The Straits Times, 4 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 31,046 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY i, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 628 1 NOTICES. ©he JStraits ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, n>liii»u measure, i First inM-rtion $1 r cento Beconci and third insert ionnewh iJO venta Fourth, tilth, and sixth 40 cents Seventh ;<• eighteenth 24 cent* Nineteenth imW.nient,, 16 cent* Per week of nix Uuys, P> l>e ihßn);ed daily
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    • 739 1 NOTICES. (it)VERNMKNT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 7th February, HO3, for the following works 1. Excavating S.ono cartloads of earth at Fort Caoning Hill, carting to Beach Road Reclamation and spread ng. 2. Supply and delivery on the Holland Road
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    • 258 1 NOTICES. LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. Commission and Estate agents, Ship-brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. M.C.S. Mohamad Co. Diamond Merchants. Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious BtoneF o No. 8 Wifih Street, HingaporW Are showing a splendid stock of High Class Diamonds And gem-set Jewellery with extensive, varieties of
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    • 354 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition for Ships' Bottoms The uae of Our New Antifuulin^ '<>iii|»mitii>ii is rwonimendeil for Specially Fouling Waterx, aa it iic.--.-~r- much improved Antiiuulini; (Qualities, and therefore vernal* iwin^r it do not rrc|iii,f to dock no frequently a- i- at preoent necemary. The nume marked on
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    • 413 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To Night. To-Niglit. Wednesday, Utf) yebruary, 1903. THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore WIIL rI.AY HASNUL JAMAL AND BADRULMUNEER Taken from Arabian Nights. PRICES A.S USUAL s. KASsint. Sole Proprietor. TO BK LKT. /COMPOUND HOUSE on top of Mt V Elizabeth. Immediate entry. Apply to 10-2 GAG-SIM)
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  • 279 2 The Tungku B«sar, Regent of Pahang, is expected to come up from Pekan to meet the Resident-Gene -i' on his next visit to Lipis. Messrs. Craddock and French, Forest Officers, have gone downriver to the coast districts. Mr Owen and Dr. Lucy have returned from Raub. Mr. A.
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  • 281 2 A man who called himself Count Rothenkirchen, Russian Consul-Gene-ral for the Far East," has been going about Japan and appointing all kinds of foreigners Russian Consuls for the places in which they reside and then collecting what he termed stamp fees.' 1 The other day he went
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  • 283 2 In Ceylon, Mr. Stanley Green has tried a motor car service on the LunugallaBatticaloa road with the result that failure soon came, despite the fact that the cars were on an improved system and were guaranteed to last for years They ran only for a few
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  • 102 2 Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson, the leprosy-expert, stopped at Colombo tor a few days on his way to India, where he expects to find confirmation of his theory that the disease i*. caused by eating badly tured fi»h. He found the Ceylon type of leprosy to be a mild
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  • 556 2 Egypt seems to be getting a vflry nice place to live in and the sore-oppressed taxpayer of England must wish that the financial and administrative ability which his Government has supplied to a country which is not, in name even, a province of the British Empire, might be
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  • 324 2 To Visit Singapore A very go-head American girl is Zula Rosamund Hart. When she was sixteen she started to earn her living as a teacher, and made the determination to travel round the world, teaching in different places as she went, so as to have access
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  • 21 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed oo page 8.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 notices, mWf ,--v S Ui\ r Mi Mr- 1 Ihe most Rtfreshlgg DrL* fylAprt. S mUNTSERRAT&t Ijk Lime-Fruit Juice HH and Cordials ■j ■B\ i either with water or created water is a *f ]j| delightful thirst quencher. H arr^ T/>« LAHCIT aay. hnuiTy-«»T* II w oounaal th« public to
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    • 315 2 BoUQrv Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w s Singapore. i JEFFREY'S EDINBURGH STOUT. A special, light brew (or the tropics. Highly recommended Price 113.60 per case of 7 dos pinto. Of all dealers BORNBO CO., LTD., Sole Agent*. BRITISH LAGER BEER. BTIEWED BY IN- JOOPEffCO., Limited. FROM PURE vS!jfy
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    • 401 2 y NOTICES. *THE gTA^PARD J^IFE QFFICE. p-iTS upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 yean. The Business is conducted with S6onomy. the premiums are moderate,
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  • 1153 3 An exciting story has just been told, in which several of the gallant residents of I'ulo Brani were interested, and according to which, one at least of our gallant protectors across the stream, acted the part of hero, though it may be that his fame
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  • 473 3 P. ft O. Kelt, (it li. I'er Vhumn For London Mr. Q. (icillin, Astf. Snl. I.icut. C E. Tiirle. Mr. ami Mrs. Kllinp-r, Aflte. Snl. Lieut. H. E. Hiirvcv. Mr. Immm Wiikett, Gunner Joseph Whiti'iinil tiumier.l.Siniiipt, Mr. .lames Sellar. Pat l^.nil<.ii x iit Miirwilleo— Mr. V. Mil..
