The Straits Times, 12 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 027 SINGAPORE, MONllfcY, JANUARY ft, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 563 1 NOTICES. ©k ffimrs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. TBE type used an a standard for setting advertiHementc \t> similar to tin-, miles* the instruction is to "display" the ajvertisenient, when any effective style of type, used in tbe paper, will be adopted. The xtandard runt exactly oight lines to
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    • 650 1 f NOTICE. notice. DEPOBITOBB in the Savings Bank are reminded to tend in their passbooks between ttie 2nd and 15th January, 1903, for w|t in compliance with the Rule* id£ Mgulations of the Havings Bank Ordfbakce. Pass-books may be forwarded fret by" post to the Superintendent .NOEL TROTTER, Manager, Cteternment
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    • 203 1 NOTICES. MORTGAGE. T^ SUMS up to «M),tGO may be bad on firs class mortgage on application to v.c. STEPHENS. PAULsVCO. SINGAPORE mAiCHANT SERVICI GUII® A General Meettrg will be held in tb< Marrep Club room, on Wednesday 14th January 1903, at 8 pm. Business Ueneral. J. O BOYD. 14-1 Secretary.
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    • 137 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT Clearance Sale i Our 'Postponed I Cheap Sale "WILL CODUCIMIEIfcTOjC ON {Monday, tde-idjd KATZ BROTHERS Im Ending Wednesday, 27tf) Very Special Bargains 4 Further Particulars ih a few l>ay& f GREAT Reduction Sale. v.c. Powell RobinsonJ Watches Clocks Jewellery A carefully selected stock J^^t Specialities in Watedes
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    • 548 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Slum: TV-MIQHT. JANUARY 12th. 190JJ At the North Bridge Road Theatre INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical CompSny of Singapore. Will stage thehaautiful drama bunga'wawar the sleeping princess Dont miss this grand oppo«MoU\ The following actresses will H^fear Miates Johana Karel, Dora Schmidt Kanter-V iseer, Mary and Sophie. UBXTAI. FRICBB. S.
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  • 2458 2 Delhi Durbar. Tlii- proclamation of the King at the Delhi Durbar on Ist January in described ax a spectacle long to h« rememtiered in the iinii.ilof the Indian Kmpire. There wan a brilliant gathering of Princex. Chiefh, and represents tivr- of the people* of India. The ui.i--i'i_' of
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  • 20 2 'Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 Notices. TJN 11 special BJun ville s Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA L^aaaai^ ■ill W fa^B^A HbbbV IIIJJI \pm Glasgow, scortM Unf| f^ m. w. A .21-1 *E' A O^kL^Sftaaaaal Ham I nO fe U I G ADAPTED TO HIS "WORK. IT IS
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    • 506 2 NOTICES, Yarrow's Light Draft Steamers. Particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD, J^ STANDARD JOLICY. or* £500 Btg. Payable at Age 65 or at Death, if previous Cost* at the Rate of Per quarter. Age. £4 10 0 if commenced at 26 £6 14 11 if commenced at 36 £9 1
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    • 264 2 NOTICES, HJOBWICH UNION FIR* INBCKANCB 11 BOCIBTT OF NORWICH AffD UPDON. litiiliiiid 1707. 'OB riBE INSURANCE ONLY Amount mmmd..... MUtfiOOflOO Loom* paid. X 11.e00.000. Premium income M 006,000. Inanranm effected on tlmcwt arwy <l—cription propertj at current rate* of premium Biaxa FOB 10 DAT* am how audit m» at 4
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  • 518 3 For years the policy of Japan has been directed with the view of building up a strong navy and merchant marine. Her jioMtion in the East is, in many respects, 'analogous to (ireat Britain in the We«t, and according to the United States Consul-General at Yokohama, her aspirations
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  • 407 3 Reports have been published concurrently by the I'nited States Minister in Lima and the Tnited States Consul in Para giving particulars of a railway to be built by Peru from the coaßt over the Andes Mountains to connect with the head of navigation on the
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  • 452 3 In the October number of Pearson's Magarine an entertaining article upon the Japanese navy and the Japanese sailor is given by Mr. M. Tindal Not .■>() years ago Japan's fleet consisted merely of a few old junks bearing one sail apiece. Now she has such a magnificent navy
