The Straits Times, 11 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. ai, 052 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 728 1 NOTICES. jjhe STtmes. ADVERTISING RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [|i«r inrh, <<iluiiiu measure. nrßtiiiM-iiit.ii *1 cent* Secoml iiikl iliinl insi-rUon-i-aHi centH Pourtli, huh, ami mmli 40 iem» Sereotli tn ••itflittM-iitli 24 cento Nineteenth subsequent,, 16 ceuw Per week of six day*, to be changed daily if required jl, per inch per
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    • 302 1 NOTICES. W. D. FISHER, Assoc. M. Insi C.E., SHESM»«I HOUSE ■■TTMV «0 Foundation*. Hulldlnei, Roofs Railway* and RallwayiStructairco. Wharva*. Roads and BrM|ta. Sarvay*. Hydraulic Mlnlnf Schem.i. Inspection and Toting ol Materials U.C. WELLINGTON SCHOOL, AYR, SCOTLAND. A High Class School for Girls. I)RINCIPALB— Miss Cay and Mis* .~nnth. atj-isii <l
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    • 338 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. "THE.GANDY BELT, ENGLAND The above KegistereJ Trade Mark is now the properly of the <iaady Belt Manufacturing Company (1901) Limited, of Wheailand Works, heacombe, in the County of Chester, England, Manufacturers the said Mark haTing i»»n assigned to them by the Oandp Belt Manufacturing Company, Limited of Wbeatland
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    • 243 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Meal Milk /^js^ Enriched 20 per cent. R»^j^tfi with Cream. fejfij^i Sterilized-Not Sweetened. KsF^^SJ Perfect Substitute for Fresh MORE LIGHT If you are in Want of MORE LIGHT, or BETTER LIGHT call at Messrs. lltt I tea mJP~^m^ BROTHERS j Where you will find a aJ&H Magnificent Display
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    • 531 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. REMEMBER. To-Night. To-Night. GRAM' <;.\I. A nmfOMMANCE WORTH SEEING ENCHANTING FABCINATIN(. CMM mil All. V«M« MM (M.I AT TIH. MiKTH HKIIKIK MAD HUM Wednesday, llth Feb., 1903. THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Sinfapore Will |>lay fur the fii>t turnThe Vi,p,i(ar Ofmrn KaftMttt Petra Namboz Petra Namboz Reproduced
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  • 3415 2  -  Mr. T.K. Saik AN ARGUMENT ON THE MATTER {Ky in the "Straits Chine** Magazine," December, 1897.) This is a question of the utmost importance to the trade of this country and should, therefore, engage the attention of every one who has the interest of the Colony at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 NOTICES. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition for Ships' Bottoms Hi.- ii-m cii Oui Nf« AotHaaJiag Caaftpaaaftan in ns-oininended for Specially Fouling Waten, M it Baaaaaaai MMk taMlal Antifonlinß l^ualitieß. and therefore vefwelit ÜBinn it di> not rcc|inr.' tu |(nk «.i irr.|iieiitlj- .1- in at prenent necessary. The MSMk Biafksi "ii f\er,v
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    • 326 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. Singapore. £S JKFFRKYS m EDINBURGH *j9| STOUT. »^*£ig| A, light brew for the Highly recommended ■'W.»^l Price $13.n0 per case of 7 dor MS 'il pints. Of all dealers |U BORNEO (X)., LTD., ■Ktttirftial Hole Agents. ■•■b^b^ m ft w.
