outdoor work t chiefly Apply with copies of testimonials and particulars of languages spoken. *c, to E. H h. c/o Strait* Time*. 5J4 -2 WA TKR AFuropean Governess to take charge of two little boys of 6 and 2
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    • 592 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, a.c. Straits Settlements. TX)R SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed JT frtsh, at the Ctowd Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. v.c. FOR BALE. A Pony and trap, harness, lamps,
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    • 638 3 SHIPPING I IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK FOR EUROPE. npHE Imperial German mail steamer J Captain Qrosch of the Norddeutseher Lloyd, left Honij kong on Wednesday, the ltUh in*l.. noon, and may be expected to arrive here on Sunday night, the 22nd instant. She will probably he despati-hed for Europe on
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  • 20 4 Dk Silva.— At Macau, on the 4th February, 19o:t, 1/Aiihi. Makia, widow of thn latr UKKN U(K DA SII.VA.
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  • 456 4 Not very long since, the Manchester Courier sent out to the Far East a special representative, commissioned to obtain at tirst hand reports on the commercial prospects of Lancashire in the countries of the Far East. The gentleman inquestion visited Singapore
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  • 171 4 Somk time ago it was announced, amidst those fanfares with which novel and promising schemes usually are heralded in the United States of America, that the s.s. Oregon, freighted with samples of all that was brightest and best of American manufacture, would be despatched on a cruise around the world
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  • 70 4 The Shipping Gazette of the 23rd January, states that, in consequence of the depressed condition of the shipping trade in India, the British India Steam Navigation Co. has conveyed an intimation to some forty or fifty of its officers, now on leave in England, that it will be unable for
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  • 20 4 An article on the Whipping Conference, Wire News and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 16 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/7 fa H.M.S. Thetis left for Batavia at 10 a.m. yesterday.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zavla closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 11 4 Libut.-J ackson R.E., leaves Singapore to-day for Colombo by the Stuttgart.
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  • 10 4 Shanghai is now troubled with diptheria, scarlet fever and cholera.
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  • 16 4 Local Chinese opinion at Hongkong is said to run high in favour of the gold standard.
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  • 20 4 It is notified that the port of Endeh in Netherlands India is no longer held to be infected with cholera.
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  • 21 4 The annual general meeting of the Tanglin Club, will be held at the Club on Friday evening next at 9 p.m.
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  • 21 4 Early next month a body of relief troops will be sent out to Kiao-chow from Germany in all about 630 men.
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  • 18 4 The revenue of Ceylon was 26,437,102 rupees in 1901 against 27,166,864 in 1902, the increase being 729,762 rupees.
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  • 17 4 Thkkk are still fourteen irreconcilable Boer prisoners in Ceylon who refuse to take the oath of allegiance.
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  • 16 4 The annual inter- Varsity boat race between Oxford and Cambridge will be rowed on April 7th.
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  • 20 4 Thb Town and Volunteer Band will play on the "Old Jail Site tn-Ynorrow afternoon from 5 to 8 (weather permitting)
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  • 18 4 This is Liberty Hall as the Singaporean said when he planted his female belongings in somebody else's seats.
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  • 24 4 A German telegram to Shanghai states that the Russo- Persian commercial treaty has been signed. Persia renounces the right to farm out her customs
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  • 26 4 It is reported in Japanese papers that contracts have been made for 1,000 Japanese labourers to proceed to the Transvaal but this looks more than doubtful.
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  • 25 4 Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the American millionaire, has offered 250,000 dollars (about £50,000) to provide a suitable library for the International Arbitration Court at the Hague.
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  • 29 4 Torpedo-boat destroyers are always coming to grief. The latest to court disaster is the French vessel EtpinoU which, according to telegrams, has been a total wreck near St. Tropez.
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  • 33 4 A friendly shoot has been arranged and will possibly take place at Balestier on Sunday next between teams from the B.V.A. and the Swiss Rifle Club. The range is to be .500 metres.
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  • 28 4 It is notified that the King has sanctioned the Royal Welsh Fusiliers bearing the distinction Pekin, 1900 upon their regimental colours, in recognition of their services in China.
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  • 36 4 Mr. Max E. Skvkranck, for some time editor of the Manila Critic, died in Mindanao on the Bth inst. Mr. Severance was acting as war correspondent for the Associated Press at the time of his death.
