The Straits Times, 1 November 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 NO. 30,971 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 621 1 Singapore, Ist Novkmrkr, 190-2. PRODUCE. Gambier »eller» 15.09 Copra Bali 9-JJO clo Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black 34.371 clo White, (8%) 54.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.97( do Brunei No. I 3.75 Pearl Sago 5.25 Coffee, Bali, 15% basin 22.76 Coffee, Palembang, 20% ba*i» 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 20.50 Tapioca,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 700 1 NOTICES. ghc j&traitfi ©mrs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVKKTISKMEXTS. THK type UHed a* h »tuiulanl (or -elun^' advertisement* is similar to thix, unle»* t he instruction i* to "ilixplay the advertisement, when any effective ntyle of type, uxed in the paper, will be adopted. The Htandant runn exactly eight
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    • 731 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will 1* received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the stb proximo for the making of 48 pairs of black leather Loots for the European Warders of the Singapore Prison. A sample of the boots can lie seen on application at the office
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    • 259 1 NOTICES. MACNIVEN ft CAMEBONS PE NS. They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen." THE WAVERLEY PEN. Sold by all Statiswn tkrtigkut tkt Wsrld. Every Pen made by Macniven A Cameron, Ltd., is separate l examined by experienced hands, and
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    • 725 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALESOF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES From the following pawnshops TO BE HELD AT POWELL CO's SALE-ROOM On Monday, Srd November at 10 a.m. O>> Wednesday, s'fe On Friday, 7th NO. 66 Middle Road, No. 472 North Bridge Road, No. 186 South Bridge Road. No. 6 Merchant Road, No. 83
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    • 636 1 NOTICES. RAFFLES STORE 33 North Bridge Road. WE beg to announce that we are now shewing a large range of Dress Materials in pretty and effective designs the EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES of which must recommend themselves to our customers We have also just opened a fresh consignment of Ladies' Fancy
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    • 83 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ***** colds. It acts on nature's plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs and opens the secretion*, effecting a permanent cure. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. It is pleasant to take; Imth adults and children like it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains
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  • 963 2 The following particulars of the gold produce of Great Britain have been communicated to the Mining Journal by J. Malcolm Maclaren, B. Sc, F.G.S. Though records of the gold yield of the British Isles have been kept for more than 40 years, there has not
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  • 284 2 Mit W. G. Maxwell, registrar of courts, Kinta, to act as assistant secretary to Resident, with effect from the 18th October. Mr. P. A. F. David, assistant district magistrate, Kuala Kangsar, resumed the duties of his own appointment, with etl'ect from the Ksth October. Mr. \V. 8. (iibson,
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  • 267 2 The late Mr. J. B. (Jribble, the well known exponent oftennie, whose recent death at the age of 31 we have already noted, was a son of the late Mr. T. W. Gribble, L.C.S Postmaster-General of Bengal, and of Lady Pontifex, and was called to the
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  • 201 2 Bushranging in Kwangtung. To siiv that China is still asleep, and lias not followed in the wake of Western powers is a fallacy, as far as crime is concerned. For the past three weeks, a band of no less than eight mounted men, on wiry ponies and dressed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 499 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •50 IbM., 1,200 Ibfk, atter seven after lourilhj in teen day* Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best be had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 281 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. Singapore. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts $34. 24 pints $36. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. tb. 8. Sole Abbots. NOEWICH DNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OP NOBWICH AND LONDON. Established 1797. »OS FIRE INSURANCE ONLT
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    • 497 2 NOTICES. Skin-Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Cuticura Instant Relief and refreshing sleep for Skin-tortured Babies and rest for Tired Mothers in warm baths with Ccticuka Soap, and gentle anointings with Cuncbß* Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients, to be followed in severe cases by
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    • 233 2 HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of 48 quarts $8/50. Case of 48 pints So/50 Case of 9«j splits $6/50. JOHN LITTLE Co. LIMITED. c. s. HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT Have placed large contracts for the BEKNESE ALPS MILK COMPANY'S SLEDGE" BRAND. Sledge 4jg Sjjfc>> Brand Unsweetened Condensed Milk
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    • 72 2 A MOURNFUL PLAINT. < Hi HluegiaxH, MaS-gMaa, e*M your tip» (I took them upon 1 ru-t 1 And, 'twixt the bookie and the tote Am alwo/udVy lm'nt. I've half a mind to Ding mv.tli From ofl' the nearext jetly Hut May I'll rui-c the needful pelf From my good friend
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  • 682 3 A Visit to Kwongchau-wan, A correspondent writes to the China Mail To the ordinary traveller, Kwongchauwan does not offer any inducement to land from the ship, which may be delayed a few hours discharging cargo. Our curiosity, however, became aroused as the ship entered this strategic
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  • 252 3 For Singapore. Per P. A g. g. Auxtmlin, connecting at Colombowith the steamer Parramnltti from London Oct. due Ist Nov— Mr. and Mrs (Smyth, Mi> Macintosh, Captain Mugford,' Messrs. J. A. tlebeter, M. Q, Btenhouse, \V .H. Shelford, Captain Rovsing, V.r. C. C. Williams, and W. H.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 628 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..|lo,ooo,ooo I t U-«innn Silver Reserve.... 4,760,000^••» 14 OUUUU RESERVE LIABILITY Ol „*****00 PROPRIETORS r lt) uo uou Court of Dirkctors. Hon. It. Shewan,... Chairman. A. Haupt, Exq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson |H. Schubabt, Esq. E.
