The Straits Times, 7 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,040 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 638 1 BINOAPOBI, *TH KKBRL'ABV, 101.13 PRODUCE. Oambler buyen f IB Copra Ball »..V> do Pontianak 9.mi Pepper, Black Wi 25 do White, (8%) 69.50 Sago Floor Sarawak 5 On do Brunei No. I 4 V> Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Ball, 15% basis HIM Coffee, Palerabanit, a)%ba»t«._ 52.00 Coffee, Liherian No.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 734 1 NOTICES. ®he ffimrs. ADVERTISING RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. (|>er inch, < oliiimi uieanarej First inhertlon »1 eente BeooDil and third iiiHertitin.-each SO eentu Fourth, litth, and sixth 4U eeQU Seventh to ei^hteontu cent* Klneteenth&xiiljMeqnent,, 16 cents Per week of mi day*, t» be cliun^ed daily if required *I, par mcli
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    • 378 1 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Wstuk of Teo Kit Vhewtg, Dtcea*ed. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLK KKKEHOLD A* I) 999 YEARh LEASEHOLD GAMBIEK AND PKPPJh,R PIJ^NTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 725 Acur* TO BE HKI.I) AT POWkXL CO SALK-KUOM. (ht Wrd-netday, 25th Febr.tary 1903, at 2.30 p.m. District. Area. Chop. ChoaChu Kane
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    • 327 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HORSES HORSES HORSES GORS AND PONIES Ex s.s. "Itinda." H. ABRAMS has just landed 59 Horses, Cobs and Ponies, including a very handsome four in hand Team of dark Creams, several well matched pairs, and several Guaranteed prize winners. Also several good Polo Ponies The shipment has been
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    • 677 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES, FEBRUARY, 190:< Tenders for Steam Launch. TENIJhKN are invite Is* he construe tion of a steam I tunch for tbe Government of tbe Federated Malay states, ii accordance wi h tbe followi. g fp-c-ifica tion. Healed tender* to !>•■ marked "Tenders for F M. 8
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    • 118 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Powei of Attorney dated the ti'h .lun». 191)9. under the hand and seal of Tan Jo>> Chin of ">inKapor« Trader, when-dy (ioh Hian Keat of No ft Roynr street, k'wala Lumpur was appointed the ntimiK'v M the said Tan Joo Chin
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  • 2035 2  -  F. A. Ky (.4./ Right* Rverced.) Ho.noria'h voice gradually reeallei me from the pleasant boH'T-land of dreams. Vaguely I noticed that my Turkish cigarette had, without any choosing on my part almost exhausted it's own vitality. Claude is generally able to do his guests quite proudly.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST"" Boiler Covering. I'AHTKTI.AKS M BORNEO CO. LTD. wAs Singapore. LATEST CATALOQUE FREE ON APPLICATION. I UMBER BICYGIJBB. Fitted with KKEE WHBEL" and rim knln All Beestoa iniehin«-> 'iUARANrgBP f.. r TW > YKARS THK BORNKO < 1 O\!I\\N T V, LTD Bole r 1 1 Nts Settlements Federate*
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    • 391 2 NOTICES^ •Eagle*' Cement. The Latest Tests 850 IbM.. I.WMXbN.. after nevea after fottr«lm> m in »••#■_> uny h Water. in Water. The above teetn were made by the Kngineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement "the beet be had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO 00.,
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    • 232 2 NOTICEgT CIIAMP&GNIf "LOUIS ROEDERER. Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN ff CO.. Importer*. Retail at Mimsks. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. O.C. "SAPPORO" "KIRIN" BEERS The best that are brewed in Japan Sole Importers. KOMEYA Co., aB. Hiffh Street, Telephone No. aBB. DRINK TANSAN BUT SEE
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    • 353 2 NOTICES. hjJORET t HOiOLLE'S APIOL lit tht mo if tort rtm«4f tqilrttt the ■SicNVtti. and oWier tifectt cauttd by IrfM rftf/ay Of the riguUr per/otfi |BfcOUlH,ft»iH.lBs.Ka. 8~-Hoi.ort.PMfi. J. MOTION &^O. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED PIANOS BOISSfiLOTT Established 1827. HIGHEST awards in Europe and Colonieq; preferred to all other
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  • 617 3 A STKAMiK^y is associated with tin- ti I-k.'l ptaal Kttdiers, -ays .1. M. in the Mill Q HOI since his own time until our own has the Duke of Wellington's title descended directly through son ami t hat <>t Marlhorough, came down to pwei
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  • 189 3 For Singapore. Per i 4 O. a. Ot* MM connecting with the Steamer Unuyi nll'olnm ho. from l.ondon Jan B, <t it- -ttli Feb. -Mrs. Wilson. Mesttn. F. Kobinson, V T. I hilling, A. Ma< millan. A. P. Uun Sergt. Foster, and Kvv. (mi. on OfMßttoek Per
