The Straits Times, 20 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 060 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 700 1 NOTUES $fa JJtraits Jimcs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [perinch, column measure.) rirtt insertion $1 40 eenU Second ami thiril iiwrtimi- each 80 cents Fourth, tilth, mid sixth 40c«nt* Seventh in eighteenth K— ji Nineteenth iV -iil>-ei|iiriii,, 16 cents Per week nt six day-, tv be changed daily if required
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    • 243 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. AGENTS FOR THE ARDATH TOBACCO CO. Just Received TOBACCOS. CIGARETTES. Anlath Full 90 cts. per ft (ii State Express Medium 90 cts. do (ordinary) *0.90 per box Mild 90 cts. do Stat(> E X re (Astonas) 1.50 State Express 80 ck do Quovadis (Turkish) 1.65 Gold
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    • 617 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. "SLEDGE" BRAND. MX^ A V^Z STERILIZED MILK II /^^i»4\^ absolutely :f»tt:rje ■L^4^nSß^^ >s i Invaluable in the House, InIESB ALPSf*II*J i:n I C K N ES S OR HEALTH. Don't be put oti'. See that you get what
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    • 586 1 THE FIRST EX-GRIFFI.n HANPI CAP.— Valae 9900 and $100 tc the Second Horse provided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Handicap for all Horses imported as Griffins into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay States being Maidens at the time of entry. Entrance $10. Distance. R.
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    • 572 1 COMPAXIA TRABATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. FOR MANILA. rpHE outward Spanish mail steanifi 1 ISLA DE PAS AY, having left Colombo on the 19th inst, is expected here on the 24th inst and will have prompt despatch for the abnte port. For freight or passage apply to BAKLOW A CO.. 86-2 Agents.
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  • 2369 2 Extracts from the "Times." This is the heading under which the remarkable series of articles in the London Time* on the British Army has bean published. The articles are written By a Correspondent." It needs but a superficial glance at the work to see that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 509 2 NOTICES. JOSEPH fifUfflf^^ ■■».k\M) PRIX. PARIS, 1000. ||F|l^ o!Highe»tOu»Uty; mdhavindGre»U«t Durability, »re ttierefn!.- M 0 I I OHEAPCST. 1 Ml MM W CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with first rl.-iss accommodation, overlooking Fjtche Square Garden, near to tbe Banks, offlVi-!-. Mmket, and the Stations. All the catering is under European supprviMon. Liquar
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    • 271 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers ol Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses. AMD Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being ail manufactured in Qreal Britain, art made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed b\ the British Government,
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    • 352 2 NOTICES. CTANDARJ> TH)LICIES rpHE demana for Uiese Securities con1 tinaes steadily to increase. N«w Policies/or erer £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every year since 1866 a resulted maintained uninterruptedly (or so long a period by no otMr office in the United Kingdom. Apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ltd. Agents,
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  • 253 3 The King has conferred the Victoria Cross on Capt. (local Lieut-col.) A S. Cobbe, I) .S O, of the Ist (Central Africa) King's African Rifles for conspicuous bravery in Somaliland. During the action at Erego, on Oct. 6, 1902, when some of the companies had retired, Lieut.-Col. Cobbe
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  • 174 3 Lou all great men, the Secretary of State tor the Colonies has his doublet) Something like consternation reigned iiiiiongEt the citizens of Rloemlbntein when MM time miut it was whispered t.iat the distinguished statesman had arrived unexpectedly in the city and was travelling incognito. And, sure enough,
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  • 647 3 The new series of The Badminton Magazine has a most interesting article on Sceptre, by her owner, Mr. R. S Sievier. This gentleman has done one of the most sporting things of late year*, for he has dispensed with professional trainers and has come out a
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  • 328 3 The quest ion as to whether Eurasian boys should in future be admitted to the benefits of the IVarspile trainingship formed the main question before the meeting of the Governors of the Marine Society on Jan. 21. The Karl of Romney (the president) was in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 BANKS. HONGKON'J AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000.00 C RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.,ooo .M-«/jonn. M -«/jonn Silver Reserve....! 4760,000/ 14 60 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF ***** oooc PROPRIETORS. I oo0 vw Court op Directors. Hon. R. Shkwan,— C'haikman. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson
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    • 671 3 NOTICES. WANTED, an energetic, young, European Assistant for outdoor work chiefly. Apply with copies of testimonials and particulars of languages spoken. *c, to E. H 8. c/o Strait* Time*. 24-2 WANTED. AN Eurasian lady teacher to team English and give musical lessons on piano to four Chinese young ladies. Good
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    • 611 3 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OF THS Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c Straits Settlements. T?OR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed F frosb, at the Crowo Dispensary, 96 Belegie Road. v.c. FOR BALE. A Pony and trap, harness, lamps,
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    • 679 3 SHIPPINQ iWDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. THE Company's steamor BUISAMG, 2,700 tons, Captain Young, hating left Calcutta on the 13th inst.. may be pxpected to arrive here on or about the 20th idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to
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  • 443 4 To-day is an anniversary of no mean importance to one great section of the Christian world inasmuch as it is the occasion of the Jubilee of Pope Leo XIII the twenty-fifth anniversary of his accession to the Chair of St. Peter.
