The Straits Times, 30 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,969. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 663 1 NOTICES. ghc £traits Suncs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. > '>' FKTISKMKNTS. ri'MK i\ dard for settini! 1 advertiaemei if-+M-4jiii-.A"!^ HS .in- UMtraglienj .y tin- iulvitliVr.ll „,i\ efl It- »f type, wed in TIB |.h|ii-i wi I loptid. Tile htandard nUMaiacUj In- inch, and about •even words t<> th<> line.
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    • 761 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.. HPKN I>KKS will be received at the ColoX nial Secretary's Office up to noon of the Mli proximo for the making of 43 pairs of black leather l>oots for the European Wardets of the Singapore Prison. A sample of the boots can l>e seen on application at
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    • 454 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN LITTLE CO.7ITmITED7 Special Drapery. CASH CLEARANCE SALE For 9 Days Only (Sornmeneing on ffovember 3rd, 1902. A Genuine Sale of Surplus Stock to make room for New Goods Ladies' JBV Handkerchiefs. Undervests. %"JJ H J JL 6 for 9O £ts. Ribbed Cotton j^hr^^-^\ ttjfc :i n"\ Fancy
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    • 485 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. A PPLICATIONS are hereby invited xjL from competent persons for the appointment of Deputy Registrar of Jinrikishas. The person appointed will be required t- devote his whole time to the duties of his offi'-e ml to the conduct of any work entrusted to him by the Commissioners.
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    • 313 1 READ IT THRUUUH. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. Up to a short time wi Mm. John K. Harmon, of Melfa Station, Va, U.S. A., had no pcrwniil knowledge of the rare curative propertied ot Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy. "1-u.t Januurr," she (ays, "my babf took a
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  • 1253 2 It was hot even for Singapore and j ifter tiffin the long chairs on the veraniah looked most inviting, so picking up k book I stretched myself out for a pjiet read. The volume was a familiar Friend and as for the twentieth time I i
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  • 675 2 General Kirmin, the Haytian revolutionary leader, has taken refuge on hoard the I'nited States cruiser Cinciiinati at Gonaives, a port about forty miles north-east of Port an Prince. It is believed that the insurrection is now :it an end, as the government troops have lately been victorious in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 NOTICES, J. &H. GWYNNE, Ltd., "I 81, CANNON STREET. LONDON, E.C. Makers of the "INVINCIBLE" Centrifugal Pumps and Pumping Engines. The most Economical J^M MWS.MSE. and most /I L l^ssaMssssVl IRRIfiATIO.N. .■_..f.., m af/m JL^ JLL reclamation World, €1 mftj £ft IIUK ■1 h^ta^lH I SEWAGE, M g^^^ U\TRRH!IKkS. Special
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    • 357 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 960 lbs., 1,200 link, alter seven after fourdays in teen days Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particular* from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 487 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts $34. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. s. Sole Agknts. BELTING. Jolin Tullis's Llama Hair Belting; is the most suitable kind made hr Tropcal Climates. Prize Medald have been received at no less than
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  • 1271 3 Progress Report. The following is the report ol the general manager of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company for the month ending on the lsth instant The sheets of mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work, prepared by the mine manager, show a total of 325 feet
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  • 182 3 A German publisher has purchased General De Wet's History of the War for XIU.OOO. Up to the time of his departure for England, General de Wet I was busily engaged upon his book on the South African war, which he hoped to have ready for the press
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  • 158 3 A breakdown in the cable communication between here and Hongkong was discovered on Friday night, but the matter was soon attended to and there is practically no delay in telegraphic messages now. The Eastern Telegraph Company set to work with commendable promptitude to discover the cause of
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  • 264 3 For Singapore. Per P. O. s. s. Auntrulin, connecting at Colombo with the steamer Hengal from London Oct. due 16th Ncv— Mr. and Mrs. Smyth, Mrs Macintosh, Captain Mugford, Messrs. J. A. Webster, M. C. Btenhouse, W .H. Shelford, Captain Rovsiug. Mr. C. C. Williams, and W.