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  • 243 3 For Singapore Per P. 4 O. s. Oeeana eonnerting with the ftenmer Bengal at Colombo, from London Jan 8, dae Bth Feb.— Mrs. Wilson. Messrs. F. Robinson, P. T. I hillips, A Macmillan, A. P. Adams. Sergt. Foster »nd Km. Onnncn Greenstoek. Per P A O s.
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  • 35 3 The output from the Redjang Lebong mine in 1902 is estimated at 21,952 ounces of gold, and 118,225 ounces of silver, valued collectively at 1,262,860 guilders. For all that, no dividend is yet within sight.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 647 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND" SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 RESERVE FUND.— Bterllng R«serre..|lo ,ooo,ooo «i -gnrYn Silver Reserve.... 4,7tf),000/ U> w^ w RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 ..nmiftooo PROPRIETORS 1 OI) 000 Court or Directors. Hod. R. Shkwan,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson IH. Schubast,
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    • 651 3 NfrfoES. Architectural draughtsman wanted. Apply to A.. c/« Straits Times, enclosing copies of recent testimonial* 6-9 STOREKEEPER WANTED. S^HINKSE preferred. Must have had \J previous experience in import business. Apply to L.C.c/o Straits Times, v.cWANTED. A Shipping Clerk apr-lv by letter to HOOAN CO., LTD., 9-2 Road. WAftTED. A
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    • 530 3 NOTICES. H. L. CtaJUaa 9 Co. HAVE BEEN -iPPOTITTiD SUB-AGENTS Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed f r» sb, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. v.c. PONY FOR SALE. GOOD polo pony. Goes in harness,
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    • 501 3 SHIPPING INDOCHINA «TKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PBNANG AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's steamer I.AISAM, «,4fi» tons, Captain Tadd, will be despatched for the above ports on Wed nesday. the .th instant at 4 p.m. For freight or passage, apply to 4-2 BOUHTKAD A CO.. Agents INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITID
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  • 1775 4 Very little that could be regarded as suggestive of undue favoritism mars the evenly critical tenour of Mr. Clayton's annual report on Christmas Island which was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday and if it were not known that such a
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  • 331 4 We understand that bismuth, in quantities that will probably pay for its extraction has been found at Kota Tinggi, within the boundaries of the Royal Johore Company's tin mining property. Gratifying as this news will doubtless prove to be to the general body of the shareholders of that concern, this
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  • 64 4 Cohkesi'Ondknck regarding the proposed railway from Malacca to Tampin in the Negri Sembilan was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. The estimated cost runs up to over a million and a half of dollars. The expected profit on the working of the line is 982,700 a year. The scheme has
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  • 19 4 Pahang News, a snake adventure at Pulo Brani, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and :<.
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4 in bank rate is 1/7 ,V
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  • 8 4 The Strait* Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a.m" on Friday.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 14 4 Mmlm, f lh February Prinsloo, the Boer general, i» dead
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    • 106 4 Statement of Demands Handed in and Rejected. Sir Michael Herbert, the British Ambassador at Washington, has presented Mr. Bowen with the counterproposal of the Allies. This proposal provides for two-thirds of the thirty per cent charge on the customs duties at La Guaira and Puerto Cabello to
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    • 22 4 The King has a mild attack of influenza, and has been obliged to cancel all arrangements for a week.
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    • 26 4 Messrs. William Redmond, Keddy, and Roche, the imprisoned Irish M.P's., have been released. Considerable portions of their sentences are still unexpired.