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  • 898 4 Many patient contemplators of the teutudinous methods whereby the Singapore-Kranji Railway has been dragging itself towards completion, during the past three years will gape with amazement at the reports from the railway now being built for the Pekin Syndicate (by practical engineers) in North China. Work thereon was started in
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  • 308 4 We have all heard of the man who has read hin own obituary and chuckled. It happened, inter alia, to Mark Twain but few of even the greatest among men have lived to see statues erected to their memory by loving fellow-countrymen who believed them dead. This unique distinction has
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  • 19 4 As article on the British Army problem and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and ',i.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/7 9
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  • 13 4 The r.B. Diamante has been sold to the N. Y. K. for £23,700.
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  • 12 4 The Italian flagship Marco Polo is expected to leave to-morrow for Colombo.
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  • 13 4 A Chinaman living at Serangoon Road committed suicide last night by hanging himself.
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  • 14 4 The notification declaring Segiri an infected port on account of cholera has been withdrawn
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  • 19 4 The mail steamer Valetta left Penang at 8 am to-day and may be expected here at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 18 4 The next practice of the Philharmonic Society's orchestra will be held oa Friday, the 27th, at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 21 4 Mr. A. S. Hex kino and Mr. G. F. J. Towers have been appointed to be storekeepers on the F.M.S. Railways.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pageS. a
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  • 19 4 The second grade clerks in Selangor have memorialised the Secretary of State, to be exempted from the clerical examinations.
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  • 20 4 The Consul General for the Netherlands begs to draw the attention of his countrymen to the notification appearin to-day's issue.
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  • 21 4 New Zealand is doing considerable trade with the Chinese Imperial Government in the way of supplying coal to the China squadron.
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  • 27 4 Messrs. Parit and Wise have, says the Perak Pioneer, shut down the Kuala Tui Mine, and have proceeded to Sipau to open one there for Mr. Swan.
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  • 24 4 The P. O. homeward intermediate steamer Ceylon left Hongkong at 10 am. on Thursday and is expected to arrive here at noon on Tuesday.
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  • 25 4 We understand that a telegram has been received here from the Harbour Master of Klang stating that the Klang Straits light is now in order.
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  • 25 4 The entire Russian fleet in the Far East, with some of the volunteer steamers, will be engaged in grand manoeuvres towards the end of April.
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  • 24 4 m Mr R. C. Suthkrland, the Railway Engineer at Bidor, Perak, who has rendered yeoman service in the construction branch, has resigned the service.
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  • 31 4 The subordinate service of the Colony are said to be getting up a petition for increased emoluments owing to the great fall in the sterling and rupee value of the dollar.
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  • 27 4 Messrs. Booth and Co., chemists' and druggists at Taiping, have just closed business and disposed of their stock-in trade owing to the approaching departure of the proprietor.
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  • 31 4 It is reported that the Sungei Ujong Railway Company propose building a station at Mernbau, 4>. miles from Seremban. The new station will be handy for Towkay Choo Chak Sang's mines.
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  • 36 4 This evening a maxim gun drill by the sJ.V.R. is called, and it is hoped that the majority of those who have intimated their willingness to form a a maxim section will put in an appearance.
