The Straits Times, 21 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,961 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 572 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. PHOTOGRAPHS descriptive of the Q. M. E. A. Co.'s Meat Works in Brisbane, whence it is proposed to draw all supplies for the Singapore Cold Storage Co. are now, through the courtesy of Messrs. Robinson and Co.. on exhibition at their place of business in Raffles Square. v.c.
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    • 446 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OFPERAK. SUPPLY OF STERILIZED CANNED MILK TO HOSPITALS. rpENDERS are invited for the supply of 1 sterilized unsweetened canned milk for the State Hospitals, for the period of twelve months, from Ist January, 1903. The terms of contract can be ascertained from the State Surgeon. Taiping. The average
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    • 716 1 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. At No. 21 Park Road Maiiday, 2'th Oct. 1902, at 3 p.m. (lU.NKsK carved ebony drawing room suite inlaid with mother of pearl carved joss tables, folding centre table, enrved ebony settees, cupboard with glaso doors and drawer* dressing table with mirror attached
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    • 732 1 b AUCTION SALES. TION SALE OK VALUABLE EASEHOLD PROPERTY .iT QUKKN f»TK':KT. it-Id at Powell Co 's Sale-rooc Wednesday the 29th Oct., 190^, nl 2-30 p. m. I EASEHOLD land situate at Queei X^^treet, adjoining the Singapore Catbo lie Club, area 16,(iU' square feet comprise! in Government Leases Nos. 26
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    • 247 1 NOTICES. Drink Malacca Tea n The best and purest, direct form ;i The Durian Tunggal Estate 1 TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Little A Co., Ltd., Messrs. I Ann Lock A Co., Battery-road. Messrs. Hoon Kent A Co., Raffles Place, and Messrs. Yong Lee Beng, Orchard-road, m. w f
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    • 243 1 READ IT THKOUuii. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. Up toa short time agn. Mrs JolinK. Harmon. of Mcl fa Station, Va U. S. S■ hail no |x-rM>na I knowledge of the rare curative pwailtisi Bj Chamberlain's! 'ough Kennilv. I -v.l January,' i she iavK/'my liaby
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  • 591 2 The historian of to-day rinds a good deal of useful material to his hand in the songs and ballads of the people of bygone centuries and, now that the music hall has evolved itself into a regular institution, he of the future will find
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  • 307 2 Writing of how he became an ai-ronaut, M. Santos-Dumont tells us that he, like the ill-fated M Severo, is a Brazilian by birth. Only twenty-eight— and world-famous! Naturally imaginative, everything tended to make him more so. Instead of the dull uniformity of a city street, he was
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  • 424 2 Writing on the 13th August last to the Liverpool Daily Post from Japan, Mr. James Pinnock, the well-known Liverpool merchant, says To-day we embark on board the splendid Japanese steamer the Nippon fen, over 6,000 tons, with a speed of 17 knots, built by James Laing, of
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  • 284 2 England, France and Siamese Diplomacy. A« cording to the official organ of the Government at Bangkok, the diplomatic coup whereby Siam has bewildered the gentlemen of the Quai d'Orsay, is but a harbinger of the coup whereby she will wither Britain's inlluence in the Malay Peninsula. The (Kn
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  • 144 2 Caulfield Cup. The following, from the Adelaide Observer of Sept 27th, was the latest betting on the Caulfield Cup, which was run on Saturday last: 10 to 1 against Simile and Seclusion 12 to 1 against Bonnie Chiel, The Idler, and Flagship 14 to 1 against (ireat Scot
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  • 35 2 The Turkish ironclad Mestttdiek, which has been undergoing radical repairs at Sampierdarena, near Genoa, has been confiscated by Messrs Ansaldo, shipbuilders, as the Ottoman Government neglected to pay the amount agreed upon, namely, XI 44,000.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 729 2 NOTICES. MEW LIFE TO THE BLOOD <-« NEW VIGOR TO THE BODY! -4*= VOGELER'Scura™ COMPOUND L'VSPEPSiA KIDNEY TROUBLES COS3TIPATION SKIN DISEASES and all LIYI;.. ILLS STOMACH DISORDERS Made fror^ tr»e formulß. and under the immediate supervision of one of London's most noted Physicians. Prioe 1/1| and 2/6 per bottle. Of
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    • 380 2 NOTICES. ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASSURANCES EARLY IN LIFE. IT is an advantage to effect Asuurance early in life. By delay, the rate of Premium increattt; Death may occur before the Provision is effected or Health may fail and render the life ineligible for Assurance. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Agents, Standard
