The Straits Times, 17 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 NO. 21,057. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1903. PRICE 15 CENT^
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  • 644 1 BINOAPORR, 17th Fkrruarv, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f 14.874 Copra Ball 9.60 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black l.uyera 34.85 do White, (8%) 58.25 Sago Floor Sarawak linyers 5.1S do Brunei No. 1 4.60 Pearl Sago 6.H0 Coffee, Kali, 15% ba»h 22.59 Coffee, Palembanff, 20% basis... 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 751 1 NOTICES. Bfe £traits ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, tuliiniu measure. 1 Flrit iimertion $1 '*> cent* Becon<l 1111.1 tliir.l t— Mtto—M t cent* Fourth, lifth, iiml -ixlU 40 cenU Bevenlli toMKliteeiitl' 24 cento Nineteenth iVMiliHeiiurul,, 16 cent* Per week i>! six iln}>, to lie chunged daily if
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    • 572 1 NOTICES. MUSIC NOTICET THE Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. beg to intimate, that tbe price of Sheet Music will be raised to $1.80, on and after the 12th inst PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC ROOMS, v.c. Singapore. NOTICE. MGORSKI begs to inform bis clients a that he has reduced the price of his
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    • 614 1 NOTICES. FEDERATED MALAY STATES, FEBRUARY, 0193 Tenders for Steam Launch. rpENDERS are invited for tbe construeX tion of a steam launch forthe Governmerit of tbe Federated Malay States, in accordance with the following specification. Sealed tenders to be marked Tenders for F. M. S. Launch and are to be forwarded
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    • 675 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON &Ca Have a Large Stock of TRAVELLING TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. -Bl^sßßß-Bf^S^" jBBj g* Overland Trunks. Black Canvas, Split Hide, Sole Leather. AMERICAN CABIN TRUNKS. STEEL TK/TjnSTKIS. ,00St^^ y^^' rj^'* T1* C "Empress," the kjfaTfj^— 1' 1— n""* e our Special O-L^IDSTOIsrE BAGS, IKIIT BAGS, BRIEF BAGS. Leather
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    • 57 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET. NEW BUILDING suitable for «hophoute in High Street. Apply to CHEONGCHUN TIN, v.c. '.'7, South Bridge Road. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEBTS EITHER the captain, agent*, nor owners of the «teamer .ST. HUGO will be responsible for debts contracted by the crew during her stay in
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  • 661 2 Thi State Budget for the cur.ent year shows:— Revenue 5434,394. Expenditure 1741,806. The principal items of estimated receipts appear under customs (5213.2-J0) licenses (5103.615) lands ($47,610) reimbursements ($17,095); and postal ($10,765). Minor heads of revenue are:— Fines and fees of court; fees of office port and harbour
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  • 249 2 Tlie*followin£ patutengeni arrived on Saturday bythe German niaU steamer /famlim,/ Prom Hamburg Mr. and Mrs. A. LbbmbTi Messrs. H. Plasberg, A. liamann, K. Under, A. Winkelman. From Antwerp i "Nl A. van der Meulen, M. Weyergang, \l i-- T. van Leenliotf. From Southampton i Mr. and
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  • 246 2 Judging by the stories told in the world's press generally, Bangkok is a veritable i«rr,i in'Hjuita and contains more mysteries and mysterious things than any land at present under the rule of its own sovereign, that is in the Far Bast. And in south Siam is in
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  • 157 2 THI thirtieth show of Urn Hull Dog Club was held at the Aijiiarium about a month ago. For the past twelve years the club lias promoted allows at the Aijuarium, and the recent event was in the nature of a farewell. Kntries were received from all
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  • 74 2 An eleven-a-side friendly match wan recently played at Keppel Harbour between the Keppel Golf Club and a team captained by Mr Vade. Scores ad.- ii Panjaaaa I ■-t i\ «-ii I. nun ii IVani- I li>rn-~ v Howes ii Wraw'i 'i Hollowa) :< KalaMad Hnttoo U l.n.i
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  • 454 2 P. O. Ffli.Jotll. I'rr-.x. CWWMNMffi KorLnnclnll Mr. \V. liailry. Mi-. Nod Trotter, Mr. I: Carna,-. r« Condon via Mai aille Mr. Aorta Shad. Par Colombo Mr. H. Pa4day. rVI.. M. IVr Obffaa, Fur 1...i..1.m Mn ll.irk.-r. Mrs. ami Mia Ulinaoß. From PMM i'ir l.unilon -Mr. .irnl Mr-.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 NOTICES. Nothing but unexampled merit^jn the part of iSLiacobs Oil I and a full realization of the claims /Sk V 5 ijl lor. l such enthusiastic praise as vlaWm "S Rheumatism, Neuralgia, s/Z&Q \\vm/JkF'^£ IC O irVGf I f HO S dOTcSi 4^fc F otahlUhAtl 5O Yftam )m^ TWBLVK GOLD