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  • 32 4 Speakim. in the Reichstag on the 4th instant the Chancellor, Count Bulow, stated that the German Government had decided to agree to the repeal of the law excluding the Jesuits from Germany.
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  • 28 4 A semi-teetotal movement in England is making rapid strides, especially in business circles. The pledge to which members subscribe requires that they shall abstain from intoxicants between meals.
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  • 36 4 Koh Mong Hoon and Lee Ah Chan have been sentenced to eighteen and twelve months' rigorous imprisonment respectively by the Bench Court, the former for robbery of $4.75, the latter for housebreaking and theft of $2.97.
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  • 42 4 The first of the amateur performances of Liberty Hall takes place in the Town Hall to-night. The booking is very heavy. The succeeding performances are on Thursday and Saturday next. The booking plan is now open at Messrs. John Little and Co.
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  • 27 4 The transport Diltrara was to leave England for South Africa on Feb. 10th. On arriving there, she embarks the Ist battalion of the Manchester Regiment for Singapore.
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  • 36 4 The Legislative Council of Hongkong has read for the first time a Bill to provide for the surrender of fugitive criminals from the territory of each of the Malay States— Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negri Sembilan.
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  • 30 4 The indran Zanibar Theatrical Co. played Bostan Thabiran on Saturday to a crowded house. To-night Khuni Nahak or Hamlet will be put on the stage for the first time here.
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  • 34 4 The French transport Chodoc arrived from Saigon on Saturday afternoon en route for Marseilles and went alongside the wharf. There are Ml soldiers and 62 civilians on board. She is expected to leave to-day.
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  • 35 4 Mk. Henry Norman, the well-known traveller and Liberal M. P. for South Wolverhampton, has succeeded in a divorce suit against his wife, on the ground of adultery with Mr. Edward Arthur Fitzgerald, the Alpine mountaineer.
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  • 44 4 The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Madras and Bombay, on the 2*tb ultimo, is expected to be delivered to-day. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 2nd instant, is expected to be a few days late in arrival.
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  • 46 4 The Punjom Mining Company met at Hongkong on the 17th February, and passed the report and accounts submitted. The chairman, Mr. R. C. Wilcox, stated that the prospecting now going on at the mines showed every sign of rich discoveries of gold ore being at hand.
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  • 44 4 The block tin and tin-ore exported from the Federated Malay States last year, amounted to 780,871 piculs against 785,286 piculsinl9ol a decrease of 4375 piculs The duty collected was 18,437,453 against $6,968,183 in 1901— an increase of nearly one and a half million dollars.
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  • 57 4 The Rev. Dr. H. C. Stunt/., and the Rev. C. S. Lyons and Mrs. Lyons, of the M. E. Mission leave for Manila in the lulu de Panay on Wednesday next. Mr. W. H. Martin also goes. Mr. Lyons did excellent work in the Anglo-Chinese School during the period in
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  • 46 4 Mr. John Davison Rockefeller, the American multi-millionaire, head of the Standard Oil Trust, has announced his intention of spending X1, 400,000 on the establishment and maintenance at Chicago of a research hospital for consumptives, with the special object of discovering a serum that will cure tuberculosis.
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  • 57 4 Messrs. Ctu and Koch, experimenting on Mauser rifle barrels, find that such barrels vibrate as the bullet leaves, and that as the vibrations take some time to form it is important to get the bullet out before the deflection of the muzzle is considerable, and hence a small bore gun
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  • 56 4 Mr. John D. Rockbkeller has announced his intention of spending $7,000,000 (about £1,450,000) in efforts to discover a cure for consumption. His plans for a medical department of the University of Chicago, following on the annexation of the Rush Medical College, became known on 27th ult. They involve an elaborate
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  • 61 4 A seriocs accident occurred on board the cruiser Hermione at Maltalast month. The bower anchor was being got out as a general evolution, when the capstan took charge. Three of the crew were badly injured, and an officer and several seamen had narrow escapes. One of the seamen was so
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  • 61 4 Although a reprieve for Lynch was expected as a matter of course, the Colonel's friends are reported to be appalled at the magnitude of the sentence substituted penal servitude for life. They seemed to have expected that the actual sentence would have been virtually nominal. The prisoner's fiends are said
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  • 73 4 This morning, Leone Ah Chin was arranged before Mr. Beatty on the allegation of having stabled Chin Ah Teck and Tan Chin Hun each in the arm in Havelock Road about 9-30 on the 2nd inst. Dr. Frazer gave evidence as to the nature of the wounds and said the
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  • 108 4 The death is announced of M. Robert Planquette, the composer of numerous comic operas. Born in Paris on July 21, 1850, M. Planquette was a pupil of Duprato's at the Conservatoire there. His greatest success was undoubtedly Les Cloches de Corneville," which was produced at the Folies Draraatiuues in 1877,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 20 4 Lmiilia, L'lst Fetnruary. The last of the Burgher camps in the Transvaal has been closed.
