The Straits Times, 31 December 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 2 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,019 SfNGAPQRE,?^«t)NESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 648 1 BINOAPORK, 3 1 NT Dm KMHKR, 1902. PRODUCE. Qambier buyers f 15. (Hi Copra Bali 9.80 do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black buyers 37.0" do White, (8%) 60.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.55 da Brunei No. 1 4.30 Pearl 8a?o 6.80 Coffee, Rali, 15% basin 33.00 Coffee, Palembanß, 20% basis „32.00
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 428 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. DRESSMAKINO DEPARTMENT. Department N now'ln charge of 1 Mrs/Holley. Oniii-s will be»tteode( to with prompt-oe-a^jd *at refaction guarsnteed. S-l THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, inn IS THE SfI'REME CoiKT OF THE STRAITB SETTLEMENTS. OF SINGAPORE. In Bankruptcy. No. 74 of li»02. Re (1) Tan Yean Hee.
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    • 329 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. A The Latest Novelties in L^ rge Gents' Neckwear. Stock X^vCV of J^V Evel, Ores, VQt\ SJUi TJCS Scarf* Ties Bows \^V White Kid, Silk &\GV\ Choice Assortment Cotton Gloves. Newly Arrived. Wfcite Dress Waistcoats. >N^\ o: 1 V^C\ An Inspection Court Shoes. >^yj^v
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    • 70 1 Keep Quiet No better ad\ ice can ttpivtntO HI) one troulik-il with iHanlwui than to karp quiet mid taki- Chamber Win CoMc. Choiera anil Diarrlun-u Keintilv. A prompt and complete reciner- i- mrc to follow Tnik remedy is MNaßjr valna!>l.- for children and when redmed witn water and sweetened is
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  • 3269 2 LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY IN 1902. The position aad prospects of land and house property in Singapore at the close of ***** may be considered exceedingly satisfactory. At the beginning at the year many who were interested in real estate believed ther* would be a falling off in transactions, that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 161 2 NOTICES. m tt SPECIAL liun ville s Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA S*lsr '■■•'TI OUb i**3u&JlHHHßflni(£9HpH II 3•" s*s s H La Glasgow, scortikwd pg v m. w. A i'l-l "jSelista" CIGARETTES. In Packets of 1O and Airtight Tins of 50. "W6ree Qastles"
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    • 318 2 NOTICES. Boit^r Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w s SingaporeS JEFFREY'S EDINBURGH STOUT. A special, light brew for tbe -tropics. Highly recommended Price $18.80 per case of 7 dos pints. Of all dealers BORNEO CO., LTD., Bole Agents. BRITISH LAGgR BEER. BREWED BY IN Limited. FROM PURE AND MALT
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    • 322 2 NOTICES. »THE gTA^DARD T IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Horling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly, increasing, exceed Eight Millions and Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 par cent, in tbe last 15 years. The Business is cdfttucted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, aad
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  • 377 3 In our summary of the racing at the close of last meeting, commentiDg upon J. .Smith's riding— o firsts, A seconds and L' thirds out of 12 events -we said that this was probably a record for the Straits. But now, a Mr. Gresson having won nine
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  • 93 3 Both the Province and the Perak railways show a marked increase of traffic for the eleven months ending November 30tb. They have carried over :<CO,OOO more passengers than last year (thanks to extension and have earned i>rer $300,000 additional revenue. Congratulations all round. Perak is the only State
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  • 38 3 The laying of the Pacific cable from the United States to the Philippines commenced on the 12th inst. There is no doubt that Manila can communicate direct with the United States on July 4th, IVO3, if not sooner.
