The Straits Times, 26 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,040 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 723 1 NOTICES^ ®k arimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVEKTISKMENTS. THE type lined a* a xtandard for setting advertisement* it Miuilar to tin*, unle»e theiDMrm-lioii i^ ii« ••ili-|'lii> the advertisement, when any effertive style of type, used in the paper, will be adopted. The xtandard rnns exm-tly eight lines to the
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    • 774 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. riiENDERS will be received at the ColoX nial Secretary's Office up to noon of the Slst January for the following works 1. Supply of fire-extinguishing apparatus for General Hospital. •2. Supply and delivery between and 7tb mile Yeo Chu Rang Road of 186 cnbea Of 8'
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    • 231 1 NOTICES. Ma More Ktrnmtt. Sir More NigkU. AND ROYAL BIOSCOPE AT The Foot of Fort Canning V Entirely New Pictures, Most Entertaining, c Lively Gag. a ■2 Fresh and Sweet. v S rol'll.AH PKICKS. v? KINTA TIN MINEB, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. N. Cecil Payne, Incorporated Accountant
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    • 261 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ MOTHERS LTD. Now On. /S& Further /^/Four pa v /^V/Days Only Reductions J /l^X/Saturday 24th y/^Sy Monday 26th %\^s/ Tuesday 27th <Q£f Wednesday 28th KATZ BROTHERS LTD. 17-1 Powell Robinson. Watches Clocks Jewellery A carefully selected' stock •f^m\^ Specialities in XVatedes \J^/ Presentation $oldWate6es Suitably Engraved. "afxXkIMIISS&LL
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    • 551 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE 808 HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS. THE Imperial German mail steamer PRELSSEK, Captain Prehn of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, baring left Colombo on Tuesday, the l!6th instant, at 7 a.m.. may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, the Slst inst., en route for
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  • 1276 2 Some Characteristic Anecdotes. JLndlus stories are told of the laconic gruff ness of the late Archbishop Temple's speech. I'm not a good preacher," a clergyman once said to him, ruefully. I know you're not I've heard you," was the not very consolatory answer. He had been preaching
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  • 311 2 A British Officer's Testimony. The following letter from A British Officer to the Timi-s shows that, with all his faults, there is something good in our Russian rival I some time ago travelled over the Manchunan-Siberian railway. On the journey, while asleep at night, a gold chain and
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  • 280 2 'inK Lmteti lately published in a supplement ut Hi pages the report of it* Special Analytical Commission on brandy. The conclusions of the Commission are based upon a visit to the vineyards of the Charente and upon the results of a number of analyses ot vintage
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 499 2 NOTICES. Yarrows Light Draft Steamers. Particular! from THE BORNEO CO., LTD, ""NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. MRnufactDr«>r» of Dynamite, Gelignite, uelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDB OF Safety Puses. AMD Elwtrie Blasting Apparatus. The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pans the high standard
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    • 411 2 NOTICES, NORWICH UNION FIU INSURANCE BOCIETT OF NORWICH AND LONDON. IITiiLUIH 170 7. fOB FIBK INSURANCE ONLY Ajnoont inanrad 4386,000,000 Umm paid. Jt 11,000,000. Premium inoooM A 908,000. lunnm •Saoted oa almo** »T«ry description property »t current rate* of premium Run fob 10 d«t« am wow tonrrm AT 4 obkt
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  • 859 3 The .\i>r<>,- Vrrmyn »tHte» that Austria nnd Kukkir hnve agreed t<> it deniHnd for reform* in Mm-edimia SaMUag the •■MahltthmMit <>f f!iinm'iiilr<>ntr<>l<>verth<M"lli'.tiMiH.t taxe», usjaianl <>i aMaJaai himl traaaa, hml tin- control ..i tM Oeßdarmarl*, l>> we np|.ointinciit of ibil^'iHH. Duu-h mill s»ih- aSsaas. Tfcejeamal .■.mi-hull- hy naying Turkey
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  • 238 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 O. 8. Ocrana connecting with the steamer litnyal »t Colombo, from London Jan h, due Bth Feb.— Mr*. Wilton, Messrs. F. Kol.inson, nnd P. 1. hillips. Per P. A OOk.. k. 8. Auxtialia from London .lan. ll— Mr. VVorlev. Mr. C. \V.