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  • 334 3 P. &O. .lull. S.i. Per linllnarat For London -Mr. A. I. I'liitt-i'ilt-ii. Kel.. Per Ceylon For London— Mr. A. Baker. From PenanK for London Mr. and Mm, llallifax and 2 children, Mr. I'ett-, Mix* Neulironner. M»r. 6. Per Bengal For London- -Mr-. D. M Home ami infant,
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  • 186 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 0. c. s. Jwlia connecting at Colombo with the steamer Malta from London Dec. 26, due 25th Jan.— Mr. C. W. Bark. Per P. A O. s. s. Oeeona connecting with tbe steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London Jan 8, dae Bth
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 344 3 NOTICES. JJJUPICHL&STEEL >may m^dr mm wfmxm m m gmj A Hfbr Ladies. l gfk LLj A S>IM(H> for all li-rofulr.rltles. PUK&DI Bltlii Appla. IVo»j,oJ. c ill, Mi ■old by Slnftapor* Oi»p«n»ln«< Co.. Ltd., R«fTle» Place, Slnftapor*. Pro*il«' I MARTIN. CkcsM. SOUTHAMPTON. INdI.AND KIM TIAN POULTRY FARM 9iang Jim Jbeong (Company.
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    • 663 3 NOTICES. WAN TED an experienced and Intelligent Clerk. Apply to E. H. 8. c/o Strnitt Time*. 18-1 WANTED: Collector, at ply with letters of reference and names of security for 11,000. to THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., WANTED. A Reliable Storekeeper, must give security. 16-1 Apply to H. C. 800
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    • 647 3 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan ff Co. HAVE BEEN APPOIHTOD SUB-AGENTS OF THE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, u.O. Straits Settlements. FORJSALE, Qtjina Mooring Twites. In several different patterns from MessrsHong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. Can be seen at our
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    • 677 3 SHIPPING "BRITIBH INDIA BTKAM NAVI-" GATION COMPANY', LIMITED FOR PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA. THE Company's steamer PVRXKA 2,137 tons, Captain Packbam, will be despatched for thealiovp ports on Monday, tbe 12th January, at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to 18-1 g BOUSTEAD A CO.. Agents. INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION
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  • 26 4 Dean.— On the Sth instant, wf. I'enang, Edward, the infant SSS] of Captain Dkan. of Singapore. Lkiimaxv— On the l»t Dec. at Shanghai. Hans Leiimann.
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  • 794 4 Since the advent of the immense new American steamship, Korea, on the Pacific there have been lively discussions in the Chine and Japan ports anent the respective merits of the "Kmpress" liners, as the Canadian Pacific boats are called, and the
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  • 157 4 Last week a storm blew half the roof off the dormitory that shelters some 200 of the orphans in the Convent. Those unfortunate little creatures are now sleeping anywhere and everywhere that they can find a dry corner. The Municipal engineers have condemned the whole building. For half a century
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  • 29 4 The Military Mail announces that Brevet Major H. J. Everett, Somersetshire Light Infantry, has been appointed D.A.A.G. in the Straits Settlements, succeeding Capt. R. W. P. White, Welsh Regiment.
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  • 13 4 Reading matter, including wire news will be found in pages 2 and S.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/7J
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  • 12 4 The I*. S.S. Buffalo is due here within the next few days.
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  • 14 4 The homeward mail by the 8.1. s.s. Zaida closes on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 16 4 M. E. Ani.jli.ia, agent for Chatham and Wilkes' Steel Trunks, sends wall calendars for this year.
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  • 15 4 Bangkok commenced its race-meet-ins; on the 7th instant. There seven events, all for Siamese |>onies.
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  • 18 4 Entries for the tirst day of Penang Races except the Maiden Plate close at noon on Thursday next.
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  • 22 4 A uame af water polo wa« played at the Swimming Club yesterday, when the Club beat a team of the R. A.
