The Straits Times, 22 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 037 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 552 1 NOTICES. She £traits Simcs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADYKKTIKKMKNTK. THE type used as a otamlard for Retting advertisenifiit* i- similar to this, unlewi 1- <" display the advMtinenient, WBM any etle.tive Myle of type, uted in the paper, will mlopled. The ataudard ruDsexKetlyfij!lit line* ti. the, and
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    • 719 1 NOTICES. (IOVERNMBNT NOTIFICATION. rye. X I>KKS will be received at the Colo 1. nial Secretary's Office up to noon ol the :-sl 1 January for the following works: 1. Supply of fire-extinguishing apparatus for General Hospital. Supply and delivery between uh and 7th mile Yeo Chu Kang Koad of 186
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    • 279 1 NOTICES. Si, Mart V.7/./V. Mr Mnrt Wiq\& AND ki if %j ROYAL BIOSGOPI AT The Foot of Fort Canning J Entirely New Pictures. Most Entertaining, c Lively Gag. a •2 Fresh and Sweet. S rorn.Ai: men <!! NOTiCK. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals I'HE work of the S. P. C.
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    • 421 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Milkmaid J atfMHa^Mk* BRAND A NdensedlM IV/1 1 lIT sIfU BJ •uduid Bm **jf I V 111 IA SI 1 t^^-Sr Guaranteed 1 IT« ss ™i££!? D Jf xa thli Full Cream. iudiuu ob «Tery Largest Sale in the World. tu. j John Little Co., Ltd. 1 I
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    • 637 1 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Estate of Teo Kit I'hermg, Deceased AUCTION SALE OK VALUABLE FREEHOLD AM) 999 YEARS LEASEHOLD (JAM BIER AND PEPPER PLANTATION'S COVERING AN AREA Of 725 Acrfs TO BE HELD AT POWKI.I. <fr 00 'c S.U.K-kooM On Wednesday, 25th bWrrnary 1903, nt 2MO p.m. District Area. Chop.
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  • 1379 2 Mr. Chamberlain's Ttutl Mr. ('hamberlain was reueived in th« Town Hall of Durban on the gttth Dei-ember anil met with tremendous ovation. Mr. Chamberlain, in replying to the words of walssiM, expretstMl the sympathy of the KinK -->'i«l ■>' fsjasilsl Uovernment with bis M«je«tv'« uverwa »nb jects
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  • 766 2 (Finia <"■<■ '/t'.nii i \mnrmmmtdtmt.) Ihiiuit. Jifl Li-;ivinc (he OOttfi dSTOfd (O B HIM! exbibiU we Bud ourselves in i be CnchinChina section. The Saigon TechntosJ School i~ wi-11 i-t presented and ii m n.itive papill li.ive iiiinui! OMt SOIM Im work HI nii'iiil and wood, uliil-i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 289 2 NOTICES. It i» plenKiint to the iialatc— lt SMM tli- system toned up— lt makes the digestion perfect and the appetite keen Kuil<l* Issi SM SMMSS InvigorateH the oer\eH and regenerates the hlood. N unrivalled TONIC FOR INVALIDS «HD COIVALESCCMTS. sou m;knts. MBDIO AT. ~r^ a t.t., Singapore. i«--.M)3
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    • 358 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 8.-.0 lb«.. 1.200 Iru... alter seven after fourdays in teem «ia> Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 501 2 NOTICES. iioussiiXoN" COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts 534. 24 pints S.W. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. <h s Sou Aemrrs. OF GENUINE MALT WHISKIES THE BEST BLENDS ARE BUCHANANS RED SEAL 911.75 per case WHITE SEAL $15 00 per case. OF ALL DEALERS Sole
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  • 1085 3 Evidence of Improvement. The Colonial Office has issued a Report to Mr. Chamberlain, by Acting Governor Oliver, dated September .'«Hh last, on the condition of Jamaica. "For six years," he observes, the Island of Jamrtiua ha& been guttering trom agricultural and commercial depression, and the public
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  • 448 3 P. A O. .Inn. --'."I. -Per liallnnrat For London Mr. A. I. < hitl.ii.len. S.S. Major I. Millward, S.r-i. A. Law SS, BssgS, .lame*. Mr. G. H. |„r- In. iii PsSMMg to l.uinliin. Kel>. titli. -Pet Ckmmm: For London Mr. 1. ..11ni Keli _i>tli t.s. CersssssaW; for
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  • 287 3 For Singapore. Per P A O. s. s. India connecting at Colombo with the steamer Mnttn from London Dec. 25. due Htn Jan.— Mr. C. W. Bank. Per P A O. s. s. Offnnu connecting with the steamer Hmga' at Colombo, from London Jan 8, dae Bth
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  • 83 3 A seaman of H.M 8. Jmmortalitf got into a f crape at Christmas in London. He and a printer saw an empty cart and horse standing on the road side at Hackney and they promptly went for a drive. They were stopped by the police subsequently at the Police Court