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  • 283 3 The mysteries of tbe peerage of the British realm are many and deep, says a home paper. Much light is thrown upon this fascinating subject in the new volume of Dod's Peerage," a work which has been known in the parlours of Mayfair for 63 years
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  • 265 3 What is a Residuary Legatee The London correspondent of the Indian Fi- V writes The death of Colonel Harry McCalmont deprives us of a good sportsman and a man of great and deserved popularity. His great wealth lay very lightly on him and nobody was more open
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  • 379 3 P. O. r>l.. mi, IV: '7,..n«./, Kor Lomlon— Mr. G. <;-iiin. Feb. 3"tli.— Ci;i,,.unnl,l for Loiulon, Mr. A. W. Bailey. I-Vl.. I'er I'ty/;,,: Kor London— Mr". A. Barker. Mrs. aiil Mis* AllaaMß. From fir London Mr. and Mrs. Hnllifax and •hiiiircn, Mr-. I'ett*. Miss Xeulironner. Mm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 645 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Slo,ooo.oorj RESERVE FUND.— Sterli ng Reserre.4lo,ooo,ooo M oon Silver Reserve.... S 4,7&0.u00/ 14>iS0> RBBKRVK LIABILITY OF I .IQOMOOO. lQOMOO0 PROPRIETORS 10 0U0 000 Court of Directors. Hon. R. Shew an,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson H.
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    • 674 3 NOTICES: Arrbitectaral draughtsman wanted. Apply to A., c/o Strait* Time*, enclosing copies of recent testimonial*. 6-9 WANTED. A Chinese clerk for general office work t\ a typewriter must be used to Yost iacb ine. Apply to 87-1 BHRAGER BROS. WAftTED. A European Governess to take charge of two little boys
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    • 605 3 NOTICES. Meurt H. L. Coghlat. V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOimD SUB- AGENTS OFTHI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agentr u-c. Straits Settlements. FR BALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed frtsh, at the Crown Dispensary, t*6 Belegie Boad. FOR SALE. COUPE, pair ot horses and harness, complete, in
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    • 645 3 I SI IPPINQ fNDO-CHINA BTBAM NAVIGATION I COMPANY* LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. rpHK Company's steamer KUMSAMi, X 5.236 tons, Captain Buller, having left Calcutta on the 17th it.wt, may be expected to arrive here on or about tbe 26th idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight
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  • 92 4 (rawkoru. At liioh Perak, on the 21st Jan. John Henry, tne dearly beloved rod of .lamks and Doha Crawford, aged 1 year and 8 day*. Safe in the arms of Jemix." McUi.Asii vs. At Bangkok, the wife of D. Mc<iLashan, of I'cili Chin Soo'd Kice Mill. Collins.— ln the
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  • 916 4 So infrequent are the elopements of Crown Princesses especially married Crown Princesses with large families that no etiquette code of etiquette seems to have been provided as a guide to them in the matter of post- elopement deportment. At the same
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  • 632 4 Reutbr's telegram to-day mentions the fact that Mr. Bo wen asks for the withdrawal of the blockade of Caracas, and puts it so that a person unskilled in recent news matters might be excused for imagining that Mr. Bowen, not Senor Castro, is president of the Venezuelan Republic. Though Reuter
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  • 12 4 Reading matter including wire news will be found on pages and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-uavs 4 m bank rate is 1,7
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  • 12 4 No. 38 Co. RG A. is stationed for the present at Plymouth.
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  • 12 4 To-morrow is the 44th birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany.
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  • 27 4 Mk. E. Riley. of the Telegraph service at Taku, has died of virulent small-pox. The homeward mail by the s.s. Zanwnin closes on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 14 4 Mr. I. Peace has been appointed Sheriff of Bangkok under the Ministry of Justice.
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  • 15 4 Military officers are in future to receive free copies of each of the Army Regulations.
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  • 19 4 The Municipality of Colombo has put a tax on bicycles on the ground that the bike is a luxury.
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  • 20 4 Eighteen bags and a few odd parcels of mail fell to the lot of the British warships in port yesterday.
