The Straits Times, 17 December 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 21,009. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 687 1 NOTICES. ®hc jftnrite Simes. ADVERTISING RATES. payable in advance. advki:ti>i.mi.mTHK t > )>•• u-ril i- -mini. in. lot M'ltin/ adverti-nn'in- i- iniilnr ti> '.hi-, unlrt.. theiiiMnnticiii i- i<> ii>|il:iy tin- advertisenirnt, when any effective t>V (il iy|«, used in the )'ii|.ci, will be adopted. Tfca »taii<lariH ninv exiiclly t'l^hl litu-
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    • 684 1 NOTICES, government~^6tiflcatio n rpENDEBS will be received up to noon J. on Saturday the 20th Deo-smber, 1902, nt the Colonial Secretary's office, Singapore, for the supply of bullock carts and draught animals for the Public Works Department during 1903. Forms of tenrler may be obtained at the I'ulilic Works Department
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    • 506 1 NOTICES. NOTICE 7 Mr. Joseph Baker begs to inlorm the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore that he supplies Christmas and New Year Cakes < f the best quality at moderate charges. Confectionery and sweets also on hand. Establishment at Victoria Street. 34-18 NOTICE. RACING~STABLE. HWOOL is prepared to undertake the
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    • 264 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "Welista" CIGARETTES. In Packets of 1O and Airtight Tins of 50. "Wdree Qastks" CIGARTTEES. Gold-Tipped, Packets of 10. MANUFACTURED BY W 0. H. 0. WILLS. A Guarantee of Excellence. Sold by all Dealers aad Hotels iii.w.f. T3 Kelly Walsh, Ltd. :o: Before Purchasing Just Received a Typewriter, The
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    • 455 1 I Bilious Colic It quickly cured by Hlillu llslll 'a kjolic, II Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinvdy. It never fail* ami pleasant and safe II to take. The attack may lie w:ird.-il off by tak- II ing a double dost- nf I Ins remedy a* soon II at the first indicuiioii
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  • 1038 2 Intrepid Officer's Journey. Recently a lecture at the United Service Institute at Simla was delivered by Lieut.-Colonel Manifold, of the Indian Medical Service, on his adventurous journey With Captain Hunter, R.E., from Pekin to Szecbuan, a distance of 4,500 miles, covered at twenty miles a
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  • 665 2 Time Table. The following is the Time Table ot the Siberian Express for six months from 14th October, 1902. i ic.M m,,^, roll UKKUaUA. l»i-l. 11l WT-I*. Mon. W.-.1 Sjii. \i,,.,..i» dap ■-'.:»<• in TnLi ISJ arr UO imp Tin- I'll', KUj«k iso hit 18.88 a.m. dap l.«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 NOTICES. T^ #< 11 SPECIAL Dun ville s o LD scotch Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA £.11 UtßaßaPHl^ajaiji Jj'iK?' "^J «> ■Ff&BBBBEIHiSLBak^BB.aV BaaaaaaaffM t^^i ~^~>^ S W I Mil a>JB 3| h! dunvill|:( I I I Lbbj tiASGOw, acOTtkl»Jo (f| Ojj 'IJ 1
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    • 336 2 NOTICES. Boiler Covering. pacticulaM fkom BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. JEFFREY'S M EDINBURGH STOUT. A special, light brew for the tropics. Highly recommended i xv =l Prica Sl3.fiO per ca«e of 7 doi kW.y ,-i pints. Of all dealers ;jot BORNEO CO., LTD., j>. iij Sole Agenta. BRITISH LAGER BEER.
