The Straits Times, 31 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SINGAPbRE/ SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS. NO. 21,043
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 711 1 NOTICES. ghr £traits ffimre. ADVERTISING RATES. PATABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column nieaßtire.i first inser«oti »1 20 cenu Sccoad and third innertion* eaih m) rents Fourth, lifth, and nixtli 40 cenu Seventh to eighteenth 9* cen J! Nineteeqth subsequent,, 16 centu Per week of »ix dajn, to be changed dally
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    • 844 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATID^" A Temporary Surveyor is required for ]\_< Survey Department, Singapore, for a period of five months, from i the Ist February, 1903, on a salary of 8100 per mensem, with no otberallowances. Applications for theappointment accompanied by copies of recent testimonials, should be sent to the Colonial
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    • 552 1 NOTICIS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDERS will l>e received at tbe I Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on the 18th February, 1903, for tbe farm of sll or any part of Government Quarry No. 2 at Pulau Übin for the period of one year only. If part only is tendered for,
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    • 282 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Milkmaid Sensed Mill J 11/ l 1 17' Wi n nuiD >u "3f 1 I■> 111 lA WHb jjfn Full Cream. n Largest Sale in the World. HORSES HORSES HORSES GORS AND PONIES Exs.s. "Itinda. 1 H. ABRAMS has just landed 59 Horses, Cobs and Ponies, including a
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    • 324 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Last Night. Last Night. Saturday, 31st Jan., 1903 AND i ROYAL BIOSCOPE AT The Foot of Fort Canning V Entirely New Pictures, 0- Most Entertaining, c Lively Gag. ■j Fresh and Sweet. v 2 POPULAR PRICES. <J? Last Opportunity. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the following
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  • 1777 2 t'orhe, in the Pall Mali Qazeftl") Let me try to draw for you a picture of this Christmas five. At. cnen bay, within which rides a small cargo-stoamer anchored alongside of a long, narrow wooden vessel a former Siamese man-of-war, resembling somewhat the Noah's Ark
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  • 179 2 Thk following essays by Chinese schoolboys have been sent to the China Mail:— 'The newspaper is a public notice containing many news and advertisements in it. It is different every day. Who makes thin kind of paper The men of newspapers house. How can they
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST"" Boiler Covering. r\RTICin.AKK PBOM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. LATEST CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. II UMBER BICYCLES. Fitted with "KKEE WHEEL" and rim brake All "Beestori" machines 'JUARANtKRD for TWO YEARS THE BORNEO COMPANY. LTD Sole Agents foi th<Hu.iits Settlements Federated Nativt States, Siam, and Borneo. T HH
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    • 238 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 Ibfi., 1,***** m* atter seven after fourdayM in teen dayn Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 272 2 NOTICES. hotelTdkr nedk^Landen BATAVTA (JJffA.) *> FIRST Class Hotel. Known lor its excellent food. Veiy fre<jiien,Jy visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MERTEN. m. A th. n.c Proprietor. INDIAN PATENT STONE ToOY. Prevention Against Plague. rpHIS stone is
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    • 436 2 NOTICES. FOR LADIES** D JORET.HOMOLLE'S APIOL is the most sure remedy tgalnst thtl Sickness, anil other effects cauted fey th* delay of the regular periods.] SfeOUlN,q«iil.l6s,R-i»B'-HoDor«,P»Jlls| W. D. FISHER, Assoe. M. Insi C.E., GRESHAM HOUSE BaTTEIIV HO FonndatloiK. Building, Rooii Railway! and Railway iStructuraa. Wharvaa. Roads and Bridg-e.. Sorvaya. Mydraallc
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  • 461 3 A Cau .utta correspondent writes to the Viminrml Newt, under date Dec. Uth:— Thanks to legislation, India hs n. country has risen superior to the ups and downs of the silver market but the fluctuations in the value of the metal still have a considerable bearing
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  • 226 3 According to a letter published a s-liort while ago by a leading London weekly there appeared not Ion,; since in North Borneo among the aboriginal Muruts, a prophet who undertook to bestow on believus the power to fly. He was as naked and as dirty as the