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  • 20 4 The French saling ship Alice arrived from Cardiff with a cargo of coal yesterday. She is anchord in the roads.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page S.
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  • 18 4 Conductor Henry G ayler Messenger, A.0.C., has been promoted assistant commissary of ordnance, with the rank of lieutenant.
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  • 23 4 Mrs. McGlashan, whose decease in Bangkok we to-day record, was the daughter of Mr Ino Campbell, for many years a resident of Singapore.
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  • 27 4 The German mail steamer Preutten having left Colombo on the gob. inst. at 9 a.m. may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning the :ilst inst.
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  • 25 4 Thb I'erak l'iuw-r declares that there is no truth in the rumour of Mr. Rodger, British Resident of Perak, contemplating taking leave during the year.
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  • 28 4 The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday next. On Saturday they will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
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  • 27 4 The Young Men's Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet to night at 8-30. Mr. Arthur Knight will deliver an address on The Doctrine of the Resurrection.
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  • 32 4 The dead body of a Chinese sampan coolie was picked up in the river off KcKerrow's godown yesterday aftenoon. It is thought that he was knocked into the water during a dispute.
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  • 36 4 Miss Clarkk, daughter of the late General Sir Andrew Clarke, who was recently on tour in the Malay Peninsula, has gone on to Australia to pay a visit to Sir George and Lady Clarke, at Melbourne.
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  • 38 4 Nai Rajanati, a Siamese who did lots to remove racial prejudices between Siamese and foreigners in Siam, died on the 18th inst. He was a sportsman and had been educated in England. Little more need be s aid.
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  • 42 4 The retirement of M. de Blowitz from the position of Paris correspondent of the London Times dated from Dec. 31st last, so that he was able to enjoy none of that rest from constant work to which his active career entitled him.
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  • 39 4 In the Town Council of Johannesburg voices have been raised against allowing rikishas any longer to ply there. The idea met with great opposition. Rikishas are largely used there by housewives going to and returning from the morning market.
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  • 43 4 seems rising except the dollar, and the next thing to go up in price will probably be sardines. The usual harvest off the shores of Brittany has failed and great distress is reported to prevail amongst the fishermen there as a result.
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  • 40 4 The Rangoon Municipality are taking measures to resulate the sale of dangerous and poisonous drugs there The general idea is to issue licenses to respectable persons only, maintaining a check on the receipt* and sales of the drugs and poisons.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 28 4 KIN G OF SWEDEN ILL. Ixrndun, 2iith January. Owing to the failing health of th« King of Sweden, the Crown Prince has been temporarily entrusted with th« Regency.
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    • 61 4 The German commodore, telegraphing from Maracaibo, under date the Jlst instant, reports that the cruiser I no tii bombarded and destroyed San Carlos on that day, in consequence of the forts there unexpectedly attacking the cruiser Panther on the 17th instant. Presp telegrams report the bombardment
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    • 77 4 The Chief Justice, in Humming up in the Lynch case, emphasized the fact that the case was not merely a technical breach of the law hut was also one of deliberately assisting the King's enemies. In his opinion there had been too much belittling of the crime of
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    • 15 4 The French Senate has approved ol the Sugar Bounties Convention.
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    • 44 4 LmmIm, .Inn., •liilh. Mr. Chamberlain and his party, trekking from Potchefstroom to Mafeking, have been received cordially by the Dutch at all places en route. General Uelarey welcomed Mr Chamberlain at Ventersdorp. Altogether Mr. Chamberlain appears to impress the Dutch favourably.
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    • 47 4 A temporary deadlock exists concerning Venezuela. Mr. Bowen ask* for the withdrawal of the blockade while the Powers decline to accede to this until they are satisfied that Venezuela's guarantee of settlement is bona tide. Meanwhile the all lir is generating great heat in America.
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  • 227 4 MhMßEksof the Masjapon Swimming Club, and residents at the seaside at Tanjong Rhu and Tanjong Katong generally, will be interested to learn than an alligator was caught in the sea yesterday afternoon, between the Club House and the first bungalow in the direction of the town.
