The Straits Times, 17 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,058 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 612 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid| PNDENSEDMIII 11/1 f I 7 (US^i I Milkmaid B%** t 4m^ I■■ 111 I A BL BV>-^^M tfp-SL Guaranteed BWtES COIDKNSO D tm- Sef toil \;^j=g2? Full Cream. t™.™. Largest Sale in the World. "iST NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MEBSRB. OHONG FEE, GEE CHONG A CO., (Tailors and Outfitters
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    • 511 1 NOTICE. PHOTOGRAPHS descriptive of the Q. M. E. 6> A. Co. s Meat Works in Brisbane, whence it is proposed to draw all supplies for the Singapore Cold Storage Co. are now, through the courtesy of Messrs. Robinson and Co.. on exhibition at their place of business in Raffles Square.
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    • 758 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION HALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. AT THE PKIOKY, RIVRK VALLtV ROAD. Saturday, \Bth October, at 2 p.m. DINING room furniture, crockery and glassware. Bedroom and drawing room furniture. Plants, tennis gear Ac. On view three days prior to sale. H. L. COGHLAN 4 CO., 17-10 Ancioneers A
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    • 956 1 NOTICE& MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. I Second Issue of Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (1) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four
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    • 731 1 Keep Quiet No better advice can be given to »ny- II one troubled with diarrhoea than to keep II quiet and take Chamberlain's Colic, Choi- II era and Diarrhoea Remedy. A prompt II and complete recovery is sure to follow. i Jn» remedy is equally valuable for II children and
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  • 2520 2 Home. I.on-lr»,, JUth SsaUmk*r. The Financial A>i/-*altii'in« that the Inland Revenue Department is claiming over Jt Hhi.ihki as income tax on past profits earned in connection with the De Beers Consolidated Diamond Mines of Kimberley, Cape Coloney. The directors of the De Beers Consolidated Mines, Limited, mean
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 310 2 NOTICES. I TT% *H 9 SPECIAL LJUIWIIIC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off tor cash. DUTY EXTRA •£jswfet '<:;«| I t Jill 1 t TfITF I IS ttlm iiigjl fe 3 ?0 S 1 DUNVILLfi Hll Urn Glasgow, acoTtAiHo I On m. w. A f.
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    • 1 2 •NUTSHELL
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    • 342 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Mannfactnrer* of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses. AND Eleetrie Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government,
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    • 193 2 NOTICES. STANDARD pOLICIES rE demand for these Securities continues steadily to increase. Naw Policiestor over £1,000,000 (sums assured) have been issued every y«ar since 1866— a resulted maintained uninterruptedly for so long a period by no other office in the United Kingdom. Apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ltd. Agents, Standard
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  • 973 3 Soldiers Compared. LIEVT.-CoLONEL H. B. VAUGHAN, of the 7th Rajputs, has written, and Meiers. Pearson, Limited, have published, a most valuable book St. George and the Chinese Dragon "—in which is given an account of the relief of the Peking Legations. Very interesting is the
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  • 657 3 Approved by a U. S. Naval Engineer appointed to test It. SiM'E the Shell liner Murez sailed from Singapore to Hamburg via Cape over a year ago, on oil fuel and without reloading her bunkers all the way, there has been no lengthy voyage made by a steamship
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  • 202 3 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s. s. Oceana connecting with the steamer Parramatta at Colombo, from London Sept. 18, due 19th Oct.— Messrs. J. K Ballin, J. Macintosh, K. H i cc, A. N. Kyrie, Mr. and Mrs Folletl, Mrs. Mackintosh, Messrs. E. Wilson, G. H.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 NOTICES. jTmotion co. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED CHAMPAGNE LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche. The old, well known, brand. BRINKMANN ff CO., Importer*. Retail at Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd U.C. BANJO BRAND REGISTERED. 11l Pilscner M 21 brewed for YK\3^Si Can be obtained Merchants. IIpP TOBACCOS
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    • 626 3 NOTICES. for a European ftodown, an ant with a fair knowledge of roduce. Apply to Z., c/o 24-10 WANTED, tors' Office, an experienced rk. ~t,piy to m.w.f. n.c. C. O. 8. T. c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED. ABM ART youth who can manipulate the Typewriter (Remington). Apply with references to v.c.
