The Straits Times, 23 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,963. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY,- OCTOBER 23, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 739 1 NOTICES. NOTICK OF REMOVAL. MESSRS. CHONG FEE, GEE CHONG A CO., (Tailors 'md Outfitters lately of Hinh Street) now beg to announce that the establishment has been removed to the three houses at tho junction of North Bridge Road and Bras BSMB Road where they have resumed their business. 23/10
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    • 722 1 NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED tender* are invited and will be received at the cffic< of the undersigned up to noon on Thursday thetth of Novemler, 1902, for tbe erection of Seventeen Sbophouses in Hill btieet and Armenian Street forTowkay Loke Yew. Plane and Specific) tion n.fy be inspected and
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    • 726 1 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o. At No. 21 Pakk Road. Monday, 27th Oct. 1902, at 3 p.m. CHI>KVk. aniil ebony drawing room suite inlaid with mother of pearl; carved joss tables, folding centre table, carved ebony eettees, cupboard with glass doors and drawers; dressing table with mirror attached
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    • 751 1 [AUCTION SALES. tJCTION SALE OF A FIRST-CLASS SEA-GOING STEAM LAUNCH BE HKLD AT POWELL CO.'s BALK-kOOM On Monday, the 27th Octolter 1902, at 2-30 pm. "IMII.T of teak and copper fastened MJ throughout. J intensions :—67: 67 ft. iy ft. x rs ft. Draft 6 ft. Engines compound surface condensing
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    • 765 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TENDERS will l*» received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the sth proximo for the making of 43 pairs of black leather boots for the European Warders of the Singapore Pri»on. A sample of the boots can >>c seen on application at the office
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    • 408 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures colds. It «ct* on nature's plan, ItHwens the cough, relieve* the luii(js ami ojhmis Uh secretion.-, effecting a permanent cure. It counteracts any tciulcmy of a cold to result in pneumonia. Itl* pleasant to take both adult- anil 1 Mil dren like it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
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  • 1148 2 A List of some French Investments Abroad. The French Ministry of Finance published on Sept. 25th an elaborate report on the investments of the Republic abroad, based on information from French Embassies and Consulates. It shows that such investments amount approximately —for absolute accuracy is impossible
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  • 487 2 LomtUn, Urtoier l.ih. A eoiapaay i- >ba«( t<> W etgurind here, according t" 'In- Ckmm&Ht, to ixplott anil <1«ralopc Labrador. Tbo*e who hvn tba wfcMM in bud lire tortiiii'il with report* (ran <'\|>i-rt« »lii«li |ir<nni-f lalnil'Mi- i.iuni- I I proflMtißg i'i>!ii|ianv. TberuytluU |>t"-| l in^ 1m ilr vrlii|M'c|
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  • 172 2 The statistical summary of vessels totally lost, condemned, &c, now published by Lloyd's Register, shows that during 1901 the gTOM reduction in the effective mercantile marine of the world amounted to suti vessels of 862,568 tons excluding all vessels of less than 100 tons. Of this tot il
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  • 20 2 Shippinu advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 NOTICES. THE INVINCIBLE COMBINED OIL MOTOR CENTBIFUBAL PUMP, The LATEST BEST Water RAISES In (he Market. Indispensable to Cultivators for IRRIGATION. it ii Liyiii in wvichi. ./¥X Work* with the) roiii|iart""'"l wry I'ortal.lo >B^P Paraffin, or Kerosene. SIMPLICITY ITSELF J^S'^^k^SKStJk N k r I u>liex 1 1l > ">"" >
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    • 363 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement The Latest Tests 950 lbs., l.aon ll,«.. atter seven after lourdays in teen days Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 351 2 NOTICES. JtOUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts $34. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. th. s. Sole Agents. BELTING. John Tullis's Llama Hair Belt ing: is the most suitable kind made for Tropical Climates. Prize Medals have been received at no less
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  • 580 3 VOtk Oetoltr. H H. the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan has been spending a few days in Seremban. Mr I). H. Wiee is leaving this week for I'ahang and expects to be away about ten days. Mr. Parr arrived in Seremban on Monday from Tampin. He
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  • 323 3 A i'akty of Sakai from the Teloin is engaged in clearing the low juiiglecovored hills that surround the Lipis town, and the cutting down of the trees that used to prevent the breeze coming through has made a considerable difference. The men have been at the work for
