The Straits Times, 10 December 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. ai, 003 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 423 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. Sterilized-Not Sweetened. K£p~"™^*J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh If Tho most Rofrashing Drink In Singapore. 8 "MONTSERRATk M Lime-Fruit Juice |Jjl and Cordials ■V w either with water or created water is a Jl Ir delightful thirst quencher. ri- rZJ
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    • 760 1 NOTICES. ®he Wimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. THK type used as a Btandard for Belting advertisements u> similar to thin, anleaa the instruction is to "display" the advertisement, when any effective style of type, used in the paper, »ul be adopted. The standard rant exactly eight lines to
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    • 650 1 NOTICES NOTICE. Mr. Joseph Baker begs to in!ormthe Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore tbat J>e supplies Christmas and New Year Cakes f the beet quality at moderate charges Couteotiouery aud sweets also on hand. Lbtabhshment at Victoria Street. 24-18 NOTicIT Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. THE work of the 8.
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    • 480 1 NOTICES. SINGAPORE MERCHANT SERVICE GUILD. A Special General Meeting of the abovq Guild will be held in the Marine Club on Wednesday, 10th December, 1902, at 9 p m sharp. Business Wa+es question. 10-12 J. O POYD, Pecretary. TO CONTRACTORS. 1 LENDERS will be received up to noon on the
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    • 616 1 Keep Quiet Mo Better advice can be given ti> any. one troubled with diarrhoea fl .1 quiet nndt:iU-ChiiiiiN-rl:,i,-- Colfc.Clx I era ami IHfrhun Renwdr. A prnmpl and complete ivi rvi-r\ la aim to folio* Thik remedy is equally valuabk far children and when reduced witn water.-.nd sweetened is pleasant to
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  • 1089 2 The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently issued provides a correspondent ofthe Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenham a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship in
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  • 198 2 The OalmmmUck* l.lmjd *tate.ttliai thtNMfl (ienuany intemls to delay the evacuation ot Shanghai by her truopx till the l.-i of Fein-nary unfounded. I'nder the. agreement iii-i tin- linti-h anil Oncian (.merriments, the troops ■>■ ihe«e two Power, will commence to w ithilniw on the 2iJlh inittaiil. AccomiiuuiIh
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  • 339 2 A short time ago we briefly chronicled the fact that Mr. John W. Taylor, an American representing a group of Manila capitalists, had acquired a big tin concession from the Siamese Government. In an interview with a representative of the Manila Kmm, Mr. T;i\lor siiiil
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  • 157 2 The progressive N. Y. K. is at the present moment having six steamers built for its various services, says the Kobe. Chronicle. These are the Akimani of 6,000 tons, Sikko-iiuiru of 5,000 tons, the Chefou-mani, Hankon-maru, and Miigaio-maru each of 2,000 tons, and the Kxuhiro-maru
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 362 2 NOTICES. fielista CIGARETTES. In Packets of 1O and Airtight Tins of 50. "Wdree Qastles" CIGARTTEES. Gold-Tipped, Packets of 10. MANUFACTURED BY W. D. H. 0. WILLS. A Guarantee off Excellence. Sold by all Dealer* and HoteU m.w.t. 7-3 KELLY WALSH, LTD. New Colonial before purchasing a Libraries Flower Coin by
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    • 331 2 NOTICES^ Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w<ts Singapore. 2 JEFFREY'S m EDINBURGH £sL STOUT. mb| A special, light brew for the L&^i*X tropics. Highly recommended ://aJH Price 813.50 per case of 7 doi j'Sffli pints. Of all dealers j|& BORNEO CO., LTD., B&gwSJ| Sole Agents. BRITISH LAGER BEER. BRKWKD
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    • 251 2 NOTICES. »j<HE gAff DARD J^IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Haifa-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate,
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  • 1330 3 THE ELINGAMITE" DISASTER. Fearful Sufferings. A telegram announced the other day that H. M. 8. Penguin had picked up a raft containing eight survivors from the wreck of the steamer Elingumite that had been lost on Three Kings' islands of) the New Zealand coast. The raft left the wreck with
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  • 139 3 Tbe funeral of Herr Krupp, the celebrated ordnance manufacturer, was very impressive. The Emperor William addressed the board of directors and the workmen employed by tbe firm, reminding them that it was their duty to console and guard the widow and daughters of the deceased, who bad
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  • 139 3 The following despatch, according to the -V.-C. Daily Neics, has been received in Shanghai from Ch'angsha, the capital of Hunan province to show that further satisfaction has been given by tbe Chinese Government for tbe murder of missionaries at Chenchou.: Liv, tbe First Captain of the Chenchou
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  • 295 3 For Singapore. Fer F. 4 O. s. s. Britannia, connecting with tbe steamer Ballaarat at Colombo, from London Nov. 13, due 14th Dec.— Mr, and Mrs. Warrick. Messrs. C. 8. Crane, J. Henderson, McCraddie, McDougall, W. H. Shelford, A.Bowlingbrock.A. C. Carter, J. Kerr, Fglington, Innes. C. P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news 1b printed on page 8.