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    • 461 3 NOTICES. THEY WILL REMAIN. The bump of reverence in over- shadowed by the bump of intelliI gence in the 20th century man and woman. Old things are not preserved simply because they are old. Whatsoever is no longer useful must get out of the way. Nevertheless, > progress that is
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    • 655 3 NOTICES. WANTED, for British North Borneo A TELEPHONE OVERSEER, must l>e able to repair and keep in order colephones and lines Salary $40.00 per Month, increasing yearly according to tempetency. Apply to tn. th. s v.c. GUTHRIB 4 CO., WANTED. TMMEDIATE Board and Residence in X private English family for
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    • 634 3 NOTICES. H. L. COGHLAN V CO. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and Valuer*. Auditors, Commission Agents, and General Brokers. Insurance Agents (Fire, Life and Marine. Fire Loss Assessors. manufacturers' Representatives. FOR SALIf A Complete Ice Plant on tbe Lindee" Anhydrous Compression System, capable of a daily out-put of from 20 to 26
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    • 404 3 SHIPPING. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. t FOR EUROPE. THE Imperial German mail steamer HAMBURG, Capt. Burmeistcr, of the Hamburg- A merika Linie, left Hongkong on Wednesday, the 29th inst., at noon, and may be expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon the 2nd November. She will probably be despatched for
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  • 93 4 The Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 1st NOVEMBER. We regret the publication in our yesterday's issue of an article on The Water supply of the Town and its deficiencies." The article contains several statements which are entirely inaccurate and unjustifiable, and are calculated to cast discredit on tbe professional reputation
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  • 489 4 Fkom evil, occasionally, coraeth good, and it does not seem entirely outside the probabilities that the trouble which seems to have generated itself in the Singapore Sporting Club during the recent meeting, may after all prove beneficial rather than otherwise to the racing interests of the Colony. We understand that
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  • 906 4 The British North Borneo Herald males the occasion of Mr. Alleyne Ireland's departure from the Protectorate the occasion for a smack at the Straits Times which we consider to be unmerited in the premises. The idea that the StraiU Times should cherish any malignant designs against the country represented by
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  • 633 4 Solomon was wealthy, even for a Jew, the very name of Croesus is now a synonym for riches, and some of the Caesars were rolling in spoils so great that their value has never been computed. Then, in the matter of solid specie and precious stones, the wealth of some
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  • 440 4 Owing to the natural taste for cold and appetising morsels, engendered by residence in the tropics, the dish known as a galantine is an adjunct of almost every well-appointed dinner in this part of the world. An environment of clear and quivering jelly seems to lend an additional allurement to
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 18 4 ljondon, 'Mst Oct. The Aden hinterland question between Britain and Turkey has been satisfactorily settled.
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    • 109 4 Coffee District Laid Waste The coffee-bearing zone in the Central American republic of Guatemala has been buried under seven feet of sand and ashes, in consequence of outbursts from the volcano named Hanta Maria. The losses are enormous. (There are said to be thirty-one volranue* in Guatemala. Santa
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    • 36 4 Boers Offer to Serve A number of ex-Boer commandants and se .-eral British officers at Johannesburg have decided to offer their services in Somaliland with a thousand picked men, half Boer, half British.
