The Straits Times, 4 December 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,998 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 720 1 NOTICES. ijhe Sines. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVKUTISKMKNTS. I>HK tyi>e uko«1 a-s a -tmidanl for setting ■dvertiaementi i- >inul;ir tn t!ii>, unit I**1 the iiiMim ■tinii i> t" "dUpUy" tin- mlihUm nient, wliin ura effective >tyle of type, i^<-'l hi the paper h* adopted. 'I'lii- standard runs exHdly right
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    • 614 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. Mr. Joseph Baki-r begs to inlorm the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore that be supplies Christmas and New Year Cakes if the best quality at moderate charges Confectionery and sweets also on hand. Establishment at Victoria Street. •-M-12 NOTICE MR,. ROBERT JOHN GUHH having retired from the Firm
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    • 284 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN LITTLE Co., (LIMITED.) Qdristmas "(Boys A very Large and well assorted selection of Toys and Games Suitable for Boys and Girls NOTOT ON SHCTOT: Wooden Carts A Horses Engines Skittles White Wool Sheep Steam Boats Pails A Spades Felt Elephants and Dogs Magic Lanterns Pop Guns Lions,
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    • 672 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. Mli. August Schreiber having ceased, by mutual agreement, to be a partner in the firm of ilson A Co., his interest and responsibility with the firm have ceased as from the Ist December, i»O2. IMS WILRON A CO. NOTICE. WE hereby give notice that we bay this day
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    • 765 1 READ IT THRUUUH. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. Up to a *hort time :iu'" M'- Joha K Ham of Melfa Statiixi, Va V, S. A., had no aWBODaI knowleil^e i>f the nire ennuive propertie" Chaniberl:iin\l "onuli Plllll'lj 'Last .laniiai the »ay»,'uiv lialiy took ailreailtnl eotd
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  • 847 2 Why there is to be a new American Consul there. Hon«kon(; recently learned what it was to be bereaved of its American Consul-General. Here in Singapore we are so accustomed to pegging along, with or without one, without ever knowing the difference, that we have become
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  • 83 2 Roberts the billiard champion, was at Colombo, at the date of last advices. There Mr. E. M. Shattock, the tinest amateur player in the place, gave the champion a game at the Bristol Hotel. The champion conceded 650 points out of (he thousand to his opponent and passed him at
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  • 462 2 Herr Rybbe, K lilroad Commissioner of Prussia, has completed plans for government control of the principal railway lines of Prussia. Six of them, having a mileage of MO miles, have assented to his plan and other assents are practically assured. The Government will buy the lines at prices
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  • 165 2 It would be ot undoubted interest and importance to know whether platinum exists in this part of the world in anything like payable quantities. Hitherto its supply lias everwhere been most precarious and as for some purposes in electrical engineering no effective substitute for it is known it may
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  • 115 2 Tsai Chen, the Chinese Minister at Tokyo, has been having lots of trouble with the 500 Chinese students sent to study in Japan. His latest worry is that some of them wanted to cut oil' their queues so as to be more like the Japanese students with whom
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  • 72 2 Large quantities ot firewood have recently been shipped to Bangkok from Singapore per the steamers, Singapore, Freid and Friqgu, says the Sinm Observer. One would naturally think that in such a thickly wooded country as Siam this commodity would be plentiful and cheap. Our contemporary seems to forget that the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 435 2 NOTICES. THE 'INVICIBLE" COMBINED OIL MOTOR GENTBIFU6AL PUMP, The I 1 1> i A. BEST Water RAISES in the Market. Indispensable to Cultivators for IRRIGATION. it i- Ugta in Wssgs*. Works with the WfiP Paraffin, or Kerosene. SIMPLICITY ITSELF /M*r%' j:^^tt£*fflk >>".. ~1i...-k <ir Imr^li f-x|.lo~i.»n Uf When not required
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    • 366 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 lbs.. 1,*****ns after seven after fourdayH in i«mmi day* Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best be had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. RdUSSILLON &COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts $34. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. s. Sole Agknts. BELTING. John Tullis's Llama Hair Belting; is the most suitable kind made tor Tropical Climates. Prize Medals have been received at no less than