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    • 381 2 NOTICES. T*HE gTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have mci eased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Soonomy, the premiums are moderate,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 WANTED FOR SANDAKAN, B. N. B. GENERAL ASSISTANT with a good general knowledge of business and able to speak Malay. Commencing salary 5.7." per month. BOOKKEEPER, competent to keep a set of books connected with a large and varied business, and able to write a clear legible hand. Knowledge of
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    • 258 3 \I ANTED an experienced ledger clerk. W Must have good teetimonials. Apply, stating salary required, to X c/o Straits limes. 16-3 STOREKEEPER WANTED. piHINKSE preferred. Must have had \j previous experience in import business. Apply to L.C.c/o Straits 'lime*, v.c. WANTED. AN electrical engineer for service in the Federated Malay
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    • 625 3 NOTICES. Mcua H. L. Coghlan tf Co. HATE BEEN APPOINT! D SUB- AOK NTS o/tfll Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., G. neral Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed fnsb, at the Crown Dispensary, U6 Selegie Road. v.c. ROOMS TO LET. VIEW HOUHE, MOUNT
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    • 578 3 SUPPING WKBT AUSTRALIAN STKAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. FOR BROOME, PORT HEDLAXD, OOSHACK. ONSLOW CARNARVON, OEKALDTON AND FREMANTLE. *T<HE Company's Steamer SIINILYA. 1 2,748 tons.' Captain Mills, will be despatched for the above ports on Wedne«day. the 11th inst at I p m. For freight and riaseaue apply to 11-2 BOUKTKAM
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  • 474 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY. In view of the interest that now attaches to everything connected with the currency question, no apology is necessary for the amount of space devoted to the discusoion between Mr. Pertile and Mr. Tan Keong Saik published on page 2of this
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  • 329 4 Singapore residents in general will be rejoiced to learn that Mr. K. A. Stevens has received telegraphic information from Brisbane, announcing that the Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company have decided to proceed with the erection of the coldstorage, premises and have agreed to the terms of the lease proposed
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  • 294 4 The cry from Macedonia, which has forced Russia and Austria to take action against Turkish misrule there, is waxing louder. The »«<uhing discontent aroused by that mit>rule, which bad already taken the f>rm of insurrection has now resolved itself into open preparations for a rebellion, so runs Router's message. Turkish
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  • 70 4 It lias been for some time a source of complaint that on special occasions, such, for instance, as the special dinners at Raffles Hotel, the premises, being licensed, had to be closed punctually at midnight. We understand that this grievance will be remedied in the near future, and that a
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1 7 j
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  • 12 4 The German cruiser finer left tor Hongkong at 10.15 o'clock this morning.
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  • 14 4 The P. U. ss. Manila, leaves for London via ports at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 29 4 A service of Praise will be held at the Prinsep Street church on Sunday next at 9 a.m. Sacred Songs in Malay will be rendered by a special choir.
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  • 25 4 Mr. A. R. Firth, of the British Consular Service in Yokohama, has been transferred to Manila, where be will take the position of Acting Vice-Consul.
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  • 25 4 Mb G. F. Witton, the well-known Directory and Gazetteer publisher, has gone to Port Arthur from Hongkong with the object of crossing Siberia to London.
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  • 25 4 A Sikh has b«en sentenced by Messrs. Brockman and Wilson, magistrates, to six months' rigorous imprisonment for breaking into the police barracks at Sepoy Lines.
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  • 36 4 The Duke and Duchess of Connaught took part in a tiger hunt at Sobagpur in India on the 22nd January. The Duke shot a tigress and two cubs. Other tigers have fallen to the Duke's rifle.
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  • 42 4 A pigeon show was held at Hongkong on the 31st January, for the first time. A police sergeant, Mac Swayed by name, walked away with all the trophies. It was such a success that a bigger show is fixed for July next.
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  • 41 4 A planter, named Glanville was stabbed to death in the Nawalipitiya district of Ceylon, in his bed at night. The murderers had got in through a window, and are suspected to be his own servants. Several of them have been arrested.
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  • 51 4 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company had done co well in the second half of last year, that the directors propose to distribute a twelve per cent, dividend for that period. The Company intends, it is said, to establish a fixed rate of dividend, instead of making it variable as
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  • 49 4 The State Department at Washington denies that the Japanese Government offered any opposition to the appointment of Mr. John Barrett as U.S Minister at Tokio and has published Mr. Barrett's refusal of the appointment, which was sent from India before Mr. Earrett could have heard of Japan's rumoured attitude.
