The Straits Times, 5 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,022 SINGAPORE. MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 699 1 NOTICES. ©he ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVEKTISEMENTS. THE type used BS S «t( for Retting advrrtiHenirnti- i» -iiniliir tv Urn, unlenB theinHtrnrtinn is to "display" the advertixement, whan hiiv affective -tyle of tjrpS, u->->l in the payer, will bs sdoptei The otandanl tons exiirtly ei|.'lit Übh to the
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    • 588 1 NOTICE. NOTICE. DEPOBITORS in tbe Savings Bank are reminded to send in their passbooks between the 2nd and 16th January, 1903, for audit in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Savings Bank Ordinance. Pass-books may be forwarded free by post to the Superintendent of the Bank. NOEL TROTTER,
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    • 218 1 NOTICES. Inotice is hereby given that the .merest »ml responsibility of tbe heir- of our dec-eased partner, Mr. \VERNER NAKF, ceased on the Slst of December, )90-.>. Mr. J. van LOHUIZEN has been admitted a partner in our firm from to-day. HOCK4L.ANDT 4 CO. Singapore, Ist January, 190.1. fi-1 NATIONAL
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    • 156 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Lamps I I Safes K Cash Bokes Silver Goods Cycles f Ice Chests Dressing Cases Z Flower Stands Fancy Goods p Plated Ware Harness R Cutlery Brushes O Guns, Rifles Pipes lj Cartridges Stationery E Liquor Stands Jewellery R Perfumes Drapery *J Outfitting Ironmongery Provisions John Little Co.,
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    • 598 1 READ IT THROUOH. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. Up toaxlmrt time aeo Mm. John K. Harmon. of Melfa Htation, Va U. S. A. had no persona I knowledge of the rare curative properties ot Chamberlain'ii Cough Kemedr. "Ijist January.' •he says, "mv baby took a
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  • 1329 2 {By a .Vining Gor respondent bold. Gold Mining in the Federated Mil iy States has come to a low ebb, most of the mines proving very disappointing. Of the older companies, Raub has made many changes, but no dividends have been declared during the year, and the
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  • 212 2 A notice to persons intending to vi-it the Transvaal or Orange River Colony, forwarded to us from the Colonial Secretary's Oflice, states:— lt is notified for information that permits to enter the Transvaal or Orange River Colony are still required, except by persons exempted in the terms
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  • 234 2 There is at present residing in Darkling an educated Asiatic who has made a journey to Lhasa and who shortly means to publish his experiences. The traveller in question is a Japanese Buddhist who entered the country disguised as a Chinaman. He had no difficulty whatever,
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  • 21 2 SuiTVing advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on pace 7. General shipping n*ws is printed on page 8.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 NOTICES. f\ < J SPECIAL Uun vine s Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA I .-iSiiv •'•i's'l T'MjttfsXsfx DUNVILLi j l I I 5 < i Special Old SeorcfJJiiiiij!l;| U Q^cv^A^M\ ft «j <s' Ml r^ Lhb 6«.ASGOw,6 «.ASG0w, SCOTtXfjO Pjj m. w. 4
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    • 501 2 NOTICES. Yarrow's Light Draft Steamers. Particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD, Tobei7s~ EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite Gelignite, Gfelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL K!NI>B OF Safety Puses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, The abate Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pars the high standard
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    • 333 2 NOTICES, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE BOCIETT OF NORWICH AND LONDON. litiiliiiid 1797. COR KIKE INSURANCE ONLY Amount insured XtB£,ooo,ooo LoMHpaid Jl 11,800,000. Premium income M 006,000. Insuninoe effected on »lmc*t vnrj dsteription pioperty at current rate* of premium RIIZI FOB 10 DAT! 1M HOW AOOVTBD at 4 onrr m f
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  • 1067 3 Home. An Army Order provides f<.i tin- iMM «.M i- of rliaiyn- li HMiiotiliceil on (M. Mk With ccitHin (\ic|.li<«n» (lie i.lliiei> may u»e their i li;irp-r- l"r non military fmpmm M iiaj iiii-ni hi II" paf iinmim till si\ |.H\iiifiits liKvr lu-en iiiinlr tor wak bofM »o
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  • 94 3 The Under-Secretary of State lor the Colonies has transmitted to the Colonial Troops Entertainment Committee a copy of a despatch from the Governor of the Straits Settlements, expressing appreciation of the hospitality extended to the members of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States contingents during their visit to Britain