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  • 518 3 With reference to the Japanese Loan of 50 million yen which Reuter tells us has been covered thrice over, it, has transpired that the agreement for selling the debentures was signed on September :30th in the Tokyo Finance Ministry, the representative of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank
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  • 58 3 Bnmxci people are having considerable difficulty just now in obtaining Malay seamen in Singapore. The Mala) 8 are in great demand, and lately several vessels have discharged crews of Lascars and engaged Malays here. The police also are partly responsible for the scarcity as they are recruiting Malays as fast
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  • 68 3 On the ltth instant, a fire broke out at Penang in a pawnbroker's shop at the junction of Penang and Maxwell Roads. The building and its contents were almost totally destroyed, and the damage must be considerable as it was insured for $100,0*/. Two of the inmates were arrested and
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  • 105 3 Hkhk is the latest golf story. There was once a goiter who won a second prize in a half crown sweepstake. He rv:ili-. 1 a of seven and sixpence. He asked the committee of the club for permission to 'add to it, and buy something he could keep.' (He
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  • 155 3 Like some other authorities, the Globe has got astray somewhat over the recent tiger incident at Raffles Hotel. Stripes was never under the [{allies billiard table he was uiuier 'lie the floor of the billiard room. The Olvlie refers to the incident in tbe following imaginative paragraph Some days ago
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 450 3 NOTICES. WHOSE FAUL Tit IT The world is full of disease and p.-iin. Whose fault ia it t Everybody's; then-fore often the fault of the sufferers themselves. Rut the i presUng question is what to do, how to relieve, how to cure. What i would become of us if means
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    • 686 3 NOTICES. WANTED a Clerk. Apply to L. T. W. c/o Strait* Times. *-10 WANTED, for a Eu ropean (.odonn, an Assistant with a fair knowledge of Singapore produce. Apply to Z., c/o Strait* Timtt. 24-10 WANTED for I bio: a Cbinete teacher for official, work; knowledge of the Hokkien, Hakkaen
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    • 621 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. Qdina Shoring tbiles. In several different patterns from Messrs. Hong Chee A Co., of HongloLg. Prices very moderate. Can be seen at our office No. 64 High Street. Catalogues can be had free on application. The above flooring tiles are at present used in Messrs. Chong Fee
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    • 666 3 SHIPPING. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS. THE Imperial German mail steamer OEKA, Captain I't-wers ol the Norddeutscher Lluyd, having left Colombo on Saturday, the 18th instant, at 6 p m., may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the 24tb inst., at al>out noon, en
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  • 39 4 Hickky. -On the 15th Sept. at 50 Queen's Crescent, Reading, Berks, England, Henrietta Jane, widow of Walter Kaleigh Gilbert Hickey, K. E. (retired) and F.W.D., Bengal, fourth surviving daughter of the late Captain Stirling, K. N., aged 67.
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  • 473 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 23rd OCTOBER. Obedience to orders constitutes the virtue known as duty" in a subordinate but there are occasions when discrimination can and ought to be exercised rather than a too slavish compliance with a general'y worded command. The local Municipal doekiller does not
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  • 298 4 Ln Kun Vi, Viceroy of the Kiang Provinces and one of the greatest statesmen China ever produced, died at Nanking on the 6th inst., at the age of seventy-four. This is a calamity of such importance to China that it is impossible to calculate its effect. Especially inopportune is the
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  • 454 4 Doring the terrible War of the Secession that raged in America during in the early '60's the State of Indiana furnished thousands of brave soldiers and many generals to the forces of the North. Being one of the first of all the States to abolish slavery it was prohibited in
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  • 100 4 Rbutek's telegram to-day, anent Russia in Manchuria, differs from many of his despatches in being as plain as a postulate. The facts are incapable of further demonstration than that set forth by the Times and quoted by the Agency. Russia was in Manchuria. Russia said she was about to leave
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  • 23 4 lleadixi. matter including wire news and F.M.S. Notes will be fjund on pages 2 and '.I. To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/8 j.