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  • 59 4 Member* of the Singapore Kowing Club may be interested to know that the Argonaut Rowing Club of Toronto will visit Henley and try again for the Grand Challenge Cup this year. Thin is good news for rowing men the world over, for there have been no more welcome visitors to
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  • 54 4 Messrs. Bkbn Miyer A Co. send a list of vessels coated with Hartmann Rabtjen's improved red hand brand composition during a recent period of three months. That list includes the cruiser Good Hope which conveyed Mr. Chamberlain to South Africa, of which the firm send us a photograph, and comprises
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  • 66 4 Yesterday evening, five Chinese, so it is alleged, set upon one Leow Eng Seng near the Protectorate and robbed him of S4O in bank-notes and $10 in silver. They got away, but the information given at the Detective Station gave a clue to their identity and they were captured This
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  • 65 4 Thk flogging of women is practised in Morocco it is in the nature of the bastinado the victim is placed lull length in a basket from which the soles of the feet protrude. It is generally held by the Moors that Hogging, apart from the pain and degradation, is physically
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  • 65 4 The s.e. Tamba Maru, Captain Wale, is due here from Hongkong to-morrow morning and will sail for Marseilles and London on Saturday the 14th inst The following are the passengers leaving Singapore by her Mr. E. S. Campbell, Mr. Simpson, Miss G. H. Vosper, and Miss Brooks for London. Mrs.
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  • 61 4 Captain Tikk has taken up the duties of Staff Captain at Devonport Dockyard and King's Harbour Master of the Hamoaze. He served in the China Squadron as Commander in the Centurion, the flagship of Sir Edward Seymour, who is known to have formed a very high opinion of his professional
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  • 65 4 The last mail from England brings news of the death of another well known Church of England official Dean Howell, of St. David's. He was horn in 1831, and bad been Dean of St. David's since 1897, his previous appointments being Vicar of St. John's, Cardiff, 1864-73; Vicar of Wrexham,
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  • 57 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Esplanade to-night, from 9 to 10, the following programme: Where Glory Leads. March. lly T Biilgood Overture, Lmneralda A. Hermann Valse, Buenos Amintade* S. Selection from Gounod* Opera Faimt Arrd. E. Hare Waller, Natur ganger G. M. Ziehrer Quadrille. Sea Songx
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  • 68 4 Thk Christian Brothers extend their most heartfelt thanks to Towkay Loke Yew of Kuala Lumpur, from whom they have just received SJKX) toward the completion of St. Joseph's Institution. It is to be hoped that the wealthy gentlemen of Singapore will show as much interest in the cause of education
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  • 92 4 Bangkok papers, even the official ones are complaining of the wash caused by the royal yacht as she bore the Crown Prince of Siam homewards the other day. She managed to capsize a lot of sampans, floating houses, etc., and in one instance actually washed some people off a jetty.
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  • 93 4 Commander Edward Richard Connor, R.N., C.M.G., whose death occurred recently at Sydney, on retiring from the Navy in 1880, entered the service of the British North Borneo Co. and was for some time in command of the Governor's Yacht. He subsequently proceeded to Australia, and there served in the New
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 28 4 /,'>»</<>«, llth February The standard Vienna correspondent says that the insurrectionary element in Macedonia is so powerful that preparations for a great rising are proceeding openly.
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    • 32 4 The French War Minister has for bidden all officers employed in the War Office to make any sort of communication regarding the dixcussion in the Press on the Dreyfus affair.
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    • 10 4 To-day's obituary includes the nam«of Sir Charles Gavan Puffy.
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    • 63 4 Signor Baccelli, one of the Ministers, said in the I.alian Chamber of Deputies that the Sheikh of Obbia, in Italian Soraaliland, had been deported. This was necessary to facilitate British operations in Somaliland. Signor Baccelli further said that Italy loyally adhered to the agreement with Britain, and had
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    • 23 4 Rubino, the Anarchist who attempted the life of the King of the Kelgianp, has beer, sentenced to penal servitude for life.
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    • 39 4 Kcu'.er's telegrams conveying the latest news have been successfully transmitted by the Marconi board to the Transatlantic liner Minu'-iipoH*, ;$K hours before the landinz of the passengers. This will probahly inaugurate a regular nyxtein of transmipsion.
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  • 35 4 The competition for the MonthlyMedal, an ai.ged for Sunday next, hap been postponed until March Ist. Launches will leave Johnston'* Pier tor the <'lub M Sunday at 10 MO and IIJN a.m.