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    • 547 3 NOTICES. Wm&STEEL XTLlfor LadiTsH PI ULS A Remedy for sill Itreftuli .pities. "upnsedini Bllt.v App.t IVnnjrojrm:. I n. *r. •old by Singapore L- »p«n»l.i Co., Ltd., Raffles Place Singapore. MARTIN. Clifm-.v SOUTHAMPTON RNGI AND AN English lady withes a situation as governess or' companion. Apply to No. 417 c/o hotavinaisth
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    • 652 3 NOTICES. CASHIER. WANTEP at once a bill collector, at quick figures. Security $3001 Apply to W. T. L., c/o Strait* 'lime* office. nc. WAITED. Ajoung Isd) sffiMant for a shop. Apply to K. L M e/o Straits limes. ie-12 WAN tED. A Chinese youth as junior clerk. Apply to A.,
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    • 612 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. CogfcUn 8 Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTtD SCB- AGENTS OF TUB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO.. General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. hoteTTor sale rpHE undersigned are instructed to offer X for sale, a* a goin^ concern, a popular first class hotel in Singapore.
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    • 554 3 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAM GATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR PENANG. RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA THE Company's steamer TARA. 6.322 tons, Captain Herrington. will be despatched for the above ports on Wednesday, the 10th Dec. mber. at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to 10-1-' BOUSTEAD A CO.. Agents. FOR MAURITIUS
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  • 48 4 Hakvie.— On the the Ui December, »t Hongkong, Amikkw Harvik, lor -20 yearn Foreman Moulder with the Hongkong ami Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Cuntz.— On the&Hh November, at Shanghai, Cmarlks Cuntz, aged 38 yearn. \>ru.rn. iin the -.'litli Nov., at Shanghai, Charles Bewick Quelch, aged 58 year*.
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  • 1515 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 10TH DECEMBER. Aii hit the middle of next year it is expected that the new Governmen t steamer, now under construction at the shipyard of Messrs. Riley Hargreaves Co. Ltd., will be handed over to Government complete; and the Seabelle will then assume
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 Tv-day's J ins. bank rate is 17,',,.
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a.m on Friday.
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 18 4 H. M. 8. Albion left for Bangkok early this morning. The Blenheim is coaling at Tanjong Pagar wharf.
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  • 22 4 Since the Ist instant, the duty on gutta leaves exported from Sarawak has been at the rate of five dollars a picul.
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  • 23 4 The German cruiser lieitt was expected at Saigon on the sth instant. She was to leave that port on the 1 2th instant.
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  • 27 4 Racks have been tixed at Kuching to be held in July next during two days, with six events on the first day and seven on the second.
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  • 20 4 Two deer, presumably tame, have been found at Thomson Road. The owner will find further particulars in our advertising columns.
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  • 24 4 H. E. the Governor has promised to be present at the performance of Hamlet by the Parsee Theatrical Co. at North Bridge Road to-night.
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  • 83 4 The scene at the Yarmouth fish wharf on 11th November was one without parallel in the history of the town. The glut of herringß in the market was the greatest ever known. Fishingsmacks were densely packed along the three miles of quays, and tens of thousands of fish were landed
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  • 133 4 LATEST BETTINO. Calcutta, Pec. ML Record Reign 2 to 1 Up Guards 5 to 1 Vasto 8 to 1 Dandy 10 to 1 Staud Off 6 to I Security 15 to 1 Tubal Cain 10 to 1 Aliz 12 to 1 Acetine :W to 1 Goldsmith 20
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  • 25 4 The Penang Municipal Commissioners have ageed to the appointment of Mr. Elton Bell as Superintendent of the Abattoirs there, which are to be shortly opened.
