The Straits Times, 19 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 034 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 673 1 NOTICES. ffihe £traits ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVKKTISKMKNTS. THE type une<l a* a Manilunl for setting advertisement* i» Hiinilar to tin-, mile** the instruction in to "display" the advertise■tent, when any effective style of type, used in the paper, will l>e adopted. The standard runs exactly ei^-ht lines
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    • 705 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDKKS will l-e received at the ColoK. nial Secretary's OSlce up to noon of the 31st January for the following works 1. Supply of tire-extinguishing apparatus for General Hospital. Supply and delivery between £th and 7th mile Yeo Chu Kang Road of 18H cubes of 3' laterite.
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    • 445 1 NOTICES. KINTA TIN MINES, UMOMD. NOTICE is hereby given tbat Mr. N. Cecil Payne, Incorporated Accountant has been appointed loral registrar of transfers of shares in the above Company. All transfers of shares executed in the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay dtates together with certificates must be forwarded to Mr.
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    • 397 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS LTD. Great Clearance SALE. NOW ON. ENDS JANUARY 28. Drapery Dept. Outfitting Dept. Ut Tiblf has*, iS i»s m V*tiK prr viri «Bm STRAW BATS null Ist *Mwk a. S 75 f U. WIHECIUASSBORS 1.75 pur White Linn JitkiNs frmn $*75 §rr Ties, Collars. Braces, etc.
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    • 390 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR BALE. Aset of harness complete for big hose, in good condition, entirely new Apply to D. A., c/o 6'rraii« Timn. M-1 FOR SALE GIKA MOP HONE, complete with I "Victor" and "Monarch" records in good order. Apply to Q. A., c/o Strait* T*met\ 'J4-1 TO BE LET
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  • 2666 2 Home. The lirxt Kutfliy intermit iooal |MM took place on Saturday, at Swansea, between teams repreMentiuK Kn^-land anil Wales. There wa» a large attendance. After the fir-t -'.'> minute* pla> it wns evident tlie Englishmen were outcla— 'til, ami the Welshmen had the best of the panic. Throughout
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 NOTICES. Dunville's "^d scotch Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA jgSM Ml V '****JpS^^k. 3* h O "xrt £Ejf3^ 1 o 55 T^ H 1 OUNVILLI^i 3 s La eiASGOw, acoTtXrlP m. w. A f. 21-1 JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST
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    • 501 2 NOTICES. Yarrow's Light Draft Steamers. Particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD, NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OP Safety Puses. AMD Electro Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being ail manufactured in Cheat Britain, are made to pass the high standard
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    • 344 2 NOTICES, norwich onion fib* insuiuvos society of nobwich axx) lokdok: EiTtiuiß'D 1797. rOjf VISE ISTBDKANOB ONLT Anouat inmrad... 086,000,000 EtfeWWd 4 n,eoo,ooa PrwnlKni isoo*M 4 906,000. Isninuio* uKuebed on mlnoet vnrj dewsription woperty at current imtei of premium Bum roB 10 da ti abb how aooiptbd AT 4 OBMT PIB
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  • 372 3 Hiding away from the World. Oh of the strangest eccentricities that aillict mankind is the desire for a solitary life. A particularly curious example was that of a woman living in Cambridgeshire, who recently died after :H) years of complete seclusion. In that time she had been
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  • 179 3 Lin^uistology is the most recent craze in Paris. If one prefers to call it glossoraancy, well and good. Under either name it means tongue reading and it threatens to compete with palmistry. That a tongue may tell the character of the owner is a reasonaole proposition.