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  • 33 4 Mr. H. H. S. Upton, Assistant Engineer, Negri Sembilan, has been appointed to act as executive engineer, "ablic Works Department, vice Mr. W. N. Coserave on leave, with effect from 12th January. m
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  • 34 4 The Chief Forest Officer F. M. States, is henceforth to be styled Conservator of Forests, while his deputieb in each State, with their Assistants, are to be known as Deputy and Assistant Conservators respectively.
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  • 38 4 The Directors of the Bombay Burma Trading Corporation, a teak venture have recommended the payment of a final dividend of 13 per cent., making a total distribution of 25 per cent, for the year ended 31st May, 1902.
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  • 38 4 At Manila, the limit of height for policemen five feet ten inches has been lowered to five feet eight inches owing to the supply of tall recruits falling short. Another objection is that tall policemen are usually ungainly.
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  • 45 4 The French-owned steamer, Pingthun, belonging to a Saigon firm, which left Hongkong recently bound for Saigon, ran ashore, the other day, at the north end of Cape Varella, a dangerous coast exposed to the north-east winds and sea. She has 1200,000 worth of treasure aboard.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 27 4 hvulon, \»lh Feb. Mr. Chamberlain has had a prolonged interview with -lan Hofmeyr and several other leading Afrikander ex- Minister!* of State.
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    • 19 4 General Manning proposes to begin a general advance from Mudig on the 22nd instant.
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    • 161 4 Statements in Parliament. Lord Cranborne, speaking in the House of Commons, referred to the German agreement with China before the evacuation of Shanghai China, replying to Britain's refusal to recognise the Agreement, had declared that she would not allow anything that had passed with (iermany to prejudice
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  • 32 4 This morning while a Chinaman was whitewashing the lascars' quarte rs at the Shipping Office he slipped and fell off a ladder. His head was injured and he was removed to hospital.
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  • 33 4 Playing 22 games of chess simultaneously blindfold at Moscow the other day, Pillsbury won 17, drew 4 and only lost one. The task occupied some ten hours and the performance constitute)* a record.
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  • 39 4 Two very old houses in Hokten Street fell dowu early this morning. The occupants managed to escape, with the exception of one man who fell into the live foot way and was injured. He was removed to the hospital.
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  • 37 4 With reference to the proposed promenade concert* at the Volunteer Drill Hall, we understand that the use of the band has been sanctioned for these occasions and that other necessary arrangements are now in course of completion.
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  • 43 4 Kori.ed $10 notes of the Imperial Bank of China are circulating at Shanghai. They can only be detected, it is said, by the itt perfection of the numbering. This resulted in a run by Chinese on the Bank, which the latter successfully met.
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  • 45 4 Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane, Passed Cadet, Perak, has been appointed to officiate as second assistant secretary to the Resident-General. Mr. Cochrane, who is at present acting in the post of assistant secretary to the ResidentGeneral, will continue to discharge these duties until further notice.
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  • 53 4 The Siberian Press says that a gratifying success has rewarded the expedition that is working on behalf of the recently formed Russo-Manchurian Mining Syndicate. Gold has been found in the neighbourhood of Tieling, in the province of Moukden (forty miles N. N. K. of Moukden). The yield seonis to warrant
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  • 77 4 The Penang Oolf Club held its annual meeting on Saturday last with Mr. J. Armstrong in the chair. The chairman said that the balance sheet did not show much profit, but it was satisfactory to note that the links had been well kept up, and that a certain amount had
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  • 81 4 The Malay Mail voices the following complaint —The Sappho arrives at Port Swettenham on Sundays shortly after 3 p.m. Passengers complain that they are obliged to wait until 5 p.m. for a train to convey them to th"ir destination and suggest that if it is not possible for the Railway
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  • 80 4 Yestibday, before Mr. Wilson, Cheong Cheng Lim, Koh Kirn Pong, and two other Straits-born Chinese were prosecuted by the Secretary of the Cheng Ann Kok Club for criminal trespass and insult. It appears that the tour young men became frisk/* during the Chinese New Year, and went uninvited to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 821 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ TW(T WOMEN A Woman's advice to Women is the best of advice. She knows well what she is talking about, bitter experience having been her teacher. A Woman's advice is to deal at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES and SAVE MONEY. THOMPSON THOMAS CO., 1 ROBINSON ROAD, PHONE CALL No.