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    • 646 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. <26ina Jfooring TtiUs. Ineeveial diffeient patterns from Messrs. Hong hee ft Co., of Hongkong. Price* very moderate. Tan be seen at our office No. 64 High Street. Catalogues can be had free on application. The above flooring tiles are at present u«ed in Messrs. Chong Fee Gbeel
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    • 142 3 NOTICES. DURABLE MNP ACCURA TE The Keystone Watch Cast Co. w ilium nm Phil«4.lphi«, U. SA. America's Oldest at.d Watch Facto.-y XtLp' Tta Prlncipal'latch Dealers ton** Settlements "THE LION" TANSAN refreshing and invigorating al mineral water, for sale at rate prices. Can be had at G. OTOMUNE &CO. Raffles Hotel.
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  • 17 4 On the ?nd October, at Victor Louis T>uval, accountant of the French Municipality, aged 5 years.
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  • 545 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENT 8. FRIDAY, 17th OCTOBER. Thk Municipal Engineer has issued a fresh circular in regard to the supply of electrical power to the general community of the town as soon as the Tramway Company gets its plant into working order. The first circular on this
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  • 549 4 Uslikk the last Paris Exposition and most other affairs of the kind, the International Exhibition which is to be opened at Hanoi, the official capital of French Indo-China, on November 3rd proz., is in a very forward state, and will be practically complete on the day of the opening ceremony.
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  • 655 4 i ikkish "atrocities" begin to be reported from Macedonia where an insurrection has broken out. A plentiful crop of horrors, real and imaginary, may now be expected from that quarter. It is the avowed object of the Macedonian revolutionary leaders to provoke the Turks to commit these outrages, in order
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  • 107 4 It is satisfactory news that the construction of the Singapore-Jchore Railway is rapidly progressing towards completion. We understand all the bridges are finished, and there it little more than a mile of line remaining to be laid at the Woodlands end. The longest bridge is that at Mandai which has
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  • 66 4 Apropos of Mr. W Dunman's scheme for supplying vegetables raised under sanitary conditions to the. Europeans of Singapore, it is noted in the China papers just to hand that Dr. Perry, Chief of the Marine Hospital SeiPice at Manila has reported to the U. S. War Department that the cholera
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  • 59 4 We understand that two residents of Singapore have won the first prize in the Macao lottery— sso,ooo. They took half shares in a ticket, which brought them 825,000 apiece, an acquisition of funds which, to say the least of it, is comfortable. It is also understood that the third prize
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  • 30 4 The Vienna journal Die Information published Bth inst. a report to the effect that Abd-ul-Hamid, the Sultan of Turkey, is in a very critical conditions, his death being momemtarily expected.
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  • 16 4 H. E. the Governor is expected to return from bis trip to the East coast to-morrow.
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  • 15 4 Advance mail news and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate if l/Bft
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  • 15 4 Thk homeward mail by the N. D. L. Preuuen closes at 6 p.m. on Monday.
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  • 14 4 Early this month, a comet was visible at Colombo, close to the constellation Cygnus."
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  • 18 4 The mail steamer Massilia left Penang at 10 a.m. to-day and is due here at 3 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 18 4 It is reported that all the foreign troops are to be withdrawn from Shanghai on the Ist November-
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  • 34 4 Tub ordinary revenue of Hongkong for 1903 is estimated to amount to 54.583.295 and the ordinary expenditure to •4,714,501, leaving a deficit of •141,206, to be met out of a large Public Works loan.
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  • Reuter'e Telegrams.
    • 32 4 SUCCESSFUL INTERVENTION OF THE PRESIDENT. lxmdon, Wh Oct. The American Coal Strike has been settled. President Roosevelt has gained great political credit by his successful intervention in the strike.
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    • 45 4 Christian Villagers Massacred It is announced from Sofia that six hundred women, children, and old men have crossed the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier at Dubnitza, theing fr >in the Turks who had burned four Christian villages and massacred the inhabitants ot another village.