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  • 19 4 In t tit Philippines, there were 120,974 cases of cholera reported, with deaths set at 76,b16, during last year.
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  • 16 4 A Malay Police Corporal died suddenly yesterday while on duty in the station at Kampone Malacca.
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  • 19 4 The first messages by the American Pacific cable were exchanged between Honolulu and San Francisco on .th* sth instant
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  • 21 4 Another cadet has severed his connection with the F.M.S. Government, viz., Mr. E. de St. Dalmas, cadet in the Pabang service.
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  • 26 4 The Dean of Winchester, who died recently, was attacked by typhoid, alleged to have been contracted by partaking of oysters at a banquet held in Winchester.
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  • 27 4 The Young Men's Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the Church tAght at >-:«». Mr J. M. Hart will read ti paper on Money and Exchange."
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  • 31 4 Sbkot. Curtain and E.P.C.'s Coleman and Adams have been transferred to Penang and leave to-day. H. G. Crummey arrived by the P. &O. Coromandel yesterday to join the local police force.
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  • 69 4 Mb. F. 0. Edlin, barrister-at-law at Hopgkong, died there on the 2nd instant after undergoing an operation for abscess in the liver. He was admitted to the bar there on the 15th December last. Among the passengers who arrived by P. O. mail yesterday was Major St. Clair, S V.
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  • 40 4 Owino to certain grievances, real or alleged, the compositors in the printing office of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., went on strike on Friday afternoon last. Matters were smoothed over to-day however, the men returning to work at about 11-30.
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  • 561 4 A Zealous Police Officer Succumbs to Smallpox. At five o'clock yesterday morning, Detective Inspector Brennan, of the Singapore Police Force, died of smallpox at the General Hospital at the age of 38. He took ill on Friday morning, and was sent to Hospital on Saturday afternoon,
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  • 238 4 Stealing from Tanjong Pagar This morning at the Assizes, before Mr. Justice Hyndman- Jones and a jury, three Chinamen were charged with stealing two large canes, containing goods for Messrs Brinkmann and Co. from the Tanjong Pagar Dock, by means of a false cart note." Mr. Cox, the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 94 4 Ijondon, January lOth. General Botha, giving an account of the Boer (ieneral's mission to Kurope at a meeting of Boers held in Pretoria, said that the mission had yielded about £100,000. Mr. Chamberlain, in the course of a reply to the Boer address on Thursday,
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    • 9 4 The Moorish Pretender has resumed the offensive.
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    • 87 4 Leaves Washington Suddenly. Dr. Von Holleben. the German ambassador at Washington, has suddenly applied for sick leave. It is generally assumed that he has been recalled for supposed want of tact Baron St.ernberg, formerly the German consul at Calcutta, a psfWSM grata to President Roosevelt, has been appointed
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    • 62 4 lioudon, 1 lilt January. While the King of Spain was returning from church on Saturday evening, at Madrid, a man fired a revolver at the second carriage. Nobody was injured. The man is a Spaniard named Feito. He is apparently insane and declares
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    • 21 4 In the International Rugby football match on Saturday, Wales scored three goals and two tri es, England one goal.
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    • 24 4 The Marconi wireless telegraphic system between England and America will be open for public use about the 20th inst.