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    • 365 2 NOTICES. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. USUAL SIZES ALWAYS IN STOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALB RMLf AY 00. Have fitted up a plant for applying JODEL.ITJ3 TO THKIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot,
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    • 325 2 NOTICES. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION-METAL. The best for all classes of Machinery bearings. Full particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore scorrs EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Mb Hypopbospfcites of Lime A Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ti:, -only,, oMOII I.IVKII Oil. Hint •»\en rnwiiiv i^taaM for > loar ti«,r. <*
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  • 406 3 Consular Report. The Consular report of the trade of Holland with Singapore has been published, from which it appears that 1901 was less favourable than its predecessor, says the Amsterdam correspondent of the London aiul China Express. According to the official statistics the value of the
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  • 406 3 Thk Kinta Races are bald on the 34th, 20th, and J^th in>*t The entries are given below First Day. The Maidi* Platb. PwMy, Tta Pntn-e. Hanwmjr. Griffin Rack, (iliiusilwail. Bob, Ambria, Pmm, Wakeful, Mecca, Hilda, Tambaa, Mad Mullal,. Mb*, Joll) Roger, Rom Li- -it Motlarty, Dawdler, Telok Anaon.
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  • 612 3 "As I stepped on deck from the saloon one morning on my return trip from abroad," said Frank Morris, who arrived in Chicago recently, I heard a voice cry You've sliced a drive and you're in the grass.' For a moment I wondered whether I was at
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  • 197 3 The PMMHtf Oasifa speaks as follows of a iixed currency here Every employer of labour must heve felt the pinch of the fall in the dollar of late. That this has been the case in our own line of business is an undoubted fact,
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  • 246 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 0. 8. 8. Auitralia from London Jan. 2'J, connecting at Colombo with the steamer Valetta due on the 22nd Feb.— Messrs. Meikle, W. Miehle. W. D. Barkes. Belfield.andG.G. Wild, Mr. Harrencil, Capt. and Mrs. Christie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Biodie, Mr. Edie.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 577 3 NOTICES, WHOSE FAULT IS IT The world ie full of disease and painWhose fault is it t Everybody's therefore often the fault of the sufferer* themselves. Rut the pressing question is what to do, how to relieve, how to cur.- What would become of us if means were not found
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    • 659 3 NOTICES. WANTED. AEntr-ian overseer for a tans intallation near Singapore. Apply to Tank," c/o StraiU Time*. v.c. WANTED. CIVIL Engineer and Surveyor desires employment. Twelve yean' experience in railways, roads, drainage, and bridge works. Quick and accurate jungla surveys. Apply to A. M. I. C. E. c/O Strattt KwWofflce. 88-*
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    • 550 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A? Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BUB-AQENTS or thk Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlement*. T7OR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed .T frtsh, at the Crown Dispensary, 86 Selegie Road. v.c. FOB SALE. APOLLO PIANOLA In excellent order, price
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    • 670 3 SHIPPINQ "for port swettenham, telok anBon, and penang THE British steamer KINdSLEY, Ctant Parker, will be despatched for tin abore ports on Tuesday, the 17th iimtant She has very good accommodation for first class passengers. Electric light throughout. For freight and passage, apply to HUTTENBACH BROS., 17-2 Agents. INDO-CHINA STEAM
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  • 87 4 In the {/traits Times of Dec. 13th, 1902, there appeared a leader commenting on the Direcion of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Coy. Ltd and the management of that Company's Mine In that article we published the following sentences viz "It