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  • 348 4 PLAINTIFFS' MOTION REFUSED Tm: Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, gave judgment tliix morning in the case John Little Co., Ltd. v K Wallace. The plaintiffs sought to obtain an injunction to restrain Mr. K. Wallace from taking employment as a watchmaker and jeweller directly or
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  • 157 4 k have to-d;iy received an advance copy of Mr. C. B Buckley's Anecdotal History ol .Singapore,' which will be ready for issue to the public in a few days. The work is in two volumes and contains 790 pages of matter, of consuming interest to residents of
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  • 34 4 At the Municipal Election held yesterday, 21 votes were cast for Mr. F. 8. Pooles, who therefore becomes the representative on the Municipal Board of Kalang Ward. There was no other candidate.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Bervice Reservoir tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 6 (weather permitting.)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY WALSH, LTD. NEW BOOKS. ALSO Chin*. Pnr~lain by W. C. JUST RECEIVED. Gullanil, Vol. II $8.50 < THK The Ampriran Merchant Service by Winthrop L. Marvin 6.50 > "VIA FA^TPDM" The Lost Art of Rnading by Gerald Stanley Lees 6.00 c Social Telegraph Code ■Civil KngineeriiiK as
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    • 118 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opmk: Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* onlr 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard «>«» w ««W.y. 8 a.m.-C p.m. fioad on Sunday*. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-VV rain wright's Ilford
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  • 906 5 Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. man 1 His Xxi T. 1.1 Sih Frank ask SWKITENHAM, K.C.M.i;., (GOVERNOR), lion. Ceneral Sir A. It. V. Dorward, K.r.8., (Ollici-r Commanding the Troo|.sj. llon.W T.Taylor, CM. (Colonial Secretary). Hon. \Y. It Collyer (Attorney General), lion. r. <:. I'enney (Colnniul TreaMirer). Hon. >.. C.
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  • 365 5 S.C.C. v. 62nd Co. R.A. The 62nd Co. R.A. yesterday made their second appearance against the S.C.C. iv the football Held and again suffered defeat, although they made a hard fight of it. The ground was in excellent condition and a new ball was trotted out for the occasion.
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  • 282 5 Some months back, a subscription was got up amongst the European and Chinese friends of Mr. Adainson in Singapore for the purpose of making a presentation to Mrs. Adainson, the wife of Mr. \V. Adamson, whose portrait was placed in the Town Hall about a year
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  • 198 5 This morning, Capt. H. Peters of the Hong Bee was before Mr. Wilson in response to a summons issued at the instance of Mr. F. K. Jennings, agent to the Opium Farmer, to explain the allegation that thirty-six tins of chandu were found on board his ship, and
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  • 141 5 On Friday next, Singapore's anniversary day, the Singapore Police will celebrate the same by holding a f rand Athletic Sports Meeting on the polo ground, in front of Raffles Hotel. There will be 21 events in all, including competitions of all kinds for Europeans, Malays and ftikhs.
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  • 143 5 The usual Chinese New Year Sports will be held on the Reclamation Ground, Robinson Road, on Saturday next. The native sports will be from 10-% a. m. and the subscribers' sports from 2 p.m. The same night Chinese fireworks will be displayed from 9 o'clock till!midnight,
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  • 80 5 First Day, Thk Penang Race 9 began yesterday. The weather was excellent for the racing. In several of the events, there were exciting finishes. The following are the results FIRST lIAI K. Starlight 1 Kmpre/.a I **finMTr rvi"e. l.v.l. lite 1 Yanak I IHIRII l:\lK. MftMtalJ 1 Sweet
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  • 25 5 The Catherine Apcuf, which arrived from Calcutta this morning, brought down about 1,100 sheep and goats for this port. Mutton to go on with anyhow
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  • 44 5 An enterprising Japanese, Honomura by name, has fitted up some baths in his own national style at .1 ilan Trus, Johore. A good many hundred dollar* must have been spent over their Charges are low and the place is well worth a visit.
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  • 162 5 I-' mm the publishers of the Indian Municipal Journal and Sanitary Record" we have received a small pamphlet on Rules of Procedure at public meeting*," reprinted from the journal referred to. The rules have been selected from the works of standard authorities and are likely fo be of much use
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  • 13 5 The Inspector General of Police inspected the European police at drill this morning.
