The Straits Times, 6 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,048 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 514 1 NOTICES. She Sinus. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 First insertion $1 20 cents Second and third insertions each dO cents Fonrth, tilth, and sixth -40 cents Seventh la eighteenth 24 cento Nineteenth s-ulmequent,, 16 cents Per week of mx days, to be changed daily if
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    • 769 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received at tbe Colonial Secretary's£>fflce up to noon of tbe7ih February, lwfc), for the following works: 1. Excavating fi.CX) cartloads of earth at Fort Canning Hill, carting to Beach Roari Reclamation and spread ng. 2. Supply and delivery on tbe Holland Road of 2
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    • 276 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. TJSIE ONE-THIRD LESS OF COTTOLENE Than of ordinary Lard for Shortening Pastry. LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. Commission and Estate agents, Ship-brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. Why is the Raffles Store like a Zulu Chief? Out of several answers, the following has been judged to be the
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    • 379 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition for Ships' Bottoms The u*e of Our New Antifonling Composition i« recommended for Specially Fouling Water*, aa it poa«esite« uiuch ini|>ruved Anlifouling Qualities, and therefore vewels oninjt it do not require to dock no frequently a* i» at present neceiwary. The name, ninrked on
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    • 611 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. A fox terrier pum bred a Deli pony Apply by letter to K. 1). c/o Strait* Time, V 7^ (jX)K SALE— A roa<l-rac ng I nju bicycle in first class onler. B. A. parts, very large chain-wlieels, W toothed I" pitch, Ham Renolds chain; two hack cog-wheels
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  • 407 2 The naval authorities are said to be much gratified by a fact contained in the report of the Commission on Mercantile Cruisers. They state that these cruisers, which would in the event of war be drafted into the navy, are able to carry and fight with the weapon
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  • 341 2 StkamekB employed in trading with the various great markets East of Sue/ which we group under this heading, have been obliged this year, to accept some very poor freights which must in some '.'Stances, have been barely sufficient to cover out-goings. The lowneas
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  • 169 2 By far the most interesting bird emblem of a modern State is that of the Republic of Guatemala. There ia race of birds called trogons, moot of which have very fine feathers and remarkable colouring. It was from their plumage that the Mexicans made their famous mosaics of
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  • 607 2 An Interesting Retrospect. With the last stroke of the year 1902, the Londjn Qlol-e completed the 100 th year of its existence. No other evening paper (says our oldest evening contemporary) can boast such a continuous history, and the record is beaten by only two of our
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  • 126 2 Acißcrnß has been issued by this the leadingplantingventurein Brazil stating that the coffee crop for lyiiy, owing to the trees having borne a very heavy crop in 1901, which was followed by a severe drought, had fallen considerably below the manager's estimate of 60,000 cwt., the yield
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  • 151 2 The subject of the pressing needs of the University of Oxford is again brought before the notice of all whom it may concern by two letters addressed to the Time*. In each one is made the very sensible and almost obvious suggestion that a fund should be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 368 2 NOTICES. DAWSON'S 5OOTS I FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE UEKlliNE WITKClif OUR TRAHE KAflK STAMPED ON THE 80LE8. TO 8:. HAD OF ALL DEALERS 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with first class accommodation, overlooking Fjtche Square GardeD, near to the Banks, Offices,
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    • 254 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gfelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OV Safety Puses. AND Electpic Blasting Appantis, 'The above Explosives, Iting all manufactured in Qreat Britain, are made to pass the high tUiiidard of safely and pvrity tests imposed by the British Government, and
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    • 357 2 NOTICES. STANDARD pOLICIES THE demand for these Securities continues steadily to Increase. New Policies for over £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every year since 1866 —a resulted maintained uninterruptedly for so long a period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ltd. >
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  • 487 3 Tie excessive production of coffee in Brazil is the cause of many economic trembler l^ast season the crop exported exceeded l«,(MX),000 sacks, e(|iiul to about H70,000 tons. This season the total is estimated at ia,000,000 sacks, or nearly 800,000 tons. This latter amount is equivalent, approximately, to the
