The Straits Times, 12 December 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,005. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 769 1 NOTICES. She Shuts. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. AD\ KIITISKMKN TS THE type used as a standard for setting advert iseinen I s is -imiliir to tins, unless the instruction is to display the i-dvertiKe-■nent, when imv cllective style ol ty|>.', used in the paper, will he adopted. The itanilanl
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    • 634 1 NOTICES, NOTICE. Mr. Joseph Baiter begs to P Ladies and Gentlemen of that lie supplies ChristNew Year Cakes if the ty at moderate charges iery and sweets also on stablishinent at Victoria 8418 MARINE CLUB. PROFESSOR ZAMONI will give an exhibition of legerdemain an ventriloquism to members and tbei friends
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    • 588 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. RACING~STABLE. HWOOL is prepartd to undertake Mm training of race horses and griffins he will shortly open new ppremis s which will be complete and thoroughly up date. At present be has temporary accomodation. Commissions undertaken for the purchase of racehorses and polo ponies. Agents in Bombay, Calcutta,
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    • 252 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ Milkmaids BRAND 15% K^l^m lull I\t Ems' 2 n *uuio B A *jg I V 111 IA Bj f ffi?jw- Guaranteed i rT^ Full Cream. tiade mark Largest Sale in the World. Kelly Walsh, Ltd. Before Purchasing Just Received a Typewriter, The Book of Beauty o At 'Era
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    • 844 1 Bilious Colic Is quickly cured by Ch.inil>crl;iin'-l. .In. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails and is pleaauit and Mfc to take. The attack may lx- warded off by taking a double dose of this remedy as soon as the first indication of Ibe disease appears. For sale by medicine
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  • 573 2 Dee. Sth. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and family have left Seremban for good. Mr. Richardson has a billet in Kinta. The Rev. Mr. Izard arrived in Seremban on Saturday and held two services on Sunday in the old church. Mr. Wickwar returned from Singapore early in
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  • 321 2 A- -e.|iiel to tin- cuni|ilniiit> <>| inMillii-ient •locking lucoiiiiiiodatiiin. M iH'ought out specially in the plan» of the I*, ami t). line to MSk another terminus, waterfront improvements on a larjje wale have lieen taken in hand at London. It ih proposed to modify materially the present dork
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  • 602 2 (From Our Corretpontleitt.) 7th December, Lait week Mr. Kleum, D.P.I, came to Malacca to inspect the Malay College. After the inspection, the College broke up for its usual holiday during the fasting month. Mr. Elcum returned to Singapore on Friday. On Sunday last Lieut-Col. Murray arrived and on
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  • 238 2 E. E. A. C. TELEGRAPH CO. Ihe report of the Kastem, Australasia, and Cliina Telegraph Company for the half-year ended June :tO last states that the gross receipts amounted during that period to £283,856, against C3M33M for the corresponding half year of 1901. The latter figures, however, included about ■£23,000
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  • 28 2 The China Commercial Steamship Company, which was incorporated in Hongkong on Ist November, will inaugurate a service between that port ana Mexico at the beginning of March next.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 NOTICES. CENTRAi7h6ttL, Kitted with first .•l;i«<- mi'iminiodation, overlouking Fjtchc Square (ianlcn, near to ihe Hank-, MkMt Market, and the Stations. All the catering is under Kuropean 'i|>ervision. Liquor and Cuisine, best quality. A. CHIESA, FYTCHE SQUARE, RANGOON. The only hotel in Rangoon in the continental style. e.f. :«,3/03 ROBINSON Co.,
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    • 257 2 NOTICgJ. EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses. AUD Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government, and
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    • 340 2 CTANDARD "bOLICIES THE demand for these Securities continues steadily to increase. Now Policies for over £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every year since 1865 a resulted maintained uninterruptedly for so lonq a period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ltd. Agent*, Standard
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    • 21 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 1559 3 {By Gtmeral Ben Viljoen.) Tbe White Flag, the Red Cross and the Question of Uniforms. The want of knowledge and instructions as regards the proper use of the white ilag was frequently felt during the war. Every general seemed to explain the
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  • 290 3 For Singapore Per P. 4 0. 8. s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer hallo arat at Colombo, from London Nov. 18, due 14th Dec— Mr, and Mrs. Warrick, Messrs. C. 8. Crane. J. Henderson. McCraddie, McDougall, W. H. Sbelfoid.A. Bowlingbrock, A. C. Carter. J. Kerr, Eglington, Innee.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 690 3 fAWS tf COT 8, BATTERY ROAD, Hoiibe and Estate Agents land and general brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. I. FUJISAKI. Japanese Photographer AND ARTIST. No 381 Victoria Street. T)HOTOGBAPHS taken with all modern improvements. Artistic frames of all varieties for sale. SI-Ij H. van WIJK, CONFECTIONER Ice Cream Saloon.