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 503 3 NOTICES. BEFORE WE CAN use them, iron and gold must first be got out of the ore. The same principle applies to cod liver oil. It* virtues are not in its fatty matters; much less in its si'-kening taste and smell. No consumptive, or sufferer from any other wasting disease,
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    • 662 3 NOTIwES. WANTED. A Cb inese clerk for general office work a. typewriter must be used to Yost machine. Apply to 87-1 SHRAGEK BROS. "WANTED. AN experienced European Foreman Moulder to take charge of an iron and brass foundry in Colombo, Ceylon, for a period of 9 months commencing from April
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    • 625 3 NOTICES. Metsrs H L. CoghJ.n Co HATE BEEN APPOINTED BUB- AGENTS or THI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO_ General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FR WALK, Saigon Lymph, guaranteed frtsh, at the Crowe Dispensary, .96 Selegie Road. v FOB SALE. A set of harness complete for big
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    • 568 3 SHIPPING BRITISH iNDIA~~STEAM NAVI GATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOB RANGOON TBE Company's steamer ITRIA. 8,88:.' tons. Captain Tice, will be despatched for the above port on Thuro day, tbe MM January, at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to BS-1 BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents indo-chinaljteam navigation company, limited. for penang
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  • 135 4 NissLK. -AtTsnkiji, Tokyo, on 2nJ January, Kmii. Nissle. formerly of Hamburg. MnviiKLL.— At Kolie, on the 4th.lanoury, William Lkslik Mitchell, a native of lp.r.lft-u, Scotland, aged Ml years. HrKNF.x. Ou the sth January, at 2-2, Shanghai, of consumption, .IkaNNB Kosa HINNtX, in her :20th year. Urn N On
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  • 998 4 'I he pleasing result of the confiscation by the authorities of a couple of hundred rikishas, and the arre«t presumably for purposes of deportation —of two of the toirkayt, conveys a lesson whereby it is to be hoped we will be
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  • 14 4 Reading matter including advance mail newe will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4<m bank rate is L7|
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  • 8 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 am to-morrow.
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  • 11 4 Japan has now 1,004 steamers, the aggregate gross tonnage being 580,936.
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  • 14 4 Thk Messagenes Maritimes steamers will cease to call at Nagasaki after the 15th prox.
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  • 15 4 The Straitt Budget was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 19 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site to-morrow evening, from sto 6 (weather permitting)-
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc, will be found on page 7. Ueneral shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 21 4 The new puddling plant at the Tronoh Mines, Ltd., will be opened by the Resident of Perak on the 27th instant.
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  • 20 4 Pollard's company of juvenile opera singers will open the season in Hongkong on or about the 3rd of next month.
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  • 18 4 Several cases of plague have occurred in Tokyo, and strenuous measures were being adopted to extirpate the disease.
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  • 25 4 Wi understand thatH. M. 8 Thetis, which takes tbe place oT the Arathuta on this station, is expected to arrive from Colombo on Monday next
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  • 22 4 Tbb annual departmental reports of the Straits Settlements for 1901 have just been published in book form at the (iovernraent Printing Office.
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  • 36 4 Mr. Tobias Aloysus Leonard has arrived from London by the Awa Maru to join the local police force. He has served in the South African war as also have three or four of the other recruits.
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  • 27 4 Sir Ernest Satow w supposed to have gone home in connection with the proposed construction of British railways from Burma to Yunnan, and from Chengtu to Hankow.
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  • 30 4 At a meeting of the shareholders of the China-Borneo Company, which was held at Hongkong a few days ago, a resolution confirming the reconstruction of the company was agreed to.