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  • 65 4 And it would seem from the rumours about, that theirs (that is the engagement by the Directors of the Raub Coy of two experts to report on the Mine) was the first initiative step to close down the Mine. Reviewing the work on the Mine during the past two years
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  • 72 4 Can it, however, be a fact that— as rumour says their intention is to close down the Mine We now make retractation of the above quoted writings. We did not intend in any way to reflect upon the honesty an integrity of the Directors and Manager of the Raub Australian
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  • 454 4 Last year was a very good one for the Australian pearlers, and the market reports from home show record prices to have been made for both the shells, and the lovely gems they sometimes contain. The demand for pearls is so strong that the value of a good one is
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  • 224 4 Thb latest bit of gossip from the Courts of Europe is the announcement that proceedings have actually been commenced by a lady of the Italian aristocracy against General PonzioVaglia, the Court Chamberlain, as representing the King, in connection with a claim for alimony arising out of an alleged morganatic alliance
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  • 151 4 In regard to the alleged refusal by the Editor of the local Chinese newspaper, the Lot l'au, to publish Mr. Pertile's letter on the Currency Question that recently appeared in the OBMJBJ Timer, the Editor of that paper informs ur that there must be a misconception somewhere in the premises.
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  • 120 4 We have received a donation of $61.60 towards the Convent Fund from a gentleman who desires to conceal his identity under the norn de plume of Straight Flush." It is interesting to note that the seemingly odd sum was the amount of the stakes in play between two hands at
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  • 22 4 Reading matter including articles on tbe Pahang Estimates and on Dutch trade with Singapore will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's l/m bank rate is 1/7 j
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  • 10 4 The home yard mail closes at 6 a.m. on Friday.
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  • 10 4 Cholera is reported to be raging at Bat tarn bong.
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  • 10 4 Exchange and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 16 4 H. M. S. Thetis went alongside Section No. 5 at 8 o'clock this morning to coal.
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  • 14 4 The Paknam (Bangkok) Railway Company has paid 12 per cent, during the past year.
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  • 15 4 Thk departure of the Kingtley for Port Swettenham Ac., has been deferred until to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 23 4 Mr. J. T. Matthew, of the Straits Cycle and Motor Co., severs his connection with that firm at the end of this month.
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  • 23 4 Mb. H. Marriott takes fifteen months' leave at the end of March. It is reported that Mr. Scott will be his locum tenet*.
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  • 26 4 H. Doss has forfeited a rifle and been called upon to pay $25 for firing off the weapon in a public thoroughfare on the 2nd inst.
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  • 19 4 Thk M. E. Malaya Conference closed yesterday. Ourreportof the proceedings is crowded out to-day, but will be published to-morrow.
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  • 22 4 Thk Hamburg-America liner Segovm will be passing through here soon with over 3,000 tons of railway plant destined for the Far East.
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  • 25 4 The Annual Congregational Meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held to-morrow evening at 8-45. All friends of the church are invited to be present.
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  • 24 4 Mr. Ballin, the General Director of the Hamburg-America Line, is establishing an office of tbe Company at Tsingtau, tbe German settlement in North China.
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  • 34 4 The Dallas Dramatic Opera Company will open for a short season at Penang in the 25th instant. The Company has been performing very successfully in many cities in India, and was last at Rangoon.
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  • 29 4 Mr. H. W. Firmstons, Assistant Protector of Chinese at Penang, is leaving that Settlement for Singapore, Mr. Warren Barnes, shortly expected from home, relieving him in the Penang Protectorate.