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  • 388 3 The province of Palembang in South Sumatra has long been known to include gold and petroleum anvng its inland sources of wealth. The weakness of Netherlands authority there worked till lately against the development of these regions. But now a field force has pushed further into the interior
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  • 255 3 M I>elcabsk's yellow book about undoubtedly serves to clearthe aii It indicates with a precißeDess whicl shows that the French Foreign Minister is ([uite careless as to outside opinion that France's relation to Siam is for tin future to resemble that of Russia t< China -thequiet,
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  • 214 3 Whether philosophising on curren' matters or digging among ancient temples. Dooley is always interesting In 'The Idler' Dooley is found di.--coursintt on (.'hritumati pre»entß I -v pot a scheme, Hii;nissy, fi mal.iii 'Chrie'mas prisints an savin' most iv th thmuble an' expinse IVye know what a clearinghouse
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 627 3 NOTICES. THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. It is a feeling commcu to Hip mcjorit* of urn tli. -it we i lo not <|U'te the amount of happiness we an- entitled to. Among the nnuntlnns thing-, which tend to make us more r last BMMraMe ill heiilth takes first plm
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    • 663 3 EN<il NKER superintendent required in hirge woiks, good draftsman, familiar with building construction, and fully qualified to undertake the erection and maintenance of machinery and buildings. Applications, with fall particulars of experience and salary required, to be ad drened to A.B.C. c/o Strata Timet. 174 FIRE INSURANCE AhSOCIA'I ION
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    • 669 3 NOTICES. Messrs H L Cof Man 0 Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINT! D SUB-AOKNTB or thi Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOL'etTKAD A CO., G- neral Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FR SALE.— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed tr> ah, at the Crown Diopensary, 9f> Belefrie Road. v.c. FOR B*l E— A rosd-rac
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    • 658 3 SHIPPING IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK FOR EUkOPE. THE Imperial German mail oteamer DARMSTADT* Captain Meiners of tbe Norddeut-tcher l.loid. left Hongkong on MVdnesday, the 4th inst., at noon, nnd nu.y beexpected to arrive here oo Sunday evening, the Bth mutant. She will prolwhly (>•> dispatched for Europe on Monday afternoon,
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  • 226 4 Dr. Hamilton Wright, whose work in organising the Institute of Medical Research at Kuala Lumpur was commented upon in these columns a couple of wueks ago, now terminates his engagement with the Government of the Malay States, and leaves Kuala Lumpur
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  • 227 4 We understand that the Opium Farmer is complaining of severe losses caused by the vast amount of dm ail v now being smuggled into this port from China. Notwithstanding the large number of big seizures that have been made lately, the steadily diminishing receipts of the Farm, show that there
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  • 228 4 Though lotteries have been illegal in Japan ever since the KxtraTerritoriality Treaties went out of force, it is interesting to note that for the common good one of the strangest lotteries that the world has ever known just has been inaugurated by the Municipal authorities of the great manufacturing city
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  • 308 4 ..iiw that the Sultan of Acheen has made his submission in person to the Netherlands Indian Government, curiosity is rife as to what will be the upshot of his surrender. Time is required to find out the real nature of his influence over the chieftains under such out-of-the way circumstances
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  • 52 4 I'apers just laid upon the Council table bearing upon the gold currency question show that Sir Frank Swettenham and the Chamber of Commerce here preferred having the matter inquired into by an expert of high commercial standing. The Secretary of State thought it preferable to refer the question to a
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  • 53 4 The Strait* Times has occasionally been favoured with stories about H( hi iri.t and Home other people, whose adventure:), M narrated by "F.A.", are always interesting and often racy. "The Kiss of Houoria" as described on page 2 of this issue may awake some interesting recollections in the hearts of
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  • 16 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and ■'<. To-day's 4'm bank rate is 1 7
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  • 10 4 A rwAKow was swamped and sunk in the harbour yesterday.
