The Straits Times, 3 December 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,9Q7 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 643 1 Singapore, 3ki> Dkckmbkr, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier f 14.7". Copra Bali 9.80 do Pontianak 8.H5 Pepper, Black bnyer* 84. 7P do White, (8%) 60.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.40 do Brunei No. I 4.20 Pearl Sago 5.50 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 24. 0t Coffee, Palembanß, '2o% basi« MM Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 764 1 NOTICES. ©he ffimc5. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE type used a*, a standard fur netting advertisements i> similar to this, unless the instruction li to "display the advertisement, when any effective style of type, used in the paper, will be adopted. The standard runs exactly eijilit IfaMi to
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    • 621 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. Mr. Joseph Baker begs to inlormthe Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore that he supplies Christmas and New Year Cakes if the best quality at moderate charges. Confectionery and sweets also on hand. Establishment at Victoria Street. 24-12 NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE Cuneesrion and property of the BANDAR
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    • 1044 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid g> BRAND /||l# te*sl ,~bq HAT* 11 J$&X PNDENSEDMfIjy |1/| 1 IT &^<l •anuiD '"*jf 1 I V 111 WjL KH!V*>*^9 tkffj^- I Guaranteed *9i9P I'*WrSCONDDBBI** 6 H tm See thi r uil tream. tudi mam Largest Sale in the World. m mT J. LEPELLETIERS BUTTER. The very
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    • 633 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED: hoard and lodging, by single gentleman (English) near town, from 16th December. Kindly give names of present boarders, and apply to NUM. C/o Straits THmrt. v.c. BOARD ANDTODGI NO. ROOM to be let. with board near town. A pplv to K. Y. Z., c/o Stratts Times. H-12
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    • 63 1 Bilious Colic Ii quickly cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. The attack may be warded off by taking a double dose of this remedy as soon as the first indication of the di»MM appears. For sale by medicine
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  • 843 2 Some points about Japan, her allies and politics. (From a Japnwite Corresponded!.) Tokyo, Norem^er \<>tli. Thk Anglo-Japanese alliance is having an echo in every section. A shop calling itself the Anglo-Japanese House (Nichi-yei-Do) dealing in clocks, watches, jewellery, et<\, recently made its appearance in Ginza, Tokyo. There has
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  • 21 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 1067 2 Shipping Gazette.) The Messageries Maritiines, which has so long and so honourably maintained a proud posit ion for the French (lag, appears to have fallen on evil dayt. It has just resolved to reduce its nominal share capital of 60,000,0001 by writing oil one-half, and, further, to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 NOTICES. 1 I BAR K AND IRON WINE^ |B It is pleasant to the palate, It keeps the sstem toned up It makes the digestion perfect the appetite keen It builds flesh muscle, invigorates the nerves, and regenerates the blood. Especially js.ful in oasesof Convalescence after severe illness Anosmia and
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    • 341 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. I'AUTKHLAKS ROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. JEFFREY'S il EDINBURGH 43k\ STOUT. A special, light brew (or the 55^1 tropics. Highly recommended j Price $13.50 per case of 7 doz '^T^ J pints. Of all dealers BORNEO CO., LTD., ffi k Bole ARentßvvtuim*A R entB vvtuim*
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    • 358 2 NOTICES. fTHE gTAtfDARD J^IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 684 3 (iutt.i Percha. A work on gutta percha, its cultivation and uses especially in Netherlands India, by Octave J. A. Collet, has just been published at Brussels. A syndicate interested in the article sent him out to the Malayan Arc 1 ipelago to inquire into the gutta percha trade.