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  • 15 5 The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co. send a pocket book Calendar for 1903.
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  • 21 5 The next At Home of the Tanglin Club will be held at the Club on Friday, 13th inst., at 9 p.m.
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  • 20 5 Thk Penang Volunteers mustered strong on going into camp the other day. They are said to have done very well.
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  • 28 5 The French transport Chodoc, Capt. Pierette, arrived from Saigon this morning en route for Marseilles. There are 345 soldiers on board and she is expected to leave to-day
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  • 33 5 The total amount of tin ore exported by the tributers on the lands of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy. Ltd., during the month of January, was 721 bags equal to 541 piculs.
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  • 36 5 The Vacuum Oil Co. send us a copy of their amended prices, which come into force from the 15th inst. It has been found necessary to readjust prices owing to the low value of the dollar.
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  • 36 5 The Philharmonic Society's orchestra resumes practice at the Town Hall to-morrow night at the customary hour. A quantity of new music will be tried and it is hoped to give a concert at an early date.
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  • 46 5 On Friday the Oth instant, the money order, parcel and savings bank branches of the Post Office will be closed. The Post Office and sub-offices will close at 2 p. in The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will also be closed on that day.
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  • 46 5 l)i KiNc. the pa*t two or three evenings there has been a great scarcity of rikislias, in fact they were pretty nearly as difficult to obtain as they were during the recent strike. It was of course to be attributed to the Chinese New Year holidays.
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  • 42 5 Shipmasters at I'enang are agitating for their wages to be brought up to the Singapore standard on the sterling basis. Ship engineers at Penang now draw higher pay, but the masters do not, owing to the shipping companies hesitating give an increase.
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  • 45 5 The German cruiaer <icier arrived this morning and exchanged salutes with the port. She anchored in the roads. The Oeier came up from China and has been cruising about in Netherlands India waters. From there she went to Penang and then came on to Singapore.
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  • 48 5 BarkfaißD robberies in broad day are getting common in Hongkong town. For instance, on the 27th January, whilst a European lady was passing Watson's Dispensary in a rikisha carrying her purse in her hand, the purse was snatched from her by a coolie who made good his escane.
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  • 52 5 9 Another family drama in German high life circles is reported by wire. Prince Alfred of Stolberg died about the 27th January. The heir apparent, Prince Wolfgang, was, upon this, found dead from a gun shot wound. A hunting rifle was found by his side. Prince Alfred was M years
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  • 47 5 Mr. Saburo Hisamidzu, the Japanese Consul, leaves for Tokyo to-morrow. His many friends will be glad to hear that h\% child, who was recently dangerously ill, is now convalescent. Until a successor is definitely appointed Mr. K. Ohga will be in charge of Japanese consular interests here.
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  • 46 5 At noon to-day a Chinaman met with an accident on board a steamer. He opened an ice chest containing soda water bottles when suddenly a bottle burst and a piece of the glass cut his forehead badly. The Chinaman was brought ashore and taken to hospital.
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  • 55 5 Two Chinese cojiies working in a brick-field at Kalians Pudding quarrelled over the possession of a brickmould yesterday aud one of them bashed the other with the mould, killing him instantly. The man was apparently suffering from an enlarged spleen at the time as he was not struck very hard.
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  • 81 5 Thk Christmas laiand steamship InUtiuler, which arrived here on Sunday last, returns to the island on Saturday, taking back Captain Vincent and Miss D. Vincent who came up with her. Captain Vincent, who is suffering from a badly broken arm caused by being thrown from a horse that fell back
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  • 52 5 The following selection of music will be played by the combined regimental bands at the Botanical Gardens, on Saturday': March Say Au Revoir Thomas Selection .The FrenchjMaid. .Slaughter Waltz. .Au Pays Des Chanson. Fahrbach Song..- The Everlastirfg Day Bevan Selection Coster Hongs Godfrey Serenata. Love in Idleness. Macbeth Uod save
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  • 639 5 SIMOATOKB, 4TH KkkkCABY, 190 S. PRODUCE. Gambler 15. Copra Ball 960 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black 55.75 do White, (8%) buyer* 59.25 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.70 do Brunei No. 1 4.86 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% baala 28.60 Coffee, Palerabanff, 20% ba-U._ 52.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 20.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 YOUR BTRENGTH RETURNS. For all wasting diseases, take Steams' Wine. It improves Nutrition. Increases weight and strength. It is a stimulant and Nerve Tonic of the greatest value— Sold by all chemists.