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on' page 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 453 3 NOTICES. A CONTENTED WOMAN. A M<le from form or features, she hus an attractiveness all her own. I The bloom on her cheek, the elasticity in her <step. the ring of her voice, her enjoyment of life— all j these are magnets which draw others to her side Wonderful and
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    • 687 3 NOTICES. WANTED, for British North Borneo. A TELEPHONE OVERSEER, mast be able to repair and keep in order colephones and lines Salary 140.00 per Month, increasing yearly according to tempetency. Apply to tn. th. s ax. GUTHRIB A CO., GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. APPLICATIONS will be received at the Bankruptcy Office, Singapore,
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    • 676 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. f^HE house, No. 192, Cecil Street. Apply 1 to WEE KAY SECKc/oAlsagotf 4 Co. ■Ml TO BK LET. BUNGALOW, Confederate Estate, facing the sea. Apply to B N. ELIAB, a.c. A Change Alley. TO BE LET. THE PRIORY River Valley Road, a commodious dwelling house. Entry
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    • 661 3 SHIPPING. DEL'TSCHK OBT-AFRIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. rpHE outward mail and cargo steamers JL of this line connect at Aden, and the steamers of the Rangoon-Zanzibar Line at Colombo with the homeward German Mail steamers from Eastern Asia. Through Hills of Lading and through Passage Tickets are issued to all coast ports
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  • 79 4 BOTKLEK On October 12th, at Yokohama, William Samuel Botkler, late 2nd Engineer of the s.f. Loodiana. Fuller— At Shanghai, on the 15th October, Alex. Fuller, aged 60 years. Dietrich— On the 18th October, at Shang hi>.i, Mr-. M. DiETRirH, wife of M. DIKTRICH, ■ged 48 years. Humphreys— On Sept.
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  • 1821 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 30th OCTOBER. To-morrow, Friday, the Legislative Council will meet to discuss the Supply Bill for 1908, and the item therein which we shall watch with the most particular interest is that affecting the Educational Department. Although it accomplished nothing very definite, our readers
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  • 755 4 Mr. C. McL. McHardy, FSS— and F.S.S. does net. mean Friend of the Straits Settlements is responsible for th*» authorship of a pamphlet just issued under the auspices of the Navy League. At least it was forwarded to us for review by the last mail with a commendatory letter from
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 89 4 Ixmdon, 29th Octoher. It is officially announced that the King expressed a wish that Mr. Chamberlain should visit His Majesty's Dominions over the Seas in one of Hit Majesty's ships. The Admiralty has accordingly selected the new cruiser Good Hope to convey Mr. Chamberlain
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    • 37 4 The bulk of the Nationalist members of Parliament have suddenly left London for Ireland to note the progress of the land agitation. A few remain in attendance at the House for watching purposes.
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    • 25 4 The result of the race for the Cambridgeshire Stakes is as follows Ballantrae 1 St. Maclou 2 Nabot SCEPTRE FOR SALE.
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    • 26 4 Sceptre was offered for sale at Newmarket, at a reserve of 24,000 guineas. No bid was made, and the horse was withdrawn.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 937 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "BOLS GIN. (IN GLASS R-ASKS) CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., Sole Agents, Straits Settlements and Native States. Af ent for NILES TOOL WORKS of America. Machine Tools of all kinds from the lightest foot or hand power to the heaviest patterns made I r— •A-^B°• A 8 wood-working Pfy" iQ^v
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    • 257 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Greeham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 5 p.m. Orchard on Weekda y 8 8 a m -~6~ 6 P m on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. /^UBTOMERS who intend s^TiinjDor\j traits home as Xmu ana Now- Year presents are reminded not to postpone too
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  • 380 5 Sixteen Men Convicted. Yesterday, Mr. Beatty concluded the enquiry into the case of the twenty-one men found in a house at Kreta Ayer alleged to be members of a Secret Society, and against sixteen of whom was an additional alles.ition of attending a meeting of tht; society
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  • 205 5 Tn following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell A Co.'s mlb ItlOW yesterday. Five Government building allotments :it Robinson Road, area 1,940 sq. ft. «ach. I'pset price 86 per square foot. Lot 1 bought by (J. A Derrick at $7.65 per sq ft $14,841. Lot
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  • 162 5 Roosters Disappear at Katong. TWBVM have been busy at Tanjong Katong lately, Mr Hugo G.A.F. Knuth, 4 Mf.srs. Puttfarcken and Co., having lost some valuable fowls on two occasions. Mr. Knuth, who resides at Green Rose," Tanjong Katong, has, or rather had, a splendid collection of rare and
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  • 162 5 It will be learnt with regret by his many friends that Baron de Kuster, Consul-General tor Russsia in Singapore, is leaving for Europe on Monday by the German mail steamer Hamburg, on account of ill health. He intends to spend three months' holiday in Italy
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  • Correspondence.