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    • 672 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A young lady arcistant for a shop, /pply to K. L M., c/o Strait* Time*. 18-18 WANTED. CLIhK. with knowledge of timber, and general office work. Applications. to be sent to ox. D. O. c/o Btrait* Time*. "WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate tbe Typewriter (Remington). Apply
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    • 628 3 NOTICES. McMrt. H. I* Co'fblin tf Co. lIAVK BEEN APPOINTED SCIVA<iBKTS or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. HOTEL FOR SALE. rpHE undersigned are instructed to offer JL for sale, as a goiiiK concern, a popular first class hotel in Singapore.
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    • 705 3 I SHIPPING. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LLXE FOR EUROPE. rjPHE Imperial German mail steamer JL JCIAUTSCBOC. Capt. Lunt-schloss. of the hamburg-Amerika Linie, left Hongkong on Wednesday, the 10th inst., at neon, and may be expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon, the 14th instant. She will probably be despatched for Europe
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  • 318 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS FRIDAY, 12TH DECEMBER. Fair-Flay has written a complaint to the Malay Mail which will probably find an echo in the hearts of as many bereaved Singapore dog owners as it will among those of Kuala Lumpur. It seems that Fair Play duly purchased licenses
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  • 256 4 The remarkable length of arm possessed by the Japanese law is exhibited by the judgment passed on a certain Mr. R. G. Hopkins and a lady known as Mrs. Jovansen, on Nov. 21st. They were convicted of adultery and sentenced, the man to eight and the woman to six months'
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  • 149 4 Local land values are still advancing, and, considering the drop in the dollar and the difficulties that have been the outcome of the Currency Question, the local market in real estate to use the American term in regard to urban landed property is remarkably active. The Ounearn Estate which was
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  • 115 4 The demise of Alfred Eliab Buck, Minister for the United states at the Court of Tokyo, deprives America of a capable and thoroughly conscientious servant. Born at Foxcroft, Maine, in 1 .->:(:.' he fought for the Union side in the Secession war, afterwards settling in the City of Atlanta, Georgia,
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  • 69 4 A correspondent, who apparently writes in mode sarcastic, suggests that the hard-up Municipality should erect a big building, similar to those of the New York sky-scrapers, on what he call "that scalene triangle of land known as Finlayson Green." He says that —were the foundation made solid, and a goodly
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  • 26 4 Reading matter, including F. M S. Notes, Malacca Notes, Wire News, and an article on the Boer War will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate it 1 7,-«
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  • 7 4 K\tz Bros, send wall calendars for 1903.
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 11 4 H. M. 8. Vestal left for Hongkong at 7 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 12 4 The time gun this morning was fired at 11 minutes past o.
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  • 11 4 The homeward mail liy the /■««</'« closes on Wediiesda at 4 p.m.
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  • 20 4 Hogan and Co. Ltd. Engineers send us specimens of a handy little 1903 calendar note book which they are issuing.
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  • 25 4 From the beginning of the year up to the 23rd ult., there were N'-M cases of cholera in Kobe, 605 of which had proved fatal.
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  • 22 4 All Customs inspectors in Manila have been ordered to wear clean white gloves in future. Manila is rather a warm place, too.
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  • 23 4 The Town and Volunteer B md will play on the High Service Reservoir on Saturday afternoon from 5 to 6 p.m. (weather permitting).
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  • 26 4 T'!K next Tanglin Club "At Home will be held at the Club on New Year's Eve (Wednesday, 31st inst.) at 9 o'clock. There will be dancing.
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  • 26 4 The Government grab dredger, recently sunk at the mouth of the river, was raised and taken alongside the seawall near the Master Attendant's office yesterday afternoon.