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  • 10 4 Exchange and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 13 4 H. M.S. Tlietix is expected to arrive here to-day from Kngland via Colombo.
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  • 12 4 Mr. Georue Ing, of Benjamin Warwick, London, is staying at Rallies Hotel.
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  • 17 4 H M.S. idiitit will leave for Manila to-day as soon as she gets her mails from Europe.
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  • 21 4 Last month, the Governor of British North Borneo left for Labuan whore as is customary, he will reside for three months.
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  • 22 4 The P. O. outward extra steamer Mn-ngon left Bombay on Friday afternoon and is expected to arrive here on the 17tr instant.
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  • 27 4 In k Cycle and Carriage Co., have, says the Malay Mail obtained the contract lor the supply of tampinis posts for the Federated Malay States Railways, Selangor.
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  • 25 4 The ladies' sewing party in connection with the Presbjterian Church meets on Tuesday, at 4.30, in Leonie Cottage, Grange Road, the residence of Mrs. Drysdale.
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  • 27 4 Detective Insp. Wntcbam arrested a Chinaman in Sago Street this morning for making spurious coin. A lot of implements for i counterfeiting were found in the hnus*.
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  • 25 4 The total amount of tin duty collected in Selangor during 1902, wa» 53,019,649 being an increase of 1919,649 on that received during the previous twelve-month.
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  • 33 4 Mr. Ad. Ladpe, of Messrs Helm, Meyer Co., who was at one time in charge of the Singapore branch of that firm, arrived here from Penang in tbe B. I. Taroha this morning.
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  • 29 4 Bishop Warne arrived this morning to convene the Methodist Conference, which opens next week. The missionaries from Penarig, Perak and Selangor will arrive at the beginning of the week.
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  • 38 4 A Chinaman waa hanged at Kuala Lumpur last Wednesday for the confessed murder of his wife at Budob two years ago. Since that time he bad become a leper and had been an inmate of the Leper Asylum.
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  • 42 4 The Hand Rock, a notable dancer at Santa Lucia Bay, in British North Borneo, has just b<*en olearly defined and a buoy has been pUced over it. The rock lies in lat. 4 8 a<» N., and long. 118" 105 6" K
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  • 43 4 Thb Sappho, says the Malny Mail, docks for her six months' survey to-day, and her run for one trip will be taken up by the 1 1 Hye fjeong. The Ganymede will take ud the Friday run in place of the Hye Iteong.
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  • 45 4 Da. Edith Boom«akdt, of Edinburgh, who recently arrived in the Straits, is eoinc to begin practice in Singapore, Dr Boorogardt is not quite the pioneer lady doctor here, because Miss Wycoff, an American Missionary doctor, practised here for a little while about a decade ago.
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  • 54 4 The Chinese New Years' sports ;ire going along in splendid style to-day. Mr Lim Tek Wee, the Honorary Secretary, certainly denerves every credit for his eff'>r'«. To-night there will be a big firework display and if it is in any way on a pirwith the athletic events it will i«-iiredly
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  • 60 4 Thb first class jrinser Spmh itr is shortly to be commissioned (says the Naval and Military Record) to take out a new crew for the Ocean, on the China Station, and on this voyage theSpartiate will be thoroughly tried at sea, and if she comes up to expectations it i%
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  • 69 4 The syce of a victoria lost control of his horse while driving down Orchard Road this morning about a hundred yards or so nearer town than the police station. As the animal bolted he knocked a big piece of the entrance parapet to one of the houses on the north
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  • 71 4 While a rickisha containing two Europeans was driving up from Tanjong Pagar at about 9 oVlork last night the puller fouled a gharry that was driving in the opposite direction. He instantly dropped tbe shafts and bolted, while the gharry driver likewise whipped up his pony and drove awa*. The
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  • 76 4 Some idea of the enormous rise in the value of building lots in Kinta, can be formed from a few o: them that have chanced hands very recently, says the Perak Piene'r. < >ne man who had bought four such lots only six months ago for W.OOO, has now disposed
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  • 141 4 In London, when a lady who has been too affably merry or something, finds herself within the narrow precincts of a police court dock for some breach of the statutes she almost invariably styles herself an actress, the thirty-shillings a week a clerk when arraigned before the magistrate declares himself
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  • 81 4 This, we are informed by Messrs. John Little and Co., is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the introduction by them, as Agents for this Colony, of the celebrated Jiolol llilnm of the local bar otherwise the famous Glenlivet Whiskey. Apart from the mellowness which makes it so pleasing
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  • 290 4 Intelligent Kilipinos, however hopeful of the future, feel doubts of preeent-day benefits from American rule in the Philippines One of theui, >;i) s the Manila IMMt, thus opened his mind on the subject the other day "You American* pM-uindl great thinga when you first came here. You were
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 44 4 l.urn/on, eth. Feb. The Premier of Bulgaria has declared in the Chamber of Deputies there, that Bulgaria would fulfil her international obligations to keep the peace The Premierpromised to inform the Chamber shortly of measures to be taken against the Macedonian Committees.