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    • 62 4 The correspondent of the limphic at Garrero, in Somaliland, writes on th* Irith instant that the Mullah had concentrated his whole force at I) iliol sixty miles to the south west ot Bohotle. Cholera was rife among his followers This will be a serious matter as the British
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    • 38 4 Mr. Chamberlain received at Cape Town, a Dutch deputation headed by Messrs. Hofmeyr and Merriman. Tbe proceedings at the interview were of the most cordial kind. The delegates thanked Mr. Chamberlain on leaving.
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    • 22 4 The Admiralty has definitely discontinued the use of the Belleville boilers, replacing them by the latest cylindrical boilers.
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    • 54 4 A New Scheme. A national Labour Conference was held at Newcastle to-day. It was decided to establish a fund in order to fight at elections independently of Liberals, Socialists and Conservatives. It was also decided to pay the Labour members of the House ot Commons an annual salary
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  • 21 4 London, 22nd F'h. The Russian and Austrian ambassadors at Constantinople yesterday presented to the Grand Vizier the Macedonian Reform Scheme.
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  • 17 4 The foundation stone of the new British Army War College has been laid
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  • 37 4 In a speech at Washington, President Roosevelt said the trend of events had forced the American nation to become a world Power with responsibilities in both the Occident and the < >rient.
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  • 53 4 The Commissioner of the Johannesburg Chamber of Mines has started for China to investigate the question of Chinese labour with a view to the employment of Chinese in the Johannesburg mines. The Commissioner first goes to London, and then to California, where he will
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  • 119 4 The tournament has been postponed till Wednesday next, owing to the wet state of the lawns. Ties for Wednesday. LADIES' BINGLEB A. <'LABB. Mr-. Brooke Mr*. ( r LADIES' BINULES B CLASS. Uis- M. Ahram* I Mr-. lame Mrs. Bowex rMiH« Wi»hnrl. Mr-. Urn Mrs. Srooues. MIXED BOOBLM
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  • 92 4 Mk. L. A. M. Johnston passed through Singapore on the I. and O. mail, en rmite to Hongkong, where he takes up the appointment of Postmaster-General. Mr. Johnston was greeted during his short stay by a large number of his Singapore friends, and he goes north with a host of
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  • 126 4 Col. Dundonald Cochrane C.8., has severed his military connection with Belfast, having completed three years' service as A. A. G. of that district. Ha has had a long and varied career in many parts of the world, and it is probable he will be placed on half-pay. He served all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 281 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ TWO WOMEN A Woman's advice to Women is the best of advice. She knows well what she is talking about, bitter experience having been her teacher. A Woman's advice is to deal at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES and SAVE MONEY. THOMPSON THOMAS CO., 1 ROBINSON ROAD, PHONE CALL No.
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    • 351 4 TOWN HALL. MONDAY FEB. 23RD. THURSDAY 26TH. SATURDAY 28TH. AT 9 P.M. Amateur Thee trical Performance "LIBERTY HALL" A COMKDY IN KOl'K ACTS, ■V R. C «AKTON, ESQ. Seats can be booked at Messrs. John Little Company Prices $3 and $1 26-2 WANTED an experienced Chinese storekeeper (Produce). Security required.