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  • 1643 3 Away to windward the clouds were massed in serried ranks black and threatening and the breeze came in short squally puffs with a promise of more weight behind them later, and as we left our moorings in the harbour the first drops of rain had
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  • 335 3 For Singapore. Per F. 4 O. s. s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer Ballanrat at Colombo, from London Nov. 18, due 14th Dec— Mr. and Mrs. Warrick. Messrs. C. 8. Crane. J. Henderson. McCraddie, McDougall, W. H. Sbelford, A. Bowlingbrock, A. C. Carter. J. Kerr. Eglington, Innes,
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  • 41 3 Mr and Mrs. Booth Clibborn, the son-in-law and the daughter of General Booth, have quitted the teaching of J. Dowie, of Zion City, near Chicago. In January last Mr and Mrs. Booth Clibborn resigned from the Salvation Arm), and joined Dowie.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 602 3 NOTICES. A FOOLISH OLD IDEA. It. was once thought that a medicine was all the more beneficial tor having a nasty tn-te and smell. We now know that f-uch an idea i» perfect nonsense. There is no more reason wby medicine should offend the senses than why food should do
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    • 740 3 NOTICES. CASHIER. WANTEP at once a bill collector, at quick figures. Security SS.OOi Apply to W. T. L., c/o Strait* Time* office. uc. WANTED. CLERK, witb knowledge of timber, and general office work. Application«*to be sent to U.C D. O. c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED^ A SMART youth who can manipulate
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    • 610 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan ff Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTtD SCB-AUENTS OF THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FOR SALE. THE s.s. Singkep, Dutch flag, built of iron, gross tonnage 116, net 96 tons. Consumes 2} tons coal per 24 hours.
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    • 619 3 SHIPPING. INDO-CHINA blfcAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. *OR BOURABAYA& BAMABANG THE Company's steamer §TDTBAJfQ 2,811 tons, Captain Crockett, having left Hongkong on the 29th ultimo, may be expected to arrive here on or about the 6th idem, and will have prompt despatch, for the above ports. For freight or pnspage, apply
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  • 1014 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 4TH DECEMBER. Can it be that the Chartered Company of British North Borneo is really going to beguile the home Government out of a loan of half a million sterling at three per cent, while we do not know which way to turn
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  • 138 4 Mr. Gafk.vey, as Acting Colonial Engineer, who signs the Public Works Departmental Report for 1901, says that the local trained officers of the Department on whom the strain of the increased departmental budget fell most heavily very successfully carried out their work. Their immediate position and prospects were improved by
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  • 21 4 Reading matter, including Wire News, and an account of a Cruise in the Rain will be found on pages 2 and
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  • 10 4 Yesterday a Malay died from <lmle, .t in Lavender Street.
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  • 16 4 The SuduSeremban mine returns for four weeks ending 2Sth Nov. Piculs 220. 60 of tin ore.
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  • 32 4 Lai m hk- will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at lOandlla.m. for the Swimming Club. The Konig Albert, with the German mail from Europe, is due here at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning.
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  • 21 4 The Ban Teck Guan rice mill at Saigon has just been destroyed by fire. The damage done is set at SroO.OOO.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 19 4 Before Capt. Boldero at the Marine Court this morning fifteen tongkang and twakow men were fined for river obstruction.
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  • 21 4 The XY.K 8.8. Tamha Man, Capt. Wale, left Colombo on Tuesday evening and is expected to arrive here on Monday afternoon.
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  • 23 4 An important success of the Netherlands troops in Acheen is reported. The titular Sultan of Acheen is said to be among the slain.
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  • 23 4 The Imperial German mail Prinzes* Irene left Port Said on Monday afternoon outward bound. She is due here on Friday the 19th instant.