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  • 567 3 Scene in Court. JtHHv-building is common at Hongkong, and collapses of houses, often with fatal result*, are of frequent occurrence there. On the 22nd instant two Chinese contractors were arraigned before the Hongkong Supreme Court for causing the death of a boy in connection with a house
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  • 326 3 For Singapore Per P. and O. S.8. Arcadia, eonoecting with the s.S. Coromandel at Colombo from jfondon Dec. 11th due on Jan. 12th: Mr. and Mr*. E. C. Davidson, Mr. St. Clair, Mite St. Clair. Mr. and Mrs. J. K Nicholson, Mr. C. Ounradi, Quar.-Master Serf Mor**i,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 697 3 NOTICES. FOREMAN WANTED' TO take charge of the Furniture Work thop. Good salary to competent man. Apply by letter only, stating ■jualifioa tions and salary expected to Sl-M JOHN LITTLE A CO, LTD WANTED." QUALIFIED medical practitioner* for the Indo-China Steam Nay. Co.'s steamers. Apply to BOUBTEAD4CO., 6-1 Agents. WANTED.
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    • 692 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan fi? Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGEKTf or th k Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., Qcneral Agents. 0.0. Strait* Settlement*. forTsale. Qf)\na Shoring ibHes. In several difierent patterns from Messrs. Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. Can be seen
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    • 512 3 AUCTIOf* SALES. 3 Preliminary Notice. Auction Sale of the Valuable and Splendidly Situated Freehold Property known as PARSEE LODGE, OFF AN'SON ROAD, TO BE HELD AT F'OWEI.I. it CO.'s SAI.E-KOOM On Wtimmimfh U*sllkJmHturji, 19o:f. ■i L'.HU M AREA .->tf,:t.-)<M SQUARE FEET Splendid site for godowns, being wituin a few minutes'
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  • 1386 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 31ST DECEMBER. Locally we have our own troubles wall landlords; but Singapore is not 'notorious for jerry building. Hongkong is. The circumstance is one which contributes materially to the mortality statistics of that Colony, and it also puts its Government in bad odour
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  • 52 4 There will be a field day for the S. V. C. on Saturday January 17th. S.V.A. 2.5 gun drills, Jan 7th and 9th at 5.15.. S. V. R. Jan sth and 9th at .">.15, Recruits and Co. drill. 8. V. I. Jan 6th and 9th at 5.15,
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  • 1263 4 Owners of Prlns Alexander" vs. I Owners of Ban Hln Quan." On proceedings in this case being resumed before the Chief Justice after the adjournment for luncheon yesterday, Mat bin Isroael, one of the quartermasters of the Prut* Alexander, examined by Mr. Braddell, gave evidence as to
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  • 38 4 f 'akulta, Der. 27th. H. 11. the .Sultan of Johore's black Australian ge\d\ag Carrara has wnn the Grand Annual Hurdle Race at Calcutta. She carried list. Jibs. It was a grand race.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 16 4 APPOINTMENT AT VLADIVOSTOCK. finsfrn. 30th Dec. The Foreign Office has appointed v commercial agent at Vladivostock.
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    • 32 4 Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Pietermaritzbunr, urged all his hearers to rise to feelings of higher imperial patriotism to bear each other's responsibilities as well as to enjoy mutual privileges.
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    • 22 4 The Government is endeavouring to secure General Viljoen to command the Boer contingent for service in Somaliland.
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    • 69 4 Waterless and Surrounded. The rebels have cut the aqueduct to the city of Fez, which is now waterless. The city is expected to surrender in three days' time. The Sultan attempted to break out of the city, but was driven back. The hostility
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE KRANJI RAILWAY. o The above line as far as Bukit Timah will be open for traffic from January Ist, 1903. The Train Service, until further notice, will be as under Singapore 6<K) 725 8.50 10.1.j lg.oo 1 i 4.0.~> Ml Mi 16 09 7M *-59 10.24 12.09
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    • 496 4 NEW YEAR SEASPORTS. Ist January, 1903. In order that the Sea Sports may lie brought to a conclusion before 2 o'clock, and thus enable subscriber!) to attend the Land Sports in the afternoon, it is notified that the Ist race will be started punctually at 10 o'clock, and the succeeding
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    • 116 4 G.R. Lambert fir' Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y» 8 m P m on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frrm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wraiuwright's Ilford and German dry
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 169 4 UAY BY UAY. Wednesday, 31st December. Hiitb Water. 10.49 a.m. S.V.A- Gun Drill. 6.15. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Road. 9. Thursday. Ist January. High Water. 0.8 am. 11.22 a.m. New Year's Day. Hari Rayn. Public Holiday. Banks close. No issue of the Strait* Times. Sea Sports.