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  • 33 4 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club at 8.45 and 9.45 on Sunday morning. There will possibly be a game of water polo against a team from the warships in harbour.
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  • 35 4 John Little and Co. present us with a desk pad with calendar for 1903, of the some excellent style as in previous years. It is a very useful article, and an admirable form of advertisement.
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  • 34 4 Dr. Hanitsch, the curator of the Raffles Museum, left by the s.s. Tata yesterday for Penang, en route to the Dindings on a collecting expedition, and will be away for a couple of weeks.
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  • 34 4 The Pacific mail steamer Korea, which arrived at Hongkong on the 4th inst., from Shanghai, made the run to the former port in 45 hours 47 minutes which is claimed to be a record.
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  • 35 4 The mortality during the present cholera epidemic at Manila stood at the appalling rate of 62 per cent, of the attacks. The deaths at Manila and in the provinces from the disease were nearly 120,000.
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  • 30 4 The directors of the Perak Sugar Co., a Shanghai venture, have decided to pay a final dividend to shareholders of 7 per cent., making 12 per cent, for the year.
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  • 41 4 It is alleged that the Neill-Frawley Dramatic Co. will curtail its stay in Manila owing to the poor patronage it has received. It seems to be doubtful whether it will try Singapore and Hongkong or return straight to the United States.
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  • 38 4 The German mail steamers running here now include the Kwn -named after.a German General who was War Minister in 1870-71. She is sister to other new steamers— the Sekarnhoni, ZieUn, and Seydlitz all named after old-time German Generals.
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  • 135 4 LATEST BETTINO. Calcutta, Dec. UaV Record Reign 3 to 2 Up Guards 5 to 1 Vasto 10 to 1 Dandy 8 to 1 Stand Off 7 to 1 Security 20 to 1 Tubal Cain 10 to 1 Alix 15 to 1 Acetine 40 to 1 Goldsmith 20
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  • 43 4 This morning, before Capt. Boldero at the Marine Court, a Chinaman, the second cook of the s. s. Merionethtldre, was charged with assaulting the second officer of that vessel while on the voyage from Suez to Singapore. The man got six weeks' imprisonment.
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  • 46 4 Drought still continued at Redjang Lebong at the date of last advices (21st Nov.) Preparations were going on for tapping a stream with water enough to work twenty heads of stamp*. Milling was actively proceeded with, from 17 to 2~> heads of stamps being kept going.
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  • 45 4 The members of the Singapore Recreation Club bad arranged for the Town and Volunteer Band to play on their end of the Esplanade to-morrow afternoon, but as the massed bands of H.M.S. Argonaut and Blenheim will play od the Esplanade, the 3.R.C. arrangement is cancelled.
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  • 45 4 Ykstkkday, Insp. Goodland, P. C. A. Department, arrested two Kling carters for overloading their carts. This morning, Mr. Falshaw showed that the cattle were quite unable to draw the loads placed behind them, and Mr. Marriott fined the men $50 each, in default fourteen days.
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  • 61 4 The result of the crushing at the Punjom Mines for November is as follows: 190 tons mineralised ore, yielding 22 ozs. 2 dwts. 7 grns. 515 tons surface ore., yielding 88 ozs. 3 dwt». 8 grns., making 705 tons for a yield of 108 ozs,, and giving an average per
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  • 59 4 Racks, under the auspices of the Hongkong Jockey Club will be held there on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tuesday, the 10th, 11th and 12th February, 1903. The off-day is fixed for Saturday, the 14th February. There are to be ten events each day, the races commencing at 11-30 a.m., the first
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  • 55 4 The Municipal subordinate sanitary staff recently petitioned the Commissioners to allow them counsel in cases where they are prosecuted for alleged offences arising out of the performance of their official duties. The Commissioners have declined to bind themselves to any line of action in this matter, but will deal with
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  • 54 4 I'kofessor Zahoni gave a highly successful performance at the Chinese theatre, Smith Street, on Tuesday last. To-morrow night he gives an entertainment at the Marine Club and on Monday has been requisitioned for a private performance. On Tuesday and Wednesday next he is, we understand, to re-appear at the Chinese
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  • 62 4 Those here who fancy that tramways will bring rents down, may be interested in learning that, according to official returns of one place whtre trams were laid down, the rents increased from 10 to 25 per cent. It is only natural that, giving facilities for getting to and from a
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  • 76 4 When something has gone wrong with the works of a typewriter in Singapore, it is usually a bad case and those who are interested in these machines will probably be pleased to learn that an expert in their repair has arrived here in the presence of Mr. Thomas Carney, of
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  • 106 4 Thus the Manila American, concerning the Hanoi Exhibition Tiger hunts are now being arranged. Elephants for the hunts have already been imported from India. The tiger of French-India is quite t-imilar to the Bengal tiger. He is a ferocious beast, and those who take part in the sport will enjoy
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 190 4 CROWD ATTACKS THE GERMAN LEGATION. Venezuelans Called to Arm*. Action of the American Consul. Cmhlm 10'/i December. There were violent demonstration* at Caracas on Tuesday evening on receipt of the news that the Venezuelan warships at La (ruayra had been seized. The crowd burned British and German Hag**,
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    • 22 4 London, llth Bee. The Venezuelan warships seized have been sunk, t*ave one which w.i« claimed to be French property.