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  • 226 3 An interesting lecture bai Bi tlie London Institution by Mr lied I. Mt-lville on "Postage Stamp:- with Stories." When the first btumiu- were issued by (Jreat Britain in 1840 Utev «ere familiarly called "(Queens heads' .:nlie- (iiiickly took to collecting these, .n.l rVndt noted that "the ladies
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  • 388 3 Incident in British North Borneo. Mr. E. P. Gueritz, Judicial Commissioner in British North Borneo, in his report on the Sessions held at Sandakan from May to December last year, thus notices a gruesome case of murder: The trial of Madat Khan a Pathan for the murder of
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  • 417 3 P. O. F.I. liili -Per Cliutan For London -Mi 6, < ...Ilin. Fell. :S>th. s.s. Coromanilrl for London. Mi A W. Bailey. K,.|, l'6.— Per Cci/lr>,< Kor I— i— Mil A. Barter. \U< tmi Wm ft nils mi fnm r.ii:iii- tor l.on.lon— Mr. ami Mr«. llallitax ami
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 557 3 NOTICES. IT It DIFFERENT NOW. Once u|h.ii 11 linn- sjndsn'i of medtetoe held the notiin that Ittan were as many di fit rent diemscs «s thf liody h" 1 wmM and i>:irt«: everyone o. tlie?r nilni^nU requiring a different treatment So 1 11 1 n i a mistake could Ipml
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    • 670 3 NOTICES. Architectural draughtsman wanted. Apply to A., c/o Straits Time*, enclosing copies of recent testimonials. 6-2 WA:*TED. A European Governess to take charge of two little boys of 6 and 2 years of age. Apply to E. F. c/o Straits Time*. m. w. At. n. c WANTED. AN experienced European
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    • 580 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOB-AGENTS OF THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. ~nH)R BALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed _T fr*»b, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. v.c. FOR SALE. /"^OUPE, pair of horses and harness,
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    • 702 3 S/lIPPINd DETTbCHE t)ST -AKKIKA LJNIK HAMBURG. r pHK outward mail and cargo Bteami'rt X of this line connect at Aden, and tlu< steamers of the Rangoon-Zanzibar Line nt Colombo with the iiomeward German Mail steam I- r« from Eastern Asia. Through I. ills of Lading and through Passage Tickets are
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    • 37 4 V.VK I.ANdKXHERi;. -At •_••'> liuflalo Koad, Siiij>ii|,or», mi Hi.' i'st li in-! miii < mi 1. 1 a Maria, the Moved wife of J. Q. Van LanKenberg, aeed 70 years and two mont hit. -Oylon paper* pleaae copy.
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  • 789 4 Ji'doing from the rumours that have permeated citywards from the Volunteer Camp at Plantation House, the gathering which has assembled there this year cannot b n regarded as a very successful one from either a military or a junketting standpoint. Of
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  • 215 4 President Rooseveli, so to-day's wire has it, is urging the United States Congress to pass legislation to enable America to work together with gold standard countries to establish the stability of silver. Representations from Mexico and China have apparently moved the President to take this step. China has been hard
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/7
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  • 17 4 This roster of visitors for the I.'i natic Asylum this year, is published in the Gorernment Gazette.
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  • 16 4 (iii.Kiu.AX, \Vood& Co., agents of the New Zealand Insurance Company, send a calendar for this year.
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  • 16 4 Twenty banishment orders against Chinese aliens are notified in the last number of the Government Gazette.
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  • 43 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8. The 6th of February, the anniversary of the Settlement of Singapore, will be observed as a public holiday here and at Malacca.
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  • 22 4 Mr. G. S. Seth passed his final examination in Malay on the 14th inst. and was appointed to be a passed Cadet.
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  • 21 4 The annual meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at Bishop's House on Thursday, Feb. .".th at 11 a.m.