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  • 221 4 Ties for To-day. Mixed Doubles. A. Clan. Mr... muui.l.t-. MM Mr. ISradWery v. Mr». Waddell nn.l Mr. Ma Duu-all. Mr* and Mr I.HnifliHln < art.r Mr«. ami Mr. A i:<>l..rt-on B. CU... Mm. IWh> ami Mr. MmUiM Mr». Wkl kins am I Ht-vil.
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  • 89 4 I'hkvv appeared before Mr. Wilson this morning, to answer a charge of allowing his son to fire crackers in Coleman street to the common danger of the trallic. Kvidence was given that while a carriage was being driven along that street about 5. n0 p. in on the 4th
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  • 113 4 An extraordinary accident occurred in Portsmouth Harbour recently, says the Engineer. The actual (acts are that while gasoline was being pumped out of submarine No. 2 by the Latona it suddenly took lire. It got on to the water and burned there with a glare that lit the whole harbour
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY& WALSH, LTD. AGENTS FOR THE ARDATH TOBACCO CO. Just Received TOBACCOS. Vrdath Full Wets, per }lb Medium iX) cts. do Mild UOeto. do State Express 80 cts. d<> Gold Plate 70 els. do Honey ])<■« 70 ets. do NOTICE. VTOTICE im hereby given that Mr. Y. Tan,
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    • 649 4 CIGARETTES. State Express foroinarvi SO'.lOper box Stair Express (Astorias; 1.50 Quovadis (Turkish i l.tJo I Waldorf No. 1 gJB i do No. 2 1 50 w. &f. FRASER NEAVE'S Latest Testimonial. Laboratory i loFenchurch Street E.C. London, 3 lit December, l!)0J. I have made a most carnful Analysis of the
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    • 73 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresbam House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only b a»m. 6 p.m. Orchard on W® B1 I*?*1 8 ia 6 P m on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films. Wratten-Wrain wright's
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  • 211 5 S. C. C. v. R. E. Wh.u would otherwise have been a mi- game between the above teams, was tt|ioiled last night by a very strong crose-wiml, which blew right across the playing pitch and made accurate shooting at goal a matter of difficulty In cOQSequonoe neither side had
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  • 252 5 YtMKKHAY afternoon, Mr. Beatty in I'lin'.i int) an allegation of cheating ts t.p Sin. against Tone; Chan San, a servant in the employ of a Chinese shop at -J.i Honukong Street. The money belonged to Lee Eng Tai, the manager of the ghop. Mr. Innes prosecuted m<l
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  • 223 5 Thk Ist battalion of the Manchester Regimtnt leaves South Africa, en route tor .Singapore the middle of this month, and is due here in the middle of March. The regiment does not BOOM here up to full strength, and co make up the deficiency the 2nd battalion, now
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  • 177 5 The Chilians in the Field. Thk Chili, in-* are the latest to try to I kit" or— lion inthe matter of battleships. Last month, at the Elswick Ship) ard, Messrs. Armstrong, VVhitworth, and Co. branched a new first-rlass battleship for the Chilian Navy. The vessel's dimensions
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  • 22 5 The German mail steamer Print Heinrich left Port Said yesterday morning outward bound. She is due here on Saturday the 28th init.
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  • 386 5 Last night the celebrations attending the Festival of Taipusam, the day that the god Siva appeared to his devotees, were continued at the Tankroad temple of the Chetty Community in the u«ual style. A huge canopy was Htretched across Tank-road, and served to add an outside
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  • 156 5 This morning, the annual M. E Malaya Conference commenced its sittings in the M. E. Church, Coleman Street. When the roll was called, the following members of the conference responded Bishop F. W. Warne, Revs. S. Abraham. W. F. Cherry, J. R. Denyes, W. E. Horley,
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  • 92 5 The following pasbengers left by the German Mail str. Darmstadt on the tttb inst. For Genoa: Mr F. Dillenius, Mr. Ernst Gerlach, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Meyer, Naval Capt.Berger, Mr Fritz Vaeten, Mr. A Muller, Mr. P.Strebel, Mr. A.G., Crane, Miss. R Sunter, Mr.
