The Straits Times, 27 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 04 1 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 758 1 NOTICES. ®he £tnut3 ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVKKTISKMKNTS. THE type uxed us ii i-taiulanl for getting advertisi'im-nt- l- Miniliu to thils unlexn the instruction i> to "ilisplay" tlie>ement, Inn miy Hlc< tiw M\ oj type, used in the aaaer, wul adopted. The Ktunilunl run exactly <-ii:l>t line*
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    • 691 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. riiE NDERS will I* received at the ColoI nial Secretary's Office up to noon of the Slot January for the following works 1. Supply of fire-extinguishing apparat us for General Hospital. '2. Supply and delivery bet ween 6tb and 7th mile Yeo Chu Kaag Road of 186
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    • 352 1 NOTICES. NOTICK. VOLUNTEER CAMP CATERING. TIENDERS are invited for the Volunteer 1 Camp Catering from the 28th Jan 19(iS to and Feb 1903. Tenders should be aubmitted to the undersigned from whom particulars of requirements can be obtained. The Commandant 8. V. C. does not bind himself to accept the
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    • 241 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.* KATZ BROTHERS LTD. Now On. /S& Further > da /£>/ Two I Reductions "v^/ /<&/ Days Only p/^K^P/ Tuesday 27th Q*y Wednesday 28th KATZ BROTHERS LTD. HORSES HORSES HORSES GOBS AND PONIES Ex s.s. Itinda. H ABKAMS I as just landed .*>9 Horses, Cobs and Poti.^s, including a
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    • 633 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND GALA PIBPORMAHCI. TO-NIGHT. TO-NI9BT Tuffiin tltk Jmmmrf, ISM THE INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore Will Play for the first time The Popular and Laughable Drama DUDAR SANI DUDAR SANI. Fascinating Talismanic Laughable Good for All Young and Old. The following well-known actresses will take part:— Misses
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  • 748 2 Important Changes. As First Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl of Selborne has issued a .nemo randum indicating the changes which are proposed in the entry, training, and employment of officers and men of the Fleet. It is a document of extreme importance, for it contains
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  • 119 2 The stations from which through fares can be booked via Siberian will for the present be London and Liverpool in England Paris, Amiens. St. Quentin, Boulogne, Calais, Dunkirk, Lillie, Lfl Havre, Cherbourg, Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux, and Nantes, in France Brussels, Liege, and Ostend, in Belgium; Amsterdam, The
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  • 560 2 Thk centre of the pearl shelling industry in Queensland is at Thursday Island, on the extreme north-east of the State there are about 360 boats engaged in the fisheries, and 2,000 men, Japanese, Javanese, Kanakas from the South Sea Islands, Chinese, Australian aborigines, and Malays form
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  • 408 2 Cokkee, like other things is not always grown where the advertisements say, writes the New York Tribune." When the grocer is asked for a pound of Java or Mocha cofl'ee he pours out several hundred dark brown beans which probably never raw the other side of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 570 2 NOTICES. THAT WHICiTIt 7 HAS DONE IT CAM DO AAAIHI I ST. JACOBS OIL |^to RHEUMATISM. TfttSCW. Neuralgia, Backache, f 15jty2^ Sciatica, Spraina, V Bruises, Headache, Bom Throat. A frw nine* finmounreil Incurable, a hiil, si. JACOBS OIL ha» ciirett promptly nii<( iirrmanently 3 I Rheumatism, Chronic 40 yeart. cured.