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  • 80 3 New Zealand via port*. Sroltta, due 6th Dec Boustecd. Poit Arthur via ports, Kornt, due 10th Dec, K. A. To. Fremaatle via ports, Snladin. on 13th Dec Man* field. Teluk Antton via ports, Malacca every Wednesday, and Prnanii on Mondays, 8. 8. Co. Port Sweltenhara via
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  • 230 3 Ab previously announced by us, this year's Melbourne Cup fell to The Victory, with Vanity Fair second and Abundance third. It ie said that Flen.ington never looked brighter than upon this Cup day. The heat was intense and the dust blinding— but, notwithstanding this, from 5(J,000 to
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  • 298 3 Theke is now in the Press, and will shortly be issued by the United States Treasury Bureau of Statistics, says the HUetriral Enginei-r, a monograph giving an extended account of the land and submarine telegraphs of the world. Dealing first with the submarine telegraphs, it shows
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  • 218 3 i>f all the grand old men of the present day the grandest -and oldest, too is Sir Henry Keppel, who not long ago celebrated his ninety-third birthday (says the Sen- Penny mmmuvmi. His first shot he fired in the China War of 1843
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  • 197 3 For Singapore Per F. 4 U. 8. s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer Balloarat at Coloml>o, from London Nov. 13, due 14th Dec— Mr. and Mrs. Warrick, Messrs. C. 8. Crane. .T. Henderson, McCraddie, McDougall, W. H. Sbelford, A.Bowlingbrock. A. O Carter, .1. Ki'rr. Fglington, Innes, C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 NOTICES. To Amateur Photographers. R. B. Lindsay and Co. 27 Malacca Street beg to intimate that they have just received from London a choice selection of Christniaa and New Year Mount* at very low prices. On sale at 27, Malacca Street, m. w. A f. H-12 D. CALISTO. French Hair
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    • 745 3 NOTICES. CASHIER. WANTEP at once a bill collector, at quick figures. Security $3.OCX. Apply to W. T. L., c/o Straits Times office, uc. WANTED. CLERK, with knowledge of timber, and general office work. Applications^ be sent to v.c. D. O. c/o Straits Times. WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate
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    • 631 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghfen Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SCB-A(»ENTS or the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. FOR SALE. TBE g.B. Sim/Up. Pi. uli Haft, built of iron, gross tonnage 115, net !'"> tons. Consumes 2} tons coxl per l' 4
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    • 570 3 SHIPPING. INIAJ-CHINA HFttAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR SOURABAYA SAMARANU THE Company's steamer KUTBANQ 2,311 tons, Captain Crockett, having left Hongkong on the "J9th ultimo, may he expected to Hrrivehere on or about the ">tl idem, and will have prompt despatch, for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to
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  • 75 4 Gerrard.— On the 14th Oct., in England, Robkkt Uekrard, late of China, aged 82 yenm. Hue k inc. -On the 12th Nov., at Bombay, Frederick K. Hocking, of Devonport, of the P. and O. h.B. Oriental, aged 22. Gray.— On the 13th Nov., at Foochow, Crarlrk Gray, of the
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  • 334 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 3RD DECEMBER. The results of yesterday's Municipal elections show that the people of Singapore are not altogether so apathetic as they seem in the matter of conserving their proper interests, and when an opportunity offers itself wherein they can express their opinions with
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  • 491 4 While on the subject of the Municipality it is as well to the advert to the rates question, which has been brought so strongly into evidence by the recent advance of the local property taxation from 9 to 11 per cent. We entirely concurred with the spirit of the increase
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  • 242 4 As we have prey usly stated, on several recent occasions the officers and crews of vessels carrying benzine have refused to proceed to sea, unless they received compensation for the extra risk run. In several instances of the kind this extra remuneration has been granted in others the men have
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  • 222 4 An interesting article on the new Anglo-Siamese treaty, of which no official details have get reached the East, has been published in the Rangoon Gazette, and is pertinent to past local issues inasmuch as that it bears out statements to a similar effect that have already appeared in these columns.
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  • 172 4 Rectek, the other day, wired that li»death of Herr Krupp, the Cannon Kins. had caused a sensation. But as tjthewhy and wherefore of such a stir, the Agency said not a word. A special telegram in a Shanghai paper gives the particulars which the Agency did not choose to send.
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  • 82 4 The battleship Albion, and the cruisers Cressy and Blenheim left Hongkong on Monday morning last and will therefore probably be here about Friday. The Argonaut was expected to leave a couple of days later. Both the Cresxy and Blenheim are expected to return he nee to Hongkong, whilst the Argonaut
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  • 79 4 It is stated that in anticipation of an increase of rental brought about by the rise in the assessment rates and other causes, certain respectable families that have hitherto contrived to live in separate houses are now discussing the feasibility of crowding two or more together into one house. This
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  • 79 4 Owing to the rise in the price of tin several mines that had ceased working, both in Tasmania and on the mainland of Australia, have been reopened. New fields are also prospected. Large quantities of stream tin are to be found in what are at present almost inaccessible parts of
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  • 13 4 To-day's 4/m.s. bank rate is 1/7. The StraUs Budget was published this morning.