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  • 94 4 Tu-day the flagship Glory, with Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge and the Alacrity left bound for Labuan, Sarawak and Manila. The Glory will then go to Hongkong to re-lit, probably arriving there about Feb. loth. Thence she goes northwards, visiting Petropolovsky and other curious places and will probably
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  • 102 4 THE VOLUNTEER CAMP Orders for S.V.A. Kridav, 311 th .lan i 7 a.m.. Annual |M| tion -.5 Field Cun at morning target IMM Order* for remaining il.iy» will be is-uril in Camp. S.V.R. and S.V.I. Thursday. --'Hili .lan 7 a.m. SkirniUhin^ Practice. 4 p.m. attack and ilefem-e of a convoy.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Are You Living Out of Singapore? You have plenty of extra charges to meet on account of Freight, Rail, etc. You want your Groceries and Provisions at Bedrock. Send to The Australian Stores The Premier Cash Provision Merchants 1, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Saint Raphael Wine Is prescribed in
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    • 437 4 NOTICE. From Saturday, January 24th. 1903. Mr. E. Wallace ceases to be employed by my firm as a Working Watchmaker and Jeweller. Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery will be discontinued until further notice. Mr. E. Wallace will enter my firm from February Ist, 1903, as a General Assistant and
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    • 145 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPBf Gresham Honse (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Week d»y» pn»- on Sundays. Ba.m.—noon.8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly sapplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, VV ratten- Wrainwright's Ilford and German dry
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  • 399 5 BREAKDOWN OF THE "ZA IDA." Arethusa Takes the Mails. Tub following are some parti•ulars of the breakdown of the /aida which left Penang on the 16th inst for Madras with the mails for Europe. The Aauia had arrived off Pulo Weh about f o'clock on Saturday evening (Jan. 17th), and
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  • 168 5 It will deeply grieve the many friends of Mr. A. 8. .Murray, formerly of Singapore, to learn that he has met with a serious acident in London. Mr. Murray was found on New Year's Eve lying on the Electric Railway, with a fractured skull.
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  • 195 5 A mi 1. 1 >kk occurred at a house in Smith Street on Saturday night. About 8 o'clock a Macao named Lam Lio Li had a dispute with a girl living in the house tint rubhed some corrosive substance in her face. He then suddenly drew
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  • 146 5 SINGAPORE SWIMMIN G CLUB. TjiosK.who go down to the sea to bathe and thereby show that cleanliness is as next to godliness as Monday is to Sunday had a pretty good time of it yesterday, despite the squally efforts of Jupiter IMi iv ins, who tried to put a damper
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  • 213 5 The damage done to the Orphan'* Dormitory in the Convent by the late rains has been mentioned before. The entire roof is condemned and the little proteges of the good sisters are without a place to sleep in. A fund is about to be started for
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  • 278 5 Refekkino in a summary of the year 1902 to the Federated Malay States, the London and China Express" says:— There is no danger of the prosress of the Malay States being overlooked so loug as-so able an administrator as Sir Frank Swettenham remains as High Commissioner, and
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  • 205 5 AN ALARMIN G WATERSPOUT. The following interesting narrative of .1 recent waterspout in Sandakan Bay and its disastrous results within the precincts of the Saw Mills is given by the British North Borneo Herald of the 3rd inst During a heavy downpour of rain at 4.30 p.m. on the 16th
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  • 155 5 Mk .1. T. Richardson to be D. Kinabatangan. Mr. B. J. Perkins to be acting director of Public Works. Mr. F. W. Fraser to be D. O. Province Clarke. Mr. G. H. Malcolm to be D. O., Hundom, to remain temporarily in charge of Beaufort. Mr.
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  • 96 5 P. O. PASSENGERS. Thr following passengers arrived per sk. Malta on Sunday. From LondonMiss Hose, Mr. H. D. Ellin, Mr. H. C. Brooke-Johnson, Mrs. Ellis. From Colombo— Mr. S. Hornkin, Mr. W. J. Wigglesworth, Mr. R. R. Martin. From Marseilles— Mr. W. A. Barrett. From Sydney Lieut. A. D. Reid
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  • 27 5 Mr. I McCarthy, formerly head of the Survey Department in Siam, has proceeded on a survey mission to Siberia. Mrs. McCarthy remains in England during his absence.
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  • 33 5 Capt. W. W. Cooke of the British steamer TienUin reports having spoken the German sailing ship Etha llinhmerts on Saturday morning bound from Cardiff to Singapore. She wished to be reported all well.