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    • 332 2 NOTICES. rpHE ~gTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions' and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 16 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 758 3 The Standard Oil Co. In India The Indian Government recently prohibited the Standard Oil Company from prospecting or gaining a foothold in the Burma oil -field*. Representatives of the company thereupon complained to the U. B. i^tate Department that the Indian (iovenimcnt declined to permit them to
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  • 420 3 The slaughter of the elephant in Africa is going on at such a rapid rate that, unless it is possible to have a close time for the animal in the regions where he is still most numerous, it wiil not be long before the world's supply of
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  • 196 3 Is passing through Tras now one sees a place as busy and as flourishing as Haul). It is simply surprising how that place has gone ahead during 1902. Wages are high and house rents are the same, ranging from 54.5 to 555 per month for shop houses -_'O
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  • 327 3 For Singapore. Per P. O. 8. s. Home, connecting with the steamer Chut"n at Colombo, from London Nov. 27, due 28th Dec—Mrs. Mosley, Hi»S Freeman, Mr. H. Hetherington, Sub-Conductor and Mrs. Kings, SergeantMajor and Mrs. Clark, Mr. Mugglestone, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Serdice. Per P. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO BAIL. Calcutta via ports, I'mtakota, on ISth Dec, Boustead. Tenting and Calcutta. A. Apctir. duo 17th Dec., Paterson Himons. East Coast ports, ban Whatt Hin, on alternate Saturdays and Wednesdays 8.8 Co Japan via ports Irene, due 18th Dec. B.M Hongkong V. Apcar, on Dfe. 16th, P.
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    • 631 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 RESERVE FUN D.— Bterl ing Reserve..! 10,000,0001 Silver Reserve....! 4,760,000/ IM W} RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 n nnnnnn PROPRIETORS I ooo ow Court of Dihkctok>. Hon. R. Shkwax,— Chairman. A. .1. Uav.moxh, Esq.— Dwqty Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Dickson 11. Schubart,
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    • 640 3 NOTIJES. WANTED. CLERK, with knowledge of timber, and general office work. Applications to be sent to v.c. D. O. c/o Straitt Timet. WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate the Typewriter (Remington). Apply with references to v.c M. c/o Straitt Timet. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER and typist; liberal VJ salary to right
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    • 576 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AUENTS or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. HOTEL FOR SALE. rpHE undersigned are instructed to offer JL for sale, as a going concern, a popular first class hotel in Singapore.
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    • 453 3 SHIPPING FOR PENANG ANdT^A LC V TIJT MESSRS. Apcar Company's steamer ARRATOOS APCAH. Imrinf? left Hongkong on the 11th instnnt. is due her<» en the 17th instant, en route for the ahovr ports. For freight and pat-sage apply to PATEKSOX SIMONS CO.. 17-12 An.Tit- IMPERIAL i IKM AN MAIL LIN
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  • 2218 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS WEDNESDAY, 17TH DECEMBER. We understand that the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, having completed and checked the figures that were required in order to bring the 1897 Keport, up to daie, has decided to recjiiimend to Government that the basis of the currency
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  • 260 4 An admirable Handbook of the Federated Malay States from the pen of the Resident of Selangor, which ca*"" to hand by the mail on Saturday, o most complete and compact work of its kind that can be desired. In addition to reviews which include the history, population, and resources of
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  • 20 4 Rkadi.m; matter, including the timetable of the Siberian Railway and Pahang Notes will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1,7;
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 11 4 Thb Transatlantic Trading Company send a wall calendar for next year.
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  • 16 4 A Rugby football match will be played to-morrow afternoon on the S. C. C. ground. m
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. Qeneral shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 124 4 LATEST BETTINO. Calcutta, Dee. 17th. Ip Guards 3 to 2 Record Reign 7 to 2 Vasto 10 to 1 Dandy 10 to 1 Stand Ofl' 7 to I Tubal Cain 8 to 1 Alix 15 to I Wild Raven Intol Acetine .'5O to 1 (ioldsmith .d> to
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 135 4 lo,i, Iftt Deremher. A German tsemi-oilk-ial statement is issued to the etf'ect that the Venezuelan vessels sunk by the Germans were bo unseaworthy that they would have hampered the movements of the German warship*. America Endorses Arbitration. It is understood that the arbitration proposal is strongly endorsed by the
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    • 12 4 The House of Lords has passed the Education Bill.
