The Straits Times, 20 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,960 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 952 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPAUTYJJF SINGAPORE. Second Issue of Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (1) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four hundred thousand
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    • 623 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. PHOTOGRAPHS descriptive of the Q. M. E. A. Co.'s Meat Works in Brisbane, whence it is proposed to draw all supplies for the Singapore Cold Storage Co. are now, through the courtesy of Messrs. Robinson and Co., on exhibition at their place of business in Raffles Square. v.c.
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    • 740 1 AUCTION SALES^ SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. At No. 21 Park Road. Monday, 27th Oct. 1902, at 3 p.m. CHINESE carved ebony drawing room ■dtt inlaid with mother of pearl; carved joss tables, folding centre table, carved ebony aettees, cupboard with glass doors and drawers dressing table with mirror attached
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    • 743 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE HELD AT POWELL Cos. SALE-ROOM. Tuesday, 28th Oct. 1902, ni 2-30 p.m. ALL that valuable piece of Freehold land situate at Upper Wilkie Road, area 9M60 square feet, being part of Grant No. 67— together with the European residence erected
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    • 692 1 Bilious Colic Is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ri-nudy. It never fail- aiul is pleasant and safe to take. The attack :na> In- warded off by tak. in(j a double dose of this remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. For sale by
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  • 567 2 Acheen. More successful engagements with the enemy are reported from Acheen. A few days ago a column under Lieut. Darlane surprised a band, which fled after leaving eleven dead on the field. The column, on its return had several actions with tne enemy who lost killed. The Dutch
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  • 312 2 Mr. Nelson Annandale and Mr. H. C. Robinson contributed to the meeting of the British Association, at Belfast, a joint paper on The Wild and Civilised Races of the Malay Peninsula," read by Mr. Robinson. He described graphically the districts visited by them, the
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  • 522 2 Jiatu 7'rt.W, 16th Oct. The output of tin ore from the Batu Pahat Tin Mining Syndicate's mine for three weeks ending :<rd October amounted to 6 piculs 37 catties, valued at 5308.D4. Crocodiles still continue to be very active here, proving a terror to the riverside population.
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  • 185 2 The military authorities have accepted the otter of a local firm of brewers to fake the Ham InnatTidworth, at an annual rental of £47">. The inn in question forms part of the Salisbury Plain K-tste, which has been acquired by the War Department for military training,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 331 2 NOTICES. (SOVKRNMKNT-OENKRAL OK FRENCH INDO-CIUNA. THE HANOI EXPOSITION WILL BK OPKNKD ON :<ri> NOVEMBER. 1»«. f pHE Exposition, which is situated close to the Railway Terminus at Hanoi, will comprise a GRAND PALACE and KAON I FIOKNT BUILDINGS, containing Artistic. Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Productions of the greatest variety from
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    • 829 2 NOTICES. SARAWAK Coal in good supply at Brooketon and Labaan, with prompt despatch for banker or cargo. For terms apply to John Hardie. Sanwak Governin^ t Ageut, Labuao. v.c. VTkiariadies.l JPf JLLS A Romndy for all IrroHulr.rltle*. -uprrMtl DC BitUr App.r, l'rno)ro)a .--l *c •old by Sinfapor* Dispensing Co., Ltd.,
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    • 477 2 NOTICES. NOBEI/S~~ EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. ALL KINDS OP Safety Puses. AND Elwtrie Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government,
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    • 266 2 NOTICES. IND COOPE CO.'S LAGER BEER, BOTTLED AT BURTON ON TRENT, OF ALL DEALERS. BORNEO CO. LTD., SINOAPORE. Importer*. m. A w. \Jt TI?T7'I3 I DU<V'C! ir J r r itcii 0 M EDINBURGH /J^ STOUT. wnjniaijl A special, light brew for the jjjj^S^B tropics. Highly recommen ded 4 Price
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    • 208 2 A BALLAD OF SEMMERWATER. A NORTH-COUNTRY I.KCKM). Deep asleep, deep a-lt'c|i. Deep \< i I ii li' 1 The tail I lake <>t BMNMnratar, I" mler the still -kie*. -K ri. t many 11 fatho any a fathom. Many a falhoin Welow, In a king* tower ami a qaaai'l Iriwim