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    • 31 5 To all intents and purposes, you have the doctor's advice, and his best prescription for Lung and Throat diseases in Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 244 5 GUTTA PLANT. fTK> be sold by Auction at Kuching, X Sarawak, on 17th February nexl. consisting of 2 Vertical Boilerß with Held tabes; 2 Vertical Engines 1 Horizontal Feed Pump; 2 Weetinghouse Pumps (Vacuum); 1 Belt driven Vertical plunger pump for solution 4 Filter Presses 1 Gutta Slicing Machine; 1
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    • 520 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Entate of Teo Kit Cheong, Deceared. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS LEASEHOLD GAMBIER AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 725 A. res TO BE HELD AT POWELL OO.'s SALE-ROOM. On Wednenday, 2olh MrMPf 1903, at :>.;«) p.m. District. Area. Chop. CboaChu Kang
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 179 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 4th February. Higa Water. -M 4 a.m. 2.30 p.m. C.W.A, Raata <;irU' 4. M.ilay Tlientre. North Hriilfie Kuad. M. Thursday, sth February. lli){h Water. 2.57 a.m. H.-Jfla.m. M.ion. I'irnt Quarter. 5.7 p.m. Pledges Hah. SewaaFaeaaaf Ml V. X O. until for Kurupe .lue. I'nwii Him.l.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 377 6 NOTICES^ Agents for LEA PERIIIS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. w^ Ami </a vßy Special Warrant^^HKjK His Majestg Purveyors to The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Every Hospital in England that uses Bovril (and there are over 500 that do so) gives practical, i unassailable testimony to the pre-eminence of Bovril as a strengthening,
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    • 219 6 NOTICES. and WKJ I CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHO CLTCBRATB OF LIMB It increases vital energy and nerve farce, cures Htui-atthinta Ojtpiptta, Innmnttt, and ntrocut ttitattt in adults and children. W MnWiS. 11l WINE. MO IR STIUF The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter inspect the UNDERWOOD t'.e most perfect high clmc niacliii.e
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 715 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. r»lih Stands Life Asramuw. 1 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Boci«ty. A tv» Auuranos Company (Fire). The E<|U>iable Life Assuranoe Society. I ho Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Bear Company. .-or particulars of tL««e Companies, see the nil advertisement of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 1311 7 STEAM3WP OOMPANIES. KoninUlijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJUnder contract with the Netherlands India Government. a v ,ntt at Singapore: Ship Aomoy, latb J. Dabhdbls A Co., 34, Colitis Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched tor:— On Koek Sambas Jan 30 Pemangkat, Sambas, Singkawang, and Pontiansk Feb
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    • 627 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES UorddenteclieF Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. a" steamerB of the coast fleet. Tons Reg. Toas Reg. SUttin 2478 Kohtiehana 2042 Sandakan 2111 PetehabuH 2191 Paknam 2004 Pittanulok 2019 Tanglin 1999 Rajabun 1904 Bangkok 19» Cho» Tai 1777 Karat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1764 Keong Wai 1777 Yuen Tung
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    • 559 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, agents for the abvT: company, are prepared to accept Fir* Risks at current rates. w.4s. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A 00. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fir*
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    • 769 7 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARK NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. U.C LIQUIJ^FUEL" (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a