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  • 455 3 THE P. O. Like a recurring decimal, or the perennial big gooseberry, the wail of some P. and (>. passenger makes its appearance. Its tenour is always the same The charges are excessive the I' A: <>. like to make a profit on their soda water rather than a loss,
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  • 177 3 A recent visitor to Morrocco has been giving to a Home contemporary his impressions of the young ruler of that disturbed State. The Sultan is to all intents and purposes a European. He is a keen sportsman, and, although he speaks no English, contrives to keep himself abreast
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  • 157 3 Undfir date Swatow, 13th January, a correspondent of the North China Daily Ketrs wrote: —"Cheap excursions to Slam were recently the order of the day. Two German steamer firms took it into their heads to secure the coolie traffic, each for itself, and the result was a cutting
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  • 422 3 P. O. Kel>. Mtk. ».s. Coromandcl Kor London, Mr. A. W. Bailey, Mr». Noel Trotter. From IVii;itiL to Lomlon Mr. Dicki>on. hfl. _»6. l'er Ceylon For London Mrs. A. Barker, Mm. anil Mi«« Allinaon. From t'enanp for London Mr. and Mrs. Hallifax iiml J cliililren, Mrs. I'etU,
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  • 189 3 For Singapore Per P. O. s. Oetana connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London Jan 8, dae Bth Feb. Mrs. Wilson, Messrs. F. Robinson, P. T. rhillips, A. Marmillan, A. P. Adams, Sergt. Foster, «nd Rev. Cannon Greenstock. Per P. O. s. s. Australia from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 637 3 BANKS. HONGKONG /ND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL »10,000.0« RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserre.4lo,ooo,ooo ...-.oonn Silver Reserve... 4,750,000/ 14 aUIWJU RRSERVE LIABILITY OF I lnftll nnon PROPRIETORS. w m Court or Dibbctors. Hen. R. Shbw am,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, E«q.— DepctV Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson H. Schubart, E»q. E.
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    • 638 3 NOTUES. A rihitectural draughtsman wanted. J\. Apply to A., c/o Straiti Time*, enclosing copies of recent testimonials. 6-3 STOREKEEPER WANTED. piHINKSE preferred. Hast have had \y previous experience in import business. Apply to L.C.c/0 StraiU lime*, v.c. WANTED. FOR a tank-installation near Singapore a storekeeper. Hecurity required. Apply to H
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    • 569 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OF THS Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOU STEAD A CO., General Agents, v c. Straits Settlements. FK BALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed the Crown Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. a.c. PONY FOR SALE. GOOD 0010 pony. Goes in
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    • 527 3 SHIPPING ~fo"k^bangkok. THF/British steamer KIKdSLKY. Cant. Parker, will be despatched for the ahove port on Friday, the rth instant. She has a very good accommodation for Brst class passer-gars. Electric light through out. For freight and passage, apply to HUTTENBACH BROB., 8-2 Agent* IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK FOR EUROPE. THE
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  • 930 4 Mr. C. A., the head of the great mining firm of Bewick, Moreing and Co., is so well known throughout the East, that the details of the Great Fingall sensation, which held the public eye and ear at the time
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  • 136 4 Religious controversies more especially controversies affecting particular congregations or individuals— are outside the province of discussion in a secular newspaper. In view, however, of the fact that the subject referred to by Pilgrim is one which has been locally published from the pulpit, and ;i fleets a large section of
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  • 113 4 Singapore is eighty-four ftsm "Id to-day. Sir Stamford Raffles founded this Settlement on Feb. 6th, 1819, and from that date till 1858 it was administered by the officials of the East India Company. The Company ceased to exist in I*sB, and from that year the Settlement remained under Indian control,
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  • 9 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and
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  • 11 4 The China Mutual Insurance Company has two lady agents in Selangor.
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  • 16 4 The homeward mail by the B. I. s. s ZiliengiiLi closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday
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  • 11 4 Mr. Fibhkr, a well-known mining Surveyor, has left Raub for Australia.
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  • 14 4 Thi Chinese New Year Sports take place to-morrow, off Robinson Road, at 2 p.m.
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  • 14 4 The next Tanglin Club At Home (Dancing) will be held on the l.'<r,h instant.
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  • 18 4 The trail steamer Bengal left Penang at Bam to-day (Friday) and is due here at 2 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 17 4 t Mr. Evas? of the Chinese Protectorate, /Singapore, intends, it is rumoureor: making a tour through Perak.
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  • 24 4 t J&wka v Leong Fee ot Ipoh, the owner aft he Tambun tin mine, has, it is said, Keen appointed Chinese Consul at Fenaag.