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  • 154 3 While asleep at his home a working man was awakened by a »harp pain in the head. Next he felt a nip on his cheek, and finally a sharp pain in the neck directly over the jugular vein. A «leluge of blood aroused him to
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  • 890 3 Unknown Derelicts in a Catamaran. The Standard Oil Company's ship Columbia, which arrived at Kobe the day after Xmas, having been 200 days on the voyage, brought news of a strange catamaran that they met in the open water some 60 miles* from the shore
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  • 71 3 Thk following is the result of the six monthly medaj competition which took place at Batavia, on the 10th instant, and resulted in a tie Mi. IVrrin 4">^-.' 47 Mr. Hurt 4."> I -»7 Mi. (irieve 4H wr. *H Mr. S.liul/ 51- :t 4n Mr. Olswish 59
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Shipping advertisements, with Uates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages
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    • 638 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.4lo,ooo,ooo Silver Seserve....s 4,750,000/ "MB* RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 lnn nnn«i PROPRIETORS |..»10,000.0W) Court of Dibectobs. Hon. R. Shew an,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Dkputy Chairman. Bon. C. W. Dickson |H. Schubart, Esq. E. Goetz, Esq. N.
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    • 688 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A First clerk for the Factory, Public Works Department, Selsngor. Must be a competed book keeper, and have had a thorough commercial training. Salary 1100 per mensem on the provisional and temporary establishment. The successful applicant must produce a medical certificate of physical fitness and will be required
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    • 554 3 NOTICES, Messrs. H. L. Cofhlan ff G* HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BUB-AGEITB or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOL STEAD 4 CO, General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlemsnts. FR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary, 96 Helegie Road. v.c. FOR SALE. COUPE, pair of horses and harness,
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    • 653 3 SHIrtHNQ BRITISH INDIA ~BTEAM~NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's steamer PF.KTA KOTA. 2,209 tons, Captain Wincebank, will be despatched for the stave port* on Monday tbe lPth January, at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to HM BOUBTEAD A CO., Agents MAVIGAZIOVE GEMEKALE ITALIANA FOR
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  • 34 4 11l n.vkx.— On the sth January, at Shanghai, of oon»uniption,ZK.l.iK.lK\\NK ftos Htnnkx, agot 20 yearn. IlKl'N. On the ill li .lanuary. at Shanghai, William Kkun, Acting CMsJ Uaoler of H.B.M.'s Ciaol, aged "•'■> yearx.
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  • 906 4 Severe complaints come from the port of HeberUhohe anent the treatment of Singapo") Chinese coolies by the Judge representing the German Imperial authorities in that out-of-the-way capital of New Britain The mails to New Britain are few, and distance is far,
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  • 424 4 Thouoh the news that the American liner St. Louis is safe must be hailed with thankful joy in every quarter of the world where live the people who travel, the announcement is tendered after a fashion that is calculated to temper the first exuberance of the owners at learning that
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  • 63 4 Mb. A. W. S. CSullivan. the clerk of Councils, is now in India, having been deputed by Government to explain in India certain proposals for the improvement of the terms of recruitment of Indian labour for the Straits. The Madras Government has asked all collectors and District Officers to render
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  • 13 4 Reading rratter including wire news will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is l/ 7,'«
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  • 13 4 Thk Saigon rice crop year is expected to be much below the average.
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  • 18 4 Inspector Watcham has been transferred from Penang to Singapore to take the place of the late Insp. Brennan.
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  • 22 4 The annual meeting of the Singapore Chess Club will be held in the Town Hall to-morrow Tuesday evening at 5 15 p.m.
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  • 23 4 Thk ai.nual prize giving of the AngloChinese School will occur on Wednesday next at 4.W p.m. The Hon. W. R. Collyer will preside.
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  • 24 4 Thk P. A O. homeward mail steamer fiallaarat left Hongkong at l.p m. on Saturday and is expected to arrive here on Thursday morning.
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  • 25 4 Mr. J J. M. Flkcry, of the Netherlands Consulate, Singapore, who is now in Europe on leave, will be returning to Singapore in March next.
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  • 27 4 H. R. H. Prince Abhukara, the head of the Siamese navy, was down with fever on the l.'ith inst. It was thought his illness would prove fatal.
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  • 31 4 Messrs. John Little and Co. send us a couple of calendars issued by Andrew Usher and Co., the whiskey distillers. The calendars depict their Majesties leaving Westminster Abbey at'ter the coronation.