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  • 31 4 Races are fixed at Medan for the 14th, ltith, and 18th March next with eight events on the first day, and seven events on each of the second and third days.
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  • 28 4 Bangkok Imlds its race-meeting on January Oth, 9th and 10th. There will be seven events each day, two for horses and galloways and the reVt for Siamese ponies.
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  • 31 4 We understand that an informal meeting will be held in the 8. V. C. recreation room to-morrow at 5.15 p.m. for those members of the Corps interested in the canteen question.
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  • 29 4 The Russian Ministry of War has issued a decree ordering the establishment of a mobilisation department at Harbin, in Manchuria, with railway station commandants at Port Arthur and Harbin.
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  • 124 4 LATEST BETTING <:<ilratt<i, Per. 4/A. Record Reign 2 to 1 Ip Guards 6 to 1 V.l-tM I tO 1 Dandy s to 1 Stand Off 6 to 1 Security 10 to 1 TuoalCain I2tol Alix 15 to 1 Acetine i.'i to 1 Goldsmith 18 to 1 Cretonne
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  • 36 4 Owing to indisposition Mr. R. W. Braddell could not appear in the police court yesterday to conduct the defence of the twenty-six men concerned in the alleged club gambling case: the matter was postponed till to-morrow.
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  • 39 4 Yistkkdav, Mr. Holley prosecuted a pork vendor for exposing for sale ten catties of pork unlit for human consumption, and which did not bear the necessary stamp. The man was fined S5O by Mr. Marriott, in default, six weeks.
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  • 39 4 The first shipment of famine rice— 29,000 sacks in all reached Manila from Bangkok on the 21st Nov. Further shipments are expected to arrive at regular intervals until the entire quantity purchased by the Philippine Government has been received.
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  • 64 4 The Women's Christian Temperance Union asks for funds wherewith to distribute Christmas gifts in the form of fruit, flowers, food and clothing among the inmates of the various hospitals, asylums, and other benevolent institutions of Singapore as well as among the poor of the churches. Contributions will be received by
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  • 83 4 On the 17th ult., Low Tek, a chinchew of a tongkang was, so it is alleged, entrusted with 290 bags of sago, value $900, at a neighbouring Dutch port to convey to Singapore. The consignee, a Chinese firm here, was informed by letter of the despatch of the sago. After
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  • 80 4 The Bioscope performance at Beach Road last night was in aid of the funds of the Convent, and Messrs. Busrai and Co. are to be congratulated on giving so excellent an exhibition. Despite the unpleasant weather there was a fairly large audience, which followed the series of pictures with the
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  • 89 4 A number of newly arrived books will be ready for issue at Rattles Library on Saturday next, among them being The Strange Adventures of .lames Shervinton and other Stories, Louis Becke The Mill of Silence, Bernard Capes Flower o' the Corn, S. R. Crockett The Mystery of John Peppercorn, Tom
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  • 168 4 The Selangor Gorernmetit OamUi contains the following notifications: Lieutenant A. R. J. Dewar, Wing Ollii-er Malay States (Guide's, acts as Adjutant, Malay States Volunteer 1 title Mr. L. B. von Donop, Secretary, Sanitary Boards, Kuala Lumpur, reported his return from leave of absence and resumed the duties of his appointment
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 45 4 London, 3rd Veremher. The Second Chamber of the Netherlands States General his passed the Sugar Convention, after a debate in which the Foreign Minister declared that Britain would be obliged to levy countervailing duties on sugar from her colonies, if they give bounties.
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    • 37 4 The AV>W/i Ootmm QtmUt says that the date for the Germans to evacuate Shanghai depends upon sufficient transports being available In any case, the Germans will evacuate Shanghai in the course of January next.