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  • 10 4 Rakibs has appeared in the district ot Seremban (Negri Bembilan).
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  • 13 4 A movement to raise a Malay Volun teer corps is afoot at Penang.
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  • 16 4 The Cera with the German mail from Europe is due here at 2 p. m. tomorrow.
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  • 15 4 A list of further contributions to the Victoria Memorial Fund is held over till to-morrow.
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  • 17 4 There is an "At Home and dance at the Tanglin Club to-morrow night, commencing at 9 o'clock.
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  • 20 4 The 8. s. Sudo Maim, Capt. Thomson, having left Colombo on Tuesday, is expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon.
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  • 21 4 The total losses to the Insurance Companies over the great fire at Amoy are said to be considerably more than $100,000.
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  • 25 4 Mbsskb. Baring Bros, k Co. have been working together with the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in placing the new issue of Japanese bonds in London.
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  • 164 4 The public idea of form as expressed I in figures last night wax as follows FIRST GRIFFIN HANDICAP. Lebir 360 Moonlighter 110 (owner i) Grass Widow :<5 Probable starters Grass Widow, Lebir, Moonlighter, and Lucky Shot. THE READ STAKES. Comical 300 Leveller I)nn Banester j Argonaut 100 Probable
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  • 308 4 The first Griffin Handicap looks decidedly like a give-away for Lebir, who, should he be holding to his Tuesday's form, ought to have a veritable picnic of it. Still Moonlighter has his backers and there is always the margin to be left for accidents. In The Read Stakes
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  • 28 4 It seems to be now definitely settled that the new Singapore to Penang railway, is to be taken through Rembau iti Negri Sembilan, thus avoiding any tunnel work.
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  • 30 4 > Five scholarships are offered by the M. S. Government to students attending English Schools in the Federation, subject to certain conditions. The arrangement-will come into force from the New Year.
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  • 33 4 A meeting of the Young Men's Literary, and Fellowship Association will be held in the Presbyterian Church to-night at 8.30 for the purpose of enrolling members, considering constitution and rules, and electing officebearers.
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  • 32 4 The hired British transport is expected to arrive here from Hongkong about Nov. 6th, and will take home Artillery time-expired men, reservists, and transfers. The Palatcan will be here about Nov. 21st.
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  • 34 4 Hoh Ah Sai has been convicted of personating a detective constable and of the theft of twenty cents. Mr. Marriott sentenced him to two months' imprisonment on each count, the terms to run concurrently.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 114 4 ABSOLUTELY DOMINATED BY RUSSIA. The Times on the Situation. London, Oct. 22nrf. The Hhm correspondent at Peking, describing a journey through Manchuria, testifies that the country is absolutely dominated by Russia, which has built up a population and thriving cities along the whole railway route. Russia, says the writer,
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    • 24 4 Further drafts of native troops are being sent from India to reinforce Colonel Swayne in Somaliland. More troops are probably going.
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    • 33 4 The Morning I'oM declares that the publication of the text of the Chinese treaty deepens the sense of Sir J. Mackay s great service in conducting the negotiations.
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  • 102 4 Now that every one wears a Panama or something like a Panama bat it is just its well that out- should know how to clean them. Adil one teaspoonful of liquid ammonia to three pints of hot water, sponge the hat over with tais, and sprinkle with powdered sulphur with
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  • 86 4 This morning, Mr. Marriott resumed the enquiry into the allegations of housebreaking, retaining stolen property, and ottering an illegal gratification against Tan Lee Kirn, and of receiving stolen property against Tan Hup Seng. Those allegations arose out of a burglary which took place on the night of the 10th inst.