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  • 401 3 "Tea in Xien Mai (Cbiengmai, Siamese Laos), regarded as a European enterprise," is the summary of information derived from the Report of the Vii-e-t onsul of France at Nan. Tea trees grow spontaneously and on large areas in most of the higher valleys of the chain that
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  • 235 3 In his address at the Bengal Chamber of Commerce the other day. the Hon. John Barrett, commissioner-general for the Lousiana Purchase Exposition of 1904, made a somewhat remarkable statement. It has been the general belief that the interest taken in India in recent years in commercial
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  • 193 3 That delightful philosopher, Mr. Dooley, throws a flood of light on the Irish'question, which nu amount of Blue Books and Parliamentary debates could equal The Irish," he says, wud nave no throuble with th' English if the English were Irish. The throuble with Englishmen governing Ireland is
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  • 97 3 The departure of 150 men of the German garrison from Shanghai on the 20th Dec. was marred by a fatal accident. As the. company were passing the offices of the Equitable Life Insurance Society, on the Bund, the horse of a mounted infantryman collided with a carriage, and threw its
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 527 3 NOTICES. 8, BATTERY ROAD. House and Estate Agents land and general brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. ax. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. O.C. HOTEL DER NEDERLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) IHRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English
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    • 613 3 NOTKES. WANTED. A Bill Collector. Most give security. Ap ply by letter or personally at No. 8 Middle Road. 14-1 WANTED. QUALIFIED medical practitioners for the Indo-Cbina Steam Nay. Co.'s stearr.ers. Apply to BOUSTEAD 4 CO., 6-1 Agents. WANTED. -OLEBK, with knowledge ol timber, and V^ general office work. Applications
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    • 626 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan ff Co. HATE BEEN APPOINTID BTJB-AGENT{ or thi Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, n-c Straits Settlements. ~forjsaleT Qfjina Vtiles. In several difterent patterns from Messrs. Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. Can be seen at our
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    • 667 3 SHIPPINQ "APCAK LINK Of STEAMERS. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA MEBBRB Apcar A Cos Steamer CATHERINE APCAR. Captain Belson, having left Hongkong on the SOth ultimo is due here on the 6th inst. on route for the above ports. For freight and passage apply to PATERBON SIMONS A CO., 6-1 Agents.
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  • 32 4 lIasCJILI..— On tbe 27tb December, at Hongkong, Rachel, the wife of David H A-KM.i.. aged 37 yean. Itim On the 22nd Deceiu ber, at Slian^. h:n. Edouard Kaktikn. aged 09 year*.
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  • 631 4 It is currently reported that a suggestion will shortly come before the Municipal Commission providing that the Commissioners will be given the discretion of determining not only the manner in which buildings may be erected in Singapore, but also the manner
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  • 17 4 An article on mining in 1902 and wire news will be found on pages 2 and K
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4 ms bank rate is 1/7 fa.
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  • 11 4 The Portuguese gunboat Zaire left for Goa at ii'M this morning.
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  • 18 4 Mr. Griscom, the new U.S. Minister to Tokyo, is a son of the President of Morgan's Atlantic Combine.
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  • 18 4 Mr John Rochfort, a well known licensed surveyor in Selangor, died at Kuala Lumpur on the 18th instant.
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  • 23 4 The P. O. homeward mail steamer Valetta left Hong Kong at 1. p m. on Saturday and is due here on Thursday next.
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  • 17 4 The Finlayson Shield, recently competed for at Bal<-gtier Ranee, has been awarded to No. 6 Subdivision, S.V.A.
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  • 20 4 Messrs. Brandt A Co., as agents for the British America Insurance Co.. (Fire and Life), sen) wall calendar for 1903.
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  • 18 4 Enteric fever is piMalwl at Hongkong just now, .■l'l-.-il probably by drainage contaminating *he reservoirs and filter beds.
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  • 21 4 The marriage of Mr. St. John Brodrick, Secretary of State for War, and Miss Madeleine Stanley, takes place in London to-day.