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    • 102 4 The strike ai Marseilles has collapsed owing to other trade unions deserting from the Inscription Maritime (which was instrumental in starting the strike.) [The FriMidi ikl\) la manned partly by connriptMiu mid partly liy voluntary saiiat nient. By the channel ol i!i« "Inscription Maritime, ami on
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    • 19 4 The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have left Suez on H.M.S. Reiwun, bound for India.
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  • 20 4 Base coin of brass and lead are largely circulating at Penang, but tbe bad workmanship tells against their passing readily.
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  • 24 4 The I'inang Gazette learns that the Chamber of Commerce of that port will probably hold a meeting on the subject of the currency question.
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  • 26 4 The idea of starting a rifle association instead of a rifle corps in Perak has taken so readily that a membership of one hundred is expected.
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  • 27 4 M. Deuassk has laid upon the table in the Chamber of Deputies the Convention with Siam which the Chamber referred to the standing Committee on Foreign Relations.
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  • 33 4 Thi Orient Club gave a very successful performan.' v at the Methodist Girl's School, Short Street, last evening, when various amateurs, assisted by Professor Zamoni, the ventiloquist and conjurer, gavj a first-class entertainment.
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  • 37 4 The Orientalist Congress in connection with the Exhibition at Hanoi was opened there by the GovernorGeneral of French Indo-China on tbe sth instant, in a speech heartily welcoming the scientists assembled, of whom Colonel Gerini represented Siam.
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  • 39 4 Thirty tins of prepared opium, brought in tbe s.s. UrUxna from Singapore, were seized the other day by excise officers at Rangoon. The opium was concealed in cases of dead potato cuttings. The consignee was not to be found.
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  • 38 4 The Parsee Theatre presented a play entitled Khutha Thoathe in North Bridge Road last night. The Beenejyand costumee were gorgeous and tW house was pretty well filled. The play was decidedly interesting to anyone acquainted with the language.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Xmas Holidays GROVE HOTEL TANJONG KATONG 24-12 KOR BALI. ONK n-» -<■! nf harness suitable for a cob. Apply to K. c/o Strait* limn. I W- 1 BILANGOR TOBI CLUE RKMINDER. tjVNTK'K< eloM It noon on Friday j "Mi in- All entries by telegram mini confirmed i>y letter.
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    • 428 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. »»T ANTED immediately, an experienced T T Chinese dispenser. Apply to THE DIBPENSAKY, 19-1 2 43 Rvffles Place. WANTED. OMART Cbinese or Eurasian typist for O Kuala l.umpor; salary to start 845 per month, with free passage to Kuala l.umpor. Apply to RILEY, HAKGREAVES 4 CO., LTD1618 r>
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    • 71 4 G.R. LambertS 3 Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y 8 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Road on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, WratWn-Wrainwright's Ilford and
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  • 1730 5 FURTHER POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS. itDAY afternoon, the twenty- six who were arrested on the .1th :.ii'i at the Kwong Nam Lung I immigration depot, 9f and :<0 iv uin Street, were again brought before Mr Bi'-tly for preliminary eni|uiry into •is of unlawfully mooning i.t, -ervante, namely,
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  • 115 5 The Singapore Cricket Club eleven which goes up to play Perak on the 23rd and 24th inst. has not yet been definitely chosen but the Perak team will consist of Messrs. L. Bennett, A. L. Ingall, A. L. Jumeaux, A. H. Maxwell, R. M. McKenzie, W.