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  • 22 4 I Shipping advertisements, with date* of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 25 4 Thi Government grab dredger sank at her moorings at the mouth of the Singapore River last night. This morning she was pumped out and refloated.
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  • 33 4 Thk following passengers arrived here yesterday morning, by mail, from Hongkong:— Misses Tuttle, Perkins, and Stumpff, Messrs. J. S. Nasbet, E. K. Stein, Flower, J. C. Nichofton, Simpson, E. Palieto, and T. Perpetuo.
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  • 35 4 A great number of mining leases are continually being applied for along the tributaries of the Bentong River. This, in the opinion of the Malay Mail, speaks well for the future success of Bentong town.
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  • 45 4 As regards the frustrated attempt at rebellion in Canton, mentioned in our issue of yesterday, it is stated that the Chinese Government seized just in time two thousand rifles, besides other arms. The seizure included a quantity of scissors probably intended to cut queues with.
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  • 47 4 The appointment of Municipal Registrar of Jinrikishas at Penan" has been given to Mr. A. \V. B. Hamilton, on a three years' agreement at a salary of £350 per annum. Mr. Hamilton was formerly an Assistant Superintendent of Police in Singapore, and has lately been in Perak.
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  • 52 4 In Simla and Calcutta, the calling question has caused a considerable amount of agitation. The result is that, in response to a circular, it has been unanimously voted that, in addition to the usual visiting hours from 12 to 2. calling will be permissible between the hours of t> and
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  • 50 4 In connection with the new departure of the War Office for the immediate formation of a number of new cavalry regiments, the nucleus being the provisional regiments organised for the late war, and the reserve squadrons of the old regiments, it is reported that new Jittinetiir uniform* are being designed.
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  • 54 4 The Novoe Vremya states that the battleship Ttareritr.h which is being built for the Russian Government at Toulon, will be brought to Kronstadt as soon as navigation is re-opened. After her trials, the TtareviUh, which will be one of the largest ships in the Russian navy, will leave to join
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  • 60 4 At the Hongkong criminal Mint last month, two Chinamen who had been convicted of arson were sentenced to seven years' hard labour. This i» expected to check incendiarism which has been common there of late. Some time back, a conviction for arson in that town resulted in there being no
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  • 63 4 Thk Perak I'ioater hears that a junior Post Office clerk from that State who was sent two or three years ago to Seremban, has now blossomed out as Chief Postmaster of Negri Sembilan on XI SO per annum, over-topping all hi* seniors, some fifteen or twenty in number, who are
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  • 72 4 Last night a Malay went into the Japanese Hotel in Brass Bassah Road and engaged a room for the night for which he paid Si. so. This morning it was discovered that the lodger was non est as also were $10 which were in an adjoining room. It appears that
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  • 53 4 One of the 12 men upon whom the United States Department of Agriculture are experimenting with adulterated foods at Washington has suddenly began to get lean Another is growing enormously fat. As unvarying weight is essential to the success of the experiments, all tne poison-eaters have been prescribed a vigorous
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  • 94 4 An interesting exhibit from Madras was put into the Delhi Art Exhibition a few days ago, in the form of a specimen aluminium water-bottle, designed at the Madras School of Art, for use in the Army. It is made without joints, to hold about seven gallons, and to be slung
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  • 34 4 The Gold Medal of the/ Singapore Garrison Golf Club will be played for on Saturday the 14th inst The usual monthly medal wiil be played for at the same time.
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  • 93 4 P. O. PASSENGERS. I'Wk (uusengen left tliix morning by the P, &O. s.». Chutun For London ActK Sub-Lieut. C E. Turle, Mr. and Mn. EUinger, Act);. Suli Lieut. H. E. Harrey, Mr. James Wickett, Gunner Joxenh White, Gunner J. Sinnot, Mr. T. H. Tedlie and Mr. T. K. Hubliack.
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  • 128 4 After a heated debate, in which a number of strong speeches were made on both sides, the House of Representatives at Washington on January 22nd passed the Minority Bill extending the entire American «ystem of currency and coinage to the Philippine Islands. The friends of the Conant
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 88 4 AafjM by Lord Roberts. London, hth Feb. There has been a sensational sequel to a case of ragging of three subalterns in the First Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, including Lord Douro. The latter's father brought the matter under the notice of Lord Roberto, who thereupon
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    • 61 4 The Chartered Company has issued a report, anticipating that the gold output in Rhodesia will be doubled within the next two years, largely owing to the extension of railways to the Topping coal fields. The expense of living largely hampers progress in Rhodesia. The Chartered Company is
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    • 37 4 .Sir Michael Herbert has had a stormy interview with Mr. Bowen in which he spoke plainly regarding the conduct of the Venezuelan negotiations. The interview was heated, but is stated to have cleared the air.