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    • 25 4 Completed and to Open The last link of the Pacific cable has been completed. The cable will be opened for traffic in December.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zamania closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 12 4 Mr. S. Gad is provisionally recognised ;is Consul for Denmark at Singapore.
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  • 13 4 The share, exchange, and produce quotations will be found on the front page.
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  • 17 4 Insp. Sten house, who has been at home on long leave, returned to Penang by the mail.
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  • 18 4 Thkkk men, recruited by Chief Inspector Black in Ireland, are due to arrive here shortly by the Beulomond.
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  • 25 4 This morning Boarding Officer Willock prosecuted the serang of the steam launch Timah for unnecessarily blowing his whistle. The man was find $10 and costs.
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  • 29 4 Mr. Rovsing late of the Siam Public Works Dept.; Mrs. Rovsing, and Miss Clarke -the daughter of the late Sir Andrew Clarke, arrived by the English mail this morning.
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  • 25 4 Mr. Hood-Treacher, Resident General F.M.S. Miss Treacher, Mrs. Vanrenen, Mr. A.P. Cropley, and Mr. E A. Reutens arrived by the Mtran from Port Swettenham yesterday.
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  • 29 4 A Launch will leave Johnston's Pier at 4 o'clock this afternoon to convey the members of the Majles Panglepur Club to a reception to be given at Padang Terbakar.
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  • 32 4 Hakmsto.n's Circus left this morning by the s.s. Sowshera. It expects to open its Rangoon season on or about the 7th instant, and then move on to Calcutta for the Christmas season.
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  • 30 4 Thk monthly Missionary Meeting will be held in Prinsep Street Church on Monday next at 8 p.m. Mr. T. Eldridge, of Malacca, will give an address, illustrated by lantern slides.
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  • 42 4 Parties desiring the use of a steam launch for picnics, shooting excursions, etc., cannot do better than charter Messrs. McAlister Cos. new launch Success. .She is a line, commodious and speedy craft, just the sort in which to spend an enjoyable time.
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  • 83 4 Thk following passengers arrived per P. and 0. B.s. Parramalta to-day from Marseilles Mr. R. D. Pringle, Mr. W. H. Graham, Mr. A C. Carter, Captain C. Kovsing, Mrs. Rovsing, Miss Clarke, Mr. Fit/ Williams. From Colombo Mr. R. Dupont, Mr. Monton, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Walton. From London Capt. Mugford,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 868 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BOLS GIN. (IN GLASS FLASKS) CALDBECK MACGRE6OR CO., Sole Agents, Straits Settlements and Native States. THE MALAY THEATRE NORTH BRIDGE ROAD To-Night! To-Nlght!! To-Nlght!!! Under the Patronage of a Malay Princess. The 1. V. W. Prratukan Theatriral f». WILL P L A V Aladin or the Wonderful Lamp.
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    • 83 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPBN Gresham House I (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on WeekdavB 8 8 m P m oa< on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. /CUSTOMERS who intend sendin^oor\j tr.iitshom.'.-is Xmas firnl New Tear presents are reminded not to postpone too long. Appointment*
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  • 3678 5 H. K. The Governor presided over a meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon, when there were present the Hon'bles the Colonial Secretary, the Colonel Treasurer, the Attorney General, the Auditor-General, the Colonial Engineer, the Hon. J. K. Birch (Resident Councillor of Penang), the Hon'bles C. Stringer, .1.
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  • 18 5 Messrs. Yenning, Hickey, Swepey, Bliss, Manliffinch, and Miss Bain arrived from Telok Anson by the Penang this morning.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 125 5 To 'Jte Editor of the Strait* Times." Dear Sib,— l was very much surprised and annoyed on being informed that the latest gossip about the Town, was to the effect that I am to be a partner in a livery and racing stable business to be started
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    • 221 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times" Sib, With reference to complaints about reckless driving in to-day's issue by Another European," may I draw your attention and that of the public, to another danger on the roads, i.e. the carriages that frequent the highway without lighted lamps
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  • 129 5 Americans in Dagupan, Philippines, are giddy from excitement over a rich haul two men made there the other day, says an exchange. The strangers sauntered into the town without any apparent object and disappeared with a big strong-box filled with Mexican dollars. During the night of the 11th
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  • 211 5 Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 am., Matins. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion (choral) and Sermon. 4 p.m Sunday School, and Bible Class. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. (Anthem—" Who are these ?—Stainer). St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 8.15 p. m. Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Church
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  • 72 5 There is official authority for saying that the announced removal of the duty on Chinese products, excepting rice and tea, is only shortly preliminary to the conversion of Vladivostock into a free port for general merchandise. Trade has suffered seriously by the tariff discriminations against that port. Direct importations have
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  • 151 5 The following is the Programme of the Musical Evening to be held by the Singapore Philharmonic Society on Tuesday next 1.— Intermezzo Mac>«tli. Forget Me Not. String Orchestra. 2.— 8odr Mr. E. E. Long. --Solo Pianoforte Mr. E. Haasi-h. 4.— Quartett. Friendship Sullivan Mrs. Wilson Barker, Messrs.
