The Straits Times, 3 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,021 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 690 1 NOTICES. She £traits Sinus. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVKKTISKMENTS. THE type iiKeil ax a -tmiiliinl foi netting advert i-eii".titi- i- fiimlm- t> this, mlm the instruction in to "ili->lilny" the ndvirli^--oient, »li«'ii ui'V eHerlivrfttyle of type, mmt in the I'HpiT, wi'i 1. mlupti'il. Tm ctamlanl rnnH exm tly ci^lit
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    • 594 1 NOTICE. mm NOTICE. DEPOSITORS in tbe Savings Bank are reminded to send in their passbooks between the 2nd and loth January. 1903, for audit in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Savings Bank Ordinance. Pass-books may lie forwarded free by post to the Superintendent of the Hank. NOEL
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    • 277 1 NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given that the interest and responsibility of the heir- of our deceased partner, Mr. WERNEK NAEF, ceased on the Slst of December, 190 J. Mr. J. van LOHUIZBN has been admitted a partner in our firm from to-day. HOOGL.ANDT 4 CO. Singapore, Ist January, 190 S.
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    • 183 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little Co., Ltd. Singapore. o For Chinese New Year. Harness. We are now showing a large assortment of Harness. We have some special ornamental sets suitable for Chinese New Year. Lamps, Lamps Hink's Table, Wall and Hanging lamps in great variety. Chandeliers 3-Light, 4-Light, and6-Light. Furniture. Thonet's
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    • 432 1 Bilious Colic U quickly cured tiy Chamberlain V Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails aiul i» pleasant and safe to take. The attack may be warded off by taking a double dose of ilii* remedy as soon as the Ant indication of the diseace appears. For sale by
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  • 1278 2 By One Who Knows The Land. More haste, less speed is a principle that applies to practical politics as well as in more homely cases, and a new phase of the Morocco problem illustrates its value. Those who have long argued that there is no Moorish
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  • 405 2 A .number of irreconcilable Boer prisoners iv Ceylon, about sixty or so, have ukm permission to settle lettle down in Javn. Tie Covermnent of that island has raised no dnliculties against the idea. Their arrival at Batavia is shortly expected. It is intended to offer them a piece
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  • 88 2 Cait. Petley has submitted to the Cmlcuita Port Commissioners an interesting minute upon the advisability of substituting lightships lighted by Pintsch's system of gas lighting for the present lightships at the mouth of the river. The advantage of tbis system is that the gas lightships require no crew.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 NOTICES. "DaYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FKOM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. LATEST CATALOGUE FRE£ PN APPLICATION. HUMBEK BICYCLES. Fitted with FREE WHEEL" and rim brake All Beeston machines GDARANTKKD for TWO YEARS THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements Federated Nativ* States, Siam, and Borneo. r PHK
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    • 282 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The litest Tests 954) lb».. l,»001bs* alter seven after fourdAJW in teen daj n Water. in Water. The above teat* were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the beet be bad ever tested." Prices and particular* from THE BORNEO CO., Vt
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    • 301 2 NOTICES. French Cement. SUPERIOR quality; not ordinary. Used in all Mediterranean ports. First shipment just arrived. t J. A. van EPEN, m.w.f. 16/2 25 Robinson Road. HIQM CLASS CHAMPAGNE I DRV). "ROYAL MOSCOU MEDOC. A very good Bordeaux Wine. Brand L. C." Cuvee Speciale. A. Lalande Co. Bordeaux. Both the
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    • 382 2 NOTICES. LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. House and Estate Agents land and general brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of 48 quarts $8/50. Case of 48 pints So/50. Case of 9t! splits S« M, JOHN LITTLE Co. LIMITED. e s. Poultry Farm. 15
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  • 464 3 An Expedition to Kano. Reuter's Agency understands that operations against the Mohammedan centre of Kano have been decided upon and will commence shortly. It is not certain whether General Sir Frederick Lugard will personally accompany the expedition, but in all probability M-. William Wallace, C.M.G., the Deputy
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  • 254 3 DucoKTOri is now rife all over China, and the anti-foreign spirit is growing among the ignorant masses. One cause of this is that the payment of the indemnity to the Foreign Powers has given opportunity to the officials to collect by extortionate taxation three and four times
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  • 152 3 Tin Netherlands India Government is taking a leaf out ot the book of tlip Government of India in respect of its coolie traffic A young officer, deputed by the Administration of Netherlands India, is now in Calcutta studying the coolie depots and generally mattering the details connected
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  • 220 3 On New Year's Eve, the non-coms of the Royal Engineers stationed at I'ulo Bffcni held a "Social." Tbe Committee had secured the use of the large room of the Pulo Brani Club which was very tastefully decorated with flags and Chinese lanterns, the latter
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  • 328 3 In the recently issued report of the Executive Committee of the American Association of China for 1902, appears the following —The question of chief moment, in its immediate effect on our trade relations with China, is the continued decline in silver, the depreciation now amounting to about
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  • 334 3 For Singapore. Per P. and O. S.B. Arcadia, connecting with the S.s. Coromandel at Colombo from London Lee. 11th due on Jan. 12th: Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Davidson, Mr. St. Clair, Miss St. Clair. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mcholson, Mr. Cunrudi. Quar. -Master Sergt. Morris, Mrs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc, will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pageS.