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  • 1247 3 Home. Tin- extra- Parliamentary campaign against the Kduration Hill in now in full swing. It m <Uily im-roanine; in acerbity and all parties are agreed that 11 severe light in I'arlia nt ih likely. At the I nionirt Conference <>n the It'll!, held hi Mnahßjhaa* Mr Chamberlain niaridlßM
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  • 577 3 An Imposing Figure Except when he Sits. Mr. Balfour has his little ways, says T/te Young Man. The Leader of the House of Commons is so dignified and so free from acrimony that all members respect him. When he stands erect, grasping the lapels of his cat
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  • 176 3 A London telegram of sth instant received in Shanghai says that Dr. Leyds has been ottered by the Holland Government a position as Judge in the Netherlands East Indies. He has announced to his Boer associates that he will accept the appointment and leave
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  • 134 3 Tbe Paris correspondent of 'he Horning Pout reports that La Pmtrit lias received an account from Rio de Janeiro of designs upon the government of Brazil which threaten a condition of anarchy there, as a step toward a return to monarchical government. The scheme is to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 635 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RKBERVE FUND Bt«rling Reaerve..slo,ooo,ooo\ „4-***** Silrer Reserve....! 4,760,000/ l *<- so < mi REBERVE LIABILITY OF 1 am PROPRIETORS. 10 0IK) 000 Court ok Directors. Hon. R. Shew an,... Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson H. Schubart,
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    • 693 3 NOTICES. i r t "ITI^A NTED. for a Europesn cv -own, ai MM assistant with a fair ks> pledge o Singapore produce. Apply to Z., c/i Striiti Time,. _*H°_ WANTED for Hiio: a Chine>e teache for official, work knowledge of thi H ok k id], Hiikkaen and Teo Chew dialecti
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    • 595 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. (Sljina Shoring XDilef. In several different patterns from Messrs Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. <'an be seen at our office No. «4 High (street. Catalogues can be had free on application. The abore Hi 'oring tiles are at present used in Messrs. Chong
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    • 394 3 SHIPPING. NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA FOR PENANG BOMBAY. THE Italian s.s. CAPRI, 8,718 tons, reg. Capt. Belsito, having left Hongkong i on the 18th inst. may he expected to arrive i here on Sunday the 19tb inst. She will i be despatched for the above port- on. i Thursday the 23rd
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  • 49 4 Humphreys— Sent. 19th at V. i-i Moleney, Emily, daughter of late Alfred Humphreys, of China. Sn.i \k S.-pt. 22nd at Surhitnn-hill, H. G. Sillak, late of Shanghai, aged 75. Siiephkrd— at LoHHiemouth N. li. on 2tat September after a long and painful illness QMM SiIEPHKRI), late of Selangor.
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  • 1527 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 20th OCTOBER It is impossible to please everybody. According to the cabled reportß, France is angry anent the new treaty with Siam because she has not profited thereby, while the Havas Agency announces that the English papers express the opinion that the same
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  • 295 4 After a protracted season of doubt, it is comforting to learn that the Johore Railway is now so near completion that trains may be running by the new year. This fact, combined with the Municipal Engineer's circular in regard to the supply of electric power, conduces to the hope that
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  • 240 4 Thk mystery of the Sikh Army with which, vide the Havas Agency, Britain invested Kelantan a mouth ago, is slowly coming to light. Yesterday Jemadar Vira Singh, formerly in the Kedah Police service, with 85 Sikhs arrived here from Kelantan by the East Asiatic steamship BorUtat. The Jemadar and his
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  • 21 4 Netherlands India news, the ballad of Semmerwater, wire news and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 13 4 To-morrow being Race Day, the Straits Times will be published at 2 o'clock.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/B^.
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  • 11 4 Thk homeward mail by the I'reu.-sen closes at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 18 4 The time ball at Pulau Brani failed to drop twice to-day, at 1 pm. and at 2 p.m.
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  • 17 4 The Austrian battleship Maria Theresa is due to leave the port homeward bound on the 28th inst.
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  • 20 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • 24 4 The Otra with the German outward mail left Colombo on Saturday last at 6 p. m. and is due here at noon on Friday.