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  • 155 3 Mr. W. W. Douglas, deputy-corn missioner of police, assumed the duties of his appointment, with effect from the >rd September. 12th Captain F. \V Lyons, assistant commissioner of police, Kinta, left the State on 6th September to take up the duties of deputy superintendent of police, Hongkong. Captain
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  • 178 3 When we pay money to a Chinese firm here we receive a receipt signed usually by one of the payees. Now, as Chinese business houses seldom give notice of any one in their employ holding power to siirn on behalf of their firm, it is impossible to ascertain
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  • 228 3 The output of tin from the Malay Peninsula is mainly dependent on the prevailing market price, and there is no immediate prospect of any sensible diminution owing to the exhaustion of mineral deposits. Although the best known shallow workings are gradually being worked out, new mining centres, rendered
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  • 278 3 In the September number of the Rent' M. Donnet analyses the fundamental characteristics of the Chinese Man in the Street. According to the French writer the most remarkable natural trait of John Chinaman is his good sense, and this in spite of the fact that he is full
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  • 50 3 The B.s. Alaniiolxt was to call at Colombo about the loth instant to embark Boer prisoners-of-war, not exceeding 1,000, from Ceylon. It is expected that arrangements can be made to send back all the prisoners-of-war in Ceylon by the end of the year, provided they take the oath of allegiance
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  • 94 3 Experiments with a view to bringing about a fall of rain by cannonading were carried out at Charleville, 483 miles west of Brisbane, Australia, on the 26th Sept., with six guns. A strong wind was blowing at the time, and this may have interfered with the trials. The first
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  • 114 3 The fire at Amoy turns out to be a smaller affair than had been reported. The houses burned were 800 and not 2000. It is yet uncertain whether the damage done would run into hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Messrs. Douglas, Lapraik Co.'s,
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  • 126 3 Fukther catastrophes due to the late typhoon are recorded in the Japanese papers It is reported ttiat the great Ashio copper mine was filled with water and all the connecting roads and bridges destroyed :JOO people were killed in the mine. 62 death* are assigned to the
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  • 154 3 What mean- tlii- talk of jealous MrifiSay, do they think 'twill »care us, With t;umt> and threats the uir i* rile As t!i'iu_'!i they mean to ilurr M, With warlike word* much noise they wake Relyinj: on their niiinl>ei>. They'd lietter think Ijetore they make The
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  • 188 3 A remarkable suicide has just occurred near Wincanton as the result of reading Marie Corelli's "The Mighty Atom." The son of a clergyman named Gosse (19) had been reading Miss Corelli's novel. Before retiring he said to his mother, who was lying ill. "That boy actually
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  • 251 3 The Bmm§kol Tmm has l>een shown a translation in Siamese of a letter received by a Bangkok resident from a Malay correspondent in Kelantan. who writes some account of the negotiations that have been going on there recently. Some one whom he describes vaguely as a prince came
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 682 3 NOTICES. THE WORD OF HONOUR. The men who do as they say the things that prove to be what they were said to be,— how cheering it is to come upon them. We all hate to be deceived: especially when the de- ception is intentional. But all men are not
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    • 693 3 NOTICES. Tl, r ANTED, for a European godown, an YY assistant with a fair knowledge of Singapore produce. Apply to c/o Straits Times. 24-10 WANTED for Fhio: a Chinete teacher for official, work knowledge of the HokLien, Hakkaen and Teo Chew dialects required. Competent men with best testimonials must apply
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    • 579 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. Qftina Shoring Tsiles. In several different patterns from Messrs. Hong Cbee A Ci., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate, ''an be seen at our office No. 64 High Street. Catalogues can be had free on application. The above flooring tiles are at present used in Messrs. Chong Fee
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    • 725 3 SHIPPING. NAVIUAZIONK QENERALE ITALIANA FOR PENANG <fr BOMBAY. THE Italian s.s. CAPRI, 2,718 tons, reg. Capt. Belsito, having left Hongkong on the 13th inst. nmy be expected to arrive here on Sunday the 19th inst. She will be despatched for the above ports on. Thursday the 23rd inst. For passage
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  • 17 4 On I mli September. 1 <*>■_'. at Shanghai, Alice Mary, wife of w. Hibbkrdixe, aged 82 years.