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  • 32 5 The marriage of Mr. J. Brown, of the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur, with Miss Stratton, headmistress of the St. George's Girls' School, Penang, takes place it St. Andrew's Cathedral this afternoon.
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  • 50 5 Wk understand that Mr. Marshall, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, goes to join the staff of the Guarantee Trust Co of New York, at Manila and tbat Mr. Padday.of the Chartered Bank, goes to take charge of the Madras brauch of that bank, on the arrival of his relief.
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  • 57 5 A C.'hiN ama.n who was supposed to be a little gilah met. with a fatal accident at a saw- mill in Kallang Road on Saturday morning. He was roaming about the mill as usual when he accidentally fell in front of a steam saw. His head was severed from the
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  • 54 5 The Taylor Syndicate in S. E. Siam appears to be booming. The shares are all taken up (SI ,000,000 (gold), lots of machinery on the spot and more on the way out. If more concessions were granted in Siam the country would perchance be worth living in not in the
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  • 52 5 A well-known military man, who could swear better than he could golf, was flattered to lind quite a crowd of well-dressed strangers following him around one day. I hope;' he said gallantly, that I'll play well enough to reward you." "Oh, it isn't that. Major," replied one, we came out
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  • 48 5 Five horses, whose owners failed to comply with Rule No. of the Straits Racing Association, have not been accepted as entries for the coming Penang Race Meeting. They are, for the Club Handicap, Pawnbroker and Klimbo for the Paddock Cup, Mandolin; for the Hill Cup, Apiary and QmmmL
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  • 60 5 Captain W. Angove, R.N.R., who has been associated for close on sixty years with the P. and O. Company, retired on a pension as from Ist inst. He has bad exceptionally long service, and has always earned high encomiums in whatever capacity his talents have been employed. Both to the
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  • 61 5 In 1883 the gradual abolition of slavery in British North Borneo was provided for by proclamation. That enactment having done its work, another proclamation was notified on the Mist December last, declaring tbat no form of domestic slavery will in future be recognised in that Territory, all attempts to revive
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  • 66 5 Cai'Tain K. Vanrenen met with a serious accident at the Curragh Camp, recently, whilst performing the duties of field officer. As he returned tostables, about noon, his horse, in turning a sharp corner, slipped, and falling partly upon Captain Vanrenen, broke one of his legs in two places. The injured
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  • 94 5 Admikal Sir Cyprian Bridge reminds one of a little story told of Mr. Gladstone, in that, despite heat or anything else, he walks when he can, despising other means of locomotion. The other afternoon he was seen going at the gait of about 4 miles an hear towards the Gardens,
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  • 95 5 Tbc Malay Pahang Mines Syndicate (Limited) has been registered in London with a capital of £5,000 in XI shares. The object is to acquire certain mines, mining and other rights situate in the State of Pahang to develope the same, and to carry on the general business of miners and
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  • 116 5 A LON G WAY FROM HOME. The barque Mathilde blown from Manila to Singapore. The American barque Mathilde, which arrived here from the Philippines on Friday, is a long way out of her course She was! on her way from Mindanao to Manila, and had got as far as Corregidor
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  • 120 5 A Tongkang Sunk. The Silesia which arrived from Hongkong this morning picked up a Teochew coolie named Li Ki Than at 8 last night floating on a piece of plank about eight miles out from Singapore. The Teochew says that he was one of the crew of
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  • 112 5 In his recent report, H.Ms. Commercial Attache at Shanghai states that the Chinese foreign Office has published a set of mining regulations, which, while being far from satisfactory, constitute a considerable advance on previous legislation of the kind. It is now possible thereunder for foreigners to work
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  • 90 5 A custom which is said to owe its inception to the Jockey Club is now rapidly gaining headway in Parisian society, particularly in the circles of the Faubourg St. Germain. This is the consumption of cigarettes made from coflee-leaves dried and presented in forms similar to those of
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  • 126 5 To-day will be memorable in the history of tne btate of West Australia. It is the day b'xed for the opening of the waterworks to the Eastern goldfields from the coast range, hundreds of miles away, through a dry country. The scheme is to pump a supply
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  • 35 5 Wednesday 23th Parade at Drill Hall at 4 30 p.m. Proceed to Pulo Brain by launch. All baggage for Camp must be at Drill Hall by 10.W a.m. on Wednesday
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  • 59 5 Bangkok thieves are no worse than those Tn Singapore, judging from what is to be seen in the papers published there. On the 19th inst. the British constable's station at the British Legation was entered by an enterprising burglar, and the gentleman who did the deed cfiiietly took the chain
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  • 42 5 Writing under date Jan. I.lth, from Calcutta, Mr. A. Hamilton, of the Brough Comedy Company, says be is afraid the Company will only be able to give one performance of Are you a Mason at the Town Hall, on Monday. Feb. 9th
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  • 49 5 In the Bench Court this afternoon the Malay, late master of the Boon fan II was charged under Section 4 22, I M.S. Act, 1899, with having failed to save life at sea. Upon the application of Mr. Delay the hearing was postponed until Feb. 4th, at 2 p.m.