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  • 22 4 The German mail steimer Stuttgart left Port Said on 30th December outward bound. She i* due here on Saturday, the 17th instant.
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  • 29 4 Estimates of the coming Siam rice crops vary from 40 to 60 per cent, of the average outturn. The general opinion is that the rice season will be bad
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  • 33 4 In a game of Association football played on the Old Jail Site on Saturday last, the boys of St. Joseph's beat a team from 11. M. S. Argonaut by two goals to one.
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  • 30 4 S.R.E. (V Orders for ensuing week Wednesday, Jan. 7th, lecture on electric light, Drill Hall, 5.15. Friday, Jan. 9th, electric light practice at Pulo Brani, leave Johnston's Pipr at .">.l.">.
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  • 34 4 Thb new Hhire" liner Monmouththire has just lost two blades of her propeller in the Inland Sea of Japan and another between Kobe and Yokohama, and has to dock either there or at I'raga.
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  • 29 4 The new first class battleship Ru***U it to relieve the Caitopu* in the Mediterranean. It is thought th it the Canopu* is destined for China and the Vengeance also.
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  • 39 4 The trawler Violet, mentioned by us the other day as at work in Ceylon waters, is said to catch more fish than she can handle. Her owners talk of getting more trawlers and of extending operations to Straits waters.
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  • 41 4 The massed bands of the 3rd M. L 1. and the 13th M. I. played an admirable selection of music at the Botanical Gardens on Saturday. The afternoon was an ideal one and the music was greatly appreciated by those present.
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  • 37 4 The Araoy Races were to be held during the afternoons of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 5 7, with perhaps an oil-day on Thursday. There are 28 ponies already entered, of which number some 16 are griffins.
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  • 49 4 A bit of a row took place' this morning in Victoria Street between some rikisha coolies and wayang men. Some of the combatants sustained damage; and altogether eight men were arrested. Two or three were sent to hospital, but they were not sufficiently injured to warrant their being detained.
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  • 43 4 A88T Surgbon Mitchell has been reinstated in his position in the Government Subordinate Medical I >»artment and transferred to Butterwomi. Asst: Surgeon Reardon is to go to Malacca, and, for the moment, Asst. Surgeon Bailey will go on duty at St. John's Island.
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  • 55 4 A "Shipmaster" writes to a*k what becomes of the certificate of the master of the Boon San 11, whom the Marine Court of Enquiry found to be solely responsible for the Kian Yang disaster Not a word, says the writer, appears in the finding about the ticket of the master
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  • 45 4 Mr. Takabika Koooro, the Japanese Minister to the United States, visited tbe State Department at Washington on Tuesday, Dec 9. It is believed, says Renter, that he intimated that Japan desired another (election than that of Mr. John Barrett as United States Minister to Japan.
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  • 56 4 If the traffic on the railway on Saturday be any criterion it will ultimately prove a very great success. All day the trains were well patronised and in some of them room could not be found for all the would-be passengers, and this despite the fact that all the available
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  • 41 4 Pbockkdinos in the action for damages brought by me owners of the Print Alexander against those of the Bun Hin Ghtan were resumed before the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court this afternoon, when counsel on both sides addressed the Court.