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  • 1494 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENT S. TUESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. A departure quite new in the annals of Singapore racing will be inaugurated at the Course to-day, when Mr. John Beatty, the^well known Indian book maker, of Beatty Bros, fame, will open a book in the Enclosure. Mr. Beatty, we
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  • 197 4 (By an Australian Horseman.) TIPS FOR TO- DAY. Maiden Plate.. Wedlock, Bluejacket or Marie. First Griffin Race. Victress with Lil or Drummer Boy next. Second Griffin Race. Anne, with Lebir or Biddy for places. Autumn H'cap. Qaylass or Lulworth first, with Klumbo for a place. Paddock Stakes. Beauxite
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/8 ft.
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zaida I closes at 3 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 10 4 The Russian Minister at Tokyo has been transferred to Copenhagen.
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  • 14 4 An earthquake was felt at Hongkong on the 10th instant. No damage is reported.
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  • 15 4 This is Trafalgar Day, the great naval battle bavins; been fought on Oct. 21st, 1806.
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  • 15 4 A Chinaman was attacked and robbed of $50 outside his house in Queen Street yesterday.
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  • 21 4 The present average death rate from cholera in the Phillippineß came to 65 per cent at the date of last advices.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 m Two Chinese sampan men were fined S3 and 51.50 in the Marine Court yesterday for obstruction of traffic in the Singapore river.
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  • 23 4 In Western Canton, the rebellion now raging has made such head that there is a fear of the Imperialist soldiery joining the rebels.
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  • 20 4 The China-Borneo Company, a Hongkong venture, is to be wound-up. The aim is amalgamation with another business venture in Borneo.
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  • 91 4 Hongkong, Oct. 2Ut. H.M S. Itriloimirl, Plw nix, Rotario, and Mvii ii 4 have been ordered to Hankow in connection with the incomplete settlement of the Hunan missionary murders. [MemtrK. limit- Lewis, MMMSMN of the China Inland Mi n. wore murdered in a riot
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  • "Reuter'g Telegrams.
    • 41 4 Venezuelans Deny that they were Routed. London, 20th, Oct. The Venezuelan revolutionists' version of the result of the late battle is that there was no rout whatever. The Venezuelans say they found I -:i Victoria impregnable and therefore retreated.
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    • 28 4 Volcanic eruptions on the 15th and 16th inst. further devastated St. Vincent. Roads and plantations have been obliterated by showers of hot sand
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    • 35 4 Major General L. J. Oliphant, M.V.O. lately commanding the Germiston district in South Africa, succeed!) Major General Sir H. Trotter X.C.V.0., in the command of the Home district on Ist January next.
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  • 99 4 Lord Crambornes Statement. Colonel Swayne's despatch on operations in Somaliland mentions that the rebel Mullah is in communication with a certain Austrian ex-officer named Karl Inger. Lord Oanhorne, the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, said in the House of Commons, tha*. the Government deeply regretted the loss of
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  • 25 4 Two hundred and twenty deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 1 1 tit instant. The ratio per thousand was 48.77.
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  • 24 4 The colours of the Hongkong Regiment, now about to be disbanded, were deposited at St. John's Church in that town on the 12th instant.
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  • 22 4 The Imperial German mail steamer Kiautxehnu passed Port Said yesterday ofternoon outward bound. She is due here on Saturday the Bth November.
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  • 23 4 Mr. A. Cameron has been appointed Superintendent in the Eastern Kxtension Telegraph Co., and assumed charge of the Penang < >ffiee on Friday last.