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  • 36 4 A Rkdtkr's telegram to Bangkok, dated the 14th instant, stated that the mission of Phya Sii Sahatnep, the Special Siamese Envoy to Europe, had settled certain Anglo-Siamese questions and would sail for Siam within a fortnight.
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  • "Renter's Telegrams.
    • 41 4 Ijondon, \Sth IMolmt Mr. Balfour yesterday accepted an amendment to the Education Bill. The amendment gives the local education authorities absolute control over public money spent tinder the Bill. Thin secures popular control over secular education in voluntary schools.
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    • 42 4 The correspondent of the Times at Odessa says that negotiations between Russia and Japan with a view to establishing mutual extensive trading regulations have been nearly concluded, each Power making concessions to the other in favour of staple products.
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    • 56 4 Owing to the re-opening of a number of closed church schools in France, and the powerlessness of the Government to enforce the school-closing decrees, M. Combes, the Premier, announces the bringing in of a. new Congregations Bill transferring the carrying-out of the Associations Law of 1901 from
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    • 25 4 The Colonial Office, it is stated, known nothing of current reports that Mr. Chamberlain will grant a second interview to the Boer generals.
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    • 42 4 London, 19th (A-/.JJ M De Witte, the Russian Minister of Finance, who has been making an inspection of the Siberian Railway with a view to the early inauguration of regular through traffic, has arrived at Dalny (near Port Arthur.)
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    • 56 4 The Chinese Emperor yesterday held a reception at Pekiiig. British Minister Absent. The whole diplomatic body was present, except Sir E. Satow, the British Minister, who has declined all social intercourse with the Chinese Imperial Court on account of the miscarriage of justice in the case of
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    • 28 4 Total Overthrow. The Venezuelan revolutionists have been completely defeated by the Government troopß, abandoning their position and leaving 1,400 killed and wounded on the Li id.
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    • 20 4 The Boer Generals have left Berlin. German officers and officials abstained, at the Kaiser's order, from fating them.
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  • 56 4 Heavy Fighting. There has been severe fighting in Somaliland. Two engagements with the Mullah's force were fought on the 16th inst. The enemy were repulsed with heavy loss after sharp fighting. Major Phillips and Capt. Angus were killed. The Somali native levies have been much shaken. Colonel
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  • 44 4 The King has awarded the Coronation medal, in silver, to Lieut.-Col. A. P. Penton, Maj. A. L. Cowie, Maj. 8. C. Philson, Maj E. Atkin.and Capt. G. C. W. Heneage for services in connection with the Colonial contingent recently stationed at Alexandra Park Camp.
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  • 86 4 On Saturday, Insp. McCully, Jinrikisha Dept., had occasion to serve a notice of suspension of two 'rikisbas on their owner at 9.i, New Market Road. As he could not find the man, he went again, yesterday morning, and was told to return in the evening. He did so, and was
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  • 91 4 It has been for some time known the Detective Department that a business has been carried on locally by the sale of spurious coins. On Saturday, owing to information received, Det. Insp Brennan sent a man out with $5 to purchase some. A detective followed on his heels. Business was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 61 4 G R. Lambert Co. 4 Photographers open Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y 8 8 a.m-6 p.m. on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. /CUSTOMERS whn intend SPi<linstDo r\j traits home as XinM and New-Year presents are reminded not to postpone too long. A
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  • 604 5 (By an Australian Horseman This morning's work about finished training operations and to-morrow will be the opening day of the meeting. The Maiden Plate should be an open race; those appearing to have chances are Banester, Wedlock, Bluejacket, Comical, Lancer, Marie and Bellona. Comical returned to the track
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  • 66 5 The special correspondent of one of the most popular London dailies Mr. A. J. Kennedy F. R. G. 8. etc. and Mi-- Kennedy have just put up at Raffles' Hotel. They have travelled over most of the civilized world, and Mr. Kennedy has travelled also over most
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  • 165 5 H. E. The Govkr.nor and a large audience attended the grand concert given by Messrs. Sternberg and Herzberg at the Town Hall on Saturday night. The concert was a thorough success, and from a musical point of view provided a treat such as rarely falls to the lot
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  • 756 5 Sentence of Death Set Aside. The appeal Sessions opened this morning, before Sir Lionel Cox (Chief Justice), Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, and Mr. Justice Leach (Penang). Thirteen appeal cases were contained in the list down for hearing, one of them being withdrawn. Five were appeals from Bangkok,
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  • 156 5 There was a big attendance at this popular place of entertainment on Saturday night, the native element especially turning up in great force. Some alterations were made to the already very excellent programme, a notable one being the comic equestrian sketch by Messrs. J. W. Cooke, Birch and
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  • 476 5 440 Yards Race for the President's Cup. Th> third race for Mr. T. de M. Braddell's cup came off yesterday morning, and was closely watched by a large number of spectators, over seventy men having crossed to Katong by the 9-15 launch. An unusual interest attached to
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  • 348 5 Thk Valdares Company, which is to give its opening performance in the Town Hall tomorrow evening, arrived from Batavia this morning. They have just completed a successful tour through Australia and New Zealand and their entertainments have been highly eulrgised by the press wherever they have gone.