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  • 32 4 The marriage takes place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday, the :tlst inst., of Miss Mary Dearling and Mr James Chalmers. A reception will afterwards be held at Dovecot,"' River Valley Road.
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  • 39 4 The many friends of Captain Fey of the Arratoon Ap-ar will be glad to learn that he has returned from Canada entirely cured of the sprue, and passed through Singapore to-day M ruute to join his ship in Calcutta.
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  • 39 4 A cricket match was played on the SCC. ground on Saturday between elevens representing the S C.C. and the S.R.C. The latter batted first and made a total of 50 The S.C.C. representatives scored 41 runs for two wickets.
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  • 34 4 In a letter to a City gentleman, Lord Desart convey* the information that the Attorney-General has decided against any proceedings being taken by the Public Prosecutor in the London and Globe Finance Corporation affair.
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  • 36 4 The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has intimated his intention of conferring the honour of knighthood upon Mr. Charles B. Ball, will be remembered, successfully operated upon Lady Dudley recently when she was Bufiering from appendicitis.
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  • 45 4 Mr. L. A. M. Johnston will be shortly passing through Singapore, on his way to Hongkong to take up the duties of Post-master-General there. It will be remembered that Mr. Johnston was acting I'ostmaBter-< ieneral at Singapore during the absence on leave of Mr. Trotter.
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  • 49 4 The majority of people are probably unaware of the derivation of Port Arthur. It was called after Captain Arthur of the Algerine (not the gunboat which acquitted itself bo well at the capture of the Taku forts in June, 1900), probably the first British man-of-war to enter the harbour.
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  • 58 4 For the first time in its history the United States is about to place the head of a woman on its postage. It is an eight cent stamp, and has the portrait of Martha Washington. The new four cent stamp will have the bead of General Grant, and the new
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  • 60 4 Lieutenant Percy Maclean, R. N. R., late Chief Officer of the P and O. Himalaya, has accepted the post of Life Boat Inspector for the Irish District in succession to Lieutenant H. I'ullan, R. N. R. late Chief Officer of trie P. &O. India. The billet became vacant owing to
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  • 59 4 The Royal Bioscope at the foot of Fort Canning was very well patronised on Saturday night and the programme was well received by the audience. The same programme including the Passion Play will be repeated to-night and as this is the last week of Company s season, the public should
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  • 82 4 At Hongkong on the 7th instant upon a patrol of three Indian policemen going out on patrol duty, one of them suddenly drew a revolver, shot a comrade, and bolted with the tatter's carbine. He was pursued, upon which he killed himself to escape capture. Enquiries showed that the dead
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  • 24 4 RESULT OF THE CORONATION STAKES. Thk result of the Coronation Stakes is as follows Up Guards 1 Cretonne -2 Record Reign 3.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 38 4 London, \lth Jan. The French Government has decided to send a naval force to he present at the opening of the railway from there to Harrar, which the Emperor Menelik is expected to attend.
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    • 21 4 The Crown Prince of Germany is at St. Petersburg where he is visiting the Czar.
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    • 14 4 One Russian torpedo boat passed ttie Dardanelles on Tuesday
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    • 70 4 London, lsj/j January Mr. Chamberlain yesterday visited the Johannesburg Stock Exchange where he had a tremendous reception. Speaking from the rostrum, Mr. Chamberlain said that he was a child in financial matters. He had heard that the report of his assassination had depressed the Berlin and
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    • 50 4 General Lord Grenfell, at present Governor of Malta, has been appointed to command both the army corps. General Sir C. M. Clarke has been appointed Governor of Malta. Colonel Scobell is to command the first cavalry Brigade at Aldershot. Colonel Uimington commands the third cavalry brigade at the Curragh.