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    • 717 3 NOTICES. A FOOLISH OLD IDEA. It. was once thought that a medicine was all the more beneficial lor having a nasty taste and smell. We now know that mcli an idea is perfect nonsense. There i» no more leason why medicine should offend tbe senses then why food shuuld do
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    • 629 3 NOTICES. WANTED. medical practitioners fo xx, me Indo-Cbina Steam Nay. Co.'i steaireia. Apply to BOUdTEAD A CO., 6-1 Agents. WANTED." /"> LERK, with knowledge of timber, ano \j general office work. Applications tc I>e sent to v.c. D. O. c/o Straitt Timet. WANTED. A European Governess to take charge of
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    • 668 3 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGtuKTI OV TUB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., G< neral Agents, u-c. Straits Settlements. FOITSALE. @6ina *(biles. In several different patterns from Messrs. Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. Can be seen at our
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    • 771 3 SHIPPING YmPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS. THE Imperial German mail steamer DARMSTADT. Captain Meiners or tbe Nordd) utscher Lloyd, having left Colombo on Monday, the i'9th instnnt. at 10 a.m., may be expected to arrive hire on Sunday morning, the 4th Jan., 1903, ec route
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  • 488 4 A case cropped up in the police court this morning that is probably now being di»cu«sed under scare headlines, half a column long, in every newspaper in America. Two Americans, Messrs. (irossmayer and Hopkins of San Francisco, California, were arraigned on
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  • 22 4 An explanation of the crisis in Morocco, Netherlands India News, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 Today's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/7
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  • 11 4 The homeward mail by the Tonkin closes at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 13 4 The British transport ('lire left for Calcutta at 3. 45. p. m. yesterday.
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  • 14 4 The outlay on the Singapore-Kranji railway up to Nov. 30th last was $1,562, 392.
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  • 10 4 The Gov&rnor has sanctioned the Singapore Municipal Estimates for 1903.
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  • 16 4 Lieut. Col. Oakes R. A. leaves Singapore for home by the VaUtta on Friday, on retirement.
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  • 18 4 There is a light calendar for the coming Assizes only 13 cases in all being down for hearing.
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  • 21 4 The local office of the South British Fire and Marine Insurance Co. send us a handsome calender for the current year.
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  • 22 4 The Marine Club expects to move into its new premises in M alacca Street shortly after the loth of the current month.
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  • 26 4 Li< KSBKB to conduct sales by auction under the Bills of Sale Ordinance at Singapore have been granted to Leong Man Hau and Vow Hong Tek.
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  • 26 4 A clerk of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce is in custody there on a charge of embezzling from the Chamber, to the amount of over $1,200.
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  • 37 4 Mr. J. M. Dungey has tendered the resignation of his post ot chief clerk of the Municipal Secretariat from the end of April. In the meantime he leaves for home on leave on the Pth of March.
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  • 33 4 The India Zanibar Theatrical Co. played Rosina to a packed house in North Bridge Road last night. Many people were turned away from the doors and standing room even had to be refused.
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  • 36 4 Thk marriage of Mi Elfrida M. Hose, daughter of the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak and Mrs. Hose, with the Rev. C. H. Basil Woodd, takes place at St Andrew's Cathedral on Monday at 4 p.m.
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  • 37 4 Thk homeward MM. mail s.s. Tonkin left Saigon at -i p.m. yesterday and is due here on Sunday afternoon. The outward MM. mail s.s. Salazie left Colombo at pin yesterday and is due here on Wednesday evening.