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  • 45 4 A postal notice says that to the list of British Post Offices in China is now to be added Chefoo. The postage on letters for Chefoo, as in the case of the other British Post Offices in China, is consequently 4 rents per i ounce.
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  • 40 4 Mk. Rivett Caknac, the Siamese Financial Adviser, who goes home by the Coromandel, is reported to be about to spend his furlough yacht racing and is said to be having a 20 ton yacht built to his order at Southampton
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  • 43 4 Thk Chinaman who some days ago was alleged to have murdered a woman in a house in Smith Street, stabbed another and then attempted to kill himself, was brought before Mr. Beatty at the Police Court this morning. He was committed for trial.
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  • 47 4 Mk. H. Bertis has been appointed officer in charge of the hospital at Kota Tinggie. H.h. the Sultan of Johore has erected quite an extensive establishment there, for the treatment of the coolies employed by the Royal Johore Tin Mining Company and others residing in the district.
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  • 45 4 The Russian Vol unteer Fleet steamer Vladimir arrived from Colombo yesterday afternoon en route for Vladivostock with 841 emigrants, men, women, and children on board. The Vladimir went alongside the wharf an d coaled in the evening. She is expected to continue her voyage to-day.
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  • 61 4 It is satisfactory to learn that the great efforts made by Mr. W E. Nash, Supt. of Mains and Services, to keep the public supplied with water during the trying period of drought last year, have been recognised, and that the Commissioners have awarded him a substantial bonus. Mr. Nash
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  • 64 4 This morning, Ho Yang Pen^, proprietor of a brickfield oft Serangoon Road, had six of his workmen before Mr. Marriott for breach of contract in leaving their work. The men said they had been misled by an individual who was not present, and were willing to return to work. They
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  • 65 4 The Inditehe Mercvur, a weekly trade journal published at Amsterdam, has just reached its twenty-fifth year in commemoration of which it has issued a special number containing contributions by men of mark in the branches of industry it deals in with. The special number contains much interesting reading, and is
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  • 57 4 A Havas telegram, dated the 7th instant, says that the French Chamber has voted the Budget for Public Instruction. Deputy Syneton accused the teachers for spreading socialism and anti-patriotic theories. Minister ('haiimi* and Deputy Leygues Indignantly protested and eulogised the teachers who trained np and formed worthy citizens to defend
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  • 72 4 The trade of French Indo-China for the first half of 1902 amounted to f.2*2,000,000, being more than f.-'0.000.000 above the corresponding figures for 1901. The increase in imports was largely due to iron, rails, 4c, for the r-ilways, and in exports by increase in rice. In shipping there is an
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  • 81 4 Jost now there is a very fine exhibition of art needlework on view at the office of Raffles Hotel in the shape of a number of rugs, etc worked by Armenian girls for the Paris Exhibition of 1906. Some of them art veritable works of art and they are well
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  • 97 4 On Saturday night, one Tek Ah Kirn took lodgings in a house in Smith Street. On Sunday morning, he handed over to his landlady a number of small coins, apparently silver. The landlady sent them to a money-changer who found that they were half cent and cent pieces silver gilt.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 54 4 London, 16th Feb. Colonel Francis Lloyd has been recalled by the War Office from half-pay to take command of the (irenadier Guards, in succession to Colonel Kinloch, who, in consequence of the revelations brought to light in the investigations into "ragging" in the regiment, has been
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    • 31 4 SITUATION IN THE BALKANS. Though the situation in the Balkans is still grave, it is believed in Constantinople that the presentation of the Austro- Russian reform scheme will clear the air.
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    • 31 4 The London Stamtard says the Porte has decided to give satisfaction to the British claims around Aden, and has ordered the complete evacuation of the Aden hinterland.