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  • 37 4 S. R. E. (V.) orders uoufy Parade in uniform, Friday 12th, 5.i0 p.m Johnston's Pier for electric light at Pulp Brani. Sapper F. M. Bruce having left the Colony is struck off the strength of the Corps.
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  • 38 4 Lord Kitchener, ou me close of the Delhi Durbar, will pay a short visit to Calcutta. After transacting pressing business at Army Headquarters, it is reported that he proposes to proceed on, and in proximity to the frontier.
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  • 52 4 The lie anent me loss of the s.s. Calypso was securely nailed by the safe arrival of that vessel in port this morning, when she reported all well." It would be interesting to discover the author of the canard to the effect that she had been run down hv the
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  • 54 4 The Government, grab dredger, which sank on Saturday night last in the mouth of the river, still blocks the fairway to a great extent and appears to have sunk deeper than she had at first. Luckily she is on an even keel and should not take long to raise, as
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  • 49 4 The Penang Municipality cannot get a suitable building inspector out from England owing to the candidates available being too highly qualified. On the Municipality looking out for a local man, the most suitable man refused to engage at less than £225 a year, too high a sum for it.
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  • 50 4 We understand hum a syndicate has been formed with a capital of $10,000 tor the formation of a poultry farm ,;it Thomson Road. All the arrangements are finished and the farm will be opened before Christmas. We are informed that this venture is connected with a similar farm in Australia.
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  • 55 4 Last night the occupant of 43 Dhoby (rhaut captured a Kling burglar in his house. Two Europeans who were passing at the time enquired into the affair. The occupant of the house went to explain matters to them and left the burglar at the Bide of the road. The burglar
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  • 61 4 Early in June last we commented on the fact that a rock was allowed to lie right in the fair way off Cape St. James. Now a beacon bearing a light at nights has been placed on the rock, which is known as the Ranz>\, having been so christened in
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  • 52 4 The arrival is announced at Chakrata of the 2nd Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers from Hongkong. This was the only Line battalion which did duty in China during the recent difficulties, and a question has been raised as to whether its services should be marked by a line on its colours
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  • 59 4 The Legislative Council meets on Friday afternoon, when the Colonial Secretary will move the expenditure of 116,000 in connection with the purchase of three Wigham buoys for hart our purposes and in connection with the telegraph cable between Penang and Province Wellesley. The Pawnbrokers Ordinance Adraendment Bill and the Surveyors
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  • 156 4 The Australian s.s. Lucia reports that on the morning of 29th November, and whilst in Lat. 27 22' N. and Long. 129 52' E., she sighted a full rigged German ship which signalled Q.E.N.W. and which was bound for Kobe, all well. On the 3rd instant at 3 p. in
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 44 4 STILL TAKING EVIDENCE. l.micl',,i, <H)t I)rreml>er. The Straits Currency Commission continue* to take evidence. The date of drafting the report has not yet been determined upon. It is understood that the report will be sent to Singapore bafon publication in Baglaad
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    • 86 4 French Cab net Intervenes. The dockers at Marseilles have joined in the strike and have refused to unload vessels, no matter of what nationality. The trades unions at Marseilles are discussing the advisability of a general strike. The fishermen, joiners, bakers, and butchers have already
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    • 36 4 County Captains Concession. The Captains of first class county cricket teams have decided as a concession to bowlers to increase the width of the wicket one inch by increasing the diameter of the stumps.
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    • 70 4 Non-Compliance Entails Immediate Military Action. British and Oerman Ministers Leave. Identical ultimatums from the British and German Governments were presented to the Venezuelan Government at Caracas on Sunday afternoon. If the ultimatums are not complied with, immediate military actiou will be taken by the two Governments. The
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  • 455 4 The Navy Beats the Club. Lovers of the Rugby game bad au opportunity of seeing their old love on the Esplanade last night, when a fifteen of the B. C. C. met, and was defeated by, a fifteen representing H. M. ships in port. The Naval men came
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 102 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on We kd »y 8 8 m 6 P m on Sundays. Ba.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic mtterials. Monthly supplies frcm Eu>opfl, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford
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    • 24 4 In lour advertising columns will be found particulars of the Japanese Fancy Bazaar just opened in Bras Basah Road, opposite the Rattles Girls' School.