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  • 27 4 The dock carpenter's strike at Hongkong is still on. Only part of them have resumed work on promise of slighMy increased pay at the China New Year.
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  • 50 4 A big land deal has just been n;ade in Hongkong. Some valuable pieces of land on the Queen's Road Central and on the quayside behind have changed hands for 5.112,000. Mr. Orange, of Leigh and Urange, architects, was the hu wr. The extent of the land is 18,740 square feet.
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  • 54 4 The Hongkong Yacht Club have sailing races on Sunday. At the Club's last annual meeting held on the 14th instant, a motion to have races on Saturday instead was thrown out. As a concession it was decided not to begin the Sunday races until p m. to admit of
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  • 54 4 Another case of alleged embezzlement from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has taken place in Hongkong. Lim Kai Ting, a shroff employed in the bank there has been remanded on a charge of embezzlement of $4,412. He has charge of one of the departments and appears to have taken small
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  • 107 4 This "Japanese in Siam "canard dies a lingering death. So late as the 13th instant the Siam Free Press had it that, when the Maha (Jkakkri goes north shortly, she is to return full of Japanese naval officers, who are to fill all the important executive posts in Siam's navy.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1255 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. t^^^\ T Price *11. 00 per Case. vLUB w T y Used by all the \A/ l-f¥Q¥/ r "\JT Principal Clubs, ff ill wt\. 1 Hotels and Residents of the Straits Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Settlements and London, Glasgow. Shanghai, Hongkong, and Singapore. [Native Mates. (F<ir,,mih,,f Label.) QOVIBUMKNT NOTIFICATION.
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    • 242 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPEN Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y 8 8 P-«n-on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. /CUSTOMERS who intend scnriinirpor\j traits home as Xmas and New- Year presents are reminded not to postpone too lone. Appo'n'.rnent < > for
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  • 998 5 Defendant Acquitted. On the 27th ult., Kong Eng Keng, a •lealer in old metal, residing in Phillip -Street, went to Mr. R Jeffreys, the Superintending Engineer, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., and offered to sell threw and a half forts of scrap brass Bt whs tulil to
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  • 30 5 A Chinaman was robbed of $50 yesterday on Boat Quay. He was walking along the waterside when two ruffians attacked him, and got away with the money.
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  • 95 5 The Valdares Company opens at the Town Hall to-night, and though a race night is hardly the most favourable of occasions there will doubtless be a very good house. Of the Valdares themselves, who are artistes of world-wide repute, we have already spoken, as also of The Tramp
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  • 116 5 Taking into consideration the inclemency of the weather there was a wonderfully good house at Harmston's Circus last night. All the turns were warmly received, notably those by the Harraston-Love children, Jno. W. Cooke and Miss Edith, the Altons, and the Frezagondas. The clowns had some new and
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  • 110 5 Amonu the newly created Federal appointments, those in Perak to come into force from January next will be D. 0. of the New Territory, Raman— A. D. O's Larut and Krian respectively second A. D. O. Larut A. D.O. Matang —A. D. O. Krian— A.
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  • 187 5 ■'Freeze-out" Tournaments. The American golf novelty— the "freeze-out" tournament— is conducted in this manner All contestants commence together (starting in fours), and the player making the poorest score at each hole drops out. When two players have a hole with the worst score, they play off
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  • 184 5 On Friday afternoon, the enquiry into the allegation of culpable homicide made against Umbi bin Noneh and Samit, two Malay fisherman, for causing the death of a Chinaman on board a tongkang off Changi on the sth inst, was resumed by Mr. Marriott. The principal facts have
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  • 69 5 It is rumoured at Calcutta that there have been several disputes between the Captains and Chief Engineers in the service of the British India Steam Navigation Company as regards their position in the service, salary, Ac, and that a certain number of Captains and Engineers have been deputed to meet
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  • 234 5 $330,000 Involved in Bankruptcy Appeal. The appeal cases were resumed this morning before the Chief Justice (Sir Lionel Cox), Mr. Justice HyndmanJones, and Mr. Justice Leach. Five of the twelve appeals have now been decided by the Court and there were still seven to be dealt with
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  • 136 5 The Siamese gunboat Han link ".vhich arrived yesterday from Bangkok, leaves to-day for Junk Ceylon ria Fenang. It seems that she was to have gone north with the Maha Chakkri to meet the Crown Prince of Siam in Yokohama, but suddenly received orders to proceed
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  • 204 5 On Saturday, a German seaman, named Karl Schroeder, residing at the Temperance Club, was arraigned before Mr. Marriott on a charge of having attempted to force open the collection box in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ophir Road at 2 p. in on the
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  • 28 5 Yesterday, Mr. Beatty sentenced two Chinese boatmen to three and two months' respectively for criminal breach of trust and abetment thereof as carriers of 428 catties of rice.