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    • 366 2 NOTICES. CROSSLBY'S OIL ENBINES. UBUAL SIZES ALVAyS IN STOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALE RAILWAY CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying JOOSL.IT2 TO THEIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. ftne application of Jodelite readers woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot. or
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    • 402 2 NOTICES, GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION-MKTAL. C9t The best for all classes of Machinery bearings. Full particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore. 3COTPS OF PUItE CODUVER OIL V.'itb Hypophosphites of Lime Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. 1 t,.- n.,lv pNfMtiM "f I 01) I ITU OH. .',(,1 <-'U'- i r« IxmliMt. >» >
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  • 2041 3 The following is the General Manager's Report to January 10th, 1903 I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work prepared by the Mine Manager, show a total of 502 ft. for the period (4 weeks)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 THEY WILL REMAIN. The bump of reverence is overshadowed by the bump of intelligence in the 20th century man and woman. Old things are not preserved simply because they are old. Whatsoever is no longer useful must get out of the way. Nevertheless, progress thatris not intelligent will not l>e
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    • 722 3 NOTIwES. A rcnrlecttml draughtsman wanted. A Apply to A., c/o Strait* Time*, enclosing copies of recent testimonials. 6-3 WANTED. Chinese clerk for general office work i t j pewriter most be used to Yost r machine. Apply to 87-1 BHEAGER BROS. WANTED. AN experienced European Foreman Moulder to take charge
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    • 562 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS OFTHI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.v. Straits Settlements. T?<JR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed _T frtsh, at the Crown Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. n-c. FOR SALE. COUPE, pair of horses and harness, complete,
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    • 596 3 SHIPPINQ "OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. FOR BROOME, PORT HEDLAND COSSACK, ABHBURTON, CARNARVON OERALDTON, 4 FREMANTLE. THE Company* steamer SAI.ADIN. 1.874 too*, register, Captain Bell, i* intended to sail for the above ports on Tuesday, the 27th inst. For freight or passage apply to W. MANSFIELD* CO., 27-1 Agents O
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  • 25 4 I'AKK- At Nail Ituildin^'x Renfrew, on the i'Sth [>••■ hi Kit. Koukkt l'\KK, Engineer liite.if the Singapore Ice Company and Uoyd Kejtixter of Shippiii)!.
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  • 1877 4 Some months have elapsed since the appearance of the first of a series of Studies from the Institute of Medical Research "at Kuala Lumpur, testified to the fact that a great scientific work was being carried on in the Native States.
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  • 33 4 On Thursday and Friday next, the first two days of the Chinese New Year, there will be no issue of the Struitt Timet. The paper will be issued as usual on Saturday next.
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  • 15 4 On pages i and 3 will be found reading matter, including the Raub Mining Report
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  • 8 4 To- day's 4 m bank rate is 1/7^
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  • 8 4 The homeward mail closes at 4 p.m to-morrow.
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  • 8 4 The IStraiU Biulget will be published to-morrow morning
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed un page 8.
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  • 25 4 A lakgk number of counterfeit silver coins are in circulation in Japan, some of them being said to be better minted than the genuine ones.
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  • 23 4 Bangkok papers (except the tiimm Uhserver, complain somewhat bitterly about the sanitary condition of that town. And yet this is their cool season."
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  • 24 4 Mr. Hugh Clifford contributes to Blaekuood for the current month, an article beaded The truest of the Golden Fleece a Romance of the Outskirts."
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  • 24 4 A ten feet long specimen of the hamadryad- the biggest and most venomous of poisonous snakes- was lately captured at Telaga in Province Wellesley
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  • 28 4 Now that the sugar bounties are to be done away with, cane growing in Province Wellesley is looking-up. Prices have risen with every prospect of a further rise.
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  • 60 4 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was called for yesterday afternoon "to consider loan proposals for 19CM but as there was no quorum the meeting was postponed. It is alleged that 1,000 Siamese troops are assembled in Xien Khan, (Chiengkan), near the neutral zone," where famine is said to
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  • 32 4 The Russian and Turkish Consuls, in their respective official dresses, visited the Grand Duke Cyril on board the Russian warship Admiral Sachimoff, tbis morning, and upon leaving were accorded the usual salutes.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 83 4 The Allies and Mr. Bow en I/ondon, 26th January. Mr. Bowen has announced that he has good reason to believe that the Venezuela dispute will soon be settled satisfactorily. The allies have handed Mr. Bowen declarations promising to cease the blockade as soon as an agreement has
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    • 69 4 Delarey addressed a crowd at Yen tersdorp in Dutch, and said that Mr Chamberlain was the man to set things right Delarey then urged the Boers to be loyal to the new Government. Eleven prominent Boer irreconcilables who had sworn never to take the hand of
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    • 120 4 Owing to the spread of the plague at Durban, the native servants and labourers are leaving the town in thousands AUSTRALIA IS A SPORTING NATION. It may safely be conceded that Australia is the greatest sporting nation of the world. There are few branches of sport in
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    • 76 4 In the notice of the Convent Orphinage Fund published yesterday, we accidentally omitted from the list of the Committee, the name of the gentleman to whose good offices the existence nf that Committee is mainly due-Mr W. U. St Clair. Mr W 11. Fri/ell has kindly
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    • 85 4 Lai x< HEB will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday at 10 and 1 1 a.m. After the arrival of the first launch there will be a pick-up game of water polo. A launch will also run to the Club on Saturday, leaving the Pier
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    • 41 4 A mkmber of t tie club has kindly presented a cup to be played for on Friday and Saturday next, two rounds of the links on either day, or one round on Mteb, medal |>lay under January handicap.