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  • 120 5 Sir Malcolm Mact£<icharn, of Messrs Mcllwraith, MacEacharn and Co. of London and Melbourne, has, acting on behalf of a British syndicate, almost concluded an arrangement with the Electric Street Railway of Tokyo in virtue of which the British syndicate will supply the Japanese company with the capital
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  • 21 5 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 31 5 The I'xiuing (hizetit makes it out that the Volunteer Camp there turned out a complete success, and that it is expected to give a decided fillip to volunteering in that Settlement.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 132 5 To the Editor of the StraiU Time*." Apropos of an article published in yesterday's paper anent mismanagement at the Town Hall, we have been favored with the subjoined copies of letters by Mr. A. Cumming, and the added letter from Mr. Hills A. Cumming Esq.,
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    • 104 5 T. T Thompson Esq. Present. Dear Sir,— l am in receipt of your of yesterday's date asking me to apologise to certain parties for my having occupied their seats as you state in the Town Hall on Monday night, can you inform me who were in my seats I consider
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    • 104 5 To tlte Editor of the Strait* Timer." Sir, I do not know it I was one of the people referred to in your leader yesterday. Ido know however that I arrived at the Town Hall at 8.55 with my wife having engaged seats beforehand. Those seats were occupied. We got
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  • 286 5 By the demise of the Hon. .Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, Ireland loses one of her most illustrious sons of to-day, and few, however much they may disagree with his opinions and politics, but must regret his loss. Born at Slonaghan in 1816 he, in 1842, founded
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  • 35 5 Thi Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce hopes to send delegates to the sth Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire to be held at Montreal on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th August next.
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  • 36 5 The dead body of a Chinaman was found floating in the river, near Cavanagh Bridge, yesterday afternoon. There are marks on the body which were apparently inflicted by some sharp instruments. An inquest will be held.
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  • 548 5 P. ft O. Feb. lit*.— FW MmmOa For London Mr*. Finher and child, and Mr*. Knight. For l/ondon via Manieilles— Me*Hrn. (i A. Reid, Ku Seng Hye. For Penang-- Mr». Anchant, Mewtm. Ku Say ',ing, and Fisher. Feb/Jflth. Pent.*. Coromandel: For London Mr W. Bailey. Mr*. Xoel
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  • 41 5 Foruek Hongkong Bank notes are largely circulating in Japan, but of such bad workmanship that the counterfeiting is easily detected. On suspicion being afoot, the counterfeiters at Osaka burnt down the buildings and the machinery with which they executed the forgeries.
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  • 109 5 A gang rrobberr <r took place in Wayong Street about 7-30 last night. The police had received information beforehand that the robbery was going to take place and were waiting in the Chinese Protectorate for the robbers. Six men raided a shop kept by an old Chinaman The detectives, headed
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  • 643 5 BmOAPOBI, lITH FK.nRUARY, 1803. PRODUCE. Gambler I 15*7} Copra Ball »55 do Pnntianak *.00 Pepper, Black 33. nr do White, (8%) 59.00 Sa«o Flour Sarawak 5.15 do Brunei No. 1 4.60 Pearl Saeo 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis -*2..'0 Coffee, Palerabang, 20% baids... 33.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 30.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 My little boy, five years old had a Cough all his life. Last winter he took Whooping Cough. I thought he could not live. The doctor said his Lungs were diseased, and gave him medicine, bnt it did no good. Then I tried Jayne's Expectorant and it cured him.— L.
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    • 139 5 The merit of a medicine Is determined by the test. Does it cure What Rheumatics say N. Galloway, Bnow Hill, London, writes:— 1 have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism for many years. During this time. I have tried various advertised rheumatic remedies, oils, ointments, and embrocations. My legs pained
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    • 47 5 YOUR GENERAL HEALTH BECOMES GOOD. Under thi Bbnekicial Action of Steams' Wine, the chief functions of the body are regulated. The appetite is sharpened. Digestion becomes more active. Nutrition and assimilation are more complete Sleep is induced. And She natural forces are stimulated. told by all chemists.