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  • 29 5 It is reported that atthis year's annual manoeuvres in Japan, China will have forty representatives, and Corea five, while Europe and the United States will each send twenty-five officers.
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  • 35 5 Cholkka has broken out afresh in Manila, due to the return of hot weather. The close of the exhausting rainy season usually brings relief in temperature, but conditijns are now as unfortunate as in May.
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  • 30 5 The Bangkok Manufacturing Co., Ltd., is increasing its capital from 83,000 to 120,000 ticals. This is cone with a view to the increase of its icemaking plant and other developments.
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  • 31 5 Invitations have been issued for a dance at Government House on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, in honour of His Majesty the King's birthday. The King's birthday this year falls on a Sunday.
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  • 35 5 It is said that the present staff of nursing sisters attached to the General Hospital at Penang is to be replaced early next year by qualified trained nurses from home, assisted by local bauds (recruits).
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  • 52 5 Coaling at Colombo runs— so the Ceylon Oltterrer understands to about 100 tons an hour as a record rate 1 ,500 tons a day have been done on one great occasion hut normally, HO tons an hour is about the average, and the standard for landing coal is 500 tons
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  • 46 5 A Manila despatch to New York states that the Sultan of Bacolod in the Moro country, Mindanao, has written to General Sumner, an American officer there, requesting war forthwith. The Sultan wishes, so he declares, to maintain the Mohammedan religion and does not desire American friendship.
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  • 33 5 The Malay Mail Rays reports from the coast state that the tides and currents have now so changed that four small vessels have gone ashore in the Straits during the past few days.
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  • 32 5 A clever boy who did not know tbe French equivalent for the word sphere," had to translate a sentence containing the words the Eastern hemisphere." His rendering was "It Demi Monde Oriental."
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  • 36 5 Linqqa is progressing now that oil is being worked within its borders. Tbe palace of the Sultan ie now being fitted with a complete incandescent light plant, Messrs. Bagnall and Hilles having the contractor its supply.
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  • 48 5 One crying want at Shanghai is that of a daily time-gun. The latter only goes off t-.rice a week It is partly owing to the want of an official time that nearly all public functions there are held about half an hour or so after the advertised time.
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  • 42 5 The tin duty collected in Selangor during the first eight months of the year was over half a million dollars in excess of the amount estimated, and nearly ninety-eight thousand dollars over that received in the corresponding period of the previous year.
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  • 49 5 It was rumoured around town this morning that Kinglike had won the Caulfield Cup. The origin of the report could not be traced, however. Kinglike is a 5 year old gelding owned by Mr. C. L. Macdonald. He was not mentioned ;n; n the latest betting received by mail.
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  • 42 5 Of the 73,000,000 acres in the Philippine Islands, it is estimated that more than 6,000,000 are under cultivation and about 50,000,000 in forest. The native trees thus far enumerated embrace 665 species, and 160 different native woods entered the market last year.