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    • 77 4 ST. LOUIS SAFE. Indignation of Passengers. The St. Lams passed Nantucket yesterday evening. The .S7 lj,,uis arrived at New York safely. Storms had delayed the passage. The average speed was nine knots. The passengers held an indignation meeting and passed resolutions censuring the company for allowing them to embark in
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    • 41 4 The Austrian Reichsrath adjourned at 5 pit. after a lifty-four hours' sitting due to obstruction by the Czechs whose tactics are imperilling the passage of the Austro- Hungarian arrangement for which the approval of t!.e Austrian Parliament is requisite.
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    • 122 4 Speech at a Johannesburg Banquet. At a public banquet given in Johannesburg, Mr Chamberlain said that the British Government must consider the interests of the Dutch as well as those of the British Colonists. It was intended, he stated, to lay before the Imperial Parliament a Bill guaranteeing
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    • 24 4 The Naval Committee of the House of Representatives at Washington has recommended the construction of three new battleships and one cruiser.
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  • 32 4 THE PRINZ ALEXANDER" CASE. In the Supreme Court this afternoon, judgment was given in the Print Alexander -linn II vi Gnan collison case in favour of the owners of the Mm Alexander.
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  • 49 4 Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, on board the battleship Glory, and escorted by the cruiser Talbot and despatch vessel Alacrity, arrived here shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday. The ships now lie in the roads. Singapore harbour has seldom presented a more warlike appearance than it does now.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Are You Living Out of Singapore :o: You have plenty of extra charges to meet on account of Freight, Rail, etc. You want your Groceries and Provisions at Bedrock. Send to The Australian Stores The Premier Cash Provision Merchants 1, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. ROBINSON Co. Have a Large
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    • 177 4 G. R. Lambert Co Photographers open Oreaham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a-m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekda y« 8 nl 6 P"»on Sunday*. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly lapplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman film Wratten-WrAinwrigbt'a Ilforu and German dry
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  • 502 5 Rational Measures. Thk rikisha strike is practically over, thanks to the enerey displayed by the C. P. O. and his force. Yesterday morning he, Assist. Supts. Wathen and Chancellor and about 56 armed Sikhs and some Malay members of the force provided with batons, visited Victoria, Tringganu
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  • 105 5 Another Royal visitor from Europe will shortly be passing through Singapore. Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria, eldest grandson of Prince- Regent Luitpold, intends soon to make a journey round the world, accompanied by his young and lovely consort. The Royal couple will take their way to
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  • 88 5 'Mr. .1. Kihn, of the firm of Kuhn and Xi in Kir, arrived here from Japan on Saturday, and brought down a peculiarly beautiful collection of silver, gold, gold lacquer and embroideries that are the most charming examples of modern Japanese art, and have been specially' made
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  • 120 5 Dm iollowiug piuweiigers- arrived here bj lbs liSlMill Mail Stslamf Stuttfari yesterday: From Southampton Mr. A. K. |{En/ie and lamilv. From ltreiuen Lieut, lijalinar, F. li. Holm. Mr. Caul Fregc. Major Vii Yaau. Krom CniKi: Mr. C. It. Follet, Mr. F V. lirain HenekgUHt, Mr. tirat Wartenberg, Mr.