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  • 18 4 Owing to the absence of the judges, the sittings of the Supreme Court are suspended for the present.
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  • 18 4 H. E. the Governor will be 'At Home" at Government House on Wednesday, Dec. 10th, at 4-45 p.m.
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  • 19 4 Mr. H. L. Coohlan conducts a sale ot horses, carriages, etc. at Dalian's this afternoon, commencing at 5 o'clock.
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  • 19 4 The Sea Belle returned from Malacca yesterday where she left Mr. Justice Hyndman- Jones, who takes the Assizes there.
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  • 23 4 Sir Ernest Satow was to leave Peking on the 21st Nov. for England. He will probably return some time in March next year.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site to-morrow afternoon from 5 to H (weather permitting.)
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  • 21 4 At the meeting of the Chinese Christian Association on Friday next, Mr. M. K. Watt will lecture on Chemistry of Water."
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  • 22 4 Hongkong is going to have a .St. George's Ball next year. The Englishmen of Singapore might with advantage hold a similar function.
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  • 21 4 The British transport C'ftre arrived from Bombay yesterday and went alongside No. 9 Tanjong Pagar Wharf. She left for Hongkong to-day.
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  • 35 4 The Siamese royal yacht Malta Chakrkri arrived at Hongkong on Nov. 26th en route to Japan. She goes to fetch the Crown Prince of Siam who is travelling back to Bangkok via America and Japan.
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  • 41 4 Local banks are refusing to change cheques in ticals or on Siam banks. Mr. Nicholson, the local Manager of the H. and S. Bank, left for Bangkok on Sunday. We have received no further news as to the financial crisis there.
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  • 37 4 Public opinion at Hongkong seems to favour the adoption of a gold currency basis, but has found no leader to voice that course. Prominent banking interests stop the way. Government is expected to move in the matter.
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  • 43 4 Th is morning a bad smell was found to be issuing from a shed erected near the mouth of the Singapore river. The Marine Police broke open the door and found the decomposed body of a Chinaman. He had apparently been locked in.
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  • Special Telegram to tbe "Straits Times."
    • 117 4 LATEST BETTINO. thhafla, iw.;u<i Uecord Reign 2 to 1 I'p Guards 6 to 1 Vasto U to 1 Dandy 8 to 1 Stand On* 6 to I Security 10 to 1 Tubal Cain 12 to 1 Mix 15 to 1 Acetine 15 to 1 i.>ld-iiii'h 15 to
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 62 4 Ijondon, Dec. 2nd. Owing to the remarkable success ot tea-growing in the Caucasus, th. Russian Minister of Agriculture hadecided to establish the industry on a sound basis. The Minister will import expert* from China, India and Ceylon. The prices for the season's yield of fourteen
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    • 36 4 Naval Men Man Mail Steamers. >wing to an accumulation of destitute persons at Marseilles awaiting passage to Algeria, Tunis, and Indo-China, the French Government has ordered naval seamen to man the mail steamer*
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    • 68 4 Mr. Gerald Balfour, the President ot the Board of Trade, said in the House of Commons, in reply to Mr. Gibson Bowles, that the Brussels Sugar Bounty Convention reserves undoubted liberty to Britain as regards fiscal relations with her Colonies. At the Conference which
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    • 115 4 LOAN OF HALF A MILLION STERLING. To Redeem Debentures anp Prosecute Developments. TjaUr. At the British North Borneo dinner in London, there were 200 guest* present. Mr. R. B. Martin, M.P., chairman ot the B. K. B. Co., presided Mr. Cowie announced that the Company hopes
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  • 36 4 RESULT OF THE CONTEST. The Municipal Election yesterday resulted as under •I ago (Tan jong Pagar Ward) f>2 votes Pooles (Kallang 4.i Barker (Tanglin )29 Jennings (Kallang 7 The first three are therefore elected.