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  • 52 4 A correspondent residing near KiHiney Road writes to point out that the stream at the corner of that Road has silted up just, under the railway bridge. It has been in this state for dome months and as a result the stream overflows when there is heavy rain and floods
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  • 61 4 The I'erak Sugar Cultivation Corahas just declared a dividend of twelve per cent. The chairman (Mr. W. V. Drum mond) said that the profit made by the Company would have been far greater had it not been for an unexpected fall in the price of rum made from tne molasses
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  • 64 4 The Comnvinder-in-Chiefs latest reform in canteens in restricting the soldier to the pint pot is likely to add a new phrase to the already extensive vocabulary of slang specially coined by soldiers, for the use of soldiers. Instead of the usual call for a pint of white, or a pint
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  • 67 4 The screw shaft had broken and there was trouble with the makers and litigation. Of course" expert evidence was called and the judge who, poor man, knew less about ships than he did of the majesty of the law, asked the witness "Did you get inside the shaft to see
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  • 69 4 Jcles Kerry, the French Minister who took the most prominent part in the annexation of Tonquin, was driven from office when war between France and China resulted therefrom. He was given the nickname of the Tonquinese.' Jules Ferry died years ago, and time has done him so much justice that
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  • 83 4 Mr. M. R. Pryor, Chairman of the Mexican Railway Company, presided at a recent meeting of the latter, and had occasion to touch upon the silver question. With regard to the price of that metal there were, in his opinion, elements in the case which must lead to a recovery
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  • 52 4 According to the Bangkok Times the sliding scale by which the rise of the dollar regulates the Siamese Government's selling price of ticals may be represented about as follows Mex. Ticals. Is. 7d 20 per X Is. 7id. 19| Is. 7id. m Is. 7|d. 1» 4' Is. Bd. 19 and
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  • 67 4 The Sen- York Tribune seeks to make out that Germany has been casting covetous eyes upon the Dutch Indies. Newspaper and review articles have been published in Germany by the hundred of late, predicting that the Dutch Indies would in course of time become the brightest jewel of the German
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  • 62 4 The following notifications have been, gazetted in Selangor:— Mr. E. A. Gregory to be European warder, Pudoh Gaol. Mr. A. E. tiough to be European warder, Pudoh Gaol. Mr S. Maartensz, Sub-Inspector of Telegraphs, to be Sanitary Inspector, Ulu Langat. Mr. H. E. Swan, settlement officer, Kuala Selangor, has been
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  • 86 4 The Pinang Gazette notes that an incident of the recent cricket match at Penang Penang v. Singapore-was the very plucky way in which the Singapore wicket-keeper stuck to his task. He had to face exceedingly swift bowling, and it told upon him to iuch an extent that when he went
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  • 90 4 A week of United Prayer is announced to beheld in Singapore, commencing to-morrow and extending through the week till Sunday next, inclusive. The daily meetings during next week will be held in the Methodist Church each night at s o'clock. The meetings will be conducted, on Monday ty the Key.
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  • 83 4 The following F.M.S. appointments have just been gazetted: Mr. 0 Marks Asst. Sec. to the Residents ieneral to act as Secretary to the ResidentGeneral. Mr. C. W.H. Cochrane passed Cadet to act as Asst. Secretary to the Resident-General Lieut. H T. Dem pter, :(rd Batt. Suffolk Regiment to be Wing
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  • 110 4 It is proposed to construct a line of railway from Bangkok to Tachin, on the west side of the Menan river and about 21 miles from the capital. The public are invited to subscribe 2,200 shares of 100 ticals each. Debentures bearing interest of Q per annum may be offered
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  • 95 4 A Press Agency states that Mr. Henry Birchenougb, M.A., of the silk manufacturing firm of Birchenough and Sons, Macclesfield, and President of the Macclesneld Chamber of Commerce, has been appointed Government Commissioner to South Africa to inquire generally into the present situation of the South African Colonies as a market
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  • 185 4 On the 7th ult. Hamid bin Sahid paid a visit during the small hours of the morning M the house on Mount Sophia occupied by Mr. Lyon and Mr. Cherry of the M. E. Mission. The man had been iffthe house some time before he was discovered, as he had
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  • 48 4 Tck Postmaster General has received information by wire that the contract packet Zaida, with mails from London of Dec. 12th, may be expected to arrive here to-morrow afternoon about :i o'clock. A gun will be fired from Fort Canning when she enters the New Harbour heads.