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  • 23 4 Mr. L. H. Clayton, the district officer at Christmas Island, has taken leave oi absence for fifteen moi.ths beginning from the 9th instant.
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  • 24 4 Dr Daniels, of the British Guiana Service, is shortly expected out at Kuala Lumpur to take over the Directorship of the Research Institute there.
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  • 24 4 Stamps with the King's head have been issued at Hongkong. They include one cent and eight cent ones values hitherto unrepresented on stamps there.
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  • 27 4 A football match will be played on the Old Jail Site this afternoon, weather permitting, between the police team and an eleven from H. M. S. Hupiegle.
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  • 28 4 Mr. Duberly, the Resident of I'ahane, goes it is said on long leave in April, when Mr. Douglas Campbell will take over the duties of Acting Resident, Pahang.
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  • 24 4 Thb report of the Navigaxione (ienerale Italiana announces that the company will shortly inaugurate a direct steamship service between Italy and the Far East.
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  • 53 4 F. C. Binder, who was accused ot embezzling about 11,900, monies belonging to Gosling and Co., Penang, whilst he was manager of that firm, was before the Bench Court, at Penang, consisting of Messrs. Bryant and Cavendish, pleaded guilty as regards the sum of 8500, and was sentenced to nine
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  • 33 4 Ykstebdav while the s. s. Cheng Woo was lying at Borneo Wharf a Chinaman went on board unnoticed and stole a silver watch, a barometer, a pocket book and a suit of clothes.
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  • 27 4 The Russian Valunteer Fleet steamer Saratov arrived from OJ<""»a and Sevastopol yesterday afternoon, and anchored in the roads. There are 1,462 soldiers on board bound for Vladivostock.
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  • 33 4 The Malay Mail says that I) P. Nicholas, clerk in the Railway Accountant's Office Selangor, who has been on his trial for absconding with $3,000. has been sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 43 4 As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, the times of the arrival and departure of several of the trains on the Railway have been altered. There will now be eight trains each way daily and nine on Saturdays and Sundays.
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  • 36 4 The Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved of the further employment of Mr. J. O. Anthonisz in the appointment of President of the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore, for one year, from the Ist instant.
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  • 39 4 Thk Chinese Government has appointed a Commissioner to go to Japan to investigate the financial condition of that country prior to the adoption of the gold standard, and to report on the engineering of that memorable and successful conversion.
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  • 42 4 That the weather did not interfere with every species of sport during the holidays was exemplified in the case of Mr. A. W. Bean who, thanks to the kindness of the Sultan, spent Thursday shooting snipe in Jobore and bagged sixteen couple.
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  • 44 4 To-night the Royal Bioscope is to be exhibited for the last time. This is the last opportunity of witnessing pictures of the Passion-Play, and those who have not seen it should make good this last opportunity. The Company is leaving for Java next week.
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  • 45 4 The new sterling salary scheme for the F. M. S. Civil Service, two previous schemes having been cancelled, is described by the Malay Mail as a great gift to the younger officers in the Service. Both their present and future prospects are greatly improved thereby.
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  • 45 4 Amongst the decorations conferred on the occasion of the Durbar at Delhi a Companionship of the Order of the Indian Empire has been given to Mr. Charles Henry Wilson, Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, and Vice- President of the Rangoon Municipal Committee
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  • 64 4 Prize- day came off at St. Xavier's Institution at Penang on the _'Uli January. In the annual inspection report on the School, the work is spoken of in glowing terms and in not a single instance is it described otherwise than as "fair," "good," "quite good" or excellent." The number
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  • 58 4 Thi Indra mihar Theatrical Co. performed to another crowded house in North Bridge Road last night. The rendering of the play was extremely good and was appreciated. Much credit is due to the proprietor, Mr. S. Kassim, who devotes the greater part of his time towards the management of the
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  • 87 4 a memorial tablet subscribed for by members of the Civil Service, has been placed in St. George's Church, Penang, to the memory of the late Mr. Skinner, Resident Councillor of Penang. It is a handsome brass bearing the following inscription —To the memory of Allan Mac Lean Skinner, c. m.