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    • 16 4 <ieneral Ferrer with 1,200 Venezuelan troops is marching on La Guayra.
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    • 46 4 President Castro has issued a manifesto describing the action of the allied German and British forces at LaGuayra as barbarous, ignoble, and treacherous He has summoned all the Venezuelan States to join in defending the sacred soil of the Republic.
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  • 107 4 The Vulcan Tin Mine, at Irvinebank. is now one of the most valuable tin properties in Queensland, and is paying nearly jjlimmmi in dividends annually. Since 1*99 it has yielded 5,2. r >6 tons of tin, worth i:l7o,:tto, and paid dividends amounting to X09,000. The prospects of the
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  • 225 4 Singapore's specally big Christmas complement of ships is keeping up ti> its proper strength, as yesterday the tirst-class cruiser Argonaut, 11,000 tons, put in an appearance. She is a finelooking four-funnelled ship and her officers are as follow: Captain. U«Mgl II. Cherry, Coni'uandei Mniiriii- Woolleoaibe, Uaata. ttmmt I..
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  • 57 4 Dk. Edith Buumuakdt arrived by the Zaula at I'enang on Saturday last, and proceeded to Ipoh on a visit to her brother, a .Sanitary Inspector there. This lady, alter finishing her medical studies in the Madras Medical College, went to Edinburgh, where she obtained the necessary degrees. She has not
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  • 75 4 Thk Municipal water taps at the Btandpipes seem to be a great temptation to men dishonestly disposed. Within four days, twenty-five have been stolen. Early this morning, a Chinaman was arrested in Nankin Street with one in his possession. He was brought before Mr. Marriott, and Mr. Wilkins identified the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Jor Real Value Seared Jnvestigate. If your mind is such that it can gravitate into a line of penetrating investigation, you will find such amongst our provisions that will philosophically reveal, High Glass Goods, and Intrinsic Value THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, i Robinson Road. TO HE
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    • 354 4 WANTED. JjV)R a merchant's off! a young man as tissistant bookkeeper and able to correspond in English. One with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting preferred. Apply to D.,c/o StrdiU 7im<* 18-12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpENDERS are invited, and will be I received up till 4pm on Wednesday, 28th Janua-y. 19 >3,
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    • 70 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on w <*kdays a.m.-6 p.m. on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, W ratten- Wrain Wright's Ilford and German
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  • 298 5 Mr. Charles Heidseick, of Champagne fame, sends to the London Standtrd. •inderdate Reims, Oct. 27th, his annual account of the Champagne Vintage. This time, he says, the task is an unpleasant one.the quantity and quality of tlifi wine made being so unsatisfactory that it seems nearly unworthy
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  • 53 5 An Association match has been arranged between teams representing the Navy and the S.C.C to take place this .ifternoon (weather permitting.) The following is the Naval team: -Goal, Mills {.irtthn*a); Backs, Taylor and Morrison (Argonaut), half-backs, Harrison (Arethum) Percy (Argonaut) and another. Forwards, McConnell (Blenheim) and Callaghan, Barker, Paton,
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  • 90 5 I'hk [.roduction of gold in Formosa •ontinues to increase rapidly. The mines now working are confined to a small section of the district north of Kelung. When gold was first purchased by the Bank of Formosa its value was estimated at 800.000 yen a year. It increased to
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  • 171 5 The manufacture of coconut butter mil OOOOMI oil is assuming the limeiiMons of a very large and growing industry in Marseilles. The manufacture of copra oil in Marseilles alone now amounts to the annual figure of from 55,00" >to 65.000 tons. Of butter, one firm alone turns
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  • 268 5 Throi'oh the courtesy of the local agents, Messrs. Paterson Simons Co.. we have received the annual report of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha presented to the shareholders on Nov. 25th. From it we learn that the gross profits of the company for the past half-year amounted to
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  • 1586 5 The following article, from the peu of Ikan Kechil," appeared in the Field of thelSth ult: The state yacht was timed to leave at twelve noon. I left the office at a quarter to the hour, and, as I had to climb the hill and hurriedly
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  • 140 5 I'hkv are a sporting or, rather, sportive, lot in Perak. Just now they have got 31 water griffins, landed in fairly good order, and are trying to see what can be made out of them. They range from 13.3 to 14.1. A very good meeting is anticipated.