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  • 22 4 I.' uh.ks School lose." another teacher in the person ol Mr. Macrae, who goes home in course ot the next few days.
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  • 44 4 Ar the Police Court this morning Chiet Sanitary Inspector Maylu-w pro •Mated a large number of Chinese and others for five-foot way obstruction in lioat. '.Juay, Ophir Kuad. and Kochore K' Nearly all tin: men pleaded guilty. Kinot van inllicted in all the oases.
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  • 51 4 The Rritish North Borneo Co. has issued a full report of the dinner held in London on Dec. Ist last. It is an interesting souvenir of the event, and, in addition to full reports of the speeches, contains some excellent views in North Borneo, more especially on the .lesselton- Beaufort
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  • 70 4 A Cmm tell overboard lrom the Ki'OHtjrkoif on his way to Canton. He I for help, but no hel[> came in ansuiM to his calls, and for forty-live minutes lie swam about, kicking his heels for dear lite. At last he was picked up about twenty miles from Hongkong by
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  • 95 4 Tamil is a good old story told of a certain gentleman, a member of the local volunteer corps who intimated Imb intention to resign it he did'nt get a stripe Upon the officer jommanding getting the new* he addressed the miscreant thus You see that man o'-war out there. Well,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1M4.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (fPrice Isist on Jlpplication.) lu tb WANTKD FOR KRITUB NORTH BORNEO. rpwil Rhlnesa clerks able to write well and with a knowledge of books and •ccoaotx Sure'y required. Apply in own h.vvlwi ti -laiinn
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    • 549 4 NOTICE. FK \SKK NEAVRS'S Aerat«d Water Department will be closed on Thursday and Friday. THE TANJONG FAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE. CHINESE NEW YEAR NOTICE is hereby given that, all labour will be suspended during Thursday, l'HHi January. 1908. throughout the Works, Wharves, and Oodowos of The Tanjong Pagar Dock
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    • 108 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 6 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on v^ ee d* Ti 8 a.m. -5 p.m. ItXM on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's
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  • 257 5 Th 18 being the forty-fourth birthday of H M. the Emperor William 11, King of Prussia, it was celebrated with all the eclat due to such an auspicious occasion. The Cerman vessels in port ill "dressed *ship and though, owing to tlie absence of any Herman
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  • 321 5 At Bombay, Mr. Barrett, the St. Louis World's F.iir CoaUßtM&OttW, was interviewed. In response to an enquiry ibont his declination of the Japanese mission, and the alleged opposition of Japan to his appointment as U. S representative at Tokyo, Mr. Barrett -aid Although 1 appreciated
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  • 87 5 We are g|ad to be able to state that i cablegram was received from London this morning announcing that Mr. A !S. Murray was very much better." Ab vvas published yesterday, Mr. Murray was found on New Year's eve, lying on the Klectric
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  • 136 5 Bikhi.arb have apparently com.uenced operations for the Chinese New Year, as is their wont Jin Singapore ;it this time of the year. Last night Mr Newmarch's residence at Mount Elizabeth was untered by some of the burglitig fraternity, and a cash box containing liiuut worth of sovereigns
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  • 48 5 A HiVAS telegram of the 16th says that the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which had been appointed to examine the Franco-Siamese Treaty before the discussion took place in Parliament, asked M. Uelcasse for all the correspondence relating thereto which has taken place between Bangkok and l'aris.
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  • 259 5 Vesterdav afternoon, at Bt. Andrew's Cathedral, Mr. J. Brown (of the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur) was married to Miss Williamina A. H. Stratton, daughter of Capt. Stratton of the /-I. Poh Guan, and as both bride and bridegroom have a great number of friends in Singapore the ceremony
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  • 218 5 This morning a representative of the Slraitf Timet paid a brief visit to the site of the forthcoming Volunteer Camp at Plantation House, to the left-hand xide ot the road, just beyond the Keppel Harbour Dock. Tents were put up and a bevy of coolies were at
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  • 237 5 Kuala Lipis, Jan. -2nd. Another murder is reported from the Raub district, this time a few miles from Tras. The Assistant Commissioner of Police has proceeded to investigate. Robert Lewis was brought to Raub the other day from the Kuala Lumpur gaol to stand his trial for the
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  • 42 5 Mr. Cheah Tek Thye, a member of the i'enang Municipal Commission, has presented the Turf Club of that town with v two faced turret clock, having dials three feet in diameter. The clock will be placed in a tower on the course.