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  • 145 4 To-morrow there will be church parades at the Volunteer Camp Apropos of them and of the variable weather, here is a good story told by a contemporary. It was before a misguided Admiralty abolished the Royal Naval Artillery volunteers and the force had gone out on its annual gunboat cruise.
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  • 102 4 The heavy rains of Thursday and yesterday quickly brought the wayside streams of Singapore much beyond their ordinary height. On Thursday evening a good many roads were flooded, and yesterday there was still more water out— especially in Orchard, (irange, Killiney, Devonshire, Scott's, Bukit Tim ah,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 21 4 FRANCO- SIAMESE TREATY London, 271h J<i n. The time of ratifying the FrancoSiamese treaty has been extended to the :<Oth March.
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    • 29 4 itn Mr. Chamberlain nearing Maf<>king, the Governor of the Cape Colony and the authorities met him on the Transvaal border, and escorted tinparty on horseback.
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    • 48 4 Colonel Cobbe has made a reconnoit ing expedition towards Galkayu, the Mullah's headquarters, and has encamped at Enmaras. The Emperor Menelek, owing to the approach of Lent, and owing to h.« objection *o travelling in the rainy season, has postponed his visit to Jibuti! till the autumn.
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    • 49 4 London, 28th Jan An express train, running at the rate of sixty miles an hour dashed, into the rear of a local train at Graceland in New Jersey. The debris caught fire Twenty-four persons were killed, of whom sixteen were burned alive. Fifty-two more were injured.
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    • 18 4 The Kaiser has raised the German Minister at Peking to the rank of Baron.
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    • 78 4 London, '29th Jan. Mr. Ritchie, the Chancellor of the Exchequer in a speech delivered at the Crystal Palace, said that he must dispel the illusions regarding a large reduction of taxation in the forthcoming budget. He explained that, when the account* arising from the South African
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    • 51 4 The correspondent of the St'indarJ at Johannesburg says that, from the Ist February, there will be one supreme command over the whole of the military forces from the Zambesi River to the Cape of Good Hope. General Lyttelton will be Commander in Chief with headquarters at
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    • 63 4 The tfanque de Paris et des Pays Ban has arranged to raise a loan for the Sultan of Morocco to the amount of 7J millions of franca at six per cent interest, guaranteed on the Moroccan customs. It is believed that the loan has an important bearing
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    • 29 4 Signor Prinetti, the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, was seized with apoplexy, during an audience with King Victor Emmanuel to-day- There are hipes of his recovery.
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    • 39 4 Ijondon, :JO/A .hut. The blockading Powers have declined to entertain a proposal made by Mr Bowen that all claimants against Veneauela should be put on an equality with them. The refusal has caused a deadlock in the negotiations.
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    • 8 4 Mr. Chamberlain has arrived at Kimberley
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    • 18 4 (General Hildyard has been appointed to be the new director of military education and training.
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    • 53 4 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND SILVER FLUCTUATIONS. President Koosevelt has sent v Message to Congress, with Notes from Mexico and ('hint, dwelling upon the injury done to international trade by fluctuations in silver. The President's Message recommend* legislation enabling America to co-op-erate with gold standard countries, for the purpose of establishing the
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  • 66 4 Mr. f. B. Olus, Constructor at Fortsmouth Dockyard, has been appointed Chief Constructor at Hongkong. Mr. G. F. Young, Assistant Constructor there, ha« been promoted to be Constructor at Portsmouth. Mr. Milton, who has been in charge of the Chief Constructor's office in Hongkong since the departure of Mr. J.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. •LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price feist on Jipplieation.) til th s SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. The Passenger Train Service, Sunday included, will be as under from Ist February, 1903, and until further notice. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. I.