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    • 102 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Bsttery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y« 8 tn 6 P«RoA(i on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts. Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wrigbt's Ilford and German
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  • 546 5 Aroi't 7JO p 111. on the 19th inst. a Chinese doctor named Leang Eng Seng residing at 16 Wayang .Street was alone in his shop counting the day's receipts v lien two men entered the shop. One of these was named Hong Ah Tong. The other who
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  • 225 5 On the 14th inst. about 6-:<0 p.m. a noatman named Tan Mai Ann was returning from sea towards Tanjong Kbu in a sampan when a police boat overhauled him and took him to the station, because, as the police say, he would not allow them on board
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  • 141 5 The London newspapers protest igainst the engagement of Indian coolies for the Rand. Mine owners contend that white labour adds Ids. per ton to cost of mining and would render half the minus unprofitable. The proposal is seriously made to import Spaniards, Italians and outside Kaffirs. Wages have,
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  • 955 5 Mr. Hugh Clifford on the SituationIn a recent number of Black-wood** Magazine, Mr. H. Clifford discourses of the "Destiny of the Philippines." The Filipinos being of the Malayan race, Mr. Clifford's long experience among the Malays of the Peninsula and the neighbouring islands renders him an authority on
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  • 87 5 The North China Daily Xewt of the 3rd inst. says.— The final round for the cup presented by the Captain, H. G. Gardner, was played yesterday between Mr. J. H. T. McMurtrie and Mr. J. A McGill, the former conceding strokes at three holes. It was a
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  • 192 5 We regret to state that telegraphic intelligence has been received by the Acting Japanese Consul to the effect that H I.H. General Prince Komatsuya Akihito, G.C.8., better known to foreigners as Prince Komatsu, died in Tokyo on the 18th instant from the bursting of a blood
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  • 33 5 Handicap for the Try Again Stakes. Starlight 1 1 4, Hurly Burly 11.4, Cutaway 10, Katak 9.10, Harmony 9.9, Lucifer 9.6, Tin Prince 9.2, Heiress 8.12, White Heather 8.10, Perfidy 5.9.
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  • 83 5 The I*. C. A. department charged one Choo Ann on a summons this morning for working a horse in an unfit condition. Mr. Graham and Mr. Falshaw gave evidence to this effect. The defendant said the horse was off his feed, and he took the animal out
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  • 81 5 Handicap Sweepstake Draw. ■I. KaiDnie bye 1.. M. Ellis I C. A. Bosanuuet Hon. K. U. Penney j C. I. Carver > I H. Drysdale A. Murray Gibbon j Norman Bamforth I A. P. Bowee j .1. Winter P. runline R. Thomson 1 A. M. Hogg Darbishire
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  • 150 5 Ties fo- To-day. LADIEB' SINGLES A. .LASS Mr-. Itrooke Mrs. lianxloser. LADIES' BINGLEB B CLABB. Miss M. Abrams Mrs. Jago. Mrs. Bowes Miss Winhart. MIXED DOUBLES B CLASS. Miss K. Lloyd and Mr. Mackintosh .< Mrs. Hooper and Mr. Treadgold. LADIES' DOUBLES. Mrs. Saunders and Miss Salzmann Mrs.