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    • 71 4 Supervision of Trusts and an Efficient Navy. The I nited States Congress has opened. President Roosevelt's Message re-affirms the nee»"<sity for legislation and for even a change in the Constitution to allow of Government supervision over Trusts, but admits that care must be taken not to injure legitimate
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    • 16 4 M. Rosen, the Itussian Minister in Greece, has been transferred to Japan.
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    • 23 4 It is unlikely that General Manning will be able to take the field in Somaliland before the middle of January.
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    • 8 4 The Spanish Cabinet has resigned
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    • 15 4 Four British men-of-war have left Bermuda for Venezuela. Two more will follow.
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  • 59 4 With regard to the paragraph published yesterday concerning the refusal of the officers and crew of the James Brand to put to sea with benzine unless they were given a large sum as additional pay, Hooglandt Co. wish us to iy that the telegram containing this information was not received
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  • 53 4 M. Pelletan, the French Naval Minister, has laid General Voyron's confidential report about the "Boxer" disturbances before the Budget Committee, of the Chamber of Deputies, with authority to use passages relative to the part played by the missionaries in the troubles. General Voyron commanded the French expeditionary force for the
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  • 86 4 Everyone knows that a good deal ot poker id played on Atlantic liners, but we fancy it does not often equal in magnitude that played recently on the St Paul where, in the brief trip from Cherbourg to Sandy Hook, three players are said to have cleared $60,000. On one
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  • 74 4 There is something akin to a financial panic in Shanghai. Owing to the fall in exchange numbers of Chinese, who have entered into heavy business engagements with foreigners, are leaving the port with a view to evading their responsibilities. The outlook is distinctly gloomy because the Chinese new year is
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  • 93 4 Captain Tate of the British steamer Firth of Dornock took his own life with a rifle shot at Sourabaya a few days ago. The vessel was discharging coal at the time. One morning he did not appear at breakfast, and, on his cabin door being forced open, he was found
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  • 72 4 Several important matters are on the agenda for to-morrow's meeting of the Municipal Commission, among them being the report of the Municipal Engineer on the Kalang water works, and a letter from the contractors tenders for 1903 drawing bonds of 1897 loan for repayment 1903 land required for railway extension
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  • 90 4 On the voyage trom Manila to New York, 48 of the crew of the American gunboat Ixla de Luzon mutinied. The reason was that during a high sea, the bed plates of the ship's machinery became loosened and the machinery shifted slightly, the ship acquired a decided list and a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW. SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE. (fPriee Jbist on Jipplieation.) 11l til. 6. TOWN HALL. Saturday, 6th Dec. Only MM Pert'nrmanefi by the Excelsior Vaudeville Co. 1O Star Artists (Ladies and 'Jentlpmen.) THE 2 JANSENS, (ierman (iymnasts. SIdNOR CARLO VENTURING
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    • 672 4 WANTED TO REXT— A house furnished or unfurnished fo two or three gentlemen. Apply to S. F., c/o Straits Times. \V-\2 WANTED TO PURCHASE. A col> and l>uggy turnout in good condition. V. T., c/o Strait* lime*. u.e. f|X) BE LET. A house partly furnished J with one bedroom for
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    • 72 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresbam House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard j on Weekda y 9 8 *-«n.-6 p.m. oa |on Sundays. 8 a.m. noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies fn in Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman Kirns, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford
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  • 411 5 KIAN YANG DISASTER Statement by the Captain of the Boon San II." The ll""n (fen as we notified in yesterday's issue, has arrived from lotiore, whence she had (tone after the •olliMon which resulted in the sinking if the Kmm Vaiuj oil' Pulo Pisang. The master of the I'mur San
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  • 362 5 The Port of Dalny At ('olombo, a FmM Otglm representative has interviewed M. Trenuhin, the famous Russian engineer, inrier whose direction the thriving port )t' Dalny, near Port Arthur, has sprung Dp. Six and a half years ago, so Mr. Trenunin said, the Russian Minister
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  • 78 5 Thehe will be an Exhibition of pictures oils, water- colors, photographs etc., by kind permission of H. E. the (iovernor, at Government House on Wednesday next, 10th Dec, at 4. 45 p.m. The Hon. Sec. will be pleased to receive contributions up to the Bth 1 nst.