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  • 51 4 Christmas at Victoria Barracks, Hongkong, was saddened by a regrettable suicide. On Boxing Day, Gunner Penfold, R. G A., who had been reproved by his Colonel, jumped from an upper verandah and was dashed to death on the concrete beneath. His military service was but nine months short of twelve
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  • 63 4 People who are wise will avoid using as far as possible the Cavanagh Bridge route to town just at present The whole of the road way on the Town Hall side of the bridge is undergoing repairs thank Heaven for this mercy and traffic can only proceed slowly. The more
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  • 55 4 Veruii l was given on the 17th Dec. in the action of the grogshop-keepers against the Nagasaki Pre»s. Judgment was in favour of the defendants with costs. This was an action brought by grogshop-keepers at Nagasaki, who considered themselves libelled by certain remarks made by the S<«ja*iil,i Press on the
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  • 63 4 The rebellion in South China is said to have assumed very serious dimensions. Latest advices from Canton state that all the officials are at their wits' end how to put it down. On the 19th Dec. the first detachment of troops sent to Kwangsi met with a serious reverse from
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  • 61 4 Os Sunday evening a Malay boy named Tyer, was standing near a cog-wheel in a saw mill in Victoria Street. A Chinaman who was standing beside him accidentally pushed him against the cog-wheel, and the unfortunate boy fell against the wheel sustaining severe cuts about his arms, one of the
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  • 72 4 The L. .I-. Exprers understands that the International Banking Corporation has appointed managers at three more of its Eastern branches. To Calcutta, Mr. F. H. Sutton, of the Chartered Bank of India, has been appointed ;to Bombay, Mr. J. K Moir, of the Mercantile Bank of India and to Hongkong,
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  • 468 4 Millionaires Charged and Discharged. This morning, Messrs. VV.F. Hopkins and Grossmeyer, who were alluded to in these columns on Saturday as being in the police court owing to a mistake in receiving $450 addressed to a Mr Hopkins in Hongkong, were arraigned before Mr. Brockman
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 78 4 I Minion, 3rd Jan. Lord Curzon, at the State banquet at Delhi, dwelt upon the stirring spectacle presented by the Durbar as a token of the consolidation and pacification of India under British rule. He next pointed to the peaceful and amicable relations of India
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    • 10 4 Mr. Chamberlain has visi ted Spionkop
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    • 47 4 Wholesale Seizure of Vessels. MIMt, Atli January. Tlie blockading squadron yesterday seized all Venezuelan vessels in the inner harbour of Puerto Cabello, occupying the wharves during the operation. Forty Venezuelan vessels had been captured hitherto. The Germans have -im >■•! the custom house at Puerto Cabello
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    • 58 4 A letter from the Sultan of Morocco was read in the mosque at Tangiers on the 24th December. The Sultan admitted his defeat an.l promised to punish the rebel* soon. It is stated that Muley Moharaed left Fez on the 27th December in command of
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    • 65 4 Mr. Chamberlain and party travelled up the Natal Railway to Cliarlestown. Lord Milner joined the train at Char lest own The meeting of the two statesmen was most cordial. Mr. Chamberlain left Urn train at VoUranMt There he held an informal reception in the
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    • 15 4 Three volcanoes are in active eruption in Nicaragua, and five in Chile.
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  • 230 4 Whit- I her ii M,ann for 1903, like each and every other Wliitaker" of the past thirty- live years, is an improvement and an enlargement on its immediate predecessor. The book is the ratU menial of nearly every editor in the world, aud is certainly to be found in
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  • 47 4 Wk learn that 11. M. 8. (ihry, with Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge on board, escorted by the second class cruise™ Kelip'e and MM. may be expected to visit Singapore during the current wee!>. It is said they will probably arrive hero about Friday next.
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  • 120 4 The Viceroy's Cup race on the 24th Dec. was a complete upset for punters and backers. The following was the result Mr. Galstaun's Vasto, 9, Hoyte 1 Mr. B. Allen's Cretonne 8-i, Thomas '2 Dr. R. Spooner Hart's Acetine, 9, Carter 3 Mr. K. Chowdbury's Wild Raven,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ORANGES!! ORANGES!! FINEST TTJ±ILiTJ±I<T ORANGES .A.T The Australian Stores, 1 ROBINSON ROAD. AN experienced Kritish certificated I engineer requires engagement I ashore or afloat, (iooci testimor'als. Apply to Beta," c/o Straiti Time*. 9-1 r|«YPKWJtITIHe can t>e undertaken on application to Lex, c/o Strain Thnn. 17-1 'IX) BE LET—
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    • 314 4 TOWN HALL. On Wed., Ttd Jan. (ireat entertainment for families given by the celebrated "lmitateur" and Transformiste" M. GHAMBEY. Programme will be published to-morrow. Only one entertainment will be given. Auction Sale of the Valuable Freehold Property known as PARSEE LODGE TO BE HELD AT POWELL CO .'s SALE-ROOM On
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    • 105 4 G.R. Lambert ff Co. Photographers opih: Qreaham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday! only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd *T» 8 n| 6 P m on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing paper*, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and German
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  • 971 5 «r Omnia lempora vnttantur theatrical managers come and go, each leaving liis impress, lasting and otherwise, upon the history of the drama in Singapore, each leaving us proportionately grateful for opportunities of resuming a pleasant study of the trartick t4 the stage," each in turn, alas, if
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  • 273 5 Thk fifteenth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Pahang Corporation was held in London on Dec. I lth, Mr. C. G. Paterson presiding. The chairman said the net profit amounted to .120,056. The fall in the value of the dollar caused an all-round increase in costs,
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  • 545 5 Mr. Clifford's Lecture. At a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute, held at the Whitehall Rooms on 9th Dec, Mr. Hugh Clifford, C.M.G., read a paper on British and Siamese Malaya." Sir William Robinson, U.C.H G., presided in the absence of Sir Cecil (.'lenient i Smith,
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  • 20 5 The Town and Volunteer band will play on the Old Jail Site to-morrow afternoon from 5 to 6, weather permitting.