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  • 53 5 Advices from India state that the initial cost of raising five Native Infantry Regiments to replace those employed at Colonial Garrisons, amounting to £50,000, has been paid by the War Office and that another £50,000 is to be shjrily paid for the cost of training und maintaining the five regiments
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  • 537 5 Orchestral Concert at the Town Hall. Saturday evening saw another of the Singapore Philharmonic Society's orchestral concerts, which are now so popular a feature of musical life in Singapore. The promoters of the concert had reason to be more than satisfied with the attendance, because the rikisha
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  • 259 5 Mr. Matthew Little, ol Applegarth, .*>, Lyndhurst-gardens, and of John Little and Co. (Lin.ited), 9 and 10, Pancraslane, formerly of Singapore, who died on Nov. 7 last, aged seventylive years, nominated in his will, dated May 10, 1900, as his executors Mr. William Henry Dalgleisb, of
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  • 60 5 P. O. FARES. Thk Indian passage rates by the P. O. steamers have been somewhat reduced as from January Ist. The L. C. Express understands that the rates of passage to ports in the Straits, China, and Japan are under consideration, but up to the time of the last mail
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  • 263 5 On Saturday afternoon last the S.V.C had a field day." The idea was that a hostile force was marching on Singapore via Cairn Hill and was trying to cut the railway line. The attackers, under Lieut. Derrick, S.V.A., the Chinese companies of the S.V.I, under
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  • 89 5 Thk usual monthly medal was played for on Saturday, the 10th inst., and resulted in a win for Dr. Fowlie with a score of 83. Scores Carver, Bennnt, Kagan, Loudon, Nicholson and Stiven returned no cards. Kowlie,--Teveroliniii I'earce 1.-iM-ii! William- I!..l*tN<.>. \II.M|I.> W.-imr Hart. .11 Allinfion
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  • 196 5 The January Medal was played for on Saturday when the following scores were returned Messrs Holmes and l.addd also played. During the past week a friendly match was played between the Keppel Golf Club and a team from the Garrison Golf Club, composed principally of the officers
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  • 97 5 Tanclin Club v. Teutonia Club. This match was blbueht to a conclusion on Saturday night and was won by the Tanglin Club by 29 points. The scores were as follows: SuiltllHIII Ritchie fimlitlV l.ane Wliite (Jrulmin I VN'.I.IN 'III Tanglin Teutoniu Total s-.':t use i .11 >;• M Ml
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  • 55 5 Sir Thomas Lipton has told an interviewer that Shamrock 111 will be launched in April. Sir Thomas expressed his confidence that the Cup would be lifted this time. Shamrock III.," when finished and rigged, will be the best possible racing yacht. It is said that the new America Cup defender
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  • 54 5 Thk annual report of the Victoria Institution at Kuala Lumpur for 1902 shows an average enrolment of 524 with an average attendance of 480. The result of the examination in specific subjects showed Euclid and Algebra to be the weakest point of the candidates. At to standard work, arithmetic is
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  • 124 5 At the Synagogue, St. John's Wood, London, on the 11th ult., Mr. Stuart Laurence, f Shanghai, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Wilbelmina (Minnie) Mess, only daughter of Mr. Nathan Mess, of the Trans-Siberian Railway and late of Nagasaki, Japan. Mr. Howard Lau-ance, the brother
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  • 488 5 P. O. Jan _':i. -I'er Hnltwtrnt Kor London Mr. A. L. Chittenden. s. S. Major T. Millward, Sorgt. W. A. Laves, Serjrt. .Fame*. Mr. G. H. Lee* from I'enang to liomlon. Feb. 6th. I'er I'lnimm For London Mr. G. Uollin. Feb. '2iitli s.s. I mimltl for London,
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  • 61 5 As we have previously announced in these columns, the British tir«t class cruiser Leviathan is to be the flagship of Rear-Admiral A. Macleod, who has been appointed to command the cruiser squadron in China, and whose name and (qualities are well known in Singapore. According to the latest mail papers,
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  • 647 5 Singapore, 19th lavcarv, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyerx I 15.30 Copra Ball d 75 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyer* 55.26 do White, (8%) buyer* 59.60 Sago Flonr Sarawak 4.60 do Brunei No. 1 4.26 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, \S% basis 25.00 Coffee, Palembana,2o% basin. 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 For colds that come in the night, yoa cannot have medicine too handy, and the right medicine is Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 141 5 H.L. Coghlan Go's Forthcoming Sales Of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Wednesday, 21st January. At Alster Pavilion, Scott's Riad. Saturday, 31st January. At No. 83. Institution Hill. Saturday. 7th February. At Greenhill, Chancery Lane, the property of the late A. H. Stephens Saturday, 28th March. At Lochaber, Scotis Road, the property of J.