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  • 46 5 The Crown Prince of Siam arrived at Hongkong on the 19th instant from Japan on his way to Bangkok. He he lias tasted of the bitter-sweets of American lionising, and at Portland, Oregon, he committed the mortal offence of refusing to be entertained by the mayor.
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  • 59 5 They have been having an interesting journalistic battle in Yokohama, one paper seeking to travesty the style of another. But thin is no new thing so far as Voko is concerned, having been done in the early 70s. To those who ktoow the place and people it is interesting enough
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  • 201 5 Trb Saturday evening Criterion dinner at Raffles Hotel was the most successful entertainment of its kind ever (riven at that hostelry especially ao when, it is remembered that the occasion itself was only an ordinary Saturday evening, and the holiday time was just past. The attendance was representative
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  • 44 5 It is notified that the Xorddeutscher Lloyd steamers Konig Albert and Vrinmm Irene from March next will be transferred from the China to the Mediterranean service from New York to Gibraltar, Naples, and Genoa. The Konig Alljert sails from New York on March 2*th.
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  • 81 5 In re the trial of Natbu for the alleged murder of a woman at Pachim last July, and who was convicted by a Bangkok Consular Court, released on appealed to the Court here, and again re-arrested on a charge of murdering somebody else, the DanghoL Timm remarks that his case
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  • 97 5 A black record is published in a recent number of the Hongkong Omktmmei't Gazette. It deals with crime in Hongkong. During 1902,74 persons were convicted in the Superior Courts as against M in 1901, 79 in 1900 and 77 in 1899. The number of persons acquitted during those periods was
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  • 93 5 The National Board of Trade at New York has passed a resolution in wbich it endorses an application by Philippine merchants for the admission of Chinese labourers to the island. The board proposes certain restrictions whereby the United States shall be protected against the Chinese reaching that country by way
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  • 198 5 The second ordinary general meeting of the Chindras Gold Mines Ltd., was held in London in December, Mr. R. Wbieldon Barrett, chairman of the Company, presiding. The chairman pointed out that the Company was formed in Ap<"l 1901, and Mr. Waylen was sent to Malaya to carry
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  • 411 5 P. O. Feb. 6th.— Per (7ik««w For London Mr. <;. Collm. Feb. -JKth. Coioinaiultl for London, Mr AW. Bailey. Rak -J6. Per Ceylon For Uindon— Mrs. A. Barker. Mr«. and Miss Allinsmn. From Penang for London Mr. and Mrs. Hallifa.x anil J children, Mrs. I'ettc. Miss Neubronner.
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  • 656 5 SIMOAFOBI, 37TH .IANCART, IMB. PRODUCE. Gambler f 15.16 Copra Bali 9.85 do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black 35.00 do White, (8%) bnyen 59.80 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.60 do Brunei No. 1 4.85 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% banii 28.00 Coffee, Palemband, 2<r% ba«U 82.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 21.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 PENANQ RACE ENTRIES. The following are the entries for the Penang Races, which commence on February 3rd First Day. The Maidkn Plate.— Shararogue, Star li>.'hi, Kairv Gold, Empreza. Gko«ukTownCup.— Cbestnat Stew, Ly-Mit*. Yanak, Blueskin. ClubHa.VDICAP.— Architect.Sandy, Gallant, Sweet Erina, Redclirl'e, Battenberg, Banjo. Merchants' Cup.— Kitty $2UM, Zoroa»ter ■Ma, Spotless $*«>,
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    • 165 5 A Reason for It. There is only one cure for Rheumatism that has reached a worldwide popularity and reputation Thire an- many remedies sold for the relief and i-ure 01' Rheumatism, but there is only MM cure that can be considered ac having a uniwaal reputation, without a rival, and