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    • 208 4 Success of British Troops New King to be Installed. After a fruitless bombardment of the main gate of Kano, the British troops stormed a smaller gate, about one mile off, headed by Lieut. S. H B. Dyer of the Lite Guards who was wounded twice. The enemy numbered
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    • 98 4 E VERY-DAY FACTS What makes anything a faot t Isn't it an incident or statement that can be proven true or correct in every particular f What constitutes conclusive evidence to the mind of a Singapore citizen t Isn't it the statement of one of our own people, a Rtatement
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    • 279 4 Results of Yesterday's Play. LADIES' HMUI CLASS. Mm- Minims 888 l Mr*. Pickering, 81. A 6. 6 ■>. mixed uorni.KS a class. Mi!-.- Salzmanii and Mr. Hose BSSI Mi« Camming .iiul Mr. F. Sal/mann, K 1. fi Mr*, ami Mr. A. BstsftMßl lieat Mr*, ami Mr. Gansloser, 6
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    • 79 4 The Bangkok Time* says that in the Siamese Ministry the officials have to sign their names on arrival. They are supposed to be at office at 10 a m., acd the book for them to sign was instituted because bo many of them were late. The book showed that everybody
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1094 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE. (fPrice Jbist on Jlppli cation.) R.BAD HERE. By Special Request OwBBJ to the arrival of the Special representatives from The Dehli Durbar. l\ SIMiAI'ORK THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL IM.AY 111
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    • 59 4 MXI.DRUM.— At Parit BiiDtar. l'erak. uu ■lanuary Mtli, tbe wife of W. I. Mkldrum, of a son. ll.ini.KV.— On the U»th .lanuary. at the Manne, Kuala Lumpur, the wife uf the Rev \V. K. Horlev, ..1 mm. Harvik. Mac iionalii. On the -29th Jan. ut Shanghai, John Harvik. of lilaHgow.
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  • Correspondence
    • 630 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times Dear Sir,— Will you kindly allow me (n siy ;i few words on the all absorbing luestion They are based on assertions made by Mr. i'ooles. He says 1 Commodities like gold, silver, paper, etc. etc. are interchangeable, ■to tl
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  • 377 5 Dear Sir. I am honored by your notice of my letter to the Straits Time* published on Friday last. I think you are wise not to discuss any luestion of good manners, although the matter is not so wide of the mark as at first
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  • 455 5 The name of Miss Brooke-Hunt was a household word amongst the Volunteers who went to England to represent the different parts of the Empire at the Coronation of King Edward. Miss Brooke-Hunt ran the Club for Colonials in Dover Street, Piccadilly, and ran it so
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  • 129 5 The twelfth annual report of the Queeusland Meat Export and Agency Company the parent of the Cold Storage Company soon to commence operations in Singapore shows a net profit of i'i>o,42.") for the year ending November 30tb, 1902. This gave a total credit to
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  • 42 5 Yesterday the Harbour Master at Port Swettenbam wired to the Harbour Master, Singapore, to the following effect An accident has happened to the Klang Straits light. Please warn shipmasters that there will be no light there till further notice.
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  • 65 5 Championship Draw. R. Walker, K.K. I I. B. KoherUon lion. J. M. Allinxon K. T. Reid .1. Me Ken/ if I .1. Holloway I A. W. Stiven Dr. Fowlie j ■I. T. Longrauir I A. Langley F. Ferguson A. Morrison A. A. Gunn l,t. Col. La who
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  • 74 5 My father bad a severe case of pleurisy, and was completely prostrated. His physician treated him with all the skill at his command, but the patient only appeared to grow worse. We finally resorted to the use of Jayne's Expectorant with the most happy results, for a few bottle* of
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  • 511 5 A. Lyon ml Syed Mohamed Alsagoff. BsroßE the Chief Justice (Sir Lionel Cox) to-day, the hearing was resumed of the case of A Lyon us. Syed Mohamed Alsagoff. At the previous hearing of the case on Wednesday last, Mr. Napier, for the plaintiff, said that he claimed damages
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  • 130 5 THE HYLAM BOY AGAIN On the 22nd ult Mr. T. D. Canning, of 8 Sophia Road, took a Hylara named Ah Hin into his service. On the 26th the boy asked for and obtained an advance of $4. On the 28th he was sent to market with $1.50 and did
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  • 174 5 A Protest from Tanjore The Tanjore District Association has submitted a Memorial to Government protesting against unchecked emigration of labour from South India. The Association submits that agricultural operations have been much impeded and at times endangered by the constant and sudden desertion of agricultural labourers,
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  • 40 5 Stkarnr' Wins is the most reliable of all remedies for lung affections. It promotes appetite, and keeps the digestive organs healthy. It improves nutrition. The beneficial effect is felt at once —Sold by all chemists.