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  • 262 5 THE P. O. MAIL. The I*. it O. mail steamer Hallaarat is due here at 2 p.m. to-morrow and brings a number of passengers for Singapore, among them Col. Sir A. R. F. Dorward B. c. the new Officer Commanding the Troops in the Straits Settlements, and Col. Flint r.a.
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  • 139 5 In commenting upon the gold standard scheme for the Straits Settlements, the Manila Time< says Most of us in the Philippines are doubtless quite willing to risk such disadvantages as may come from a gold standard system in view of the enormous losses entailed by a currency
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  • 644 5 Singapore, I:2th Dkckmber, HOS. PRODUCE. Gambier U.BU Copra Bali 9 60 do Pontianak 890 Pepper, Black -ellen. 36.00 do White, (8%) 61.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.55 do Brunei No. 1 4.30 Pearl Sago 5.60 Coffee, Bali, 15% ba«i« 23.00 Coffee, Palembanß, 20% b«*is 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 22.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 Sprainc, Knee Cured by Little's Oriental Balm. O. F. Schamrer. Kinnundy, 111., says Id coming down some steps ray wife sprained her knee so severely that she was unable to stand. The joint MM stiff, very much enlarged, and so extremely sensitive that the slightest touch caused violent pain. She
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    • 104 5 W. D. FISHER, Assoc. M. Inm C.E., aaCSHAM HOUSE BATTERY RD Foundations, Building, Roots Hallways and Railway iStrilcturu. WharvM. Road* and Bridgta. Sarvay*. Hydraulic Mining Scheme. InaiMCtlon and Twtlnf oi Material*. U.C. Preliminary Notice. Auction sale of the Valuabl e Freehold Residential Property known as Cassala. Tanglin, fronting Mount Echo,
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    • 830 5 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE &c. AT NO. 71 I, RIVER VaLLEY KOAD. Saturday ISfft Dect>ml>er, 1902, at 2 p.m. A Cottage piano by M. F. Raclmls Co., in good order;' Mrvad and polished drawing room caliinct wit It mirror panels, centre tables, rattan fancy chnirs, rattan visa vis
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 12th December. High Water. 8.25 p.m. B.V.R. Drill. 5.1*). S.V.E. Parade. 5.15. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Saturday, 13th December. High Water. 8.5 am. 7.26 p.m. F'ture Rale. River Valley Rd. Powell. 2. SC.C Cricket. P. A O. outward mail due. Naval Bands. Esplanade. 4.30. Town Band.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 441 6 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. Ghristmas, 1902i TOM SMITH'S CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Containing In infinite variety Hats, Cape, Costumes, Gune. Toys Jewellery, Maeke, Faces, I'u/zles, Pictures, Vievi I'hotoe, TnMK Musical [attm— Btt, Perfumes, Animals, Curios, Conundrums, Riddlet., National Flags, F [^IffN ifip^w^h^v^^^^Sa^l aft pi* the WJJJ.M., iiijw n— -1 17^^ Ji
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    • 296 6 NOTICES. t&e Puteometet> Requires no tf'^k Thousands in use skilled attendance. W^K almost Km H AiVYTHiivG. si m Needs no No moving parts __*^Xt J^F work \^F^(b^^^^K» steam pump PRICES ON IS NOISELESS. application SOLE .A^O-EHSTTS HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELi A mw aidliiai »o*k on the rj*n*w and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 660 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. TUTB Standard Life Anurenos. X Norwioh Union Fire Intnnno* SoostJ. AtUn AMuranoe Company (Fire). TTie Kiiuitable Life Assurance Society. "he China Mutual Steam Navigation Company Tottenham Lager Beer Company. PANT, LIMITKD. Agent*. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. i Pi Offiob, Tilioraph Strut i &r Wharves, KippilHarbocr. 06 0. STEAM