    • 375 5 To the Editor of the "StrttiU Times." Sir, —I think it may be of interest to the public of Singapore if you will kindly publish the following: I am sorry to state that there will be a little delay in the formation of the Cold Storage Company,
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    • 393 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, In answer to Fairplay's letter published in yesterday's issue which 1 read with great pleasure, I can assure Fairplay that it is within no province of mine to teach the Stewards of the .Singapore Sporting Club their duty.
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  • 73 5 Mr. John Barrktt, the Special Envoy Plenipotentiary of the St. Louis World's Fair, was to leave Hongkong for Bangkok on Sunday last. He leaves that port for this on November 6th and will remain in Singapore about a week before going on to Colombo. During 1
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  • 6 5 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/5
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  • 9 5 The homeward mail closes to-morrow morning at six o'clock.
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  • 18 5 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday at 9. 30 and 10. 30 a.m.
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  • 20 5 The great python serpent of the Paris Zoo has died after fasting for two years, five months, and three days,
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  • 20 5 It is notified from Hanoi for the information of mariners that the light on Pulo Canton is working as usual.
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  • 23 5 An English lady died a short time ago and left a fortune of £50,000 to an editor whose paper she admired. Lucky editor
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  • 18 5 Thb homeward German mail steamer Hamburg left Hongkong yesterday at noon and is due here on Sunday afternoon.
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  • 17 5 The Government dredger Mudlark went up the river this morning to commence dredging operations at Kampong Saigon.
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  • 24 5 Havelock Road is at last undergoing repairs. It is about time as this road has been in a very bad condition for several months.
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  • 21 5 The Norwegian steamer Tordeuskjold, 1,180 tons, has been sold to Japanese for 120,000 yen, and re-named the Chiyoda Maru N0. 2.
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  • 24 5 The Straits Budget was published this morning. It contains a full report of the Race Meeting. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 22 5 The following is the handicap for the Coronation Stakes at Seremban Sir Launcelot 10.7, Sweet Erina 9.12, Massanah 9.-!, Scots Guard 8.7.
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  • 28 5 Cholera was still carrying nil hundreds of victims in the Philippine Islands at the date r>f last mail advices. The number of cases in Manila is now low.
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  • 24 5 The Westminster Gazette states that Mr. Kruger's Memoirs were offered to several London publishers at £8,000, and were very promptly declined at that figure.
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  • 28 5 There are at present 21,981 United States soldiers in the Philippine Islands. Orders have been issued to the U. S. soldiers forbidding their attendance at cock fights there.
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  • 26 5 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Colonial Secretary's House, Government Hill, on Wednesday, sth Nov., at 4. p.m.
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  • 28 5 Penang report has it that Mr. H. H. Hudson, Solicitor-General, Supreme Court, will shortly go home on lgng leave, and that Mr. Bromhead-Matthews will probably act for him.
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  • 30 5 The monthly Missionary Meeting will be held in Prinsep Street Church on Monday next at 8 p.m. Mr. T. Kldridee, of Malacca, will give an address, illustrated by lantern slides.
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  • 33 5 It is rumoured that Mr. R. Dupont, of the Botanic Garden, Seychelles, will shortly visit the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, and will afterwards proceed to Sumatra to study tobacco growing.
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  • 31 5 The resignation of Captain A. McD Graham, wing officer, Malay States Guides, of his appointment of Adjutant, Malay States Volunteer Rifles, Selangor Division, has been accepted, with etl'ect from 19th September.
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  • 36 5 It bas'been arranged that in the near future, Manila will have an up-to-date serum institute for the preparation of senuiiß, anti-toxine, vaccines, etc., with every facility for the study of tropical diseases, especially those of animals.
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  • 50 5 This tb? Perak Pioneer: The wind has veered once again, and the Post Office Federal Ship is after all to be commanded by Mr. Noel Trotter, and not by a Cadet as was recently advocated. An able skipper comes on, though the Federation is not deficient in that respect already.
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  • 51 5 Mr. Rowland Allen's trap was damaged by being kicked by a horse this morning. He was on his way to office, and Kirwan, the jockey, was riding along Orchard Road. The latter's horse jibbed nd kicked out, knocking a few corners off Mr. Allen's trap. Fortunately no one was hurt.