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  • 128 5 L'Eclm de Chine has received news by wire from Peking that the Imperial decree dated the 13th of October ratifies the contracts made between H.E. Shenp Kung-pao, Director-General of the Im perial Chinese Railways, ."id the RussoChinese Bank, represented by Mr. 0. R. Wehrung, its French director for
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  • 42 5 At a practice shoot to be held at Balestier Range to-morrow, the Singapore team for the Interport competition will be chosen. The competing teams must fire during the fortnight from Monday next, inclusive. Singapore will probably fire on Tuesday or Wednesday next.
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  • 52 5 The daughter of so able and popular Governor as Sir Andrew is sure of a very hearty welcome anywhere in the Straits. Sir Andrew was Governor in 1873-7.") Miss Clark, daughter of the late General Sir Andrew Clarke, left London on 9th October on a visit to Singapore* and the
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  • 66 5 Mr. W. S. Johnston, of the Taku Tug ■and Lighter Co., has received a cheque for $5,000 from the Czar as a mark of appreciation of the gallant service rendered by Mr. Johnston to the Allies when the ultimatum was sent to the Commander of the Taku Forts during the
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  • 61 5 On the 25th instant, on the evidence of Mr. Falshaw that a starved bullock was being worked, Mr. Marriott fined the Kling driver S5, and gave instructions that the owner should be prosecuted. Yesterday morning, the owner was before Mr. Wilson. Mr. Falshaw repeated his evidence as to the starving
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  • 84 5 A kew days ago, a Malay boy stole a bicycle lamp from his father and sold it for fifty cents at a second-hand shop at 95 Rochore Road. When the father reported the theft, Detective Sergeant Cahoon arrested the boy who pointed out the shop where he had sold the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 134 5 DAY BY DAY Saturday, Ist November. High Water. 11.24 p.m. SC.C. Cricket. Bearer Co. Inspection. 4.30. Marine Club Smoker. 9. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Road. Sunday, and November. High Water. 11.2 a.m. 11.68 p.m. Twenty-third after Trinity. All Baints Day. Swimming Club Launches. 9.30 A 10.-JO. Monday, 3rd November. High
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 134 6 NOTICES. TXp Puteometct> Requires r o tj^S^k Thousands in use skilled attendance. y~£| BivinB8 ivin 8 entir /Km* X^mm satisfaction. pump M B ALMOST Um\ B anything. M jLi B Needs no M W wk I^* ac^ in^ No moving parts _^mm H^' jmm of order. JJd&m^L X^^^^M^M^L WtT-rmk' MT~
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    • 451 6 NOTICES. THE GROVE HOTEL, TANJONG KATONG. Healthy, Comfqbtablk, Ska Bathing, Pure Ska Air. ROOMS l.y the month with Tiffins in town at Emmereon's Tiffin Rooms. Special Dinners and Tiffins' an be ordered by Telephone 266. 8-U /fT&m SHIPonAPPROYAL W J^j|». and guarantee safe delivery. §MmWHTYRES, ACCESSORIES, iT^lat Lowest Freight Ratem
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    • 328 6 NOTICES. We have the honour to inform the public that we have opened a Dispensary and Drug Store i at No. 87, Robinson Road. REIN CO. tu. th. As. 11l Agent for NILES TOOL WORKS of America. Machine Tools of all kinds (ran the lightest foot or hand power to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 698 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. fIUB Standard Life Amuibhos. A Norwich Union Fire Insuranos Society. Atlas Anunnoe Company (Fire). The Kquitable Life Awuranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company T> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. for particulars of tke«« Companies, see th« full adverti»ement of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 725 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, koninkiijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJUnder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agisgt, latb J. Dasmdus 4 Co., 2-3, Ooixtbb Qu>y. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Bantam Soeral>aU Oct 23 Macassar. Bwool. Palehleh, Soemalata. Kwandeng, Amoerang. Menado, Siauw,
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    • 625 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with tub Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here Outward. Homeward. 1902 1902 Vindobona Nov. 6 \Trie*U Oct. 27 'MarquU Bacquehem Nov 27 All the steamers to Trieste are calling
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    • 713 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES florddeutsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons N. R. St'ttin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi HB9 Bangkok 1237 Pitsanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 Nuen Tung 824 Wong Koi 1116 Chieng
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    • 522 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ML Y. X, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service if maintained between Japan and Europe bj the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 482 7 INSURANCE CO.'S Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 6" Co. HAVK BEEN APPOINTED SUBAiiENTS OF THE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, U.C Straits Settlements. TRANSATLANTIC F'KE INSURANCE CO., OF HAMBURG. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE co.. Hamburg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBURG. r pH E undersigned, Agents
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    • 1280 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. •hip bq. barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British U. B.— United States Fch.— French <J«r.— German; Dut.— Dutch;Joh.— Johore; Q.c— General-cargo; d.p. —deck passenger; D.— Uncertain T. P.