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    • 159 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weo" 1^ 8 n 6 P m on Sunday*. Ba.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly gapplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wright's Ilford and
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  • 430 5 Inspection by the King. A i MOON to the Military Mud »cry branch of the Service is to be supplied with the new universal pattern rifle. The exact design of this weapon beta finally approved, and a sealed patten is in the War office. So
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  • 420 5 Half-yearly Meeting Til ordinary half-yearly meeting of shareholders in the Hongkong and >hanghai Bunking Corporation was held t Hongkong on the 14th instant. The Hon. R. Shewan took the chair. The chairman pointedly drew attention to the prosperous condition of the bank, and to its financial
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  • 20 5 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • 184 5 Thk London at China Express of Jan. :)Oth says We understand that the Straits Currency Commission has concluded taking its evidence, and will proceed immediately to the consideration of its report. The evidence has, we believe, been of a very conflicting nature, and can scarcely be said
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  • 437 5 Thk Lii'ly's Realm for January contains an interesting and well-illustrated article entitled Wandering Englishwomen in Morocco," by Isabel Sevory The article gives us many pleasant insights into life in that disturbed country, which the writer visited together with another lady. Speaking of the poor women, she says
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  • 52 5 On Saturday night Sergt. Dunn and a posse of police raided the Malay Club at No. 1 Xiven Road, known as the Harbab Askedan Club and arrested seven men for playing Siki. Mr. Buckley, who defended, applied at the Police Court this morning for a postponement, which
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  • 100 5 P. O. PASSENQERS. The following pasxengern arrived per Valttta on Saturday From Bombay. Mr. A. F. Maclaren froiii Colombo. Mr. 1tra.1.1.-ll: from London, ('apt. and Mr». 11. S. Christie from Marseilles, Mr. Laird, Mr. and Mm. F..L Weld, Mr. J. W. Edie, Mr. H. Belheld. Mr. 11. S. Hannwell; from
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  • 53 5 I'lie following passnngera arrived here ilninorning by the Imperial German Mail «tr. Btutt§mrt. From llmi-kni.- Mr. A. C. Padday, Mr. J. London, Mis* Annie Tolley, Mr. A. Todim-rud, Mr. T. TllUl. Mr. A. W. .1 Simiimii-. 1 rom Sliniigliiu Mr. .Mm Dean*, Mr St. Kiiezewoky, Mr.
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  • 69 5 Mr. C. F. Bk-kford, who represents Messrs. George Newnes and Co. and Messrs. Warne and Co publishers,— among a number of other well-known houses has called at Colombo on his way to Australia on a business tour. He has in the press a children's toy book which has the distinction
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  • 61 5 At the currency meeting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce held on the 18th instant, the following resolution was to have been proposed by Mr. Edward Osborne That in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable the Straits Currency Commission should extend its enquiries to Hongkong with a view
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  • 72 5 Mr. D. Mirray Lyon, Past Grand Secretary ot the Grand Lodge o r Scotland, and author of the Standard History of Freemasonry in Scotland," died on Jan. 30th at Liberton, near Edinburgh. Deceased, who was nearly 80 years of age, was appointed Grand Secretary 30 years ago, and had retired
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  • 82 5 Thbrv was some excitement yesterday afternoon on the Reclamation Ground near the Teluk Ayer Market. Some weeks since a large longkang was sunk there and yesterday she was raised by two other craft and brought to the shore. Here she got sadly battered against the stones and, with the heavy
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  • 138 5 Magistrates appeals were heard at the Supreme Court this morning. In the case Rex t. Abdullah bin Bakar, the appellant, Abdullah bin Bakar, was sentenced to 2 months rigorous imprisonment on a charge of theft of Sl. ol, preferred against him by a rikisha coolie who alleged that the appellant
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  • 128 5 While the export of American manufactured tobacco to the Far East has grown steadily during the past ten years, remarks the New York Tohacco Leaf, it has not been shared by the trade at large, but by a few enterprising houses which have reaped handsome profits for their trouble. There
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  • 151 5 The dismal weather is a topic of general conversation just now. Floods have been frequent in various low-lying parts of the town, and the heavy rains have played havoc with the roads especially those composed of laterite. So far as we are aware, no damage has been sustained by the
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  • 895 5 P. O. Feb. -Hi.—V t Ceylon: For London— Mr*. A. Barker, Mrs. Allinson and child. From Penang— Mr. and Mrs. Halli'ax and two children, Mia* Nenbronner, Mr. .lames, and Mr*. Petts. Mar. 6. I'er Bengal For London— Mrs. Sykes and «i\ children, Mrs. Salzm.inn, Mr«. D. M.