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    • 103 5 Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. is prepared to book orders for Common Bricks at 9150 per laksa. Firebricks, Fireclay, Arch firebrick*. Boiler seating*, and Flue covers always in stock at the following price*. Firebricks *'<» pr ti«u»n4 r irirliU $.1* per tmi Arrk r'irrbrirks
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    • 677 5 AUCTION SALKS. Preliminary Notice. Ettate of Teo Kit Vlieong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AM) 999 YKAKS LEASEHOLD GAMBIKR ANI) PEPPER PLANTATIONS COVERING AN AREA OF 725 A, kih TO BK HKI.I) AT IMWKI.I. A' 00 's PAI.K-HOOM. 'hi Wadnenhiy, MM F,l,nmry 1903, a'/ i'.:(o pm. Oi.trict Area. Chop.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 165 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, nth February. 10.49 p.m. S.V.A. 2.5 Standing (Jun Drill 3. 15. L.L.T.C. Toarnament licuin-. B. 1. homeward mail closes. 4. Horses and Carriage" Sale at P.UUii 1. Town Hand. F.apianade. 9to 10. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Koad. 9. Thursday, nth February. High Water. Ul.l9a.ra. 11
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 337 6 notices. Agents for LEA PERBINS 9 #Nf WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v By Special Wappant^^a^&|^ His Ma est B Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORED. A cup of Bovril for late Supper will fx: found a desirable change for many who feel the need of nourishment before retiring, but to whom
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    • 103 6 TANSAN Ib on sale at all the principal Hotels Tiffin Booms Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Lcl Singapore Sub-agents... McClymont Co.. Port Dickson h ii 11 Malacca Chow Kit Co., Kuals Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton, Telut An son Charles Ibeftsteck's Ulhi tc Seal Champagne. Sole
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    • 145 6 NOTICES. ROBINSON Co. Have a Large Stock of TRAVELLING TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BBpsgj|£ ti il Overland Trunks. Black Canvas, Split Hide, Sole Leather. AMERICAN CABIN TRUNKS. STEEL TRTJITKS. ■>"* The Empress." the Strongest Steel Trunk i.i .m JLg made, our Special j i A-: Pattern. Q-LAIDSTOITE BAGS. KIT BAGS,
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    • 230 6 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED KAUXALL A HILUBA 96, Robinton Road.. HAVE ON HANU:Electrir- Fun-. Ceiling and Thbie, 40, 50, tiO HX), 110, and 130 Volt*. Detignea 10 operate from Incnndatcen Circuit*. Kay VoltaßP to order Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volt*.
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    • 380 6 NOTICES. CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHD-CLYCERATE OF LIMB fore*, cures Nmrosthtnta Ojiptpila, lAlomnta, and ntroQui ttttattt in adults and children. II CAPSULES. IN WME. AM) 111 STRVf MOTOR CARS WK ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. U.i: "THE LION" T^nsr-s^nsr The most Refreshing and Invigorating Natural Mineral Water. It mixes Excellently
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 733 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd J. Norwich Union Fire Intnranc* »ocM«r AUaa Awuranos Company (Fire). The K|Umblilp Life Aiwuranoe MreixtT. I be China Mutual Steam Navigation Gomji<»«»» u..nh*m Latter U«or Coinpanj. .-or particular* of tL«-.» Companies, •nil ad¥«rti«eni«nt of THK HORN BO COMPANY. LIMITKD. Afrenu. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p a Steam Navigation
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    • 1252 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I Dder contract with the NttbtrJMpdt India Goverßment P'«l« at f)i*{O)irf: BBIF ACISCT, IMB J. I JI*DM.S A Co., 2-8, COLLTM QIJAT. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. st»»mer Vrort fcxrecten W 1 be I'«>»Dateheri (or On Kruuu-er Djambie Feb 1 Paneh, Bilk, Aesaban, Deli,
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    • 672 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES lorddeuMer Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. STEAMERS OF THE OOABT FLEET. Tom Beg. Toss Keg. <}UUin 2478 Kohtichang IXH2 Si'ndakan 2111 P> t.Kaburi 3101 Paknam 2004 Pittanulo* 2019 lanolin 1999 Rajaburi 1904 Hangkok 19J0 Chov Tax 1777 JTora< 1900 Wong Koi 1777 S'.njoro 1764 Keong Wai 1777 y««n Tutw
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    • 543 7 INSURANCE CO.'S GUAKDIAN ASUCRaNCK CO. LIsfTTBD LONDON Subscribed Capitol £2,000,000. Total I nrested Fund. 4,516,000. Annual Income 933,000. The undersigned, agent* lor the above Company, are prepared to accept fire riski for snort periods of ten days or longei periods at current rates to be nameu ot application to PATBRHON.