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  • 2273 5 VIEWS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Letter to the Government. I'hk Secretary of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce has furnished is, for publication, with the following letter addressed on 17th December to 'Jovermnent, on the subject of Fixity of Exchange for the Colony, so that members and the
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  • 118 5 The first sailing race of the New *ear Sea Sports commences to-morrow at 10 a.m., and the eleventh and last race is timed to start at 12. 45. There is a series of rowing races and during the morning there will be variety spurts swimming races,
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  • 79 5 Attentio: is called to the Special New Year's Eve Dinner at Raffles Hotel to-night, for which a particularly excellent menu has been provided, and at which a band will be provided to discourse music during the repast, and afterwards for the benefit of the
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  • 144 5 The outbreak of fire on the Austrian steamer Vmdtima seems to have been more serious than was at first anticipated. The Vimloliona, it will be remembered, arrived here on Christmas Day from Hongkong and on opening the hold on the following day flames suddenly shot
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  • 1408 5 Import*. The year now closing has been unsatisfactory whether viewed from the standpoint of the importing merchant or of the Chinese dealer. Violent fluctuations in Exchange have unsettled the market at various times during the year, and though the persistent downward movement of Silver ought theoretically
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  • 668 5 SUMMARY OF LOCAL EVENTS. Administration. The main event of the year was the appointment in November of a Commission at London to inquire into the expediency of putting the Currency of the Colony on a gold basis, owing to the steady fall in silver values. The Chambers
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  • 2268 5 Produce. MM. i («>•-' (.nini.if. t$M I 18 I2| Coiira liall I ln.iKt ».T."> <lii Pontianak < 5.7" Mil Pepper, Hla.k *Sl.7'i s 3U..V Jo Whiti-. til. Bag* K lour Sarawak S 3.6» 4.t*i ■io Brunei N... I jf 3. 45 S 4JH Pearl Saj<o 4.35 6.i«>
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 973 6 NOTICES. 1 1., tin? Mlata ll keep* kht tfttea ton*! up -It nmke« the di«CMtion p tffMl and 1, tppei i c kee 1 -Btdlat Bash aM mu»«-lp— lnvigorate* the nerven and regenerate* Ihe liluod. AN U««IV»LLEO TONIC FOR INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. si 11. 1. AOBNTB, MEDICAL ]»J-A-T.T.. Singapore.
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    • 305 6 NOTICES. BT. ANDREWS HOUS-E. CHUBCH of England BoardiDfr House x\ for European and Eur«slan boys who deoire to attend the schools nf the place. Applications to be made to the Holme Master, St. Andrew's House or to (ho Colonial Chaplain. w. t. v.c. BAROCYCLONOMETERS. THE barocyclonoineter is a new instrument,
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    • 354 6 NOTICES. Wts for LEA PERMS' f|ff JJ| WORCESTERSHIBE SAUCL V Bo Special Warrant Jw3RO|k His Maiest D Purveyors to t£&^£g£s&& The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. r i A cup of Bovril for late Supper will be found a desirable change for many who feel the need of nourishment before retiring,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 625 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rTQIE SttndarJ Life Assnmnee. X Norwich Union Fir* Insnrmnes «oeistjr. Atlaa Aunranoe Company (Fire). :'he Equitable Life Aasuranoe Society. 1 he Chin* Mutual St«am Navigation Comp*nj Tottenham Lager Beer Company. i-or oarticnlars of tk««e Companies, see ths -MJSSZnmt of THE BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED. Amenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 721 7 STEAMSHIP Koninklijke Paketv Under contract with tbe N< .< l'oiii at Singapore: Ship Agsscy, l. The undermentioned ds Hl**m*T From Expected Sarie Hornt<i Bandjermsssin Dec. 26 Inn dr Li in BaUvia M De Klerk Maha V'tjirunhit Pmlann -29 De Kwk Sambas 3 Hok Tjur Palembaug lan. I Houtma.* Bnnrijermat-sin Compagnie