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  • 38 5 The Indra Zanibar Theatrical Co. performed to a packed house in North Bridge Road on Saturday night. The play was very interesting, the comedians keeping the audience in roars of laughter. Another laughable piece is advertised for to-night.
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  • 54 5 Many people along the coast of China, says the China Mail, were familiar with the figure of Captain F. F. Carozzi, the Italian skipper who has played many exciting roles in his adventurous career in the East He has played his last part, having died of alcoholic poisoning at Shanghai
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  • 60 5 In noting the presentation of a little souvenir to the late Mr. las. O'Dowd, the North-China Daily Newt hoped that his absence from Shanghai would only be a short one. Alas ;it is for ever. Am tonga i-ita hrerita* and some of the things poor O'Dowd scribbled have already in
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  • 65 5 The official publications brought out in British North Borneo now include a much needed work a Table of the Ordinances of Labuan from 1549 to 1901." What is still lacking, however, is said to be a complete compilation and reprint in one book of all the laws at present in
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  • 77 5 What is described as a most popular wedding took place at St. Michael's Church, Sandakan, on the 23rd December, when Miss Dorothy E. Simpson, who had been the guest of the Governor of B. N. Borneo and Mrs. Birch since her arrival from England, became the bride of Mr. 11.
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  • 649 5 Simoapom, '20th .January, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler bnyeri f 15.00 Copra Ball 1 9.85 do Pontianak 8.90 Penper. Black 84.874 da White, (8%) buyen 59.80 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.6U do Brunei No. 1 4.2S Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bait, 15% bank 2R.09 Coffee, Pal«mbang,«)%ba«l(.- 32.0H Coffee, Liberian No. I 21.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Bad colds are often mistaken for Consumption, when they are in reality caused by Bronchitis. This disease, in its early stages, can always be cured with Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 247 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE HTTONDERS are invited for the supply to L the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore of galvanized tubes and lutings for six months from Juiy Ist to December 31st, 1903. Sealed tenders, endorsed "Tubes and Fittings" addressed to the undersigned, will be received on or before the Bth
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    • 238 5 GTTTA PLANT. rlie sold by Auction at Kuching, Sarawak, on 17th February next, nm listing of -J Vertical Boilers with Hnld tubes; 2 Vertical Engines I Hori/.ontnl Feed l'unip WeglinehoußO Punipx (Vacuum); 1 Belt ariven Vertical plunger pump for solution; 4 Fi''er Presses Guttii Slicini.' Machine; I (Jutta Leaf Slicing
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 130 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday 26th January. High Water. 10.15 a.m. Muniiipal Vacancy Nomination-. Furniture Sale. Powell. 11. Tuesday, 27th January. High Water. 9.-.JII a.m. 10. 4S p.m. Printing Machine Sale. Head St. ('okMhii. i*t < riii.-i.ii EmperorV 44th Birthday. Wednesday, aBth January. ll li-h Water. 9.59 a.m. 11.13 p.m. New
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 375 6 NOTICES. T)oz oulsometet> Requires o ddS^k Thousands in use skilled attendance. WW ¥»i satisfaction ptjmf mf f B ALMOST SL 1 '.lA anything. Ii I K Needs no M w'' Oil, Packing, No moving part- __-^E^ Ha, oi order. 4H H Wii... %^»jj| JJT" M^M M ST ECONOMICAI WOi-i-It \St^^K^^mJ^Sa