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    • 1464 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. •hip: bq.— barque; sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht, Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H p. —Horse-power; Brit. British; U. S.— United States: Feb.— French Ber. German Dut. Dutch Job. Johore O.O.— General-cargo; d.p. —deck passenger; U.-l'ncertain
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    • 629 8 VESS ELS EXPECTED Nam*, port, probable date of arrival. and nn'm of agent*. I3TIIMBRA. Achilles 1 ivprpool. Pet) 10; Man^Hel.i. Altimn. Bombay, F<"l> SO; Borneo C'ov Ambria, Hongkong, ftb 10; Behn Irfeyer. Andalusia. Hamburg. Febs; Bebn Meyer. Australind, Fremnntle, Feb IK; Bouotead. Austria, Hongkong, Feb 27: Rautenberg. Bayern, Hamburg, Apl
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    • 85 8 For Per steamer Time. To-Moerow. Palembang Van der Parra v a.m. Malacca and Linggi Helene 1 p.m. Penang and Calcutta Lai Sang 3 p.m. Bandjemassin 4 p.m. C'bopand,Samarang Zweena 4 p.m. Friday. Europe via ports Chutan 0 a.m. Bangkok Bangkok 1 p.m. Penang and Deli Calypso 1
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    • 158 8 From Europe— Ry the P. 40. s.f>. Bengal due on Saturday, with dates to the lrtth Feb. She brings replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 7th and '.'lst Dec. From China— By the P. 40. s.s. Chutan due on Thursday. From Katavia— By steamer
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    • 206 8 S «R4mki NiNt low Captain Keum Sailed Consignees. I g^^ Feb 8 *ultan Brit Btr 102 Cruie Malaga Kel. IMiaKgino ami Co. 8 Pekin otr MM Longdon Kobe Jan lfi P. and O. Coy. 3 Victoria 3wd Btr 9M» Hellber>- Amoy Jan J7 Khoo Teck P>e S Zittenshlit rtrit
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    • 90 8 A N J ER rAS>!T..I» ObXUA SIKAIIB UK AKKIVI.II I"UK I»KUfcKJ<. Flag 4 Date of Destin- KkDate. Rio. Ship's Name. Captain. Sailing. Fkom whlkk ation. make an 21 Brit s.s. Itinda Xi pland Melbourne sinpiporf 21 Dut B.s Koning Willem I Hubert Jan Jl Batavia Amsterdam Sa Brit 8.8 Olaverhil!
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    • 156 8 Printed and published by £dwaju> Alxxavdbb Mouiv at the "Htraiti Time*" Pnn, LM. Fiolayton Giean, Singapore, Strait* Settlsmentt. lUtk Vekhkl's Namk. Flag A Rio Tone. Destination I I fob 4 Rajah of Sarawak Sar gtr. i 892 Sarawak ft Singapore Brit str. 748 Bangkok 4 Boribat Sia str. 362
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 122 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, Carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellery silver ware and silver curios. Visitors
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    • 43 8 1 ~~r \lll' 1 i n~ THE LAST DAYS I— c 1 __J— OF MITEAWAY, UIDUW& Co's, I I—lI 1 Further Reductions. FOB SALE APOLLO PIANOLA In excellent order, price $360. Apply to K. B. T., c/o Strati* Tirntn. tu. th. s. n.c.
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    • 88 8 Funagoya Tansan I^HE above mineral water, for wbicb we were recently appointed solr agents by Hasegawa A Co., of Kobe. Japan, is bottled ht Funagoya spring in Kiusbiu, Japan, and is an invigorating and refreshing drink. ft mixes excellently with whisky, brandy, or milk and, in this respect, is usually
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    • 270 8 Restaurant and Icecream Saloon. Ojir H. van Wijk. coKracnovn cuuiniek Ore 1:..; i.l V> jh> tßt (Xext techs J.n.ii.-- Lawa Tea*** Hub) tttfi ii .Suidiits WrcUajx Imni s a.a. tf II ]> m Supplies Luncheons, Dinnt-r^ ami 5 o'clock teas Luachooa* (Indian Sice Table.) SI l>C r h,mi. $20
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 28 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. fE. E. A. <fc 0. Telegraph Comp*.n<i> Sk 1. Fkliia'AßV HOKURONO.— Barometer 30.20. Direction of Wind Calm. Force of Wind 0. Max. Temp in Shade 6fi.
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    • 65 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Ktrbau Hoxpilal .:rd February 190.. na.m. 3 p.m. flp.m. Remarks. Bar Bi7 29.872 299 32 Morning Temp 80 6 f*66 7».0 cloudy. WBlbTher TB.O 78.0 76.2 day and DirofWind s£. he. Calm, nieht clear. Max. Temp 87.0 M m 7R.0 Sun 14V0 Terr. rad.. 72.5 Rainfall
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