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  • 631 5 81HOAPOM, -':iki> February, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler I 16.00 Copra Bali do Pontlanak 900 Pepper, Black bnyera 54.00 do White, (8%) 58.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 5.26 do Brunei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago 8.00 Coffee, Bali, 18% bants 22.50 Coffee, Palem bang, 20% bMi-._ 33.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 Mr. Samuel Wormley, Florin. Pa., writes I have used .lay ne'e, Expectorant for asthma and for severe coldi, and cannot find words strong enough to recommend it." The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agent* for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 191 5 CHILDREN BEG FOR IT. StearsB' Wine makes them bright, and rosy-cheeked, and at this season of 'he year it is the ideal Nutrient Tonic f m the young. Help for the Helpless. To-day there are thousands of helpless crippled", bed-ridden rheumatics looking out with feverish anxiety for a cure for
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    • 92 5 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE BOOKS. To be sold at our Sale-rooms, No. 192 Cecil Street. On Monday, the 2nd March, 1903. H. L. COGHLAN A CO., 28-2 Auctioneers A Land Agents. Raffles Store. Hosiery Hosiery We have now in stock Ladies' Stockings, plain and embroidered. Children's Cotton Socks.
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    • 706 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit Cheong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS LEASEHOLD GAMBIKR AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA oF72sAcrks TO BB HELD AT POWELL iV ro.'g BALI-ROOM. On Wednesday, 2hlh Velmtary 1903, nl 2MO p.m. District. Area. Chop. ChoaChu Kang 122 acres
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 211 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 23rd February. Ili^-li Water. 7.4 a.m. M p.m. Hall". Town Hall. Malay Theatre. North Hrid^f lload. 9. Tuesday. 24th February. Hijfh Water. 8. 1" a.m. H. 45 p.m. Kinta MM*. First Day. Town Bund. Old Jail Site. 5 to li si F.mtball. S.V A. dim
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 NOTICES. XXft Puteometet> Requires do tf^jk Thousands in use skilled attendance. wPli m satisfaction. r» xj jvl r a mi ft 4UIOBT B A.3xrx"rniriTG. I|L j B Needs no mk flt/ Ml f* 3o^'"^' No moving parts 'W' HL of order J'jd&*»^ JBS '"^i jmH WORK Y^t Stf^teiiMyS^J STEAM PI
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    • 667 6 NOTICES. j^^SSSMifm 9fediii& Pinnc ADAPTED "TO HIS TVORE. IT IS TO-DAY RECOGNiyKD IN EVERY COUXTRY ON EARTH AS THE STANDARD WRITING MACHINE PRICES ON APPLICATION TO M°ALISTER Sc 00-. mrfuc SOLE AGENTS. f> m- PATENT MEDIC MES Requisites, Drugs, &c. Atkinson's, Rigaud's.and Pinaud's Perfumery, Eau dcColojfne Sponges. Brushes, Loofahs, &c.
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    • 200 6 NOTICES, t/jljl M m, »V Tliese tiny B^l^^^UbJ^^ Capsules P^V superior f ilb^^^F Copaiba, 1 \^^^M^^^W Cubtbs, and Injections cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. n»ch Cipsule bear, the n«ait (MIOY) FOR DIBEABES OF THE CHEBT. SRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime Prescribed in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 715 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rK Standard Life Asraranc*. Norwich Union Fire lusnranoe fcixnety. '.tlas AsFnranoe Company (Fire;. The Ki|UitaHt- Life Aoeuranoe buciety. I h« China Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1 •■i;Khhi Lager Kxer Uoupany. roc twrticnlart of ttustie Companies, see the nil aav. rtiacmont of THE UUitNKO OOMt'ANY. I.IAIITKD. Kgvnta.