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    • 289 4 TOWN HALL. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mr. Robert Brough. Representative Mr. Allan Hamilton. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, 9td February THK BROUQM COMEDY COMPANY BROUQH COMEDY COMPANY BROUQH COMEDY COMPANY -ARE YOU A MASON?" There is an old maxim "The Most Wasted of all days in that on which one has
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    • 90 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Qresbam House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on We kd »y« 8 m 6 P m on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wright's 1
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  • 1201 5 A DAMP AND DREARY EXPERIENCE. Thk annual camp of the Singapore Volunteer Corps commenced on Thursday and up to the present has not been the successful and instructive function it was expected to be. So much that it might have been judicious, in i In- prevailing
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  • 672 5 An Outside Vi ew. The following from the Friend of India gives an outside criticism of the Shipping Conference question One of the places where the evils of the shipping ring system is most felt is Singapore, and a Colonial Commission has recently reported to the Colonial
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  • 214 5 The Legislative Council meets on Tuesday, at 2.30 p.m. The orders of the Day include two Bills and the following motions 1. By the Hon'bU VV. J. Napier. "That the Rule u^der Section 31 of "The Registry of Deeds Ordinance 1886," made by His Excellency the Governor in
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  • 138 5 There is a growing feeling among investors in Hongkong that the policy of some of the Companies there placing large sums to reserve is Being overdone, and that more judgment should be exercised in this respect by Company Directors. To have large reserves is desirable, says the China
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  • 314 5 Transformation of the Famous Paris Dancing- Hall. Tbe Moulin Rouge is dead, and Montmartre inconsolable. To add to the bitterness felt by the habitues of the famous dancing-hall, it is asserted that a syndicate from perfidious Albion has bought the establ shment. and that, as English. nen
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  • 394 5 The Sultan of Acheen's surrender was hastened by a smart stroke of diplomacy on the part of the Governor of that territory. On hearing of the capture of the ultan's favourite v.ife. the Governor laid his plans. The Governor sent a message to her that she would he
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  • 100 5 It is understood that negotiations are in active progress between tbe British and the Italian Governments to effect an arrangement under which a large number of Italian labourers will be immediately available for South Africa. The negotiations save so far matured that the Italian Government has
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  • 255 5 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. «1 AMIKKW'.s rvriIKUBAI.. 7 a.m.. Matin* ami Litany. 7-4"> am. Holy Communion (Choral) ami Sermon. 915 a.m. Holy Communion (Non-Choral) 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. "> :tf) p.m. Evensong and Sermon. 8.15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. I'M HKIIKAI. M THL MM MIKI'HKRD.
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  • 651 5 Singapore, 31 kt January, 1903. PRODUCE. (Jam bier buyers f 15.15 Copra Bali do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black Im/ers 85.00 do White, (8%) buyers 59.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 4-60 do Brunei No. 1 4.35 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.50 Coffee, Palembane, 20% basis.- 32.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Jayne's Expectorant has become famous under this name because ot the cures everywhere following its use. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole AgenU for the^St raiu Settlements.
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    • 138 5 A Monster Devil Fish. Destroying it- victim is a type of Rheumatism. To be overpowered by this terrible disease, crippled, helplesß, bedridden, is to-day the fate of hundreds of sufferers. For but few diseases are so many nernetlies recommended as for Rheumatism, but among them none is so efficient hs
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    • 120 5 WELLINGTON BCHOOL, AYR, SCOTLAND. A High Class School for Girls. 1)RI NCI PALS— Miss Cay and Miss Smith, assisted by efficient English and foreign governesses. Thorough modern education public examinations prepared for. Bracing sea air; h<>al'hy situation, large school building rymnasium, cycling, tennis, croquet, hockey. Great successes in music examinations.