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  • 41 4 A coolie at Hongkong, the other day, tried to Rteal a securing bolt from H M.S. Ocean, on board of which he was employed in ncraping oil the old paint. At the Magistracy, he was sent to prison for six weeks.
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  • 31 4 Thk cable of the Pacific Commercial Cable Co. will connect San Francisco with Manila and then Manila with Shanghai Hongkong is avoided owing to existing Conventions with the Eastern Extension Co.
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  • 35 4 The Unlay Mail of Monday last says Our esteemed fellow townsman Mr. James Brown is to be married at Singapore this day week to Miss Stratton, formerly mistress of the Girl's School at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 39 4 At 6 30 p.m. yesterday four Chinamen were arrested near Port Canning Road for having no visible means of support. Before Mr Beatty this morning they were fined 925 or a month's imprisonment each. The fines were not paid.
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  • 72 4 Thi P. O. mail steamer Hallaarat which arrived this morning from Hongkong brotight Mr J. M. A. Butt. The passengers leaving by tbe liallaarat to-morrow are For London Mr. A. L. Cbittenden, S S. Major Millward, 3ergt. W. H. Laweß, Sergt. James. For Marseilles: Mr J. J. Gledhill. For Sydney
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  • 119 4 French urey is now the regulation colour for British warships, and the Channel squadron is now being painted this colour. The Mediterranean squadron is to receive its new coat of paint by April Ist next, and all the other squadrons are to be treated in turn. This will ht an
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  • 135 4 The islanders of Sulu are becoming impatient under the restraints of United .States rule. It is stated that the Sultan of Sulu seems to be th« instigator of the trouble He receives a monthly allowance from the U. 8. Government and, in December, last, he attempted to draw five months'
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  • 235 4 l.ipin, 17th Jan. The murder of a Chinaman is reported from Raub. Details are not yet to hand. The Pahang forest officer, Mr. Craddock, has returned to Lipis accompanied by Mr. French, his Assistant, who is to be stationed in Pekan. They will both proceed down-river shortly. Mr.
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  • "Renter's Telegrams.
    • 28 4 liinulrm, 21«( Jan. At the election for the West Derby division of Liverpool, Mr. Rutherford (C) polled ,">,4*>s votes against .(,251 cast for Mr. Holt (L).
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    • 67 4 Count Von Kuelow. the Chancellor ot the (Serman Empire, has referred in th»> Reichstag to the passage of Russian torpedo-boats through the Pard.iripllep. He said that it was impossible tv expect from Germany in Kasteru affaire anything but peaceful, impartial, and quiet neutrality containing nothing hostile
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    • 62 4 TRIAL OF COLONEL LYNCH. The trial of A. Lynnh, M.P. for (ialway, on a charge of high treason, began yeHterday before the Lord Chief Justice, and Justices Wills and Channell. The prisoner plea led not guilty." The hearing of the case is expected to last several days. I Further referenre
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    • 13 4 The Hungarian Parliament haa ratified the sugar convention.
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  • 35 4 King Kdward VII acceded to the throne two years ago to-day. In commemoration of the anniversary, His Majesty'x and the other warships in harbour were docked with bunting Salutes were fired at noon.
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  • 42 4 Thk homeward (ierman mail steamer LViMM Irene, having left hongkong on the -Ist instant at noon, may be expected to arrive here on the 25th instant at noon, and will probably be despatched for Kurope on the 26th instant, also at noon.
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  • 48 4 A farmer at Jackson, Crtlifnrnia, was eatine a boiled egg, when he noticed a distinct metallic taste. On examination he found the egg to contain a quantity of yellowish dust, which an aasayer ha« pronounced to be gold. He is now searching his farmyard for a gold reef.
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  • 43 4 The Gvlilen I'e/nny, a London paper, and an off-shoot of the Graphic, offer* prizes in competitions open to Colonial readers The beat descripti >n, not exceeding .~>oo words, of some singular custom, will secure the prize for the competition closing on 15th March.