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    • 713 7 COMPANIES, 'aart Maatschappij. Btherlands India Government. atb J. Damdils A Co., 2-3, Collyib Quay. ites are only approximate. i Will be 1 >p«patcbe<i for On" Kandjerniassin, Kotabaroe, Moeara-Djawa, Samarinda. Donggala, and Berouw Dec. 31 1 Randjermassin, Kotabaroe. Balikpapan Moera Djawa, Koetei, Berouw, Boelongan, and Donggala. Jan. 'J Batavia, Cheribon, Tegal,
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    • 723 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Rorddeutsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, |sc\ BTEAMERB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tors Reg. Tons Reg. SUttin 2476 Kohnchang 2042 Sandakan '.'lll Petchaburi 2191 Paknam 2004 PfUanulok 3019 7'orw/tn 1999 Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok 1920 Chow Tai 1777 Koral lflOO Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1754 Keong Wai 1777 Swn Tung
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    • 593 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed. $2,60C.U00. Amount paid up 100,000. Baterre fond 1,160.000. Head Office, Homseoho. rha undersigned, hawing been Appointed Agents of the aboTC Company, are prepared to aooept Marine Risks at current nttm. BOUSTEAD Co.. Ajrent*. ROYAL INSURANCE COYr TOTAL DrVKSTBD FUNDrf fecEKD X9,722,885. THB
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    • 514 7 INSURANCE CO.'S (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) rfIHEr f1HE undersigned, agents for |he abovt JL company, are prepared to accept Firs) Risks at current rates. w.As. 31/12 BEHN MEYER Co. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) rTIHE undersigned, agents for the above JL company, 'are prepared to accept Fir* Risks at
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  • 1372 8 U" let this heading the following abbreflttiott are us«>l -sir. steamer sh.— ahu> m.— taratte; sen.— schooner; Yet.— Tfa^ai. Cm. Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo: H.p. —Horse-power: Brit.— Bri- lisa. I B.— United States: Fch.— French Ber.- '-fHriniin: Dut. Dutch;. loh. Johore; I G.c- 'ieaeral-cargo; d. p.
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  • 576 8 Ham*, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent*. iSTMAiyUUJ. Ad. H»in.'liii, 'Dunkirk, left Dec 3; M. Cte Adrift, Chins, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Alesia. Hob«koa«. Jan S; Behn' Meyer. Annam, Colombo, Feb a M. Maritime*. Antenor, China, Jan 96; Mansfield. Apariroa, Calcutta, Jan 8; Bonstead. Austria,
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  • 115 8 For Per iteamrr Time. To-Morrow. Port Swettenham Ainn I.mnn 11a.m. Kiak and Pakan Hm\g lie* 1 1 a.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Ganiintedr 11a.m. riandjermassin Hun Lionij V a.m. Palembang Ophir 11 a.m. Friday. Pontianak W'.OthrWup 9 a.m. C'bouand hamarang Zwrr»a 10 a.m. Sandakan via ports ,V«« 11
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  • 171 8 From Europe— Ry the N'.D.L. s. 8. Darmstadt due on the 4th Jan. with dates to the 9th December. From China— By the M. M. s. s. Tonkin due on Sunday. From Calcutta— By the s. s. Cooeyanna due Bth January. From Madras— By the s.s. Zaida
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  • 152 8 5 ;»<-(, s Nams 4 ion* Taptaiii From Sailer Comiamn Rio Dec 30 Slettin Ocr »tr. 1740 Ahlborn Sy<ine\ Nov -JH Bebn Mever 4 t'c 30 Ulysse* Brit str Ml Williams Amoy Dec si \V. Mansfield A(c 80 Chin. i Hnr «tr. 1113 Kreubbe HoaffVonK I>e< L'3Choo I' Ijiq
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  • 192 8 Dayc. Vis^KL* Nimk, Flag it Rio. 1 >•>- DMTVATIo*. Dec SO Cheung Hook Kian Out str. x 966 Bagnn 50 Lalpoorn Brit sir. 2114 Ponaog. Rangoon via OftlcutU 30 Australind sir. lniv> Fremagtle via |>„r'.- < 80 Victoria Swdstr. j !*S9 I'enani31 Tambov Kuo tra. '.'5lB Odessa 81 Miltai