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    • 536 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit Cheong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YKAR.S LEASEHOLD GAMBIER AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 725 Acrw. TO BE HKLD AT POWKLL CO.'S BALK-ROOM On Wednesday, 25th Felnriiary 1903, at 2.30 p.m. District. Area. Chop. ChoaCbu Kang 122
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 76 5 OAY BY DAY. Saturday, 31st January. High Water. 0.4 a.m. 11.4tt a.m. Singapore GoU Club, tup Play. Kioiu'<i|>e Hill Street 9. Sunday, Ist February. High Water. n.:v.» a.m. 11. IS p.m. Swimming Chili. LaHiiclie*. I" ami 11. 4tii After Epiphany. M.M. homeward mail due. Monday, 2nd February. High Water. 1.3
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 274 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERKINS 1 j WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v «y Special Wappant^^HSJ^ His Majestg Parvegars to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. UNTOUCHED BY HAND. MpMS V* FOOD For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared Is similar to Breast Milk. Illll>H FOOD WOKKB, PKCKHA.It. LONDON, ENGLAND. [OAWSON'S SOOTS FOR ALL CLASSES.
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    • 199 6 81. ANDKISW'H HOUS-E. A CH U RCH of England Board ing House J\_ for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. m. s. v c. The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER
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    • 429 6 NOTICES. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. This treatment at once stops falling: hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
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    • 640 6 BANKS. HoNi.KO.Nt. AND BHANGHA BAKKINU t ORPOR.VTION. ITAID-UP CAPITAL S'.O.UjO :kk BKBEKVE HJN'i).f ilver Reserve....! 4,7fi0,000 KEKEKVE LIABILITY OF i.r m DmoTOM, Hon. K. Siikww, -CUAOOUM. .1 Katmowo, fa^-Onn Chaobuui. Hon. C. W. DICKSdN I 11. .VHUHAKT, E»q. f B. iionTZ, E»q. N. A. sikii^. laa Ii.II. Mkuhukst, Esq. Balloch,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 711 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. THK St« n d*rJ I if" Annnnw. Norwich Onion Kire lnnnmiic* Society. I tl»» A> uranon Company (Fin). The K<iuit«ble Lif« Aajtorancfl :he L'hina Mutual Stoun Navigation Company tii.nham Lager Beer Company. r'or iMrtioalan of tKvxe Companies, see the mil ftdvortißement of THK HOKNKO COMv PANT.
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    • 839 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I'naer 1 1 hum t with the Netberlacds India Government. 7ii* of Sintajore tmr AgTSCY, LAIB J. I'AISLILS A Co., 8-8, CoIXYBB (JUAT. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Fxpected Will be Itaspatched for:— On Km Sambas .lan 30 Pemsngkat, Sambas, Bingkawane, and
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    • 562 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Maritime* De Franoe. Tblsobaphic Addbbm: Mbssagbbibb, SIHQAPOBI. The Ttail steamers will leave Singapore an or aoout t'i« unrferrrmntioned dates. "1 IMhU. HOMBWABD. Dates. Dates. IWXS 1903 4/niani Feb. 2 Caledonien Feb. 1 E. Simont Feb. 15 j Salatif Feb. 16 lndus Mar. I Oceanien Mar 1 Tonkin
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    • 621 7 i STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Ideutscher Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. A.MEKK OF THE COAST FI.EBT. Tojcb Reg. Tons Reg. t 2478 Koh*\r.hang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Petchaburi 2181 f'aknam 200 1 Pitsanulok 2019 7 anp /in 1999 Rajabwri 1904 Bangkok 1920 Cfcoi* Tat 1777 Kontf iflOO Wong JCoi 1777 S'injora 1764 Keong Wai
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    • 564 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N V V JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN BCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 430 7 INSURANCE CO.'S IPHE PHdVII ASSUBANvJB X COMPANY OF LONDON. (KtTAl LIRH ID A. D 1782.) The tmdanigned, Aifimtt for the abor* C<mI panj, u* prepared U. accept Firo ".ink* itttl I current rates ill Sintrnpore, and also in Johot* and the other Statn. in the Malay Peni o»nla. STP'KN Co
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    • 1433 8 Unoer thin heading the following abbre stations am used str. steamer sh.— •hip; bq. barque; sch.— schooner; Yet. Ifapht; Cm -Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Toi Torpodo' H.p. Horse-pqwer: Brit. Bri ttth; U. X— United States; Feh.— French G«r.— German Dut— Dn ton Joh.— Johore B.C.— General -cargo; d.