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  • 117 5 A crying evil at Colombo is the inefficiency nf the police to check burglaries and petty thefts there. The Time* of Oeylon says that the police force in Colombo seems to be suffering from palsy they have no grip on the thieving members of the community. The percentage
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  • 135 5 Per Mnssilia and on Saturday From London, Capt. Mrs. Follat, Mr. D. R. Ballingall Mr. J. Mclntosh, Mr. R. H. Lee, Mr. Mclntosh. From Marseilles, Mr G. H. Moor, Mr. A. M. Ryrie, Mr. E. Wilson, Mr. J. Dalgleish, Mr E. Stewart, Mr. W. E. Perry— From BrinI]
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  • 176 5 On Saturday afternoon, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Mr. G. Thompson, of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., was married to Miss Lillian Eleanor Shepherd- Mathews, of London. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. H. C. Dunkerley, the bridesmaids being the Misses Niven, and the best man Mr. H.
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  • 231 5 November to December. Ist xi. Not. 1 B.C.C. c. Next XVI. 8 B.C.C. r. 8. R. C. 10 S.C.C. v. Garrison and (irtnti- aod N. C. O.'b of the S. V. 15 Merchants and Lawyer* v. The Ke»t. 11 Mr.BenjaneldxXl r. Dr. Ulennie'uXl. 29 Over
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  • 73 5 The usual Monthly Medal was played for on Saturday last, with the following result H. Pearce 41+41=82—2=80 0. 1. Carver 434-46 88- 6=82 P. Fowlie 46+44= 89+ 3=91 W. Q. Ellis 47+47= 94— 2=92 W. C. Michell M+69»=112— 20=98 G. C. Wilson 68+49-= 102— 6=94 Cols.
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  • 18 5 Raffles School resumed to-day after the annual examination session. The other local schools are at present being examined.
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  • 20 5 In consequence of the Races this week, the S. V. C. signalling parade notified for Thursday 23th inst. is cancelled.
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  • 20 5 The b. s. Boribat, which arrived yesterday morning from the East Coast, brought here as passengers 80 Sikhs from Kelantan.
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  • 18 5 Mr. Rodgkr, Resident of Perak, and Mrs. Rodger arrived to-day by the Selangor Government yacht Esmeralda from Selangor.
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  • 21 5 Captain H. L. Talbot, Commissioner of Police, Federated Malay States, has returned from leave and resumed duties on the 6th instant.
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  • 24 5 The new Japanese loan was taken by the Japanese Credit Mobilier at 98, and was floated in London by the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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  • 20 5 The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, which leave Hongkong shortly, will be stationed at Chakrata, on the north west frontier of India.
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  • 23 5 The October Medal of the Keppel Golf Club was won on Saturday by Mr. F. Ferguson, from scratch, with the score of 88.
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  • 22 5 Dollars from the Straits Settlements are an article of importation into Ceylon. They are consigned to Jew sellers who melt them down.
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  • 22 5 By the Benmohr there arrived this morning for Mr. F. Jennings, the pedigree bulldog Kruger by Champion Portland out of Gipsy Princess.