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  • 222 4 Arrival of the Goliath.' Thk British battleship Goliath arrived on Saturday evening. The Glory, Talbot, and Alacrity were expected at the same time but they have not yet appeared. We are officially informed that they will he here on Sunday next. The squadron left Hongkong on the sth
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  • 171 4 At the opening of the Penang Assize on Tuesday, a murder case in which a Chinaman was the accused party came up. It had been twice tried at the previous Assize, the jury disagreeing in both eases. Mr. BromheadMatthews, the Acting Solicitor-General, upon the prisoner being placed in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. It is the Come- Again Customer We Want. :O: The Customer who has been Promptly, Politely Served, and, on top of that, realises that she or he has paid the Lowest Bottom Price, goes away pleased. The Pleased Customer comes back again. The Australian Stores Are run with
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    • 532 4 U4M, WANTED. A ledger clerk for immediate employment. Apply to Lidge*, c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED— Young smart European assistant, must speak Malay. Apply )>v letter at once to H. George, c/o Btraiti Time*. 12-1 WANTED— Energetic firm of Rood standing, as agent for the sale of a preparation unequal'ed as
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    • 231 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opbn: Gresham Hove (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on w kd »y* 8 m P m Road on Sundays. -noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Bastmac films, w ratten- Wrai a
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  • 1296 5 IjoruUnt, 19th Decemb&r. The annual general meeting of the Duff Syndicate, Limited vvas held at Winchester House yesterday, when the report and statement if accounts were submitted. Viewed trom the back of the Hall one could imagine that a Singapore Club meeting was going on. Familiar
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  • 224 5 lUkkles Hotel never saw a better, a happier, and a more representative gathering than on Saturday evening when the Russian battleship, Admiral Xarhimoff, sent its band on shore to play at the caravanserai, and despite the lowering weather, a crowd seldom equalled gathered at Raffles. Mr. "Joe
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  • 36 5 Retcrn from the Sipiau Tin Co's mines for December was piculs 129.21 of tin ore, valued, at 86,59^.50. Work v retarded owing to heavy rains cau»i.:g damage to ditch, and bulan puasa" interfering with labour supply.
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  • 40 5 The new premises of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Kobe were opened with much ceremony on the Bad ult., Mr. J. C. Hall, H.B.M. Consul, making a speech which was responded to by the Manager, Mr. R. Home Cook.
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  • 41 5 The Russian cruiser Askold, 6.000 gross tons and M guns, Commander N K. Keitzen, trom Cronstadt, which she left on the 16th September last, ri<* Karachi, bound for Port Arthur, is expected here soon. She was at Colombo a week ago.
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  • 46 5 Singapore will be having as guests some of the Shane who recently created the reign of terror in northern Siam. On some of them lengthy sentences have been inflicted by the British Consular authorities, two men having to undergo twelve and fourteen years' penal servitude respectively.
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  • 49 5 The shortage of the beet sugar crop in Europe will naturally raise the price of that commodity throughout the world. The Manila American deems that the news will prove a source of encouragement to sugar planted in the Philippines who have suffered severe losses during the last six years.
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  • 1976 5 British North Borneo Co. The 40th half-yearly meeting of the British North Borneo Company was held on Dec. 16th under the presidency of Mr Richard B. Martin, M.P. who reminded the shareholders that 12 months ago he told them that they estimated the revenue for the current year
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  • 46 5 O.\ Saturday night the Indra Zansibar Theatrical Co. played "Jula Juli Bintang, Satu "to a crowded house and the audience seemed well pleased with the play. There were a good many Europeans present. To-night Bunga Mawar," or the sleeping princess, will be put on the stage.