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  • 51 4 A M issue ki editor recently advertised a year's nubscription free to the party bringing vim the largest potato between certain dates. Last reports are that thin editor had enough potatoes to last him during the winter. Thin man is a diplomat, and is wasting his time on a country
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  • 56 4 At sports in the Agras district (Ceylon) at the 3rd instant Mr N C. B Wyse made a new putting the shot record. Mr. K. Wernham's put of 38 feet 2 inches made at the Gampola Athletic Club sports in 1898 was hitherto the Ceylon record but Mr. Wyse has
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  • 320 4 B\ 1 < (il. Tin Hon. A. Muerav. V. I). Dam \Nii.vNT, s. v. c. Siiij,'it|.nri\ Wmt Jan. s. Orderly Olliier for the enMiing week Ll. Thoinxon. Orderly N.t'.O. for tin- enduing week: Corpl. I, li. Harrop. Parade*.--Wednesday -JHth at 4.30 p.m. Parade at Drill
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1051 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (BSTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jbist on Jlppli cation.) tv th I. PDLAU BKANI SMELTING WORKS. REQUIKKI): youug man to assist in l,abornt«rv. Apply between JO and 11 a.m. to the Manager, Pulau Brani. 24-1 ArrliiiiTiur il drau«lit»ma.n
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    • 249 4 G.R. LemberttfCo. Photographers opsr Qreshsm House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on w kd »y« 8" m^ P m on Sundays. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic mttnrial*. Monthly (applies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mount!, Eastman films, Wratt<>n-\Vrvnwrigbt'* Ilford and German dry
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1760 5 I'o the Editor of the Straits Times." Sik, —l have noticed that several letters have appeared from time to time in your valuable paper regarding the difliculty experienced by Government in securing qualified Medical (Juicers of the class of Assistant Surgeons for Bervice in the
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  • 50 5 The Postmaster-General, Singapore, han received the following tflepram from the Postmaster, Penang Zaida met Arethuna at sea transhipped mails 7 a.m. Monday, (19th instant). H.M.S. Arethusa was proceeding to Colombo, and will probably arrive there Im time to transfer the mails to the homeward French packet Lao*.
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  • 52 5 A special telegram from Shanghai to the China Mail, dated January l.'ith, states that part of the Shiakuan Bund at Nanking has collapsed, and it i* estimated that upwards of two hundred Chinese have perished. Messrs. Butterfield and Swire's godowns, containing goods valued at Taels 50,000,
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  • 147 5 The Singapore Chess Club, which has just held its annual meeting, has had a fairly successful year, and the Club is in a very flourishing condition both as regards membership and funds. The match of two games by telegraph with Hongkong resulted a win for Singapore hy
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  • 617 5 Distribution of Prizes. Thk 17th annual prize distriburion at the Anglo-Chinese School took place yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance, the building being crowded to its extreme capacity. It was prettily yet simply decorated with pot-plants, etc., the place of honour being occupied by a portrait of
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  • 457 5 (Before th Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox.) Thk case of Angullia v*. Hulstkamp was heard yesterday morning. Mr. Braddell appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Fort for the defendant. Mr. Bi-addeil stated that the plaintiff is a merchant and a partner in the firm of Angullia and Co.
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  • 17 5 The Japanese are displaying what the Japan Mail calls remarkable civility to the Crown Prince of Siam.'
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  • 37 5 Thekk may probably be a Naval night attack on Friday, the 30th inst., in which the whole Garrison will participate. As the Volunteers will then be in Camp at New Harbour, they will presumably take part also.
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  • 38 5 The paragraph in yesterday's issue stating that a quantity of machinery had arrived on the Awa Maru for the Duff Syndicate, was incorrect. The steamer brought out some machinery for Lux Bros., but none for the Duff Syndicate.
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  • 50 5 The launches for the Swimming Club on Sunday, will leave at 715 and M.30 a.m. and the first race of the monthly competitions will be swum off immediately after the arrival of the first launch. Competitors are asked to send their names to the Hon. Secretary as soon as possible.
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  • 43 5 We understand that Chief Inspector Sullivan has been complimented by H. E. the Governor for his coolness and pluck during the Wayang Street affray on which occasion he led the charge up the stairs to the rescue of Mr. Evans, Protector of Chinese.
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  • 49 5 The annual distribution of prizes at the Anglo Chinese Free School, Teluk Ayer Street, will be held to-morrow at 11 .'in a.m. and parents and guardians of pupils and others interested are invited to attend. The Hon'ble F. O. Penney, the Colonial Treasurer, will preside and distribute the prizes.