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  • 58 5 The enquiry into the case in which two Malays were alleged to have killed a Chinaman on a tongkang off Changi on the 6th inst. was resumed yesterday by Mr. Marriott. Three witnesses were produced who bad apparently told the police that they knew all about the affair. In the
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  • 60 5 The steamer James Brand whilst on the voyage from Shanghai for Sambu, picked up the German Steamer Tat Lee, disabled, and towed her a distance of 500 miles to Hongkong. Heavy seas prevailed throughout, and once the towing hawsers parted and with much difficulty were reconnected. The James IlraniTi patent
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  • 60 5 The following passengers arrived per BaUaarat this morning from Hongkong: Mr. Meichall and Mr. Russ. The undermentioned passengers will leave per BaUaarat to-morrow for London Capt. W. St. C. Bland, Mr. and Mrs. Hankin, Mr. W. F. Kelly For Marseilles Mrs. Ricketts. For Sydney Lieut. A. D. Reid. For Penang
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  • 295 5 AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE. A Jewish resident, who is possessed of considerable wealth, found himself in an uncomfortable situation yesterday, when he was arrested by the police on suspicion of being connected with the forgery of a Hongkong and Shanghai Bank note, issued at Penang. The name is withheld for obvious
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  • 157 5 Thb Japanese cruisers Asama and Takasago did pretty well with their coaling at the Borneo Wharf and their Commanders, Chief Engineers and the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha (who supplied the coal) are to be congratulated. The Takasago kan went alongside the wharf on her arrival on Monday evening
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  • 151 5 The vivid Baches of lightning which were experienced in Singapore yesterday did practically no damage to property, as far as can be ascertained. What was thought to be personal damage, however, was sustained at Raffles School, where a voting Chinese scholar was seized with a fit, presumably caused
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  • 24 5 Reading matter, including a tale of The Company's Days, wire news, and the Raub Mining report will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 70 5 The Crown Prince of Siam when in New York recently was to have been entertained by one of the members of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. The paper giving this news says that of the 177 Americans now resident in Siam all but about a dozen are connected with
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  • 80 5 HakmBton's Circus gave its final performance last night the management having decided not to give another tonight on account of the unsettled weather. The Company has played a phenomenally long season here and with its present list or attractions should do well in Rangoon and Calcutta, whither it proceeds. We
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  • 96 5 Owing to intervening holidays, state Messrs Latham <x Co. in their weekly share report, our market has been practically at a standstill, with very little business doing. In Straits Traders we have no transactions to report they remain quiet with sellers at 1.51. J. Other stocks are steady without business.
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  • 628 5 Singapore, 30th uctober, 19"-'. PRODUCE. Garabier bnyers f lo.l'.'J Copra Bali 9.00 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black l.uyers 34.00 do White, (8%) 5-1.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.05 do Brunei No. 1 3-75 Pearl Sago 5.20 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.76 Coffee, Palembang, 20% baBis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 818 5 AUCTION SALES. PAWNBROKERS' ORDINANCE no. iv of 1898. A UCTION SALES of unclaimed pledges A from the following Pawnshops (Chop) Seng Fatt No. 29, New Bridge Road Buan Guan 178, South Bridge Road. Buan Poh 92, New Bridge Road. Bu.-in Cbeong 215, Rochore Road. Buan Hop 81 Cross Street. Buan
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 173 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 30th October. High Water. 10.8 p.m. Town Band. C. R. Club Grounds. 6 to 6. S. V. A. A S.V.R. Signalling. 6.15. Philharmonic Orchestra. 8.80. Harmston'g Circus. 9. Friday, 31st October. High Water. 10.3 a.m J0.48 p.m. P. A O. homeward mail closes, t a.m. New
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 547 6 NOTICES. Vqz Puteometct> Requires o gft£^fr Thousands in use skilled attendance. S ivin ClYtirc Wii.i. Mm ALMOST M I \«H AlVYTHliivrGt-- ff ViL f B Needs no J W-V B Oil, Packing \o moving parts '^m J^L WORK vfJ^^m^tm^m^m^KKo ""stT'am'pL 'Ml 1 SUSPEN 1) I I* "^yj l^l^l^ mi a
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    • 113 6 NOTICES. BAGNALL HILLES 96, Rot\nton Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans. Celling and Table, 40, 60, 00 40, 100. 110, and 130 Volts. Designed to operate from Incandescect Circuits. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who have