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  • 621 5 Our Latest Royal Visitor. In yesterday's issue we announced the arrival of H. H. the Sawbwa of Kieng Tung, now staying at Raffles Hotel em. route for Bangkok. Kieng Tung is situate in the tuountainous region lying between the Me Nam and Salween rivers just
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  • 164 5 Thb Riv. U. Dhamualoka, the President of the International Young Mens 7 Buddhist Association and who is travelling through Siam to Thibet, leaves about Friday next. During his stay here he has held a conference of the principal Buddhists and discussed matters with them and a capital photograph of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 957 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE! Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. THIRD ISSUES $200,000. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (I) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 136 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, 17th February. High Water. 1.54 p.m. Kecruits and Co. Drill. S.V.A. S.V.I. .VIS Town Band. Old Jail Site. 5 to 6. Engineerb' A-mi. Marine Club. 8.43. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Koad. 9. Wednesday, 18th February. High Water. 2.11 a.m. 2.43 p.m. Land Sale. Powell. M S.V.A.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 425 6 NOTICES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" SAFES of all qualities. A^ V/ Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors X-O^ <£ /a Gates for Strong Rooms. jv"" CATALOGUES FREE A? U. /^OTICE! on Application. X a S /V/ S" Ox Chatwood's TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-/^OJ^ Q) New p at ent "Solicr' "EAE&RBIYEB" /Cy S> <^ X Bted
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    • 102 6 DRINK TANSAN BUT SEE THAT YOU GET THE Genuine Article BOTTLED BY d. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!! Wilkinson's Tansan <ioea nut lower the system but Invigorates it vide report on this Water by eniineut London Physician* and analysis. ~"THE LION" The most Refreshing and Invigorating
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    • 583 6 NOTICES. *THE QUEEN of CREME de MENTHE PIPPERMINT GET FRERES. I A HIGH CUSS TONIC AND DIGESTIVE LIQUEUR. A PkOfMYLACTIC TO NERVOUS QASTRIC MWW Sold la IJuirli illtrt ttoulti mnd Pints ttMll-lltrt boltltt I By Wine? Merchants and Chemist*. I The TRADE supplied through their BUYING AGENTS in ENGLAND. I
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    • 645 6 BANKS. HONGKONG AND HHANGHA! BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 510.000.00 C RK-sERVE FUND.— Sterling ReBerTe..slo,ooo,ooo\ Silver Reserve.... t 4,750,000/ fl4 IBOIOOU RESERVE LIABILITY OF J llnnoonor PROPRIETORS J..»10,O0O.O0C COUBT OF DIKKCTOKS. Hon. K. Shkwan,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, E»i Dkittv Chairman Hon. C. W. Dickson |H. s<hubakt, E»q E. (^IKTZ, Esq.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 721 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. 'piIE Bt«ndarJ Lite Asnmat*. L Norwioh Union Fire Insurance Society, itlas Aseorano* Company (Fire). Fhe K< juiulili. Life Awtmnoe Society. 1 h« China Mutual Steam Navigation Company )i< '■Vittenham Lager Itoer Company. /or particulars of tt>e«e Companies, see the mil advertisement of THE BOBNKO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 751 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. n/t at Singapore Ship Agesct, iatb J. Dabrdbu A Co., 9-8, Collteb Quit. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Boutman Sourabaya Fpl> 11 Bandjermassin. Pulau Laut, Balik papan, Koetei, Donggala,
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    • 542 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with thr Aubt* Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steam«r» may be expected to arrive and sail from here: Outward. Homeward. IHOS. 1 IHO3 'X.F.h' nlinand Mar 8 \Aut>ria Feb. 27 \M. Valeric 13 I +.\i>/> n Mar.