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    • 541 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Eittate of Teo Kit Clteong, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS' LEASEHOLD GAMBIER AND PEPPER PLANTATIONS. COVERING AN AREA OF 725 Acres. TO BE HELD AT POWBIX CO.'s BALB-KOOM. On Wednesday, 2^lh February l»0."«, ut -2.M p.m. District. Area. Chop. CboaCtmKam; I V
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 177 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 19th January. Hi^'li Water. •_'> p.m. Horoe and Carriage Sale at Dalian's. 5. K...U Sale. Hav<<Wk IM. < o<;hlan. Mfc Football. S.C.I. v. i;i,, r Malay Theatre. North Kii.ltfe \U>mi. 9. Tuesday, 20th January. High Water. -2.42 a.m. 3.1 p.m. Moon. Last Quarter. 6. +5 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 251 6 NOTICES. XXft Puteometet> Requires o tM£a\\\\\ Thousands in us skilled attendance. w3f Mm* vmj satisfactioi VV'iLi Mm PUMP M- A ALMOST KM j A anything. W iL H Needs no No moving part- mjf Hl of order. ««e^e^B Wll V^^lb JlT* Jl^V MOST ECONOMICAL WORK '^9 iH^^J STEAM PIMP S
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    • 97 6 DURABLE AND ACCURATE *Q^y Tbe Keysioce Watch Case Co. 'i"^*! PhiUd«lpM«. U. S A. jt^^K America's Olciest ai.d i&V- Watch Facto-y V^ J m^M For sals by Xsi^y The Principal Watch Dealers in Strife Settlements I SAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES K jt made of Gelitinc most e fflcAciaus, because abwluielr pun
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    • 478 6 NOTICE& SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. The above line as far as Bukit Timah will be open for traffic from January ist, 1903. The Train Service, until 1 further notice, will be as under, Sundays included Singapore .6 00 7.2.5 8.50 10.1.~> 12.00 1 :*> AM 5.% 6.5."> N (6 08 7.34
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    • 303 6 NOTICES. lla^E^ii' l vi^A >esc tin >' B^l^U^^kl^^ Capsules jBVH superior E7l7fllft^a!^r t0 Copaiba, T^^^J\^M%y Cubebs, and Injections— cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Bicb Ctpuilc b«ra th* nut (MlDl) FOR DISEASES OF THE OHEST. SRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime Prescribed in France
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 745 7 The Bornpp Company, Lt«l. rTWE Sttndai-i Life Assunuioa. 1 Norwich Union Fire Innumaos Boeisty Atlas Assoiasce Ompmy (Fir»). The K-initaWe Lite Awuisnon Society, rhe Chin. Mntn»l Bt*»m Navigation Companj I be T ottenhun Lager Beer Company. /or particulars of ttuw* Companies, see tin rnll »dverti»em«nt of THE BORNEO COM PANT,
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    • 1220 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India GovetDunnt. Agmii at Singapore: Ship Aqbhct, latb J. Dabndbl* A 00., 2-8, Coiltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for:— On Van Outhoorn Padang Jan 14 Penang, Sabang, Olehleh, Poeloe RadTa, Analaboe,
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    • 773 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddeutsctier Lloyd. Bimen Coast Lines. te y BTEAMBRB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tomb Reg. Ton Reg. Stettin 2478 KuhncKang 2042 Sandakan '.'lll Petchaburf 219] Paknam -'(Mil Pittanulok 3019 Tanglin 1999 Rajahuri 1904 Bangkok 19» Chov Tai 1777 Karat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17M Keong Wai 1777 S'uen