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  • 81 4 Lint of <fe|>arture» per a,*, fiuyr, n which Haileil -'ilth I).-.f 111I..T, Hf-J. I. (1ms.— Mr. K K. Ooedkoop to (ienoa, Mr. (unite de Suffren to Colombo, Mr. J. <le ('ommaille to Genoa. Dr. Knli;inl Math SalclitT to PenanK, Mr. T. Urahain Uribble to < imoii,
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  • 49 4 List of additional donations to the funds of Tan Tock Seng's Hospital Wong Ah Fook, Chop Hin Yoon, S.">oo «keong Thong Cheong and Co., Chop San Ku Tai, 150 Tham Heng Wan, 550 Khin Tai Shung, $50 Fuk Heng Loong, $30; Leong Thong Fuk. $30.
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  • 55 4 The postponed smoking concert on H.M.S. Argonaut will be held on Tuesday next. Boats for N. C. O.s and men will leave Johnston's Pier at 7 o'clock p.m. and an officers' boat will leave at 8 30. Uniform, white with corps buttons and F. S. caps., or
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 50 4 London, 'mil January. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Ladysmith, referred to the tragic yet glorious memory of the siege. He expressed the hope that peace would be lasting and permanent, ami that tho«e who formerly were enemies would be ready to grasp the hand extended to them.
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    • 37 4 Congratulations to Lord Cur/on. The newspapers dwell upon the profound and wide-reaching significance of the IJtelhi Durbar, and declare that Lord Curzon is to be most heartily congratulated on the success of that colossal project.
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    • 21 4 The San Krancisco-Honolulu section of the American Pacific cable is completed. Capt. Cobbold accompanies Colonel Rochfort to Rerbera.
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    • 30 4 Thence they will proceed to meet lias Makonnen at liarrar; and from the latter place it is proposed that the Abyssinians shall march against the Somalia.
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    • 42 4 The leader of the Morocco rebels declares that he is lighting to enthrone Muley Mohammed, the Sultan's elder brother, who was imprisoned at the present Sultan's accession. Lack of provisions has compelled the rebels to raise the siege of Fez.
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  • 47 4 Donations* from Dec. l.*>th to Dec. 31st, 1902:Mi. C B. Buckley (Orphanage Fund). .$">0 Mr. A. G. Westerhout (Xmas Tree and Pto) Mm I'lmke IXikm K.te) II "r .Daly (Orpii.tnavei ..ft An. in. (d>«.) I Chris! inn Women's Temperam*' 1 Socidty (Xtnas Tree) 10
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  • 77 4 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Ceylon arrived from London this morning with Admiral Sir. H. Keppel on board and went alongside the P. and O wharf. Mr. C B Buckley, Mr. C. Stringer, Capt. Boldero (Acting Master Attendant), and a few others were down at the wharf
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  • 386 4 Owners of "Prins Alexander" vs Owners of "Ban Hin Quart." Proceedings in this cade were resumed yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox. Andrew Sherwin Busk, master mariner, in reply to Mr. Braddell, stated that he had held a master's certificate since 1878 and had since
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 297 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHEO 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jbist on Jlpplieation.) tv th. s. #NY CARLSBERG BEER, ("CROWN" BRAND, GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND. Both very llfht Pllxncr, »p.clallr brewed for Tropical Climates Ob lalnabl. at the principal Hotel., and
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    • 376 4 ■I. P P FOR SALE. CROUPE, pair of horses and harness, j complete, in good condition. Apply to D. 8., c/o Strait* limrx, or Telephone No. 166. v.c AUCTION SALE^OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, to. AT Ul'K SALE ROOM Mowia;/, olh January, 1903, 1/ 1 1 a.m. 4-1 POWELL
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    • 95 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers opkm: Gresham Hous (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 s,m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y» 8 P°>on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mount's, Eastman films, Wratten-Wraiuwright's Ilford and German dry plates (English and German
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  • 246 5 Boon San II Solely Responsible. The (ioi'eriiment liazette contains the linding of the Marine Court of Enquiry to investigate the circumstances attending the collision between the h'mn Yang and the Hoon San 11, off I'ulau I'isang on Nov. 30th last, when 1 In' A \an Yang was
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  • 71 5 In accordance with the desires ot the Singapore Merchant Service Guild the following firms have agreed to pay j 11.; t .Hirer* fl7 Ids. per month and second oflicers £19 per month, the •'Z>'liange to be calculated at tbe rate ponted daily in the Harbour Master's