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    • 763 7 STEAMSti 1 PtiOMPANI ES, Konf nklijke Paketvaar* Maatschappl}. Under confeact with tbe Netherlands India Government. a gtnts at Singapore Ship Aoisoy, Latb J. Dabhdilb A Co., 9-8, Colltm Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From F.xrected Will be Despatched for On I7t;i d> r Parra Deli l>oc. 7
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    • 557 7 I Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company. (Owned and operated by 'the Oregon Railroad tf Navigation Company.) i)ntet of Sailing* from the East to Pacific Coast Ports. Leaving Due Hongkong Portland about about "lndrasamha" 14th Dec. 12th Jany. "Indravelli" 14th Jan. 12tb Feb. •Indrapura" 13th Feb. 14th Mar. Through bills of
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    • 707 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Rorddentsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. !;r! ;r STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Reg. Tons Reg. SUMin 2478 Kohsichang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Petchaburi 2191 Paknam 2001 Pitsanulok 2019 Tanglin 1999 Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok 19>0 Chow Tai 1777 Korat l!X)n Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1764 Keong Wai 1777 Nuen
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    • 557 7 STEAMSHIP COMPAISrCS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 573 7 INSURANCE CO.'S The paatNix aBhdba.\ch COMPAirr OF LONDON. (Established a. d "782.) The undersigned, Agents for the above Cobpany, are prepared to aooe pt Fire Bisks at the current ratas in Singapore, and also in Johor* and tbe other Statn* in the Malay Peninsula. 8T I ft V A On
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    • 1245 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ■Tip; bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet.— Yacht: Cru.— Cruiser; Got.— Gunboat: Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—Bri»i«h; U. S.— United States; Fch.— French: O«r.— German Dut.— Dutch Job.— Johore G.c— General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; P. Uncertain T.
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    • 659 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj t agentt. Htbamers. Adria, China. Jan 10; Behn Meyer Alcinous, China. Dec 22 Mansfield Alesia, Hotsjkone. .Lan 7; Behn Meyer. Am. Fourichon, Havre, left Xov 3; M. Ambria, Hamburg, Dec 22; b. Meyer AuPtialind. Fremantle, Dec -M Boustead. Anterior,
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    • 70 8 For Per ttramer Time. To-Morrow. Colombo ami Bombay K'hima Maru 7 h.iii. Singoraand Bangkok Chakrabhomja 11 a.m. Bangkok Seirttad 11 am. Indragm Ainu Hinri Xoon Djambie KianAnn 1 p.m. Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Batu I'ahiit Sultana 2 p.m. Deli Medan 3 p.m. P. Swefham < la ports
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    • 166 8 From Europe Rythe P. 40 %s.Rallnarat due on the 14th instant, with dates to the 21st Nov. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 17th October From China— By the N. D. L. s.s. /Tinu.'.i- h"u due on Sunday. From Saigon— By steamer
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    • 149 8 5 jVfcwms Nimk 4 lUmu j Fkom Bailbi>. Consignsbs. Dec II FaTfallii lUI str. 147 Taylor Malacca DM lOUatfKino am! Co. 11 ParramatU IMOstr. MM Fox Hongkone Dae -> I*, and O. Coy. 11 Vestal H.M «l. »K> Farquhar ("risttnasls Der .I S. Naval Officer 11 Sri Wonßsee Dut
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    • 179 8 ate. Vsssbl's Xamk. Flag 4 Kio Tows. Destination. tHMCI.'s > AMR. us IM 12 Kein Nor str. 726 Bangkok 11 i Ban Poh Quan Brit str. 576 Port Swettenham via ports 11 Lai Sang gtr. >2Ji Penang and Calcutta J8 Zweena »tr. 941 iSamarang via ports 12 Nurmamn S,n