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  • 74 5 An unpleasant incident marred the solemnity of a funeral at Shanghai, early this month, by the municipal sexton declining to bury the deceased unless thp expenses were paid in advance. This was refused with the result that, when the minister and the friends of the deceased arrived at the cemetery,
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  • 77 5 About 12.20 yesterday morning, Mr. L. Schapiro, who lives in Race Course Road, heard his jagah crying out for help. On going to his assistance he found that the man had several wounds on his head. He said that he had been assaulted by four of the coolies employed in
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  • 90 5 A roRTNioHT ago, Douglas de Saram, a popular Ceylonese athlete, threw a cricket ball 113 yards and one foot at school sports at Colombo. This is said to be better by nearly a couple of yards than E. F. Solomon's throw of 111 yards at Badulla in that island in
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  • 81 5 A Mahommbdan named Rassa Hamid was arrested in Penang on Saturday on board a steamer bound for India, and charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $3,000 worth of diamonds, the property of a Singapore firm of dealers in High Street. When arrested, about 53,000 worth of diamonds
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  • 102 5 At a meeting of shareholders in the Grand Hotel, Yokohama, the other day, the directors reccommanded that a dividend of yen 1 1 per share should be paid for the second half-year, the previous dividend being yen 9. One shareholder objected, on the ground that money would be required for
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  • 104 5 We believe that it is a penal offence to lead or drive buffaloes about the streets without, wooden guards across their horns, so as to prevent the animals from ripping. This, to anyone who has seen the wounds made by an angry buffalo, mast seem the very wisest of precautions
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  • 104 5 Truly, in the words of the old plantation ditty, De bullfrog am no nightingale and should the descendants of Mr. Cooper's pets become 000 thick it may be found possible to p. it them to some account. A contemporary says that there is a large demand for frog skins in
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  • 150 5 The lady of the Jane Cakebread order is generally more frowsy than amusing when haled before the magistrate, but a female inebriate recently brought up in the Clerkenwell Police Court managed to keep that assemblage in shrieks of laughter which the presiding magistrate could not refrain from joining in. On
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  • 638 5 SntOAPOKI, JOTH FEBRUAKT, 1901. PRODUCE Gambler 15.60 Copra Bali 9.60 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyers 35.00 do White, (8%) 58.50 Sago Floor Sarawak 5.16 do Brunei No. 1 4.60 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basil 22.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis.- 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.50 Tapioca,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 Mr. H. D. Smith, Bradgate, lowa, October 17, 1899, writes I find Jayne's Expectorant to be the only Cough remedy that can be relied upon, and I confidently recommend it." The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 139 5 Something Worth Reading. Mr. H. Swift, IS, Beaconsfleld Road, Leyton, E*sex. writes My wife was troubled for a long time with pain in the side; medical assistance was employed in vain. After u-<ing only half the contents of a bottle of Littlb's Oriental Balm, this malady was removed in a
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    • 143 5 HOTEL DBR NBDBRLANDBN BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for itt excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamer*. A. F. MERTEN. m. th. n.e Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. At our sale-rooms, 192 Cecil Street, Ou
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    • 744 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit Vheong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS LEASEHOLD GAMBIKR AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 72S A* kes TO •>! HRLD AT POWELL it CO.'g BALK-ROOM. On Wednesday, MM MfMrf 1903, ■1 2.:«) p m. District. Area. Chop.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 184 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, aoth February. High Water. 4.28 p.m. linildiug Society Meeting Town Hall. ">. S. V. A. Battery Parade. 5. 10. S.V.R. Maxim Gan Drill, 5.15. S.R.E. Electric Light. 5.15. S.V.I. Recruits ana Company Drill S. 15. Saturday, aist February. High Water. 4.40 a.m. tt.4o p.m. Furniture Sale.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 762 6 NOTICES. *Q?e Puteometet> Requires no d?&k Thousands in use Mm* mi satisfaction. pump m ft ALMOST Mm, I K AiNTYTiaiiivG-. Mm. I m eecJs no M W&J WL Oil, Packing No moving parts __^E_. j^Rr Ik. or Leathers. to get out m 'flft of order. H W^T^Mm M jJHIf MOST
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    • 429 6 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Ca rt c Blanche. The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN V CO., Importer*. Ketail at Mkssrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. a.c. "THE LION" The most Refreshing and Invigorating Natural Mineral Water. It mixes Excellently with either Whisky or Brandy and is Permanent in