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  • 58 5 m^ The coal mine strikers in Pennsylvamia continued rioting and showed no signs of giving in until the state militia had been called out President Roosevelt had previously addressed an appeal to the strikers to return to work and take his promise that he would endeavour to induce Congress to
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  • 68 5 It is reported that the Peking Govern- i ment having been informed that the proscribed Reformer, Kang Yu-wei, is occupied in organising a great rising in Canton province, secret orders have been issued to use < cry endeavour to capture Kang Yu-wei, who is believed to be at present in
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  • 62 5 The Rajah of Sarawak has made the following appointments: Mr. F. J D. Cox, to be Resident Second Class in Charge of Lower Rejang vice Mr. G Pratt Barlow on furlough. Mr. B. Bettington, to be Resident Second Class in Charge of Oya. Mr. F. F. Boult, Cadet, to do
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  • 71 5 An engineer and surveyor, sent out i by Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, 1 are coming out to Colombo to carry j on the work of surveying and reporting J upon the proposed site for an inland dock for Colombo. The party is made up of Mr. P. M. Crosstwaith,
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  • 64 5 Tbe Hindu ceremony Teemery," or j fira-walking, was objerved yesterday afternoon at the temple in South Bridge Road. A considerable number of Euro- pean ladies and gentlemen were present, and the utmost order was kept. Seventy-five persons went through the fiery ordeal without mishap. The ceremony lasted an hour and
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  • 78 5 A novel experiment in the way of setting a thief to catch a thief is about to be tried by a leading Chicago bank. The directors are reported to have offered a large salary to Charles Becker, a notorious forger, to enter their service. His duties will be to examine
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  • 74 5 Commenting on the fact that we recently reproduced an article by Mr. J. C. Warren, upon Siamese Malaya, from a home paper, the Siam Ol»errer says "The Singapore press have to go to Cornwall to find out what is being done at their own doors." Perhaps. We certainly should not
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  • 640 5 SINOAPOBE, 21 8T OCTOBER, I9UJ. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers f 4.V59 Copra Bali 9.35 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black Imyerv 33.50 do White, (8%) 53.50 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sago 5.20 Coffee, Bali, 15% basin 23.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 When Doctors say Hopeless Little's Oriental Balm steps in, and cures inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism. A. N. Ransom, Mondovi, Wis. For about three years I have had Rheumatism all over my body. The best physicians could do nothing for me. My arms and shoulders would swell and grow red,
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    • 204 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! BEACH ROAD. THE Royal Bioscope An entire change of Programme Specially Arranged for Race Night. Marvellous Success! Pictures bright, sharp, clear, vivid, and interesting as can be. Prices as usual. Book your seats early or you will be disappointed. Commence at 9 p.m. Sharp. IP TOBACCOS
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, aist October. High Water. 0.16 p.m. Races. First Day. 8. V.1. Company Drill. 6.16. Eng. As*. Marine Clab. 8.46. Valdares Co. Town Hall. 9. Harmston's Circus. 9 Wednesday, 22nd October. High Water. 1.26 a.m. 0.68 p.m. Feast of Branches (Jewish). B. I. homeward mail closes. 3.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 373 6 NOTICES. *Cl?e Pulsometet> Requires r,o J^k Thousands in use skilled attendance %rf« glViAg ALMOST K A3NTYTHHNTGK jfj 9 Needs no No moving pan- |F Wk to get out 3^lSlli B Or eat^ crs wo£=ik: stbam pump. on a Chain >|j|S W/2£**-Wl partici i \r:-< ■pßyßi^^^ cwicr.s on SOLE HOWARTH ERSKINE,
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    • 73 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. KOMEYA CO. DEALERS IN JAPANESE GOODS, Have Just unpacked a variety of: Artificial flowers, Albums, Panels, Dolls, Inlaid wood work, Silk cushions, Doyleys, Handkerchiefs, Flags to decorate, Xmas trees, etc., etc. All suitable for Christmas Presents Also Ist