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    • 681 8 Nam*, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj agent*. Stsambrb. A. Lop<v., Manila, Nov 2; Barlow. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2 Mansfield. Agamemnon. H'kong, Nov SO; Mansfield. Alboin, Tuticonn, due Oct. Borneo Co. Alcinous. Liverpool, Nov 3 Mansfield. Alesia, Hobgkoag. Jan 7 Behn Meyer. Ailing, Bandjermassin, Nov 1
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    • 124 8 for Per steamer Time. To-Day. Deli Sumatra 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Calvpfo 3 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan 3 p.m. Bengkalis and Bagan Sri Trinytjanu 3 pm. P. Swet'hara i la ports Sappho 4 p m. Muntok and Fbang G. G. Metier 4 p.m. Bangkok Paknam 4
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    • 60 8 Prom Ectropk: —By the N.D.L. s.s Kiaul*chou, due on the Bth Nov. with dates to the 14th Oct. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 19th Sept. From China:— By the N.D.L. s.s. Hamburg dae on Sunday. Krom .Madras.— /niiln due 11th Nov.
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    • 241 8 A J-U.-5 kmski s NiMB v.AiiAiK From Sailed.' Consiuneks. a Mm Oct I 30 Indrani Brit str 3.26 Hill Manila Oct 26 Bebn Meyer A Co. SO 'l>e Kock Out str. .'WO Winseintns Baml>aB Get 28 Daendels Co. :«i IHn Brit sir 868 Hamilton Calcutta Oct 21 G. Wood
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    • 100 8 Dm.' Vbssix's Saxm. Flao 4 Rig. TOKB. Destination. Oct 31 Bantam Not 1 Aoteat I Felayo Ch&krabhongs 1 I Res dent Bchiff 1 Tetartos 1 Bobcrt Dickenson 1 Repton 1 > Sri TriDgganu 9 Antonio Lopez 9 Parramatta 3 Ouadalquiver via Penang tm Bn Dut str. Brit str. «tr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 K. A. J. Chotirmall Co. (:o:1 Jewellers Silk Merchants, High Street. Have just received a fine collection of new goods for the Qbristtnas Season. Indian Art ware munufactures, Chinese and Japanese silk and silk fancy goods, art embroidery work and curiosities. Indian and Chinese-made gold, gem-set, and silver jewellery, silver
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    • 141 8 JAP. PLAIN SILK. JapmteM plain silk all colours, 20 iuclieb at 40 cts. a yard. Japanese plain silks all colours, 27 inches at 55 cts, i yard. Japanese white plain washing silkti, 24 inches at 80 cts. a yarn. Japanese Tweed soft silks, 24 inches, at 80 cts. a yard
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    • 491 8 Our Usual Cash Prices LADIES' PRETTY LACE COLLARETTES Round at back and pointed at front In cream or White. Wondrous Low Price. ONLY 35 CTS. EACH LADIES' FEATHER FANS In Helio, Pink or nil. Exceptional Value. PRICE 75 CTS. EACH CHILDREN'S JERSEY CAPS Cardinal colour PRICE 40 CTS. EACH LADIES'
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