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  • 74 5 Captain H. C. French, R.A.M.C, has been awarded the Royal Humane Society's silver medal for his gallantry in jumping overboard from the transport llnW, in the Straits of Singapore, on Nov. 17, after a coloured stoker who had thrown himself from the ship. The vessel was going at a speed
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  • 655 5 SiBQAFot*. 12th January, i*«. PRODUCE. Gam bier bnyen f 15. "5 Copra Ball 9.HH do Pon||*nalc 9.00 Pepper, Black bnyern do White, (8%) «i.mi Bago Flour Sarawak 4.55 do Brunei No. 1 4.2.5 Pearl Sago 5.80 Coffee, Bali, 15% basii 23.0(1 Coffee, Falembang, 30% basis MM Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 537 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND. TO BE HELD AT POWKLL CO. 'B SALE-ROOM On Wednesday the 14th Jan., 1 »<•.(, at 2-30 p.m. 1. Agricultural land situate in the district of Pulau Damar, Singapore, area 4 acres i roods comprised in Statutory Grant No. 2161, quit rent |4. 2. Agricultural
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    • 149 5 CHINESE CLERK. WANTED immediately smart Junior of -mil.- experience. Must b<' pit pared to eater upon duties at once. Apply to Secubtakv, 13 1 John I.ittl- A Co. Ltd. Dl RING Jar vary, the Indian Oil " Supply Stores will move from 3 Boat Quay to 2 Robinson Road. During
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 180 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, i ath January. High Water. 10. 11. p.m. s.V.H. Recruit* Drill. 5.1& Philharmonic Choir, ."i. 1.1. Dance Clnb. 8.80. Tuesday, 13th January. High Water. 9.21 a.lll. 10..Y7 |>.m. Full Moon. 9.13 p.m. S.V.I. Drill. 5.15. Hand, tiardenn. 9. Philharmonic Orchestra. Uf Wednesday, 14th January. Hk'h Water.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 400 6 NOTICES. XX)t puteometet> Requires a o Thousands in us* skilled attendance. IpW satisfactior F>TJJXLF> Mt k almost Km I H m m, Oil Packin S' No moving parts n order. V'lrf^fc^ JHp w,u jBSSImMI^ W wost economical WORK STbAM PUMP. SUSPENDED \JE^| P>^^^ on a Chain. 2^^^Sjr PAKTICI vkS jKUm^^^
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    • 221 6 TANSAN Is* on sale at all tbe principal Hotels Tiffin Rooms Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Bub-agents...McClymont Co., Port Dickson. Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuala Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton, Teluk An son Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HAVE NOW REDUCED
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    • 382 6 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE -HIGHEST REPUTATION EVEE^WHERE %tify the System against Disease with HURt. tUOOn. "THL 3£ST_ SECURITY FOH HtAwTH. llk I 4' ~\i I[~ > f ~"\j' "\i \*li/^^a«<fc: S***\ ESSENCE OR rUJID EXTRACT OF RCD ,IRM*ICS Bsta. K<fciFi^w^KBfa\^^ i yrsf '^'H M W Wif Vis smcf 1823. t^yL»«BA»yy34B*4^aMß»J»a*sMSi PronTMiel
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    • 395 6 NOTICES. W m **^^^*m^^m^^m^^ C/SX^IKfA These tiny fl^^a^HHU^^ Capsules —superior li^/lll^V to a >a > y^^^M^^^W Cubcbs, and Injections— <ure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Each C.pMilc bear, ihc HiIDY) FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEBT. SRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime Prescribed in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 590 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. r£ Stud*, j Life Asnuanm. Norwich Union Kll* Inroranos Society. AtUu AMtmnce Company (Fire). The Komttble Life Annrmnoo Society. 1 he China, Mutual Steam Navigation Company Oi. 'ottenhmm Lager Beer Company. .■'or particnliw* of t».e*e Companies, see the -oil adVartifement of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Agents.
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    • 774 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijice Paketvaart Maatschappij. Cnder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agtnti at Singapore: Ship Aeraor, lats J. Dabidbu A Co., 3-3, Collybb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Html man Bandjermassin 6 Bawean, Soerabaya, Bandiermassin, Kotabaroe, Balikpapan, Moeara Djawa
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    • 636 7 I Straits Steamship Co. (Ltd.) 8. 8. Penang On Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca Port Dickson Port Swettenham and Teiuk Anson. 8.8. "Malacca": On Wednesdays at 4 p.m., for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham, and Telnk Anson. 8.8. '"Ganymede": On Thursday at 4 p.m for Port Swettenham via Malacca.