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    • 76 4 In Honour of the Premier The L >rd Mayor has given a banquet to Mr. Balfour at the Mansion House to mark the latter's accession to the Premiership. Amid a gathering of distinguished guests, Mr. Chamberlain delivered an eloquent panegyric on Mr. Balfour. This is held to
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    • 96 4 The House of Commons, on meeting after the prorogation, was crowded and animated. Mr. A. J Bilfour moved thit precedence be given to G >vernment business throughout the session. After a long debate, Mr. Balfour moved the closure. Mr. John 0 I) mueil, who
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  • 26 4 Heavy Losses But no Result The battle between the Venezuelan revolutionists and the Government forces at La Victoria was resultless Both sides lost heavily.
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  • 49 4 Th« Government ot Huiigkoug are taking further steps for thoroughly inproving the sanitation of that plagueinfected city. The work will take several years and will require an enormous sum. One hundred thousand dollars are put down in next year's estimates as small preliminary outlay on land resumption and compensation.
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  • 94 4 In a paragraph of the 13th inst., it was alleged by a correspondent thai at a stand pipe in Victoria Street some Malay syces in the vicinity have been in the hibit of demanding money from people who have gone there tor water. This morning a Municipal inspector investigated into
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  • 81 4 In the forthcoming I)«lhi manoeuvres there are to be no Ings than sixty umpires, with Lord Kitchener, as Com-mander-in-Cbief in India, umpire-in-chief. Attached to each of the opposing forces are to be one chief umpire, two assistant chief umpires, five umpires and fifteen assistant umpires. It is conceivable tnat the
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  • 83 4 Therk is luck in tlie buying of racehorses, as in everything else. The pony Minimus, with which Colonel Deitaraj Urs has won two big races at Foona, (Western India) was standing in Messrs. Krouse, Madden, and Mackinnon's stables in Madras for seven or eight months, and nobody would buy him,
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  • 93 4 There is a report current amongst the Natives near Serena ban that a volcano in Sumatra, in the Menang Kabu district, is in a state of activity, and that the haze which has been prevalent lately is the smoke from that mountain. If the report is true, says a Malay
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 340 4 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS, TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT" A Great Programme LAST NIGHT OF THE BALLET LES CLOWN XT CLOWIKSSES. Tuesday Evening October 2 1st. by Special Requtnst THE AMATKUK RIDING CONTEBT FORMER WINNERS BARRED. To-morrow, Saturday, 0ct.,1 Bth. THE DAMEN KAPEL BY REQUEST xii MATINEE Last!!) To-morrow Saturday 18th. PRICES AS USUAL.
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    • 119 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPKN Greshani House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.- fi p.m. on Weekdays 8 a.m. 6 p.m. on Sundays. Ba.m. noon. /CUSTOMERS who intend sanding nor\J traits home as Xmm andNew-Y«»r presents are reminded not to ponpooe too long. A ppo n'mentu for sittings
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  • 195 5 (By an A ustralian Horseman.) Th»kk was not much doing on the Course this morning, slow work being the order of the day. Archie Campbell arrived from Penang with KataU and Battenberg,a six year old geldingby Vengeance. Princess Beatrice by Robinson Crusoe from Dagmar. Great thingb have been
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  • 376 5 Thi show last nieht was, beyo* <1 all Jouht, a mart unqualified success from start tolinish, and this was the verdict of one of the most apprec ative audiences, amim; which was H. H. the Sultan of Johore and suite, ever got together here. The talentpd performerß were
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  • 153 5 Thk concert to he eiven at the Town Hall to-morrow nieht by Messrs. Sternbere and Herzherg promises to be a musical feast such an Singapore has not enjoyed for a long time. We append the programme a. Allefrro con brio. b. AilaKio. <•. Sclmt/o. il. Allegro AsKai.
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  • 74 5 The Belansor Turf Club is unable to get griffin* for its approaching meeting in time. It has invited the Deli Turf Clnb to send over their griffins to the Kuala Lumpur forthcoming Meeting, offering them three handicaps, the first to be handicapped by themselves, the last two by ftelanpor. Several
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  • Correspondence.
    • 438 5 CAPITAL AND LABOUR To the Editor of the Straits Times." Dear Sir, Imperiurn has very kindly and very promptly given a reply to what he is pleased to term a raatter-of-fact question. It is to be regretted however that his reply does not contain some fact in its matter. He
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    • 214 5 To the Editor of the Btraits Time*." Dear Sir, I wish you would call attention some day when you have space to spare, to the lamentable want of system on the part of many of those responsible, in fixing public engagements so that they clash with one another
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  • 68 5 A London telegram to an Australian paper, dated Sept. 26th, says As Mr. John Kensit, the well-known :mti -ritualist, was lea vine a meeting at Birkenhead, he was struck on the torehead by a chisel, which was thrown at him by someone in the crowd.