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  • 126 4 It has been left to a German firm, Jebson A Co., to introduce the first steam trawler into Chinese waters. The (iennan steam trawler Wangeroog is on her way to Kiaochow, where she will be employed in deep-sea fishing. She is only 22 tons register, but is splendidly equipped for
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  • 131 4 Ng Ban* Chock and Ng Kiok Hoo were arrested in the small hours of the morning of the 1 ii h inst. in the act of opening the front door of 83 Cross Street, a place at which they had no manner of business at that hour. When charged before
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  • 134 4 Pri.o Way's facilities for the accommodation of the shipping that calls there consists of two wells fitted with piping, coal sheds, petroleum refuse tanks, a slip for lighters, workshops, a floating dry dock for steamboats, a semaphore, eight buoys, and lightering glear. There are also two jetties there. No stone
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Price til. oo per Case. L/LUB V Used by all the \A/i ITCHjT^^ p rinci^ al ciubs, V JLIJIOaV X Hotels and Resi4. 4. dents of the Straits Caldbeck, Macgreeor Co. Settlements and London, Glasgow, Shanghai, M Hongkong:, and Singapore. Native States. (FiumnUc of Label.) John Little
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    • 175 4 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. To-Night To-Night f Oct. 23rd. To-Night HIGH JUMPING CONTEST FOR LOCAL HORSES AND PONIES. The Amateur Riding Contest. Of John Welby Cooke, GUILLAUME, ANTONIA THE GREAT, Miss Edith, Millie. Marguerite, FLY, the HM JUMPING DOG 30 other Star artists 30. To-Night To-Night. Remember Last 3 Nights. PRICES
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    • 73 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 ;i.:n. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekdays on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. /CUSTOMERS who intend Sflndinsrpor\j traits borne as Xmas and New-Year presents are reminded not to postpone too long. Appo ncment* for sittings should be made as
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  • 320 5 Last evening this talented company gave their second performance at the Town Hall.toa fair but by no means overflowing audience. What the latter lacked in numbers it made up for in appreciative enthusiasm, however, and hardly a turn escaped being encored— a fact which certainly speaks well for
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  • 331 5 Entries for the forthcoming S.C.C. Lawn Bowling Tournament closed last night. Play commences on Monday next. Players must particularly note that they are required to be on the green by .Yl.'i p.m. The following are the entries ard handicaps CHAMPIONSHIP. A. W. iMMefafk, .1. Hulluway. I!.
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  • 237 5 A home papers says that the comet discovered at the Lick observatory on Sept. 1 has been slowly, but steadily, increasing in brightness, and was already visible with an ordinary operajl;i-- on Monday. It will probably be visible to the naked eye up to about Oct. 20,
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  • 75 5 The J ewisli festive season is now at its height, and this is brought to mind forcibly by the absence from business of the Jewish members of the community. To-day is the Feast of the Bth day, and to-morrow the Feast of the Law will be observed. The Hosana Raba
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  • Correspondence.
    • 422 5 To the Editor of the Strati* Times" Ik w doth the liule liuhv bee (tie) Its ravaged delight in By keeping of the I*. P. A Continually fightin Dear Sir,— Much has been said on the beetle question lately, and some of your correspondents have contributed a great
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    • 372 5 To the Editor of the Straiti Timte." Dear Sir, Do you not think that it is now time that the Dog Killing Ordinance, which was put in force some years ago for the purpose of doing away with all the superfluous and often homelets pariah dogs in
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  • 48 5 is to be a gala night at Harmston's ICircus, as in addition to a big change of programme there will be both ring-riding and jumping contests. As a number of local sports have promised to appear in each there should be lots of good fun.
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  • 56 5 Th> estate in England of the late Mr. Thomas Scott, of Singapore, is stated to be of the value of 14,180 7s. As Mr. Scott was understood to be a very wealthy man, it is difficult for the Mercantile Guardian ur credit this statement unless the amotnt mentioned represents only
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  • 142 5 This popular writer of stories of adventuredied in London on this date 1883. His own early life waa aa adventurous as any boy rsader of his novels could desire. He waa a native of Ulster, and was educated for the Church, but, disliking this profession, he left
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  • 334 5 liv l.i t Hi.., Murray, commandant, s. v. c. Singapore, 23rd Oct. s. v. corps. (General Meeting i A special general meeting of the Corpo will he held on Monday, Nov. 3rd at Ml p.m. S. V. ARTILLERY. Duties —Orderly Officer for the yußiiing week Lient.
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  • 15 5 The Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 7.30 and 8.30 a.m. on Sunday.