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    • 631 7 I STEAMSHIP COMPANIES N. Y. K7 Al MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Eiese Government, specially designed the Company's European Service, ■<1 throughout by EleMricity, ded with excellent accommodation
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    • 555 7 STEAMSHIP COWPAllfes. Compagnle Des Message. !c« Maritime* De France. TILKHUPHIO ADPBim: MIMAOBBIBB, SISGAPOBI. Tbe -nail steamers will leave Singapore an or auout the undermentioned dates.— OUTWABD. BOMCWABO. Dates Dates. 1903 1903 Syriruy Mar. 2 Oeetmi- n Mar tonkin Mar. l-i ,4nna>/< Mar Loot Mar. 80 E. Mnton* Mar 30 f'a/^fonin,
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    • 449 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rTIHE PHOSNIX ABBUUANCB J. COM PANT OF LONDON. (ESTABLISH ID A. D 1782.) The nndermifned, Agnnti for the abort Con panr, are prepared to aooe pt Are Kiaka at tb« currant rate* in Sincjapore, and aluo in JohoTC and the other State* in the Malay Pnniiiaala. STI^KN Co.
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    • 1705 8 Under this heading the following abbreviatioD* are used str. steamer sh.— ■hip; bu.— barque; sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht; Cru— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horsy-power; Brit. Brillih U. S.— United SUtes; Fch.— French o«r.— German Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Johore; 6.o.— General-cargo; d.p. —deck passenger; O.— Uncertain
      1,705 words
    • 146 8 From Europe— Ry the P. AO. s.s. Valel/St due on Saturday, with dates to Urn S))th Jan. nhe brings replies to the mail, which left Singapore on the 2Ut December. From China— By the P. O. s. s. Coromandfl due on Thursday. Ximes Table of Mails Due.
      146 words
    • 94 8 For Per iteamer Time. To-Morrow. Pontianak W.Othe.Wiip 7 a.m C boryiiid Samarang /.wn nn 7 a.m. Bntavia l.n (mm 9 a.m. P. Swefham via ports H Poh (Juan pm. Teluk Anson via ports Malaeoi 8 p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe 3 p.m. Bandlermassin Houtmnn 4 p.m. Thi-rsdav. Tringganu
      94 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILZ MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      208 words
    • 741 8 WE GIVE GOOD VALUE off .Kg, This watch is genuine useful I^^PT,^OBB *^S^^^fTJft%^^^FTmSg best yamc m^ article, keyless, and has a simple /ii-Cs. S P^Bl I^WfcrSß tmfc Chall S and perfect winding arrange- "J-^\ /jr^^k f>wK h^H *VB ment inside back cover. Well %J^rjS^ WvSE^Ktr^^^^^ W.^Li^^i^l^l^Bß^ K 1 finishpd perfect
      741 words
    • 107 8 Raffles Tiffin Rooms received A Consignment of "Pschorr" Beer In the Refrigerator of the I.G.M.S. "Jiamburg" due 14th instant. PILSENER BEER KEY BKANJ) MPOKTED BIHCB 1876 BKWARK OF IMITATIONS Now? Gknuins without the above TWO LABELS. BBHN MKYKR Co., tn th.X Roi.k Importer I have been ut>ing Jayne's Fxpectornnl for
      107 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 95 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandant) Kerbau Hospital lath Ftbrv.aryl9oS »a.m. 3 p.m. flp.m. Remarks. Bar 30.018 29.874 29 997 V ornine Temp 81.0 78.0 77.4 cloudy, day WB'lbTher 77.0 7H.0 76. overcasi. DirolVVind n.e. North Calm, nightcloudy Max. Temp 86.0 M m 74.0 Sun 139.0 Terr, rad 70.0 Rainfall on The
      95 words