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    • 537 6 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED f 8 50 per ease. Duty extra. OBTAINABLE FROM RKTAIL DKAI.KKB. Ok McALISTER Co., sole agents. 87,360 Bottles in Qts. and Pts. Have
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    • 309 6 NOTICES. f^WVT¥7^V These tiny fl^li^^^J^^ Capsules HBBhHBM —superior ■Ti'/IB^BBmCw t0 d'pait'a, 1 \^U^^^^^W Cubebs, and 1 Injections cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs 1| in forty-eight hours without < inconvenience. f~ >. 1 Kach Capaulc betra the nint (MIDYJ aa^aaaa^Bi^Maf^aaf^Ba^^Bßf^Bßf^Baf^Bafßa^ai^^ava^^Bßi FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEBT SRIMAULTS SYRUI Of
      309 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 718 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpn E Stand* J Life Assannw. m. Norwich Union Fir« Inannnc* Society. Atlas Adsuranoe Company (Fire). The Kijuitable Life Asaamnw Society. Ibe China Mutual St«am Navigation Company ,'V '■'ottenham Lager Beer Company. r'or particular* of the»» Companies, see the mil a/vertii>enient of THE HOKNEO COMPANT. LIMITED.
      718 words
    • 802 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklijke Paketvaart MuttohappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. p< nit at Smoofbre t- h ip Aoiict, lati J. Dabndilb A Co., 2-8, Colltib Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Hteamer Prom Expected Will be T>«s|Mtched (or On Maha I'ajirunhii Pariang Jan 26 Penang. Olehleh, Poeloe
      802 words
    • 612 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Maritimes De France. IILIORAPHIC ADDRIBS: MISSAOBEIf-, SIBQAPORI. The -nail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates. OUTWABD. HOMIWABD. Dates. Dates. 1903 1903 Annam Feb. 2 I Caledonian Feb. 1 E. Simon* Feb. 15 Salmi, Feb. 16 Intlui Mar. I Oceanian Mar 1 Tonkin Mar.
      612 words
    • 624 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES lorddeuMer Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, f I STEAMERS OF THE COABT FLEET. Tons Reg. Toms Reg. 9MNa 2478 Kohtichang 3042 Sandakan L'lU Prlchaburi 2191 Paknam I'OOt Pittanulok 2019 Tanglin IUU9 Raiaburi 1904 Bangkok \»!0 Chow Tai 1777 Korat litiMi Wong Koi 1777 Smgorn 1764 Keong Wai 1777 Nurn
      624 words
    • 416 7 INSURANCE CO.'S G0AKO1AN AS8CBANOK CO. LIMITED LONDON Subscribed Capital £3,000,000. Total InTested Funds 4,61«,000. Annas! Income 888,000. The undersigned, agents lor the abov* Company, are prepared to accept flra riiki for snort periods of ten days or loogei periods at current rate* to be named ot Application to PATKRSON..BIMON9 A
      416 words
    • 782 7 NOTICES. HOTEL DER NEDKRLANDEN BATaVIA (JAVA) FIRST Class HoteK Known for it* excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of'all the steamers. A. F. MERTEN. m. tb. n.c. Proprietor. LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings
      782 words

    • 1312 8 Under thia handing tbe following abbr*- «.-»lttiuti<i are used str. steamer sh.— ■hip; bq— barque; sch schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Qbt.— Gunboat; Tor Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—British; V. S.— United States; Fch.— Frendi 8«r.— German; Di^t.— Dutch Jon.— Johor.) 0.0. General-cargo d.p.— deck passen*"r V. -Uncertain
      1,312 words
    • 614 8 Name, port, probable dale of amrit and name of agent). i*TEAMIKB. Alboin. Bonil'iy, Feb ".'0: Borneo Cos. Aml>rin, Hongkong, Fel> 10: Behn Imjw And:iln-i 1. Hongkong. Fell*: Behn Meyer. \nnam. Colombo. Fed I M. Austmliml. Fremantle, Feb IK: Boustead. Bitmberg, Europe Jan 31 Behn Meyer. Bayern. Hamimrg.