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  • 74 5 Thk accounts so far furnished show the total expenditure on account of the celebration locally of the coronation and on account of the Volunteer Contingent to England to be $67 ,678,38. The expenditure of 136,300 has been already approved and at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday next,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 289 5 To the Editor of the Strait* Times." Sir,— The attention drawn to the salary of the Municipal Secretary at Monday's meeting of the Commissioners shows that the members of the Board are of opinion that their secretary is doing a great amount of work, and should therefore
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  • 144 5 At a general meeting cf Singapore Engineers held at the Marine Club l<tst evening the everlasting question of currency and wages was again discussed. What the engineers sailing out of the port wanted was that their pay should be put on a sterling basis. Chief
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  • 255 5 is a list of donations and subscriptions from Jan. Ist to Dec. 15th, 1902:— Church Work Association 80 Per Hon. C. Stringer 10 Mrs. Napier 120 Lady Pearson 10 Master 6. Spanjaanl 8 Mis» (hill 19 Mrs. van Cuylenburg 100 J. Komerville 100 Mrs. Stringer
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  • 31 5 BAT AVI A CRICKET CLUB. The following is the result of the tennis Single Handicap competition, C class:— Foster -'s}Kirkpatriek ■"■■Ml l 5» 6 >< M K.rkpatrick B»diklMigßey ftn fch-u BehaU rW)
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  • 450 5 S. C. C. v The Fleet. The result of the Association match on the Esplanade yesterday evening was a draw, there being no scoring. The game was a hard one. The Club forwords displayed their customary failing —they would not shoot till within a yard of the goal, though
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  • 209 5 Were the Contingent Badly Treated? The annual meeting of the Penang Volunteers was held on Tuesday last in their new Drill Hall at the Fort. Capt Allan, the Acting Commandant, presided. Addressing the Corps he said that since the last meeting Penang had sent a contingent home
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  • 56 5 The Bangkok Timee understands that Mr. J. Stewart Black takes the post of Judge of the Dika (Supreme of Appeal) Court in place of Dr. Masao, who returns to his former judgeship in the Appeal Court, Mr. W. A. G. Tilleke at the same time reverting to his former position
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  • 74 5 H. E. the Governor and Captain Boldero R. N., the latter of whom we understand, has been promoted from Acting Master Attendant to be Master Attendant, were to have gone to Messrs. Riley Hargreaves' yard at Tanjong Rhoo yesterday afternoon to inspect the new yacht Seameir, now being constructed there.
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  • 142 5 Bepobr Mr. Marriott at the Police Court this morning a Chinaman was charged with being in possession of a hypodermic syringe and a quantity of morphia for injecting purposes. The man was fined $1 00. Before the same Court a Hylam was charged with being in possession of 104 tins
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  • 17 5 Doring the high tide this morning several streets in the lower part of the town were submerged.
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  • 21 5 The German mail steamer Darmstadt left Port Said yesterday evening outward bound. She is due here on Saturday the 3rd January.
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  • 19 5 The vacant Municipal seat at Penang has been filled by the election ofMr. Cheah Tek Thye, the retiring Commissioner.
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  • 22 5 For working at 60 South Bridge Road while still suffering from small-pox, a Kling has been sent to gaol for two months.
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  • 26 5 A Chinaman has reported to the police that he was attacked in Hongkong Street last night by three of his countrymen, who stole S4 from him.
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  • 24 5 The German cruiser Oeier, Commander Berger, arrived from Saigon yesterday afternoon and anchored in the roads. Her date of departure and destination are uncertain.
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  • 25 5 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer iVi;m Novgorod arrived this morning from Odessa and went alongside the whart. She is expected to leave for Vladivostock to-morrow.
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  • 28 5 Messrs. Boustead and Co. as agents for the Royal Insurance Company and Messrs. Paterson Simons and Co. as agents for the Guardian Assurance Company send calendars for 1903.
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  • 33 5 The Grand Duke Cyril of Russia arrived at Nagasaki on the 27th ult. on the cruiser Admiral Nwhimoff from Port Arthur. The cruiser, which is on the voyage home, is coming to Singapore.
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  • 48 5 The German steamer Karat on arrival at Manila, the other day, to replace the Ktlantan on the Singapore run, brought 250 head of Siam cattle, nearly all with foot and month disease. The city authorities refused to send them back to Singapore, and quarantined them on the spot.