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  • 21 5 Two cases of drowning took place yesterday, both Chinese, one at Keppel Harbour, the other in a ditch in Rochore division.
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  • 20 5 The agenda for to-morrow's municipal meeting includes the following items return of plans passed, naming streets, and other minor business.
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  • 23 5 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the High Service Reservoir to-morrow afternoon, the 24th instant, from 5 to 6 (weather permitted.)
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  • 26 5 YESTERDAY, Mr. Marriott, imposed a fine of $10 on a Chinese cyclist for riding his machine along Bukit Timah Road without a light on Tuesday night.
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  • 28 5 On the 18th inst., Fob Lai Watt stole $13.25 in notes and cash from Tan Buan. He was arrested^md yesterday, sentenced to two years toy the Bench Court.
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  • 31 5 Japan reports say that the Japanese Government intends to bring in at the next session of the Imperial Diet a bill for appointing an Ambassador to the Court of St. James.
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  • 35 5 At 11 a. m. on Tuesday, Pua Chua Long attempted to snatch a gold necklace from the person of a girl in Albert Street. He was promptly arrested. Yesterday, Mr. Marriott gave him three months.
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  • 43 5 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. has been approached by the mercantile and shipping community of Swatow to connect that port by cable with Hongkong and Shanghai. At present, Swat.ow has to depend entirely upon the Chinese land wires which are liable to interruption.
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  • 45 5 The Appeal Court yesterday decided the case in which Tan Chin Guan appealed against Mr. Justice HyndmanJones's decision which declared that he was a partner in the firm of Chop Chiap Guan, in which the liabilities exceeded the assets by 5239,000. The judgment was reserved.
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  • 123 5 |)n Monday a quantity of coconut oil in tins was sent on board the Boribat in three tongkangs yesterday morning. Mr. Gutcher, the manager of the oil mills in Havelock Road, was called to Campong Malacca police station and there he found seven of the tins one was empty, four
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  • 37 5 Gkhcrally, the police are keeping down crime satisfactorily in Singpore. One of the few cases reported to them to-day was, as described by the Chinese victim, an abominable robbery.' 'Most robberies are, to those who are robbed.
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  • 49 5 It is notified in the India Gazette that vessels trading in the Qulf of Aden will be required tor the future to execute security bonds at Aden, binding them not to participate in arms or ammunition traffic on either the Arabian or African coasts of the Gulf of Aden.
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  • 46 5 Chan Ah Woh has been committed for trial at the Assizes on charges of robbery and causing grievous hurt with corrosive acid. This is the man who is alleged to have attacked a Chinese woman named Cheng Ah Kirn in Tank Road, on Feb. 11th last.
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  • 46 5 Mr. Rublee, the U. S. Consul-General at Hongkong, is to be transferred to Havana (Cuba), changing places with Mr Bragg, the Consul-General there. Mr. Rublee came to Hongkong as the successor of Mr Wildman, who was drowned in the City of Mode Janeiro outside San Francisco.
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  • 47 5 A new Assistant Superintendent of Police is due to join the local force shortly in the person of Mr. Chancellor. He comes from England, having left an appointment in the West Indies. There lias been this vacancy since the departure of Mr. Hamilton, about eighteen months ago.
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  • 48 5 Rumour is so busy associating Kang-Yu-Wei, the reform leader in China who is now a refugee in those parts with rebellion in the Canton provinces, that one of his friends writes to the Hongkong Telegraph to contradict the report. He says that Kang-Yu-Wei's policy runs counter to rebellion.
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  • 58 5 An enormous and imposing new structure, which is at present known as Tata's Hotel, is now in the course of construction to the south of the Apollo Bunder, Bombay. It is said that when this handsome block of buildings is completed, Bombay will be able to pride itself on having
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  • 56 5 The Raub Außtra' an Gold Mining Company has receivea a wire from its mine, dated yesterday, to the effect that crushing had finished. 960 tons of stone realised 232 ounces of smelted gold. The average per ton was four pennyweights and twenty grains to the ton. The battery ran for
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  • 57 5 Captain Rattenbuby, late captain of the Diamante, died at Hongkong on the 16th inst. He is the fourth skipper of the Diamante who has died within a comparatively short period. The first was Capt. Cobban, then there was Capt. Taylor, and Capt. Mac Arthur, and last, the late Capt. Rattenbury.