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  • 65 5 Bern Meyer Co.. as agents for the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. and for the Magdeburg Fire Insurance Co. send wall calendars for 190.'). Giang and Co. send a pretty wall calendar with portraits of the Prince and the Princes* of Wales. Barlow and Co., as agents for the
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  • 226 5 The Queen Victoria Memorial, in London, so far, at least, as the first and most important portion of it is concerned, has become certain of accomplishment. To carry out Mr. Brock's commanding design for a noble nw«s of statuary in front of Buckingham Palace, with its broad
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  • 172 5 An interesting experiment which may lead to the opening up of new commercial centres for Bangkok trade is about to be inaugurated, with the arrival of the steamship Maikilde, says the Bangkok Time*. The intention is to establish direct communication with Singapore, Malacca, Port Swettenham, Teluk
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  • 184 5 In the Smitliern Philippineß, coft'ee is expected to be a ereat peacemaker among the Mahommedan islanders in Southern Mindanao or Moros as they are called. The Moron around Lake 1, 10 in that quarter are restive under American rule, and much bloodshed has resulted from this.
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  • 125 5 In their weekly share report, Latham Co. state Since our last report prices remain much the same and only a small business has taken place, mostly in industrials. Tanjong Pagars continue linn at 8315, without bringing out sellers In Straits Traders we have to report a weaker
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  • 118 5 Joseph George Barrow, until recently governor of H. M. prison at Shepton Mallet, is now, owing entirely to his own fraudulent exertions, doing eight months' imprisonment. He was convicted at the Somerset Assizes last month of a series of forgeries and embezzlement in connection with his official
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  • 33 5 The prize distribution at Raffles Girls' School, which takes place to-morrow afternoon, and which all parents and friends, of the school are invited to attend, takes place at 5.15 o'clock
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  • Correspondence.
    • 308 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir,— The Sanitation and Conservancy departments of the Municipality are in the executive charge of two different officers, whose particular functions and training do not run along parallel lines. The former department has the Municipal Health Officer for its executive
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  • 194 5 Stuck on Batu Berenti At daylight this morning it was discovered that a large steamer was on the reef off the Batu Berenti rocks. About 7 o'clock this morning the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. sent one of their tugs to the assistance of the stranded steamer. They found
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  • 142 5 By Lt.-Col. Murray. Commandant, Singapore. 4th Dec v. corps. ieneral Meeting. A special general meet ing of the k, V. C. will be held in the Drill Hall, at HI p. in on Monday, m Ii in-t S. V. ARTILLERY. Duties. -Orderly Officer for the
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  • 85 5 >. V. KIFI.KS Hutu- Orderly OHieer for the ensuing week 2nd Lieut. R. Allen, S. V. I. Orderly N. O. for the eiiNuini; week 1 (orpl. B. Berry. Parade*. —Tuesday, 9th at 5- 15 p. m.. Coy. drill. Friday. 12th at 515 p. m., ditto. Attached. Pte. A. V. Uoodrich,
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  • 86 5 S, V. INFANTRY. Dune*. Orderly Officer for the emming •eeh 2nd Lieut. R. Allen. Orderly N. C. O. for the eniiuinu week Sgt. H. S. Fink. Parades Saturday, 6th at 3 p. in., Cla»» tiring (uniform). Sunday. 7th al 7 a. m., ditto. Strength.— The undermentioned haring been duly elected
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  • 150 5 At Powell «fe Cos. saleroom yesterday afternoon ten Government building allotments, each having a frontage of 20 feet on Stanley Street and Cecil Street, Singapore Town, realized very satisfactory prices, the result being an fixcess of about 58.600 over the value based on the upset price. The title
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  • 65 5 Play for Thursday. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Adamson and Withers v Rainm<' :in<l Paton. PROFESSION I'AIRS. K 1 ns.-v and White v McKen/ie and Sime. CHAMPIONSHIP. Maedonald v .1. Winter. Friday. F-KOFEBBION PAIRS. Diss and Rainoie v Reid and Hollovray. SINGLE HANDICAP. (FINAL) Thomson v Morrison.