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    • 25 4 Mr. Charles Craig, InioniHt, ba« been elected for South Antrim by 4,f)64 vote*. Doctor Keenly, the Independent can didate, polled :f,Sl.'> votes.
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    • 15 4 Tlie King lias reicn iTi-il II M. drove nut in the afternoon.
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    • 32 4 RAGGING SENSATION. The Kinloch rugging caoe is excit ing considerable interest There are strong partisans in hoth Hiden. The case will be brought before the House of Commons at an early date.
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    • 31 4 <ieneral Okura, the Japanese inopec tor of Humounts, inspected the mounted branches at Aldershot yesterday. [General Okura Is t !>•■ Im-iiU .if the head nt MM rtfin.iiiiil I><'|mrtnicnt in JaSMSkJ
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  • Correspondence.
    • 502 4 I'ollie FAitor the "Sfrajs lißMf". Ukar Sik,— l was mwtk intereKted in your recent leader regarding beriheri in Christmas Island, and C'api Vincent's very practical and sensible ideas as to its treatment. The worthy Captain, however, like many controver sialists, is unduly hard upon Science if only people
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    • 73 4 Thk returns of t*ie world's shipbuilding last year are now complete. The world's production of new tonnage reached the enormous total of 2,47 ft vessels, aggregating 2,7^7,82-1 tons:Scotland contributed 404 ships and 572,041 tons; Kngland contributed 9H7 ships and »91,520t0n8; Ireland contributed 27 ships and 15U,&t3 tons; the Royal dockyards
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 828 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE. (^Price Jbist on Jlpplieation.) tv tli U BARK ANjpfiflN WNE) It i- |,|i;,-nnl tn the MltSt It BMM 1 1>« *ynUsni toueil up--lt makes the flgSJßllsa pSISSSI and 'he appetite Ins* Huil-l* SSM
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    • 74 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPEN Oresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd *y g 8 m P m on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies fre 111 Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, W ratten- W rain
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  • 372 5 YkHTKKDAY the .Singapore I'olice font oclcnratod the Mtk anniversary of the ioumlation of the town by holding Sports ineetinu. From 10 to 1 and from :i to H the I'olo Qfouai was most lively. Kvent succeeded event in rapid style and the members of tbe foorce," ud
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  • 491 5 It will he remembered that the Ninth i.m.'er* w^r,' lolliTtively ininisheil and disgraced by Lord Cmn soiue months ago, bMaOM .1 native hid been killed under emu ustsVMM tliat suggested the suspicion that sumo man in that regiment was responsible for the crime. The punishment was characterised
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  • 187 5 Vksteuday a sad fatality by drowning took place at a sand-pit|in Moulraein lload. A Chineseilad named Cliiu Teng, 11 pupil at Raffles Institution vimied his grandmother who lives near the pits, there to make the customary New Year offerings. About midday he went to the pit to bathe,
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  • 433 5 I ndeu the above title die San Francisco Argonaut reviews Mr. \V. II Kuril, -s's book ou The Home-life of Borneo JHead-Hunters recently published by the J. B. Lipponcott Company in Philadelphia, hut of which we have not yet seen a copy in this part
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  • 422 5 P. ft O. Kcb.Jiiili. IVi Cornmaiultt. lor London, Mr. A. \V. Bailey. Mrs. Noel Trotter. From I'enung to London Mr. Dickson. Keh. 26.— Per Ceylon For London— Mrs. A. Barker, Mrs. ami Miss Allinsun. From IVn.iii^ for London Mr. ami Mr- Hallifax and cliililren, Mm. Petts, Mi«s