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    • 355 6 NOTICES. A New Shipment of 29 Australian Horses. (Just arrived per s. s. "Itinda E. CALDER has just arrived in Singapore with a fine lot of Australian horses, comprising showy hacks, stylish carriage horses, handsome pairs, race horses, etc. All in splendid condition. On view at 86-6 Serangoon Road, next
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    • 207 6 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap \j MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP £K B ■r»— i^'/j Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals In the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 TANSAN Is on sale at all the principal Hotels Tiffin
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 709 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. "T*BE Bt,n«Ur J Life Amuimhs*. 1. Norwich Union Fire Insurant* Bocnty. itlni Ar>uranoe Company (Fire). The E<|uit»l«l« Life Assurance Society. rh« China Mutual Btflara Navigation Compel 1 tt.nham iJ^er B«er Company. /or particulars of thane O>mp«nu», roll adv.rtuwment of THE BOENEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agent*. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1395 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. o> nit at Sinaaport Ship Agijicy, iaie J. Daibdblb A Co., 3-8, Coum Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Siearrer from Eipected Will be Despatched lor On p, IC OC k Pontianak Feb 20 Pontianak, Bingkawang,
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    • 519 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companiex' steamer* ar.- aespatekea 1 from Liverpool outward* for the Straitx, China and Japan every week. And from Japan homewards for London every Imtlllgtl and for Liverpool monthly. One outward xtenmer SSJSt month extend* to
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    • 540 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOB LIMITED. Capital Subscribed 12^00,000. Amount paid np 100,000. Baser™ fond 1,160,000. Hiad Orrici, HoK«KO>«. rha undermined, having bean appointed Agents of the abovo Company, are prepared to aooept Marine Bisks at current rates. BOUSTBAD 4 Co., Agents. Iroyal instance coy. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 779 7 NOTICES. /MtSMSi PILLS A Rantady for all Irrodulftrtt ■«pimdl| BilWr Applt. |-cnnjtoj«l. I I ra.a, •<. ■Old by Singapore Dl.pen.lnk Co., LtA, Raffia* Plaoa, Sineapora. rnprt—or MARTIN. Ch»l«. SOUTHAMPTON. IVilANtt TIQUII^I-UEL-(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks alwaya on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-twc shillings and sixpence) per ton i. o. b. in bunkers at
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    • 1245 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sb.— •hip; bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. T»cht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. BriItlb U. S.— United 9taU>« Fch.— French B#r.— German Dut. Dutch Joh. .1 oh ore 6.*.— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger;
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    • 623 8 VESSELS EXPECTED Name, port, probable dale of arrival and name 0) agents. BTIAMIRB. Afridi, Tyne, Mar P.JSimon-. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Apl 2; Mansfield* Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 2ti; B. Meyer. Annum, Hongkong, Mar 16 MM. Austria, Hongkung. Fel> 26; Rautenberg. Awa Maru. Japan. Mar 26: P. Simons. Ballaarat, Bombay. Mar 22; P.
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    • 103 8 MAILS CLOS E. For Her ittamrr Time. To-Morrow. Tringganu 4 K'lantan H Whntt Hin 7 a.m. Amoy and Swatow KgK >*g lire 10 a.m. Penang 4 New York Hindtmtan lla.m. Djambie Xian Ann Ip.m. Penang and Calcutta Kum Sann 2 p.m. Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Hongkong Sui Srng 3
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    • 141 8 From Europe— By the P.AO. s.s. Valet ta due on Saturday, with dates to the 30th Jan. She brings replies to the mail, which left Singapore on the 21st December. From China— By the N.D.L. s.s. Stutttwrt due on Sunday. Inn Tablx of Mails Dub. l-eft Singapore.
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    • 873 8 P. O. Fi'li.-.tith. I'ers.s. Coromnudtl For London Mr. A. W. Bailey. Mr,. Xoel Trotter, Mr. K Carnac Mr. nml Mi>. W. 11. Kuymoml, child ami infant, Mr. Austin Shea For (Cloinliu— Me»»r*. H. I'a.l.lav. WtiJmk I IniiUi. Fel.. X.— Per Otflm For— Mrs A. Barker, Mrs.
      873 words
    • 140 8 5 V«h-ki 8 N*MC. tom D4TMU Fbom Sailkk OONl Feb 1» KintueW Brit str. 2880 Robin>on 19 Medan Ger str. 47« .Schult/ 19 Saga Nor str. m> NatviK 19 Etnile Dut atr. 80 ;Nacoiluli 19 Pin Seng Brit str. 878 L'avidoon 1» Ophir Dut str. -Xf, |Mc(iill 1» Farfalla
      140 words
    • 84 8 Da Dati. ati. Vessel's Nami. Flag 4 Rig loss. Destination. I 'eb 1» Gregory Apc»r i Brit str. 2940 I Hongkong 20 Emile Dut str. HO Rhio 20 Saga Nor gtr. «9P Calcutta •JO A'iral Juaregui berry Fch gtr. 30 ■•> Saigon •20 i Inaba Maru Jap str. 3836
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian. Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      92 words
    • 486 8 GOOD SOUND WHISTLES ThE L Y o U A D R WD LONC THE CYCLISTS i PRICE A Real Boon to Cyc- Rft p fln t e t-TS^^ NICKEL PLATED THE "FORWARD" FILE r^~'^~^^^W WHISTLES Is the cheapest and best value FILE in the market- !"^L >w-^ Nickel plateH The
      486 words