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  • 56 5 A gang-robbery is reported to the police from the 16th mile at Kranji. A Chinaman's house, somewhere near Woodlands was entered by five men last night, who removed $400 worth of property. The owner says he can identify one of the men. Acting Insp. Connor and Sergt. Frayne went .out
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  • 69 5 To-day is the 27th annversary of the capture of Kinta, in Perak, by the British troops sent into the country to avenge the murder of Mr. Birch, the first British resident, who was killed by Malays while bathing at Pasir Salak, on the Perak River, Nov. 2nd, 1375. It was
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  • 97 5 Abdul Wrodod, manager and partner of the firm of Abdul Wahid Coy., was, this morning, before Mr. Wilson in response to a summon! issued at the instance of the authorities, alleging that on the 27th ult. milk adulterated with added water was, as milk contractor, supplied by him to the
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  • 77 5 A Chinese mandore employed at Tanjong Pagar reported to the police that at X3O last night he was going along Keppel Road in a rikisha when, opposite the P. and O. wharf, he* was attacked by five men, one of whom in also a mandore at Tanjong Pagar. The five
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  • 115 5 Latham and Co., report: Our market remains much the same since our last report, and there is very little business doing. Straits Traders remain unchanged at $29, and only a few transactions have taken place at this rate Tanjoug Pagars continue in cood demand, and the rate has advamed to
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  • 658 5 Sinoapork, 17th Dkckmrf.r, 1902. PRODUCE. Gam bier buyer* f 14.7* Copra Ball 9.60 do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Ttlaok buyers 85..W do White, (8%) 61.00 Saj,o Flour Sarawak 4.50 do Brunei No. 1 4.3(1 Pearl Sago 5.80 Coffee, Bali, 15% basin 23.0(1 Coffee, PalembaiiK, 30% buia 3!>.00 Coffee, Lilierian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 The merit of a medicine Is determined by the test, Does' iti:ure t What Rheumatics say N. Galloway, Snow Hill, London, writes:— 1 have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism for many years. During tbis I have tried various advertised rheum tic remedies, oils, ointments, and embrocations. My legs pained
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 155 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 17th December. High Water. 11.8 a.m. B. I. homeward mail closes. 4. Hockey. 8.V.A. Gun Drill. 6.15. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Thursday 18th December. High Water. 0.28 a.m. II. -".I p.m. Liquor Sale. Coghlan. Herman outward mail due. Rugby Football. S.C.C. Ground. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 365 6 NOTICES. AQents for LEA PERKINS 9 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCt. vßs Special Wappant j OT^^S: <^^ His Majesty Purveyors to #^^^^^^S The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the fact that over five bandied hospitals ami kiadred |inlili( institutions, inclodiog all most important
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    • 359 6 NOTICES. LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD, House and Estate Agents land and general brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. U.V. "THE LION" TANSAN Most refreshing and .'nvfgorating natural mineral water, for sale at moderate prices. Can be had at G. OTOMUNE &CO. v.c. PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND I M POUTED
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    • 304 6 NOTICES. CEMENT. The Famous AALBORG PORTLAINDCErv\ENT FABRIK^ AALBORG BRANt REPORT OF MESSRS. SWAN AND MACLAREN .v/,,.,./,,..,., Ond SepUmtbtr, l*iDear Sikj. According to lnstructioiis contained i» foot lettai of Beptmnbw 6th we have made caretui tests of the "Aalborg CeBOflOt" stored in your podowi in Tele^rapli Street, and beg to report
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 626 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. mus Btandar i Life Awnranoe. I^_ A Norwich Union Fire iMuranc* Society. Atlaa Anuranoe Company (Fir*). The Life A«sur»ncfl Society. 1 he China Mutual Bteain Nsv.Kat.on Company Tottentaun Lager Beer Company. U^^^t^'^-O^M-PANT, LIM:TK.I). AtfenU. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p, Offioi, Telegraph StreetPt- Wharvrr.KbppelHabbopb. 06 0. $TKAM NAVIGATION MUTANT.