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 GRAND BOMBAY BAZAAR NOS. 51 AND 52 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. CrR,E-A»T SHOW OF (Bfjristmas and "Wedding 'Presents AND jHew Year gifts K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL COMPANY. BOMBAY MERCHANTS Jeweller* and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and
      134 words
    • 159 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. BOYS 1 NAVY BKMK |,A FIANCE!" SI I.X CHILDRKXP NAVY SAILOR 81' ITS CHILDREN'S WHITK TUNICS sizes 1 2 :t 4 r. 7 0 BLOUSES MIM.IN PINAFORES exact to illustration Sizes 0 2 :< 4 Sizes 1 I Prices $4.50, 4.70, Assorted eoloun Prices $2.75, 2.90, 4.90,
      159 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 104 8 WEATHER* REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Honpital, Hth Dec, 1903. na.m.|3p.m.jßp.m. Remakes. Bar 29.868 29.788, 2« 799' Mornine Temp 84 9 80.0 I 77.0 I clear, day WBlbTherj 78.0 77.0 !76 4 j cloudy, PirofWinii x n k. s.x k. Calm, at interval* Max. Temp i W. 2 during the Mm 7-2.ii
      104 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 863 9 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINE ITJNO. An Illustrated Weekly loi'khal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF TH E PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guarantor d bona fide cirndation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLK G. E. CALCUTTA wAf riIUE PR YE XI VKK DOCK 1 PENANG. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the
      863 words
    • 341 9 NOTICES. Charles Ibefbsieck's lUhitc Seal Champagne. Sole Agehth, BKHN, MKYKR Co., 'JO^ Singapore and Penang. v .o' Singapore rV Messrs. Ioh» I ittlx A Co II Messrs. Gontzbl and SCHDHMACHKR. I liil (inn jH^^^B G. Hori-ENXTE PP^^J Soiirahaya _j Messrs. S. L. van Nieroi<t Co. m. f. LIQUID FUEL (Petroleum
      341 words
      199 words
    • 384 9 NOTICES. French Cement. SUPERIOR quality; not ordinary. Used in all Mediterranean ports. First shipment just arrived. J. A. van EPEN. m.w.f. 16/8 26 Robinson Road. FLOORING TILES VERY rich assortment, finest obtainable in the East. Can be seen in our Show Rooms, 25 Robinson Road. Price list can be had
      384 words
    • 290 9 NOTICES. H 4 I >% 4> parent medic hcs 'ill. Requisites, Drugs, &c. Atkinson's, Kigaud's.and Pinaud's Perfumery, Eau deCologne. Sponges, Brushes, Loofahs, &c. Maynard Co., (LIMITED.) Wholesale and Retail Chemlsta and Druggist*. 14, Battery Road. "Motor Cycles" and MOTOR (FRENCH-BUILT) CARS. WELL FINISHED. LIGHT. STRONG, EASY TO DRIVE. MECHANISM VERY
      290 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 NOTICES. MOTOft CAIS WK ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. U.C TANSAN Is ob aale at all the principal Hotels Tiffin Rooms "Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Sub-agents... McClymont Co., Port Dickson. Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuala Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton,
      241 words
    • 187 10 NOTICES. T^ *1 1 SPECIAL JJUnVllle S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA S 2 mt S I O 111 /&"~n*f-u\f!Z^ 'i i J 2 T3T 3 H 1 DUNVILLfcS j v @»>t*M>fim m Glasgow, scotlXpJO i Q$ w^ 1 (BARK ANCIR^J
      187 words
    • 624 10 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,00 L RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re««rve..»l0 1 000,000 Silver Reserve....* 4,750,000/ 14 60 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF J *****mn PROPRIETORS I °.°<".ooo Court of Directors. Hon. I!. SIIMVAN, H.MUM A. .1. Kavmono, K»q.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson I 11. Schubart,
      624 words
    • 257 10 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. New Colonial before purchasing a Libraries Flower o1o 1 Corn, by S. R. Crockett TYPEWRITER The Little Red Captain, by Cut- I Ull, liffe Hayne Thompson's Progress, by Cutliffe The SeTLady, by H. CJ Wells YOST NO 10 A Bayard from Bengal, by P. UsJ MUb
      257 words