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  • 73 5 At Hongkong, on the Bth instant, a Chinaman entered the house of a Spanish lady on the excuse of wanting to see her cook. The lady showed him the cook-house where he spoke to the fellow. Suddenly the visitor turned round and seized hold of the
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  • 65 5 The following circular relating to the Koenigsberg has been posted to-day at the office of Messrs. Behn Meyer 4 Co.:— A cable message despatched from Penang at 1 p.m. yesterday states K<xmig*b«rg arrived last night. Fire originated amongst the Singapore cargo. It will probably be necessary to discharge
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  • 441 5 Charge of Throwing- Acid In a Woman's Face. YESTERDAY afternoon, Chan Ah Kwoh was brought before Mr. Marriott charged with robbery of a gold ring and a gold bangle from Cheong Ah Kum in Tank Road on the 11th Feb. last; also with throwing some corrosive substance
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  • 297 5 This morning, Lee Ah Chain, appeared before Mr Wilson in response to a summons calling upon him to explain why he had caused to be exhumed the remains of ten human bodies from the Teo Chew cemetery on Thomson Road on or about the 28th ultimo, and
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  • 70 5 The President's Cup. Following are the handicaps for the third race (440 yards) for the President's Cup, at the Swimming Club next Sunday morning Henderson Scr. Darbiahire 60 -■< Mackie 66 Diehn 75 Whetliam Penny 80 Dixon 90 100 Evans Noon DaviK 110 Napier 190 Hipwell Hannaior.1
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  • 163 5 On this date, in the year If 86, at Arnheim, died Sir Philip Sidney, at the early age of 32. He was one of the most conspicuous figures at Elizabeth's Court, and known by the leading statesmen of Europe as a soldier and statesman of the highest
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  • 14 5 The B.V.C. field manoeuvres ordered for to-morrow afternoon have been postponed till next month.
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  • 20 5 Rules for regulating the import and export of dutiable goods come into force in Sarawak on the 18th December next.
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  • 18 5 It is reported that M. Defrance, formerly French Minister at Bangkok, will be appointed French Minister to Persia.
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  • 21 5 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed. on page 8.
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  • 24 5 Thb estimated cost of new water works at Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, to be completed three years hence, is set at over $340,000.
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  • 28 5 The United States Rubber Co. are forming a combipe to control the output of rubber in Bolivia. The King of the Belgians has an interest in the combine.
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  • 27 5 The Hongkong Regiment was inspected by the Governor of that Colony on the 10th instant, by way of farewell. The Regiment will shortly be disbanded in India.
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  • 25 5 The Novorti, a prominent St. Petersburg Journal, states that France intends to play a more prominent part in China, on making Indo-China her supporting base.
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  • 35 5 A conference of managers of steamship lines from Europe to South America was to be held at Ostend this week to take action with a view to the formation of a new Atlantic Shipping Trust.
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  • 37 5 The German mail steamer Preusnen having left Hongkong at noon on the 16th inst, may be expected to arrive here on Monday the 20th inst. at 6 p.m., and will be despatched for Europe the next morning
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  • 37 5 M. de Witte, the Russian Minister of Finance, will visit Siberia, Corea, and Manchuria. His stay will extend over several months. After inspecting the Eastern Chinese and Manchurian railways, M. de Witte will visit Peking and Tokyo.
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  • 38 5 Mr. Stuart Greensill, late of Raub and Punjom, and Mr. J. J. Collins, late of Kechau and Borneo, have joined the staff of the Kadana Gold Mining Co., the former as battery man, and the latter as assayer.
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  • 45 5 The Japan Mail says that America cannot be expected to agree to the new Anglo-Chinese treaty Germany will not agree to any part of the surtax scheme,' and the Mail has already shown that the new treaty must be intolerable to Japan in some respects.'
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  • 38 5 The Austro-Hungarian torpedocruiser Empress and Queen Maria Thereto, at present in Far East waters, will shortly be relieved by the strongest cruiser in the Austrian Navy, the Emperor Charles VI., 6240 tons, which was launched in May. 1900.