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  • 56 4 Ceorue Bentley, the champion boxer of th<j English Xavy, will arrive in Manila shortly and expects to get a match with some of Manila's be6t. They will have to be very good one«, for Bentley has a very long reach and a cool head, and has fought and beaten some
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  • 65 4 Vkstcrday, Panchoo, a Bengali servant in the employ of Mr. G. Elphick, wn charged before Mr. Beatty with leaving service without giving the usual notice. The order of the magistrate was that the man should forfeit 19 days' pay, and, in addition, pay his employer 30 days' pay, amounting to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1156 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY WALSH, LTD, Have just received a supply of THE YOST TYPEWRITER No. 10. KNOWN AS The M Light Running Yost." This machine pwsesst-e all the advantages of the old makes perfect ;ilignment ink pad instead of ribbon, &c, &c, and has numerous improvements, making it the Highest
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    • 230 4 G.R. Lambert tf Co. Photographers open Greehara House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard I on We kd *y 8 a m P™on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford and
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  • 288 5 THE SELANGOR FLOODS. Kuala Lumpur under Water. Passengers that arrived from Selangor and Negri Sembilan by the <ranymede •o-day report further particulars of the .rreat ilooda in the Native States. H was impossible faff would-be passengers by the MfllMM to leave The railway was under as many as eight feet
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  • 255 5 Yesterday forenoon, the Central Engine Works, Victoria Street, launched from the yard at Tanjong Rhu a -steel screw steamer of 113 tons. The engines to be fitted are compound surface condensing, having cylinders 14 ins. and 28 ins. by 20 ins. stroke. Steam is supplied
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  • 223 5 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Office Destroyed. Onr of the worst fires that has visited the foreign quarter in Shanghai for a long time occurred on Nov. 20th, when the building occupied by the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, located between the Bund and Szechuen Road and Canton and Foochow
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  • 31 5 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Yaroslarl arrived from Port Arthur yesterday and anchored in the roads. She has 99 passengers on board and is expected to leave for Odessa on Saturday
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  • 270 5 S. C. C. v. 6and Co. R. A The S. C. C. have taken an early opportunity of a match with the new Artillerymen from Hongkong, the 62nd Co. R.A. Their reputation had preceded them and everyone was wondering if the Club had a chance. Last evening a large
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  • 153 5 This morning, Mr. C. J. Saunders appeared before Mr. Wilson to prosecute on a summons Tan Kiong Saik for driving a victoria other than on the left side of the Esplanade road on the 24th ult. Mr. Elliot defended. When the evidence was taken, it transpired that
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  • 94 5 An adjourned special meeting ot the Engineers' Association was held at the Marine Club last evening to discuss the all-absorbing question of pay. There was a good attendance and, the general conclusion arrived at was that matters at present are in a most unsatisfactory
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  • 77 5 To-night the entire proceeds of the performance to be given by the Bioscope in the Beach Road will be handed over to the Convent to be made use of in aid of the orphans there. There should be a good attendance. The Bioscope has been doing capital business
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  • 57 5 Mr. Elcum, Commandant of the S. V. Cadet Corps, begs to acknowledge the contribution of 910 from Mr. F. L. Norn?, for the Equipment Fund. Cadets who have left school, and are, therefore, no longer eligible as Cadets, are requested to immediately return the uniforms lent to
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  • 85 5 The erection of lighthouses on some of the islands which lie in the fairway of shipping in the Red Sea by the Turkish Government, of which mention had been made before, is nearly complete. One lighthouse has been finished, that on Central Peak Island of the Zebair Group. The light,
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  • 100 5 The Ganymede, which arrived from Port bwettenham this morning, brought down from Port Dickson nineteen survivors (Chinese) of the sunken steamer Kian Yang who were picked up by the 1 1 ye Leung and taken on to that port. One of the survivors, a Malay, was left at Malacca. The
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  • 11 5 Vx> hanoe and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 43 5 The new Colonial yacht, which is to rephce the Sea Belle, will be called the Seamen-. The vessel is in the hands of Messrs. Reiley Hargreaves and Co. at their Tanjong Rhu shipyard, and very good progress is being made with her construction.
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  • 49 5 It will be seen from an announcement appearing in our advertising columns to-day that Mr. R. J. Gunn has retired from the firm of Somerville and Gunn as from the 30th ult. In future the business will be carried on by Mr. Somerville under the style of Somerville Co.
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  • 37 5 The Colombo papers note the marriage there on the 19th ultimo of Mr J. W. S. Bartholomews/. (Government Surveyor, Straits Settlements), with Miss Keyt (eldest daughter of Mr. Arthur Keyt, Head Clerk of the Badulla District Office).
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  • 48 5 A case of highway robbery was reported at Sepoy Lines Police Station last night. A Chinaman, a new-comer to Singapore, alleged that while returning from a wayang he was held up by two of his countrymen who relieved him of his silver watch and chain valued at $.50.