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  • 642 5 Singapore, 4th I>k< ember, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambler I5.1."> Copra Bali 9.60 do Pontianak S.S5 Pepper, Black buyers 35.(Xt do White, (8%) 61.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.40 do Brunei No. 1 4.-.M Pearl Sago .5.50 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis UM Coffee, Palembang, 2U% t.axi- M, I Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 218 5 Truth stronger than fiction. A Blacksmith's experience Wigton Street Belfast- I suffered terribly with Rheumatism in my right arm. It affected me to such an extent that 1 could only slightly raise my arm. I am a blacksmith by profession and, as I have to use a hammer, was obliged
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    • 180 5 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE 999 YEARS' LEASEHOLD GODOWN PROPERTY AND Mercantile Offices situate at Malacca Street and Cecil Street in the Town of Singapore TO BE HKI.I 1 AT POWBLL CO.'s SALE- ROOM On Wednesday the \7th December, 1902, at 2.30 p.m. Malacca Street. Lot 1. All that
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    • 801 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALI OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES From the following pawnshops TO BE HELD AT POWEI.I. A TO.'s PAI.KIIOOM On IfatMjr, Deetmbtr at 10 i«.»«. On ]\'e<lnes<ltni, ;W O/t Friday. 5m NO. :>« Middlo Road. No. 47-2 North Bridge Road. No. !•_>« South Bridge Road. No. .i Merchant Kond. No.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 182 5 DAY BY HY. Thursday 4th December. High Water. 0.11 p.m. Town Band. Old Jail Site, fi to Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Friday, sth December. Hiifb Water. 1.27 a.m. n.46 p.m. Uerman outward mail due. Squadron from China due. Municipal Commission. 2.80. S.V.E. Drill. 5.1-1. Prize Giving. Raffles Girls' School, ft.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. DRESS DEPARTMENT. Useful Costume Skirts Well cut, well finished, and perfect fitting. Skirt as illustrated ALPACA SKIRTS is the fashionable i^k made from a rich Skirt <a the Season j?' m Lustrous Klpaca ias made from a beautiful S illustration) in Black Black Venetian Cloth. < 'a
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    • 107 6 SARAWAK Coal in good supply at Brooketon and Labuan, with prompt despatch for bunker or cargo. For terms apply to John Hardie, Sarawak Government Agent, Labuan. a.c. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN CO Import r,;<. Retail at Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co.,
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    • 146 6 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD i $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8 50 per case. Duty extra. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALEKK, OB McAf/ISTER Co., SOLE AGENTS. B uchanan's Old Scotch Whiskies. f££i Buchanan Blend
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    • 908 6 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME. For 30th December, 1002 and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. fed Xo 1.-Thk Maidm I'l.i it.. Value t-SOti. A Rn..> foi maiden horse-. Weight as per scale (in stone) Kntrnm 810. Distnnce R.C. Ao allowance of lOibfoi all horses imported into the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 649 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. FE Standari Life Aaennuioe. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. MJm AHiuuoe Company (Fire). I'he Equitable Lif* insurance Society. he Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company rh Tottenham Lager Bear Company. .-or particulars of Companies, see the ull advertisement of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED Aeentr STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I