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    • 107 5 Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. is prepared to book orders for Common Bricks at SI SO per laksa. Firelirioks, Firerlay, An-li MWeb, Boiler neating", ami r'lue cover* always in stock at the following price*. PirttrieliH 3M prr tliousand Firefby |»r tw Arrk Firtbrirkk |R
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    • 506 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit Checmg, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AM) 999 VKARS LEASEHOLD GAMBIER AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS COVERING AN AUEA OF 725 A. re?. TO BE HELD AT POWELL CO.'s SALE-ROOM. On Wednesday, 25th Frlmiary 190.5, at MS p.m. District. Area. Chop. ChoaChuKan« UK
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 156 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 27th January. Ihjrh Water. 1".45 p.m. siirnallinjt B.V.A. ami S.V.K. 3.13 Malay Theatre. North KriU>:e Koa.t. 9. Wednesday, aBth January. High Water. »..'>9 a.m. 11.13 |..m. New Mi«.n. 1 1.34 p.m. Munki|i:i' NiMiiiniUions timm. Hasdriei Sal*. Bawaa Fat-hang. It. I. mail rinse?-. 4. B.V.C. <
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 NOTICES NO MORE WHITEWASH. It cokls less to keep a building in srood appearance with LYTHITE. Lythite is a tine powder having many of the characteristics ot the best cement mixed with cold water, it makes a paint that flows as freely as varnish and wll dry and set hard
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    • 324 6 NOTICES. THE HEWFRENCHREMEDY TRADE^B?j|Sf^jSTSI?W MARK Th>i kucresfful and hiirhly popular rrraedy, uled in tb*" I rmttnrnul Hoipiul. by Ru ord, KutUn, Jobcrt. Vrlprau and othen. enmbinn all the dnideraU to br wight in miilif mr nf the kind, and surpasses everything nithertu THERAPION Noi thorttitiiK.ultfnaU'wdaytonly.rrmuvcsAlldtM-harKi'id'rorn thr urinarvortfAni,^crtua)ly superseding. njrtt,i)n« th,u*«of
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    • 330 6 NOTICES. .J^OLD YOUNG^ jjL, vigour tad buoyancy o< health arc .ecured oy th« tioiriy regular use of Mother Seigel's Curative Syrrp a natural I^^k M tonic aod blood purifier compounded of fruits, roots and herbs. \fl^ It tones the liver, regulates the bowels, promotes the thorough VHF d.g.-^tion of food
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    • 639 6 BANKS. TJONOKONG AND SHANGHAI XX BAHKIHU CORPORATION. I^SfJVS&t WOO 3 Sterling Raserre.* 10,000,000) m,,- Knnt J Silver Reserve....! 4,760,000/ u .-50,000| RBBBBVE LIABILITY OF -„«l lnft -J PEOPRIKTORB J ..$10,000.00^ Court ok Dbhwhl Hon. R. BHKWAX,— Chairman. A. .1. Kaimoxd, K»i|.— Dkpl-tv Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson H. Schcbaet, Esq.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 725 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrUIE Stmdari Life Assuraaoa. 1 X Norwich Union Fire Inaunnw Society. AtU* Aeturanoe Company (Fire). l The Equitable Life Aararaaoa Society. The China Mntual Steam Navigation Company > i I'ottenham Lager Beer Company. I /or particulars of tLme Companies, see ths advertisement of THE BORNEO COMi'ANY,
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    • 809 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Konlnklljk© Pnketva«i*t. MaatACb4Qpij, Under contract with the Netherlaads India Go^artuaen. s pi ntt at Singapore: Ship Aaijrcr, lat» J. Dabhdilb A Co., 2-3, Colltib Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expaetad Will U l^.pinched Oa Maha Vajirunhi* Padang Tan 96 Penang, Olebleh, Poeloe Raja, Analaboe.Tapatopan,
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    • 608 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Maritime* De France. TILMRAPHIC ADDRMB: MBMAGRRIBB, 81HGAPORB. I l'be mail it earner* will leave Singapore on or aooat the undermentioned date*.— '11-TWABD. HOMIWARI). Date*. Date*. 1903 1803 Annum Feb. 2 CnUdonien Feb. 1 K. Simon* Feb. 15 SaUuie Feb. 16 mdut Mar. 2 Owameti Mar 1 Tonkin