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  • 58 5 Work in the police courts is just now got through under difficulties to all concerned. A verandah is being constructed round part of the building and the iron work is being handled. This gives occupation to a score of hammer men whose music is not altogether agreeable. The magistrates have
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  • 58 5 Orestb Lemmi, an Italian aged 22 years, who had been in the employ of Messrs. Venturi, died at Shanghai on the 18th ult. of hydrophobia. He had undergone the Pasteur treatment for a bite on the thumb by a small Chinese dog and was supposed to be out of danger
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  • 65 5 On Saturday night next the Excelsior Vaudeville Co. advertises a performance at the Town Hall. Amongst others the Company comprizes the Jansons and Venturini, the conjurer, whom patrons of HarmBton's will no doubt remember well. The Company has been travelling in Java for some months past and is very highly
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  • 71 5 At the Drill Hall last night, the S.V.C. billiard handicap, which has been in progress for some weeks, was continued, Messrs. Frost and Coghlan meeting in the semi-final, the former playing from scratch, the latter with an allowance of 25. Coghlan reached 250 when Frost was 212, and thus secured
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  • 78 5 At Kuala Lumpur, the other night, an actress, during the performance of a H industani play, was rewarded for her smart dancing by dollars being chucked over to her, the Rajah Mudah of Selangor and party being very free of their money. Their liberality soon paled before that of Mr.
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  • 73 5 l..\sr night Insp. Brennan, Sergt. Frayne, and Detective Reynolds went round the town collecting all the bad characters they could find sleeping in the five-foot ways. One Chinaman was so scared, on awakening, to see the detective officers, that he jumped off the five-foot way into the road. He had
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  • 84 5 Last night Muttia, a Kling, was arrested at Cam pong Bharu for the theft of cash and jewellery worth $40 the property of one Narainsamy. In his possession were found bank notes and silver amounting to Sl2, and 26 spoons. He contrived to escape from the police but was recaptured.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little Co., Ltd. Christmas, 1902, JOHN SMITH'S CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Containing in infinite variety Hats, Caps, Costumea, Guns, Toys, Jewellery, Masks, Faces, Puzzles, Pictures, Views, I'hoi m Tea Sets, Musical Instruments, Perfumes, Animals, Curios, Conundrums, Riddles, National Flags, Fairies FINEST FRENCH CONFECTIONERY. Krom Jacquin, Paris: Dragees, Almonds, Pralines,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 146 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 3rd December. High Water 11.40 a.m. C W.A. Raffles Girls' School. 4. Horse ;Sale at Dalian*. Cogblan. r>. S.V.A.'Gun Drill. 6.16. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Thursday 4th December. High Water. 0.56 a.m ail p.m. Town Band. Old Jail Site. 6 to 6. Friday, sth December. High
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 NOTICES. Wilts for LEU PERRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCt. By Special Warrant JWi H^His Majestp Purveyors to «^^^^S^^^ The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Every Hospital in England that uses Bovril (and there are over 500 that do so) gives practical, unassailable testimony to the pre-eminence of Bovril as a strengthening, nourishing, sustaining
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    • 329 6 NOTICES. SULPHURIC MURIATIC ACID FOR SALE. Apply to 14.1 2 SYME CO. KIM WAN BRICKWORKS CO PASIK P AS J AX C Are now supplying building every kiuds. For particular* apply to CHOP KIM 818, 18-I:.' No. lift] S. KAWAZUMI, JAPANESE ARTIST. No. 881, \"n nhu s. RBir. Will he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 629 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. ■"TMIE Standftrl Life Amuruoa. 1 Norwich Union Kire Insurance Soeisty. Ul«* Assurance Company (Fire). 'he K>|Uit&V)l« Life Assunince Society, he China Mutual Steam Navigation Company > Tottenham Lajrer Beer Company. -or particularp of t».*o Companies, sm ths UK I.OKNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Air«nte. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. r\ Ofhcb,