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  • 104 5 From Mr. G. W. Hepponstall, Assistant Master of the Victoria Institution, we have received a copy of a school geography of the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, compiled by the sender. The book is for use in Standards I. to IV. It contains, in addition to the subject-matter, directions to teachers
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  • 43 5 In the worst colds, where there is pain, constriction of the Bronchial tubes, and spasms of the muscles of the chest, Jiyne's Expectorant will afford almost immediate relief, and soon effect a permanent cure. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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  • 73 5 The 'rikisha strike seems to have ended. This morning all the coolies turned out without any persuasion from the police. Last night very few 'rikishas were about town. Sergt. Frayne was going along in a 'rikisha when a coolie yelled Pan See." The puller dropped the shafts
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  • 88 5 About 3 p.m. yesterday a fire broke out in a Malay hut at Kampong Bugis and spread rapidly. There were about twelve plank and attap houses all joined and forming a small kampong. All these houses were soon in flames and were burnt to the ground.
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  • 674 5 Charged with Hifh Treason. Thi trial of the charge of high treason in connection with the late war brought against Colonel Lynch, commenced, as noted by Reuter, yesterday. The last trial lor high treason, strieto teium, appears to be that of Reg. v. Smith O'Brien," in 1848-9. In
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  • 92 5 The United States revenue officials have been cruising in the Tawi Tawi group of the Sulu islands. There, the other day, a revenue cutter discovered a small island and succeeded in making a landing. The natives claimed the party to be the first whites that had ever landed. A search
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  • 117 5 During the year ended the Slat December, 1902, the arrivals at the port of Colombo numbered 2,653, which comprised men-of-war, steamers and sailing vessels, excluding native craft. The great majority were stearrers. There were a few warships and tnn«ports, and of sailing vessels barely half a dozen during the whole
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  • 602 5 Singapore, MM Unuart, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers 15.00 Copra Ball 9.85 do Pontlanak 9.0" Pepper, Black M.«| do White, (8£) bnyers ">9.80 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.60 do Brunei No. 1 4.25 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Ball, MX basis 23.06 Coffee, Palembansr, 9)% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 21.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.'s sale-room yesterday Leasehold land at Rochore Canal Road, area 8036 sq. ft. being part of the land comprised in East India Coy 's Lease No. 1491 for 999 years, quit rent $2, together with the compound dwelling
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 185 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 22nd January. Water. 5.34S p.m. Signalling S.V A. aud S.V.K. P. O. homeward mail due. Friday, 33rd January. High Water. 5.19 a.m. 7.17 p.m. ■0L homeward mail closes, ii Sporting ('lii)i Annnal Mtg. Exchange K.A.S. Meeting. Lilirnry. ft. L.L.T.C. Meeting. Lift. S.C C. Kootlmll v.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 391 6 NOTICES. SINGAPORE A KRANJI RAILWAY. The above line as far as Bukit Timah will be open for traffic from January ist, 1903. The Train Service, until further notice, will be as under, Sundays included Singapore .040 725 8.50 10.15 12.00 I'M 4.0.1 5.30 6.5.'> 16 09 7.34 «.59 10.24 12.09
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    • 222 6 NOTICES. BCr 1 1 1'] I r These CAPSULES cure "1 I recent and chronic discharges. I I THEY NEVER FAIL yuiimw*~. TIT THEM m It he UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inspect the UNDERWOOD a t\e most perfect high class machine yet invented Guthrie Co. So!e Agents tansan"