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    • 618 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Sorddentsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, iSfl BTEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Keg. Tons Bee. SUUin 2473 Knhnchang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Prtchaburi 2191 Paknam -Jixu PM«auu4o* 2019 Tang tin 1999 Rajaiwri 1904 Banpto* IHiO Chow Tai 1777 Soro* 19M Wong Koi 1777 ttnpora 17-14 Keong Wai 1777 NwnTwui
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    • 524 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N, Y. JAPAX MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. JTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for> the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation or
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    • 304 7 INSURANCE CO.'S fiHB QUEEN INSURANCE OOMPAHI 1 VOW M«BOID IB THI ROi AL INSURAMOF. COMPANY. I Home Office* QtTMB iRBDBAItCI BUILIUHGB, L.IVIBFOOI The undersigned, Agents for the abov* Company, are prepared to take risks v current rate*. HOOGLANDT Co OUN INSURANCE OFFrCE, LONOOH HTABLIfIHBD 1710. Iniarancet effected npon almost every
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    • 1316 8 Under thin heading the following abbreviation- are used >— str. steamer sh.— •hip; bq.— barque; fob. schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cru. -Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor —Torpedo. H.p. —Horse-power; Brit. Bri IUh; U. s -United Stato*; Fch.— French 8er.— German; Dut.— Dutch; Jon.— Johore 64.— General-cargo; d. p. —deck
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    • 627 8 Ramr, port, probable date of arrival and name oj agent: HTBAMIRB. Alboin, Bombay, Feb 20; Borneo Coy. Ambria, Hongkong, Feb 10; Bebn Meyer. Andalusia, Hongkong, Feb 8 Behn Meyer. Annam, Colombo, Feb 2 M. Maritime*. Australind, Frenvmtle, Feb 16: Boustead. Bamberg, Europe, Jan 31 Behn Meyer. Bayern. Hamburg,
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    • 116 8 For Ptr iteamrr Time. To-Morbow. New^fork Mogul 11a.m. Billiton A Pontiana* Samba* Noon. Manila Antonio Lopez 2 p.m. Penang Hong Moh p.m. Fulo Laut and Cotie Giang Ann 3p m. T<>luk Anxon via ports Malacca 3 p.m. Tenant and Deli Calypto 3 p.m. Bombay via ports Zaman'a 4
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    • 172 8 From Europe—Ry the N.D.L. 88. Preu»m a due on the 3Ut January, with Hates to the 6th January, rthe brings replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 7th Dec. From China—By the M.M. is. Cnleiionien due on Sunday. From Batavia—By steamer to meet the M.
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    • 218 8 rLi. 5 v'BMKI 8 NiMk 4 low C*vr»in From SiIL«I) CONStOHEM. a Km Fan 23 Matliilde Am l>q. 431 Madder*; fcUMf Jan 3 28 Van Dietnen Out str 76»> Arnold Bataviu Jan 241Daendels and Co. 26 Zaida Brit str. 2905 drier Penanjt lan 24 Boustead and Co. 26 Singora
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    • 177 8 ATI. *****/8 NAMB. FLAO 4 RlO. TONS. DBBTIMATIOH. AMB. i.An .ill an ->7 Laert.-s Brit str. 1340 Penang 26 Sultan 9tr 10:2 Muar 2« I'unduii gtr. fftt Penang, Rangoon and Calcutt 27 Ismailat sir. .--I Bombay via Rangoon 26 Hong Bee Btr JO.W Penang 27 Emile Out str. H>
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 67 8 MACNIVEN GAMEBONS PENS. They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen." THE WAVERLEV PEN. S*ld by all Stations throughout thr WirM. Every Pen ni >da by Ifaailrm it Came ron, Ltd., 19 «<>niir<ite'v exvnine'l bf experienced hand*, and any found
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    • 541 8 SOME SALE LINES IN GOOD FOOT WEAR .A.T WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW GO'S, STOCK-TAKIJSTG SALE ■J^ GENTS' TAN SHOES Smart looking shoes, pointed toes, strong le.itlu-r J B and rivet sole. All sizes. Price 4.7.V Sale Price $4.35 per pair. L^»| THE Gents' Patent Elastic Sid., Shoes Gents' Tan or Black Side
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPORT. K"ndang Kerbau Honpital MM January (MM 14a.m. 3pm. U p.m.. Remarks. Bar ->«.S>l si -29.787 2H«i3 Mornintt Temp 78 0 81.0 79.*2 o"cast, rain WB'lbTher 77.0 78.2 78.0 at 4 o'clock, DirofWind n.e. Calm. Calm, day cloudy, Max. Temp 84.2 night clear. Mm 73.2 Sun 130.0 Terr,
      94 words