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  • 51 5 A Shell that was unearthed at Etchujima, Japan, some years ago, and set up as an ornament to a house at Tokyo exploded on the 25th ult., blowing up the front of the house and some trees, taking off the leg of a maidservant and mutilating the face of the
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  • 53 5 Cholera is ragm* in the Philippine island of Samar and threatens to depopulate the island. In many villages where formerly there were 2,000 inhabitants, there are now only a dozen or so, the remainder having fled to the hills, where dead bodies to the number of hundreds are lying about
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  • 633 5 Singapore, 17th October, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier sellers f H.B7J Copra Bali 9.35 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black «eller« 83.50 do White, (8%) 53.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. 1 3.70 Pearl Sago 5.30 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.60 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 690 5 THEFTS FROM LITTLE A Co. Mr. Jennings Sues for $150 for Investigations. In the Supreme Court this morning before Sir Lionel Cox, the Chief Justice, the case was heard of F. K. Jennings v. John Little Co., an action for $150 for services rendered in investigating and reporting on thefts
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    • 253 5 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY tradeH Hmark waaaatfcl awl bifhl; papular rauad;, ai m thf (•■.•iiirnial HoatitaJa bjr Rieord, EuUa.Jotm, V.I. neau. and otn.rt, eombtoaa all tba daatdarala u> tw uxirht in in.dicmt of tba kiwi, and tarpaaaaa exrjUißf hilharto THERAPION No 1 hurt Uuw <itte« a fr daji
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    • 43 5 NOTICES. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! BEACH ROAD. THE Royal Bioscope An entire change of Programme. Marvellous Success! Pictures bright, sharp, clear, vivid, and interesting as can be. Prices as usual. Book your seats early or you will be disappointed. Commence at 9 p. m. Sharp.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 168 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 17th October. Heh Watfl' I".*) o.m. Fall Moon. 0.R7 p.m. WarmBton'e Circus. 9. Town Band. E«pl»na-'« 9. Saturday. 18th October. Hiuh Water 10 30 m 1.12 p.m. P. A O outward mail dn«. Ptnre Sale. R V. Rd. Ooghlan. 2. Ftnre Sale BaleotiPr Rd. Powell. 2.30.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 482 6 NOTICES. "CiKAND PRIX." PARIS, 1000. !A JJ" Rj| <g 01 H mount Qudi'.y; Md having Gre»t»struir.ibility,»re therefore H^jELd^^A NY CARLSBERG BEER, ("CROWN" BRAND.) GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND. Both very llftit PllMner Bctr» Mpeclally brtwtd lor Tropical Cllmatu. Obtainable at the principal Hotels, and Retail dealers, Vong Let Seng ft
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    • 325 6 NOTICES. u ftelista" CIGARETTES. Made from choice Turkish Tobacco. Packets of 1 0 and 20. "W6ree Qastles" CIGARETTES. Gold-Tipped, Packets of 10. MANUFACTURED BY W. D. ft H. 0. WILLS. A Guarantee of Excellence. Sold by all Deal.* and Hotels m. w.f. 4-12 DAWSON'S SOOTS I FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled
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    • 294 6 NOTICES. &STSEL M^ltV" Ladies f*\' LL S A Remedy for all IrreKulfirltle*. Supmidtar Bllur Ap^le. rihoyroj'tl, Ii t *hi>. He. •old by Singapore D.ip«n»m^ 00., Ltd., RefTle* Plaon, Singapore. Proprietor MARTIN, Chrialtt SOfl MA VIPTON ENOLAND Charles I^eibdieck's Mbite Seal Cbampadnc. Soli Agbnts, BKHN, MEYER Co., JCgft. Singapore and Penang.