      715 words
    • 820 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India UoverDment. vnit at kinnapore: &HIF Aciscy, mi J. Daihdbls A Co., 2-8, CoLLTU Quay. the undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be ifcnipAtched (or On Df Kock Pontianak Feb 20 Pontianak, Singkawanp, Pemangkat, and Sambas Fel>
      820 words
    • 554 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with thi Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to arrive and sail from here:— Outward. Homeward. 11*03. 1908 *E.V.terdinand Mar 8| I Austria Feb. 27 \U. Valrrir 13 Mar. 27 IGivla Apl. 11
      554 words
    • 512 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAI STEAM SHIP Co.. Ltd, China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China •nil Japan every week, and from Japan liome«ni. l- for London every fortnight aud for Liverpool monthly. One outward Hteamer cml, iiiimtli extend* to Vancouver
      512 words
    • 547 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INKUKANUK OFFICF \j LIMITED. Capital Solworibed.. $2,600,000. Amount paid np 600,000. B—ti hmd. 1,110,000. HiiD Offios, Howarone. I I*he undersigned, hiring been appointed Agent* of the aboTo Company, are prepared to I *HTftnr* Marine Biaki at current rate*. BOUSTKAD A Co., Afranta. j "royal instance coy. FIRE
      547 words
    • 776 7 NOTICES. Jailor LadlesT! JPf I*l* S A Remedy for all lrrn«ul..rltle«. -u^rmi.nt Bittti A,.,.;,, iv,,,,,,...,,- i: •oIU by Singapore Dispensing Co., LtA, Raines Plaoe, Singapore. Pn.piirl.-r «AUTIN. ChraM. SOUTHAMPTON. RNCII ANU "LIQUID_ FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per too f. o. b. in
      776 words

    • 1229 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str— steamer sh.— ■hip; bq. barque; sen. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H. p.— Horse-power; Brit. British; U. B.— United States; Feb.— French; Bar.— German Dut— Dutch Joh.—Johore B.*.— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain
      1,229 words
    • 611 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent*. BTIAMBRB. Afridi, Tyne, Mar P. Simons. Agamemnon. Liverpool, Apl 2 Mansfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 26; B. Meyer. A nnam, Hongkong, Mar 16 MM. Aratoon A pear, Calcutta, Mar 1 P. Bimon9 Austria, Hongkong, Feb 26 Rautenberg. Awa Maru,
      611 words
    • 108 8 For Per $learner Time. To-Mobrow. Billiton4 Pontianak b. Whatt Soon Noon. Fremantle via ports Atutralind 2p m. Sarawak K. of Sarawak 2 p.m. Cbon and Samaranp (Hung Seng 4 p.m. Muntok 4 Palembang Ruby 4 p.m. Muntok A Palembang G. G. Myer 4 p.m. Chen bon and Batavia
      108 words
    • 144 8 From Europe— By the N. D. L. s.s. Prim Heinrich due on Saturday, with dates to the 3rd Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 9th and 12th Jan. From China— By the M. M. s.s. <)c*an*rn due on Sunday. .eft Singapore.
      144 words
    • 319 8 5 VEBBKP S S»M-. M l'O»l« C*PTII* FBOM OOMIOVKW. a Km Feb 21 Hikos.'.o Mmv Jap 9tr 371*2 Halletrion K'chinotzu Feb 10 M. Bu>san Kaisha 21 Singora tier str 1120 Ehlert Manila Feb 15 Behn Meyer 4 Co. II Giang Seaz Brit str 722 Rawlingson Samarang Feb 18 T.
      319 words
    • 109 8 Dj Datb. atb. Vkwbl'B Name. Flao 4 Rio Tons. Obstikatios Vkskkl's Namb. Feb 21 M Sani: Brit str. 1776 Hongkong I •>■> Ophir Put str. 206 FalembHng •Jl Sultan Brit itr. 102 Muar •21 Alton str. 660 Bangkok i'l Asaban Gtor Btr. 161 A.-ah.-m 21 Pin Seng Brit str.
      109 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 364 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SIIZ MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers In all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      364 words
    • 515 8 Fit for a King to Wear Prorttrabte from our ICslablishtnettls ut s i W fcjfes < i THE "REX" BOOTS THE "REX" SHOES iT" 5^ The uppers are cut from the Are made up flMfei*. toughest of Box Call bkins material" wo rV Ju jL.- dbfainable, but are as soft
      515 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 105 8 WEATHER REPORT. K andang Kerbau Hotpital SJnd February 190* '9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rimabks. Bar 90.019 29.037 3<V000 Morn ir Temp 79.4 77 .0 76.0 cloudy, day WB'lbTher 77.4 75.4 76.0 o'cast, rain DirofWind si. Calm. Calm in afternoon Max. Temp 89.2 nightcloudy Min 74.8 San 108
      105 words