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  • 20 5 Mr. Ralph Paget has been appointed British Charge d'Affaires at Bangkok, Mr. Tower still remaining Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
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  • 28 5 In Ceylon there is now a great scarcity of rupee subsidiary silver coinage. Blame is laid upon the Government for not ensuring a steady supply of the latter.
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  • 26 5 m The Siamese gunboat Ran Kick arrived in port at 9 a.m. to-day and exchanged the usual salutes with Fort Canning. She leaves for Penang shortly.
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  • 31 5 Heavy rain is reported from Colombo with the change in the monsoon. A fall of 4.10 inches in one day is mentioned. Of this quantity, 2.15 inches fell in 85 minutes.
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  • 28 5 m We understand that "Crows' Nest, 1 lately the property and residence of Captain Craufurd, has been sold by the present owner to Mr. Frank Reutens for $15,000.
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  • 31 5 Mr. Key is taking out a team of athletes from Oxford to India. They will play three cricket matches at Calcutta at Christmastide. The team is expected to leave England to-morrow.
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  • 40 5 Owing to fog iv the Straits of Malacca, the contract packet Zaida will sail at sp. m. and the mails for Europe will close at 3 p. m. on Wednesday next. Future mails will close at 4p. m as hitherto.
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  • 34 5 Mr. Go Pala. Samy, of Madras Bob, died this morning and was buried this afternoon a large number of the Kling community attended the funeral. The deceased had been in Singapore about 35 years.
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  • 31 5 Two Chinese who arrived at Bangkok from Singapore by the SeirsUid, on the 13th instant, were arrested, charged with having stolen $30,000 worth of diamonds and jewellery from some person here.
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  • 34 5 U. E. the Governor returned to Singapore from Kelantan on Saturday evening, the Sea Belle coming into port at about 6.30. Mr. Duff, of the Duff Syndicate, accompanied H. K on the voyage down.
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  • 37 5 About 8 a.m.Jthis morning then* was quite a battle raging round one of the hydrants in Craig Road. Several seekers for water were more or less knocked about, and one Chinaman had his head badly laid open.
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  • 38 5 m Among the passengers for Japan on the Satio, due here from London on the 29th inst., is Mr. M. Arakawa, Japanese Consul-General in London who, accompanied by Mrs. Arakawa and family, is visiting Japan on leave.
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  • 38 5 At Bangkok the other day Mr. J. R. Bell, the well-known engineer and surveyor, was fined one shilling and costs for assaulting some British Indians who were making night hideous with their music and preventing him from sleeping.
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  • 42 5 The Brough Comedy Company 11 expected in Colombo from Australia about the end of the month and will give a series of performances at the lately erected Bristol Hotel theatre there. The Company is due to open in Calcutta on Not. Bth.
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  • 633 5 Singapore, 20th October, IDWi. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers J IS. OO Copra Bali Mi do Pontianak H. 75 Pepper, Black buyer* 83.W do White, (8%) 53.50 Sa^o Flour Sarawak 3.90 do Brnnei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sago V'iO Coffee, Bali, 15% bans 23.50 Coffee, Palembanß, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 NOTICES. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! BEACH ROAD. THE Royal Bioscope An entire change of Programme. Marvellous Success! Pictures bright, sharp, clear, vivid, and interesting as can be. Prices as usual. Book your seats early or you will be disappointed. Commence at 9 p. m. Sharp.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 172 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 20th October. High Water. 11.36 a.m ttorman homeward mail closes. K. Harmston's Circus, Tuesday, 21st October. High Water 0.36 a.m. 0.15 p.m. Race*. First Hay. Strait* Times issues at Banks close. Noon S.V.I. Company Drill. 5.15. Ens. Ass Marine Club. 8.46. Valdares Co. Town Hall. 9.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 432 6 NOTICES. H. J. BIRD, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO. The loading manufacturers in America of Saw Mill Machinery, established lifty years in thP heart of the greatest timber country, always builders of saw mills employing the best experts and product op the latest inventions, their saw mill