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  • 629 5 Career of the Sultana of Sulu. Inkokmation has reachcrl' Manila that lite aged Sultana of Sulu had died of cholera in Jolo, and thereby, says the Manila Times, hangs a story of despotic and at the same time diplomatic government of the Moros of the
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  • 211 5 'l ANDKKW S CATHKOBAL. 7 a.m., Matins and Litany. 7-45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) and Sermon. 4 p.m. Children's Service and Addrexo. .V.W p.m. Kvemtong and Sermon. BT. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, SKPOY LINKS. S. 15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. (IATIIKI)RAL OF THE 8008 SHEPHKRI), BRASS BASSA KOAD. 6-15
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  • 114 5 Play in the usual Championship and Handicap Tournaments will commence on Monday the 9th inst., the order of play for the First Rounds being as follows I' \MPIONSHIP. Mr. I*. A. Keuten* v Mr. D. McLeod Craik W. Ctafa v Mr. S. B. EU'um Mr. WAN. KattenlmrtflivMr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 42 5 YOUR DIGESTION IMPROVES. Si kahnh' Wine is pleasant to take. It aid* digestion. It agrees with the nuoet delicate stomach. It increases weight and strength. Now is the time to reap the full benefit of this valuable tonic. Sold by all chemists.
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    • 18 5 Doctor your Cold with a doctor's prescription. That's Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole-Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 476 5 Don't Fail to See IHr (.HUD EITKt»KIIV\KY rEKt'ORIAME gooDFOM all. rocrjM A\F>or.n. Note Late arrival* aremirr to be disappoints!. GRAND GALA SPLENDID Eclipsing any other Company Known to be the best ever visited. NEW SONGS NEW DRESSES NEW SCENERY. Specially Prepared for to-night Saturday, 7th February, 1903. THE INDRA ZANIBAR
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    • 967 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAUTYJJF SINGAPORE Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. THIRD ISSUES $200,000. (1) The Municipal Commissiot.ers of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, tinder Section il 1 (I) of tbe Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 157 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 7th February. Hij<h Water 6.33 p.m. PISMBg K.i. Third Day I:.-.!..!. Ommnm. ->. Malay Theatre. 9. Sunday, Bth February. ll i^h Water. 6.'2a.iu. N.ltt |>.iv. Septuigefiima. (leruian homeward mail due. Swimming Club. l.aun.'heH. 7 A s Monday, 9th February. High Water. 7.--':S n.lll. fl.J'i [i.m Sundries
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 540 6 NOTICES. flats for LEI PERRIIS' |j ff WftCESTOKHIBE SAUCt. ™By Special Warrant^^P^J^ His a J fiBt 5 Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. LAWS CO.. 8, BATTERY ROM> Commission and Estate agents, Ship-brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. "THE LION" The most Refreshing and Invigorating Natural Mineral Water. It
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    • 547 6 NOTICES. WILD WITH ECZEMA And Other Itching. Burning, Scaly Eruptions with Loss of Hair. Speedy Cure Treatment. Bathe the affected parts with Hot Water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to
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    • 311 6 NOTICES. HAIrNAU. 4 HtLLtia HAVE ON HAM>:Klevttc *hii-« CeiliuK aud l»Me. 40, 50, tv O. 100. 1 10. tad i >M l'»sigD«>il to o|«T»te from Imwn MC>' Circuit*. Any Volts ort"r Direel or Aimtii.iii:.. i> nm{ Kirn Kor Tuble (Isa, 1 olt«. Irrpect'on invited htttn \\< fwoplp o >i«v.< IWmmiww