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    • 804 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Ai,-vts at Singapore: Ship Agbxct, latb J. Dabhdbls A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quat. Tbe undermentioned dates are only approximate. St-earmr From Expected Will be Despatched for On Hok TjiO' Palemhang 16 Bagan 17 IfsMH Batavia 16 Batavia, Cheribon,
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    • 489 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. I'Ni'ER Mail Contract with thk AI'RTRIAH GOVBBNMENT. The following are the dates on whteh the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here Outwabd. Homeward. 1903. 1902 A nutria Jan. •> \Vii\dobonn Dec i" Nippon Feb. 1903 \Sile*ia Jan. 27 I *Auntria Feb •>'
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    • 716 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES RorddeutscHer Lloyd. Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERh OF THE COAST FLEET. Toss Reg. Tohs Reg. SMtin 2478 Kohsichang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Pftchaburi 2191 Paknam 2001 Pitsanulok 3019 Tanglin 1999 Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok IWiO Chow Tai 1777 Koral IWO Wong Koi 1777 Singnra 1754 Keong Wai 1777 Nuen Tung 1341
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    • 598 7 INSURANCE CO.'S CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,60C,'J00. Amount paid up 600,000. Reserve fond 1,160.000. Head Orrici, Honokokg. Fhe nndeimgned, having been appointed Agent* of the above Company, are prepared to accept Marine Risks at onrmot rate*. BOUSTEAD A. Co., Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE COYr FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 569 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17J0) 'TIHE undersigned, Igeota for the ibove JL company, :ire prepared to iuicept Fire Risks at current nitr-. w.*«. 31/12 BEHN MEYER *C«. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) FTIHE undersigned, agents for the above J. company, are prepared to accept
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    • 1009 8 I :i itus hnaiti the following abbre»iai! SI am BMd sir. steamer eh.— •nip > j -tmraaa; sch.— schooner: Yet. Yh Oraiwr; iibt.— (iunboat: Tor. power; Hrit.—Bri•isa i v itfs; Feh.— French: Ger. German; i»ut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; G.C.— ftenerjil -cargo; d.p. deck passenger; V.— Uncertain T. P.
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    • 663 8 VESSE LS EXPECTED. Same, port, probable date, of arrival. and name of agent*. MUM Adria, China, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Alcinou?. China, Dec 20; Mansfield. Alnsia, Hoi >;kong. Jan 7 Behn Meyer. Altin^. Bandjermas'in, Dec 18; Daendelr Am. Fourichon, Havre, left Not t; M. C. Ambria. Hamburg. Pec 22: B.
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    • 144 8 For Per steamer Tim. To-Morrow. Sarawak Kmiat 9 a.m. Batu Pahat Ai;ig Hrn. Ip.m. Malacca and Muar Hono M'n 2 p.m. S'baya and Samarang On Sang 3 p.m Port Swettenham Ainti Ltimg 3 p.m. P. Swet'him via ports <inn<imril<- 8 p.m. Bangkok| Bangkok 4 p.m. Ampanan A Macassar
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    • 181 8 From Europe By the N.D.L. s s. Prinztus Irene due on the 18th instant, with dates to the 24th Nov. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 17th October. From China -By the M.M.s.s. /.,</».•.■ due on Sunday. From Rangoon By the s.s.
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    • 181 8 Mlr v 5 Vtt>»Kl g NiMH i A lON* Big Captain From Sailed. CONSIGNEES. i Dec, 16 Sultan Brit str 102 16 'Baiabof Sarawak 3ar str. 892 16 lOeter Uer cru 1700 16 |Pontianak Rrit str 97 16 Q. G. Daendels Dut str. 773 16 ;Aragonia Ger str 3*228