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  • 942 5 The Case of the "James Brand." Tins morning in the Marine Court, Cuptain Boldero, R.N., J. A. Pollock, Chief Officer, Frank Green, Boatswain, \V Turnbull, Chief Engineer, *nd Edward Terry, tireman, of the oiltank MUMT Jttmm llmn'1 were charged with refusing to proceed to sea. The ■ireunistances
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  • 782 5 On proceedings in this case being resumed after the adjournment for lunch yesterday, the Captain of the Boon San, cross-examined by Mr Braddell, stated that on the night prior to the collision he was on the bridge from the time of leaving Johore. At Tan Jong
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  • 127 5 Thk opening evening of the Bazaar in aid of the Convent can only be described as a huge success. The building was most tastefully bedecked and illuminated and there was a very good attendance, most of the stalls doing a veritable roaring trade." The band of the
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  • 39 5 The Rajah of Sarawak lately despatched an armed force against rebel Dyakb near the Netherlands India frontier. The rebels hardly made any stand and fled across the boundary. Their bouses were burned, and their stores of gram wore destroyed.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 589 5 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*." Sir, I wonder if it will be a source of gratification to you to know thai your efforts to bring the Municipal authorities to a sense of their responsibilities in regard to this matter of supplying water, and how they
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  • 179 5 The Straits Settlements return of imports and exports for the third tjuarter of 1902 show that, excluding treasure, the imports stood at Srdqr. 1901— 576,138,654 £7,375,930 3rd qr. 1902-$84,796,7">6^£7,331,380 Increase in dollars, 8,656,102 Increase in sterling, £44,550 Singapore in ports rose from $61,691,797 in the third quarter of
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  • 98 5 A retired naval officer took holy orders, and became rector of a country parish in the Midlands. His parishioners, wishing to give him a surprise, subscribed amongst themselves, and bought a flag for the church tower. Directly the old gentleman saw it he flew into a violent rage, and ordered
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  • 97 5 A good example of modern journalistic enterprise is afforded by a novel scheme announced by the Wide. World Magazin*. This journal has despatched a special commissioner to Spain to travel right through that most romantic of countries as an amateur tramp. The tramp knows not a word of tbe language
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  • 110 5 Ox the Ist instant, new rules regulating the import and export of dutiable goods came into force in Sarawak. Under these, the master or agent of a vessel will be held responsible for the correctness of the manifest, and any incorrect entry will render him liable to a penalty not
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  • 214 5 Yksterday a iuue .»i day girl, the daughter of Hadji, an employe at the Master Attendant's office, was playing in Bali Lane near her house when a Malay woman enticed her into a rikisha, saying she would take her for a drive The little girl was wearing two gold bangles
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  • 645 5 Singapore, 10th December, 1902. PRODUCE. Gainbier buyer- f 14.80 Copra Bali 9.60 do Poniianak 8.90 Pepper, Black 36.00 do White, (8%) 61.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.45 do Brunei No. 1 4.20 Pearl Sago 5.50 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis MM Coffee, Palembang, 90% basis MM Coffee, Liberian No. 1 23.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 295 5 Pain in the Back! How can you keep up your work wben you have a weak, aching back t Dull, exhausting and constant pain. No comfort by day. No rest at night. Thousands upon thousands suffer from weak and lame back, and do not know that there is a remedy
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    • 189 5 WANTED, for British North Borneo. A TELEPHONE OVERSEER must be able to repair and keep in order eolephones and lines. Salary $40.00 per Month, increasing yearly according to tempetency. Apply to tu. th. s. v.c. GUTHRIB A COMUNICIPAL NOTICE. Second Assistant Engineer required at Pumping Station. A PPUCATIONB will be
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    • 770 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALE OF NEW EUROPEAN JEWELLERY, SUITABLE FOR CHRIHTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS. To be held at our sale-room, On IMUftiSli December, 4 11 a.m. Now on view. 11-12 POWELL .v m. Auctioneer*. HALE OP HOUSEHOLD l-TKNI-TURE fte. \T NO. 71 I, RIVER VAI.I.EV ROAD. On Saturday VMk