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    • 791 7 NOTICES. BT. ANDRUW'S HOUt-E. A CHURCH of England Boarding House (or European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the school* of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, Bt. Andrew's Houw or to the Colonial Chaplain. v.c "LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand.
      791 words

    • 1159 8 Dnder this heading the Mtof in^ ablirc»'.<ltiouB are used str. stHiuner sh aip;bq. barque; n:h. Bciioorx'r Vet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; ttbt— Gunbu-it; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horoe-powcr; Brit, Krillsh: U. S.— United States Fob. -Fraaob; 8»r. (iermau, Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; H.e.— General-cargo; d. p. -deck passenger; U—
      1,159 words
    • 661 8 Nam*, port, probable date of Jfrtmk and name oj agent*. Stiamirs. Achilles. Liverpool, Feb IS: Mansfield. Alboin. Bombay, Feb M)j Borneo Coy. \n'l:ilu-i». Honpkonp. Mar 2H; H. Meyer. Au-iral:."l. 1 Vemiintle. Feb 1«; Bou-ttead. Austria Horvkniig Fel> 27; Rautenberg., Bombay, Mar Si; P.* B«mlirnr, Hongkong, Mar 7:
      661 words
    • 102 8 MAILS CLO S E. for Per $teanwT Tim. To-Mobrow. Billiton i'ontiansk H.Whatt S'»m Noon. Malacca and Lingui Htlrnr 1 pm. Malacca and Hong Wan 1 p.m. M uar and Malacca Sultan •> p.m. Bangkok Bory 4 p.m. Friday. M uar and Malacca Far f alia '2 p.m. Penang Hrulfdi
      102 words
    • 133 8 From Europe—"y the N. D. L. s.f. Humburg due on Saturday, with dates to the -tith Feb. She brings replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 2Ut December. From China—By the M. M. s. s. Salatie due on Sunday. ASH f lUgl Ian fith Ian
      133 words
    • 94 8 5 ,VU>M J N«*r A I«.S O»PT»IK FkOM S*IL«D OoKKIGSKKfc. i;,v Feb' 0 "Nankin Brit Mr. 2H9.> Montfnrd Bombay Jan P. ami O. Coy. 10 K. Srhiff Baroe Dut str. «8 Nacodah Rhio Feb Id Kirn Hoe Bee 11 lUsnyniede Hru Ktr •.'••(♦i Board man P 8 wet 'ham
      94 words
    • 117 8 Dam. \'K»-kL N&NI. I 7 A Rio I Tomb. OnnMATioK. Feb 10 Farfalla 11 i Clitusi 11 Nankin II *ie-i<it-nt SehiH 11 Goodwin* 12 Brouwer 1 1 i Terrier 12 Ban Whatt Boon 18 Dap Seng Gaan 11 Malacca II Manila 11 Ban Poh Guan ita Pmang t
      117 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SXLZ MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      206 words
    • 1115 8 WHITEAWAY'S SALE Last Few Days! Last Few Days!! FINAL BARGAINS BIG REDUCTIONS JL r— t-<. M. M J_J.£^. X rds \^^J-N J i JL COLONIAL NOVELS 111 > !nill (.1 ..(HI >'6fl I rie* *l K M"h Final Price 1 OO Each SAMPLE SHOES, SAMPLE BOOTS JWarked Half Price TO
      1,115 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 100 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Uotpital 10th February 190* *Ma.m. Sp m. Mp.rn Remarks. Bar 30.1)42 29 9-JO 20 MW Mornine Temp ..83 2 H6 0 Tflo cloudy, rain WB'lbTher 74.2 76.2 73.0 at a o'clock, DirofWind _s c. si. s.f. day and Max. Temp " night clear. Mm 71.3 Max
      100 words