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    • 239 4 S.C.C. v. H.M.S. "Talbot." A larok crowd turned out last evening on the Esplanade to witness this match. The ground was in excellent condition, and a well contested game was seen. From the start the Navy for a time pressed severely. They were, if anything, heavier in the
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    • 108 4 Owing to the introduction of the improved Enfield rifle, which is on the Mauser principle, and simpler in conHtruction than the present Lee-Enfield weapon, it is anticipated that before April next nearly 1,000 workmen will have to be discharged from the Royal Small Arms Factory, Kntield Lock
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    • 119 4 Thi gold output in the State of West Australia last year shows a total of 2,177,441 oz.— an increase cf 298,161 or as compared with the total for 19of. Last year's production must be considered as highly satisfactory, in view of the fact that the anticipation that
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    • 72 4 The racing at Penang yesterday (the second day of the meeting) was attended by excellent finishes throughout. The following are the results Fikst K.\cr. Starlight I White Heather > Sn-uMi Kaik Katak I < 'arltoD Third Hack. Lyddite 1 Yanak 2 Fourth Rack Zoroaster 1 ricotnguard 2 FirrH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Are You Living Out of Singapore You have plenty of extra charges to meet on account of Freight, Rail, etc. You want your Groceries and Provisions at Bedrock. Send to The Australian Stores The Premier Cash Provision Merchants 1, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. IIIK .>.\LKs oK GIANELLI MAJNO'S NATURAL
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    • 408 4 TOWNJiALL. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mr. Robert Brough. Representative Mr. Allan Hamilton. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, 9tfi February THE BROUOH COMEDY COMPANY BROUOH COMEDY COMPANY BROUQH COMEDY COMPANY "ARE YOU A MASON?" There is an old maxim The Most Wasted of all days i< that on which one has not
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    • 72 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPEN Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 *.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on w«w «> kd »y« 8 n >- 6 P-"»-t* o*"*0 on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical moanta, Eastman films,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 307 5 the Editor of fie SWaihyi'imet." Sir, Will you permit an unpractised n tml to put pen to paper for a few lines in your columns. It was announced in an atoqnant discourse some weeks ago delivered in St. Andrew's Cathedral that Iha preacher, in his
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  • 184 5 Chinaman Stabbed Fatally. An >ut li o'clock last night a Chinaman reported at Kreta Ayer Police Station that a wounded Chinaman lying on the ground in Pagoda Street. Ser^t. Lucas went to the scene and found a Cantonese man lying in the road with a ghastly
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  • 256 5 The I'nited States of to-day are thus sctimated by Mr. Beckles Willson in "The New America: A Study of the Imperial Republic:" The building has gone on, and the work, as so far completed in this year of grace, seems to us to bear, a
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  • 129 5 To-day being a public holiday owing to the anniversary of the Settlement, the Government Gazette was issued yesterday. It is officially notified that the Governor has appointed Mr. T. B. Earle to the Legislative Council in the tbsance of Mr. Stringer and that he has accepted the
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  • 668 5 The wireless telegraph apparatus which was to be despatched to Somaliland early in January was to be provided by the navy. It was expected that the instruments provided would be of the naval type, which only differ from the naval ones in points of detail. Lieut. Simpson, of
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  • 150 5 TsU new Pahang Mining Inspector wil 1 have no easy time, says the Malay Mail, to locate and classify the different mines scattered throughout the large stanniferous areas in Pahang. There are the leases for mining lands, the prospecting licenses, the working with permission, the wandering gangs