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 10th December. High Water. 646 p.m. Governor At Home. 4.45. Convent Bazaar. 8. S.V.A. Gun Drill. -Vl5. Art Club. Govt. House. <*. M. S. Guild. Marine Club. 9. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. I'ursee Theatre. North Bridge Road. 9. Thursday nth December. High Water. 6.15 a.ra. 7.9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 421 6 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. Christmas, 1902. TOM SMITH'S CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Containing in infinite variety Hat*. Caps, Costumes, Guns, Toyt -I ewellt-ry. Masks. Faces, Puzzles, Pictures, N'i^w*. I'hotos. Tea Set?. Musical InstrumentH. I'ert'umep. Aniiiials, Curios, Conundrum?., Kiddles. National Flagb, Fairies .^PlLß^Baj C f*' 'i^jft^!' 'A I ihu^aL^^^SHi r^ I^^H Hjup
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    • 369 6 NOTICES. AOents for LEA PERRIUS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. By Special Warrant^^^H^ l^ His Majesty Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. 1 f A cup of Bovril for late Supper will be found a desirable change for many who feel the need of nourishment before retiring, but to whom an ordinary
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 662 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rS Standard Life Assurance. Norwich Union Fire Insurant* Sodtty. Atlaa Anunace Company (Fire). The Equitable Life A durance Society, "he China Mutual Steam N»Tigation Company '■<ittenh»m Lager Beer Company. /•or particular, of Ik*** foaipames, tee th. -ull _f~_lliir-r" 'HE BORNEO COM•|>ANT. LIMITKD Aijentt. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I
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    • 789 7 STEAMSH I P COMPAN I ES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Under contract witb tbe Netherlands India Government. Apents at Singapore: Ship Acbxcy, latb J. Dabkdbls A Co., 2-3, CoiXTBB Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Van der Parra Deli Dec. 7 Paoeh,
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    • 562 7 I Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad 6* Navigation Company.) iJnlfut of Sailings from the East to Paeijie Coast Ports. Leaving Due Hon'gkonq Portland about about "lndraaamha" 1 4th Dec. l-.'thJany. "Indravelli" 14th Jan. 12th Feb. "Indrapura" 13th Feb. 14th Mar. Through bills of
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    • 702 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norrttieutsctifir Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, ■I STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Beg. Tons Reg. Stettin 2478 fTohsichang 2042 Sandaka* 2111 PHchaburi 2191 Paienam 2001 Pitsanulok 2019 Tanglin 199° Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok 1»» Chow Tax 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora I7M Keong Wai 1777 tiuen Tung
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    • 558 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract witb the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 572 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE PHCKNIX AUSOBANCV COMPANY OF LONDON. (Establish cd a. d 1782.) i The ondereifrDed, Agenta for the above Company, are pr-'parwl to hcoe pt Fire Risks at th» current rates in Sm(,-apore, and also in Johote and tbe other Statn* in the Malay Peninsula. 8T I -> R
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    • 1107 8 G'ader this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer Bh.— in? Ixj. barque; Bch. schooner: Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—British; U B.— United States; Fch.— French Her. German; Dut. Dutch; Jon. Johore; G.C. General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; P Uncertain T.
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    • 673 8 Nam*, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent*. Htbamkbs. Adria, China, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Alcinous, China, Dec 82 Mansfield. Alesia, Hot gkong. Jan 7 Behn Meyer. Am. Fourichon, Havre, left Nov 8 M. C. Ambria, Hamburg, Dec 22 B. Meyer. Australind, Fremantle. Dec 21 Boustead.
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    • 112 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Morrow. Paleml>ang Pontiawik 11 a.m. Bangkok Rein 11 a.m. Malacca and Linggi Helene 1 p.m. Port Swettenham Aing Lron;i 3 p.m. P.Swet'ham via ports Ganymed' 3 pm. Sourabaya Clitiit 3 p.m. Bangkok A'um Tung 3 p.m. C lion and Samarang '/.we. >n i p.m.
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    • 162 8 From Europe—Ry the P4O s %.Baltaarat due on the 15th instant, with dates to the 21st Nov. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 17th October. From Chirm —By P. 40. s.s. Pnrramaita due on Thursday.' From Saigon—By steamer to meet the P.