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  • 56 5 Yesterday morning, Ng Ah Chin, the keeper of an opium shop at 568 North Bridge Road was summoned by Insp Bateman, Weights and Measures Dept., for using for trade purposes scales which were against the purchaser to the extent of ten per cent. He has correct scales, but used them
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  • 59 5 Last advices fro.n Redjang Lebong come to the 27th September. The ore won continued to be of fine quality and stocks of it were being stacked up. Ten stamps were at work with the help of two boilers. It takes from 90 to 100 coolies to get the fuel to
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  • 59 5 On the 17th inst. Lee Oh Choon was arrested tor fraudulent possession of eight bags of copra, two bags of gambier, a bag of coffee and forty-nine bundles of rattan at Boat Quay. The property was worth 5234. Yesterday morning, Insp Brennan prosecuted the man who was fined 150, in
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  • 60 5 Dr. Lbask's trap was badly injured by collision with a motor car on Saturday last. He was driving along Changi Road and was turning round, when a motor belonging to the local French motor manufacturing rgent collided and made a complete upset. The motor people have agreed to make good
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  • 57 5 At Shanghai, as well as hereabouts, the peculiar yellowish colour of the sky, at sunset and sunrise, has been strikingly evident. The explanation given is that it is due to the presence of volcanic ashes in the higher regions of the atmosphere, eituer from Martinique or from Turisiiima, a Japanese
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  • 81 5 The Pacific Commercial Cable Company began digging a subway for laying a cable from its main offices in San Francisco to the California House at the Ocean beach about six miles away during the second week in September. The cables will be laid in three and a half inch heavy
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  • 628 5 Singapore, 23ri> October, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers 15.25 Copra Bali 9-35 do Pontianak 8-76 Pepper, Black *«00 do White, (8%) Imyers 54.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. 1 3-75 Pearl Sago 5-20 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 21.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 421 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JAPAN COALS. THF MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA (MITSUI k CO.) HEAD OFFICE 43, Sakamotocho Tokio LONDON BRANCH 84. Lime Street.E.C BINBAPORE BRANCH 8, Finlayson Green. OTHER BRANCHES Ne* York, Sao Francisco, Hamburg Bombay, Sourubaya, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy. Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, tttmk, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Nokosuka. Xagoya, Osaka,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 23rd October. High Water. 1.46 \..m. Feast o the Bth Day (Jewish). Races. Second Day. Race Dinner. Raffles Hotel. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Valdares Co. Town Hall. 9. Harmston's Circus. 9. Friday, 24th October. High Water 8.20 a.m 1. 48 p.m. Moon. Last Quarter. 5 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 400 6 NOTICES. Voi puteometet> Requires no rf3fr Thousands in use skilled attendance. B ivin S entire f%& V^W satisfaction. Wn.i |n> r» xj ts/l f> "M ALMOST I B ArtfYTHinNrGK L ft Needs no l \a^ IL Oil, Packing, No moving^parts My IL t0 g et oul -55iii8S BK Or Leathcrs
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    • 299 6 NOTICES. These CAPSULES cure I recent and chronic discharges. THEY NEVER FAIL TRY THEM Apollinaris THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATKMS." Annual Sales now exceeding 28,000,000 Bottles. To be obtained at all Clubs and Hotels. In Pints anil Splits. m. <£ th. 19-2-03 TANSAN Is on Bale at all the principal