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 466 8 TOY TEA and DINNER SETS HHHHBHBaIHBBIa^ THE CROWN FAIRY TEA SET THE CROWN TEA SET TOILET SETS Consisting 21 and a tiut tpooiM Containing 15 pieces in cardboard box Containing (i p^.^ iri ca rdboard box in fanc y box yize 9x 1 cbw BL^8 L^ «i x9 l
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 90 8 WEATHER REPORT. Knndanq Kerbau Ho-ipttnl, :olh ftf Ha.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. 1 Remarks. Bar 30.012 29.WW _>9.»50 Mornins Temp 78.0 78.0 76.4 o'cast rain WBlbThe-- 74.5 76.0 74.9 at 8 o'clock, DirofWind vv.s.w. wist Calm, day and Max. Temp. 78.4 nightcloudy Mm t/M, Sun f><>:> Terr, rad H7.0
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 629 1 BANKS. UONUKUNU AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I'AIJhUP CAPITAL $10,000,001 RK6BKVB FUND. Hierling Reserve..! 10,000,0001 a,.--,,,,™ Hilver Reserve....! 4,760,000 J KEHKRVK LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS. -»10,000,000 Court of Dibcctors. llou. it. Siikwan, Chairman. I. K\\M.)M>, Km|.— DKPUTV Oi.MK.MAN. lion. C. \V. IMcksdN H. SCHUBABT, Esq. B. OoK-ra, Kaq. K. A. SlEBs,
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    • 394 1 NOTICES. French Cement. SUPERIOR quality; not ordinary. Used in .ill Mediterranean ports. First shipment just arrived. J. A. van EPEN, m.w.f. IK/2 Robinson Road. MIQH CLASS CHAMPAGNE IMfl "ROYAL MOSCOU.' MEDOC. A very good Bordeaux Wine. Brand L. C." Cuvee Speciale. A. Lalande A Co. Bordeaux. Both the above in
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    • 890 1 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGfNEEEING. An Illuctkatbd Weekly Joushal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona fide circulation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C.E. CALCUTTA wAf rE pbYe ri7er~doldk PEKANO. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been
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    • 163 1 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. v. j7 motion co^ WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. BBPAIRB PROMPTLY EXECUTED chamTag se "LOUIS ROFDERER. Extra Dry and Carte Blanche. The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN ff CO., Importer*. Retail at Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. v.c. Charles lodbsiecfe's
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    • 211 1 NOTICES. ABRAMS S HORSE REPOSITORY. HORSES, COBS, AND PONIES. EX. S. S. ARGUS." /*O HORSES, COBS, AND Vc7 PONIES ali specially selected for this market, amongst them several very handsome pairs, also single harness horses and hacks. This is without doubt the best shipment I have landed for at long
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 NOTICES. 4 'Motor Cycles" and MOTOR (FRENCH-BUILT) CARS. WELL FINISHED. LIGHT. STRONG. EASY TO DRIVE. MECHANISM VERY SIMPLE, Intending buyers can submit our Motor-cars to a strict trial before purchase Driving lessons will be given freely to buyers. All repairs can be undertaken under the supervision of our experienced engineer
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    • 487 2 NOTICES. NO MORE WHITEWASH. It costs less tn keep a building in good appearance with LYTHITE. Lythite is a tine powder having many ot the characteristics ot the est cement mixed with cold water, it makes a paint that flows as freely s varnish and w'll dry and set hard
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    • 666 2 NOTICES. Katz Brothers Limited. GREAT INDUCEMENT for CHRISTMAS WEEK all Toys Games REDUCED 2 5 Per C ent to Cle r the Stock. Note 25 Cents Reduction on $1 Purchases. The largest Stock to Select from in the East. Katz Brothers Limited. (CAUTION TO SHIPOWNERS AND J CAPTAINS. RAHTJEN'S ANTI-FOULING
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