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    • 106 8 5 VloOCl NtMlt A I'OS- C.KTAI.x a Rig From Sailkd. Consigskss. Dec 9 Sri Wongsee Dut str 92 Nacodah 9 Banka Brit str. 137 Backhouse 9 Sherard Osborn^T str. 875 Ra-liton 10 Ban Wlmtt Bood str. 199 Rowse 10 Borneo str. 404 DinBda'e 10 Hye Leong str. 295 Quine
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    • 98 8 Dm ]>MX. it«. Vkwbl'B Name. Flag A Ku. VIUIL'3 NaMB. IfS- ÜBSTINATIOS. 10 Sincora O«r str. 10 Bri Wongaee Dut str. 10 Resident Schifl str. 11 Petchaburi* Ocr str 10 i Hri Tringganu Dut str. 11 Banlut i Brit str. 10 1 Malacca str. 11 Van Jer Parra Dut
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 136 8 GRAND BOMBAY BAZAAR NOS. 51 AND 52 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. CrRE-AJX 1 SHOW OIF 1 (Bfjristmas and XVedding AND fiew Year §ifts K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL COMPANY. BOMJJAY MEIiCHAISTTS. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets,
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    • 438 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., HAVE NOW IN STOCK A CHOICE SELECTION r* O F 5Black Alpaca Skirts, Brown Holland Skirts, and White Drill Skirts Jill of tlje Jbatest (But and Style. BLACK ALPACA SKIRTS WHITE DRILL SKIRTS Circular Frill, trimmed I Rows Black A [>lain Circular Frill Satin and B Rows
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 27 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. fE. E. A. C. Telegraph Compunu. 9th December. HONGROIfO.— Barometer 29.90. Direction of Wind E N.JS. Force of Wind 4. Max. Temp in Shade 66.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 869 9 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINEERING An Illdbt&atbd Wkkkly Jodbnal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THh PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranlrrd bona fide circulation LIHT OPEN TO INSPECTION. TAT. DOYLK C.E.CALCUTrA w*f fpiTK PETE RIVER DOCK 1 PENANG. The above Dock situated in Province Wellealey, at the entrance of the Prye River, haa lately
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    • 348 9 NOTICES. Charles Ifoetosieck's lUbitc Seal Champagne. Soi.k Agbnts, BKHN, MEYER Co., Singapore and l'eiuivg. WM;j' r r Singapore W MHHxrt.. IoHW I.ITTI.K A CO 11 Messrs. Guntzkl and i*CHUHMACHBB. JM Hut ami fl^^^B (i. HOITKNHTK Vlessrs. S. L. van NlßKor 'SBHS^ Co. m. f. LIQUID FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks
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    • 327 9 NOTICES. French Cement. SUPERIOR quality; not ordinary. Used in all Mediterranean ports. First shipment just arrived. J. A. van EPEN, m.w.f. 16/2 26 Robinson Road. FLOTORING TILES VERY rich assortment, finest obtainable in the East. Can be seen in our Show Rooms, 25 Robinson Road. Price list can be had
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 385 10 JSOT]CES KIM WAN BRICKWORKS ft CO. 1 I x I K PANJ4KG. Are now supplying building bricks of < •very kiuds. For particulars apply to CHOP KIM BIE, 1»1 a No. 24, Malacca Street. M .C.S. Mohamed Co. Diamond Mer-liantn, Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious Btonef. No. X High
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    • 188 10 NOTICES. fX *i% SPECIAL^ UUnVllle S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey $12.00 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA i it*,'* I fig LWZBRO?.LIWig,i -A os\ I fiTi'3b I 2 DUNVILL(J !i II <^ 6 »-ASGOw, SCOTt^l4O Jtf 05 I^H Slllß^BsillS H^^BSsi BSBBSvSBI LsSSBM m. w. -Jl-1 QB It
      188 words
    • 615 10 BANKS. riONQKONG AND SHANGHAI [I BANKING CORPORATION. AID-UP CAPITAL 510,060,000 EBERVE FUND.— terling ReMrve,»lo,OOOjDgOi lu -***** ilTer&werre.. 4,750,000/ "I 14 151 50 000 :EBERVE LIABILITY O? I .lOrjnoom. 1O rjnoom PROPRIHIQM I"* 1*"1 000 000 COUKT OF DIBBCTURS. Hod. K. Shkwax,— l. .1. Raymond, E«q.— Defutv Chaikman. 100. C.
      615 words
    • 318 10 NOTICES. California!. Wines. "Big Tree" Brand RED WINES Il ~r.'feSS. td Per Dot. Per 2 Doz. Bottleo. i Bottles. No. 1 CLARET, natural pure wine, wholesome and oloodraak i ng fI»J6 $15.50 ;j BURGUNDY- Fine Uich Wine tIUJB *1550 4 CLARET. Very Fineold Wine 51 7.25 $19.50 12. BURGUNDY, Finest
      318 words