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  • 28 5 It has nearly a seventy year record of cures, certified over the signatures of many prominent people— Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore. Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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  • 158 5 On the 29th January, a ship's boat, containing cine shipwrecked mariners, was picked up near Hongkong, and towed into port by one of M. Marty's steamers. The men, who wen part of the crew of the American barque Alexander McNeil, were pretty well worn out. They comprised the
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  • 51 5 As we en to press, the Police Sports are in full swing on the Polo Ground The Police seem to be doing well this year, and under the direction of Lt.-Col. Pennefather and Mr. Grove are being swung into line in the way in which they should go in great
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  • 647 5 BnroAPOßi, era Fbbboabt, IMS. PRODUCE. EXCHANGE. •HARKS. Ranh. I s/lujvU t7.2V 'XI fnllypaid 17.25 •KerUn Gold (110 paid)... 12.00. The N. Kechan Mining Co. 11.10. Sonth Raubs ($lOO pd.) II nominal. •Queensland Ranb* (11/4 pd.)52.00 seller*. do do (11 folly pd.) Sepian ($lO paid) $9.00, buyer*. •Redjan(fLebong(fl. 100)... $190.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 315 5 ARE YOU LOSING FLESH f Strarns' Wink improves digestion. Increases weight. ReLews strength and builds up your body Steams' Wine never disturbs the most delicate stomach. Sold by all chemists. Sprained Knee Cured by Little's Oriental Balm. O. F. Schamrer, Kinnundy, 111., says In coming down some steps my" wife
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    • 242 5 GUTTA PLANT. roe sold by Auction at Kuching, Sarawak, on 17th February next, consisting of 2 Vertical Boilers with field tubes; t Vertical Engines 1 Horizontal Peed Pump 2 Westinshouse Pumps (Vacuum); I Belt driven Vertical plunger pump for solution 4 Filter Presses 1 Rutta Slicing Machine; 1 Gntta-Leaf Slicing
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    • 457 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit Cheong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS LEASEHOLD GAMBIER AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 725 Acres TO BK HELD AT POWELL CO.'B SALE- ROOM. On Wednesday, 25th February 1903, at 2.30 p.m. District. Area. Chop. ChoaChuKang lift?
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    • 644 5 NOTICES. BT. ANDRUW'S HOUt-E. AOHURCntof England Boarding Houm for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. s. v.c. Funagoya Tansan I^HE above mineral water, for which we
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 189 5 OAY BY DAY. Friday. 6th February. High Water. 4.42 p.m. Singapore Pounded 1810. Public Holiday. I'olire Sporta, Polo Ground HUo I I :i to Malay Theatre. 9. S.V.K. S.V.I. Drill. 5.15. Saturday. 7th February. High Water. 4.46 a.m. 8.33 p.m. Pledges Kale. Sowan Farhang. 10. I'enanK Karen. Third Day. Hand.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 NOTICES. Tl?e puteotnetei> Requires .o dfrS^k Thousands in use skilled attendance VlSf r* xj 3ve r» 1 B ALMOST 11 I ANYTHING. V Needs no No mo\iiT: part- _*^E Lv of ordei J^l^^is^ x lP?^B»tej||^B^wß? IVORK \^\'*sSe s STHAM PUMP. <*M 'jF&L^ PRICES ON IS NOISELESS. application. SOLE HOWARTH ERSKINE,
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    • 326 6 HAUNALL HILLUb 96, Robinton Road. HAVE ON HAND:Klectric Fans. Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, «0 40, 100, 110, and 120 Volu. Deftignea 10 operate from Incaadeiceni CircniU. Any Voltage to ordnr. Direct or Alternating Current Fani. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people wbc have Dynamos installnrl.
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    • 354 6 NOTICES. _v JOSEPH fiILLOTTI SbT! "ORAND PRIX." PARIS. 1900. Eft WS* g^g rf^ I Of iTi<rhs»t Quality; and having Greatest Durability. 11 -tuer-loi- Mmf JfS S*flJ _y A CHEAPEST. I WM II *<& JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD
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    • 472 6 NOTICES. THE NEW JREMCH^ REMEDY TRADE ■MARK Thil tuccMtfuUnd highly tffciiil." "-m^U 'i««-H If «i« K...t.m loWrl Vrlarw .411.1 ..ih<r< nMMiIf IW Wlmk l> ti mdtdmm of tlie kind. «nd »urpa«-»> rM-rythniu linh. I THERAPION No 1 lhi rtlim.^7t.-njh-wil J y^.i.K.r.-ra..v,!,r.. 1..,, u ,-.1,..-. lh,'unn.irvorK.«ii».rllo lu.illv«up.TvHiiii{m|.-.,— ol whi<
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 715 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. •rpiiK Standard Life A»uranoe. 1 Norwich Union Fire liunnuo* Boeiety. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Assuranoe Society. Ihe China Mutual Steam Navigation Company A rhe ''"ttonham Lager Beer Company. rot particnlan of theoe Companies, see ths 'all advertisement of THE iiOKNEO OOMI PANT, LIMITED.