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    • 371 6 NOTICES. NY CARLSBERG BEER, ("CROWN" BRAND] GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND. Both v.ry Hfht Pll.tncr Hecra. wpcclillv brew.d lor Troplcl ClißMtet. ,i the principal Mot.v. and R.tall de.l.r,. Vonf S*n S Co.. H*«n K.<t C».. *c THE EAST ASIATIC CO. LTD., °< Sole Agents pielista CIGARETTES. Made from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 687 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilK Standari Life Autumn*. Norwich Onion Fire Insanne* Soeisty. Atlas Acanranoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life AMumnoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company *> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. ror oarticulari of tke«e Companies, see tha -nil «Wt£ment of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. A*ent». STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1347 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Korv nklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract witt 1 the Netherlands India Government. Anen.t at Singapore: Ship A«EfOT, latb J. Dabmdbls A Co., 3-8, Collteb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Eipected Will be Despatched for On Maettuticlcr Bntaviavia Oct. 14 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Billiton Tegal,
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    • 635 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Rorddeutsclier Lloyd. Bremen Coast Lines. V" *-> If— STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Toss N. R. Tors N. R. SUttin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Pahiam 1283 Kohtichang 1391 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 Pittanulok 1189 h'nrat 1223 Rajaburi 1169 Singora ",123 Chow Tai 1116 Nuen Tung 824 Wong
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    • 556 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHB LONDON AND LANOABHIRI J. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 7777 £2,127,tt» Paid up Capital £319.700 Reserve Fond £1,078.680 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept flre risks at current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD A Co.. Agents. CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOB LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $3,800,000. Amount paid
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    • 489 7 INSURANCE CO.'S Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 6* Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AUENTS OF THB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO., Ganeral Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every Jes cript'on of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all parts
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    • 1076 8 Undor thi« limhHil the following abbreviations ar<« used str. steamer sh.— •hip; bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cra.— Orator; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor Torpeiiu; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. S- United States; Feb.— French Qer.— Geruiii i but.— Hutch; Joh.— Johore; G.c— General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; O.— Uncertain
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    • 92 8 For Her tteamer Timt. To-Morrow. Sarawak R. of Sarawak 1 1 a.m Bangkok Singapore 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca Kian Yang 2 p.m. Labuan and Manila Nuentung 3 p.m. Tringganu via ports Poniiamik 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe 3 p.m. Muntok and P'bang Ruby 4 p.m. Wednesday.
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    • 160 8 From Europk:— By the N. D. L. s.s. Gera. due on the 24th October with dates to the 30th Sept. She bring* replies to the m-iiU which left Singapore on the 27th Aug. From China:— By the N. D. L. s.s. Prrwiten due on Monday. Titus Table
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    • 230 8 m run, 1, V.i.-.KL'n Namk A lons Captain From Sailed. Cohsighku 9 Rio. M IH MMsllia Brit, str 2744 Cockman Bombay Oct BP. and O. Coy Lfl s«a Belle Col otr. fiOO Maddock Kelantan Oct i 7 Colonial Govt. 18 *lan-*Tlieresia Aus cru «XX) VonSehwarzSaiKOt Oct la Australian Consul
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    • 95 8 IUTt. Vksmji.s Namk Ki.a.j Rio. lons. Destination. M •n Kian Ann 18 Hong Bee 20 i Robert Dickenson 30 Resident Sehiff -I Preu«Ken -■0 Bri Tringganu -'<• i Tonbridge -II I'.ankn SO I Penans 20 I Hong Wan 'JO Telena *Wa J>enany tin Baikal. Brit itr. str. 3tl. Dut
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 1902. REST HOUSE. KUALA LUMPUR. VISITORS to Kuala Lumpur will find Kuala l.umpnr Rest House comfortab! c charges moderate attendance, and table good. This Rest Honse is a few moments drive from tbe Selangor Club. 111 1 is conducted in tbe style of a hotel (iEORGE NEWMAN, Lessee. 51 h
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    • 550 8 NOTICES. "THE LION" TANSAN Most refreshing and invigorating natural mineral water, for sale at moderate prices. Can be had at G. OTOMUNE CO. Y. SHIBUYA. Have just received a large assortment of new goods HIGH-CLASS JAPANESE CURIOS AND GENERAL GOODS Satsuma Ware, Cloisonne Ware, Lacquered Ware, Porcelain Ware, Photograph Albums,
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