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    • 88 8 Datb. Vbssbl's Name. Flag A Rio Tons. DIfITIRATIOH. >c M 17 Silesia Aus str. 17 Asahan Or str. 18 Tientsin Brit str. 17 Resident Schiff Put str. 18 Nijni Novgorod Rus tra. 17 I Zaida Brit str. 18 Kudat Ocr str. 17 Malacca i Brit sir. 18 Attaka I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 567 8 NEW STOCK JUST TO HAND Children's Shoes. IMPORTANT NOTE A mr>Rt of our DAINTY FOOT WEAR for children is made on thn continent, prineipalh hy tamoii" S\vi-« mrnuf-ic'iirer. the sizes are quoted in French Numbers. So we give herewith the Mngiisli equivalent* for the convenience of our out-port customers, and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 68 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kamlang Kerbau Hospital, 16th /><■<., 1902. ]ft«,m.'3p.m. Remarks. Bar .|29.918;a9.84S 12«.90l 2«.900 l Morning Temp 81.0 86.9 76.0 clear, day WB'lbTher 78.0 75.9 76 5 !cloudv,.rain DirofWind n.V 8.8. W. I. K.K.I st 5 p.m Max. Temp 87.9 night o'cati M m 70.2 Mavi n Sun 146.9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 272 9 NOTICES. Tfujisaki. Japanese Photographer AND ARTIST. No 381 Victoria Street. I)H()TOOKAI'HS t.iktn with till modern improvements. Artistic frames of nil variettet for sale. Sl-U MOTOR CARS WK AUK MOW PRBPARKD TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYMH CO. "SAPPORO" "KIRIN" BEERS The b«st that era brewed in Japan Bole [anpotfc n. KOMEYA Co.,
      272 words
    • 347 9 NOTICES. Charles Ibcibsiccfc's White Seal Champagne. Sol.X AOBHTB, lifcliN, MEYKR Co Singapore and Penang. v I)KPdT3 '4^. Singapore ili --rt. li>iinI i>ii n 1 mi k .t r 11 Messrs. Uuhtibl amp f' lIDHMACUBB. ff! U U. HOII'EJISTK P^^^l Swuralwya L*^£ Messrs. S. L. van Nlßßor Vo. in f. LIQUID^
      347 words
    • 654 9 NOTICES. H. van WIJK, CONFECTIONER Ice Cream Saloon. ■nn MUMBBB Ml BE I»E K(«i: DINNERS AND SUPPERS Orchard Road IW-IW. 81-12 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Mill WKH.IIT.-., KNCINKKRS, JKON AND BRABS I FOUNDKRK, WHARKIN(iBKB, AC. This Company execute Ship and Marine Engine Repairs of all descriptions in the
      654 words
    • 353 9 NOTICES. French Cement. SUPERIOR uuality: not ordinary. Used in all Mediterranean ports. First shipment just nrrived. J. A. van BPEN, m.w.f. 10/1 -2H Robin-on Road. FLOORING TILES VERY rich assortment, finest obtainable in the Kast. Can be seen in our Show Rooms, 25 Robinson Road. Price list can be had
      353 words
    • 217 9 NOTICES. fcS v SODA ADAPTED TO HIS •\rtTCm.Hi. IT IS TO-DAY EUBOOONIBED IN KVKIIY COUNTRY ON EARTH AS THE STANDARD WRITING MACHINE mw fuc SiiLK AGKNTB. I G.OTOMU^NE CO., Japanese Curio and General Store. Japanese Japanese Curios Curios NOVELTIES FOR X.'mas and flew Year JtrL JtLi S3 Hi -INI X
      217 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 306 10 NOTICES. QROBINSON Co.r Jsadies (Bdatelaine and Mandkereftief 53ags. 4 The Cantlusit Bag as illustration a combination of Safety Purse and Chatelaine Bag. Fashionable, Secure and Convenient, while it gives !he wearer perfect freedom of action. kt/\L BLACK MOROCCO LKATHBR $7.OO REAL BLACK RUSSIA LEATHER $9.OO Same shape as above illustration
      306 words
    • 363 10 NOTICES. CHAM P A GN E "LOUIS ROEDERER Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN CO., Importer*. Retail at Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. KAUNAU, H1LLH 96, Bobinton Hood. HAVE ON HAND:Electric FanB, Oiling and Table, 40, 60, i «>. 100, 1 10, and 120 Volt*.
      363 words
    • 377 10 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. Christmas/1902T TOM SMITH'S CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Containing in infinite variety Hats, Caps, Costumes, (, Toy. I—,-. Masks. Fa, .^P.uzies, Pictures, Views, Pnoto,, Tea Sets, Masi,-,. I******* P»fa— Ani.n.U, Cario.^Con,,,^n...»s UiJdl M Nation, UFlags, Kairies L\>lRj^' :B*JJmtx vial m itf ..t v mS!P>» 111! PBJf^^^^^vffi^ l Kllltl
      377 words