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    • 566 7 INSURANCE CO.'S VIAMIuM IMHUKANUB OFPIU l^ LIMITED. Capital SabseritMd.. IMOO.OOa Amount paid op iOO^BO. RwOTTarMd.JT. 1,160.0U Hiad Omda, Homo«o»9. rh« nnonsi^nad, baring been appoint* Agents of the aboTC Company, are prepared t ■ooapt Marine Riiki at currant rates. BOT7BTEAD k Co., AffMts. ROYAL ""INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 340 7 INSURANCE CO.'S C« UN INSURANCE OFFICE, LONDOM O BBTABLIRHBD 1710. Insurances effected upon almost every I description of property at the current rate* of premium. Total sum insured in lflOO, £4fi0.000,000 do 1880, £3m,600,00« BRINKMANN 4 Co. General Agents, Singapore and the Native* States. TriE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. (united with
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    • 1591 8 Undnr this heading the following abbrn«ta>ticnii sic used —str. —steamer sh.— ■hip: bq -barque; sch.— schooner; Yet.--Yacht; Cm.— Cruiser; -Uiinboat; Tor —Torp/'do; H.p.—Hocse-power; Brit.—Bii Uih; I!. S.—United Status; Fch.—Frencli 8«r. —German; Dut. —Dutch; Jou. —Joboi B.c—General-cargo; d.p.-deck passen^r: C—Uncertain T. P. w.—Taniong Pat:*i> Wharf; T.P.D.-Tanjqfg Pagar Dock:
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    • 595 8 VESSE LS EXPECTED. Same,, port, probable date of arrival, aiid name o) agent*. Stiambbs. Ad. Hamelin, Dunkirk, left Dec 8; M. C'te Ambria Hongkong, Feb 10; Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 27; BehnMeyer Annam, Colombo. Feb 1 M. Maritime*.. An tenor. China, Jan 26; Mansfield. Am Mara. London, Jan 21
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    • 84 8 For Her tlcamrr Tine. To-MOPBOW. 1 j»buan and Maml.. Chienfi Mai a.m. Pontianak W. O'the\\\*p p.m. P.Swet'ham via port? K.Hin-Quau 3 p.m. Pulo I. am. Pasir etc., Han Lwrnj 4 p.m. Saigon Melila 4 p.m. Muntok Palembans <•■ 0. Msm 4 p.m. WIIINKSDAY. Cotie via ports I>ae>uirl* 1
      84 words
    • 186 8 MAILS TO A RRIVE. From Europe— Ry the Y. 40. as. Malta due on the 26th January, and with dates to the 2nd January, .dhe brings replies to the mails, which left Singapore on the 3rd and 7th December. From China— By the P.AO. s.s. Ballaarat due on Thursday. Prom
      186 words
    • 447 8 t VIMCL'g N4MI. IOBC CaPTAIJI FROM PaILID CONSIGNEES a Kio Jan i 17 Ban Liong Out sir. 275 Flak R'jermasin Jan 18 Ek Leoog Chan 17 Breid Nor str. 645 Falkman Bangkok Jan 11 Bebo Meyer 4 Co. 17 Hong Wan Krit str. lit; Hudson Malacca Jan 1« Wee
      447 words
    • 164 8 Datb. Vessel's Name. Flao A Kio Toss. Destination. Lan 17 Kauoahima Maru Jrtp str 2731 Hongkoog and Japaa 18 Kflsident Srhiti I)ut str 64 Rhio 18 Baikal Fch sir. 713 Bali and Boeleleug 18 Van I > ii- in. -n Dnt str 740 Batuvin 1« (Jiang Sen* Brit str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 JAPAN COALS. THE MITSUI BUSSAN KAJSHA (MITBUIA (<).) HEAD OFFICE No. 1 Suruga-Cho, Tokio. LONDON BRANCH 34, Lime Street.E.C. SINGAPORE BRANCH Finlayson Green. OTHER BRANCHES Ne* York, San Francisco, Hamburg Bombay, Sourabaya, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chpfoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Seoul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Vokosuka, Nagoy a, Osaka, Kobe, Kobe,
      154 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 98 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital isthJanuaruJM.; Ua,m 3pm.Hp.m. Kkmarks. Bar i»M7i 29*«» 2M.960 Morning Temp 81.0 83.0 78.2 clear, day WB'lbTher 77.0 79.0 7«.4 ocast, rain DirofWind n.s. c. si:, k.n.e. at I p.m Max. Temp 84.Jt uighteloudy Mm .74.:, Sun 186.U Terr, rad 72 3 Rainfall .32 4
      98 words