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  • 208 5 TO -MORROW 'S CHURCHSERVICES 2nd after Christmas. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a in.. Matins and Litany. ;.4'. :i.m. Holy Communion (Choral) and 9 a.m. Holy Communion (Non-Choral). i p.m. Children's Service, with Address Distribution of Prizes). 311 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthews Sepoy Lines. H. 16 p. m. Kvensong
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  • 743 5 Captain's Narrative. The British ship Leicester Castle," Captain Peattie, from San Francisco, which arrived at Queenstown, reports that on September 2 ttree American seamen belonging to the crew mutinied, and the second oflicer was fatally shot. The three Americans, it is stated, then made a
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  • 132 5 A report from Tokyo is to the effect that the Japanese Government has now added to the estimate of expenditure in the budget for tbe next fiscal year a sum which is to be devoted to tbe expansion of the Navy. It is calculated that 62,348,269 yen is
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  • 648 5 Singapore, 3hi> .1 wiaky. i<*m PRODUCE. Gam bier f 16.25 Copra Bali 9.80 do I'oiitian.ik 8.90 Pepper, Black buyer* 37.25 do White, (8%) 60. "0 Sago Flonr Sarawak 4.55 do Brunei No. 1 4.25 Pearl Sago 5.80 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Pftlembanfj, 20% banis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 233 5 Why will you Suffer With Rheumatism when relief and cure Hie within your reach? Many who have been dtipped for weeks, months, and even years have found relief from pain and suffering through the instrumentality of I.ittlk's Oriental Balm, Mr. A. S. Colly of Lewis, lowa, expresses his opinion in
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    • 44 5 MORTGAGEE'S §ALE OF LAND AT PANDAN. TO BE HELD AT POWKLL CO's SALEROOM On Wednesday 7th January 1903 at 2.30 pm. LAND situate at Pandan near Bukit Timab Road, area 7 acres 27 poles comprised in Statutory grant No. ***** «-l POWKLL CO Auctioneers
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    • 513 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. Auction 'ale of the Valuable and Splendidly Situated Freehold Property known as PARSEE LODGE, OFF ANSON ROAD, TO BE HELD AT POWELL CO.'S BALE-ROOM On Wednenday, the 7th January, 1903, at 2.30 p. m. AREA 59,3504 SQUARE FEET. Splendid site for godowns, being within a few
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    • 626 5 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKINO CORPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Beserve.4lo,ooo,ooo •14 onn Silver TUterve.. 4,760,000 fUl 6o>ona RESERVE LIABILITY OF I „n nnn rmn PROPRIETORS J.»IQ,WW.WM Court of Dibectom. Hon. R. Shew am,— Chairman. A. J. Raymond, Ei>q. Deputy Chairman. Hod. C. W. Dickson H. Schubart, E*q.
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    • 957 5 NOTICES. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. From the following pawnshops TO BE HELD AT POWELL CO.'s SALE-ROOM On Saturday, 3rtl Jan., 1903, at 10 mm. On Tumtay, 6th On Thursday, Bth NO. 66 Middle Road. No. 472 North Bridge Road, No. \M Sour* Bridge Road. No. 6 Merchant Road, No.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 230 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 3rd January. High Water, v.29 p.m. s. 1.. <i a QoM Medal Play. MM homeward mail closes, ri. Hio=i'ope. Beach Rosd. 9. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Road. 9. Sunday, 4th January. High Water. 1.31 a.m. 1 p.m. ■-'ml after Christmas. Swimming Club Launches. 10 and 11.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 529 6 NOTICES. AflMtS for LEA PERRIRS 9 f j WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. A£J&i "/> Bd Special Warrant j&jmB&ML. His Majestß Purveyors to €^^^»^^S The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. q.r These CAPSULES cure J recent and .hronic discharges. I THEY NEVER FAIL
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    • 281 6 NOTICES. Hong Seng <20. NOTICE. WE bee respectfully to inform Lm'i.'S and Gentlemen that we hive estAblisheu ourselves as General Storekeepers at K05.42 and 44 Orchard Road, and that we have always in stock all kinds of provisions, wines, spirits, aerated waters, horses' food, perfumery, stationery, patent medicines, Ac. All
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    • 698 6 NOTICES. m BABY'S SHIN SCALP AND HAIR Something for Mothers to Think About EVERY CHILD born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to distressing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 646 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrviK Standard Life AMaranee. J. Norwich Union Fire Inraraoo* Society. Ati*» Aunranoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Auuntnce Society. The dun* Mutual Steam Navigation Company ii. T ottenham Lager Beer Company. for particular* of tKe«e Companies, see the •ull advertisement of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Afrents.