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    • 114 6 NOTICES. NY CARLSBERG BEER, ("CROWN" BRAND GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND Both very light I'lluncr H«n, aapoclally brewed lor Tropical Climatw. Obtainable at the principal HoWla, and Retail dealers. Yong Sent A Co.. Mean 1 Co.. «U THE EAST ASIATIC CO. LTD., n.c. Sole Agents The undersigned haw
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 716 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpus Standari Life Anurmnoe. J. Norwich Union Fire Inranno* Society. Atlaa Assortnoe Company (fire). The Equitable Life Anßumnoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company "H> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. for nuticulan of thtwe Companies, see the ml) adVertiaement of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1354 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore: Ship Agiscy, lati J. Dakwbls A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Bantam SoeraUaia Oct 23 Macassar. Bwool, Palehleh, Soemalnta, Kwandeng, Amoerang Menado,
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    • 560 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddeutsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, S STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tows N. R. Tons N. R, SMtin 1682 Sandakan 1874 Paknam 1283 Kohrichang 1391 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 PHtanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 NuenTung 824 Wong Koi 11 15
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    • 558 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN BCREW BTEAMEBB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 510 7 INSURANCE CO.'S SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every des cription of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all parts of the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Lovkli., Esq., Chairman. A. W. Stiven, Esq., G. A. Krsti> Esq. LimHo Puah, Esq., LeeChoon Guan, Esq. Wm. McKERROW
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    • 1300 8 Under this heading the following abbreviation* are used —str. —steamer sh.— •hip; bq. —barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—British U. B.—United Btates; Fch.—French; Ger. —German; Dut. —Dutch; Joh. —Johore; G.c—General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; IT—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar
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    • 643 8 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamers. A. I.oji Manila, Nov 2; Barlow Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2; Mansfield. Agamemnon, H'kong, Nov 30; Mansfield. Alboin, Tuticorin, due Oct. Borneo Co. Alcinous, Liverpool, Nov 6; Mansfield. Alesia, Hongkong, Jan 7 Behn Meyor. Aitlng, Bandjermassin, Not 1
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    • 92 8 For Per steamer Time. To-Mokkow. A-;ili:ui -i t 1 1 Deli Van derj'arra 11a.m. Mtiiiiljri m.'i in, etc., Speflman 11 a.m. Billiton A I'ontirtnak b.Whatt Soon Noon. 8amarang via ports Van Diemen 2 p.m. and Malacca Farfalla 2 p.m. Sourabaya 3 p.m p. 8w Hye Lron;/ 3
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    • 201 8 From Europe:— By the F. *O. s.s Parramalta, due on the Ist Nov. with dates to the 10th Oct. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 10th and 16th Sept. From China:— By the N.D.L. s. a. Hamburg due on Sunday. From Madras.
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    • 134 8 S NtMK A TOH- OAPTIIK a Riu Fuom Sailed Consignees. Oct i»» Normanby Bar scb. 113 Nacodah 29 {Van Dienien Dut sir. 766 Arnold •_'H jSappbo Brit str 329 Turner 29 R. 8. Baru Dut str. 68 Nuc-odah 30 Cbakrsbhongs Sia str. 362 Hansen 30 Kof Sarawak Sar str
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    • 110 8 CLEARANC E S Oct Date. 29 Sabine Rickmers SO Pontianak aO Wilbelni SO Sambas SO I Resident Scbiff 30 Benlarig SO Arratoon Apcar 30 Hong Wan 31 i Ball nar at 81 i Catherine Apcar 31 I Tantalus via Penan/ tin Vessel's Nami. Flag A Rio I Tons. Destination. Brit
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 K. A. J. Chotirmall Co. Jewellers Silk Merchants ffos. 51 52 Jiigd St.—¥)elep6one JHo. 25U. Have just received New Goods for the CHRISTMAS SEASON. Indian fancy goods and curios. Chinese and Japanese silk and silk fancy goods, art embroidery and curios. Indian and Chinese made gold gem set and silver
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    • 198 8 WWTEAWAY, LAIDLAW k CO. X <ST^' TELEPHONE Medium Plait Straw, double bum will. GENTLEMEN'S STRAW HATS o*t« U inch Black Silk Haild Hand >Sew Coarse Plaited Straw with 1 inch silk band. NO. 302 throughout. Price S2-5O Price $1-35 each BK S T STRAW HA T K In a MMM
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    • 64 8 DR. BEHEIM (late of eye, ear and throat clinics of Berlin anrt Vienna Universities, also of dispenearieß for women and children's disease^ will be on a visit in Singapore from November 4tli to November 24th. and may ta consulted at Hotel de lEurope. "BANJO" BRAND REGISTERED. I^^^H i/vvl Specially brewed
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    • 84 8 lIPP TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES CARRERAS Sil Phillips Mixture \lb Tins each $1.7 > GUARDS Mixture U.Tins each $1.45 CRAVEN Mixture ilb Tins each $l.i>s £lb Tins eacli $2.50 "ARDATH" Tobacco \lb Tins each $o..s:> }lb Tins each §1.60 IN MLD,MKDn7M 4 Fl LL BTRKNGTH& STATE EXPRESS Cigarettes No. 555 50
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