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    • 802 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I nutr contract with the .Netherlands India Uoverniueni. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agiscy, latb J. Dabhdbls A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. .steamer 1-rom Expected Win be D»spavc*>ea tor On /V,.,,,,n,i Deli l>e<\ 3 Batavia, Samarang, Soerabaia, Macassar, and Moluccas
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    • 562 7 Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) ihiles vf Sailings from the foist to Pmi/ie Const l'crts. Leaving DrR Hongkong Portland ABOI'T ABOUT 'lndrasamhn 14th Dec. istthJany. 'Indravelli" 14th Jan. 12th Feb. •Indrnpura" 13th Feb. 14th Mar. Through bills of lading granted to
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    • 776 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddeutsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Reg. Toss Reg. Sf'.ttin 2478 Kohsichang 3042 Sandaka* -'111 P'tchttUiri -'191 Paknam Pitsanulok I*ol9 1 Tanglin 1«W i Rajaburi ISM Bangkok WM Chow Tai 177T Korat 1000 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17-i-l Keong Wai 1777 Nuen Tun>-
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    • 555 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. .I.M'.VN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTl>. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe oy the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 514 7 INSURANCE to. s THE PHCENIX ABBUKANC* COMPANY OF LONDON. (EBTABLIBU ID A. D 1782.) I The undersigned. Agents for the above ComI pany, are prepared t>.> acoe pt Fire Rinks at the onrrent rate* in Singapore, and also in Johora and the other Statn* in the MnUy Peninsula. 8T 1
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    • 1292 8 tinier tli.s licvliiii! due following abbreviations arc used str. ste;»m:r sh. •hip b<j -h.injue; sch— «chooii"r Yet. Yacht; Cru. Cruiser: tibt.— Oonboat; Tor. Torpfldo. ELb.— Hocaa power; Brit. British: U. 8. 0 t.'d State*; Fly French; Ger. (iei'; Dut. Dutch; J oh. Johore; Q.C— General-cargo; d.p. -deck
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    • 120 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Moerow. Shanghai and Japan Indradeo 9 a.m. Muar and Malacca hnrfalla 2 p.m. P. S wet 'ham via ports Hue Ltonii 3 p.m. Port Swettenham H.Poh ONM 3 p.m. Bangkok D,li 4 p m Saturday. Randakan via ports Kednh 7 a.m. BiMiion A Pontianak
      120 words
    • 181 8 From Europe Ry the N.D.L. s.s. K»ni<t Afbtri due on the 6th instant with dates to the I lth November. She brings replies to the mnils which left Singapore on the 17th October. From China— By the M. M. ns. Sminey due on Sunday. From Saigon— By
      181 words
    • 169 8 A r I Vcmri s Nami 4 lows ('ah a s From Sailbd Consignees Rio Dec 3 Jndradeo Brit str.| 3457 EasterbrooklNew York Oct 10 Behn Mever ACo 8 -«sppho »tr.: 329 Turner PSwet'ham Dec IS. B'shipCov Ltd 3 .Singapore str. 748 Robinson Bangkok Nov 30 Joo Sene
      169 words
    • 97 8 Date. VCMBLS NAM!. Flag <k Bio Tors. Dmtisatios. Deri Border Knight 4 Salad in 4 Sri Wongsee 4 Resident jSuhiti 6 Indradeo 4 Redang 4 Ban Fo Soon Van Diemen 4 Will O'the Wisp 4 Hong Wan 4 Calypso ft I W—ari Brit Btr. 3393 str. 1140 Dut str.
      97 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 GRAND BOMBAY BAZAAR NOS. 51 AND 52 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. (Bfiristmas and XJOedding AND jHew year §ifts K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL COMPANY. BOMBAY MERCHANTS. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and
      131 words
    • 517 8 SOME USEFUL ITEMS 1 Kit i <K^-fcfc, """SJS* l> Bl I^H sßpßft kncf.ish Mimtoii^ ■^i^^^BHWHSasßa^ Price $1.25 Mm 10 x v (;Al>E CASH BA(;s j Price $5.00 Price $1.35 MKAT CHOPPBBB TANTAI siam, LADKB HAND-BAC Price $3-5O Price $15-75 Price $5-5Q Price 85 Cts. Price Sl-5O Price 4O Ct; Each.
      517 words