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    • 187 6 NOTICES. We have the honour to inform the public that we have opened a Dispensary and Drug Store at No. 87, Robinson Road. REIN CO. NY CARLSBERG BEER, ("CROWN" BRAND GLORIA PILSENER, W. B." BRAND Both ver> Hf ht Pilttner Been, specially brewed for Tropical Climate.. Obtainable at the principal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 707 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rwiUK Standard Life Aanium. J. Norwich Union Fir» In»nnino» Bod«ty. AtUs Arnnnce Company (Fire). rhe Kimitable Life Amnnn Society. The China Mutual Bte»m Navigation Company ">> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. for narticnlars of tLeoe Companies, see ths -nil adVvrtiH«m«nt of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED Aeenta. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1372 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaant Maatschappij. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agiscy, late J. Daendbls A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Dt farpenlie, Batavia Oct. 20 Batavia, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Samarang, and
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    • 537 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Sorddeutscner Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, V^ **""> j STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons N. R. SUttin 1582 Sondnkan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 128n Pedjaburi 1189 Hangkok 1237 PiUanulok 1189 Kornl 1:23 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 Xuen Tuny 824 Wong
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    • 555 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
      555 words
    • 518 7 INSURANCE CO.'S L'UaNIOX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Ebtablibhbd 1828. BEBERVEB AND TOTAL GUAKANTEES £4,000,000. THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept fire risks for long or short periods at current rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the Ageots in Singapore, v.c MOINR COMTE A Co
      518 words

    • 1199 8 Unler this heading the following abbre- 1 *iai Al an u»ui) str.— steamer «h.— ■hip; bq barquo; sch. schooner; Yet Yacht: >:ru.— Oruisi-r; (il>t.— Gunboat; Tor. Tori'Hilo; H.p. Horeo-powor; Brit.—British; V. K.- ifp'tcl Slate*: Fch.— Fren. h: Qer.— Gen: ;.;i, Dut.— Dutch; Job..— Joho-e: O.C— General-cargo d.p.
      1,199 words
    • 624 8 Nam*, port, probable Hate 0/ arrival, and name of agent*. STBAMIRB. A. Lmh, Manila. Nov 2; Barlow. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2: Mansfield. Adria, New York, Oct 26: Behr. Meyei. Agamemnon, H'kong, Nov SO; Mansfield. Alboin, Tuticorm, due Oct. Borneo Co. Aicinous. Liverpool, Nov 6; Mnnsfield. AK'sia, Europe. Oct
      624 words
    • 115 8 For Per iteamer Tim. To-Mobrow. Cotie via ports Ban Liong 11 a.m. Amboina, etr., De Carpentier lpm. Must and Hnlacca Farialla 2 p.m. Fremantle via ports SlinHya 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Hut Leonij 3 p.m. Saturday. l Sandakan via ports Tringpanu 7 a.m. Cotie via ports
      115 words
    • 162 8 From Europe:— By the N. D. L. s.s Gera, .hie on the 24th October with dates to' the 30th Sept. She bring* replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 27th Aug. Fbom China:— By the M. M. s.s. Saiazit due on Sunday. Timis Tablk of
      162 words
  • 125 8 M I r 1.J.. 5 Vmsbi's Nam 4 Toira. Captaih From Sailed Cowsignkw. S Bio. Oct; 22 Vangt?zo Brit str. 4149 Allen Liverpool Pept 201 Borneo Coy LM 22 ,FreiburK uler str 3884 Prostli Kobe Sept 13 Behn Meyer A Co. 22 ABah«n Btr. 161 Peters lAsahan Oct 21!
    125 words
  • 91 8 I ate. Vessel's Namk. Flag A Kig Tons. Dmtihatms. DBBTIXATIOX. CM 22 Sultan Brit str. 102 Muar and Malacca as Sri Wongsee Dut str. »2 Rhio 23 Emile etr. 80 Rhio 23 Isabella str. 84 Rhio, Singkep and Linggii 23 Hong Wan Brit str. 116 Muar and Malacca 23
    91 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 HOTEL DER NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) IjMRST Class Hotel. Known for ite excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of'all the steamers. A. F. MERTEN. m. A th. o.c. Proprietor. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. v.c.
      143 words
    • 418 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW k CO. -j-g-JCJL 1 1 a— ttrti •a^j^rf^-rtMlfa^BHßKß^aT^P m a*^OJfcSa\ Q ill n t^K+*E^^F^ s tWsjMfcfiW lj \V a£tMKflnCl^Hft|jfcSoflHVafciMMEvkXl^| l^R r'fi V 'r irjk VI I r"» i 'PKRSEPHONE" CORSETS i c Latest new fashioned shape LAUiES' white pe'lTlcoats 1 r| Price $5-OO per pair. With insertion, Tucks
      418 words