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    • 640 6 BANKS. m HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUNiX— Bterlin« ReserTe..slo,ooo,ooo ld Knmn Silver Reserve... 4,780,000/ sl V 60,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF J llooonnon PROPRIETORS J.. 110,000.000 Court ok DmoiOH Hon. R. Shkwan, ...Chairman. A. Haupt, E«q.— Dkputv Chairman. Hon. C. W, Dickson H. Schubart, E»q. E.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 702 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpUE Standard Life Asaaianoa. 1 Norwich Union Fir* Inrarsnos Society. Atlaa Aeramaoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life AmorMioe Society. The Chin* Mutual Bteam NaTi)jation Company ■■">• Tottenham Lagar Beer Company. for Darticulari of thene Companies, see the -uU^dWtEe-ent of THE BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED. A(rent». STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1344 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Pmketvaart Maatschappij. Onder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* at Singapore: bBiP Aokicy, late J. Daxndxu A Co., 2-3, Colltib Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched (or On Maettuycker Batavia via Oct. 14 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Billiton Tegal, Pekalongan,
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    • 635 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddeuteclier Lloyd, Snmun Coast Lines, 'i BTEAMERB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Tohs N. R. SMtin 1682 Sandakan 1874 Paknam 1283 Kohtichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 Pitsanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1128 Chow Tax 1116 Nuen Tung 824 Wong Koi 1116
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    • 561 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE J. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 7777 £3,137/00 Paid up Capital £313,760 Reserve Fond £1,078,580 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD A 00., Agents. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,800,000. Amount paid
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    • 719 7 INSURANCE CO.'S Messrs. H. L. Coghl&n V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTS^ BUB-AUENTS OFTHB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every des cription of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all parts of
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    • 1142 8 v ""er trm neaaing me iunu»iu» auu.^.«imir, ns are UK6 d Btr.— steamer sh.— •^ii) bu —barque sch. schooner Yet. Y acbt; Cru.— Cruist-r; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpulo H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British- V. S.'— United States; Fch— French <j«r.— tft-r.T. :n: init.— Dutch; Job.— Johore: G.O.— General-cargo; d.p.
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    • 674 8 Nam*,, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Stoambbs. A. l.n|i. Manila, Nov 2; Barlow. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2; Manstield. Adria, New York, Oct 26 Behn Meyei Alboin, Tuticorin, due Oct. Borneo Co. Alcsia, Europe. Oct 24 Behn Meyer. Alting, Cotie, Oct 31 Annam, Hongkong, Nov
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    • 166 8 Prom Europe: —By tho P. A O. 8.8. Maxsilia due on the 18th October with dates to the 26th Sept. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 35th Aug. From China:— By the N. D. L. s.s. Prtvsten due on Monday. Times Table
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    • 60 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Morrow. Colombo A Bombay Hirothima UaruT a. m. Labuan A Manila Palani U a. m Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Cotie via ports >n Liong 4 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Sappho 4 pm. Ampanan A Macassar Charterhoww 4 p.m. TU*BDAY. Labuan and Man.
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    • 108 8 Oct 1H 1« 16 Id 16 16 17 17 I Flag VxBBßl* Name A Ton. Captain i Fbom Bailid. Cobsiowms. I &1 i > Siftin Brit atr. 982 jßinns Sourabaya Oct 11 Katz Brothers. BhanTung Ger str 1000 .Engellard Hongkoug Out 10 Katz Brothers. Farfalla Hal str. 147 {Taylor
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    • 116 8 Datb. Oct 16 17 17 17 I 17 I 17 17 18 18 19 ■via VnsiL's Nam*. Flag Rig Ganymede Brit str. < Petriana str. Sri Wongsee Dut str. Entile atr. j Isabella str. I Hye Leong Brit str. I Farfalla Ital str. j Kian Yang Brit str. Glenesk
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1036 8 WMTEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. BUY AND SELL FOR NETT CASH THEREFORE THEY CAN SELL CHEAPER THAN CREDIT FIRMS Patterns CHOICE SELECTION EOR EVENING WEAR Patterns PoSt Free Came* Chiffons, tirenadlnen Monsselelne De Soie PoSt Free chiffons chiffons chiffons Plain Bretonne Nets Special value in the above goods in an assortment of
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    • 330 8 NOTICES. COVKKNMKNT-IiKNKKAL OF renrcH indo china. THK HANOI EXPOSITION will rk Iran on :«ko NOYEMHKK. 190-2. rHR Exposition, which is situated ck>»> to the Railway Terminus at Hanoi, will comprise a UK.\XI> PALACE and MAGNIFICENT BUlLDlNGS, containing Artistic, Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Productions of the greatest varict) from France and
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