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  • 1093 5 P. O. ANNUAL MEETING. A Record Report. Thk annual general meeting of the P. O. Co. took place in London on the afternoon of Dec. 12th— the day the mail left. .Sir Thomas Sutherland, who presided, said he believed that upon the whole the report was the most satisfactory statement
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  • 103 5 Admiral Keppel is still staying at Rallies. He is, we regret to hear, not by any means recovered from bis recent illness. On Saturday afternoon last Mr. Buckley's children's play was reproduced to allow the parents and friends of the youngsters taking part to have an opportunity of
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  • 130 5 The December medal of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played for on January Ist and resulted as follows AC. M. Weavi-i 46*47—Hi =H3 Dr. Fowlie 45 85 F. G. I'enney Jl ->■ 47—1« -4 *8« J. M. Allinnon 47-44— 4 =87 A.W. Stiven
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  • 71 5 A correspondent writes thus: Ou Saturday about 5.30 p.m. a bull was seen running fast from the Esplanade side near the Obelisk, past the Cricket Club. It charged a big Australian horse in a carriage coming towards the Esplanade from High Street. The consequence was a sniiisli up, the horse
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  • 82 5 A pretty though quiet wedding was solemnised in the Cathedral of the flood Shepherd last Saturday afternoon, the contracting parties being Miss Florence Harrington, only daughter cf the late Conductor J. J. Harrington, of the Ordnance Department, and Mr. V. J. Cusack, Chief Officer of the Calypso. A short reception
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  • 655 5 Singapore, sth Ja*ua«v, I«U3. PRODUCE. Gambler bnyen f 15.U0 Copra Bali 9.80 do Pontianak 890 Pepper, Black buyers 5«.50 do White, (8%) 60.80 Sago Flonr Sarawak 4.50 do Brunei No. 1 ♦-!•"> Pearl Sago 5.70 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, PalembanK, 20% basis 82.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 BAGrNALL A HILLfiS 06, Robinson Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans. Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 60 O, 100. 110, and 130 VolU. Designed to operate from Incandescent Circuit*. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 VolU. Inspection invited from all people who hnv«
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    • 614 5 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Sultan Abubakar, Deceased. Telok Blanga Estate. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Messrs. POWELL Co., have received instructions from the Dato Mentri of Johore, as Executor of the Will of the late Sultan Abubakar, of Johore, to offer for Sale by Auction THE WHOLE OF THE TELOK BLANGA ESTATE of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 5th January. High Water 1.51 p m. Philharmonic Choir. 6.15 Week of Frayc;. MethoJist Church. 8. Tuesday, 6th January. High Water. 2.40 a.m. -'.40 p.m. Pledges Sale. Powell. 10. Assizes. 11. House gale. Sowan Facbang- 11. i ioeappleSale. Boat Qu»y. Coghlan ±30 Licensing Justices. Police Court.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 445 6 NOTICES. *Q?e Pulsometet> Requires .:o gft^-^h Thousands in use Mml\ fki satisfaction Will M* S j 1 IHk I=» XJ 3VI r* m B A I.M 1 /il I i^B M yl ft Oil, Packing, No moving part- '^m* B^ "I M I Mffff or Leathers. to get out J|
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    • 279 6 NOTICES. Hong Seng (So. NOTICE. WE beg respectfully to inform Ladies and Gentlemen that we have established ourselves as General Storekeepers at N08.42 and 44 Orchard Road, and that we have always in stock all kinds of provisions, wines, spirits, aerated waters, horses' food, perfumery, stationery, patent medicines, Ac. All