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    • 870 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands Indtm Government. a u<wt at Singapore: Ship Aoraor, latb J. Daiwdbl* A Co., 2-3, Colltib Quay. The undermentioned dstet are only approximate. stonmer From Expected Will be Itawpatcbed for Oo De Klerk Batavia, Cberibon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Samarang, and Soerabaya 4
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    • 523 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. I'nuek Mail Contract with the Austrian Government. The following are the dales on which (lie Company's steamera may be expected jo sail from here Outward. Homeward. 1HOS 1S02 A nutria .Ian. 5 I 'Vindobonn Deo 27 Mm** Fe)>. 1903 I ISiletia Jan. 27 I \Awil-ia
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    • 724 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIB6 Iforddeutsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, to, BTEAMERB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tone Reg. Toms Reg. St'tttn 2478 Kohtiekang 3042 Sandakan '2111 Petchaburi a 191 Paknam L>ool PiUanulok 2019 7ongKn 1999 fiajaburi 1904 Bangkok IHJO Chow Tai 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17M Keong Wai 1777 Nuen
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    • 536 7 STEAMSHIP COMPAN:r« N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 493 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) TIHE undersigned, agents for the above L. company, are prepared to accept Fin Risks at current rates. w.*s. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A Co. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept
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    • 1316 8 Onder this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ■bip;bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. I Yacht, Cru.— Crui". i G.)t.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Uorec -power; Brit. Brills i. 1 B.— UnlUd Btataa; Fch.— French; 6toi.-(}ermar Dut. ]>utL'h; Joh. Johore; 8.1. -ueneral-oargo; d.p. deck passenger;
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    • 546 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent*. Steamers. A>l. Hanieliu, Dunkirk, left Dec 3; M. Cte Adria. China. Jan 10: Behn Meyer. Aunani, Colombo, Feb 'i M. Maritime.*. Antenor, China, Jan 25; Mansfield. Aparima, Calcutta, Jan 8; Boustead. Au-una, Trieste, Jan 5; Rantenberg. Sanca, London,
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    • 113 8 For Per tieamer Time. To-Day. Deli Mednn 3 p.m. S'kawang A P'tianak Han Fo |*m 3 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan 3 p.m. P. Swet'bara \la ports Sappho 4 p.m. T. Anson via ports Ixiav Mitchell 4 p.m. Samarang via ports De Klerk 4 pm. Muntok A Pnlemlmng
      113 words
    • 182 8 From Europe—By the N.D.L h Ihrm staiH .1 ue on tn. Itii Lit. with date* to the 9th I>ec-eniber. From China -By the M. M f Tonkin due on Sunday. From ftalcuttn— By the I. Cooryanw< due Bth January. From Madras—By the s.s. Xaida due «th January.
      182 words
    • 206 8 5 Vmoki s Slh* A Ton- i;*Pi»<> a Rio Prom Sailed. Conkignei*. Dec 31 SophießickmersGer str 2262 Cape Jan 1 Pontianak Brit str 97 Griffin 1 Sado Maru Jap str 3868 Parsons 1 R. Scbifl Bam Dut str. «8 Nacodah 2 Benglce' Brit str. 1933 Potter 2 Singapore str.,
      206 words
    • 125 8 Dati Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio I i'NDESTINATION. Jan 3 3 S 3 3 6 3 3 8* '4 4 6 3 3 I. 4 Fuh Wo Cordouan De Kock Nienhay«+ Rajah of Sarawak Tonkin Yamagchi Maru Alcinous Isabella Resident 8cbifT Isla de Luson Darmstadt Emile Sri Wongsee Singkep
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 495 8 THE 04ISY ?JR GUIs m=msama^ ss^^o^ A fresh consignment to hanc^ these vef y popular Air Guns. r THE DAISY AIR GUN C|%AVQ TOT Al absolutely the lowest Price ever offered. |2riQ IOT WllwLO lUI A large consignment only just raceiverl, any amount of fun and IvCII LO lUI *y
      495 words