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    • 764 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the S ether lands India Government. Agtntt at Singapore- £mp Agbjicy, uti J. Dabbdbls 4 Co., 2-3, Colltib Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Fxpected VV ill le l>pspstched for On D. CM rontinnak Xov. 30 Sambas. Pcmnntckat, Sin^kaurun.',
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    • 599 7 1 Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) lli 1 1.: i,f Sailings frenn Hit Ka<l U I'.ic'it'w 'mist I'urls. t Leavisci Die HoNGKOSCi I'OKTI.ANI) ABOUT ABOI'T Indrasamha 14th Dec. l.'tliJany. •Indravelli" 14th Jan. 12th Feb. "Indrapura" 13th Feb. 14th Mar. Through bills
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    • 770 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddentoriier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, r STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons Reg. Tohs Reg. S>Min 2478 KohMchang 2042 Sandakan '.'lll Pttchaburi -'191 Paknam 200» Pitsa.iutok 2019 j Tanglin 1999 I Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok '.9*o I Chov Tai 1777 Koral ]!><»o Wong Koi 1777 Singora 17VI Keong Wni
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    • 434 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rate*. w.As. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A Co. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1f44) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire
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    • 510 7 NOTICES. M Ladies.; f*l I*l*9 A Remedy for nil lrrc|(ulr.rltl«a. •old by Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd., Raffles Place, Singapore. KA'TIN fit* Ml'.vl'Ki-; IM.KM! INDIAN ENGINEERING."" AH ILLUSTRATKD WsKKLY JOCRSAL THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With gxtaranleed bona fUle cirrulnlio*. LIOT OPEN TO INSTKCTION. PAT. DOYLE C.E. CALCUTTA
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    • 1124 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— •hip bq.— barque sch.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Qbt. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British U. B.— United States; Feb.— French <3er.— German Dut.— Dutch Joh.^Johore 6.0. General-cargo; d. p. -deck pa-senjer; P. Uncertain T.
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    • 108 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Morrow. Malacca and Linggi Heltnr I p.m. C'bon and Samarang Naseri 1 p.m. Pontmnak W. O'lfw Hup 2 p.m. Penang and Del 1 (lalvpio 3 p.m. Sarawnk Kuttat 3 p.m. Port Swettentaam Aing f.fmm 3 p.m. Samarnng Van Di*m'fa 4 p.m. Goruntalo A Menado
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    • 185 8 From Europe —By the N.D.L. s.a. Konig Albert due on the 6th instant with dates to the 11th November. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 17th October. From China—By the M. M. s. s. Sydney due on Sunday. From Saigon —By steamer
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    • 255 8 Z. V'CMII 8 V.Vk A Km Tom* Caftaib From I LXI) CONBIONBBB. Dec 2 Laertes Brit str. 1840 Lyons Amoy INov 2fi W. Mansfield ACo 2 Kennebet str. 8302 Wallai- Hongkong N'ov 27 Standard Oil Coy 2 Cooeyana str 2496 ,Btron Bvdney Nov 6 McAlister and Co 1 Sultan
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    • 107 8 Dati. Vbmbl'b Namb. Flag A Rio TOHB. DUTIHATIOR. !C i Kobert Dickenson S Ouadalquiver 3 Fultala 3 Sui Sang 3 Chow Fa 3 Boribat 3 Cooeyanna 3 Sri Tringgnnu 3 Eraile 3 TeUrtos 3 Zamania 4 Cbieng Mai 4 Pontianak 3 Malacca Brit str. Fcb str. Brit str. str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. 5/ 52 Jiigd Street, telephone Jib. 256. Have just received a fine collection of new goods for the Christmas Season. Indian Artware manufactures. Chinese and Japanese silk and silk fancy goods, art embroidery work and curiosities. Indian and Chinese-made gold, gem-set,
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    • 113 8 Best Japanese silk Kimonos t'ui ladies, prices from $8 to $35. Best Janauese washing crepe j Kimonos W ladies and gentlemen, i prices $2 and $2.50. Best Japanese Crepe Kimonos for children; prices. 27 inches $1, 36 inches $1.25, and 15 inches $1.50. Japanese mad^ ladies" silk blouses with silk
      113 words
    • 143 8 Ha\( just received a large collection of Can ton -made grass cloth linen embroidery art work comprising teapoy rovers, table covers, centre pieces, mantle borders, Hoyleys, handkerchiefs of different sizes and designs. Chinese and Japanese crepe silks 27 inches prices $1 a yard. Camou made ;«atin silks suitable for ladies
      143 words
    • 1167 8 SOME GOOD POINTS! Geo. W. Hughes The Slipper pen George Hughes 1 Century Pen Electro Gold Nibs Goldflelds Nibs Turned u P point, suit, I do/en in a box M» de b y (ieo Hughes 8 doz. any hand. .< do/, a box in a box PRICE 30 CTS. per
      1,167 words