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 609 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rTMIE Standard Life A wamnos. JL Norwich TTnion Kure Inrarmncs Society. AUm Auuimnee Company (Furs). The Equitable Life Assurance Society. Tne Chin* Mutual 8t«»m Navigation Company I T ottenh*m Lager Beer Company., for particular* of these Companies, see the 'nil advertisement of TUB BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 1318 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Atitntt at Singapore: Ship Aoracr, latb J. Dabrdbls A Co., 2-3, Colltir Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Despatched tor On De Klerk Batavia, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Samarang, and Soerabaya 4 Maha
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    • 708 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Rorddentsciißr Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. BTEAMERB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Reg. Tons Reg. Bt*.Uin 3473 Kohtichang 2042 Sandakan '2111 Petchaburi 2191 Paknam 3001 Pitsanulok 30 IS Tanglin 1999 RajabuH 1904 Bangkok 1»» Chow Tai 1777 Koral 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1754 Keong Wai 1777 Nuen Tung
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    • 578 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFICI LIMITBD. Capital Subscribed $2,800,000. Amount paid up (00,000. Bmerve fmd 1,180,000. Head Ornom, Homeow*. Fhe undersigned, hiring been appointed Agents of the above Company, an prepared to aooept Marine Bisks at current rate*. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVEBTED FUNDS
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    • 759 7 NOTICES. J. MOTION^ CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED LIQUID^ FUEL(Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 326 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a 0 in. pipe
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    • 1231 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are uscl str. stenmer sli.— •hip; bq. barque; ach. schooner; Yd. Yacht; Cru.— Crui».r; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Hor««-power; Brit.—Brillsh D. S.— United Stat«« Fch— French Ber. —Herman Dot DutunjJoh. Jobore; B.C. General-cargo; d.p. lieck paKsenqer; V.— Unearteln T. P.
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    • 556 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agents. Htbambrs. Ait. Hum. •lin, Dunkirk, left Dec 3; M. C te Adria, China, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Annarn, Colombo, Feb 2 M. Maritimes Antenor, China, Jan 25; Mansfield. Aparima, Calcutta, Jan 8; Boustead. Benalder, London, Jan Pateraon Simons.
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    • 71 8 For Per tteamrr Tint. To- Morrow. Brisbane and Sydney Stettin Tringganu A K lantan B.Whatt Hin 7 a.m. Bangkok Trittlav 1 1 a.m. Labaan and Manila Singora 11 a.m. and Malacoa Far/alia 2 p.m. T. Ansnnand Penang Maihilti- 3 p.m. Deli Atakan 3 p.m. Muntok A
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    • 27 8 MAILS TO ARRIVE From Europe— By the M. M. s. s. Salaxir duo on Wednesday. From China— By the P. 40. s.s. Htng al due on Thursday.
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  • 280 8 VMSkI 8 NAMi A BM» U&l TAIH Rio Fkum ">ailbo. Conkiuneks. Jan 3 Sultan Rrit ttr 102 Cruze 3 Redang Sia str. 299 Nielsen 3 Isla de Luzon Spa str. 2680 Mannarri/ 3 Ceylon* Brit str 2637 Haywaid 3 R. Bchiff Baroe Dut str 06 Xaeodah 4 Qermnnia Qer
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  • 189 8 in Dati. ati. VisB>L'e Name. Flag Rio Tons. Destination. an 4 Terrier 3 Petrinna 3 Tirol 9 i Pontianak 4 De Klerk 3 I Maha Vajirunhis 4 Nuen Tuog 3 Sambas 5 Medan 3 Pin Seng S I Ban Whatt Soon 3 Sappho 5 Sultan 4 Ruby V 3
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 735 8 THE DAISY AIR GUN *^%gf^ A fresh consignment popular Air Guns. t THE DAISY AIR GUN ShnrQ fftr At abs iute| y the west price ever ««e«<«- j#irr^ fnr OIIULO lUI A l.irge consignment only just received, any amount ullun .mil I/OI LO Iwl v port can he obtained with
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