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    • 672 8 Ham*., port, probable Hate of arrival, and name ol agent*. BTIAMIKS. Achilles, Liverpool. Fen 10: Mansfield. Aliiom. Bombiy, Feb "JO; Borneo Coy. Amliria, Hongkong, Fe>> 10; Behn Meyer. Athlhlusih. H;iml.unj. Feb 8; Behn Meyer. Annara, Colombo, Feb a M. Maritime*. Australioii, Fremantle. Feb 16; Boustead. Bayern. Hamburg, Apl
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    • 81 8 For Per iteamer Time. Mobday. Labuan and Manila Singora 11 a.m. Malacca and Lioggi Helene. 1 p.m. Beugkalis and Bagan Sri Trinrjijanu 8 p.m. I*. Swet'ham via ports Pnh Ann S p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe S p.m. Tuhoay. Macassar via ports Tereia 3p m. P. Swet'ham via
      81 words
    • 165 8 From Europe Ry the M.'M. ss. Amm m due on Monday, with dates to the 9th Feb. From China— By the M.M. s.s. Caledonien due on Sunday. From Batavia— Ry steamer to meet the M. M. mail. From Madras— By the s.s. Zaidn due on Srd February.
      165 words
    • 286 8 VtSHKI 8 RAM IOH CAPTAIIi FBOS. BAILED COSBIOBMB. a Rio Jan £*E r L Ctal str. 2718 BeUito 3ombay Jan 17 Behn Meyer ACo U Bnt Btr 4 Tad d Langkat Jan Katz Brothers Ltd •M Ruby str. 149 Smith Palem Lang Jan 27 Wee Bin and Co. •A>
      286 words
    • 197 8 lATI. 'ammb AMI. Flao 4 Rig. TOKB. Dmtisatds Jan Fel» Jan Fel. Jan Fel» Jan Fel> Jan Fel. Jan Fel. Jan Feb 28 Petrarch* Ger str 29 RabelMmrg g tr Siakt Dut str. 31 Bingo Maru Jap str. 8 Anaam Fch str. 81 Caleiionien str. 2 La Sevnf gtr.
      197 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 MUSICAL LESSONS. MR. Carl Mublberger is prepared to give lessons in violin and violincello or in any other stringed instruments. For further particulars apply at the Union Hotel. m.f.w. IM Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra Brickworks Co.. Ltd. is prepared to book orders for Common Bricks at
      135 words
    • 92 8 LAST FEW DAYS! LAST FEW DAYS /^T LAST FEW DAYS jfcj& FINAL JX A BARGAINS. Jr f f Ct^^f xs Imperative DRASTIC f jQ^ JF Jr 4f i Jr that our Stock REDUCTIONS jf f X Ar*JP k e Reduced in Value y/^^S^ X DURING THE 7\V/ NEXT FEW DAYS.
      92 words
    • 212 8 (BARK AND IRON WINE) It is pleuant to the palate— lt Uet-p- tin- >vhWiii toned up— lt nmke» the I^hMm |M-rf.vt wd !be apatite keen— Buil.U an.l iiniM-1.- -Invigorates tin- nerve* an.l re K enrrates t l,. 1,1,,.,,, u«m»»LLED ionic ro« lavauos »«o comvalescehts. SOLE AGENTS, Jkff EIIDICJ-A.IL. Singapore
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 89 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital Sink Jauu-trii»«.m. if p.m. Hp.m. Kar >» »i 7 ».8M it* 900 Temp 84 6 76.0 T«.'.» WB'lbTher 77.S 75.0 7fi.O DirofWind s n.b. Calm. Calm Max. Temp BR.O Mm 75.2 Sun Terr, rad 78.0 Rainfall ISTia The standard time ball at Fort
      89 words