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    • 724 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES fiorddeutecHer Lloyd. Bremen Coast Lines. 7 STEAMERS OF THE COABT FLEET. Tons S^g. Tons Bee. Stettin 2478 Kohtichang 2042 .S«nda*an '.'lll Petchaburi 2191 Paknam -'<ku PiUanulok 2019 Tanglin 1*99 Rajabwi 1904 Bangkok KM Chow Tai 1777 Karat l«0fl Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1J44 Keong Wai 1777 Nuen Tung
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    • 553 7 INSURANCB CO.'S CANTON INBUBAMCB OFFIO LIMJTID. Capital Subscribed $a^OCJBO. Amoaas paid np snO,flbO. Rseerv* fond... 1,110,000. Hiad Omsß, Honaiowa. rhe unaerugiKd, having been appoint* Agents of the above Company, u« prcpiuod t •ooept Marine Risks at currant rate*. BOUSTEAD k Co.. Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE 00Y. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 738 7 INSURANCE CO.'S s THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. (united with the Alliance -Assurance Company Ltd.) Old Broad Street, London. i Established 1803 Capital f5.-'50,000. Total Funds exceed £10,000,000. General Manager. Robert Lewis Esq. BARLOW CO Agents. LANCASHIRE INSURANCB COMPANY. NOW WtWID IN The Royal Insurance Coy. MRE AND LIKK. INVKSTKIi KINDS
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  • 1476 8 Onder ttiis heading the following abbreviations are used >str. steamer sh.— Ship;bq. barque; sch. schooner; Vet. Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Qbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. BriUsh U. S.— united States Feb.— French Ber.— German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; B.C.— General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; O.— Uncertain T.
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  • 561 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. HT«AM«RB. Ad. Hameiin, Dunkirk, left Dec 3; M. Cte Annum, Colombo, Feb 'i M. Maritime*. Antenor, China, Jan 36; Mansfield. Awa Maru, London, Jan 21 P. Simons. Ballaarat, Hongkong, Jan 22 F. AO. BeoaJdcr, London, Jan Pateraon Simons.
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  • 73 8 For Per Mteamrr Time. TO-MORROW. New York Crondon 11a.m. P. Swet'ham via ports B. Poh ( 2 p.m. Penang and Deli Cahrpto 3 p.m. Bangkok B.Seng Gun n 3 p.m. Fremantle via ports Sultan 3 p.m. Bandjermassin Houtmaa 4 p.m. Muntok A Palembang G. G. Myer 4 p.m.
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  • 146 8 From Europe— Ry the N. D. L. ss. Stuttgart due on Saturday. From China— By the M. M. s.s. Loot due on Sunday. From Western Australia— By the s. s. Miniluii due 14th January. Tinas Table of Mails Drs. I/eft Singapore. Dae in London Arrived Nov 23rd
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  • 340 8 A t 5 Vehsu g Name 4 ioa« Uaptaim Fbom Hailed. Consioncu. a Rio Jan 10 Eridun Fch str. 926 Ei voile Saigon Jan 7M. Maritime* 10 Macduf! Brit str 1881 Glegg K'ehinoUu Dec 31 F. Simons and Co. 10 Charterhouse str. 1928 Field K'chinotzu Dec 29 W. Mansfield
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  • 164 8 Date. Vbssil'B Name. Flao i. Rio Tors. Dutinatiok. i-2 10 10 11 10 10 11 la n ii 10 U n v n v 12 12 II 18 <H Konig Albert Q«r str. 6689 Hamburg via ports Pasha+ Brit str. HHStt, Calcutta Amin..- Ocr str. 822 Saigon Giang Bee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 603 8 THE FIBST 'WEEK OK STOCKTAKING BAT.E RIOHT THROUOHOUT THE HOUSE. THE GAINSBORO HAT BOX TlfcS Top»rr>Ki.\ lailiw lml» <>r l-onnete oil In. lit <l» !■<_• r ol ilßinanc <>r ili«|il»ce ,^-y 5w .^^B K 1 rP^SKA f fi £»~> He. 1 To carrj four liatw. nm<fi (1 ot Black .la|innmii'(
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 33 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. fE. E. A. A C. Telegraph Company. 12th Jari-abv. HONGKONG.— Barometer 30.16. Direction of Wind East. Force of Wind 1. Max. Temp in Shade. 69. MANILA:— 76B 0. 0. 37. 23.
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    • 66 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kaiuiang Kerbau Hospital I lth Jannaru /.">' »j.m 8 p.m. H p.m. Remarks Bar ..-2n.*****.7U8JU.892 Mornins Temp .81.4 86.0 7H.0 clear. da> WB'lbTher 79.0 78.0 76.6 < o'cast, rain DirofWind hi. h.e. n'.k. at 2 p.m Max. Temp «7.2 night cl«>ar Mm 76.0 Sun 146.0 Terr, rad
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