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    • 637 6 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING COKPORATIOS. paid-up OAfiTAL sio.ouo.nrx RBBEBVE FUND.— Bil»er ReMire....t 4,760,000 f «*,OOO RESERVE LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS |..»lO,ooo,nrjo Court ok Dirki-toh-. Hon. R. Shew an,— Chaikm vs A. J. Kaymcim>. hf.-Dinn Chaikman Hon. t". W. Uicks<>.\ H S< hubart, E«q. E. Udetz Esq. N. A. Sikb>,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 724 7 The Borneo^ompariyi Ltd. fpU K Standard Life Assnianos. 1 Norwioh Union Fir. Insnrsnos Society. Atlas Asforanos Company (Fire). The Equitable Life *««> imnTO So < !ietjr v^ n nT The C hin» Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1m I'nttenham Lager Heer Company. tm particular, of Y^S'^S^OOtk' *ull «f.T«rti!iement of THE bOKH&u
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    • 1195 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with Urn Netherlands India Government. g>nts at Singapore: SB IP Agbjtct, lati 1. Daehdbls A Co., S-«, Colltbs QUAY. The undermentioned dates aw only approximate. Hteamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On 6 (i Daendels Bandjermassin Jan 16 Bandjermamin, Kotabaroe, Passir, Moera
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    • 777 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES lorcldentsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Toss Reg. Tobs Reg. VMtin 2478 Kohsichang 2042 Sandukan 2111 Petchaburi 2191 Paknam -2001 PiUanulok 3010 Tanglin 1999 Rajabwri 1904 Bangkok 19iO Chow Tai 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17-VJ Keong Wai 1777 Suen Tung 1341
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    • 555 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 1449 8 Ondei this heading the following abbre- stations are used itr.— steamer th.ship;bq. barque; *eh. echooner; YclTmcht; Cru.— Cruiner; Gbl.-Ounbomt; Tor Torp"'lo; H.p. Horse-p<wer; Brit. l;rikith; U. S.— United States Fi-h.— Frenrb 6«r. Grerman; Dut. Dutcl Joh. Johon B.o,— General-cargo; d.p.—teck passenier D.— Uncertain T. P. w.— Taniong
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    • 628 8 Name, port, proboble dot' of arrival. and name oj agent*. Htiahiiw. Alt>oin. R<imlr»y, Feb 20: Borneo Coy. \mlii :i. HniiKbonp. P«b 10: Brhn Mey.T. AinliilusiH. Uoiiffkonx. Fell Ueho Meyer. Aunam. Colombo, Feb '2 M. Maritime*. Anterior, China, Jan 25; Mnustielu. Australind, Fremuntle, Fcb Iri: Bouatead Bamberg. Europe, Jan
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    • 83 8 For Her ttrnmrr Time. To- Morrow. Europe via ports Batlaarat a.m. Pamangkat Sambas De Kock am. Djambie Xian Ann 1 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Hye Leomii 3 p.m. Bangkok BreM 4 p.m. BATUKDAY. rJnndiarmassin Speelman 11 a.m. Singoraand Bangkok CkakrabhnngiW am. Penang Pin Seng 1 p.m. Deli
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    • 177 8 From Europe— By the P. 40. ».s Malta due on the 25tb January, and with dates to the -.'nd January. She brings replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 3rd and 7th December. From China— By the N.D.L. 8.8. Prinxeu Irent due on Sunday. From
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  • 201 8 Q Ku. C«ptai* Fbom IB4ILBD i Consignees. I n n L'l M •< i'l M 38 Sri TringKunu Dut str. fil A'anderCapellen »tr. 778 |Hye Leong Brit str -J95 R Soh tl Baroe but str. 68 Ophir Mr 'JOS Teresa Brit str 763 Ulenfiillocli str 1434 [Sappho str .rjn
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  • 140 8 TOHB. Tons. Destination. 95 Kiiio. Singkcp And Mngga 2913 Delaware Break wat it 826 Diambie 101 Djambie 2689 Bombay via ports 68 Rhio 1278 Soursbaya and Macassar 1434 Hongkong and Amoy 2122 Hongkong 2860 Bombay via ports 1671 Odmss 3138 Hamburg via ports 3382 Bombay via Rangoon 81 Bengkalis
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 Poultry Farm. 15 per cent. edeaper. Chickens, Fowls, Ducks, Geese, etc. Can be obtained in any numbers from the KIM TIAN POULTRY FARM 15 per cent. Cheaper Than they can be procured in the markets or anywhere else in Singapore. Apply at our depot at No. t Rocbore Road. 15
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    • 979 8 0316 on, Odl6 on, OdIG on, At Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. GENT'S Double Brim Straw Hats SALE PRICE $1-50 Each. THE "PIGSTICKER" GentlPinen's Eitra Thick I'itli Topee* Lined tireen I'nder Hritn Ujf^l j v d .J SOLA HAT. Covered Khaki Silk Alpaca with lcatht*i strap, excellent value Price 53.50 The Kitchener
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 99 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Krrbau Hotfrital Jltt January 190* '-•a-m 3 pm. fl p.m. Rkmabes. Bar ."< fttt -29 *5m 83* Morning Temp B.'o 87.2 81.3 purtially, WBlbTher 78.0 77 7 77.0 cloudy. DirofWind ke. North n.f. day and Max. Temp. 87.9 night clear. Mm 73.0 Sun 149.0 Terr, rad
      99 words