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    • 635 6 NOTICES. H. J. BIRD, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO. The leading manufacturers in America of Saw Mill Machinery, established fifty years in the heart of the greatest timber country, always builders of saw mills employ ing the best expert;- and producing the latest inventions, their saw mill
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 685 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. THE Standftri Life Amuranoe. Norwich Union Fire Innnmno* Bod6ty. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire), rhe Equitable Life AMoranoe Society. The Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company ■»> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. for particulars of the« 3 C^P"""' -ull advertuwmwit of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Amenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I
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    • 1358 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: SHIP AOEXCY, LATE J. DABNDBLS 4 Co., 3-3, CoLLTIB QUAY. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Hteamer rrrm Expected Will be Despatched for On Mnetsuyck-er Bntavia via Oct. 14 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Billiton Tegal, Pekalongan,
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    • 687 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Uorddentoclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, V" I STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Toot N. R. Toms N. R. St'ttm 1682 Sandakan 1374 PoJfcnom 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 Pi'sanulok 1189 Korat 1i23 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 Nuen Tung 824 Wong Koi
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    • 560 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service if maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 427 7 INSURANCE CO.'S UNIL'ON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Established 1828. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept fire risks for long or short periods at current rates. CASH eETTLEMENTS promptly made by tho Agents in Singapore. v.<- MOTNK COMTK Co THE
      427 words

    • 1474 8 Uno"ir i!m haling the following abbre*iati Mm an Utad -str.— steamer sh.— ■hip; !><j uarqiie; »e!i. schooner; Yet.— Yacht; 'riL Oraitor; Obt.— Gn.iboat; Toi—Torp< do; H.p. Horse-power: Brit.—British; I H 'n »<-i Frh.— French Oer.— Gem :<u;.— Dutch Toll.— Johops: O.c— General-cargo; l.p. -deck passenger: o.— Uncertain
      1,474 words
    • 628 8 Name, port, probable date of a rrivai, and name of agent*. STIAMEKS. A. Lope/, Manila, Nov 2: Barlow. Acl.illes, Hongkong, Nov 2: Mansfield. Adria, New York, Oct 26; Behc Meyei. Agamemnon, H'kong, Nov SO; Mansfield. Alboin, Turconn, due Oct. Borneo Co. Alcinous. Liverpool, Nov 6; Mansfield. Aleeia, Europe.
      628 words
    • 116 8 for /Vr tttramrr Titnt. To- Morrow. Kelantan yin ports Batavier 9,a.m. Bangkok via pons Bvribal 11am. Pontianalt De Kock 11a.m. P. Swet'ham via ports B Poh (luan 2 p.m. T. Ansou via ports Malacca 3 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan 2 p.m. Saigon Baikal S p.m. Bangkok Breid
      116 words
    • 165 8 From Europe: By the N. D. L. s.» Gem, due on the 24th October with dates to the 30th Sept. She brings replies to the mailx which left Singapore on the 27th Aug. From China:— By the M. M. s.s. Salazie In- on Sunday. Times Table of
      165 words
  • 343 8 5 Vmskl's Name 4 Tos.a Captain From Sailbd. Oowsionkks Rio. Oct, 1- MnneH... Brit str J 20-i6 IPet.-w Amoy Oct 10 Wee Bin find Co In Kelantan G«r str. 60S iLettnianu Manila Oct 1 2 Behn Meyer 4 Co. 18 jKarin Swd str.i 698 jPetterson Amoy Oct Id Hooglandt
    343 words
  • 121 8 Datk. Vksski.'h Namb. Flag A Rio Oct 20 Poh Ann Brit str. 21 Urlana str. 21 Benvenue str. 21 Rajah of Sarawak Sar str. 21 Sri Wongsee Dut str. 21 Hebe Brit str. 21 Kiiin YaDg str. 31 j Emile j Dut str. •_'l Ban Wbatt Soon Brit str.
    121 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 Qhampagne. "Perrier-Jouet." Quarts. Pints and Half Pints. Huttenbach Bros Co., httftiitn. Hrhlil John Little Co., Ltd. (Sfjampagne. tu. f. lrt/10 HIM LIMITED. Silver and ElectroPlate Department. We .ire now showing a large variety of Sterling Silver Knives, and Electro Plated articles suitable for presentations, A'- The goods in this department
      146 words
    • 582 8 CMTSTMAS TS COMTNft A VALUED GIFT FOR THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Real Darjeeling Teas. WE beg to remind you that the Christmas Season is approaching, ami tlmt no presents are so much Appreciated by friends at home at that Season as a h.x of Pure Darjeeling Tea. Wff havn
      582 words