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 715 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilK StMKtaxJ Life Asrarano*. L Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society\tU« Assunnoe Company (Fire), rhe Kquitahle Life Assumnoe Society. I he Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1 "tu,nham Lager Beer Company. /•or particulars of t».e«e Companies, see the •ull adVertiiiement of THE BOBNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. A*enU. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1357 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Inaer contract with the Netherlands India Government. tii/ ai ,Si»i<o}<r< J-nu AbISCT, nil J. Labncilb A Co., 2-S, Colltbb QnAT. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Stenmer Frcro 1-MfctfO Will bf l)»»pat( bed for On Hatavia F«sb 2 Billiton, Biitavia, Samarang, and Sopnibaya Feb f>
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    • 622 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Horddentscher Lloyd. Bremen Coast Lines, BTEAMEHB OF THE OOABT FLEET. Tom Keg. Tohs Beg. Stettin 2478 Kohnichang 3042 Handakan 2111 Petchaburi 2191 Pahnam 200 1 PiUanulnk 9019 Tanglin 1»9» Rajaburi 1004 Bangkok IU.'O Chow Tai 1777 Korat lOiK) JTonj; Koi 1777 Singora 17.14 Keong Wai 1777 [fwn Tung
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    • 600 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. K Y. X, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following new iyny screw pteamers, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 423 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THR ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED \.D. 17») TIHE Badersigned, .iK'entß for tbe abort 1. company, nr<? prepared to a<'eept Firs) Risks at current rule-. w.As. Sl/U! BKHN MEYEK ft Oc. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED AD. 1844) THE undersiened, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept
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    • 1262 8 Umiei this nesting tlie following abbreriilions are used etr.— steamer sh.— •hip bq. l»arqne sell. schooner Yet. T«Cht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power: Brit. BriM«b; U. Bb— Uaited .«tat."=: Fch French; g*r. German, Out. Dutch; Job. Johore; 8.0.— Gener»l-cargo; d.p. -deck passen<nr; 0.-Uncertnin T.
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    • 144 8 For Her tteanu r Time. To-Day. Deli Medun 3 p.m A«almn and Deli Anakau \> m. Amor and Swatow BabeUb> rg 3 p.m. Bangkok Bangkok H p m. Bangkok Kingtlm p.m. ZamboalFsa A Hollo Patani 4 pm. P. Swet'ham via ports H>je Lemm 4 pro. Hongkong ami Japan
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    • 162 8 From Europe "y the P Af L s.s. H'linnl due on Saturday, with dittos to the Itsth Feb. ■'be brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 7th and 2l*t Dec. From China— By the N. D. L. 8.8. DnrmHtudt due on Sunday. From Ratavia
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    • 148 8 c fUb A Town Captath From Sailed. I Conmonhs. Kio Feh 8 i: htfl Ban 7 Hentf Wnn 7 I'oli Ann 7 PMMM 7 K-.1,1, 7 Moivcr: 7 Kri'lun 7 Vaii In) hot! 7 Tirol >a 7 Yn»tlna Out str. 6x Nacofiali Rhio M 6; Kim Hoe Pee Brit
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    • 229 8 1UTC. Yn-KI.V NaMK. VRttsm.'e NiMt Fiao A Kk. Tonh DEMIN41I...N Kel- r > L-.i S.inK Sh;tn 1 un^ 7 ]i/.umi Maru U'H'i Vatolkar 7 Kingly 8 Wiluelm 7 Machaon 7 Zwt-cni H Hong Mob 7 <)|,|nr h Far full* k Knn Whatt Hin 7 Medan 7 Ptttttni 7 K
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-st-t jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      200 words
    • 846 8 SALE PRICES \N CHILDREN'S WHITE LISLE STOCKINGS. with hmh •«plic»'d W*\*. Si7e« r >\ 6, 7, 7-, r> inn. Price* Its 7< 11, H\ W>, 95 per pun Sale Prices, cts. 65. 70, 75. 80. 85, 90 per pair. CHILDREN'S NAVY, BLACK OR TAN CASHMERE SOCKS. Sizes 4, 4., 5,
      846 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 102 8 WEUHtH rt£<*JßT.. Kandang Kerbau Hotpitnl 7th February IMC i"a.m.i.ip m. up m 1 Remarks. Bur 2P 982 :».h7s> »i 7 M orn me Temp .1 BS.O I ►S.O 77 0 dnyand WKlbTher 7*.0 76.0 75.0 nicl.t lesr. DirofWimi; s k. In.m.b. k.b. Max. Tempi M.O Mm 75.« Max in Sunl33
      102 words