      614 words
    • 80 8 For fer lieamrr Time. To-Morrow. Bangkok Bora 11 a.m.Billiton A Pontianak H.whati Soon 1 pm. F'cmantle yin ports Snlodin 2 pm. P. S w-et'ham via ports B. Hin ttiuin 2 p.m. Bangkok B. SenpChuui 4 p.m. Vlunfok ft, Pnlembang O. O. My> t 4 p.m Bangkok Saga 4
      80 words
    • 186 8 From Europe— Ry the N.D.L. ss Preut*i>/i|dup]on|tne 31st January, with dates to the 6th January. She brings replies' to the mails, which left Singapore on the 7th Dec. From China By the M.M. 8 8. CaUdonien due on Sunday. From Batavia— By steamer to meet the M.
      186 words
    • 311 8 t tr'awu 8 Namk A Ton.- i:»m •> From Sailbd Consignees. a Rio i Jan 24 Nuen Tung G«r str. 824 'Meyer .lan II Rehn Meyer *Co 24 Ban Whatt Sooi Brit str 199 Rows? Ponuanak Jan 21 Ban Seng 24 Emile Out str 80 Naoodah Rhio Jan
      311 words
    • 68 8 I'ASSKH SLNDA M RAITS OK AKKIYKD WOSL UKDKKB. Flag A I>atk ok, DmkuiDate. Rio. Ships Name. Captain. Sam.i.m;. Ki;u.m wiikkl ation. Jan in I inn bq Hau» .lensea .\-.\n 14 Rauvia i'adiuik: IHJDut »6.Qoenloer 1.0 Clecu Kotterdam Batavia 18 Out t>.B Hal i i- Amsterdam Bxtaviu 180er s.«. Binlefelil
      68 words
    • 166 8 Ihi k Vbkxrl'B Simk. ;Flao A Rig Tons. Destination. d -'•"> Kinilr Dot Btr 80 Rhio -1 Hebe Brit sir :w> Peimoi; and Deli 84 Pin Hfun air. 87* Periling Suppho »tr 32) i Port Swfttenliiiiii vi.-i port* 25 Borneo mr. 401 Sarawak 26 SWMM str. »4I Samarang via
      166 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 17 8 ENVELOPES THE "BUFF" ENVELOPE., $1.25; sent free by Post, $1.70 For sale by THE 'STRAITS TIMES."
      17 words
    • 430 8 KAONALL HILLES m, Hobinson Road. HAVE ON HAND Electric Fans. Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 60 W, 100. 110, and 120 Volts. Designed 10 operate from Incandescent Circuits. Kay Voltage to order Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people wbo h»v» Dynamo*
      430 words
    • 134 8 STOCK-TAKING SALE NOW ON AT Whiteaway's BIG BARGAINS in the Boot Dept.. All Sample Pairs of Boots and Shoes doing at Half Price TO CLEAR Ladies' Children's Gents' Boots and Shoes All more or less Shop-soiled Marked Half Price TO CLEAR Gents' Tan Boots TO SKETCH Exceptional Value A MARVEL
      134 words
    • 18 8 I These CAPSULES cure I recent and chronic discharges. I THEY NEVER FAIL I mtywhtn. TIY THEM ygj
      18 words
    • 205 8 NOW ON AT Whiteaway's BIG BARGAINS in the Boot Dept.. All Sample Pairs afl Basil and Shoe-- (ioing at Half Price TO CLEAR Ladies' Children's Gents' Boots and Shoes All more or less Shop -soiled Marked Half Price TO CLEAR Gents' Tan Boots TO SKETCH Exceptional Value A MARVEL AT
      205 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 104 8 WEATHER REPORT. K'l'idavfi Kerbuu Hotpilal MM Januari, 1W).: Mh.iu. :t|> m. (i p.m Remarkh. Bar 2UMS2 J 9.799 2».W Morning Temp 78.8 7H.9 77.2 o"cast, rain WBlbTher 77.3 78.2 7H.4 at intervals, Dir of Wind s.n.e. Calm, ne during tbe Max. Temp. 80.4 day, nigt Mm 73.8 cloudy. Sun
      104 words