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    • 1380 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklijke PaUetvaant Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. 1 mi at Simfapire: t-m> Agiscy, laib i. Labddblb A Co., S-S, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. stenmer From ¥.*rec\ta Will b»> Dispatched for On Altinq Batavia Feb 2 Billiton, Batavia, Samarang, and Soerabaya Feb
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    • 627 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Nordde'utsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, t STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Reg. Tors Reg. Stettin 2478 Kohtichang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Petekaburi 2191 Paknam 2004 PiUanuiok 2019 Tangliv 1909 Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok 19*) Chow Tai 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Smgora 1764 Keong Wai 1777 tfuen Tung
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    • 661 7 INSURANCE CO.'S GUAKDIAN AHSUK4.NCK CO. LIMaTSP LONDON Subscribed Capital £3,000,000. Total Invested Funds 4,610,000. Annual Income 983,000. The undersigned, agents lor the above Company, are prepared to accept fire riski for short periods of ten days or longei periods at currant rates to be named oc application to PATBRBON. HIMONg
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    • 760 7 NOTICES. "motor-cars WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. D.C. LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stoc-kti always on hand. 326 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a
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    • 1589 8 tlnaer this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— Ship; hq.— barque; sch.— schooner; Vet.— Yacht. Cru.— Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. Brillsh U. S.— United s>tat«p Fch.— French Btr. German Dut. Dutch Joh. Johore 8.0. —General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger: U.— Uncertain
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    • 652 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. BTIAMERB. Achilles, Liverpool. Feb 18; Mansfield. Alhoin, Bombiy, Feb 20; Borneo Coy. Amliria. Honickong, Feb 10; Behn Meyer. An<lnlu«ia, Hamburg, Feb 8; Behn Meyer. Australind, Fren.untle, Feb lrt; Boustead. Austria, Hongkong Feb 27; Rautenberg. Ayr, left Barry Jan
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    • 83 8 for Per iteamer Time. To-Mokrow. Zamboanga4 Hollo Patani a.m Manila Talbot 7 a.m. Christmas Island Noon Penang Pin Seng I p.m. Djambie Kian Ann 1 p. m Bangkok Paknam Bpm Oel' Medan 3 p.m Asahan and Deli Amhan 3 p.m. Amoy and Swatow BabeUberg 3 p.m Bangkok
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    • 161 8 From Europe—By the P. 4 O. s.s. Bengal due on Saturday, with dates to the 16th Feb. Bhe bring; replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 7th and 21st IM From Batavia—fly steamer to meet the P. 40. mail. From China—By the KD.L. s s.
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    • 277 8 4' Vmsil's Nams 4 I'oa* O*pta« From Sailbd Coicmio.nem. Rio tab 4 4 4 A r» I 6 6 6 fi 6 6 I 6 6 ti 6 6 !Touruß Sor str.; ll«7 'Seebarg Moji Fan 2J P Simon* and Co. Maehaon- Brit str 427« i Long Liverpool lan
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STESET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
      92 words
    • 295 8 THE LAST DAYS i i~~p i _—h-^ OF i— WHITEAWAY, IAIDLAW Co's, I I 111 \~l~\ i—li I 1 1 I Further Reductions. KIM TIAN POULTRY FARM 9iang Jim Jbeong (Bompany. Farm No. 102, Thomson Road Depot No. 68. Rochore Road. ~OEG to inform the public that the X| have
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 65 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang KerbauHotpitalsth February ISOX. 9p.m. Remark. Bar ..!29.9.'5e:29.864 29 934 Morning Temp 82.0 84.7 77.0 cloudy WB'lbXhen 78.0 78.7 76.0 drizzle' DirofWind nb. r.b. k.b. i at 7a m Max. Temp Bfi.» day overcast {f ln ---o"i.Z^ nightcloudv Sun! 1300 Terr, rad 70.0 j Rainfall ..I
      65 words
    • 34 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. iE. E. A. <fc C. Telegraph Vomfmnn. I 6th Fbbriarv. BONURONG.— Barometer 80.25. Direction of Wind East. Force of Wind 8. Max. Temp in Shade 66 MANILA:— 76O SE. 1 2fl. 28
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